Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- An electromagnetic wave consists of _____________________?  

a. Electric and magnetic fields moving parallel to each other  

b. Magnetic field moving with velocity of light in space  

c. Electric field moving with velocity of light  

d. Electric and magnetic fields moving perpendicular to each other 

Answer- Electric and magnetic fields moving perpendicular to each other

Que- Waves emitted from the antenna are__________________?  

a. Sound waves  

b. Electromagnetic waves  

c. Radio waves  

d. Modulated waves 

Answer- Electromagnetic waves

Que- If capacitance of L-C circuit is made four times then frequency of the circuit becomes___________________?  

a. Twice  

b. One half  

c. Four times  

d. None 

Answer- One half

Que- The value of the steady current which when flowing through the same resistor produces heat at the same rate as the mean rate of heat produced by the alternating current is__________________?  

a. Average current  

b. Sinusoidal current  

c. r.m.s current  

d. Net current 

Answer- r.m.s current

Que- An alternating current of the r.m.s value of 4.0 A and frequency 50Hz flows in a circuit containing a 10Ω resistor. The peak current is then ?  

a. 20A  

b. 20.66A  

c. 6.66A  

d. 5.66A 

Answer- 5.66A

Que- A changing magnetic flux produces around itself an induced_______________?  

a. Magnetic field  

b. Electric field  

c. Electromagnetic force  

d. Artificial gravitational field 

Answer- Electromagnetic force

Que- The direction of propagation of an electromagnetic waves is________________?  

a. Perpendicular to electric field  

b. Perpendicular to both electric and magnetic field  

c. Perpendicular to magnetic field  

d. Parallel to electric and magnetic field 

Answer- Perpendicular to both electric and magnetic field

Que- Electromagnetic waves transport___________________?  

a. Energy  

b. Momentum  

c. Mass  

d. Heat 

Answer- Energy

Que- Electromagnetic waves emitted from antenna are________________?  

a. Stationary  

b. Longitudinal  

c. Transverse  

d. All the above 

Answer- Transverse

Que- A capacitor of capacitance 30µF is charged by a constant current of 10mA. If initially, the capacitor was uncharged what is the time taken for the potential difference across the capacitor to reach 300V ?  

a. 0.9sec  

b. 15 sec  

c. 1.5x105sec  

d. 0.9x102sec 

Answer- 0.9sec

Que- To find the r.m.s value of an alternating current mathematically we need to have ________________?  

a. Mean value of I2  

b. Square root of mean value of I2  

c. Square root of I2  

d. Square of 1/2 

Answer- Square root of mean value of I2

Que- An alternating current is represented by the equation I = I∫sinÏ€t which of the following equation represents an alternating current of frequency and amplitude twice that of the above current ?  

a. I = 2I∫Sin(Ï€t/2)  

b. I = 2I∫Sin(2Ï€t)  

c. I = 2ISinÏ€t  

d. I = I∫sin(2Ï€t) 

Answer- I = 2I∫Sin(2Ï€t)

Que- pure resistor circuit the voltage and current are_______________?  

a. Lagging each other  

b. They are at 90? phase difference  

c. They have zero phase difference  

d. No phase difference 

Answer- They have zero phase difference

Que- When A.C current passes through a capacitor then the current relationship will be_______________?  

a. The current lead voltage by phase angle is 90 degrees  

b. The voltage leads current by phase angle is 90 degrees  

c. The current lead voltage by phase angle is 45 degrees  

d. The voltage leads current by phase angle is 45 degrees 

Answer- The current lead voltage by phase angle is 90 degrees

Que- In the capacitive circuit the current___________________?  

a. Lags behind voltage by Ï€/2  

b. Is in phase with voltage  

c. Opposite in phase of voltage by Ï€  

d. Leads forward the voltage by Ï€/2 

Answer- Leads forward the voltage by π/2

Que- A 100µF capacitor with a 12V source in series having frequency 50Hz will offer a capacitive reactance of about______________?  

a. 32Ω  

b. 62Ω  

c. 50Ω  

d. 100Ω 

Answer- 32Ω

Que- If a glass plate is inserted in between the plate of a capacitor in series with a lighted bulb the brightness of the bulb________________?  

a. Remains same  

b. Brightness increases  

c. Brightness decreases  

d. No light 

Answer- Brightness increases

Que- A wire of resistance R is coiled inductively so that its inductance is L. The impedance of the coil at a frequency of f is_______________?  

