450+ Surveying MCQs - Civil Engineering

Surveying MCQs Civil Engineering

 1.  Two contour lines of different elevations unite to form one line only in the case of ___________. 

A. Hills. 
B. Vertical cliff. 
C. Horizontal cliff. 
D. Overhanging Cliff. 
Answer = Vertical cliff

2.  Two contour lines of different elevations cannot cross each other.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

3.  In which of the following cases contour lines of different elevations can intersect? 1) Caves, 2) Vertical cliffs, 3) Hills, 4) Overhanging Cliff. 
A. 1) and 2). 
B. Only 1). 
C. 1), 2) and 4). 
D. 1) and 4). 
Answer = 1) and 4)

4.  Contour lines close together indicate _______ slope.. 
A. Steep. 
B. Gentle. 
C. Uniform. 
D. Undulated. 
Answer = Steep

5.  A series of straight parallel and equally spaced contours represent ________. 
A. Hills. 
B. Ponds. 
C. Plane surface. 
D. Desert. 
Answer = Plane surface

6.  A Contour passing through any point is parallel to the line of steepest slope at that point.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

7.  A closed contour line with one or more higher ones inside to represent _____. 
A. Hill. 
B. Pond. 
C. River. 
D. Cliff. 
Answer = Hill

8.  To contour lines having the same elevations cannot unite and continue as one line.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

9.  A single contour line can split into two in case of a change in elevations.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

10.  A contour line must close upon itself.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

11.  Contour lines cross a watershed or ridge line at _____. 
A. 90°. 
B. 100°. 
C. 45°. 
D. 30°. 
Answer = 90°

12.  What is the shape of contour lines in case of a valley?. 
A. U shape. 
B. V shape. 
C. W shape. 
D. O shape. 
Answer = V shape

13.  What is the shape of contour lines in case of a watershed?. 
A. U shape. 
B. V shape. 
C. W shape. 
D. O shape. 
Answer = U shape

14. The same contour appears on either sides of a ridge or valley, for the highest horizontal plane that interests the ridge must cut it on both sides.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

15.  _______ is a line lying throughout on the surface of the ground and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal.. 
A. Contour gradient. 
B. Contour interval. 
C. Contour slope. 
D. Contour inclination. 
Answer = Contour gradient

16.  Which of the following cannot be used to locate the contour gradient in the field?. 
A. Clinometer. 
B. Theodolite. 
C. Level. 
D. Chain. 
Answer = Chain

17.  If a level is used to locate the contour gradient, it is not necessary to set the level on the contour gradient.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

18.  If the inclination of contour gradient is given, its direction from a point may be easily located either on the map or on the ground.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

19.  To locate the contour gradient, the level is set at a commanding position and reading on the staff at the second point is taken.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

20.  From a single instrument station, several points at a given gradient can be located.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

21.  In a direct method, the contour to be plotted is actually traced on the ground.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

22.  In indirect method, each contour is located by determining the positions of a series of points through which the contour passes.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

23.  In direct method, guide points need not necessarily be on the contours.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

24.  Indirect method serves as a basis for the interpolation of contours.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = None of the mentioned

25.  From a given contour plan, the section along any given direction can be drawn to know the ______. 
A. Compressive strength of soil. 
B. General shape of ground. 
C. Density of soil. 
D. Type of soil. 
Answer = General shape of ground

26.  Which the following is not a use of contour maps?. 
A. Drawing of plan. 
B. Determination of intervisibility between two points. 
C. Tracing of contour gradient and location of route. 
D. Calculation of resorvoir capacity. 
Answer = Drawing of plan

27.  Contour maps are useful to determination of intervisibility between two points.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

28.  Contour map is useful to determine the tracing of contour gradients and the location of route.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

29.  Contour maps are used for measurement of drainage areas.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

30.  Contour maps are used to calculate the reservoir capacity.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

31.  The line that marks the limits of the drainage area should often follow the ridges.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

32.   The line that marks the limits of drainage area has the following characteristics it passes through every ridge or saddle that divides the drainage area from other areas.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

33.  The Contour maps are useful to determine the intersection of surfaces and measurements of earthwork.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

34.  The line that marks the limits of the drainage area is always _______ degrees to contour lines.. 
A. 45.0. 
B. 90.0. 
C. 180.0. 
D. 0.0. 
Answer = 90.0

35.  ______ is the most precise instrument designed for the measurement of horizontal and vertical angles.. 
A. Survey chain. 
B. Dumpy level. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Telescope. 
Answer = Theodolite

36.  Which of the following cannot be done with help of theodolite in surveying?. 
A. Laying off horizontal angles. 
B. Locating points on lines. 
C. Prolonging survey lines. 
D. Measuring horizontal distances. 
Answer = Measuring horizontal distances

37.  Which of the following cannot be done with help of theodolite in surveying?. 
A. Establishing grades. 
B. Determining the difference in elevation. 
C. Setting out curves. 
D. Determining the area of ground. 
Answer = Determining the area of ground

38.  A transit theodolite is one in which the line of sight can be reversed by resolving the telescope through 180° in a vertical plane.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

39.  A non-transit theodolite is one in which the line of sight can be reversed by resolving the telescope through 180° in a vertical plane.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

40.  The transit theodolites are also called plain theodolites.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

41.  The non-transit theodolites are also called Y- theodolites.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

42.  The transit is the term simply used for _______. 
A. Telescope. 
B. Transit theodolite. 
C. Non- transit theodolites. 
D. Dumpy level. 
Answer = Transit theodolite

43.  Transit is mainly used and non-transit theodolites have now become obsolete.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

44.  How many types do theodolites classified?. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 5.0. 
Answer = 2.0

45.  Which of the following is an integral part of the theodolite and is mounted on a spindle known as a horizontal axis?. 
A. Telescope. 
B. Index frame. 
C. Horizontal plane Vernier. 
D. Horizontal circle. 
Answer = Telescope

46.  Horizontal axis is also called _______. 
A. Inner axis. 
B. Outer axis. 
C. Trunnion axis. 
D. Line of sight. 
Answer = Trunnion axis

47.  The vertical circle is a circular graduated arc attached to the ______ axis of the telescope.. 
A. inner axis. 
B. outer axis. 
C. trunnion axis. 
D. line of sight. 
Answer = trunnion axis

48. By means of vertical circle clamp and its corresponding ___________ the telescope can be set accurately at any desired position in the vertical plane.. 
A. tripod head. 
B. focusing screw. 
C. levelling head. 
D. tangent screw. 
Answer = tangent screw

49. The index frame is ______ shaped frame.. 
A. U. 
B. V. 
C. T. 
D. A. 
Answer = T

50. In theodolites, two standards resemble the letter ______. 
A. U. 
B. V. 
C. T. 
D. A. 
Answer = A

51.  Which of the following errors can be eliminated by a method of repetition?1) errors due to eccentricity    2) errors due to in adjustments of line of collimation  3) error due to inaccurate graduations 4) error due to inaccurate bisection of the object.. 
A. 1 only. 
B. 1 and 2. 
C. 1, 2 and 3. 
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4. 
Answer = 1, 2, 3 and 4

52.  Sources of errors in transit work are broadly classified into ______ types.. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 5.0. 
Answer = 3.0

53.  Error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels comes under ________ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = instrumental

54.  Error due to structural defects in the instrument comes under ________ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = instrumental

55.  Error due to imperfections due to wear comes under ________ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = instrumental

56.  Error due to the line of collimation not being perpendicular to the horizontal axis comes under ________ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = instrumental

57.  Error due to in accurate centering comes under ________ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = personal

58.  Inaccurate levelling comes under ______ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = personal

59.  Slip comes under _____ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = personal

60.  Manipulating wrong tangent screw comes under _____ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = personal

61.  Parallax comes under _____ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = personal

62.  Inaccurate bisection of points observed comes under _____ error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = personal

63.  Un equal atmospheric refraction due to high temperature comes under which sources of errors?. 
A. Personal. 
B. Natural. 
C. Instrumental. 
D. Personal and natural. 
Answer = Natural

64. Unequal settlement of tripod comes under ____ source of error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = natural

65. Unequal expansion of parts of telescope comes under _____ source of error.. 
A. personal. 
B. natural. 
C. instrumental. 
D. personal and natural. 
Answer = natural

66.  To measure the horizontal angle which of the following is the first step?. 
A. Releasing all clamps. 
B. Levelling instrument. 
C. Turning plates. 
D. Clamping the plates. 
Answer = Levelling instrument

67.  After setting up the instrument first thing done by the surveyor is _________. 
A. releasing all clamps. 
B. levelling instrument. 
C. turning plates. 
D. clamping the plates. 
Answer = levelling instrument

68.  The method of repetition is used to measure a horizontal angle to a finer degree of accuracy than that obtained with the least count of the vernier.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

69.  After levelling of an instrument is done what is the next up?. 
A. Releasing all clamps. 
B. Loosing the lower clamp. 
C. Turning plates. 
D. Clamping the plates. 
Answer = Releasing all clamps

70.  To measure a horizontal angle, after releasing all clamps, we turn the upper and lower plates in the same direction.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

71.  If one of the vernier is at 0° then another vernier reading shows / also shows ______. 
A. 90°. 
B. 0°. 
C. 180°. 
D. 45°. 
Answer = 180°

72.  To measure a horizontal angle by direct method is also called a repetition method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

73.  For measuring an angle to the highest degree of precision, several sets of repetitions are usually taken.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

74.  In first method of taking single set, after keeping the telescope normal throughout we measure the angle clockwise by 6 repetition. We obtain the first value of the angle by dividing the final reading by _______. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 6.0. 
Answer = 6.0

75.  While measuring the set of observations, the transit should be levelled each time for high degree of precision.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

76.  In which of the following transverse method angles are measured by theodolite?. 
A. By fast needle. 
B. By direct observation of angles. 
C. By locating details with transit and tape. 
D. By free needle. 
Answer = By direct observation of angles

77.  In transversing by direct observation of angles, magnetic bearing of any one line can also be measured if required.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

78.  Which of the following comes under transversing by included angles?. 
A. Transversing by fast needle. 
B. Transversing by free needle. 
C. Transversing by direct observation of angles. 
D. Transversing by chain and compass. 
Answer = Transversing by direct observation of angles

79.  __________ at a station is either of the two angles by the two survey lines meeting there.. 
A. Included angle. 
B. Deflection angle. 
C. Transverse angle. 
D. Deviated angle. 
Answer = Included angle

80.  Included angles can be measured _________. 
A. Clockwise. 
B. Counter clockwise. 
C. Clockwise and counterclockwise. 
D. Clockwise or counterclockwise. 
Answer = Clockwise or counterclockwise

81.  All angles are preferred to measure clockwise because of the graduations of theodolite circle increase in this direction.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

82.  A deflection angle is an angle in which a survey line makes with prolongation of back sight.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

83.  Transversing by deflection angles is more suitable for surveys of roads railways, pipe lines etc.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

84.  Deflection angle may vary from __________ to ___________. 
A. 0° to 90°. 
B. 90° to 180°. 
C. 0° to 180°. 
D. 0° to 270°. 
Answer = 0° to 90°

85.  Departure refers to__________. 
A. Co-ordinate length measured at right angles. 
B. Co-ordinate length measured at right angles to the meridian direction. 
C. Co-ordinate length measured parallel to assumed meridian direction. 
D. Co-ordinate length measured parallel to datum. 
Answer = Co-ordinate length measured at right angles to the meridian direction

86.  When measured towards southward, latitude is negative.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

87.  Departure can be given as__________. 
A. D = l cos θ. 
B. D = l tan θ. 
C. D = l cosec θ. 
D. D = l sin θ. 
Answer = D = l sin θ

88.  Consecutive co-ordinates are also known as__________. 
A. Total co-ordinates. 
B. Independent co-ordinates. 
C. Dependent co-ordinates. 
D. Departure co-ordinates. 
Answer = Dependent co-ordinates

89.  Latitude and Departure equations will never return positive values.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

90.  For calculating latitude and departure they must be converted into__________. 
A. Whole Circle Bearing system. 
B. Reduced Bearing system. 
C. True bearing system. 
D. Assumed bearing system. 
Answer = Reduced Bearing system

