500+ Surveying MCQs - Civil Engineering

Surveying MCQs  Civil Engineering

 1. The correction for sag is_________________?. 
A. always additive
B. always subtractive
C. always zero
D. sometimes additive and sometimes subtractive. 
Answer = always subtractive

2. Which of the following methods of offsets involves less measurement on the ground?. 
A. method of perpendicular offsets
B. method of oblique offsets
C. method of ties
D. all involve equal measurement on the ground. 
Answer = method of perpendicular offsets

3. The allowable length of an offset depends upon the______________?. 
A. degree of accuracy required
B. method of setting out the perpendiculars and nature of ground
C. scale of plotting
D. all of the above. 
Answer = all of the above

4. For a well-conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than______________?. 
A. 20°
B. 30°
C. 45°
D. 60°. 
Answer = 30°

5. During chaining along a straight line, theleader of the party has 4 arrows in his hand while the follower has 6. Distance of the follower from the starting point is_____________?. 
A. 4 chains
B. 6 chains
C. 120 m
D. 180m. 
Answer = 6 chains

6. The angle of intersection of the two plane mirrors of an optical square is______________?. 
A. 30°
B. 45°
C. 60°
D. 90°. 
Answer = 45°

7. Which of the following angles can be set out with the help of French cross staff?. 
A. 45° only
B. 90° only
C. either 45° or 90°
D. any angle. 
Answer = either 45° or 90°

8. The permissible error in chaining for measurement with chain on rough or hilly ground is_____________?. 
A. 1 in 100
B. 1 in 250
C. 1 in 500
D. 1 in 1000. 
Answer = 1 in 250

9. Normal tension is that pull which_______________?. 
A. is used at the time of standardising the tape
B. neutralizes the effect due to pull and sag
C. makes the correction due to sag equal to zero
D. makes the correction due to pull equal to zero. 
Answer = neutralizes the effect due to pull and sag

10. If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted by______________?. 
A. straightening the links
B. removing one or more small circular rings
C. closing the joints of the rings if opened out
D. all of the above. 
Answer = straightening the links

11. Cross staff is an instrument used for________________?. 
A. measuring approximate horizontal angles
B. setting out right angles
C. measuring bearings of the lines
D. none of the above. 
Answer = setting out right angles

12. Which of the following is not used in measuring perpendicular offsets ?. 
A. line ranger
B. steel tape
C. optical square
D. cross staff. 
Answer = line ranger

13. The length of a chain is measured from_______________?. 
A. centre of one handle to centre of other handle
B. outside of one handle to outside of other handle
C. outside of one handle to inside of other handle
D. inside of one handle to inside of other handle. 
Answer = outside of one handle to outside of other handle

14. The maximum tolerance in a 20 m chain is_______________?. 
A. ±2 mm
B. ±3 mm
C. ±5 mm
D. ±8 mm. 
Answer = ±5 mm

15. Select the incorrect statement?. 
A. The true meridians at different places are parallel to each other
B. The true meridian at any place is not variable
C. The true meridians converge to a point in northern and southern hemispheres
D. The maps prepared by national survey departments of any country are based on true meridians. 
Answer = The true meridians at different places are parallel to each other

16. For accurate work, the steel band should always be used in preference to chain because the steel band______________?. 
A. is lighter than chain
B. is easier to handle
C. is practically inextensible and is not liable to kinks when in use
D. can be easily repaired in the field. 
Answer = is practically inextensible and is not liable to kinks when in use

17. In the prismatic compass______________?. 
A. the magnetic needle moves with the box
B. the line of the sight does not move with the box
C. the magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box
D. the graduated circle is fixed to the box and the magnetic needle always remains in the N-S direction. 
Answer = the magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box

18. In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293° 30′ can be expressed as______________?. 
A. W23°30'N
B. N66°30'W
C. S113°30'N
D. N23°30'W. 
Answer = N66°30'W

19. The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called______________?. 
A. azimuth
B. declination
C. local attraction
D. magnetic bearing. 
Answer = declination

20. Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due to________________?. 
A. incorrect levelling of the magnetic needle
B. loss of magnetism of the needle
C. friction of the needle at the pivot
D. presence of magnetic substances near the instrument. 
Answer = presence of magnetic substances near the instrument

21. A negative declination shows that the magnetic meridian is to the________________?. 
A. eastern side of the true meridian
B. western side of the true meridian
C. southern side of the true meridian
D. none of the above. 
Answer = western side of the true meridian

22. Agate cap is fitted with a_________________?. 
A. cross staff
B. level
C. chain
D. prismatic compass. 
Answer = prismatic compass

23. If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon in southern hemisphere is 167°, the magnetic declination at that place is________________?. 
A. 77° N
B. 23° S
C. 13° E
D. 13° W. 
Answer = 13° E

24. The process of turning the telescope about the vertical axis in horizontal plane is known as______________?. 
A. transiting
B. reversing
C. plunging
D. swinging. 
Answer = swinging

25. Which of the following is not the function of levelling head ?. 
A. to support the main part of the instrument
B. to attach the theodolite to the tripod
C. to provide a means for leveling the theodolite
D. none of the above. 
Answer = none of the above

26. A telescope is said to be inverted if its______________?. 
A. vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down
B. vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is up
C. vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is down
D. vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is up. 
Answer = vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down

27. Size of a theodolite is specified by________________?. 
A. the length of telescope
B. the diameter of vertical circle
C. the diameter of lower plate
D. the diameter of upper plate. 
Answer = the diameter of lower plate

28. If the lower clamp screw is tightened and upper clamp screw is loosened, the theodolite may be rotated____________?. 
A. on its outer spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and graduated scale of lower plate
B. on its outer spindle without a relative motion between the vernier and gra-duated scale of lower plate
C. on its inner spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate
D. on its inner spindle without a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate. 
Answer = on its inner spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate

29. For which of the following permanent adjustments of theodolite, the spire test is used ?. 
A. adjustment of plate levels
B. adjustment of line of sight
C. adjustment of horizontal axis
D. adjustment of altitude bubble and vertical index frame. 
Answer = adjustment of horizontal axis

30. Which of the following errors is not eliminated by the method of repetition of horizontal angle measurement ?. 
A. error due to eccentricity of verniers
B. error due to displacement of station signals
C. error due to wrong adjustment of line of collimation and trunnion axis
D. error due to inaccurate graduation. 
Answer = error due to displacement of station signals

31. The cross hairs in the surveying telescope are placed_____________?. 
A. midway between eye piece and objec¬tive lens
B. much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens
C. much closer to the objective lens than to the eye piece
D. anywhere between eye-piece and objective lens. 
Answer = much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens

32. The adjustment of horizontal cross hair is required particularly when the instrument is used for_____________?. 
A. leveling
B. prolonging a straight line
C. measurement of horizontal angles
D. all of the above. 
Answer = leveling

33. The error due to eccentricity of inner and outer axes can be eliminated by________________?. 
A. reading both verniers and taking the mean of the two
B. taking both face observations and taking the mean of the two
C. double sighting
D. taking mean of several readings distributed over different portions of the graduated circle. 
Answer = reading both verniers and taking the mean of the two

34. In an internal focussing type of telescope, the lens provided is_______________?. 
A. concave
B. convex
C. plano-convex
D. plano-concave. 
Answer = concave

35. The rise and fall method of levelling provides a complete check on_______________?. 
A. backsight
B. intermediate sight
C. foresight
D. all of the above. 
Answer = all of the above

36. A'level line'is a______________?. 
A. horizontal line
B. line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of earth
C. line passing through the center of cross hairs and the center of eye piece
D. line passing through the objective lens and the eye-piece of a dumpy or tilting level. 
Answer = line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of earth

37. The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be increased by________________?. 
A. increasing the diameter of the tube
B. decreasing the length of bubble
C. increasing the viscosity of liquid
D. decreasing the radius of curvature of tube. 
Answer = increasing the diameter of the tube

38. If the staff is not held vertical at a level¬ling station, the reduced level calculated from the observation would be_______________?. 
A. true R.L
B. more than true R.L
C. less than true R.L
D. none of the above. 
Answer = less than true R.L

39. Which of the following errors can be neutralised by setting the level midway between the two stations ?. 
A. error due to curvature only
B. error due to refraction only
C. error due to both curvature and re-fraction
D. none of the above. 
Answer = error due to both curvature and re-fraction

40. The rise and fall method_______________?. 
A. is less.accurate than height of instrument method
B. is not suitable for levelling with tilting levels
C. provides a check on the reduction of intermediate point levels
D. quicker and less tedious for large number of intermediate sights. 
Answer = provides a check on the reduction of intermediate point levels

41. The difference between a level line and a horizontal line is that_______________?. 
A. level line is a curved line while hori-zontal line is a straight line
B. level line is normal to plumb line while horizontal line may not be normal to plumb line at the tangent point to level line
C. horizontal line is normal to plumb line while level line may not be normal to the plumb line
D. both are same. 
Answer = level line is a curved line while hori-zontal line is a straight line

42. With the rise of temperature, the sensitivity of a bubble tube______________?. 
A. decreases
B. increases
C. remains unaffected
D. none of the above. 
Answer = decreases

43. The R.L, of the point A which is on the floor is 100 m and back sight reading on A is 2.455 m. If the foresight reading on the point B which is on the ceiling is 2.745 m, the R.L. of point B will be_______________?. 
A. 94.80 m
B. 99.71 m
C. 100.29 m
D. 105.20 m. 
Answer = 105.20 m

44. If the horizontal distance between the staff point and the point of observation is d, then the error due to curvature of earth is proportional to_______________?. 
A. d
B. 1/d
C. d2
D. 1/d2. 
Answer = d2

45. The suitable contour interval for a map with scale 1 : 10000 is______________?. 
A. 2 m
B. 5m
C. 10 m
D. 20 m. 
Answer = 2 m

46. Contour interval is_______________?. 
A. inversely proportional to the scale of the map
B. directly proportional to the flatness of ground
C. larger for accurate works
D. larger if the time available is more. 
Answer = inversely proportional to the scale of the map

47. Dumpy level is most suitable when______________?. 
A. the instrument is to be shifted frequently
B. fly levelling is being done over long distance
C. many readings are to be taken from a single setting of the instrument
D. all of the above. 
Answer = many readings are to be taken from a single setting of the instrument

48. Sensitiveness of a level tube is designated by______________?. 
A. radius of level tube
B. length of level tube
C. length of bubble of level tube
D. none of the above. 
Answer = radius of level tube

49. The difference of levels between two stations A and B is to be determined. For best results, the instrument station should be_______________?. 
A. equidistant from A and B
B. closer to the higher station
C. closer to the lower station
D. as far as possible from the line AB. 
Answer = equidistant from A and B

50. An imaginary line lying throughout the surface of ground and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal is known as__________________?. 
A. contour line
B. horizontal equivalent
C. contour interval
D. contour gradient. 
Answer = contour gradient

51. Select the correct statement_______________?. 
A. A contour is not necessarily a closed curve
B. A contour represents a ridge line if the concave side of lower value con¬tour lies towards the higher value contour
C. Two contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in case of an overhanging cliff
D. All of the above statements are correct. 
Answer = Two contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in case of an overhanging cliff

52. In direct method of contouring, the process of locating or identifying points lying on a contour is called_______________?. 
A. ranging
B. centring
C. horizontal control
D. vertical control. 
Answer = vertical control

53. Which of the following methods of con-touring is most suitable for a hilly terrain ?. 
A. direct method
B. square method
C. cross-sections method
D. tacheometric method. 
Answer = tacheometric method

54. Direct method of contouring is_________________?. 
A. a quick method
B. adopted for large surveys only
C. most accurate method
D. suitable for hilly terrains. 
Answer = most accurate method

55. Closed contours, with higher value inwards, represent a_______________?. 
A. depression
B. hillock
C. plain surface
D. none of the above. 
Answer = hillock

56. A series of closely spaced contour lines represents a___________________?. 
A. steep slope
B. gentle slope
C. uniform slope
D. plane surface. 
Answer = steep slope