a. (R+2Ï€fL)  

b. R+1/2Ï€fL  

c. (R2+f2L2)  

d. (R2+4Ï€2f2L2) 

Answer- (R2+4Ï€2f2L2)

Que- Ammeter connected in an AC circuit measures______________?  

a. The exact value of the current  

b. RMS value of the current  

c. The net value of the current  

d. The peak value of the current 

Answer- RMS value of the current

Que- When a pure inductor of inductance L and a pure capacitor of capacitance C are connected in parallel to a sinusoidal potential difference V the potential difference across both L & C will be_______________?  

a. Same  

b. Different  

c. At L will be more than at C  

d. At L will be less than at C 

Answer- Same

Que- What is the self-inductance of a coil in which an induced emf of 2V is set up when the current changes at the rate of 4 As-1 ?  

a. 0.5 mH  

b. 0.5H  

c. 2.0H  

d. 8.0H 

Answer- 0.5H

Que- The frequency of a circuit consisting of a capacitance C and a resistor R is________________?  

a. C/R  

b. R/C  

c. 1/RC  

d. 1/ 2RC 

Answer- 1/RC

Que- A 10Ω electric heater is connected to a 220V 50Hz mains supply. What is the peak value of the potential difference across the heater element ?  

a. 220V  

b. 220/ 2V  

c. 110V  

d. 220 √2V 

Answer- 220 √2V

Que- A choke is used as a resistance in_________________?  

a. DC circuit  

b. AC circuits  

c. Both AC and DC circuit  

d. Full wave rectifier circuit 

Answer- AC circuits

Que- At resonance the value of the power factor in an L-C-R series circuit is_______________?  

a. Zero  

b. 2  

c. 1  

d. Not definite 

Answer- 1

Que- An A.C series circuit containing 4Ω resistance and 3Ω inductive reactance. The impedance of the circuit is______________?  

a. 1Ω  

b. 5Ω  

c. 7Ω  

d. 7Ω 

Answer- 5Ω

Que- An inductive coil has a resistance of 100Ω. When an AC signal of frequency 1000Hz is fed to the coil the applied voltage leads the current by 45Ω. What is the inductance of the coil ?  

a. 10mH  

b. 12mH  

c. 16mH  

d. 20mH 

Answer- 16mH

Que- Choose the correct statement. In the case of AC circuit ohms law holds for_______________?  

a. Peak values of voltage and current  

b. Effective values of voltage and current  

c. Instantaneous values of voltage and current  

d. All of the above 

Answer- All of the above

Que- The phase angle between the voltage and the current in an AC circuit consisting of a resistance is______________?  

a. Zero  

b. 45°  

c. 90°  

d. 180° 

Answer- Zero

Que- n an LCR series circuit, if V is the effective value of the applied voltage VR is the voltage across R VL is the effective voltage across L & Vc is the effective voltage across C then_______________? 0I 

a. V = VR+VL+VC  

b. V2 = VR2+VL2+VC2  

c. V2 = VR2+(VL-VC)2  

d. V2 = VL2+(VR-VC)2 

Answer- V2 = VR2+(VL-VC)2

Que- A voltage V = V0 cos ωt is applied across a resistor of resistance R the average power dissipated per cycle in the resistor is given by___________?  

a. V√/√2R  

b. V/√2√R  

c. V02/√2R  

d. 2/√2√R 

Answer- V02/√2R

Que- Two identical coaxial circular loops carry equal currents in the same direction. If the loops approach each other the current in______________?  

a. Each increase  

b. Each decrease  

c. Each remains the same  

d. One increases whereas that in the other decreases 

Answer- Each decrease

Que- An inductor may store energy in ________________?  

a. Its electric field  

b. Its coils  

c. Its magnetic field  

d. Both electric and magnetic fields 

Answer- Its magnetic field

Que- Addition of vector obeys_____________?  

a. Commutative law  

b. Distributive law  

c. Associative law  

d. All given laws in A, B and C 

Answer- All given laws in A, B and C

Que- The direction of a vector in space is specified by_______________?  

a. One angle  

b. Two angle  

c. Three angle  

d. No angle 

Answer- Three angle

Que- A vector can be multiplied by a number. The number may be_______________?  