91.  S-W lies in which of the following quadrant______________. 
A. IV. 
B. II. 
C. I. 
D. III. 
Answer = III

92.  By which of the following step, Independent co-ordinate can be obtained?. 
A. ∑L + ∑D. 
B. ∑L – ∑D. 
C. ∑L2 + ∑D2. 
D. ∑L2 – ∑D2. 
Answer = ∑L + ∑D

93.  Total co-ordinate point is referred as___________. 
A. Dependent co-ordinate point. 
B. Independent co-ordinate point. 
C. Consecutive co-ordinate point. 
D. Departure co-ordinate point. 
Answer = Independent co-ordinate point

94.  If the value of θ = 720 49ꞌ, find the value of departure for side having a length 300 m.. 
A. 286.17. 
B. 268.91. 
C. 286.61. 
D. 286.16. 
Answer = 286.61

95.  The value of θ = 1620 49ꞌ in Reduced Bearing system can be represented as ____________. 
A. S1706ꞌE. 
B. S27026ꞌE. 
C. S7026ꞌE. 
D. S17026ꞌE. 
Answer = S17026ꞌE

96. What will be the value of total co-ordinate of B, if it is initially assumed as 100 and N latitude at A is given as 192.96?. 
A. 292.96. 
B. 92.96. 
C. 229.69. 
D. 29.69. 
Answer = 292.96

97.  The value of multiplying constant is generally taken as_________. 
A. 60.0. 
B. 80.0. 
C. 90.0. 
D. 100.0. 
Answer = 100.0

98.  Stadia method can also be known as__________. 
A. Fixed hair method. 
B. Movable hair method. 
C. Subtense method. 
D. Tangential method. 
Answer = Fixed hair method

99.  Which among the following represents stadia interval factor?. 
A. f + d. 
B. f – d. 
C. f / i. 
D. i/ f. 
Answer = f / i

100.  What is the formula for finding vertical distance if the staff is held vertical and line of sight is inclined?. 
A. V = Ks sin2θ2 + C sin θ. 
B. V = Ks cos2 θ + C cos θ. 
C. V = Cs sin2θ2 + K cos θ. 
D. V = Ks sin22 θ + C cos θ. 
Answer = V = Ks sin2θ2 + C sin θ

101.  The value of additive constant lies in the range of__________. 
A. 0.2 to 0.3m. 
B. 0.3 to 0.45m. 
C. 0.5 to 0.6m. 
D. 0.6 to 0.7m. 
Answer = 0.3 to 0.45m

102.  Usage of anallactic lens makes the entire process more simple and reliable.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

103.  A tacheometer is setup at A and the readings on the staff at B are 1.77m, 2.12m, 2.34m and the inclination of line of sight is + 10 9ꞌ. Calculate the vertical distance between A and B. Take k = 100, c = 0.3?. 
A. 1.51 m. 
B. 2.51 m. 
C. 2.15 m. 
D. 1.15 m. 
Answer = 1.15 m

104.  What is the value of additive constant in anallactic lens?. 
A. 100.0. 
B. 0.3. 
C. 0.0. 
D. 0.4. 
Answer = 0.0

105.  Subtense method is one of the classifications of stadia system.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

106.  Calculate the value of K and C, if the measurements are taken between two points of 50 and 130 distant apart and the stadia readings will be 0.024, 0.824 respectively.. 
A. 0, 47.6. 
B. 47.6, 100. 
C. 100, 47.6. 
D. 47.6, 0. 
Answer = 100, 47.6

107.  The following are the staff readings given when the staff is held normal. The line of sight of instrument is placed at an angle +3024ꞌ. It being an anallactic lens, find the horizontal distance between staff and instrument station. Staff readings – 2.145 m, 1.925 m, 1.464 m.. 
A. 62.082 m. 
B. 58.082 m. 
C. 60.082 m. 
D. 68.082 m. 
Answer = 68.082 m

108. Calculate the value of R.L for staff being vertical and possessing staff readings as follows 2.892, 2.234, 1.926. It being an anallactic lens possesses an instrumental height of 1.94 with R.L 102.34 m. Line of sight placed at an angle of 2042ꞌ.. 
A. 106.591 m. 
B. 105.591 m. 
C. 109.951 m. 
D. 100.981 m. 
Answer = 106.591 m

109.  In order to mitigate the closing error, sum of latitudes and departures must be equal to zero.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

110.  Which among the following determines the direction of closing error?. 
A. Tan δ = ∑L/∑D. 
B. Tan δ = ∑L2/∑D2. 
C. Tan δ = ∑D/∑L. 
D. Tan δ = ∑D2/∑L2. 
Answer = Tan δ = ∑D/∑L

111.  The sum of interior angles must be equal to_______. 
A. (2N+4) right angles. 
B. (2N-4) right angles. 
C. (2N+4) * 180. 
D. (2N-4) * 180. 
Answer = (2N-4) right angles

112.  For adjusting the angular error, the error may be distributed equally among all the angles.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

113.  Closing error can be given as________. 
A. ((∑L)2+(∑. 
B. 2)1/4. 
C. (∑L2-∑D2)1/2. 
D. (∑L2*∑D2)1/2. 
Answer = 2)1/2

114.  Which of the following corresponds to the correction applied to the bearing of the last side?. 
A. Correction = Ne/N. 
B. Correction = 2Ne/N. 
C. Correction = 3Ne/N. 
D. Correction = e/N. 
Answer = Correction = Ne/N

115.  If traversing is done by taking bearings of the lines, the closing error in bearing may be determined by _______________. 
A. Comparing the back and fore bearings of the last line of the open traverse. 
B. Comparing the back and fore bearings of the middle line of the closed traverse. 
C. Comparing the back and fore bearings of the last line of the closed traverse. 
D. Comparing the back and fore bearings of the first line of the closed traverse. 
Answer = Comparing the back and fore bearings of the last line of the closed traverse

116.  Which of the following is a method of adjusting a closed traverse?. 
A. Departure method. 
B. Axis method. 
C. Tangential method. 
D. Latitude method. 
Answer = Axis method

117.  Relative error of closure is given as____________. 
A. Perimeter of closure/error of traverse. 
B. Error of perimeter/perimeter of traverse. 
C. Perimeter of traverse/error of traverse. 
D. Error of closure/perimeter of traverse. 
Answer = Error of closure/perimeter of traverse

118.  Closing error can be briefly explained in which of the following set of methods?. 
A. Bowditch's, Transit methods. 
B. Transit, Axis methods. 
C. Graphical, Axis methods. 
D. Bowditch's, Graphical methods. 
Answer = Graphical, Axis methods

119. What would be the correction for any side of a traverse in axis method if it has a closing error e = 0.93, length of side and axis would be 243.13 and 100 respectively?. 
A. 2.131. 
B. 1.131. 
C. 1.113. 
D. 1.311. 
Answer = 1.131

120. Which of the following indicates the correct value of precise closing error if e = 0.54 and lengths of sides are 92.69 m, 119.23 m, 92.64 m, 42.96 m and 60.96 m.. 
A. 1 / 766.445. 
B. 1 / 746.445. 
C. 1 / 756.445. 
D. 1 / 765.445. 
Answer = 1 / 756.445

121.  Which of the following is not a function of levelling head?. 
A. To support the main part of the instrument. 
B. To attach the theodolite to the tripod. 
C. To provide a mean for levelling the theodolite. 
D. To provide the exact centering over the station mark. 
Answer = To provide the exact centering over the station mark

122.  In theodolites, the upper plate carriers two plate levels placed at right angles to each other.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

123.  The plate level can be centered with the help of _______. 
A. Focusing screw. 
B. Foot screw. 
C. Tangent screw. 
D. Clip screw. 
Answer = Foot screw

124.  On clamping the upper screw and unclamping the lower clamp, the instrument can rotate on its outer axis without any relative motion between the two plates.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

125.  On unclamping the upper screw and clamping the lower clamp, the instrument can rotate on its inner axis with relative motion between vernier and scale.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

126.  Which of the following is used to test the horizontality of the transit axis or trunnion axis?. 
A. Levelling head. 
B. Levelling screw. 
C. Altitude bubble. 
D. Striding level. 
Answer = Striding level

127.  Temporary adjustments are those which are made at every instrument setting and preparatory to taking observations.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

128.  Setting up includes which of the following?. 
A. Centering. 
B. Appropriate levelling with the help of tripod legs. 
C. Both centering and appropriate levelling with the help of tripod legs. 
D. Levelling with foot screw. 
Answer = Levelling with foot screw

129.  Parallax is a condition arising when the image formed by the object is in the plane of the cross hairs.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

130.  Parallax can be eliminated by focusing the eye piece and objective.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

131.  For adjustment purposes, the index arm can be rotated slightly with the help of a ________ screw.. 
A. tangent screw. 
B. levelling screw. 
C. cliff screw. 
D. focusing screw. 
Answer = cliff screw

132.  Which of the following doesn't involve the method of traversing?. 
A. Chain surveying. 
B. Theodolite surveying. 
C. Plane Table surveying. 
D. Tacheometric surveying. 
Answer = Tacheometric surveying

133.  Which among the following is a procedure for computation of traverse area?. 
A. Calculation and adjustment of latitudes and departures. 
B. Adjustment of instrument. 
C. Calculation of consecutive co-ordinates. 
D. Determination of R.L. 
Answer = Calculation and adjustment of latitudes and departures

134.  Adjustments applied to angles are independent of the size of the angle.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

135.  Which of the following is the first step for determining the azimuth or bearing?. 
A. Determination of angles or bearings. 
B. To determine the true direction. 
C. The direction of at least one line within the traverse must be known or assumed. 
D. Determining the latitudes and departures. 
Answer = The direction of at least one line within the traverse must be known or assumed

136.  For calculating the traverse area, which of the following is crucial?. 
A. L = 0, D = 0. 
B. ∑L2 = 0, ∑D2 = 0. 
C. ∑L ≠ 0, ∑D ≠ 0. 
D. ∑L = 0, ∑D = 0. 
Answer = ∑L = 0, ∑D = 0

137.  For adjusting the traverse, which of the following methods can be used?. 
A. Compass traversing. 
B. Chain traversing. 
C. Theodolite traversing. 
D. Bowditch's method. 
Answer = Bowditch's method

138.  Angle and distance is one of the methods for plotting a traverse survey.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

139.  Which of the following is the accurate method for plotting traverse area?. 
A. Transit method. 
B. Angle and distance method. 
C. Co-ordinate method. 
D. Bowditch's method. 
Answer = Co-ordinate method

140.  Which of the following methods will give the accurate result while traversing?. 
A. Loose needle method. 
B. Fast needle method. 
C. Chain traversing. 
D. Compass traversing. 
Answer = Fast needle method

141.  Among the following, which indicates the formula for balancing angles of closed traverse?. 
A. ∑ Interior angles = (n+2) * 1800. 
B. ∑ Interior angles = (n-2) / 1800. 
C. ∑ Exterior angles = (n-2) * 1800. 
D. ∑ Interior angles = (n-2) * 1800. 
Answer = ∑ Interior angles = (n-2) * 1800

142.  What will be the value of DMD for B if DMD for A is -22.87, departures for A & B will be -22.87, +89.24 respectively?. 
A. 22.8. 
B. 43.5. 
C. -43.5. 
D. -22.8. 
Answer = 43.5

143. Calculate the value of double area if the value of latitude of A is 235.67 m and DMD is +89.26 m.. 
A. 20135 sq. m. 
B. 21305 sq. m. 
C. 21035 sq. m. 
D. 20035 sq. m. 
Answer = 21035 sq. m

144.  While taking Observations for the height and distances, which method of surveying is used?. 
A. Chain surveying. 
B. Compass surveying. 
C. Plane surveying. 
D. Geodic surveying. 
Answer = Plane surveying

145.  The correction for curvature and refraction is applied when the points are having small distance between them.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

146.  Which of the following indicates the value of D, when base of object is accessible?. 
A. D = s / tan α. 
B. D = tan α / s. 
C. D = tan α / h. 
D. D = h / tan α. 
Answer = D = h / tan α

147.  Which of the following is not a case in trigonometric levelling?. 
A. Base of object is accessible. 
B. Base of object is inaccessible. 
C. Base of object is at accurate position. 
D. Base of object is inaccessible, station is not in vertical plane. 
Answer = Base of object is at accurate position