57. Benchmark is established by________________?. 
A. hypsometry
B. barometric levelling
C. spirit levelling
D. trigonometrical levelling. 
Answer = spirit levelling

58. Intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for________________?. 
A. forests
B. urban areas
C. hilly areas
D. plains. 
Answer = hilly areas

59. Three point problem can be solved by_________________?. 
A. Tracing paper method
B. Bessels method
C. Lehman's method
D. all of the above. 
Answer = all of the above

60. The type of surveying which requires least office work is________________?. 
A. tacheomefry
B. trigonometrical levelling
C. plane table surveying
D. theodolite surveying. 
Answer = plane table surveying

61. Detailed plotting is generally done by________________?. 
A. radiation
B. traversing
C. resection
D. all of the above. 
Answer = radiation

62. The size of a plane table is________________?. 
A. 750 mm x 900 mm
B. 600 mm x 750 mm
C. 450 mm x 600 mm
D. 300 mm x 450 mm. 
Answer = 600 mm x 750 mm

63. The two point problem and three point problem are methods of________________?. 
A. resection
B. orientation
C. traversing
D. resection and orientation. 
Answer = resection and orientation

64. The process of determining the locations of the instrument station by drawing re sectors from the locations of the known stations is called_________________?. 
A. radiation
B. intersection
C. resection
D. traversing. 
Answer = resection

65. Bowditch rule is applied to_________________?. 
A. an open traverse for graphical adjustment
B. a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error
C. determine the effect of local attraction
D. none of the above. 
Answer = a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error

66. If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60°W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure respectively of the line AB will be________________?. 
A. +50 m, +86.6 m
B. +86.6 m, -50 m
C. +50m, -86.6 m
D. +70.7 m,-50 m. 
Answer = +86.6 m, -50 m

67. Which of the following methods of plane table surveying is used to locate the position of an inaccessible point ?. 
A. radiation
B. intersection
C. traversing
D. resection. 
Answer = intersection

68. Select the correct statement?. 
A. Contour interval on any map is kept constant
B. Direct method of contouring is cheap¬er than indirect method
C. Inter-visibility of points on a contour map cannot be ascertained
D. Slope of a hill cannot be determined with the help of contours. 
Answer = Contour interval on any map is kept constant

69. The instrument used for accurate centering in plane table survey is________________?. 
A. spirit level
B. alidade
C. plumbing fork
D. trough compass. 
Answer = plumbing fork

70. The resection by two point problem as compared to three point problem_______________?. 
A. gives more accurate problem
B. takes less time
C. requires more labour
D. none of the above. 
Answer = requires more labour

71. If in a closed traverse, the sum of the north latitudes is more than the sum of the south latitudes and also the sum of west departures is more than the sum of the east departures, the bearing of the closing line is in the________________?. 
A. NE quadrant
B. SE quadrant
C. NW quadrant
D. SW quadrant. 
Answer = SE quadrant

72. Transit rule of adjusting the consecutive coordinates of a traverse is used where________________?. 
A. linear and angular measurements of the traverse are of equal accuracy
B. angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements
C. linear measurements are more accurate than angular measurements
D. all of the above. 
Answer = angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements

73. Horizontal distances obtained by thermometric observations_________________?. 
A. require slope correction
B. require tension correction
C. require slope and tension corrections
D. do not require slope and tension corrections. 
Answer = do not require slope and tension corrections

74. Which of the following methods of theodolite traversing is suitable for locating the details which are far away from transit stations ?. 
A. measuring angle and distance from one transit station
B. measuring angles to the point from at least two stations
C. measuring angle at one station and distance from other
D. measuring distance from two points on traverse line. 
Answer = measuring angles to the point from at least two stations

75. The number of horizontal cross wires in a stadia diaphragm is ________________?. 
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four. 
Answer = three

76. For a tacheometer the additive and multi-plying constants are respectively________________?. 
A. 0 and 100
B. 100 and 0
C. 0 and 0
D. 100 and 100. 
Answer = 0 and 100

77. Different grades are joined together by a ________________?. 
A. compound curve
B. transition curve
C. reverse curve
D. vertical curve. 
Answer = vertical curve

78. If the focal length of the object glass is 25 cm and the distance from object glass to the trunnion axis is 15 cm, the additive constant is_______________?. 
A. 0.1
B. 0.4
C. 0.6
D. 1.33. 
Answer = 0.4

79. If the intercept on a vertical staff is ob-served as 0.75 m from a tacheometer, the horizontal distance between tacheometer and staff station is________________?. 
A. 7.5 m
B. 25 m
C. 50
D. 75 m. 
Answer = 75 m

80. Overturning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided by using ________________?. 
A. compound curve
B. vertical curve
C. reverse curve
D. transition curve. 
Answer = transition curve

81. Subtense bar is an instrument used for _______________?. 
A. levelling
B. measurement of horizontal distances in plane areas
C. measurement of horizontal distances in undulated areas
D. measurement of angles. 
Answer = measurement of horizontal distances in undulated areas

82. The angle between the prolongation of the preceding line and the forward line of a traverse is called ________________?. 
A. deflection angle
B. included angle
C. direct angle
D. none of the above. 
Answer = deflection angle

83.  Determining the relative positions of points on above or beneath the surface of the earth by means of direct or indirect measurements of distance and direction and elevation is called as _________. 
A. Surveying. 
B. Levelling. 
C. Measuring. 
D. Contouring. 
Answer = Surveying

84.  Finding the elevations of a point with respect to a given or assumed and establish points given elevation or at different elevations with respect to given or assumed dactum is ________. 
A. Surveying. 
B. Levelling. 
C. Bearing. 
D. Contouring. 
Answer = Levelling

85.  Type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane and the spheroidal shape is neglected called as ________. 
A. Topographic Surveying. 
B. Hydrographic Surveying. 
C. Geodetic Surveying. 
D. Plane Surveying
Answer = Plane Surveying 

86.  Type of surveying in which the shape of the earth taken into account is __________. 
A. Topographic Surveying. 
B. Hydrographic Surveying. 
C. Geodetic Surveying. 
D. Plane Surveying. 
Answer = Geodetic Surveying

87.  Horizontal projection of an area and shows only horizontal distances of the points is __________. 
A. Contour lines. 
B. Levelling. 
C. Surveying. 
D. Plan. 
Answer = Plan

88.  What type of surveys needs to fix the boundaries of municipalities and of state and federal jurisdictions?. 
A. Topographic Surveying. 
B. Hydrographic Surveying. 
C. Cadastral Surveying. 
D. City Surveying. 
Answer = Cadastral Surveying

89.  Determining the absolute location of any point or the absolute location and direction of any line on the surface of the earth is called _______. 
A. Topographic Surveying. 
B. Astronomical Surveying. 
C. Cadastral Surveying. 
D. Hydrographic Surveying. 
Answer = Astronomical Surveying

90.  Determining different strata in the earth's crust is called as_______. 
A. Mine Survey. 
B. Geological Survey. 
C. Geodetic Survey. 
D. Archaeological Survey. 
Answer = Geological Survey

91.  Determining unearthing relics of antiquity is called as_______. 
A. Mine Survey. 
B. Geological Survey. 
C. Geodetic Survey. 
D. Archaeological Survey. 
Answer = Archaeological Survey

92.  In which surveying, shape of earth is taken into consideration?. 
A. Plane surveying. 
B. Geodic surveying. 
C. Topographic surveying. 
D. Geological surveying. 
Answer = Geodic surveying

93.  Representing large scale on the surface of the earth is____________. 
A. Plan. 
B. Map. 
C. Scale. 
D. Area. 
Answer = Plan

94.  Which of the following units measurement system is generally employed?. 
A. Centesimal system. 
B. Hours system. 
C. Minutes system. 
D. Sexagesimal system. 
Answer = Sexagesimal system

95.  The ratio of map distance to corresponding ground distance  is called as__________. 
A. Representative factor. 
B. Representation factor. 
C. Reciprocating factor. 
D. Recurring factor. 
Answer = Representative factor

96. Which among the following scales is used to determine the original scale when the plan on the drawing sheet shrinks due to atmospheric conditions?. 
A. Vernier scale. 
B. Plane scale. 
C. Shrunk scale. 
D. Diagonal scale. 
Answer = Shrunk scale

97. Which among the following methods is used for determining the precise position on the earth surface?. 
A. Geological surveying. 
B. Geodic surveying. 
C. Land surveying. 
D. Plane Surveying. 
Answer = Geodic surveying

98. Which among the following is one of the principles of surveying?. 
A. Taking measurements. 
B. Covering entire area. 
C. Determining the elevation differences. 
D. Working from whole to part. 
Answer = Working from whole to part

99. Design a vernier for a theodolite circle divided into degrees and one fourth degrees to read to 20ꞌꞌ.. 
A. 55.0. 
B. 45.0. 
C. 65.0. 
D. 35.0. 
Answer = 45.0

100.  Horizontal angle measured clockwise from geographic meridian to the direction of progress of a line is known as _______. 
A. Horizontal meridian. 
B. Vertical meridian. 
C. Azimuth. 
D. Horizontal bearing. 
Answer = Azimuth

101. The formula for shrunk scale can be given as___________. 
A. Original scale*shrinking factor. 
B. Shrunk scale*shrinking factor. 
C. Vernier scale* shrinking factor. 
D. Diagonal scale* shrinking factor. 
Answer = Original scale*shrinking factor

102.  Which of the following is made in connection with the construction of streets, water supply systems, sewers?. 
A. Traverse surveying. 
B. Hydrographic surveying. 
C. Cadastral surveying. 
D. City surveying. 
Answer = City surveying

103.  Which of the following is classification based on the instrument used?. 
A. Topographic surveying. 
B. Hydrographic surveying. 
C. Cadastral surveying. 
D. Traverse surveying. 
Answer = Traverse surveying

104.  Determining points of strategic importance are called _______. 
A. Topographic surveying. 
B. City surveying. 
C. Military surveying. 
D. Traverse surveying
Answer = Military surveying

105.  For exploring mineral wealth which type of surveying is used?. 
A. Topographic surveying. 
B. Engineering surveying. 
C. Military surveying. 
D. Mine surveying. 
Answer = Mine surveying

106.  Determining quantities or afford sufficient data for the designing of works such as roads and reservoirs is called _______. 
A. Topographic surveying. 
B. Engineering surveying. 
C. City surveying. 
D. Cadastral surveying. 
Answer = Engineering surveying

107.  What consists of a horizontal and vertical location of certain points by linear and angular measurements and is made to determine the natural features of a country such as rivers, streams?. 
A. Topographic surveying. 
B. Engineering surveying. 
C. City surveying. 
D. Cadastral surveying. 
Answer = Topographic surveying

108.  Which of the following is classification based on the nature of the field survey?. 
A. Topographic surveying. 
B. Mine surveying. 
C. Military surveying. 
D. Chain surveying. 
Answer = Topographic surveying

109.  Which of the following is not a classification based on instruments used or methods employed?. 
A. Chain surveying. 
B. Topographic surveying. 
C. Traverse surveying. 
D. Aerial surveying. 
Answer = Topographic surveying

110.  A survey which deals with bodies of water for purpose of navigation, water supply, harbor works or for the determination of mean sea level is ________. 
A. Topographic surveying. 
B. Hydrographic surveying. 
C. Cadastral surveying. 
D. City surveying. 
Answer = Hydrographic surveying

111.  Which of the following is not among the methods of linear measurements?. 
A. Direct measurements. 
B. Measurements by optical means. 
C. Indirect measurements. 
D. Electromagnetic methods or EDM. 
Answer = Indirect measurements

112.  Which of the following is not a method of measuring the distances directly?. 
A. Pacing. 
B. Measurement with passometer. 
C. Measurement with pedometer. 
D. Measurement with theodolite. 
Answer = Measurement with theodolite