a. Dimensionless  

b. Dimensional scalar  

c. Negative  

d. All A, B and C are correct 

Answer- All A, B and C are correct

Que- Unit vector n^ is along______________?  

a. X-axis  

b. Normal on a surface  

c. Y-axis  

d. Z-axis 

Answer- Normal on a surface

Que- The rectangular coordinate system is also called______________?  

a. Polar coordinate system  

b. Cartesian coordinate system  

c. Cylindrical coordinate system  

d. Spherical coordinate system 

Answer- Cartesian coordinate system

Que- Maximum number of rectangular components are_____________?  

a. 1  

b. 2  

c. 3  

d. 4 

Answer- 3

Que- Cosθi^ + Sinθj^ is a_________________?  

a. Vector  

b. Position Vector  

c. Vector in the direction at angle θ with an x-axis  

d. The unit vector in the direction at angle θ with an x-axis 

Answer- The unit vector in the direction at angle θ with an x-axis

Que- Maximum number of components of a vector may be________________?  

a. 1  

b. 2  

c. 3  

d. Infinite 

Answer- Infinite

Que- Which one is not correct for a vector A= 2i+2j+3k ?  

a. Has direction 45° with an x-axis  

b. Has magnitude 2  

c. Has magnitude 2 and direction °=45° with a y-axis  

d. Has magnitude -2 

Answer- Has magnitude -2

Que- The resultant of two forces of equal magnitudes is also equal to the magnitude of the forces. The angle between the two forces is________________?  

a. 30°  

b. 60°  

c. 90°  

d. 120° 

Answer- 120°

Que- Three coplanar forces acting on a body keep it in equilibrium. They should therefore be_______________?  

a. Concurrent  

b. Non-concurrent  

c. Parallel  

d. Non-parallel 

Answer- Concurrent

Que- Which of the following pairs does not have identical dimensions ?  

a. Torque and energy  

b. Momentum and impulse  

c. Energy and work  

d. Mass and moment of inertia 

Answer- Mass and moment of inertia

Que- It is easier to turn a steering wheel with both hands than with a single hand because______________?  

a. Accelerating force increases on the wheel  

b. Two forces act on the wheel  

c. Two hands provide a firm grip  

d. The couple acts on the wheel 

Answer- The couple acts on the wheel

Que- The cross product i^ x j^ is equal to_______________?  

a. Zero  

b. One  

c. i^  

d. k^ 

Answer- k^

Que- The unit vector in the direction of vector A = 2 i^ -2j^ + k^ is_______________?  

a. 2i^ – 2j^ + k^  

b. (2i^ – 2j^ +k^)/9  

c. (2i^ – 2j^ +k^)/3  

d. (2i^ – 2j^ +k^)/5 

Answer- (2i^ – 2j^ +k^)/3

Que- The cross product of two vectors is a negative vector when______________?  

a. They are parallel vectors  

b. They are anti parallel vectors  

c. They are a perpendicular vector  

d. They are rotated through 270° 

Answer- They are rotated through 270°

Que- In which quadrant, the only value of tan will be positive ?  

a. First  

b. Second  

c. Third  

d. Both 1st and 3rd 

Answer- Both 1st and 3rd

Que- The magnitude of i^. (j^ x k^) is________________?  

a. 0  

b. 1  

c. -1  

d. i^ 

Answer- 1

Que- If A=Ax i^ + Ay j^ + Az K^ B = Bx i^ + By j^ + Bz K^ then______________?  

a. B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz  

b. B = Ax By + Ay Bz + Az By  

c. B = Ay Bz + Az By + Az Bx  

d. B = Ax Bz + Ay By + Az Bx 

Answer- B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz

Que- A central force is that which__________________?  

a. Can produce torque  

b. Cannot produce torque  

c. Some time can produce torque some time cannot  

d. Has no relation with torque 

Answer- Cannot produce torque

Que- What is the angle that the given vector makes with y-axis and A=2i+3j ?  

a. 30°  

b. 60°  

c. 90°  

d. 120° 

Answer- 60°

Que- In which quadrant the two rectangular components of a vector have same sign ?  

a. 1st  

b. 2nd  

c. Both 1st and 3rd  

d. 4th 

Answer- Both 1st and 3rd

Que- Two vectors A and B are making angle θ with each other. The scalar projection of vector B on vector A is written as____________?  