148.  Among the following, which represents the method of observation?. 
A. Indirect method. 
B. Reciprocal method. 
C. Recurring method. 
D. Transit method. 
Answer = Reciprocal method

149.  In which of the following cases, two instrument stations are used?. 
A. Base of the object is at infinity. 
B. Base of the object is at accurate position. 
C. Base of the object is accessible. 
D. Base of the object is inaccessible. 
Answer = Base of the object is inaccessible

150.  In Geodic surveying, correction for curvature and refraction are neglected.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

151.  Calculate the R.L of B, if D = 24.96 m, angle for line of sight is +4024ꞌ, height of the axis will be 1.29 m and the R.L of A is 400 m.. 
A. 403.21 m. 
B. 430.21 m. 
C. 403.12 m. 
D. 401.32 m. 
Answer = 403.21 m

152. If the value of D = 2000m, what would be correction for curvature?. 
A. 0.629 sq. m. 
B. 0.269 sq. m. 
C. 0.962 sq. m. 
D. 0.692 sq. m. 
Answer = 0.269 sq. m

153.  Which of the following does not belong to the instruments of plane table?. 
A. Spirit level. 
B. Plumb bob. 
C. Compass. 
D. Theodolite. 
Answer = Theodolite

154.  In plane table surveying, plotting and recording of values are done simultaneously.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

155.  What are the dimensions of Johnson table?. 
A. 60*45 cm. 
B. 45*60 cm. 
C. 40*60 cm. 
D. 45*65 cm. 
Answer = 45*60 cm

156.  For obtaining high precision values, which among the following is used?. 
A. Wooden table. 
B. Johnson table. 
C. Coast survey table. 
D. Traverse table. 
Answer = Coast survey table

157.  Alidade is used for___________. 
A. Sighting. 
B. Levelling. 
C. Transferring point to ground. 
D. Drawing lines. 
Answer = Sighting

158.  Orientation of table involves which among the following?. 
A. Traversing. 
B. Fore sighting. 
C. Back sighting. 
D. Measuring bearings. 
Answer = Back sighting

159.  Orientation by trough compass is done for obtaining precise values.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

160.  Which of the following indicates the correct set of alidade?. 
A. Plain, reverse. 
B. Complex, telescopic. 
C. Plain, theodolite. 
D. Plain, telescopic. 
Answer = Plain, telescopic

161.  By plotting and recording values simultaneously, there is a possibility to occur more errors.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

162.  In which of the following cases, orientation by back sighting is used?. 
A. When approximate levelling is required. 
B. When second point is available for orientation. 
C. When it is not possible to set instrument over station mark. 
D. When speed is important than accuracy. 
Answer = When it is not possible to set instrument over station mark

163.  Which among the following is not a method of plane table surveying?. 
A. Radiation. 
B. Trisection. 
C. Intersection. 
D. Resection. 
Answer = Trisection

164.  The method of radiation is used when distances are small.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

165.  Method of Intersection is used when_____________. 
A. Distance between point and instrument is very small. 
B. Distance between point and instrument is infinity. 
C. Distance between point and instrument is small. 
D. Distance between point and instrument is large. 
Answer = Distance between point and instrument is large

166.  Which of the following methods required two instrument stations?. 
A. Radiation. 
B. Intersection. 
C. Resection. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Intersection

167.  Which among the following methods of plane table is most commonly used?. 
A. Intersection. 
B. Resection. 
C. Traversing. 
D. Radiation. 
Answer = Intersection

168.  Which of the following set indicates the location of details of survey?. 
A. Resection, intersection. 
B. Radiation, resection. 
C. Radiation, intersection. 
D. Traversing, resection. 
Answer = Radiation, intersection

169.  Method of intersection is also known as______________. 
A. Resection. 
B. Graphical triangulation. 
C. Radiation. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Graphical triangulation

170.  The process of determining the plotted position of the station occupied by the plane table is known as__________. 
A. Trisection. 
B. Radiation. 
C. Intersection. 
D. Resection. 
Answer = Resection

171.  Orientation might cause a huge problem in method of resection.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

172.  The observations made in method of traversing can be used as___________. 
A. Bisecting point. 
B. Traverse point. 
C. Instrument stations. 
D. Survey point. 
Answer = Instrument stations

173.  Which of the following methods can be useful in having an enlarged output?. 
A. Intersection. 
B. Resection. 
C. Traversing. 
D. Radiation. 
Answer = Radiation

174.  Which of the following methods is widely used method of plane tabling?. 
A. Radiation. 
B. Intersection. 
C. Traversing. 
D. Resection. 
Answer = Traversing

175.  Which of the following can give the best output?. 
A. Traversing. 
B. Intersection. 
C. Resection. 
D. Radiation. 
Answer = Traversing

176.  Which of the following methods is more suitable in case of small distances?. 
A. Traversing. 
B. Radiation. 
C. Resection. 
D. Intersection. 
Answer = Radiation

177.  Which of the following methods is having a wider scope with the use of tacheometer?. 
A. Resection. 
B. Trisection. 
C. Intersection. 
D. Radiation. 
Answer = Radiation

178.  Which of the following is used to locate only details?. 
A. Radiation. 
B. Trisection. 
C. Resection. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Radiation

179.  Which of the following describes the usage of traversing method?. 
A. Locating points. 
B. Survey line placement. 
C. Measuring angles. 
D. Measuring bearings. 
Answer = Survey line placement

180.  Which is of the following is used for locating details of the station points?. 
A. Radiation. 
B. Intersection. 
C. Trisection. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Traversing

181.  Which among the following set share the same working principle?. 
A. Traversing and Radiation. 
B. Traversing and trisection. 
C. Traversing and Resection. 
D. Traversing and intersection. 
Answer = Traversing and Radiation

182.  Before conducting resection procedure, orientation must be performed.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

183.  Which of the following processes is employed in case of small scale?. 
A. Trisection. 
B. Intersection. 
C. Radiation. 
D. Resection. 
Answer = Resection

184.  Which of the following indicates the procedure for plotting of points occupied by the plane table?. 
A. Resection. 
B. Bisection. 
C. Trisection. 
D. Intersection. 
Answer = Resection

185.  The rays which are drawn from unknown location to a known location can be determined as______________. 
A. Trisectors. 
B. Bisectors. 
C. Resectors. 
D. Intersectors. 
Answer = Resectors

186.  Which among the following contains more amounts of errors in its procedure?. 
A. Orientation by compass. 
B. Orientation by back sighting. 
C. Orientation by three point problem. 
D. Orientation by two point problem. 
Answer = Orientation by compass

187.  In which of the following methods, graphical method is employed?. 
A. Back sight orientation. 
B. Compass orientation. 
C. Two point problem. 
D. Three point problem. 
Answer = Three point problem

188.  Which of the following must be done correctly in order to prevent further errors?. 
A. Usage of alidade. 
B. Back sighting. 
C. Orientation. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Orientation

189.  Which of the following is not a classification of resection method?. 
A. Orientation by compass. 
B. Orientation by back sighting. 
C. Orientation by three point problem. 
D. Orientation by fore sighting. 
Answer = Orientation by fore sighting

190.  Which among the following procedures is used in case of visibility of points is more from table station?. 
A. Three point problem. 
B. Two point problem. 
C. Compass orientation. 
D. Back sighting orientation. 
Answer = Three point problem

191.  Which of the following acts as an advantage of plane table surveying?. 
A. Accuracy in output. 
B. Inconvenient in wet climate. 
C. Heavy instruments. 
D. Used in magnetic areas. 
Answer = Used in magnetic areas

192.  Plane table surveying requires great skill.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

193.  Which of the following operation can be done clearly in case of plane table surveying?. 
A. Area computation. 
B. Sighting. 
C. Contouring. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Contouring

194.  It is difficult for reproducing the traverse in different scale.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

195.  Which of the following can be a disadvantage to plane table surveying?. 
A. Heavy instruments. 
B. Convenient in wet climate. 
C.  No Accuracy in output. 
D. Not used in magnetic areas. 
Answer = Heavy instruments

196.  Possibility of error in plane table surveying is ____________. 
A. Negligible. 
B. Zero. 
C. More. 
D. Less. 
Answer = Less

197.  Let the instrument station be V and there is a displacement of 50 cm in its placement in the direction of ray. What is the true position if the scale is 1cm = 700 meters?. 
A. 0.017 cm. 
B. 0.107 cm. 
C. 0.071 cm. 
D. 0.170 cm. 
Answer = 0.071 cm

198.  Which of the following is an error occurred due to sighting?. 
A. Instrumental errors. 
B. Defective orientation. 
C. Personal errors. 
D. Natural errors. 
Answer = Defective orientation

199.  Which of the following makes plane table not suitable in many cases?. 
A. More errors produced. 
B. Less errors produced. 
C. Zero errors. 
D. Negligible errors. 
Answer = More errors produced

200.  Which of the following is more in case of plane table surveying?. 
A. Mistakes. 
B. Corrections. 
C. Advantages. 
D. Disadvantages. 
Answer = Advantages

201.  The usage of telescopic alidade usually increases the occurrence of errors in a huge rate.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

202.  Degree of precision depends on____________. 
A. Quality of instrument. 
B. Usage of the instrument. 
C. Surveyor. 
D. Type of work being done. 
Answer = Quality of instrument

203.  Plain alidade will cause less error when compared to telescopic alidade.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

204.  In a magnetic area, which type of surveying can be employed?. 
A. Traverse surveying. 
B. Compass surveying. 
C. Theodolite surveying. 
D. Plane table surveying. 
Answer = Plane table surveying

205.  When difference in elevation between points is more, which of the following would be affected more?. 
A. Points plotted. 
B. Alidade position. 
C. Horizontality of board. 
D. Level of board. 
Answer = Horizontality of board

206.  Plane table surveying is capable of providing accurate work.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

207.  Which of the following must be checked at every station?. 
A. Values obtained. 
B. Traverse area. 
C. Points to be sighted. 
D. Orientation of table. 
Answer = Orientation of table

208.  Which of the following can cause more damage while using a plane table for surveying?. 
A. Climatic changes. 
B. Instruments used. 
C. Sighting error. 
D. Inaccurate centring. 
Answer = Climatic changes

209.  Which of the following errors cannot be minimised?. 
A. Error in instrument. 
B. Error in sighting. 
C. Error while plotting. 
D. Personal errors. 
Answer = Error while plotting

210.  In plane table surveying, it is difficult to reproduce the map to some different scale.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

211.  In three point problem, orientation and resection are done simultaneously.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

212.  Which of the following serves as a solution for three point problem?. 
A. Traverse method. 
B. Axis method. 
C. Mechanical method. 
D. Transit method. 
Answer = Mechanical method

213.  Mechanical method is also known as________. 
A. Graphical method. 
B. Axis method. 
C. Trial and error method. 
D. Tracing paper method. 
Answer = Tracing paper method

214.  In graphical method, why Bessel's method is chosen the best?. 
A. Due to accuracy in result. 
B. Due to quick output. 
C. Due to ease in handling. 
D. Due to economical issues. 
Answer = Due to accuracy in result

215.  Among the three point and two point problems, the solution from two point problem will serve better output?. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

216.  Which process involves more labour work?. 
A. Mechanical method. 
B. Graphical method. 
C. Two point problem. 
D. Three point problem. 
Answer = Two point problem

217.  Which among the following doesn't serve as a solution for proper orientation of plane table?. 
A. Resection by compass. 
B. Resection by three point problem. 
C. Resection by two point problem. 
D. Resection by graphical triangulation. 
Answer = Resection by graphical triangulation

218.  Which of the following methods of three point problem is a tedious one?. 
A. Lehman's method. 
B. Graphical method. 
C. Axis method. 
D. Mechanical method. 
Answer = Lehman's method

219.  Which shapes are generally formed in Lehman's method?. 
A. Quadrilaterals. 
B. Triangles. 
C. Polygons. 
D. Circle. 
Answer = Triangles

220.  Usage of Lehman's method involves following certain rules.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

221.  Location of points is already done while considering two point problem.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

222.  Error occurred due to orientation can be checked by _____________. 
A. Calculating table area. 
B. Calculating area. 
C. Measuring bearings. 
D. Measuring angles. 
Answer = Measuring angles

223.  Which among the processes having more accuracy in its output?. 
A. Total station. 
B. Plane table surveying. 
C. Chain surveying. 
D. Compass surveying. 
Answer = Total station

