Java Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Java Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que-  Which one of the following is correct for directive in JSP?

a. <%@directive%>

b. <%!directive%>

c. <%directive%>

d. <%=directive%>

Answer- <%@directive%>

Que-  Which of the following action variable is used to include a file in JSP?

a. jsp:setProperty

b. jsp:getProperty

c. jsp:include

d. jsp:plugin

Answer- jsp:include

Que-  Which attribute uniquely identification element?

a. ID

b. Class

c. Name

d. Scope

Answer- ID

Que-  "out" is implicit object of which class?

a. javax.servlet.jsp.PrintWriter

b. javax.servlet.jsp.SessionWriter

c. javax.servlet.jsp.SessionPrinter

d. javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter

Answer- javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter

Que-  Which object stores references to the request and response objects?

a. sessionContext

b. pageContext

c. HttpSession

d. sessionAttribute

Answer- pageContext

Que-  What temporarily redirects response to the browser?

a. <jsp:forward>

b. <%@directive%>

c. response.sendRedirect(URL)

d. response.setRedirect(URL)

Answer- response.sendRedirect(URL)

Que-  Which tag is used to set a value of a JavaBean?

a. <c:set>

b. <c:param>

c. <c:choose>

d. <c:forward>

Answer- <c:set>

Que-  Can <!–comment–> and <%–comment–%> be used alternatively in JSP?



c.Nothing Can be Said

d.None of the mentioned


Que-  Java code is embedded under which tag in JSP?

a. Declaration

b. Scriptlet

c. Expression

d. Comment

Answer- Scriptlet

Que-  Which of the following is not a directive in JSP?

a. page directive

b. include directive

c. taglib directive

d. command directive

Answer- command directive

Que-  What are the components of a marker interface?

a. Fields and methods

b. No fields, only methods

c. Fields, no methods

d. No fields, No methods

Answer- No fields, No methods

Que-  Which of the following is not a marker interface?

a. Serializable

b. Cloneable

c. Remote

d. Reader

Answer- Reader

Que-  What is not the advantage of Reflection?

a. Examine a class's field and method at runtime

b. Construct an object for a class at runtime

c. Examine a class's field at compile time

d. Examine an object's class at runtime

Answer- Examine a class's field at compile time

Que-  How private method can be called using reflection?

a. getDeclaredFields

b. getDeclaredMethods

c. getMethods

d. getFields

Answer- getDeclaredMethods

Que-  How private field can be called using reflection?

a. getDeclaredFields

b. getDeclaredMethods

c. getMethods

d. getFields

Answer- getDeclaredFields

Que-  What is used to get class name in reflection?

a. getClass().getName()

b. getClass().getFields()

c. getClass().getDeclaredFields()

d. new getClass()

Answer- getClass().getName()

Que-  How method can be invoked on unknown object?

a. obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethod()

b. obj.getClass().getDeclaredField()

c. obj.getClass().getMethod()

d. obj.getClass().getObject()

Answer- obj.getClass().getMethod()

Que-  How to get the class object of associated class using Reflection?

a. Class.forName("className")


c. className.getClass()

d. className.getClassName()

Answer- Class.forName("className")

Que-  What does Class.forName("myreflection.Foo").getInstance() return?

a. An array of Foo objects

b. class object of Foo

c. Calls the getInstance() method of Foo class

d. Foo object

Answer- Foo object

Que-  What does foo.getClass().getMethod("doSomething", null) return?

a. doSomething method instance

b. Method is returned and we can call the method as method.invoke(foo,null);

c. Class object

d. Exception is thrown

Answer- Method is returned and we can call the method as method.invoke(foo,null);

Que-  Autocloseable was introduced in which Java version?

a. java SE 7

b. java SE 8

c. java SE 6

d. java SE 4

Answer- java SE 7

Que-  What is the alternative of using finally to close resource?

a. catch block

b. autocloseable interface to be implemented

c. try block

d. throw Exception

Answer- autocloseable interface to be implemented

Que-  Which of the below is a child interface of Autocloseable?

a. Closeable

b. Close

c. Auto

d. Cloneable

Answer- Closeable

Que-  It is a good practise to not throw which exception in close() method of autocloseable?