a. A.B/A  

b. A.B/B  

c. A.cosθ  

d. Both a and b are correct 

Answer- A.B/A

Que- Two vectors are A = 3i^+2j^ -k^& B = 3i^-2j^ +k^ , then_____________?  

a. B is anti-parallel to A  

b. B is a negative vector of A  

c. B has a negative magnitude  

d. B is perpendicular to A 

Answer- B is a negative vector of A

Que- If A=B, which of the following is not correct ?  

a. A.B = A^ B^  


c. A 

d.  =  

Answer- B

Que- I ^. (j^ x k^) is equal to______________?  

a. 1  

b. i^  

c. j^  

d. k^ 

Answer- 1

Que- The direction of the vector product is given by______________?  

a. Head to tail rule  

b. Right-hand rule  

c. Left-hand rule  

d. Triangular rule 

Answer- Right-hand rule

Que- If east, west, north, south, up and down are representing the direction of unit vectors, then east x south has the direction along_____________?  

a. West  

b. North  

c. Down  

d. Up 

Answer- Down

Que- Null vector is a vector which has________________?  

a. Zero magnitude  

b. No specified direction  

c. Both A and B are correct  

d. Both A and B are not correct 

Answer- Both A and B are correct

Que- Which one is a unit vector ?  

a. ??3 i^ + ??3 j^ + ??3 k^  

b. 1/??3 i^ + 1/??3 j^ +1/ ??3 k^  

c. ??3 / 3 i^ + ??3 / 3 j^ + ??3 / 3 k^  

d. Both B and C are correct 

Answer- Both B and C are correct

Que- An angle between two vectors A and B can be determined by_____________?  

a. Their dot product  

b. Their cross product  

c. Head to tail rule  

d. Right-hand rule 

Answer- Their dot product

Que- The magnitude of the cross product is equal to the dot product between them. The angle between the two vectors is________________?  

a. 30°  

b. 45°  

c. 60°  

d. 180° 

Answer- 45°

Que- Torque is defined as______________?  

a. Turning effect of force  

b. Cross product of position vector and force  

c. Product of force and moment arm  

d. All A, B and C are correct 

Answer- All A, B and C are correct

Que- The dimension of torque is______________?  

a. [ML2T-2]  

b. [MLT-2]  

c. [ML2T]  

d. [ML-2T-2] 

Answer- [ML2T-2]

Que- SI unit of torque is______________?  

a. N.m  

b. joule  

c. Both a and b are correct  

d. Neither a nor b is correct 

Answer- N.m

Que- Torque acting on a body determines_______________?  

a. Acceleration  

b. Linear acceleration  

c. Angular acceleration  

d. Direction of motion of the body 

Answer- Angular acceleration

Que- A body in equilibrium__________________?  

a. Always at rest  

b. Always in uniform motion  

c. May be at rest or in uniform motion  

d. May be at rest or in motion 

Answer- May be at rest or in uniform motion

Que- A body will be in complete equilibrium when it is satisfying______________?  

a. 1st condition of equilibrium  

b. 2nd condition of equilibrium  

c. Both Ist and 2nd condition of equilibrium  

d. Impossible 

Answer- Both Ist and 2nd condition of equilibrium

Que- Which one is not a type of dynamic equilibrium ?  

a. Rotational equilibrium  

b. Translational equilibrium  

c. Static equilibrium  

d. Both A and C are corret answer 

Answer- Static equilibrium

Que- According to which one of following law the density of atom is uniform ?  

a. J.J.Thomson model  

b. Rutherfords model  

c. Bohrs model  

d. All of the above laws contradict the statement 

Answer- J.J.Thomson model

Que- In the nucleus of uranium, the number of neutrons will be _____________?  

a. 92  

b. 235  

c. 143  

d. Different for different isotopes  

Answer- Different for different isotopes 

Que- During fusion of hydrogen into helium________________?  

a. Energy is absorbed  

b. Energy is released  

c. Mass is increased due to energy absorption  

d. Mass is reduced due to the energy released 

Answer- Energy is released

Que- One AMU is equal to__________________?  

a. 1.66 x 10-27kg  

b. 166 x 10-15ng  

c. 166 x 10-20g  

d. All of above 

Answer- All of above

Que- For chain reaction to build up the size of the radioactive target should be______________?  

a. Greater than the critical size  

b. Less than the critical size  

c. Equal to the critical size  

d. All of above can build up a change reaction 

Answer- Greater than the critical size

Que- Antimatter consists of ______________?  