113.  In which method measurements of distances is chiefly confined to the preliminary surveys and explorations where a surveyor is called upon to make a rough survey as quickly as possible?. 
A. Chaining. 
B. Pacing. 
C. Measurements with passometer. 
D. Measurements with theodolite. 
Answer = Pacing

114.  Which of the following measurements varies with an individual before computing the length of line?. 
A. Chaining. 
B. Pacing. 
C. Levelling. 
D. Contouring. 
Answer = Pacing

115.  Which method consists in counting the number of paces between the two points of a line?. 
A. Chaining. 
B. Pacing. 
C. Levelling. 
D. Contouring. 
Answer = Pacing

116.  Pacing is difficult in   _______. 
A. Smooth surfaces. 
B. Plain areas. 
C. Rough ground. 
D. Plateaus. 
Answer = Rough ground

117.  Instrument shaped like a watch and is carried in pocket or attached to one leg is _______. 
A. Pedometer. 
B. Odometer. 
C. Passometer. 
D. Speedometer. 
Answer = Passometer

118.  Which instrument mechanism is operated by motion of the body and it automatically registers the number of paces, thus avoiding the monotony and strain of counting the paces, by the surveyor?. 
A. Passometer. 
B. Pedometer. 
C. Odometer. 
D. Chaining. 
Answer = Passometer

119.  Which instrument registers total distance covered by any number of pace?. 
A. Passometer. 
B. Pedometer. 
C. Odometer. 
D. Chaining. 
Answer = Pedometer

120.   Instrument for registering the number of revolutions of a wheel is _____. 
A. Odometer. 
B. Pedometer. 
C. Pedometer. 
D. Chaining. 
Answer = Odometer

121.  Most accurate method of direct measuring is with ________. 
A. Passometer. 
B. Pedometer. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Chaining. 
Answer = Chaining

122.  Which of the following is not under direct measurement?. 
A. Pacing. 
B. Chaining. 
C. Taping. 
D. Triangulation. 
Answer = Triangulation

123.  What is required to transfer points to the ground, while chaining along the sloping ground?. 
A. Spirit level. 
B. Plumb bob. 
C. Butt rod. 
D. Pegs. 
Answer = Plumb bob

124. What is used for measuring offsets, but it is often used by building surveyors or architects?. 
A. Plum bob. 
B. Butt rod. 
C. Pegs. 
D. Laths. 
Answer = Butt rod

125. What is used in centering aid in theodolites, compass, plane table and variety of other surveying instruments?. 
A. Butt rod. 
B. Whites. 
C. Laths. 
D. Plumb bob. 
Answer = Plumb bob

126.  Chains are made up of ______. 
A. High steel carbon. 
B. Galvanized mild steel. 
C. Copper coated iron. 
D. Iron. 
Answer = Galvanized mild steel

127.  The distance between the centers of two consecutive middle rings is _______. 
A. Chain length. 
B. Chain effective length. 
C. Effective link length. 
D. Link length. 
Answer = Link length

128.  The length of the chain is measured from the outside of one handle to the ___________ of the other handle.. 
A. Inside. 
B. Outside. 
C. Centre. 
D. Before one link. 
Answer = Outside

129.  Metric chains are generally available in _________. 
A. 15m. 
B. 120m. 
C. 20m. 
D. 25m. 
Answer = 20m

130.  Tallies are fixed at every _______ metre length for chains of 10m length.. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 2.5. 
D. 0.5. 
Answer = 1.0

131.  What is provided at every meter in case of 20m and 30m chains?. 
A. Tallies. 
B. Pegs. 
C. Arrows. 
D. Brass rings. 
Answer = Brass rings

132.  The letter ‘m' marked on the tallies refers to _____. 
A. Metre. 
B. Metric chain. 
C. Non Metric chain. 
D. Mild steel. 
Answer = Metric chain

133.  Length of each link in metric chain is ________. 
A. 1m. 
B. 2m. 
C. 0.5m. 
D. 0.1m. 
Answer = 1m

134.  Length of Gunter's chain is ______. 
A. 10ft. 
B. 33ft. 
C. 66ft. 
D. 100ft. 
Answer = 66ft

135.  Length of each link in Gunter's chain is ______. 
A. 7.92 ft. 
B. 0.6 inch. 
C. 7.92 inch. 
D. 0.6 m. 
Answer = 7.92 inch

136.  One furlong is equal to ________ Gunter's chains.. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 10.0. 
C. 66.0. 
D. 80.0. 
Answer = 10.0

137.  How many number of links in case of Gunter's chain?. 
A. 66.0. 
B. 100.0. 
C. 50.0. 
D. 80.0. 
Answer = 100.0

138.  One mile is equal to _______ Gunter's chains.. 
A. 10.0. 
B. 66.0. 
C. 80.0. 
D. 79.0. 
Answer = 80.0

139. Length of engineer's chain _______. 
A. 66ft. 
B. 100ft. 
C. 66m. 
D. 100m. 
Answer = 100ft

140. How many number of links are there in engineer's chain?. 
A. 10.0. 
B. 100.0. 
C. 50.0. 
D. 66.0. 
Answer = 100.0

141.  What is the length of the revenue chain?. 
A. 100ft. 
B. 33ft. 
C. 66ft. 
D. 50ft. 
Answer = 33ft

142.  How many numbers of links in case of revenue chain?. 
A. 10.0. 
B. 12.0. 
C. 16.0. 
D. 33.0. 
Answer = 16.0

143.  What is the length of each link in case of revenue chain?. 
A. 1 ft. 
B. 2 ft. 
C. 2.0625 ft. 
D. 1.0625ft. 
Answer = 2.0625 ft

144.  Cloth tapes of closely woven linen, 12 to 15 mm wide varnished to resist _______. 
A. Shrinkage. 
B. Heat due to sunlight. 
C. Moisture. 
D. Rusting. 
Answer = Moisture

145.  Which of the following tape is not made?. 
A. Linen tape. 
B. Invar tape. 
C. Steel tape. 
D. Iron tape. 
Answer = Iron tape

146.  What are used after every chain length measured on the ground?. 
A. Pegs. 
B. Ranging rods. 
C. Arrows. 
D. Offset rods. 
Answer = Arrows

147.  Length of arrow may vary from _______ to ______. 
A. 25 cm to 30 cm. 
B. 20 cm to 50 cm. 
C. 35 cm to 50 cm. 
D. 25 cm to 50 cm. 
Answer = 25 cm to 50 cm

148.  Diameter of ring of arrow is ________. 
A. 50 mm. 
B. 25 mm. 
C. 30 mm. 
D. 25 mm. 
Answer = 50 mm

149.  What are used to mark the positions of the stations or terminal points of a survey line?. 
A. Arrows. 
B. Pegs. 
C. Ranging rods. 
D. Offset rods. 
Answer = Pegs

150.  Pegs are driven in the ground with the help of a wooden hammer and kept about _________ cm projecting above the surface?. 
A. 3 cm. 
B. 2 cm. 
C. 1 cm. 
D. 4 cm. 
Answer = 4 cm

151.  What is the length of Ranging rod commonly used?. 
A. 2 m. 
B. 3 m. 
C. 4 m. 
D. 5 m. 
Answer = 2 m

152.  What is the length of each band in ranging rod?. 
A. 10 cm. 
B. 20 cm. 
C. 30 cm. 
D. 40 cm. 
Answer = 20 cm

153.  Rods are almost invisible at a distance of about ______. 
A. 100 m. 
B. 50 m. 
C. 150 m. 
D. 200 m. 
Answer = 200 m

154. Which of the following is used for Ranging out a line when crossing a depression from which the forward rod is invisible, or when it is hidden by the obstacles, such as hedges?. 
A. Peg. 
B. Ranging rods. 
C. Butt rod. 
D. Latha. 
Answer = Latha

155. Pieces of sharpened thin sticks cut from the nearest edge, and are used for the same purpose as the laths are called _______. 
A. Pegs. 
B. Whites. 
C. Butt rod. 
D. Plumb bob. 
Answer = Whites

156.  Process of fixing or establishing intermediate points is known as _______. 
A. Chaining. 
B. Ranging. 
C. Contouring. 
D. Levelling. 
Answer = Ranging

157.  Direct ranging is done when the two ends of the survey lines are _______. 
A. Invisible. 
B. Intervisible. 
C. Visible from a particular point. 
D. Faraway from each other. 
Answer = Intervisible

158.  If rapid sweep with right hand signaled by surveyor then action by the assistant is _______. 
A. Move slowly to the right. 
B. Move considerably to the right. 
C. Continue to move to the right. 
D. Plumb the rod to the right. 
Answer = Move considerably to the right

159.  If right hand extended by surveyor then action by the assistant should be ______. 
A. Move slowly to the right. 
B. Move considerably to the right. 
C. Continue to move to the right. 
D. Plumb the rod to the right. 
Answer = Continue to move to the right

160.  Right arm up and moved to the right by the surveyor then the action of assistant should be ________. 
A. Move slowly to the right. 
B. Move considerably to the right. 
C. Continue to move to the right. 
D. Plumb the rod to the right. 
Answer = Plumb the rod to the right

161.  If both hands above head and then brought down by the surveyor then the action of assistant is _________. 
A. Move slowly forward. 
B. Move considerably backward. 
C. Correct. 
D. Wrong. 
Answer = Move considerably backward

162.  The more experienced of the chainmen should be ________. 
A. Rear end. 
B. Intermediate end. 
C. Final end. 
D. Leader. 
Answer = Rear end

163.  The chainmen keeps both the handles in the right hand and throws the rest of the portion of the chain in the forward direction with his right hand to _________. 
A. Mark the chain. 
B. Line the chain. 
C. Unfold the chain. 
D. Fold the chain. 
Answer = Unfold the chain

164.  If rapid sweep with left hand by surveyor then action by assistant is ________. 
A. Move slowly to the left. 
B. Move considerably to the left. 
C. Continue to move to the left. 
D. Plumb the rod to the left. 
Answer = Move considerably to the left

165.  If left hand is extended by surveyor then action by the assistant should be _________. 
A. Move slowly to the left. 
B. Move considerably to the left. 
C. Continue to move to the left. 
D. Plumb the rod to the left. 
Answer = Continue to move to the left

166.  Left arm up and moved to the left by the surveyor then action of assistant should be __________. 
A. Move slowly to the left. 
B. Move considerably to the left. 
C. Continue to move to the left. 
D. Plumb the rod to the left. 
Answer = Plumb the rod to the left

167.  Slow sweep with the left hand is signal by a surveyor, action by the assistant is ________. 
A. Move slowly to the left. 
B. Move considerably to the left. 
C. Continue to move to the left. 
D. Plumb the rod to the left. 
Answer = Move slowly to the left

168.  Slow sweep with the right hand is signal by a surveyor, action by the assistant is _________. 
A. Move slowly to the right. 
B. Move considerably to the right. 
C. Continue to move to the right. 
D. Plumb the rod to the right. 
Answer = Move slowly to the right

169.  Both arms extended forward horizontally and the hands depressed briskly is the signal by surveyor then the action of the assistant should be ______. 
A. Move slowly forward. 
B. Fix the rod. 
C. Correct. 
D. Wrong. 
Answer = Fix the rod

170.  What type of ranging is done if both ends of surveying lines are visible?. 
A. Direct. 
B. Indirect. 
C. Reciprocal. 
D. Unable to do. 
Answer = Direct

171.  What is resorted when both the ends of the survey line are not intervisible?. 
A. Direct. 
B. Indirect. 
C. Irreciprocal. 
D. Unable to do. 
Answer = Indirect

172.  Degree of accuracy for Invar tape, spring balance is _____. 
A. 1 in 100. 
B. 1 in 1000. 
C. 1 in 10,000. 
D. 1 in 10. 
Answer = 1 in 10,000

173.  Degree of accuracy for steel tape, Plumb bob is _______. 
A. 1 in 100. 
B. 1 in 1000. 
C. 1 in 10,000. 
D. 1 in 10. 
Answer = 1 in 1000