224.  Which of the following step can affect the entire process?. 
A. Traversing. 
B. Alidade. 
C. Orientation. 
D. Chaining. 
Answer = Orientation

225.  For fixing any point, auxiliary point must be chosen.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

226.  Which of the following steps is involved in plane table surveying?. 
A. Tacheometric surveying. 
B. Measuring bearings. 
C. Measuring angles. 
D. Changing station points. 
Answer = Changing station points

227.  Which process involves more labor work?. 
A. Chaining. 
B. Compass surveying. 
C. Plane table surveying. 
D. Theodolite surveying. 
Answer = Plane table surveying

228.  How many alternatives were available in case of two point problem?. 
A. No alternatives. 
B. Maximum Two. 
C. Minimum one. 
D. Maximum one. 
Answer = Maximum Two

229.  Which process of plane table surveying is a tedious one?. 
A. Resection. 
B. Trisection. 
C. Intersection. 
D. Radiation. 
Answer = Resection

230.  Two point problem involves in ______________. 
A. Locating details. 
B. Locating station points. 
C. Locating angles. 
D. Locating bearings. 
Answer = Locating station points

231.  Which of the following acts as an advantage of plane table surveying?. 
A. Accuracy in output. 
B. Inconvenient in wet climate. 
C. Heavy instruments. 
D. Used in magnetic areas. 
Answer = Used in magnetic areas

232.  Plane table surveying requires great skill.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

233.  Which of the following operation can be done clearly in case of plane table surveying?. 
A. Area computation. 
B. Sighting. 
C. Contouring. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Contouring

234.  It is difficult for reproducing the traverse in different scale.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

235.  Which of the following can be a disadvantage to plane table surveying?. 
A. Heavy instruments. 
B. Convenient in wet climate. 
C. No Accuracy in output. 
D. Not used in magnetic areas. 
Answer = Heavy instruments

236.  Possibility of error in plane table surveying is ____________. 
A. Negligible. 
B. Zero. 
C. More. 
D. Less. 
Answer = Less

237.  Let the instrument station be V and there is a displacement of 50 cm in its placement in the direction of ray. What is the true position if the scale is 1cm = 700 meters?. 
A. 0.017 cm. 
B. 0.107 cm. 
C. 0.071 cm. 
D. 0.170 cm. 
Answer = 0.071 cm

238.  Which of the following is an error occurred due to sighting?. 
A. Instrumental errors. 
B. Defective orientation. 
C. Personal errors. 
D. Natural errors. 
Answer = Defective orientation

239.  Which of the following makes plane table not suitable in many cases?. 
A. More errors produced. 
B. Less errors produced. 
C. Zero errors. 
D. Negligible errors. 
Answer = More errors produced

240.  Which of the following is more in case of plane table surveying?. 
A. Mistakes. 
B. Corrections. 
C. Advantages. 
D. Disadvantages. 
Answer = Advantages

241.  Double meridian distance of a line is equal to__________. 
A. Sum of parallel distances. 
B. Sum of perpendicular distances. 
C. Sum of total areas. 
D. Sum of meridian distances. 
Answer = Sum of meridian distances

242.  Which of the following area calculation methods is mostly used?. 
A. Area by double meridian. 
B. Area by co-ordinates. 
C. Area by planimeter. 
D. Area by Simpson's rule. 
Answer = Area by double meridian

243.  The double parallel distance can be given as__________. 
A. Sum of vertical distances. 
B. Sum of perpendicular distances. 
C. Sum of parallel distances. 
D. Area of parallel distances. 
Answer = Sum of parallel distances

244.  Which of the following indicates the purpose of D.P.D?. 
A. Checking area computed by D.P.D. 
B. Checking area computed by D.M.D. 
C. Checking area computed by perpendiculars. 
D. Checking area computed by parallels. 
Answer = Checking area computed by D.M.D

245.  Which of the following describes the double meridian distance?. 
A. Sum of latitudes. 
B. Sum of horizontal distances. 
C. Sum of parallel distances. 
D. Sum of meridian distances. 
Answer = Sum of meridian distances

246.  Find the value of M2 if D1 = 24.86 m, D2 = 17.65 m.. 
A. 76.37 m. 
B. 67.37 m. 
C. 76.73 m. 
D. 37.76 m. 
Answer = 67.37 m

247.  Find the meridian distance if m1 = 32.76, and D2 = 44.56 m.. 
A. 71.24 m. 
B. 17.24 m. 
C. 17.42 m. 
D. 71.42 m. 
Answer = 71.42 m

248.  Find the area of a triangle if latitude distance is given as 209.96 m and meridian distance is 5.78 m.. 
A. 1213.86 sq. m. 
B. 1231.68 sq. m. 
C. 1213.68 sq. m. 
D. 1123.68 sq. m. 
Answer = 1213.68 sq. m

249.  Planimeter is an instrument which is used for__________. 
A. Locating co-ordinates. 
B. Transferring point from paper to ground. 
C. Measuring area of plan. 
D. Sighting parallel and perpendicular points to station. 
Answer = Measuring area of plan

250.  The formula for finding area by the use of planimeter is______________. 
A. Δ = M(F-I±10N+. 
B. Δ = M(F+I±10N+. 
C. Δ = M(F-I±10N-. 
D. Δ = M(F-I±10N±. 
Answer = Δ = M(F-I±10N+

251.  Which of the following methods will give the best output for area?. 
A. Area by double mean distances. 
B. Area by triangles. 
C. Area by co-ordinates. 
D. Area by planimeter. 
Answer = Area by triangles

252.  Multiplier constant(M) is also known as___________. 
A. Planimeter constant. 
B. Tacheometric constant. 
C. Meridian constant. 
D. Simpson's constant. 
Answer = Planimeter constant

253.  Multiplier constant is equal to__________. 
A. A+nꞌ. 
B. A*nꞌ. 
C. A/nꞌ. 
D. nꞌ/A. 
Answer = A/nꞌ

254.  Calculate the area if I = 8.257, M = 150 sq.cm, F = 4.143, C = 31.155.. 
A. 6255.15. 
B. 2565.15. 
C. 2655.15. 
D. 2556.15. 
Answer = 2556.15

255.  Which of the following mathematical operations can be used for area computation?. 
A. Euler's equation. 
B. Simpson's one-third rule. 
C. Quadratic equation. 
D. Simultaneous differential equation. 
Answer = Simpson's one-third rule

256.  Simpson's rule is capable of producing more accurate results.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

257.  Find the value of multiplier constant if the length of the arm is given as 45.78 m and diameter as 2.54 m.. 
A. 643.86 sq. m. 
B. 436.86 sq. m. 
C. 346.68 sq. m. 
D. 364.86 sq. m. 
Answer = 364.86 sq. m

258.  If length of the arm = 23.31 m, distance between wheel and pivot = 2 m, D = 3m. Find the value of constant C.. 
A. 4.63 sq. m. 
B. 6.64 sq. m. 
C. 6.46 sq. m. 
D. 4.95 sq. m. 
Answer = 6.46 sq. m

259.  If the area of the traverse is 645.32 sq. m and the change in the wheel readings can be given as 10, find the value of multiplier constant.. 
A. 64.532 sq. m. 
B. 6453.2 sq. m. 
C. 6.4532 sq. m. 
D. 0.65432 sq. m. 
Answer = 64.532 sq. m

260.  If the area of traverse is drawn to a scale 1ꞌꞌ = 23 ft, find the change in area if the original area is 497.76 sq. in.. 
A. 6.04 sq. m. 
B. 6.04 m. 
C. 6.04 sq. in. 
D. 6.04 acres. 
Answer = 6.04 acres

261. Find the value of I if the area of the field is given as 234.315 sq. m, M = 22.15 sq. m, F = 3.256, N = 1, C = 26.43.. 
A. 21.907 sq. m. 
B. 29.107 sq. m. 
C. 29.701 sq. m. 
D. 23.071 sq. m. 
Answer = 29.107 sq. m

262.  The trapezoidal formula can be applied only if __________. 
A. It composes prism and wedges. 
B. It composes triangles and parallelograms. 
C. It composes prism and parallelograms. 
D. It composes triangles and wedges. 
Answer = It composes prism and wedges

263.  Trapezoidal formula is also known as ____________. 
A. Simpson's rule. 
B. Co-ordinate method. 
C. Prismoidal method. 
D. Average end area method. 
Answer = Average end area method

264.  Which of the following indicates the assumption assumed in the trapezoidal formula?. 
A. mid-area is the mean of the starting area. 
B. mid-area is the mean of the end area. 
C. mid-area is the mean. 
D. mid-area is not the mean of the end area. 
Answer = mid-area is the mean of the end area

265.  Prismoidal correction can be applied to the trapezoidal formula.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

266.  Calculate the volume of third section, if the areas are 76.32 sq. m and 24.56 sq. m with are at a distance of 4 m.. 
A. 210.11 cu. m. 
B. 201.67 cu. m. 
C. 201.76 cu. m. 
D. 210.76 cu. m. 
Answer = 201.76 cu. m

267.  If the areas of the two sides of a prismoid represent 211.76 sq. m and 134.67 sq. m, which are 2 m distant apart, find the total volume using trapezoidal formula. Consider n=3.. 
A. 651.99 cu. m. 
B. 615.99 cu. m. 
C. 651.77 cu. m. 
D. 615.77 cu. m. 
Answer = 615.77 cu. m

268.  In trapezoidal formula, volume can be over estimated.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

269.  Determine the volume of prismoid using trapezoidal formula, if the areas are given as 117.89 sq. m and 55.76 sq. m which are 1.5m distant apart.. 
A. 130.23 cu. m. 
B. 103.23 cu. m. 
C. 13.44 cu. m. 
D. 103.65 cu. m. 
Answer = 130.23 cu. m

270.  Which of the following methods is capable of providing sufficient accuracy?. 
A. Area by planimeter. 
B. Area by co-ordinates. 
C. Prismoidal method. 
D. Trapezoidal method. 
Answer = Trapezoidal method

271.  The correction applied in trapezoidal formula is equal to____________. 
A. Product of calculated volume and obtained volume. 
B. Summation between calculated volume and obtained volume. 
C. Difference between calculated volume and obtained volume. 
D. Division of calculated volume and obtained volume. 
Answer = Difference between calculated volume and obtained volume

272.  The method of tracing is involved in which of the following procedures?. 
A. Sub-division into squares. 
B. Sub-division into area figures. 
C. D.M.D method. 
D. Division into trapezoidal figures. 
Answer = Division into trapezoidal figures

273.  Which of the following is not a method involved in area by co-ordinate?. 
A. Sub-division into area figures. 
B. Co-ordinate method. 
C. Meridian method. 
D. D.M.D method. 
Answer = Sub-division into area figures

274.  Which of the following is main thing in the process of calculation of area by co-ordinate method?. 
A. M.D. 
B. Departure. 
C. Latitude. 
D. Parallels. 
Answer = Latitude

275.  Which of the following shapes are generally considered when the area is computed by map measurements?. 
A. Square. 
B. Triangle. 
C. Rectangle. 
D. Pyramidal. 
Answer = Triangle

276.  Which of the following is not a classification in area by map measurement?. 
A. Division into trapezoidal figures. 
B. Sub-division into area figures. 
C. Sub-division into squares. 
D. D.M.D method. 
Answer = D.M.D method

277.  If the values of latitudes are 223.5 m and 65.31 m and meridians are 16.8 m, 24.67m. Find the area using D.M.D method.. 
A. 2268.99 sq. m. 
B. 2862.99 sq. m. 
C. 2682.99 sq. m. 
D. 28865.99 sq. m. 
Answer = 2682.99 sq. m

278.  Find the area by co-ordinate method if the independent co-ordinates are (400, 400), (423, 456), (478, 498), (400, 400). 
A. 1510 cu. m. 
B. 1150 cu. m. 
C. 5110 cu. m. 
D. 115 cu. m. 
Answer = 1510 cu. m

279.  The value of total latitudes and its adjoining departures were given. Calculate area by departure and total latitudes method. Total Latitudes = 110, 25,0, 0 and adjoining departures = 245, 245, -245, -245.. 
A. 15636 sq. m. 
B. 16536 sq. m. 
C. 16563 sq. m. 
D. 15663 sq. m. 
Answer = 16536 sq. m

