Que- Which one of the following is correct for directive in JSP? a. <%@directive%> b. <%!directive%> c. <%directive%> d. <%=directive%> Answer- <%@directive%> Que- Which of the following action va…
Que- Which component can be used for sending messages from one application to another? a. server b. client c. mq d. webapp Answer- mq Que- How are java web applications packaged? a. jar b. war c. zip d. both jar and war Answer…
Que- Which of the following is not an advantage of using Hibernate Query Language? a. Database independent b. Easy to write query c. No need to learn SQL d. Difficult to implement Answer- Difficult to implement Que- In which f…
Que- Which of these class allows us to get real time data about private and protected member of a class? a. java.io b. GetInformation c. ReflectPermission d. MembersPermission Answer- ReflectPermission Que- Which of this packa…
Que- What will be the output of the following Java code snippet? int a = random.nextInt(7) + 4; a. Random number between 4 to 7, including 4 and 7 b. Random number between 4 to 7, excluding 4 and 7 c. Random number between 4 t…
Que- FocusEvent is subclass of which of these classes? a. ComponentEvent b. ContainerEvent c. ItemEvent d. InputEvent Answer- ComponentEvent Que- Which of these methods can be used to know the type of focus change? a. typeFocu…
Que- what does public String replaceAll(string replace) do? a. Replace all characters that matches pattern with a replacement string b. Replace first subsequence that matches pattern with a replacement string c. Replace all oth…
Que- Which of these class contains the methods print() & println()? a. System b. System.out c. BUfferedOutputStream d. PrintStream Answer- PrintStream Que- Which of these methods can be used to writing console output? a. p…
Que- Which of these method is used to implement Runnable interface? a. stop() b. run() c. runThread() d. stopThread() Answer- run() Que- Which of these method is used to begin the execution of a thread? a. run() b. start() c. …
Que- What is the use of try & catch? a. It allows us to manually handle the exception b. It allows to fix errors c. It prevents automatic terminating of the program in cases when an exception occurs d. All of the mentioned …