Java Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Java Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que-  Which of the following is not an advantage of using Hibernate Query Language?

a. Database independent

b. Easy to write query

c. No need to learn SQL

d. Difficult to implement

Answer- Difficult to implement

Que-  In which file database table configuration is stored?

a. .dbm

b. .hbm

c. .ora

d. .sql

Answer- .hbm

Que-  Which of the following is not an advantage of Hibernate Criteria API?

a. Allows to use aggregate functions

b. Cannot order the result set

c. Allows to fetch only selected columns of result

d. Can add conditions while fetching results

Answer- Cannot order the result set

Que-  What does Liskov substitution principle specify?

a. parent class can be substituted by child class

b. child class can be substituted by parent class

c. parent class cannot be substituted by child class

d. No classes can be replaced by each other

Answer- parent class can be substituted by child class

Que-  What should the return type of method where there is no return value?

a. Null

b. Empty collection

c. Singleton collection

d. Empty String

Answer- Empty collection

Que-  What data structure should be used when number of elements is fixed?

a. Array

b. Array list

c. Vector

d. Set

Answer- Array

Que-  What causes the program to exit abruptly and hence its usage should be minimalistic?

a. Try

b. Finally

c. Exit

d. Catch

Answer- Exit

Que-  Which one of the following causes memory leak?

a. Release database connection when querying is complete

b. Use Finally block as much as possible

c. Release instances stored in static tables

d. Not using Finally block often

Answer- Not using Finally block often

Que-  Which of the following is a best practice to measure time taken by a process for execution?

a. System.currentTimeMillis()

b. System.nanoTime()

c. System.getCurrentTime()

d. System.getProcessingTime()

Answer- System.nanoTime()

Que-  Which of the below is true about java class structure?

a. The class name should start with lowercase

b. The class should have thousands of lines of code

c. The class should only contain those attribute and functionality which it should; hence keeping it short

d. The class attributes and methods should be public

Answer- The class should only contain those attribute and functionality which it should; hence keeping it short

Que-  Which of the below is false about java coding?

a. variable names should be short

b. variable names should be such that they avoid ambiguity

c. test case method names should be created as english sentences without spaces

d. class constants should be used when we want to share data between class methods

Answer- variable names should be short

Que-  Which is better in terms of performance for iterating an array?

a. for(int i=0; i<100; i++)

b. for(int i=99; i>=0; i–)

c. for(int i=100; i<0; i++)

d. for(int i=99; i>0; i++)

Answer- for(int i=99; i>=0; i–)

Que-  Which of the following is not an Enterprise Beans type?

a. Doubleton

b. Singleton

c. Stateful

d. Stateless

Answer- Doubleton

Que-  Which of the following is not true about Java beans?

a. Implements interface

b. Extends class

c. Provides no argument constructor

d. Provides setter and getter methods for its properties

Answer- Extends class

Que-  Which file separator should be used by MANIFEST file?

a. /

b. \

c. –

d. //

Answer- /

Que-  Which of the following is correct error when loading JAR file with duplicate name?


b. java.lang.ClassNotFound

c. java.lang.ClassFormatError

d. java.lang.DuplicateClassError

Answer- java.lang.ClassFormatError

Que-  Java Beans are extremely secured?



c.Nothing Can be Said

d.None of the mentioned


Que-  Which of the following is not a feature of Beans?

a. Introspection

b. Events

c. Persistence

d. Serialization

Answer- Serialization

Que-  What is the attribute of java bean to specify scope of bean to have single instance per Spring IOC?

a. prototype

b. singleton

c. request

d. session

Answer- singleton

Que-  Which attribute is used to specify initialization method?

a. init

b. init-method

c. initialization

d. initialization-method

Answer- init-method

Que-  Which attribute is used to specify destroy method?

a. destroy

b. destroy-method

c. destruction

d. destruction-method

Answer- destroy-method

Que-  How to specify autowiring by name?

a. @Qualifier

b. @Type

c. @Constructor

d. @Name

Answer- @Qualifier

Que-  Which of the following contains both date and time?




d. java.util.dateTime

Answer- java.util.dateTime

Que-  Which of the following is advantage of using JDBC connection pool?

a. Slow performance

b. Using more memory

c. Using less memory

d. Better performance

Answer- Better performance

Que-  Which of the following is advantage of using PreparedStatement in Java?

a. Slow performance

b. Encourages SQL injection

c. Prevents SQL injection

d. More memory usage

Answer- Prevents SQL injection

Que-  Which one of the following contains date information?

a. java.sql.TimeStamp

b. java.sql.Time



Answer- java.sql.TimeStamp

Que-  What does setAutoCommit(false) do?