280.   Calculate the area by M.D method, if the value of m1, m2, m3 are given as 233.4 m, 12.78 m, 99.98 m respectively and latitudes are 110 m, -15 m, 89 m.. 
A. 43372.51 sq. m. 
B. 34732.15 sq. m. 
C. 34537.15 sq. m. 
D. 34372.51 sq. m. 
Answer = 34372.51 sq. m

281.  A prismoid is a combination of which of the following?. 
A. Trapezium, circle. 
B. Parallelogram, trapezium. 
C. Triangle, trapezium. 
D. Triangle, circle. 
Answer = Triangle, trapezium

282.  The trapezoidal and prismoidal formulae were derived based on the assumption that end sections are in parallel planes.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

283.  Prismoidal rule is also known as__________. 
A. Simpson's rule. 
B. Trapezoidal rule. 
C. Curvature rule. 
D. Euler's rule. 
Answer = Simpson's rule

284.  The prismoidal formula is used for the calculation of__________. 
A. Perimeter. 
B. Traverse. 
C. Volume. 
D. Area. 
Answer = Volume

285.  Calculate the total volume if number of sides = 3 and d = 2 m. The values of area can be given as 117.98 sq. m, 276.54 sq. m and 98.43 sq. m.. 
A. 1170.26 cu. m. 
B. 1710.26 cu. m. 
C. 1107.26 cu. m. 
D. 117.26 cu. m. 
Answer = 1170.26 cu. m

286.  In prisomidal rule, it is necessary to have odd number cross sections.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

287.  Which of the following must be done for obtaining equivalent area?. 
A. Applying correction for bearings. 
B. Applying correction for angles. 
C. Applying correction for curvature. 
D. Applying correction for length. 
Answer = Applying correction for curvature

288.  If the area of mid section is 345.98 sq. m and the individual areas A1, A2 are 123.31 and 157.31 respectively, d = 5m. Find the volume of the pyramid.. 
A. 3187.11 cu. m. 
B. 1378.11 cu. m. 
C. 1837.11 cu. m. 
D. 1387.11 cu. m. 
Answer = 1387.11 cu. m

289.  Which of the following indicates the formula for prisomidal correction?. 
A. Cp = d n (h+h1)2/6. 
B. Cp = d n (h-h1)2/6. 
C. Cp = d n (h*h1)2/6. 
D. Cp = d n (h/h1)2/6. 
Answer = Cp = d n (h-h1)2/6

290.  Find the area of first prismoid if the areas of A1, A2 and A3 are 145.31, 257.43 and 59.67 respectively with a distance of 2.5 m.. 
A. 1208.91 cu. m. 
B. 1082.91 cu. m. 
C. 1028.91 cu. m. 
D. 1820.91 cu. m. 
Answer = 1028.91 cu. m

291.  Which of the following indicates the assumption assumed in case of curvature correction?. 
A. End sections are parallel. 
B. End sections are vertical. 
C. End sections are not present. 
D. End sections are perpendicular. 
Answer = End sections are parallel

292.  Which of the following is not a case assumed in curvature correction?. 
A. Two level section. 
B. Three level section. 
C. Four level section. 
D. Side hill section. 
Answer = Four level section

293.  Level section requires application of correction.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

294.  For larger and smaller areas, same formula can be applied in case of side-hill section.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

295.  Correction for curvature is applied for getting___________. 
A. Station points. 
B. Ordinates. 
C. Heights. 
D. Equivalent areas. 
Answer = Equivalent areas

296.  What is the correction applied for two-level section if the area of the traverse is 121.45 sq. m and value of e = 9.34?. 
A. 9.34 sq. m. 
B. 9.06 sq. m. 
C. 9.46 sq. m. 
D. 9.43 sq. m. 
Answer = 9.34 sq. m

297.  What will be the correction for curvature of three level sections, if the areas are given as 43.56 sq. m, 22.54sq.m and h = 56.43 sq. m, b= 2, n= 2 which are having faces at a unity distance having 59.87 m radius?. 
A. 220.91 sq. m. 
B. 220.19 sq. m. 
C. 202.65 sq. m. 
D. 205.65 sq.m. 
Answer = 220.19 sq. m

298.  Find the value of eccentricity if the values of area of the sides can be given as 134.76 sq. m, 56.76 sq. m and A = 76.65 sq. m with number of sides as 2.. 
A. 3185.23 sq. m. 
B. 3158.32 sq. m. 
C. 3185.32 sq. m. 
D. 3185.99 sq. m. 
Answer = 3185.32 sq. m

299.  Find the correction for side hill of two level section if the area is given as 654.76 sq. m, and the value of eccentricity is 89.76.. 
A. 89.76 sq. m. 
B. 98.76 sq. m. 
C. 89.67 sq. m. 
D. 98.54 sq. m. 
Answer = 89.76 sq. m

300.  Find the value of e for side hill of small area by using the values provided. W = 54.32 sq. m, b = 1, n =2, h = 76.24 sq. m.. 
A. 43.87. 
B. 87.98. 
C. 96.1. 
D. 69.1. 
Answer = 69.1

301.  Correction applied in prismoidal correction is always__________. 
A. Subtractive. 
B. Additive. 
C. Multiplicative. 
D. Divisible. 
Answer = Subtractive

302.  The calculation of mid-area is necessary in case of prismoidal correction.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

303.  Which of the following value is necessary in case of determining the correction in prismoid?. 
A. Volume. 
B. Area. 
C. Constants. 
D. Distance between the sides. 
Answer = Distance between the sides

304.  Prismoidal correction can be given as________. 
A. Addition between the volume calculated and that obtained from the prismoid formula. 
B. Summation  between the volume calculated and that obtained from the prismoid formula. 
C. Difference between the volume calculated and that obtained from the prismoid formula. 
D. Product between the volume calculated and that obtained from the prismoid formula. 
Answer = Difference between the volume calculated and that obtained from the prismoid formula

305.  Prismoidal correction is obtained from which of the following formulae?. 
A. Prismoid formula. 
B. Trapezoidal formula. 
C. Square formula. 
D. Rectangular formula. 
Answer = Prismoid formula

306.  Find the prismoidal correction, if the area of cross sections were given as 114.65 sq. m and 56.76 sq. m, which are 2 m distant apart having 3 sides.. 
A. 2214.24. 
B. 3315.26. 
C. 3531.25. 
D. 3351.25. 
Answer = 3351.25

307.  If the areas of cross sections of one side area given as 117.86 sq. m, 105.76 sq. m and the other side as 98.76 sq. m, 86.54 sq. m. the values of b, n, m, mꞌ and d are given as 2, 3, 4,4 and 1 respectively. Find the correction of prismoid in case of side hill section.. 
A. 36.9. 
B. 30.6. 
C. 29.1. 
D. 26.6. 
Answer = 30.6

308.  Prismoidal correction can be applied to which of the following formulae?. 
A. Rectangular formula. 
B. Square formula. 
C. Trapezoidal formula. 
D. Quadrilateral formula. 
Answer = Trapezoidal formula

309.  Find the correction applied for two-level section if area of cross sections at different sides were given as 115.31, 165.72 and 65.87, 54.23,which unit distant apart having number of sides 2.. 
A. 459.33. 
B. 495.33. 
C. 594.33. 
D. 543.22. 
Answer = 459.33

310.  What will be the correction for three level sections, if the areas of 3 different sides, which are having unit distance are 121.31 sq. m, 145.76 sq. m, 176.65 sq. m and 45.87 sq. m, 45.67 sq. m, 72.43 sq. m?. 
A. -89.76. 
B. 25.92. 
C. -52.98. 
D. -25.96. 
Answer = -25.96

311.  Which principle is used in the process of permanent adjustment of dumpy level?. 
A. Repetition. 
B. Reiteration. 
C. Recurring. 
D. Reversion. 
Answer = Reversion

312.  Which of the following does not indicate a principle line?. 
A. Line of sight. 
B. Vertical axis. 
C. Horizontal axis. 
D. Axis of level tube. 
Answer = Horizontal axis

313.  Which of the following does not represent the condition of adjustment?. 
A. Adjustment of vertical axis. 
B. Adjustment of level tube. 
C. Adjustment of cross hair ring. 
D. Adjustment of line of sight. 
Answer = Adjustment of vertical axis

314.  The principle of single reversion is involved in which of the following processes?. 
A. Adjustment of vertical axis. 
B. Adjustment of level tube. 
C. Adjustment of cross hair ring. 
D. Adjustment of line of sight. 
Answer = Adjustment of level tube

315.  Which of the following processes is adopted when speed of the work is concerned?. 
A. Adjustment of vertical axis. 
B. Adjustment of cross hair ring. 
C. Adjustment of level tube. 
D. Adjustment of line of sight. 
Answer = Adjustment of level tube

316.  Which adjustment doesn't need any levelling?. 
A. Vertical axis. 
B. Horizontal axis. 
C. Line of sight. 
D. Cross-hair. 
Answer = Cross-hair

317.  The adjustment of line of collimation is having most priority in permanent adjustments.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

318.  Dumpy level is used for_________. 
A. Finding point to point distance. 
B. Finding the elevation difference. 
C. Finding the traverse area. 
D. Finding the perimeter of area. 
Answer = Finding the elevation difference

319.  Permanent adjustments are done at every time the instrument is setup.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

320.  Determine the inclination of line of sight if H = 2.654 m and Hꞌ = 1.876 m and the distance between the points can be given as 150 m.. 
A. 0019ꞌ. 
B. 0020ꞌ. 
C. 0017ꞌ. 
D. 007ꞌ. 
Answer = 0017ꞌ

321.  Find the amount of inclination provided in case of two stations A and B having staff readings 0.984m, 0.765m which are placed at a distance of 100m.. 
A. 1.23 m. 
B. 0.98 m. 
C. 0.44 m. 
D. 0.22 m. 
Answer = 0.22 m

322.  Which among the following indicates the objective of adjusting level tube?. 
A. Making horizontal axis truly horizontal. 
B. Levelling the tube. 
C. Making vertical axis truly vertical. 
D. Making line of collimation perpendicular to vertical axis. 
Answer = Making vertical axis truly vertical

323. The readings of staff at points A and B are given as 1.672 m, 2.484 m and 1.928 m, 3.124 m. Find the true elevation difference between the station points.. 
A. 0.384 m. 
B. 0.834 m. 
C. 0.438 m. 
D. 0.843 m. 
Answer = 0.384 m

324.  Which of the following represents correct set of ordinate rules used?. 
A. Average ordinate rule, Trapezoidal rule. 
B. Mid-ordinate rule, Mean ordinate rule. 
C. Mid-ordinate rule, Average ordinate rule. 
D. Trapezoidal rule, Mean ordinate rule. 
Answer = Mid-ordinate rule, Average ordinate rule

325.  Find the length of the base line if the number of divisions are 4 and d =1.5m.. 
A. 2 m. 
B. 6 m. 
C. 2.5 m. 
D. 8 m. 
Answer = 6 m

326.  Ordinate rule is based on which of the following assumptions?. 
A. Boundaries of the offsets are straight lines. 
B. Boundaries of the offsets are perpendicular. 
C. Boundaries of the offsets are curves. 
D. Boundaries of the offsets are parabolic. 
Answer = Boundaries of the offsets are straight lines

327.  Calculate the area by mid-ordinate rule if the value of d = 2m and the ordinates are given as 24.69m, 42.96 m, 26.74m.. 
A. 188.87 sq. m. 
B. 881.78 sq. m. 
C. 188.78 sq. m. 
D. 198.78 sq. m. 
Answer = 188.78 sq. m

328.  Among the area calculation methods, which is more accurate?. 
A. Area by co-ordinates. 
B. Area by Simpson's one-third rule. 
C. Area by double mean distances. 
D. Area by offsets. 
Answer = Area by Simpson's one-third rule

329.  Find the value of number of divisions if the area is 543.89 sq. m and the summation of the co-ordinates is given as 223.98 m.. 
A. 2.42 m. 
B. 2.24 m. 
C. 4.22 m. 
D. 2.56 m. 
Answer = 2.42 m

330.  The calculation of area by ordinate rule and Simpson's rule will come under which category?. 
A. Area by double mean distances. 
B. Area by co-ordinates. 
C. Area by triangles. 
D. Area by offsets. 
Answer = Area by offsets