a. IOException

b. CustomException

c. InterruptedException

d. CloseException

Answer- InterruptedException

Que-  What is the difference between AutoCloseable and Closeable?

a. Closeable is an interface and AutoCloseable is a concrete class

b. Closeable throws IOException; AutoCloseable throws Exception

c. Closeable is a concept; AutoCloseable is an implementation

d. Closeable throws Exception; AutoCloseable throws IOException

Answer- Closeable throws IOException; AutoCloseable throws Exception

Que-  What is the use of Flushable interface?

a. Flushes this stream by writing any buffered output to the underlying stream

b. Flushes this stream and starts reading again

c. Flushes this connection and closes it

d. Flushes this stream and throws FlushException

Answer- Flushes this stream by writing any buffered output to the underlying stream

Que-  Which version of java added Flushable interface?

a. java SE 7

b. java SE 8

c. java SE 6

d. java SE 5

Answer- java SE 5

Que-  Does close() implicitly flush() the stream.



c.Nothing Can be Said

d.None of the mentioned


Que-  AutoCloseable and Flushable are part of which package?

a. Autocloseable java.lang; Flushable

b. Autocloseable; Flushable java.lang

c. Autocloseable and Flushable

d. Autocloseable and Flushable java.lang

Answer- Autocloseable java.lang; Flushable

Que-  Which of below is not a dependency management tool?

a. Ant

b. Maven

c. Gradle

d. Jenkins

Answer- Jenkins

Que-  Which of the following is not a maven goal?

a. clean

b. package

c. install

d. debug

Answer- debug

Que-  Which file is used to define dependency in maven?

a. build.xml

b. pom.xml

c. dependency.xml

d. version.xml

Answer- pom.xml

Que-  Which file is used to specify the packaging cycle?

a. build.xml

b. pom.xml

c. dependency.xml

d. version.xml

Answer- build.xml

Que-  Which environment variable is used to specify the path to maven?






Que-  Which of the below is a source code management tool?

a. Jenkins

b. Maven

c. Git

d. Hudson

Answer- Git

Que-  Can we run Junits as a part of Jenkins job?



c.Nothing Can be Said

d.None of the mentioned


Que-  Which command can be used to check maven version?

a. mvn -ver

b. maven -ver

c. maven -version

d. mvn -version

Answer- mvn -version

Que-  Which of the following is not true for Ant?

a. It is a tool box

b. It provides lifecycle management

c. It is procedural

d. It doesn't have formal conventions

Answer- It provides lifecycle management

Que-  Which maven plugin creates the project structure?

a. dependency

b. properties

c. archetype

d. execution

Answer- archetype

Que-  Which version of Java introduced annotation?

a. Java 5

b. Java 6

c. Java 7

d. Java 8

Answer- Java 5

Que-  Annotation type definition looks similar to which of the following?

a. Method

b. Class

c. Interface

d. Field

Answer- Interface

Que-  Which of the following is not pre defined annotation in Java?

a. @Deprecated

b. @Overriden

c. @SafeVarags

d. @FunctionInterface

Answer- @Overriden

Que-  Annotations which are applied to other annotations are called meta annotations.



c.Nothing Can be Said

d.None of the mentioned


Que-  Which one of the following annotations is not used in Hibernate?

a. @Entity

b. @Column

c. @Basic

d. @Query

Answer- @Query

Que-  Which one of the following is not ID generating strategy using @GeneratedValue annotation?

a. Auto

b. Manual

c. Identity

d. Sequence

Answer- Manual

Que-  Which one of the following is not an annotation used by Junit with Junit4?

a. @Test

b. @BeforeClass

c. @AfterClass

d. @Ignored

Answer- @Ignored

Que-  Using which annotation non visible or private method can be tested?

a. @VisibleForTesting

b. @NonVisibleForTesting

c. @Visible

d. @NonVisible

Answer- @VisibleForTesting

Que-  Which of the following annotation is used to avoid execution of Junits?

a. @NoTest

b. @explicit

c. @avoid

d. @ignore

Answer- @ignore

Que-  Which is the Parent class of annotation class?

a. Class

b. Object

c. Main

d. Super

Answer- Object

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