a. commits transaction after each query

b. explicitly commits transaction

c. does not commit transaction automatically after each query

d. never commits transaction

Answer- does not commit transaction automatically after each query

Que-  Which of the following is used to call stored procedure?

a. Statement

b. PreparedStatement

c. CallableStatment

d. CalledStatement

Answer- CallableStatment

Que-  Which of the following is used to limit the number of rows returned?

a. setMaxRows(int i)

b. setMinRows(int i)

c. getMaxrows(int i)

d. getMinRows(int i)

Answer- setMaxRows(int i)

Que-  Which of the following is method of JDBC batch process?

a. setBatch()

b. deleteBatch()

c. removeBatch()

d. addBatch()

Answer- addBatch()

Que-  Which of the following is used to rollback a JDBC transaction?

a. rollback()

b. rollforward()

c. deleteTransaction()

d. RemoveTransaction()

Answer- rollback()

Que-  Which of the following is not a JDBC connection isolation levels?






Que-  Which of the below is not a valid design pattern?

a. Singleton

b. Factory

c. Command

d. Java

Answer- Java

Que-  Which of the below author is not a part of GOF (Gang of Four)?

a. Erich Gamma

b. Gang Pattern

c. Richard Helm

d. Ralph Johnson

Answer- Gang Pattern

Que-  Which of the below is not a valid classification of design pattern?

a. Creational patterns

b. Structural patterns

c. Behavioural patterns

d. Java patterns

Answer- Java patterns

Que-  Which design pattern provides a single class which provides simplified methods required by client and delegates call to those methods?

a. Adapter pattern

b. Builder pattern

c. Facade pattern

d. Prototype pattern

Answer- Facade pattern

Que-  Which design pattern ensures that only one object of particular class gets created?

a. Singleton pattern

b. Filter pattern

c. State pattern

d. Bridge pattern

Answer- Singleton pattern

Que-  Which design pattern suggests multiple classes through which request is passed and multiple but only relevant classes carry out operations on the request?

a. Singleton pattern

b. Chain of responsibility pattern

c. State pattern

d. Bridge pattern

Answer- Chain of responsibility pattern

Que-  Which design pattern represents a way to access all the objects in a collection?

a. Iterator pattern

b. Facade pattern

c. Builder pattern

d. Bridge pattern

Answer- Iterator pattern

Que-  What does MVC pattern stands for?

a. Mock View Control

b. Model view Controller

c. Mock View Class

d. Model View Class

Answer- Model view Controller

Que-  Is design pattern a logical concept.



c.Nothing Can be Said

d.None of the mentioned


Que-  Which design pattern works on data and action taken based on data provided?

a. Command pattern

b. Singleton pattern

c. MVC pattern

d. Facade pattern

Answer- Command pattern

Que-  Which mode allows us to run program interactively while watching source code and variables during execution?

a. safe mode

b. debug mode

c. successfully run mode

d. exception mode

Answer- debug mode

Que-  How can we move from one desired step to another step?

a. breakpoints

b. System.out.println

c. logger.log

d. logger.error

Answer- breakpoints

Que-  Which part stores the program arguments and startup parameters?

a. debug configuration

b. run configuration

c. launch configuration

d. project configuration

Answer- launch configuration

Que-  How to deep dive into the execution of a method from a method call?

a. F3

b. F5

c. F7

d. F8

Answer- F5

Que-  Which key helps to step out of the caller of currently executed method?

a. F3

b. F5

c. F7

d. F8

Answer- F7

Que-  Which view allows us to delete and deactivate breakpoints and watchpoints?

a. breakpoint view

b. variable view

c. debug view

d. logger view

Answer- breakpoint view

Que-  What is debugging an application which runs on another java virtual machine on another machine?

a. virtual debugging

b. remote debugging

c. machine debugging

d. compiling debugging

Answer- remote debugging

Que-  What happens when the value of variable change?

a. changed value pop on the screen

b. variable changes are printed in logs

c. dump of variable changes are printed on the screen on end of execution

d. variable tab shows variables highlighted when values change

Answer- variable tab shows variables highlighted when values change

Que-  Which perspective is used to run a program in debug view?

a. java perspective

b. eclipse perspective

c. debug perspective

d. jdbc perspective

Answer- debug perspective

Que-  How does eclipse provide the capability for debugging browser actions?

a. internal web browser

b. chrome web browser

c. firefox web browser

d. internet explorer browser

Answer- internal web browser

Que-  Servlet are used to program which component in a web application?

a. client

b. server

c. tomcat

d. applet

Answer- server

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