174.  Degree of accuracy for tested chain is _________. 
A. 1 in 100. 
B. 1 in 1000. 
C. 1 in 10,000. 
D. 1 in 10. 
Answer = 1 in 1000

175.  Degree of accuracy for chain under the average condition is _______. 
A. 1 in 500. 
B. 1 in 50,000. 
C. 1 in 5000. 
D. 1 in 50. 
Answer = 1 in 500

176.  Degree of accuracy for a chain on rough or hilly ground is _________. 
A. 1 in 500. 
B. 1 in 2500. 
C. 1 in 350. 
D. 1 in 250. 
Answer = 1 in 250

177.  The length of a line measured with a 20 m chain was found to be 250 m. Calculate the true length of the line if the chain was 10 cm too long.. 
A. 252.25 m. 
B. 251.25 m. 
C. 225.25 m. 
D. 221.25 m. 
Answer = 251.25 m

178.  The length of a survey line was measured with a 20 m chain and was found to be equal to 1200 m. If the length again measured with 25 m chain it is 1212 m. On comparing the 20 m chain with the test gauge, it was found to be 1 decimeter too long. Find the actual length of 25 m chain used.. 
A. 22.25 m. 
B. 21.64 m. 
C. 24.25 m. 
D. 24. 88 m. 
Answer = 24. 88 m

179.  A surveyor measured the distance between two points on the plan drawn to a scale of 1 cm is equal 40 m and the result was 468 m. But, actual scale is 1 cm = 20 m. Find the true distance between the two points.. 
A. 992 m. 
B. 936 m. 
C. 987 m. 
D. 967 m. 
Answer = 936 m

180.  If L is true length of chain and L' is incorrect length of the chain the correction to area A is_________(Where ∆L/L = e, e is small and A' is measured area ). 
A. 1+2e A'. 
B. (1+2e)/A'. 
C. (1+2e) x A'. 
D. (1+ e)xA'. 
Answer = (1+2e) x A'

181.  If L is true length of chain and L' is incorrect length of the chain the correction to Volume V is_______(Where ∆L/L = e, e is small and V' is measured area ). 
A. 1+3e)+ V'. 
B. (1+3e)/V'. 
C. (1+3e)xV'. 
D. (1+ e) ×V'. 
Answer = (1+3e)xV'

182.  The difference between a measurement and the true value of the quantity measured is _____. 
A. True error. 
B. Discrepancy. 
C. Limit of error. 
D. Accuracy. 
Answer = True error

183.  The difference between the two measured values of the same quantity is ______. 
A. Precision. 
B. Accuracy. 
C. Discrepancy. 
D. Error. 
Answer = Discrepancy

184.  Which of the following is not sources of errors?. 
A. Instrumental. 
B. Personal. 
C. Natural. 
D. Artificial. 
Answer = Artificial

185.  A tape may be too long or an angle measuring instrument may be out of adjustment. Then such type of error comes under which source of error?. 
A. Instrumental. 
B. Personal. 
C. Natural. 
D. Artificial. 
Answer = Instrumental

186.  Investigation of observations of various types shows that accidental errors follow a definite law. This law is called ______. 
A. Law of probability. 
B. Law of recurrence. 
C. Law of precise. 
D. Law of accuracy. 
Answer = Law of probability

187.  A line which joins subsidiary stations on the main line is called _____. 
A. Tie line. 
B. Survey lines. 
C. Base lines. 
D. Check lines. 
Answer = Tie line

188.  In which type of surveying only linear measurements are made?. 
A. Contouring. 
B. Chain surveying. 
C. Theodolite surveying. 
D. Dumpy level. 
Answer = Chain surveying

189.  A survey station is prominent on the chain line and can be either at the beginning of the chain or at the end. Such stations are known as ______. 
A. Main station. 
B. Tie station. 
C. Subsidiary station. 
D. Intermediate station. 
Answer = Main station

190.  What is laid by joining the apex of the triangle to any point on the opposite side or by joining two points on any two sides of a triangle?. 
A. Check line. 
B. Base line. 
C. Tie line. 
D. Survey line. 
Answer = Check line

191.  The accuracy in the location of the objects depends upon the accuracy in laying the ________. 
A. Check line. 
B. Base line. 
C. Tie line. 
D. Survey line. 
Answer = Check line

192.  Survey stations must be mutually visible to obtain a good system of line.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

193.  In case, to get a well-proportioned or well-shaped triangle, no angle should be less than _________. 
A. 15°. 
B. 30°. 
C. 45°. 
D. 25°. 
Answer = 30°

194.  Each triangle or portion of a skeleton must be provided with sufficient tie lines to obtain good system of lines.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

195.  As far as possible, the main survey line should not pass through _____. 
A. Road. 
B. Check line. 
C. Obstacles. 
D. Tie line. 
Answer = Obstacles

196.  Check lines should form well-conditioned triangles to obtain a good system of survey lines.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

197.  The simplest instrument used for setting right angles is a _____. 
A. Cross staff. 
B. Optical square. 
C. Prism square. 
D. Site square. 
Answer = Cross staff

198.  Which of the following is not a common form of cross staff?. 
A. Open cross staff. 
B. French cross staff. 
C. Adjustable cross staff. 
D. German cross staff. 
Answer = German cross staff

199.  Which cross staff consists of two cylinders of equal diameter placed one on top of the other?. 
A. Open cross staff. 
B. French cross staff. 
C. Adjustable cross staff. 
D. Optical square. 
Answer = Adjustable cross staff

200.  Prism square works on the same principle as that of _______. 
A. Cross staff. 
B. Open cross staff. 
C. Optical square. 
D. Site square. 
Answer = Optical square

201.  What are used to mark the positions of the stations or terminal points of survey line?. 
A. Arrows. 
B. Pegs. 
C. Ranging rods. 
D. Plumb bob. 
Answer = Pegs

202.  Which cross staff consists of two pairs of vertical slits giving two lines of sights at right angles to each other?. 
A. Open cross staff. 
B. French cross staff. 
C. Adjustable cross staff. 
D. In all types. 
Answer = Open cross staff

203.  Which cross staff consists of a hollow octagonal box?. 
A. Open cross staff. 
B. French cross staff. 
C. Adjustable cross staff. 
D.  Optical square. 
Answer = French cross staff

204.  How many number of arrows are required for chain surveying?. 
A. 10.0. 
B. 5.0. 
C. 15.0. 
D. 20.0. 
Answer = 10.0

205.  What are used after every chain length measured on the ground?. 
A. Pegs. 
B. Ranging rods. 
C. Arrows. 
D. Offset rods. 
Answer = Arrows

206.  What can be used in conjunction with a datum rod into the base of the instrument?. 
A. Cross staff. 
B. Open cross staff. 
C. Optical square. 
D. Site square. 
Answer = Site square

207.  Which of the following contains two plane mirrors or two right angles isosceles prisms placed one above the other?. 
A. Prism square. 
B. Line ranger. 
C. French staff. 
D. Optical square. 
Answer = Line ranger

208.  Which of the following consists of two laths, each of 1 yard or 1m in length loosely riveted together?. 
A. Whites. 
B. Laths. 
C. Butt rod. 
D. Offset rods. 
Answer = Butt rod

209.  Which of the following is not required for chain surveying?. 
A. 20 m chain. 
B. Arrows. 
C. Dumpy level. 
D. Pegs. 
Answer = Dumpy level

210.  Marking the survey stations in soft ground is done by _____. 
A. Nails. 
B. Spikes. 
C. Wooden pegs. 
D. Butt rods. 
Answer = Wooden pegs

211.  Which of the following is the sighting device?. 
A. Compass. 
B. Spirit level. 
C. Plumbing fork. 
D. Alidade. 
Answer = Alidade

212.  Which of the following is not a sighting device?. 
A. Theodolite. 
B. Alidade. 
C. Dumpy level. 
D. Spirit level. 
Answer = Spirit level

213.  Which of the following is used for the orientation of the table?. 
A. Compass. 
B. Spirit level. 
C. Dumpy level. 
D. Alidade. 
Answer = Compass

214.  What is the size of the Johnson table?. 
A. 45 x 60 cm. 
B. 55 x 60 cm. 
C. 45 x 50 cm. 
D. 55 x 50 cm. 
Answer = 45 x 60 cm

215.  What instrument is used for centering the table?. 
A. Compass. 
B. Spirit level. 
C. Plumbing fork. 
D. Alidade. 
Answer = Plumbing fork

216.  Which of the following is the superior table?. 
A. Traverse table. 
B. Johnson table. 
C. Coast survey table. 
D. Plane table. 
Answer = Coast survey table

217.  In which of the following case to mark a survey station, a portion may be dug and filled with cement motor?. 
A. Soft grounds. 
B. Hard grounds. 
C. Pavements. 
D. In all cases. 
Answer = Hard grounds

218.  In soft ground, spikes or nails are driven into the ground it comes under which step of surveying?. 
A. Running survey line. 
B. Reconnaissance. 
C. Selecting. 
D. Marking. 
Answer = Marking

219.  What is the first principle of surveying?. 
A. Part to whole. 
B. Whole to part. 
C. Whole to whole. 
D. Part to part. 
Answer = Whole to part

220.  In which of the following steps does a reference sketch of the ground should be prepared?. 
A. Marking. 
B. Fixing survey stations. 
C. Reconnaissance. 
D. Running survey lines. 
Answer = Reconnaissance

221.  Which of the following should be examined by surveyor before selecting the stations?. 
A. Intervisibility. 
B. Shearing stress. 
C. Ultimate strength. 
D. Porousness. 
Answer = Intervisibility

222.  What is the immediate procedure after selecting survey stations?. 
A. Reconnaissance. 
B. Marking. 
C. Fixing. 
D. Running survey lines. 
Answer = Marking

223.  What is driven or filled in the soft ground during marking of survey stations?. 
A. Wooden pegs. 
B. Spikes. 
C. Nails. 
D. Cement motar. 
Answer = Wooden pegs

224.  What is driven or filled or embedded in the roads during marking of survey stations?. 
A. Wooden pegs. 
B. Spikes. 
C. Standard shape. 
D. Cement motar. 
Answer = Spikes

225.  What is used for marking the stations which can be used for a very long time?. 
A. Wooden pegs. 
B. Spikes. 
C. Standard shape stone. 
D. Cement motar. 
Answer = Standard shape stone

226.  What is the last step in chain surveying?. 
A. Reconnaissance. 
B. Marking. 
C. Fixing. 
D. Running survey lines. 
Answer = Running survey lines

227.  What is the prominent point on the chain line and can be either at the beginning of the chain line or at the end?. 
A. Subsidiary station. 
B. Surveyor station. 
C. Main station. 
D. Tie stations. 
Answer = Main station

228.  The book in which the chain or tape measurements are entered is called the _______. 
A. Assistant book. 
B. Surveyor book. 
C. Field book. 
D. Survey book. 
Answer = Field book

229.  What is the size of a field book?. 
A. 20 cm x 20 cm. 
B. 25 cm x 20 cm. 
C. 20 cm x 25 cm. 
D. 25 cm x 25 cm. 
Answer = 20 cm x 20 cm

230.  The chain line may be represented either by a single line or by two lines spaced about ____ to  _____ cm apart.. 
A. 1.5 to 2. 
B. 2 to 3. 
C. 1.5 to 2.5. 
D. 2.5 to 3.5. 
Answer = 1.5 to 2

231.  Which of the following details need not be given at the beginning of a particular chain survey?. 
A. Date of survey. 
B. Names of surveyors. 
C. Details of survey lines. 
D. Type of soil. 
Answer = Type of soil

232.  Which of the following details need not be given at the beginning of a particular chain survey lines?. 
A. Name of the line. 
B. Name of the station marked. 
C. Bearing of the line. 
D. Length of line. 
Answer = Length of line

233.  At what step of chain surveying surveyor should investigate various difficulties that may arise and think of their solution?. 
A. Before selecting survey stations. 
B. after selecting survey stations. 
C. During reconnaissance. 
D. After marking survey stations. 
Answer = Before selecting survey stations