a. Antiproton  

b. Antineutron  

c. Positron  

d. All of above 

Answer- All of above

Que- Neutron and proton are commonly known as______________?  

a. Nucleon  

b. Meson  

c. Boson  

d. Quartz 

Answer- Nucleon

Que- Which one of the following radiation possesses maximum penetrating power ?  

a. X-rays  

b. B-rays  

c. γ-rays  

d. All have the equal penetrating powe 

Answer- γ-rays

Que- Electrons_________________?  

a. Can exist inside the nucleus  

b. Cannot exist inside the nucleus  

c. Can exist both inside and outside the nucleus  

d. Do not know 

Answer- Do not know

Que- Radioactivity is a ______ (A) Spontaneous activity (B) Chemical property_____________?  

a. A & B  

b. B & C  

c. C & A  

d. A B & C 

Answer- C & A

Que- The energy liberated when one atom of U-235 undergoes fission reaction is________________?  

a. 200MeV  

b. 40MeV  

c. 30MeV  

d. 20MeV 

Answer- 200MeV

Que- Transuranic elements have an atomic number_______________?  

a. Greater than 72  

b. Greater than 82  

c. Greater than 92  

d. Greater than 102 

Answer- Greater than 92

Que- Nuclear forces exist between ___________________?  

a. Proton-proton  

b. Proton-neutron  

c. Neutron-neutron  

d. All of the above 

Answer- All of the above

Que- Mass defect per nucleon is ___________________?  

a. The binding energy of the nucleus  

b. Packing fraction  

c. The average energy of the nucleus  

d. All of above are one and the same thing 

Answer- Packing fraction

Que- The bombardment of nitrogen with alpha particles will produce______________?  

a. Neutron  

b. Proton  

c. Electron  

d. Positron 

Answer- Proton

Que- The diameter of an atom is approximately_______________?  

a. 10-12m  

b. 10-11m  

c. 10-10m  

d. 10-14m 

Answer- 10-10m

Que- Radioactive decay obeys which one of the following law ?  

a. N=Noe-λt  

b. N=Noeλt  

c. N=Noe-λt/2  

d. No=N(1+eλt) 

Answer- N=Noe-λt

Que- Average energy required to remove one nucleon from the nucleus is called__________________?  

a. Binding energy per nucleon  

b. Energy of decay  

c. Destruction energy  

d. All of above 

Answer- Binding energy per nucleon

Que- The fission chain reaction in a nuclear reactor can be controlled by introducing _______________?  

a. Iron rods  

b. Graphite rods  

c. Cadmium rods  

d. Platinum rods 

Answer- Cadmium rods

Que- Which one of the following radiations possesses maximum velocity ?  

a. α-rays  

b. β-rays  

c. γ-rays  

d. All of above have the same speed 

Answer- γ-rays

Que- The charge on an electron was determine by ________________?  

a. Ampere  

b. Maxwell  

c. Millikan  

d. Thomson 

Answer- Millikan

Que- The charge on neutron is_______________?  

a. Plus 1.6 x 10-19C  

b. Zero  

c. Minus 1.6 x 10-19C  

d. No definite charge 

Answer- Zero

Que- A particle having the mass of an electron and the charge of a proton is called a______________?  

a. Antiproton  

b. Positron  

c. Gamma rays  

d. Photon 

Answer- Positron

Que- Mass of neutron is________________?  

a. 1.67 x 10-31 kg  

b. 1.67 x 10-27 kg  

c. 9.1 x 10-31 kg  

d. 1.67 x 10-19 kg 

Answer- 1.67 x 10-27 kg

Que- Nuclei having the same mass number but different atomic number are____________?  

a. Isotopes  

b. Isobars  

c. Isotones  

d. Isomers 

Answer- Isobars

Que- A mass spectrograph (spectrometer) sorts out____________?  

a. Molecules  

b. Ions  

c. Elements  

d. Isotopes 

Answer- Elements

Que- Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is______________?  

a. Smaller  

b. Greater than 82  

c. Same  

d. Sometimes smaller some times greater 

Answer- Greater than 82

Que- An alpha particle is emitted from 88Ra226. What is the mass and atomic number of the daughter nucleus ?  

a. 224 – 84  

b. 220 – 80  

c. 222 – 86  

d. 226 – 87 

Answer- 222 – 86

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