331.  Which of the following indicates the formula for area by average co-ordinate method?. 
A. Δ = (L * ∑O)/(n+1). 
B. Δ = (L * ∑O)/(n-1). 
C. Δ = (L + ∑O)/(n+1). 
D. Δ = (L – ∑O)/(n+1). 
Answer = Δ = (L * ∑O)/(n+1)

332.  Horizontal distances are measured by direct methods, i.e. laying of chains or tapes on the ground.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

333.  If the ground is undulating, rough, difficult and inaccessible.  Under these circumstances _________ methods are used to obtain distances.. 
A. Direct methods. 
B. Indirect methods. 
C. Chain surveying. 
D. Tacheometry. 
Answer = Indirect methods

334.  Which of the following is an indirect method of surveying?. 
A. Chain surveying. 
B. Tacheometry. 
C. Countouring. 
D. All of the mentioned. 
Answer = Tacheometry

335.  Using tacheometric methods, elevations can also be determined.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

336.  Which of the following is branch of angular surveying in which both the horizontal and vertical positions of points are determined from the instrumental observations, the chain surveys being entirely eliminated?. 
A. Tacheometry. 
B. Contouring. 
C. Ranging. 
D. Random line method. 
Answer = Tacheometry

337.  Tacheometer has ______ number of horizontal hairs.. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 5.0. 
Answer = 3.0

338.  Which of horizontal hairs are equivalent in stadia diaphragm of tacheometer?. 
A. Upper and central. 
B. Central and lower. 
C. Upper and lower. 
D. Lower, central and upper. 
Answer = Upper and lower

339.  The magnification of the telescope in tacheometer should be at least _______ to _______ diameters.. 
A. 10 to 20. 
B. 10 to 30. 
C. 20 to 30. 
D. 20 to 40. 
Answer = 20 to 30

340.  What should be the aperture required for tacheometer?. 
A. 30mm. 
B. 40mm. 
C. 25mm. 
D. 15mm. 
Answer = 40mm

341.  The magnifying power of the eyepiece is also smaller than for an ordinary transit to produce a clearer image of a staff held far away.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

342.  For short sights of about _____ m or less, an ordinary levelling staff may be used. For long sights, special staff called stadia rod is generally used.. 
A. 50.0. 
B. 100.0. 
C. 150.0. 
D. 200.0. 
Answer = 100.0

343.  In fixed hair method, the distance between  _______ hair  and__________ hair are fixed.. 
A. Upper and central. 
B. Central and lower. 
C. Upper and lower. 
D. Lower, central and upper. 
Answer = Upper and lower

344.  Distance and elevation formulae for fixed hair method assuming line of sight as horizontal and considering an external focusing type telescope is D = Ks + C. where K is _______. 
A. f/i. 
B. i/f. 
C. f + c. 
D. f – c. 
Answer = f/i

345. For anallactic lens in D = Ks + C, which of the following is zero?. 
A. D. 
B. K. 
C. C. 
D. S. 
Answer = C

346. Distance and elevation formulae for fixed hair method assuming the line of sight as horizontal and considering an external focusing type telescope is D = Ks + C. where C is _______. 
A. f/i. 
B. i/f. 
C. f + c. 
D. f – c. 
Answer = f + c

347.  Find the area of the traverse using Simpson's rule if d= 12 m and the values of ordinates are 2.25m, 1.46m, 3.23m, 4.46m.. 
A. 116.88 sq. m. 
B. 161.88 sq. m. 
C. 611.88 sq. m. 
D. 169.54 sq. m. 
Answer = 161.88 sq. m

348.  Simpson's rule assumes that boundary between the ordinates are parabolic arcs.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

349.  The results obtained are greater than which among the following?. 
A.  Prismoidal rule. 
B. Trapezoidal rule. 
C. Rectangular rule. 
D.  Square rule. 
Answer = Trapezoidal rule

350.  The value obtained from Simpson's rule depends on the nature of curve.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

351.  Find the area of segment if the values of co-ordinates are given as 119.65m, 45.76m and 32.87m. They are placed at a distance of 2 m each.. 
A. 20.43 sq. m. 
B. 2.34 sq. m. 
C. 20.34 sq. m. 
D. 87.34 sq. m. 
Answer = 20.34 sq. m

352.  In which of the following cases, Simpson's rule is adopted?. 
A. When straights are perpendicular. 
B. When straights are parallel. 
C. When straights form curves. 
D. When straights form parabolic arcs. 
Answer = When straights are parallel

353.  The total number of ordinates present must be___________. 
A. Real numbers. 
B. Complex. 
C. Even. 
D. Odd. 
Answer = Odd

354.  Which of the following shapes is generally preferred in case of application of Simpson's rule?. 
A. Square. 
B. Triangle. 
C. Trapezoid. 
D. Rectangle. 
Answer = Trapezoid

355.  Which of the following can the Simpson's rule possess?. 
A. Negatives. 
B. Accuracy. 
C. Positives. 
D. Zero error. 
Answer = Accuracy

356.  Which of the following indicates the formula for Simpson's rule?. 
A. Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 4*(O1+O3+……..) + 2*(O2+O4+……….)). 
B. Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 2*(O1+O3+……..) + 2*(O2+O4+……….)). 
C. Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 4*(O1+O3+……..) + 2*(O2+O4+……….)). 
D. Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 2*(O1+O3+……..) + 4*(O2+O4+……….)). 
Answer = Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 4*(O1+O3+……..) + 2*(O2+O4+……….))

357.  In the subtense bar method, the horizontal angle subtended by two targets fixed on a horizontal bar at a known distance apart is measured at instrument station by theodolite.. 
A.  True. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer =  True

358.  The two targets are at a distance s apart, and each at s/2 from the centre, i.e. vertical axis. The horizontal angle α is measured carefully by means of a theodolite. Then what is the value of D in the subtense bar method?. 
A. s/2α. 
B. s/α. 
C. s/4α. 
D. 2s/α. 
Answer = s/α

359.  The following readings were taken with a tachometer on to a vertical staff. Horizontal Distance Stadia Readings 46.20 m 0.780; 1.010; 1.240 51.20 m 1.860; 2.165; 2.470. Calculate the tacheometric constants.. 
A. 100, 0.20 m. 
B. 200, 0.10 m. 
C. 100, 0.10 m. 
D. 200, 0.20 m. 
Answer = 100, 0.20 m

360.  Stadia readings were taken with a theodolite on a vertical staff with the telescope inclined at an angle of depression of 3o30′. The staff readings were 2.990, 2.055 and 1.120. The reduced level of the staff station is 100.000m, and the height of the instrument is 1.40 m. What is the reduced level of the ground at the instrument? Take constants as 100 and zero.. 
A. 102.050 m. 
B. 122.050 m. 
C. 112.050 m. 
D. 132.050 m. 
Answer = 112.050 m

361.  A tacheometer is setup at an intermediate point on a traverse course PQ and the following observations are made on a staff held vertical. Staff Station Vertical Angle Staff Intercept Axial Hair Readings P + 9o30′ 2.250 2.105 Q + 6o00′ 2.055 1.975 The constants are 100 and 0. Compute the length PQ and the reduced level of Q.  RL of P = 350.50 m.. 
A. 428.13 m; 335.47 m. 
B. 402.13 m; 335.47 m. 
C. 422.13 m; 305.47 m. 
D. 422.13 m; 335.47 m. 
Answer = 422.13 m; 335.47 m

362.  The horizontal angle subtended at the theodolite station by a subtense bar with vanes 3 m apart is 0o 10 ′40′′. Calculate the horizontal distance between the theodolite and the subtense bar?. 
A. 960.00 m. 
B. 966.87 m. 
C. 966.78 m. 
D. 906.87 m. 
Answer = 966.87 m

363.  The vertical angles to vanes fixed at 1 m and 3 m above the foot of the staff held vertically at a station P were – 1o 45′ and + 2o 30′, respectively. Find the horizontal distance and the reduced RL of P if the RL of the instrument axis is 110.00 m?. 
A. 26.95 m, 100.177. 
B. 20.95 m, 108.177. 
C. 26.95 m, 108.177. 
D. 26.95 m, 108.000. 
Answer = 26.95 m, 108.177

364.  The following notes refer to a traverse run by a tacheometer fitted with an anallactic lens, with constant 100 and staff held vertical. Line,  Bearing,  Vertical Angle,  Staff Intercept -PQ, 30o 24′,  + 5o 06′,1.875; QR,  300o 48′, + 3o 48′,1.445; RS, 226o 12′,  − 2o 36′, 1.725 respectively.  Find the length and bearing of SP.. 
A. 191.930 m, 126o 47 ′47′′. 
B. 190.930 m, 125o 47 ′47′′. 
C. 193.930 m, 124o 47 ′47′′. 
D. 192.930 m, 120o 47 ′47′′. 
Answer = 191.930 m, 126o 47 ′47′′

365.  Distance and elevation formulae for fixed hair method assuming the line of sight as horizontal and considering an external focusing type telescope is D = Ks + C. where C is _______. 
A. f/i. 
B. i/f. 
C. f + c. 
D. f – c. 
Answer = f + c

366.  Modern EDM uses which among the following waves?. 
A. Visible rays. 
B. Thermal infra-red. 
C. Modulated infra-red. 
D. Radio waves. 
Answer = Modulated infra-red

367.  Which property of an electromagnetic wave, depends on the medium in which it is travelling?. 
A. Velocity. 
B. Frequency. 
C. Time period. 
D. Wave length. 
Answer = Velocity

368.  The distance in EDM is measured by______________. 
A. Frequency of the wave. 
B. Wave length. 
C. Phase difference. 
D. Amplitude. 
Answer = Phase difference

369.  Tellurometer, a type of EDM uses which of the following waves?. 
A. Visible rays. 
B. Infra-red waves. 
C. Micro waves. 
D. Radio waves. 
Answer = Radio waves

370.  Find the value of D if the wave length of the wave is 40m, n=2 m and the angles are given as θ1 = 0˚, θ2 = 180˚.. 
A. 50m. 
B. 40m. 
C. 20m. 
D. 10m. 
Answer = 50m

371.  Electromagnetic waves are represented in which of the following format?. 
A. Longitudinal waves. 
B. Transverse waves. 
C. Sinusoidal waves. 
D. Surface waves. 
Answer = Sinusoidal waves

372.  For increasing accuracy, high frequency of propagation is used.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

373.  What would be the value of length if the distance is given as 30m, m= 3 and the change in length is 8m.. 
A. 7.43m. 
B. 7.34m. 
C. 6.34m. 
D. 5.43m. 
Answer = 7.34m

374.  Phase difference can be expressed in which of the following format?. 
A. Meters per second. 
B. Meters. 
C. Cycles. 
D. Seconds. 
Answer = Cycles

375.  Which of the following represents the correct sequence for the basis of EDM propagation?. 
A. Propagation, generation, reflection and reception. 
B. Generation, reception, reflection and propagation. 
C. Generation, propagation, reception and reflection. 
D. Generation, propagation, reflection and reception. 
Answer = Generation, propagation, reflection and reception

376.  Different types of EDM's are obtained on the basis of__________. 
A. Wave length. 
B. Carrier wave. 
C. Frequency. 
D. Time period. 
Answer = Carrier wave

377.  Which among the following EDM instruments is having more range?. 
A. Infra-red instruments. 
B. Visible light instruments. 
C. Microwave instruments. 
D. Gamma ray instruments. 
Answer = Microwave instruments

378.  Which type of modulation is used in case of microwave instrument?. 
A. Frequency modulation. 
B. Amplitude modulation. 
C. Carrier wave modulation. 
D. Time period modulation. 
Answer = Frequency modulation

379.  The frequency range used in visible light instruments is______________. 
A. 5*1011 Hz. 
B. 5*108 Hz. 
C. 5*1010 Hz. 
D. 5*1014 Hz. 
Answer = 5*1014 Hz

380.  Geodimeter uses which of the following waves as a carrier wave?. 
A. Microwaves. 
B. Visible light. 
C. Infra-red. 
D. Cosmic rays. 
Answer = Visible light

381.  Microwave EDM instrument requires two instrument stations.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

382.  What among the following indicates the range of Geodimeter?. 
A. 20 km. 
B. 30 km. 
C. 25km. 
D. 35 km. 
Answer = 25km