234.  Whenever possible, a survey station must be fixed with reference to a minimum ____ number of permanent objects.. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 3.0. 
D. 4.0. 
Answer = 2.0

235.  The work in running a survey line is ____________ fold.. 
A. one. 
B. two. 
C. three. 
D. four. 
Answer = two

236.  An offset is laid out 2° from its true direction on the field. If the scale of plotting is 10 m to 1 cm, find the maximum length of the offset so that the displacement of the point on the paper may not exceed 0.25 mm?. 
A. 7.10 m. 
B. 7.16 m. 
C. 7.11 m. 
D. 7.14 m. 
Answer = 7.16 m

237.  What is the lateral distance of an object or ground feature measured from a survey line?. 
A. Offset. 
B. Perpendicular distance. 
C. Side distance. 
D. Perpendicular offset. 
Answer = Offset

238.  An offset is laid out 6° from its true direction on the field. Find the resulting displacement of the plotted point on the paper in a direction parallel to the chain line? (Given the length of offset is 10 m and scale is 5 m to 1 cm). 
A. 0.209 cm. 
B. 0.260 cm. 
C. 0.0109 cm. 
D. 0.910 cm. 
Answer = 0.209 cm

239.  An offset is laid out 6° from its true direction on the field. Find the resulting displacement of the plotted point on the paper in a direction perpendicular to the chain line? ( given length of offset is 10 m and scale is 5 m to 1 cm). 
A. 0.209 cm. 
B. 0.260 cm. 
C. 0.0109 cm. 
D. 0.910 cm. 
Answer = 0.0109 cm

240.  An offset is laid out 1° 30′ from its true direction on the field. Find the degree of accuracy with which the offset should be measured so that the maximum displacement of the point on the paper from both sources may be equal?. 
A. 1 in 38. 
B. 1 in 39. 
C. 1 in 36. 
D. 1 in 37. 
Answer = 1 in 39

241.  An offset is measured with an accuracy of 1 in 40. If the scale of plotting is 1 cm = 20 m, find the limiting length of the offset so that the displacement of the point on the paper from both sources of error may not exceed 0.25 mm?. 
A. 14.10 m. 
B. 14.14 m. 
C. 14.40 m. 
D. 14.44 m. 
Answer = 14.14 m

242.  What triangles are generally preferred to get good results in plotting?. 
A. Isosceles. 
B. Obtuse angled. 
C. Equilateral. 
D. Acute angle. 
Answer = Equilateral

243.  The line must run through level ground as possible is the condition to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

244.  The main lines should form well-conditioned triangles is the condition to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

245.  Survey lines must be as few as possible is the condition to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

246.  As far as possible main survey lines should pass through the obstacles to get know how many obstacles present.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

247.  How many kinds of obstacles of chaining are there?. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 5.0. 
Answer = 3.0

248.  Which of the following is not one among the three major kinds of obstacles of chaining?. 
A. obstacles to ranging. 
B. obstacles to chaining. 
C. obstacles to levelling. 
D. obstacles to ranging and chaining. 
Answer = obstacles to levelling

249.  Both ends of the lines may be visible from intermediate points on the line. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?. 
A. obstacles to ranging but not chaining. 
B. obstacles to chaining but not ranging. 
C. obstacles to levelling. 
D. obstacles to ranging and chaining. 
Answer = obstacles to ranging but not chaining

250.  When it is possible to chain round the obstacle, i.e a pond, hedge etc. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?. 
A. obstacles to ranging but not chaining. 
B. obstacles to chaining but not ranging. 
C. obstacles to levelling. 
D. obstacles to ranging and chaining. 
Answer = obstacles to chaining but not ranging

251.  Both ends of the line may not be visible from intermediate points on the line. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?. 
A. obstacles to ranging but not chaining. 
B. obstacles to chaining but not ranging. 
C. obstacles to levelling. 
D. obstacles to ranging and chaining. 
Answer = obstacles to ranging but not chaining

252.  When it is not possible to chain round the obstacle e.g. a river. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?. 
A. obstacles to ranging but not chaining. 
B. obstacles to chaining but not ranging. 
C. obstacles to levelling. 
D. obstacles to ranging and chaining. 
Answer = obstacles to chaining but not ranging

253.  To continue a survey line AB past an obstacle, a line BC 100 m long was set out perpendicular to AB and from C angles BCD and BCE were set out at 60° and 45° respectively. Determine the lengths which must be chained off along CD in order that ED may be in AB produced?. 
A. 100 m. 
B. 200 m. 
C. 300 m. 
D. 400 m. 
Answer = 200 m

254.  To continue a survey line AB past an obstacle, a line BC 100 m long was set out perpendicular to AB and from C angles BCD and BCE were set out at 60° and 45° respectively. Determine the lengths which must be chained off along CE in order that ED may be in AB produced?. 
A. 141.42 m. 
B. 282.84 m. 
C. 140.14 m. 
D. 267.7 m. 
Answer = 141.42 m

255.  To continue a survey line AB past an obstacle, a line BC 300 m long was set out perpendicular to AB and from C angles BCD and BCE were set out at 60° and 45° respectively. Determine the the obstructed length BE?. 
A. 250 m. 
B. 600 m. 
C. 452.28 m. 
D. 300 m. 
Answer = 300 m

256.  If we select two points A and B on either side of obstacle and equal perpendiculars AC and BD are set out. Then AB is equal to?. 
A. AC. 
B. CD. 
C. DA. 
D. BD. 
Answer = CD

257.  The direction of a survey line can either be established with relation to _______. 
A. each other. 
B. main station. 
C. arrows. 
D. tie station. 
Answer = each other

258.  What is the direction of line relative to a given meridian?. 
A. Bearing of a line. 
B. Length of a line. 
C. Slope of a line. 
D. Reciprocal of slope of a line. 
Answer = Bearing of a line

259.  Which line passes through true north and true south?. 
A. True Meridian. 
B. Magnetic Meridian. 
C. Arbitrary Meridian. 
D. Dip. 
Answer = True Meridian

260.  Which meridian direction can be established with the help of a magnetic compass?. 
A. True Meridian. 
B. Magnetic Meridian. 
C. Arbitrary Meridian. 
D. All meridians. 
Answer = Magnetic Meridian

261.  Which meridians are used to determine the relative positions of the lines in a small area?. 
A. True Meridian. 
B. Magnetic Meridian. 
C. Arbitrary Meridian. 
D. All meridians. 
Answer = Arbitrary Meridian

262.  What is the horizontal angle which it makes with the true meridian through one of the extremities of the line?. 
A. True bearing. 
B. Magnetic bearing. 
C. Arbitrary bearing. 
D. Dip. 
Answer = True bearing

263.  What is the horizontal angle which it makes with the magnetic meridian through one of the extremities of the line?. 
A. True bearing. 
B. Magnetic bearing. 
C. Arbitrary bearing. 
D. Dip. 
Answer = Magnetic bearing

264.  What is the horizontal angle which it makes with the magnetic meridian through one of the extremities of the line?. 
A. True bearing. 
B. Magnetic bearing. 
C. Arbitrary bearing. 
D. Dip. 
Answer = Arbitrary bearing

265.  Convert 22°30′ whole circle bearings to quadrant bearings?. 
A. 180 – 22°30. 
B. 22°30. 
C. 360 – 22°30. 
D. 270 – 22°30. 
Answer = 22°30

266.  Convert 122°30′ whole circle bearings to quadrant bearings?. 
A. 180 – 122°30. 
B. 122°30. 
C. 360 – 122°30. 
D. 270 – 122°30. 
Answer = 180 – 122°30

267.  Surveyor's compass is instrument for measuring angles.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

268.  Which of the following is not the most convenient and portable instrument for direct measurement of directions?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Surveyor's compass

269.  Which of the following is a part of surveyor's compass?. 
A. Agate cap. 
B. Prism cap. 
C. Brake pin. 
D. Jewel bearing. 
Answer = Jewel bearing

270.  In surveyor's compass needle is of edge bar type.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

271.  In which of the following compass needle acts as index?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Surveyor's compass

272.  In which of the following compass graduated card is attached to the box and not to the ring?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Surveyor's compass

273.  Which of the following instruments cannot be used without a tripod?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Surveyor's compass

274.  In surveyor's compass, graduations are in a Q.B system.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

275.  In which of the following compass graduations are engraved erect?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Prismatic compass

276.  In which of the following compass sighting and reading taking cannot be done simultaneously from one position of the observer?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Surveyor's compass

277.  Prismatic compass is an instrument for measuring angles.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

278.  Which of the following is the most convenient and portable instrument for direct measurement of directions?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Prismatic compass

279.  Which of the following is not a part of the prismatic compass?. 
A. Agate cap. 
B. Prism cap. 
C. Brake pin. 
D. Jewel bearing. 
Answer = Jewel bearing

280.  In prismatic compass needle is of edge bar type.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

281.  In which of the following compass needle does not act as an index?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Prismatic compass

282.  In which of the following compass graduated card ring is attached with the needle?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Prismatic compass

283.  Which of the following instruments can be used without a tripod?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Prismatic compass

284.  In prismatic compass, graduations are in W.C.B system.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

285.  In which of the following compass graduations are engraved inverted?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Prismatic compass

286.  In which of the following compass sighting and reading taking can be done simultaneously from one position of the observer?. 
A. Prismatic compass. 
B. Surveyor's compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Sextant. 
Answer = Prismatic compass

287.  The horizontal angle between the true meridian and the magnetic meridian shown by needle at the time of observation is called ______. 
A. True bearing. 
B. Magnetic bearing. 
C. Arbitrary bearing. 
D. Magnetic declination. 
Answer = Magnetic declination

288.  If the magnetic meridian is to the right side of the true meridian, declination is said to the _________. 
A. eastern. 
B. western. 
C. southern. 
D. northern. 
Answer = eastern

289.  If the magnetic meridian is to the left side of the true meridian, declination is said to the _________. 
A. eastern. 
B. western. 
C. southern. 
D. northern. 
Answer = western

290.  If the magnetic meridian is to the right side of the true meridian, declination is said to the positive.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

291.  If the magnetic meridian is to the left side of the true meridian, declination is said to the negative.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

292.  What is the systematic departure of the declination from its mean value during a period of 24 hours?. 
A. Diurnal variation. 
B. Annual variation. 
C. Secular variation. 
D. Irregular variation. 
Answer = Diurnal variation

293.  The variation which has a yearly period is known as _________ variation.. 
A. Diurnal variation. 
B. Annual variation. 
C. Secular variation. 
D. Irregular variation. 
Answer = Annual variation

294.  Which of the following variation to appear to be of the periodic character and follows a sine curve pattern?. 
A. Diurnal variation. 
B. Annual variation. 
C. Secular variation. 
D. Irregular variation. 
Answer = Secular variation

295.  Which of the following variation are due to magnetic storms?. 
A. Diurnal variation. 
B. Annual variation. 
C. Secular variation. 
D. Irregular variation. 
Answer = Irregular variation

296.  Find the magnetic declination at a place if the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 188°?. 
A. 8° W. 
B. 4° W. 
C. 8° E. 
D. 4° E. 
Answer = 8° W

297.  In chain and compass trans versing, the magnetic bearings of the survey lines are measured by a __________. 
A. chain. 
B. compass. 
C. theodolite. 
D. dumpy level. 
Answer = chain

298.  How many methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method?. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 5.0. 
Answer = 3.0

299.  Compass surveying is recommended when the area is _______. 
A. Large, even and crowded with many details. 
B. Small, undulating and not details are crowded. 
C. Large, undulating and crowded with many details. 
D. Small, even and crowded with many details. 
Answer = Large, undulating and crowded with many details

300.  In which areas does compass surveying is not recommended?. 
A. Local attraction suspected areas. 
B. Large areas. 
C. Undulating areas. 
D. Crowded with many details. 
Answer = Local attraction suspected areas

