
Difference between Stacks and Queues

S. No. Stack Queue 1. A stack is LIFO type of list. A queue is FIFO type of list. 2. Only top element of stack is visible. …

Inheritance In Object Oriented Programming (OOP) | ShoolingAxis

Inheritance in OOP One of the most important features of object oriented programming is inheritance . If we look for a real world example of inheritance, we can easily understand the example of a father or son relationship . Pr…

Object Modelling | SchoolingAxis

Object modelling The first phase in analyzing the requirements is to create an object model. The object model presents the static data structure of the real-world system and arranges it into workable components. It defines real …

Class and Objects | SchoolingAxis

Class and objects in OOP Class In object-oriented programming, a class describes a  collection of objects with similar characteristics, mutual behavior, mutual relationships to other objects and Mutual semantics (semantics means…

Elements of Object Model | SchoolingAxis

Different Elements of Object Model An object model supports to explain or define a system or we can simply say that a software, on the basis of objects and classes. Because object-oriented programming follows the approach of obje…

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