383.  The wavelength of I.R in infra-red instruments is about___________. 
A. 0.6 * 10-6 m. 
B. 1.0 * 10-6 m. 
C. 0.7 * 10-6 m. 
D. 0.9 * 10-6 m. 
Answer = 0.9 * 10-6 m

384.  Frequency modulation is used in case of visible light EDM.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

385.  Which among the following EDM instruments are capable of producing output with less expenditure?. 
A. Microwave instruments. 
B. Cosmic ray instruments. 
C. Visible light instruments. 
D. Infra-red instruments. 
Answer = Infra-red instruments

386.  In amplitude modulation, which among the following is constant?. 
A. Amplitude. 
B. Frequency. 
C. Wave length. 
D. Time period. 
Answer = Frequency

387.  Modern phase techniques are capable of __________. 
A. Resolving modulation. 
B. Resolving amplitude. 
C. Resolving frequency. 
D. Resolving wave length. 
Answer = Resolving wave length

388.  Lower frequency is not suitable in_________. 
A. Direct transmission. 
B. Distance calculation. 
C. Determination of wavelength. 
D. Determination of frequency. 
Answer = Direct transmission

389.  Which of the following represents the correct set of modulation classification?. 
A. Frequency, time period. 
B. Frequency, amplitude. 
C. Amplitude, wavelength. 
D. Wavelength, frequency. 
Answer = Frequency, amplitude

390.  Which of the following indicates the correct set of frequency employed in measuring process?. 
A. 7*106 to 5*108 Hz. 
B. 7.5*106 to 4.5*108 Hz. 
C. 7.5*106 to 5.9*108 Hz. 
D. 7.5*106 to 5*108 Hz. 
Answer = 7.5*106 to 5*108 Hz

391.  Which of the following is constant in case of frequency modulation?. 
A. Modulation. 
B. Wavelength. 
C. Amplitude. 
D. Frequency. 
Answer = Amplitude

392.  Which can't be done in high frequency zones?. 
A. Phase comparison. 
B. Super imposition of waves. 
C. Distance measurement. 
D. Wavelength measurement. 
Answer = Phase comparison

393.  Modulating wave can also be known as ______. 
A. Total wave. 
B. Measuring wave. 
C. Super wave. 
D. Incubation wave. 
Answer = Measuring wave

394.  If 10mm is the accuracy considered, what will be the maximum value of λ for 1/1000 part?. 
A. 10000 m. 
B. 10 cm. 
C. 10 m. 
D. 10000 cm. 
Answer = 10 m

395.  Frequency modulation is equipped in all EDM instruments.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

396.  In total station, data is stored in ___________. 
A. Pen drive. 
B. Data card. 
C. Micro processor. 
D. External hardware. 
Answer = Micro processor

397.  Compensator can make complete adjustments in total station.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

398.  Vertical angle is measured in total station as Zenith angle.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

399.  Which of the following indicates the formula for converting slope distance to horizontal distance?. 
A. S = H (sin z). 
B. H = S* S (sin z). 
C. H*H = S (sin z). 
D. H = S (sin z). 
Answer = H = S (sin z)

400.  When total station is sighted to the target, which of the operation acts first?. 
A. Rotation of optical axis. 
B. Rotation of vertical axis. 
C. Rotation of horizontal axis. 
D. Rotation of line of collimation. 
Answer = Rotation of optical axis

401.  Which of the following indicates the correct set of the combination of total station?. 
A. Theodolite, compass. 
B. Theodolite, EDM. 
C. Electronic theodolite, EDM. 
Answer = Electronic theodolite, EDM

402.  Which among the following doesn't indicate the basic calculation of total station?. 
A. Horizontal distance. 
B. Slope distance. 
C. Vertical distance. 
D. Co-ordinate calculations. 
Answer = Slope distance

403.  The formula for difference in elevation can be given as__________. 
A. D = V + (I-R). 
B. D = V + (I+R). 
C. D = V – (I-R). 
D. D = V * (I-R). 
Answer = D = V + (I-R)

404.  In which direction it is best to place the total station for obtaining the best output?. 
A. East. 
B. West. 
C. South. 
D. North. 
Answer = North

405.  The data obtained from total station can be used in which among the following software directly?. 
A. Primavera. 
C. Autodesk Revit. 
D. Surfer. 
Answer = Surfer

406.  Calculation the elevation difference if the vertical distance is 14.89m, instrument height is 9.2m, ground is at 2.8m.. 
A. 21.29 m. 
B. 12.29 m. 
C. 21.92 m. 
D. 41.29 m. 
Answer = 21.29 m

407.  Find the vertical distance if the value of slope distance can be given as 12.98 and the angle is 1˚23ꞌ.. 
A. 21.97m. 
B. 12.97m. 
C. 12.79m. 
D. 21.79m. 
Answer = 12.97m

408. Find the elevation of ground beneath the reflector, if the known elevation of instrument is 12.76m, slope distance = 3.76m, angle is about 3˚43ꞌ, instrument height = 2.93m, ground is at 0.987 m.. 
A. 18.54m. 
B. 81.54m. 
C. 18.45m. 
D. 18.97m. 
Answer = 18.45m

409.  Which of the following doesn't represent the classification of the curve?. 
A. Simple. 
B. Compound. 
C. Complex. 
D. Reverse. 
Answer = Complex

410.  The formula for length of the curve can be given as____________. 
A. L = R * Δ. 
B. L = R + Δ. 
C. L = R * tan(Δ2)
D. L = R / Δ. 
Answer = L = R * Δ

411.  Sharpness of the curve can be determined by_________. 
A. Chord length. 
B. Radius. 
C. Mid-ordinate. 
D. Tangent. 
Answer = Radius

412.  Relation between radius and degree of curvature can be approximately given as__________. 
A. R = 5370 / D. 
B. R = 7530 / D. 
C. R = 5770 / D. 
D. R = 5730 / D. 
Answer = R = 5730 / D

413.  The relation of radius and degree of curvature cannot be applied for small radius.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

414.  The maximum curvature provided for a highway is about__________. 
A. 100.0. 
B. 200.0. 
C. 300.0. 
D. 500.0. 
Answer = 200.0

415.  While designing a curve, which among the following must be taken into consideration?. 
A. Minerals present. 
B. Geomorphology. 
C. Topography. 
D. Rocks present. 
Answer = Topography

416.  Length of the curve depends on the criteria used for defining degree of the curve.. 
A.  True. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer =  True

417.  Mid-ordinate is also known as__________. 
A. Cosine of curve. 
B. Sine of curve. 
C. Versed cosine of curve. 
D. Versed sine of curve. 
Answer = Cosine of curve

418.  The formula for tangent length can be given as__________. 
A. T = R + tan(Δ/2). 
B. T = R * tan(Δ/2). 
C. T = R / tan(Δ/2). 
D. T = R – tan(Δ/2). 
Answer = T = R * tan(Δ/2)

419.  Find the value of mid-ordinate if the value of R can be given as 22.19m and the angle is given as 19˚21ꞌ.. 
A. 0.89 m. 
B. 0.98 m. 
C. 0.13 m. 
D. 0.31 m. 
Answer = 0.31 m

420.  What would be the length of the curve, if radius of the curve is 24.69m and the angle is given as 12˚42ꞌ?. 
A. 9.87 m. 
B. 5.74 m. 
C. 5.47 m. 
D. 9.78 m. 
Answer = 5.47 m

421.  Find the tangent length if the radius of the curve and its angle were given as 42.64m and 42˚12ꞌ.. 
A. 16.45 m. 
B. 16.54 m. 
C. 61.45 m. 
D. 61.54 m. 
Answer = 16.45 m

422. What would be the value of apex distance if the angle is given as 13˚42ꞌ and the radius of the curve is given as 19.24m?. 
A. 0.1134 m. 
B. 0.831 m. 
C. 0.318 m. 
D. 0.138 m. 
Answer = 0.138 m

423. If the radius of the curve is given as 14.96m and the angle is about 32˚24ꞌ, find the length of the chord.. 
A. 8.43 m. 
B. 8.34 m. 
C. 4.83 m. 
D. 3.43 m. 
Answer = 8.34 m

424.  The observations made for setting a compound curve must be equal to_________. 
A. 180-(Δ/2). 
B. 180-(Δ1/2). 
C. 180-(Δ2/2). 
D. 180+(Δ/2). 
Answer = 180-(Δ/2)

425.  A compound curve can be set by which of the following methods?. 
A. Two-theodolite method. 
B. Deflection angles. 
C. Bisection of arcs. 
D. Tacheometric method. 
Answer = Deflection angles

426.  In a compound curve, the point at which both the long curve and short curve will meet is called_________. 
A. Point of radius. 
B. Point of curvature curve. 
C. Point of compound curve. 
D. Point of deflection curve. 
Answer = Point of compound curve

427.  For setting a compound curve, the theodolite is first placed at______________. 
A. P.I. 
B. P.C.C. 
C. P.T. 
D. P.C. 
Answer = P.C

428.  Find the value of radius of curvature, if the degree of the curve is given as 7˚.. 
A. 136.71 m. 
B. 163.17 m. 
C. 163.71 m. 
D. 613.71 m. 
Answer = 163.71 m

429.  Determine the value of long curve length of a compound curve, if the radius of curvature is given as 56.87m and the deflection angle is given as 65˚43ꞌ.. 
A. 56.22m. 
B. 65.22m. 
C. 65.44m. 
D. 69.22m. 
Answer = 65.22m

430.  Find the value of chainage of T1 by using the chainage of P.I and the tangent distance is given as 1024.31m and 707.57m.. 
A. 616.74m. 
B. 313.74m. 
C. 613.74m. 
D. 316.74m. 
Answer = 316.74m

431.  Determine the short curve tangent distance by using the short curve and long curve tangent lengths given as 54.98m and 89.32m. The deflection angles at P.I and at long curve are given as 86˚45ꞌ and 43˚31ꞌ.. 
A. 154.5 m. 
B. 145.5 m. 
C. 514.5 m. 
D. 451.5 m. 
Answer = 154.5 m

432.  Find the chainage of second tangent point, if the chainage at the point of compound curve is given as 2345.87m and the curve length can be given as 568.54m.. 
A. 2941.41 m. 
B. 9214.41 m. 
C. 2914.14 m. 
D. 2914.41 m. 
Answer = 2914.41 m

433.  All the necessary calculations will be done before setting the curve.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

434.  Length of tangent formula is same for all types of curves.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

435.  In a compound curve, both curves are of equal radius.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

436.  Compound curve can be designated by____________. 
A. Angle subtended by a chord of any curvature. 
B. Angle subtended by a chord of known radius. 
C. Angle subtended by a chord of known length. 
D. Angle subtended by a chord of any length. 
Answer = Angle subtended by a chord of known length

437.  The angle at point of intersection of tangents indicate____________. 
A. Radius of the arc. 
B. Angle of the arc. 
C. Curvature angle. 
D. Deflection angle. 
Answer = Deflection angle

438.  Which of the following curves helps in avoiding overturning of vehicles?. 
A. Simple curve. 
B. Transition curve. 
C. Compound curve. 
D. Reverse curve. 
Answer = Transition curve

439.  The tangent distance of a long curve is given as____________. 
A. T=tl–(ts+tl)sin(Δ1)sinΔ
B. T=tl+(ts–tl)sin(Δ1)sinΔ
C. T=tl+(ts+tl)sin(Δ1)sinΔ
D. T=tl+(ts+tl)sin(Δ1)sinΔ
Answer = T=tl+(ts+tl)sin(Δ1)sinΔ 

440.  What would be the short curve length of tangent if the radius of curvature is given as 43.21m and deflection of about76˚54ꞌ?. 
A. 34.13m. 
B. 43.13m. 
C. 43.31m. 
D. 34.31m. 
Answer = 34.31m

441.  Find the value of the long curve tangent distance, if the tangent length of short and long curves were given as 23.21m and 65.87m. The total deflection is 67˚54ꞌ and the deflection angle at short curve is given as 28˚43ꞌ.. 
A. 112.06m. 
B. 121.06m. 
C. 211.06m. 
D. 121.68m. 
Answer = 112.06m