301.  Which of the following presence is not affected for compass surveying?. 
A. Steel structures. 
B. Wooden structures. 
C. Iron ore deposits. 
D. Electric cables conveying currents. 
Answer = Wooden structures

302.  Which of the following term used to denote any influence which prevents the needle from pointing to the north in a given locality?. 
A. Magnetic bearing. 
B. Compass deflection. 
C. Local attraction. 
D. Magnetic declination. 
Answer = Local attraction

303.  Which of the following is not required in compass surveying?. 
A. Bearing angles. 
B. Lengths of lines. 
C. Triangles. 
D. Connecting lines. 
Answer = Triangles

304.  In Compass traversing length of lines are measured by _______. 
A. Chain. 
B. Compass. 
C. Theodolite. 
D. Dumpy level. 
Answer = Chain

305.  In traversing by fast needle method, the magnetic bearings of the lines are measured with a reference so the direction of magnetic meridian established at the ______ station.. 
A. first. 
B. second. 
C. third. 
D. each station. 
Answer = first

306.  Fast needle method is more accurate than the loose needle method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

307.  In which method the magnetic bearings of traverse lines are measured by a theodolite fitted with a compass?. 
A. Free needle method. 
B. Fast needle method. 
C. Loose needle method. 
D. Direct method. 
Answer = Fast needle method

308.  In traversing by fast needle method, there are three methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

309.  Which of the following method is not among the methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method?. 
A. direct method with transiting. 
B. direct method without transiting. 
C. back bearing. 
D. front bearing. 
Answer = front bearing

310.  In which methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method, the telescope will be normal at one station and inverted at the next station?. 
A. direct method with transiting. 
B. direct method without transiting. 
C. back bearing. 
D. front bearing. 
Answer = direct method with transiting

311.  The application of 180° correction is required in which of the following methods?. 
A. direct method with transiting. 
B. direct method without transiting. 
C. back bearing. 
D. front bearing. 
Answer = direct method without transiting

312.  Which of the following methods is the most satisfactory method for the bearings of lines by fast needle method?. 
A. direct method with transiting. 
B. direct method without transiting. 
C. back bearing. 
D. front bearing
Answer = direct method without transiting

313.  Fast needle method is more accurate than the free needle method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

314.  Chain and compass traversing is also called a fast needle method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

315.  Telescope is used in direct method with transiting during observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

316.  In direct method with transiting, it is convenient to read one vernier throughout and apply the correction at alternate stations.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = FALSE

317.  When start point and end point of closed transverse not coincide then that error is called ____. 
A. Angular error. 
B. Closing error. 
C. Adjustment error. 
D. Transverse error. 
Answer = Closing error

318.  The term used to for ratio of error of closure to a perimeter of transverse is the relative error of closure.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

319.  In a closed transverse, the sum of interior angles should be equal to (2N – 4) right angles. Otherwise, the error occurred termed as ____. 
A. Angular error. 
B. Closing error. 
C. Adjustment error. 
D. Transverse error. 
Answer = Angular error

320.  Let e be the closing error in the bearing of the last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for first line?. 
A. e/N. 
B. 2e/N. 
C. 3e/N. 
D. e. 
Answer = e/N

321.  Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for second line?. 
A. e/N. 
B. 2e/N. 
C. 3e/N. 
D. e. 
Answer = e/N

322.  Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for the third line?. 
A. e/N. 
B. 2e/N. 
C. 3e/N. 
D. e. 
Answer = 3e/N

323.  Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for the last line?. 
A. e/N. 
B. 2e/N. 
C. 3e/N. 
D. e. 
Answer = e

324.  What is the term generally applied to the operation of applying corrections to the latitudes and departures?. 
A. Adjustment. 
B. Error. 
C. Balancing. 
D. Accuracy. 
Answer = Balancing

325.  Which of the following methods are not methods of adjusting a traversing?. 
A. Bowditch's method. 
B. Transit method. 
C. Axis method. 
D. Levelling method. 
Answer = Levelling method

326.  Let correction to latitude of any side be C, total error in latitude be e, length of that side be l, perimeter of traverse be p. Then what is bowditch's rule?. 
A. C = e × l/p. 
B. C = e × p/l. 
C. C = p × e/l. 
D. C = l × p/e. 
Answer = C = e × l/p

327.  Let correction to latitude of any side be C, total error in latitude be, L be the latitude of that line, £L be the arithmetic sum of latitudes then what is the transit rule?. 
A. C = e × L/£L. 
B. C = e × £L/L. 
C. C = L × £L/e. 
D. C = £L × e/ L. 
Answer = C = e × L/£L

328.  In which of the following transverse method angles are measured by theodolite?. 
A. By fast needle. 
B. By direct observation of angles. 
C. By locating details with transit and tape. 
D. By free needle. 
Answer = By direct observation of angles

329.  In transversing by direct observation of angles, magnetic bearing of any one line can also be measured if required.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

330.  Transversing by included angles comes under which of the following?. 
A. Transversing by fast needle. 
B. Transversing by free needle. 
C. Transversing by direct observation of angles. 
D. Transversing by chain and compass. 
Answer = Transversing by direct observation of angles

331.  __________ at a station is either of the two angles by the two survey lines meeting there.. 
A. Included angle. 
B. Deflection angle. 
C. Transverse angle. 
D. Deviated angle. 
Answer = Included angle

332.  Included angles can be measured _________. 
A. Clockwise. 
B. Counter clockwise. 
C. Clockwise and counterclockwise. 
D. Clockwise or counterclockwise. 
Answer = Clockwise or counterclockwise

333.  All angles are preferred to measure clockwise because of the graduations of theodolite circle increase in this direction.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

334.  A deflection angle is an angle in which a survey line makes with prolongation of back sight.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = FALSE

335.  Transversing by deflection angles is more suitable for surveys of roads railways, pipe lines etc.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

336.  Deflection angle may vary from __________ to __________. 
A. 0° to 90°. 
B. 90° to 180°. 
C. 0° to 180°. 
D. 0° to 270°. 
Answer = 0° to 90°

337.  Which of the following is not among the classification of errors in compass surveying?. 
A. Instrumental errors. 
B. Personal errors. 
C. Errors due to natural cause. 
D. Surveyor errors. 
Answer = Surveyor errors

338.  Which of the following is not under instrumental errors?. 
A. Sluggish needle. 
B. Blunt pivot joint. 
C. Inaccurate centring. 
D. Plane of sight not being vertical. 
Answer = Inaccurate centring

339.  Line of sight not passing through the centres of the right comes under personal errors.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = FALSE

340.  Which of the following error comes under personal errors?. 
A. The needle not being perfectly straight. 
B. Pivot being bent. 
C. Plane of sight not being vertical. 
D. Inaccurate bisection of signals. 
Answer = Inaccurate bisection of signals

341.  Inaccurate levelling of the compass box is a personal error in compass surveying.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

342.  Local attraction due to the proximity of local attraction forces comes under instrumental errors.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = FALSE

343.  Which of the following is not a natural error in compass surveying?. 
A. Variation in declination. 
B. Magnetic changes in the atmosphere due to clouds and Strom's. 
C. Local attraction due to the proximity of local attraction forces. 
D. Pivot being bent. 
Answer = Pivot being bent

344.  Variation in declination is a natural error in compass surveying.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

345.  Improper balancing weight comes under instrumental errors in compass surveying.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

346.  Irregular variation due to magnetic storms is a _______ error.. 
A. Instrumental errors. 
B. Personal errors. 
C. Errors due to natural cause. 
D. Surveyor errors. 
Answer = Errors due to natural cause

347.  Co ordinate length measured parallel to an assumed meridian direction may be defined as _________. 
A. Latitude of a survey line. 
B. Departure of survey line. 
C. Length of survey line. 
D. Slope of survey line
Answer = Latitude of a survey line

348.  The departure of the survey line may be defined as its coordinate length at right angles to the meridian direction.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = TRUE

349.  In which direction latitude of the line is positive?. 
A. North. 
B. South. 
C. East. 
D. West. 
Answer = North

350.  In which direction latitude of the line is negative?. 
A. North. 
B. South. 
C. East. 
D. West. 
Answer = South

351.  The departure of the line is negative in east direction.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

352.  In which direction the departure of the line is positive?. 
A. North. 
B. South. 
C. East. 
D. West. 
Answer = North

353.  If l is the length of the line and angle made with y-axis is y° then latitude (L) of the line is ____. 
A. l cos y°. 
B. l sin y°. 
C. l tan y°. 
D. l cosec y°. 
Answer = l cos y°

354.  If l is the length of the line and angle made with y axis is y° then departure (. 
A. of the line is ____. 
B. l cos y°. 
C. l sin y°. 
D. l tan y°. 
Answer = l cos y°

355.  The total latitude and departure of any point with respect to a common origin are known as dependent coordinates.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned
Answer = FALSE

356.  Total latitude of end point of a transverse is equal to total latitudes of the first point of transverse plus the algebraic sum of all the latitudes.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

357.  Which of the following implies the correct set of methods employed for balancing the traverse?. 
A. Bowditch's method, Transit method. 
B. Bowditch's method, Graphical method. 
C. Axis method, Transit method, Gale's method, Co-ordinate method. 
D. Bowditch's method, Axis method, Graphical method, Transit method. 
Answer = Bowditch's method, Axis method, Graphical method, Transit method

358.  Angles are less affected by the corrections applied due to Transit method than Bowditch's method.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

359.  Which of the following method doesn't require calculation of latitudes and departures?. 
A. Graphical method. 
B. Axis method. 
C. Bowditch's method. 
D. Transit method. 
Answer = Graphical method

360.  Balancing methods can be applied only when________. 
A. Survey forms a closed triangle traverse. 
B. Survey forms a irregular shaped traverse. 
C. Survey forms a closed polygon traverse. 
D. Survey forms a closed circular traverse. 
Answer = Survey forms a closed polygon traverse

361.  Which method can also be known as Compass rule?. 
A. Transit method. 
B. Bowditch's method. 
C. Graphical method. 
D. Axis method. 
Answer = Bowditch's method

362.  Bowditch method can be applied even linear and angular measurements are not precise.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

363.  In order to complete traverse computations, which of the following steps is to be carried out first?. 
A. Adjusting interior angles. 
B. Calculating ∑L and ∑D. 
C. Calculating bearings of the angles. 
D. Applying corrections. 
Answer = Adjusting interior angles

364.  Sum of interior angles must be equal to____________. 
A. (2n/4) right angles. 
B. (2n*4) right angles. 
C. (2n+4) right angles. 
D. (2n-4) right angles. 
Answer = (2n-4) right angles

365.  Independent co-ordinates can be calculated by using___________. 
A. Geometric co-ordinates. 
B. Cylindrical co-ordinates. 
C. Consecutive co-ordinates. 
D. Spherical co-ordinates. 
Answer = Consecutive co-ordinates

366.  Among the following, the most commonly used method of balancing a traverse is_________. 
A. Graphical method. 
B. Transit method. 
C. Axis method. 
D. Bowditch's method. 
Answer = Bowditch's method

367.  Which branch of surveying is used to find the elevations of given points with respect to given or assumed datum?. 
A. Levelling. 
B. Contouring. 
C. Traversing. 
D. Plane table surveying. 
Answer = Levelling

368.  Levelling is a branch of surveying objects of which is to establish points at a given elevation or at different elevations with respect to given or assumed datum.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

369.  Levelling deals with measurements in a ______. 
A. Horizontal plane. 
B. Inclined plane. 
C. Vertical plane. 
D. Both vertical and horizontal plane. 
Answer = Vertical plane

370.  _______ is defined as a curved surface which at each point is perpendicular to the direction of gravity at the point.. 
A. Level surface. 
B. Level line. 
C. Horizontal plane. 
D. Datum. 
Answer = Level surface

371.  _______ is a line lying in a level surface.. 
A. Level line. 
B. Horizontal line. 
C. Datum line. 
D. Plumb line. 
Answer = Level line

372.  Horizontal plane through a point is a plane tangential to the level surface at that point.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