442.  Determine the value of chainage of point of compound curve, if the chainage at T1 is given as 226.43m and the curve length as 23.64m.. 
A. 205.07. 
B. 250.07. 
C. 207.7. 
D. 202.79. 
Answer = 250.07

443.  If the radius of curvature is given as 76.98m and the deflection angle as 45˚21ꞌ, find the short curve length of a compound curve.. 
A. 60.93m. 
B. 6.93m. 
C. 9.63m. 
D. 3.69m. 
Answer = 60.93m

444.   Find the value of long curve tangent length, if the radius is given as 76.43m and the deflection angle as 54˚32ꞌ.. 
A. 39.24m. 
B. 93.42m. 
C. 39.42m. 
D. 93.24m. 
Answer = 39.42m

445.  Find the value of mid-ordinate if the radius of the curve is given as 40.62 m and length as 10.2m.. 
A. 0.43. 
B. 0.22. 
C. 0.12. 
D. 0.33. 
Answer = 0.33

446.  For setting the curve, chord must be divided into even number of equal parts.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

447.  Which of the following indicates the formula for setting a long chord by using ordinate?. 
A. Ox = (R2 + (x)2)1/2 – (R – O0). 
B. Ox = (R2 – (x)2)1/2 – (R – O0). 
C. Ox = (R2 – (x)2)1/2 + (R – O0). 
D. Ox = (R2 – (x)2)1/2 – (R + O0). 
Answer = Ox = (R2 – (x)2)1/2 – (R – O0)

448.  General method can be adopted when radius of the curve is large.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

449.  In approximate method, the value of x is measured from ____________. 
A. Chord point. 
B. Mid point. 
C. Tangent point. 
D. Secant point. 
Answer = Tangent point

450.  Which of the following indicates the formula for determining ordinate in an approximate method?. 
A. Ox = x*(l-x) / 2+R. 
B. Ox = x*(l-x) / 2*R. 
C. Ox = x*(l + x) / 2*R. 
D. Ox = x+ (l-x) / 2*R. 
Answer = Ox = x*(l-x) / 2*R

451.  Find the value of ordinate at a distance of 10m having radius of 22.92m with mid-ordinate12.12.. 
A. 3.289. 
B. 2.892. 
C. 8.293. 
D. 9.823. 
Answer = 9.823

452.  If the value of O0 = 24.62 and R = 4m, find the value of l using the general method of long chords.. 
A. 1636.73m. 
B. 1363.73m. 
C. 1366.73m. 
D. 1363.37m. 
Answer = 1636.73m

453.  Which of the following indicates the formula for a general method by ordinate of long chords?. 
A. R+(R2–(l2)2)1/2
B. R∗(R2–(l2)2)1/2
C. R–(R2+(l2)2)1/2
D. R–(R2–(l2)2)1/2
Answer = R–(R2–(l2)2)1/2 

454.  What will be value of ordinate placed at a distance of 20m having radius and length as 72.46m and 42.92m respectively?(use approximate metho. 
A. 6.13. 
B. 1.36. 
C. 3.16. 
D. 4.86. 
Answer = 3.16

455.  Find the perpendicular distance if the radius of the curve is given as 10.26m and the angle as θ = 10˚24ꞌ.. 
A. 0.042m. 
B. 0.402m. 
C. 0.204m. 
D. 0.024m. 
Answer = 0.042m

456.  The bisection of chords method involves more accuracy.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

457.  Set a perpendicular offset for A and B using the radius and the angle given. R = 34.76m and θ = 14˚76ꞌ.. 
A. 2.08m. 
B. 0.82m. 
C. 0.28m. 
D. 8.02m. 
Answer = 0.28m

458.  Which of the following represents the replication of versine?. 
A. 1-cos θ. 
B. 1-cosec θ. 
C. 1-cot θ. 
D. 1-sin θ. 
Answer = 1-cos θ

459.  Perpendicular offsets can be set out after__________. 
A. Resection. 
B. Intersection. 
C. Trisection. 
D. Bisection. 
Answer = Bisection

460.  Which of the following describes the advantage of bisection of chords method?. 
A. Setting out more chords. 
B. Setting out more parallels. 
C. Setting out more points. 
D. Setting out more perpendiculars. 
Answer = Setting out more points

461.  Find the perpendicular offset using successive bisection of chords, with radius 34.98m and length 12.65 m.. 
A. 0.75m. 
B. 0.57m. 
C. 5.07m. 
D. 7.05m. 
Answer = 0.57m

462.  The successive bisection of chords comes under which of the following category?. 
A. Transition curve. 
B. Reverse curve. 
C. Compound curve. 
D. Simple curve. 
Answer = Simple curve

463.  Perpendicular chords can be obtained by using the successive bisection method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

464.  Reverse curve is a combination of two simple curves.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

465.  Which of the following provides the best case for setting reverse curve?. 
A. When straights are perpendicular. 
B. When straights form arc. 
C. When straights are parallel. 
D. When straights form curves. 
Answer = When straights are parallel

466.  Which of the following curves is not used in case highways?. 
A. Simple curve. 
B. Compound curve. 
C. Transition curve. 
D. Reverse curve. 
Answer = Reverse curve

467.  Which of the following cases is generally adopted in reverse curve?. 
A. T1 = T2. 
B. R1 = R2. 
C. t1 = t2. 
D. Chainages are equal. 
Answer = R1 = R2

468.  Which of the following case is assumed in a reverse curve?. 
A. Δ = Δ1 * Δ2. 
B. Δ = Δ2 – Δ1. 
C. Δ = Δ1 – Δ2. 
D. Δ = Δ1 + Δ2. 
Answer = Δ = Δ1 – Δ2

469.  Chainage at the point of reverse curve can be given as__________. 
A. Chainage at P.R.C = Chainage at P.C + length of first arc. 
B. Chainage at P.R.C = Chainage at P.I + length of first arc. 
C. Chainage at P.R.C = Chainage at P.C + length of second arc. 
D. Chainage at P.R.C = Chainage at P.C – length of first arc. 
Answer = Chainage at P.R.C = Chainage at P.C + length of first arc

470.  A Reverse curve can be set by which of the following methods?. 
A. Method of bisection of arcs. 
B. Method of deflection angles. 
C. Method of deflection distances. 
D. Method of tangential angles. 
Answer = Method of tangential angles

471.  Which of the following indicates the correct set of the cases employed in reverse curves?. 
A. Perpendicular, non-parallel. 
B. Parallel, perpendicular. 
C. Non-parallel, parallel. 
D. Perpendicular, curved. 
Answer = Non-parallel, parallel

472.  In case of parallel straights, the length of the curve is given as__________. 
A. L = (2(R1+R2)V)1/2. 
B. L = 2L(R1+R2) / V. 
C. L = 2V(R1-R2) / R. 
D. L = 2V(R1*R2) / R. 
Answer = L = (2(R1+R2)V)1/2

473.  The formula of length of tangent is given as___________. 
A. t  = L tan(δ/2). 
B. t  = r – tan(δ/2). 
C. t  = r + tan(δ/2). 
D. t  = r * tan(δ/2). 
Answer = t  = r * tan(δ/2)

474.  Calculate the short tangent length, if the radius of curvature is given as 56.21m and the deflection angle as 32˚54ꞌ.. 
A. 61.6m. 
B. 116.6m. 
C. 16.6m. 
D. 6.6m. 
Answer = 16.6m

475.  Determine the common tangent of a reverse curve if the radius of curvature and deflection angles is given as, 43.57m, 32˚43ꞌ and 65˚76ꞌ.. 
A. 217.087m. 
B. 127.087m. 
C. 127.807m. 
D. 127.708m. 
Answer = 127.087m

476.  Find the value of tangent distance, possessing radius of curvature as 24.89m, common tangent 65m length and having deflection angles as 24˚56ꞌ and 76˚32ꞌ.. 
A. 64.5m. 
B. 46.5m. 
C. 64.98m. 
D. 62.5m. 
Answer = 64.5m

477. Calculate the chainage of P.R.C, if the chainage of Tangent is 567.54m and the curve length is about 65m.. 
A. 623.54m. 
B. 632.45m. 
C. 362.54m. 
D. 632.54m. 
Answer = 632.54m

478. If the radii of the curves in a reverse curve are equal, calculate the distance between the tangent points T1 and T2. Assume R = 98.54m with deflection angle 54˚31ꞌ.. 
A. 108.52m. 
B. 180.52m. 
C. 180.25m. 
D. 108.25m. 
Answer = 180.52m

479.  Which process can be used for setting a small curve?. 
A. Offsets from radial offsets. 
B. Offsets from perpendicular tangents. 
C. Bisection of arcs. 
D. Offsets from chords. 
Answer = Offsets from perpendicular tangents

480.  Which of the following describes the right usage of tangent method for offsets?. 
A. Smaller radius. 
B. Larger radius. 
C. Large deflection angle. 
D. More tangent length. 
Answer = Smaller radius

481.  The points that are set by using the method of tangents will lie on ___________. 
A. Tangent. 
B. Chord. 
C. Arc of circle. 
D. Parabola. 
Answer = Parabola

482.  If the tangent distance increases, the offsets distance also increases.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

483.  Central position of curve can be set by _________. 
A. Tangent. 
B. Chord. 
C. Apex. 
D. Secant. 
Answer = Apex

484.  Which of the following represents the correct set of classification in the method of setting offset by tangent method?. 
A. Radial, perpendicular. 
B. Radial, parallel. 
C. Parallel, perpendicular. 
D. Parallel, horizontal. 
Answer = Radial, perpendicular

485.  Find the radial offset if radius of the curve is given as 23.65m and the offset placement is at 15m.. 
A. 5.63m. 
B. 5.36m. 
C. -5.63m. 
D. -5.36m. 
Answer = -5.36m

486.  Set a radial offset by using the approximate method with radius of the curve given as 25.76m and the offset distance as 5m.. 
A. 0.584m. 
B. 0.845m. 
C. 0.485m. 
D. 0.854m. 
Answer = 0.485m

487.  Find the perpendicular offset by using the general method, with radius of the curvature being 70.98m and the offset distance about 9m.. 
A. 0.57m. 
B. -0.57m. 
C. 7.05m. 
D. -7.05m. 
Answer = -0.57m

488.  Set a perpendicular offset using the approximate method, having radius of curvature as 47.43m and the offset distance being 8m.. 
A. 0.67m. 
B. 0.76m. 
C. 7.06m. 
D. 6.07m. 
Answer = 0.67m

489.  Which among the following indicates the correct set of methods for setting out a simple curve?. 
A. Angular method, curvature method. 
B. Linear method, angular method. 
C. Curvature method, linear method. 
D. Tangent method, curvature method. 
Answer = Linear method, angular method

490.  In linear method of setting out curve, which of the following is not used?. 
A. Tape. 
B. Chain. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Compass. 
Answer = Theodolite

491.  Which of the following methods is used when curve to be designed is short?. 
A. Linear method. 
B. Angular method. 
C. Tangent method. 
D. Curvature method. 
Answer = Linear method

492.  In angular method of setting a curve, which of the following is used?. 
A. Compass. 
B. Tape. 
C. Chain. 
D. Theodolite. 
Answer = Theodolite

493.  For setting the tangent, which process is most commonly used?. 
A. Rankine's method. 
B. Trial and error method. 
C. Tacheometric method. 
D. Two theodolite method. 
Answer = Trial and error method

494.  P.T, P.I, P.C are the basic requirements for setting a curve.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

495.  Which of the following doesn't indicate the linear method of setting out the curve?. 
A. By offsets from chords produced. 
B. By offsets from the tangents. 
C. By curves. 
D. By offsets of long chords. 
Answer = By curves

496.  Find the value of radius if the value of D is given as 23.76m.. 
A. 214.98m. 
B. 241.61m. 
C. 214.16m. 
D. 241.16m. 
Answer = 241.16m

497.  Find the value of length of the curve if the degree of curve is taken at 20m arc with an angle 42˚12ꞌ.. 
A. 24.9m. 
B. 24.2m. 
C. 42.2 m. 
D. 49.2m. 
Answer = 42.2 m

498.  The length of the chord must not be greater than one tenth of radius.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

499.  Using the degree of curvature, find the value of radius of curve if the distance is given as 24.65 m.. 
A. 64.49m. 
B. 46.49m. 
C. 46.94m. 
D. 64.94m. 
Answer = 46.49m
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