373.  Which line is the tangential to the level line at a point?. 
A. Datum line. 
B. Vertical line. 
C. Horizontal line. 
D. Plumb line. 
Answer = Horizontal line

374.  Which line is normal to the level line at a point?. 
A. Datum line. 
B. Vertical line. 
C. Horizontal line. 
D. Plumb line. 
Answer = Vertical line

375.  Which term is used for the surface to which elevations are referred?. 
A. Level surface. 
B. Level line. 
C. Horizontal plane. 
D. Datum. 
Answer = Datum

376.  The elevations of points or near the surface of the earth is its vertical distance above or below an arbitrary assumed level surface or datum.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

377.  Which of the following is not a method of levelling?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traverse levelling. 
Answer = Traverse levelling

378.  Which of the following methods of levelling makes use of the phenomenon that difference in elevation between two points is proportional to the difference in atmospheric pressures at these points?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traverse levelling. 
Answer = Barometric levelling

379.  At a given point, the atmospheric pressure doesn't remain constant in the course of the day, even in the course of an hour.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

380. Which process of levelling in which the elevations of points are computed from the vertical angles and horizontal distances measured in the field?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traverse levelling. 
Answer = Trigonometric levelling

381. Which of the following methods of levelling is a modified form of stadia levelling?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Trigonometric levelling

382.  Horizontal line departs from a level surface because of _____________. 
A. Refraction. 
B. Radius of earth. 
C. Curvature of earth. 
D. Parallelism. 
Answer = Curvature of earth

383.  In the long sights, the horizontal line of sight doesn't remain straight but it slightly bends downwards having concavity towards earth due to ____________. 
A. Refraction. 
B. Radius of earth. 
C. Curvature of earth. 
D. Parallelism. 
Answer = Refraction

384.  Find the correction for curvature for a distance 1200 m?. 
A. 0.113 m. 
B. 0.131 m. 
C. 0.133 m. 
D. 0. 313 m. 
Answer = 0.113 m

385.  Find correction for refraction for a distance of 1200 m?. 
A. 0.0106 m. 
B. 0.0160 m. 
C. 0.0016 m. 
D. 0.0116 m. 
Answer = 0.0160 m

386.  Find the correction for curvature for a distance 2.48 km?. 
A. 0.483 m. 
B. 0.434 m. 
C. 0.443 m. 
D. 0. 403 m. 
Answer = 0.483 m

387.  Find correction for refraction for a distance of 2.48 km?. 
A. 0.0066 m. 
B. 0.0160 m. 
C. 0.069 m. 
D. 0.096 m. 
Answer = 0.069 m

388.  Find combined correction for curvature and refraction for 3400 m?. 
A. 0.078 m. 
B. 0.778 m. 
C. 0.709 m. 
D. 0.786 m. 
Answer = 0.778 m

389.  Find combined correction for curvature and refraction for 1.29 km?. 
A. 0.112 m. 
B. 0.128 m. 
C. 0.212m. 
D. 0.221 m. 
Answer = 0.112 m

390.  In order to find the difference in elevation between two points P and Q, a level was set upon the line PQ, 30 m from P and 1280 m from Q. The reading obtained on staff kept at P and Q were respectively 0.545 m and 3.920 m. Find the true difference in elevation between P and Q?. 
A. 3.226 m. 
B. 3.343 m. 
C. 3.265 m. 
D. 3.345 m. 
Answer = 3.265 m

391.  A light house is visible just above the horizon at a certain station at the sea level. The distance between the station and light house is 10 km. Find the height of the light house?. 
A. 0 6728 m. 
B. 0.06728 m. 
C. 67.280 m. 
D. 6.728 m. 
Answer = 6.728 m

392.  By balancing back sight and fore sight error due to curvature can be eliminated.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

393.  By balancing back sight and fore sight error due to non parallelism of the line of collimation can be eliminated.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

394.  By which of the following, the difference in elevation between two points can be calculated by taking a difference between the two readings and no correction for the inclination of the line of sight is necessary?. 
A. Levelling. 
B. Centering. 
C. Contouring. 
D. Balancing. 
Answer = Balancing

395.  If the observed back sight and fore sight are x1 and x2. The correction back sight on A will be equal to x1-y1, where y1= D1 tan i°. The correct fore sight on B will be equal to x2-y2 where, y2 = D2 tan i°. Then what is the correction difference in level between A and B.. 
A. x1 – x2. 
B. x2 – x1. 
C. x1 – x2 + (D2 tan i° – D1 tan i°). 
D. x2 – x1 + (D1tan i° + D2 tan i°). 
Answer = x1 – x2 + (D2 tan i° – D1 tan i°)

396.  If the observed back sight and fore sight are x1 and x2. The correction back sight on A will be equal to x1-y1, where y1= D1 tan i°. The correct fore sight on B will be equal to x2-y2 where, y2 = D2 tan i°. Then what is the correction difference in level between A and B, if D1 = D2?. 
A. x1 – x2. 
B. x2 + x1. 
C. x1 – x2 + (D2 tan i° – D1 tan i°). 
D. x2 – x1 + (D1tan i° + D2 tan i°). 
Answer = x1 – x2

397.  If the observed back sight and fore sight are 20 m and 18 m. The correction back sight on A will be equal to 16 m, The correct fore sight on B will be equal to 14 m where then what is the correction difference in level between A and B?. 
A. 4 m. 
B. 3 m. 
C. 2 m. 
D. 6 m. 
Answer = 2 m

398.  If the staff reading at point A = ha and at a point B = hb. The correct staff reading should have been Ha and Hb, then the correction difference in elevation between A and B is given by _____. 
A. ha – hb. 
B. ha + hb. 
C. Ha – Hb. 
D. Ha + Hb. 
Answer = Ha – Hb

399.  If the staff reading at point A = ha and at a point B = hb. The correct staff reading should have been Ha and Hb, where Ha = ha – ha' and Hb = hb – hb' then the correction difference in elevation between A and B is given by ____________. 
A. ha – hb – ha' + hb'. 
B. ha + hb + ha' + hb'. 
C. Ha – Hb + ha' – hb'. 
D. Ha + Hb. 
Answer = ha – hb – ha' + hb'

400.  If the back sight and fore sight distances are balanced, the elevation between two points is equal to the difference between the rod readings taken to the two points and correction for curvature and refraction is necessary.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

401.  Turning point is also called _____. 
A. intermediate point. 
B. level point. 
C. change point. 
D. end point. 
Answer = change point

402.  Which of the following is not an instrumental error?. 
A. error due to imperfect adjustment. 
B. error due to sluggish bubble. 
C. error due to movement of objective slide. 
D. settlement of tripod or turning points. 
Answer = settlement of tripod or turning points

403.  Which of the following is a natural error?. 
A. error due to defective joint. 
B. rod not of standard length. 
C. variations in temperature. 
D. error due to sluggish bubble. 
Answer = variations in temperature

404.  Which of the following is a personal error?. 
A. mistakes in manipulation. 
B. atmospheric refraction. 
C. settlement of tripod or turning points. 
D. wind vibrations. 
Answer = mistakes in manipulation

405.  Which of the following is not a personal error?. 
A. mistake in rod handling. 
B. errors in sighting. 
C. mistake in reading the rod. 
D. error due to defective joint. 
Answer = error due to defective joint

406.  Atmospheric refraction is _________. 
A. instrumental error. 
B. natural error. 
C. personal error. 
D. it's not an error. 
Answer = natural error

407.  Which of the following is an instrumental error?. 
A. earth's curvature. 
B. mistake in rod handling. 
C. mistakes in recording. 
D. error due to sluggish bubble. 
Answer = error due to sluggish bubble

408.  Which of the following is not a natural error?. 
A. error due to defective joint. 
B. atmospheric refraction. 
C. wind vibrations. 
D. earth's curvature. 
Answer = error due to defective joint

409.  Which of the following is not a principle source of error in levelling?. 
A. instrumental error. 
B. natural error. 
C. personal error. 
D. Systematic error. 
Answer = Systematic error

410.  Errors in sighting is _________. 
A. instrumental error. 
B. natural error. 
C. personal error. 
D. Systematic error. 
Answer = personal error

411.  Wind vibrations is natural error.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

412.  When distances are small which of the following error is negligible?. 
A. error due to defective joint. 
B. atmospheric refraction. 
C. wind vibrations. 
D. earth's curvature. 
Answer = earth's curvature

413.  Due to refraction, staff reading decreases.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

414.  A level provides a vertical line of sight, a line tangential to a Level surface at the point where the instrument stands.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

415.  The theory of direct levelling neglects _____. 
A. curvature of the earth. 
B. refraction. 
C. both curvature of earth and refraction. 
D. radius of the earth. 
Answer = both curvature of earth and refraction

416.  Which of the following methods of spirit levelling is, levelling the object of which is solely to determine the difference in elevation of two points regardless of the horizontal position of the points with respect to each other?. 
A. Profile levelling. 
B. Cross levelling. 
C. Differential levelling. 
D. Reciprocal levelling. 
Answer = Differential levelling

417.  Fly levelling is another name of _____. 
A. Profile levelling. 
B. Cross levelling. 
C. Differential levelling. 
D. Reciprocal levelling. 
Answer = Differential levelling

418.  Which of the following methods of spirit levelling is, levelling the object of which is solely to determine the elevations of points at measured intervals along a given line?. 
A. Profile levelling. 
B. Cross levelling. 
C. Differential levelling. 
D. Reciprocal levelling. 
Answer = Profile levelling

419.  Cross sectioning is the process of taking levels on each side of a main line tangential to that line.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

420.  Which of the following methods of spirit levelling is, levelling in which the difference in elevation between two points is accurately determined by two sets of reciprocal observations?. 
A. Profile levelling. 
B. Cross levelling. 
C. Differential levelling. 
D. Reciprocal levelling. 
Answer = Reciprocal levelling

421.  Which of the following methods of spirit levelling is, levelling in which the degree of precision required is too great to be attained by ordinary methods?. 
A. Profile levelling. 
B. Precise levelling. 
C. Differential levelling. 
D. Reciprocal levelling. 
Answer = Precise levelling

422.  What is the height of instrument, if elevation of benchmark is 200.852 m, back sight is 2.324 m, fore sight is 1.836 m?. 
A. 213.176. 
B. 203.176. 
C. 211.34. 
D. 201.34. 
Answer = 203.176

423.  What is the elevation of a point, if the elevation of a benchmark is 200.852 m, back sight is 2.324 m, foresight is 1.836 m?. 
A. 213.176. 
B. 203.176. 
C. 211.34. 
D. 201.34. 
Answer = 201.34

424.  Which type of levelling is done on the phenomenon, the difference in elevation between two points is proportional to the difference in atmospheric pressure at these points?. 
A. trigonometric levelling. 
B. spirit levelling. 
C. barometric levelling. 
D. profile levelling. 
Answer = barometric levelling

425.  Which of the following is not a method of levelling?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traverse levelling. 
Answer = Traverse levelling

426.  Which of the following methods of levelling makes use of the phenomenon that difference in elevation between two points is proportional to the difference in atmospheric pressures at these points?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traverse levelling. 
Answer = Barometric levelling

427.  At a given point, the atmospheric pressure doesn't remain constant in the course of the day, even in the course of an hour.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

428.  Which process of levelling in which the elevations of points are computed from the vertical angles and horizontal distances measured in the field?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traverse levelling. 
Answer = Trigonometric levelling

429.  Which of the following methods of levelling is a modified form of stadia levelling?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Spirit levelling. 
D. Traversing. 
Answer = Trigonometric levelling

430.  Which branch of surveying is used to find the elevations of given points with respect to given or assumed datum?. 
A. Levelling. 
B. Contouring. 
C. Traversing. 
D. Plane table surveying. 
Answer = Levelling

431.  Determining the relative positions of points on above or beneath the surface of the earth by means of direct or indirect measurements of distance and direction and elevation is called as _________. 
A. Surveying. 
B. Levelling. 
C. Measuring. 
D. Contouring. 
Answer = Surveying

432.  Finding the elevations of a point with respect to a given or assumed and establish points given elevation or at different elevations with respect to given or assumed dactum is ________. 
A. Surveying. 
B. Levelling. 
C. Bearing. 
D. Contouring. 
Answer = Levelling

433.  Which of the following type of levelling is necessary across a river ravine or any obstacle requiring a long site between two points?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Reciprocal levelling. 
D. Spirit levelling. 
Answer = Reciprocal levelling

434.  Which of the following type of levelling is used when two points so situated that no place for the level can be found from which the lens of foresight and backsight will be even approximately equal?. 
A. Barometric levelling. 
B. Trigonometric levelling. 
C. Reciprocal levelling. 
D. Spirit levelling. 
Answer = Reciprocal levelling

435.  Which of the following error cannot be eliminated in reciprocal levelling?. 
A. error in instrument adjustment. 
B. combined effect of earth's curvature and refraction of atmosphere. 
C. variations in average refraction. 
D. variation in temperature. 
Answer = variation in temperature

436.  When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 1.824  and on Q is 2.748. When the instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 0.928 and Q is 1.606. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find true R.L. of Q?. 
A. 125.555. 
B. 125.565. 
C. 125.575. 
D. 125.585. 
Answer = 125.585

437.  When instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 1.824  and on Q is 2.748. When instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 0.928 and Q is 1.606. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find combined correction for curvature and refraction?. 
A. 0.057 m. 
B. 0.069 m. 
C. 0.058 m. 
D. 0.048 m
Answer = 0.069 m

438.  When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 1.824 and on Q is 2.748. When instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 0.928 and Q is 1.606. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find the error due to collimation?. 
A. 0.058 mts. 
B. 0.052 mts. 
C. 0.054 mts. 
D. 0.068 mts. 
Answer = 0.054 mts

439.  When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748  and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find true R.L of Q?. 
A. 125.585. 
B. 126.187. 
C. 127.187. 
D. 128.197. 
Answer = 127.187

440.  When instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748 and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find combined effect correction for curvature and refraction?. 
A. 0.057 m. 
B. 0.069 m. 
C. 0.058 m. 
D. 0.048 m
Answer = 0.069 m

441.  When instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748 and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find error due to collimation?. 
A. 0.178 mts. 
B. 0.192 mts. 
C. 0.194 mts. 
D. 0.188 mts. 
Answer = 0.192 mts

442.  When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748  and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find the angular error in collimation adjustment of the instrument?. 
A. 39″. 
B. 49″. 
C. 59″. 
D. 69″. 
Answer = 39″

443.  The degree of precision does not depend upon the type of instrument.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

444.  For a given instrument and atmospheric conditions, the precision depends upon the number of setups.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

445.  The precision on plains will be less than that on hills.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

446.  The degree of precision depends upon the skill of an observer.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

447.  What is the error in feet for rough levelling for reconnaissance or preliminary surveys?. 
A. 0.4×√M. 
B. 0.1×√M. 
C. 0.05×√M. 
D. 0.017×√M. 
Answer = 0.4×√M

448.  What is the error in feet for ordinary levelling for location and construction surveys?. 
A. 0.4×√M. 
B. 0.1×√M. 
C. 0.05×√M. 
D. 0.017×√M. 
Answer = 0.1×√M

449.  What is the error in feet for accurate levelling for principal benchmarks or for extensive surveys?. 
A. 0.4×√M. 
B. 0.1×√M. 
C. 0.05×√M. 
D. 0.017×√M. 
Answer = 0.05×√M

450.  What is the error in feet for precise levelling for benchmarks of widely distributed points?. 
A. 0.4×√M. 
B. 0.1×√M. 
C. 0.05×√M. 
D. 0.017×√M. 
Answer = 0.017×√M

451.  What is the error in mm for rough levelling for reconnaissance or preliminary surveys?. 
A. 100 × √K. 
B. 24 × √K. 
C. 12.0 × √K. 
D. 4 × √K. 
Answer = 100 × √K

452.  What is the error in mm for ordinary levelling for location and construction surveys?. 
A. 100×√K. 
B. 24×√K. 
C. 12.0×√K. 
D. 4×√K. 
Answer = 24×√K

453.  What is the error in mm for accurate levelling for principal benchmarks or for extensive surveys?. 
A. 100×√K. 
B. 24×√K. 
C. 12.0×√K. 
D. 4×√K. 
Answer = 12.0×√K

454.  What is the error in mm for precise levelling for benchmarks of widely distributed points?. 
A. 100×√K. 
B. 24×√K. 
C. 12.0×√K. 
D. 4×√K. 
Answer = 4×√K

455.  Surveyor's telescope is an adaptation of Kepler's telescope.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

456.  The optical principles of the surveying telescope are based on the fact that all parallel rays of light reaching a convex lens are bent when they leave it in such a manner that they intersect at a common point, called the focus.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

457.  In surveyor's telescope, the convex lens nearest to the object is called ______________. 
A. Eye piece. 
B. Objective. 
C. Diaphragm. 
D. Surveyor lens. 
Answer = Objective

458.  In surveyor's telescope, the convex lens nearest to the eye is called ____________. 
A. Eye piece. 
B. Objective. 
C. Diaphragm. 
D. Surveyor lens. 
Answer = Eye piece

459.  The object glass provides a virtual inverted image in front of the eyepiece which in turn magnifies the image to produce a real erect image in surveyors telescope.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

460.  The line of sight is also called _____. 
A. line of telescope. 
B. line of centre of axis. 
C. line of collimation. 
D. line of objective. 
Answer = line of collimation

461.  What is the line which passes through the optical centres of objective and eye piece?. 
A. axis of the telescope. 
B. centre of axis line. 
C. line of collimation. 
D. line of objective. 
Answer = axis of the telescope

462.  The eyepiece magnifies the cross hairs.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

463.  The focal length of an objective varies with eyepiece.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

464.  The establishment of line of sight, therefore, involves the following two essential conditions, the real image must be formed in front of the eyepiece, the plane of the image must coincide with that of the cross hairs.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

465.  The operation of forming or bringing the clear image of the object in the plane of cross hairs is known as ______. 
A. Centering. 
B. Adjusting. 
C. Parallax correcting. 
D. Focusing. 
Answer = Focusing

466.  Stadia method is based on the principle that ratio of perpendicular to the base is constant.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

467.  In stadia method, diaphragm in tachometer is provided with there stadia hairs and stadia hair reading is taken by looking through a diaphragm.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

468.  Difference between upper and lower stadia reading gives __________. 
A. stadia slope. 
B. stadia coordinate. 
C. stadia intercept. 
D. stadia size. 
Answer = stadia intercept

469.  Height of the Instrument method is a less tedious and simple process.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

470.  While doing construction work, which among the following is more suitable?. 
A. Rise and Fall method. 
B. Traversing. 
C. Height of the Instrument method(H.I). 
D. Compass Surveying. 
Answer = Height of the Instrument method(H.I)

471.  The formula for calculating R.L can be given as_________. 
A. H.I+F.S. 
B. H.I-F.S. 
C. H.I-B.S. 
D. H.I+B.S. 
Answer = H.I-F.S

472.  Which of the following indicates the formula for arithmetic check?. 
A. ΣB.S-ΣF.S=Last R.L-First R.L. 
B. ΣF.S-ΣB.S=Last R.L-First R.L. 
C. ΣB.S+ΣF.S=First R.L-Last R.L. 
D. ΣF.S+ΣB.S=Last R.L-First R.L. 
Answer = ΣB.S-ΣF.S=Last R.L-First R.L

473.  Rise and fall method provides check in calculations for all sights.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

474.  Which of the following represents a form of Bench Mark (B.M)?. 
A. True Benchmark. 
B. Assumed Benchmark. 
C. Datum. 
D. Arbitrary Benchmark. 
Answer = Arbitrary Benchmark

475.  If the staff at the station point is not held vertically, the R.L at the observation would be______________. 
A. Less than true R.L. 
B. Greater than true R.L. 
C. Equal to the true R.L. 
D. Two times the true R.L. 
Answer = Equal to the true R.L

476.  If the R.L of a B.M is 100m and back sight is 1.225m, find the H.I at the station?. 
A. 101.225m. 
B. -101.225m. 
C. 98.775m. 
D. -98.775m. 
Answer = 101.225m

477.  The combined correction for curvature and refraction can be given as_______. 
A. C = 14d2/6R. 
B. C = 6d2/7R. 
C. C = 7d2/2R. 
D. C = 6d2/14R. 
Answer = C = 6d2/14R

478.  Find the correction for curvature and correction for refraction, if the value of d = 2400 m?. 
A. 0.425, 0.604. 
B. 0.452, 0.064. 
C. 0.064, 0.452. 
D. 0.604, 0.425. 
Answer = 0.452, 0.064

479.  Find the value of R.L, if B.M = 400 m, B.S = 1.142 m, F.S = 2.121 by using rise and fall method?. 
A. 400.79 m. 
B. 400.97 m. 
C. 409.79 m. 
D. 399.02 m. 
Answer = 399.02 m

480.  If d = 2.94 km, what would be the combined correction for curvature and refraction?. 
A. 1.85 km. 
B. 0.85 km. 
C. 0.58 km. 
D. 1.58 km. 
Answer = 0.58 km

481.  What is the term used for an imaginary line on the ground joining points of equal elevation?. 
A. Level line. 
B. Line of sight. 
C. Datum. 
D. Contour. 
Answer = Contour

482.  Which of the following lines, in which surface of the ground is intersected by a level surface?. 
A. Level line. 
B. Line of sight. 
C. Datum. 
D. Contour. 
Answer = Contour

483.  A Contour line is a line on the map representing a contour.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

484.  Which of the following is not used to represent the relative altitudes of the points on the map?. 
A. Contour lines. 
B. Hachures. 
C. Shading. 
D. Level lines. 
Answer = Level lines

485.  Which of the following indicates the elevations directly?. 
A. Level line. 
B. Line of sight. 
C. Datum. 
D. Contour. 
Answer = Contour

486.  The vertical distance between any two contours is called a contour interval.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

487.  The horizontal distance between two points in two consecutive contours is known as the vertical equivalent.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = FALSE

488.  For every flat ground, a small contour interval is necessary.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

489.  If the ground is more broken, greater contour interval should be adapted.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

490.  The contour interval should be inversely proportional to the scale.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

491.  What is the process of spacing the contours proportional between the plotted ground points established by indirect methods?. 
A. Interpolation. 
B. Tacheometric method. 
C. Cross section method. 
D. By squares method. 
Answer = Interpolation

492.  The methods of interpolation are based on the assumption that the slope of ground between the two points is uniform.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

493.  Which of the following is not a chief method of Interpolation?. 
A. By estimation. 
B. By arithmetic calculation. 
C. By graphical method. 
D. By cross sections. 
Answer = By cross sections

494.  Which of the following methods is extremely rough and is used for small scale work only?. 
A. By estimation. 
B. By arithmetic calculation. 
C. By graphical method. 
D. By cross sections. 
Answer = By estimation

495.  The positions of contour points between the guide points are located by _______. 
A. Estimation. 
B. Arithmetic calculations. 
C. Graphical method. 
D. Cross sections. 
Answer = Estimation

496.  Which of the following Interpolation method is accurate and time consuming?. 
A. by estimation. 
B. by Arithmetic method. 
C. by graphical method. 
D. by squares. 
Answer = by Arithmetic method

497.  In which of the following methods Interpolation is done with the help of a tracing paper?. 
A. by estimation. 
B. by Arithmetic method. 
C. by graphical method. 
D. by squares. 
Answer = by graphical method

498.  In cross sections method, cross sections are run traverse to the centre line of a road, railway or canal etc.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

499.  In the case of hilly terrain, the tacheometric method may be used with advantages.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

500.  In cross sections method, If there are irregularities in the surface between two cross lines, additional guide points may be located on intermediate cross lines.. 
C. Nothing can be said. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = TRUE

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