450+ Highway Engineering MCQs

450 Highway Engineering MCQs

 1.  Which map uses more specific symbols for representation?. 

A. Electric line map. 
B. Topology map. 
C. Water supply map. 
D. Property map. 
Answer = Water supply map

2. The shape of the camber, best suited for cement concrete pavements, is_______________?. 
A. straight line
B. parabolic
C. elliptical
D. combination of straight and parabolic. 
Answer = straight line

3. The stopping sight distance depends upon_______________?. 
A. total reaction time of driver
B. speed of vehicle
C. efficiency of brakes
D. all of the above. 
Answer = all of the above

4. Coefficient of friction is less when the pavement surface is________________?. 
A. rough
B. dry
C. smooth and dry
D. smooth and wet. 
Answer = smooth and wet

5. Camber in the road is provided for_______________?. 
A. effective drainage
B. counteracting the centrifugal force
C. having proper sight distance
D. none of the above. 
Answer = effective drainage

6. On a single lane road with two way traffic, the minimum stopping sight distance is equal to______________?. 
A. stopping distance
B. two times the stopping distance
C. half the stopping distance
D. three times the stopping distance. 
Answer = two times the stopping distance

7. The shoulder provided along the road edge should be_______________?. 
A. rougher than the traffic lanes
B. smoother than the traffic lanes
C. of same colour as that of the pavement
D. of very low load bearing capacity. 
Answer = rougher than the traffic lanes

8. When the path travelled along the road surface is more than the circumferential movement of the wheels due to rotation, then it results in______________?. 
A. slipping
B. skidding
C. turning
D. revolving. 
Answer = skidding

9. For water bound macadam roads in localities of heavy rainfall, the recommended value of camber is_______________?. 
A. 1 in 30
B. 1 in 36
C. 1 in 48
D. 1 in 60. 
Answer = 1 in 36

10. The sequence of four stages of survey in a highway alignment is______________?. 
A. reconnaissance, map study, preliminary survey and detailed survey
B. map study, preliminary survey, reconnaissance and detailed survey
C. map study, reconnaissance, preliminary survey and detailed survey
D. preliminary survey, map study, reconnaissance and detailed survey. 
Answer = map study, reconnaissance, preliminary survey and detailed survey

11. Nagpur road plan formula were prepared by assuming______________?. 
A. rectangular or block road pattern
B. radial or star and block road pattern
C. radial or star and circular road pattern
D. radial or star and grid road pattern. 
Answer = radial or star and grid road pattern

12. Compared to a level surface, on a descending gradient the stopping sight distance is_______________?. 
A. less
B. more
C. same
D. dependent on the speed. 
Answer = more

13. The desirable length of overtaking zone as per IRC recommendation is equal to________________?. 
A. overtaking sight distance
B. two times the overtaking sight distance
C. three times the overtaking sight distance
D. five times the overtaking sight distance. 
Answer = five times the overtaking sight distance

14. Select the correct statement______________?. 
A. Nagpur road plan formula take into account the towns with very large population
B. Nagpur road plan has a target road length of 32 km per 100 square km
C. Second 20-year plan has provided 1600 km of expressways out of the proposed National highway
D. Second 20-year plan allowed deduction of length of railway track in the area while calculating the length of roads. 
Answer = Second 20-year plan has provided 1600 km of expressways out of the proposed National highway

15. Reaction time of a driver_______________?. 
A. increases with increase in speed
B. decreases with increase in speed
C. is same for all speeds
D. none of the above. 
Answer = decreases with increase in speed

16. If the stopping distance is 60 meters, then the minimum stopping sight distance for two lane, two way traffic is_________________?. 
A. 30m
B. 60m
C. 120m
D. 180m. 
Answer = 60m

17. If b is the wheel track of a vehicle and h is the height of centre of gravity above road surface, then to avoid overturning and lateral skidding on a horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always be________________?. 
A. less than b/2h and greater than co-efficient of lateral friction
B. less than b/2h and also less than co-efficient of lateral friction
C. greater than b/2h and less than co-efficient of lateral friction
D. greater than b/2h and also greater than coefficient of lateral friction. 
Answer = less than b/2h and also less than co-efficient of lateral friction

18. The ruling design speed on a National Highway in plain terrain as per IRC recommendations is_____________?. 
A. 60 kmph
B. 80 kmph
C. 100 kmph
D. 120 kmph. 
Answer = 100 kmph

19. The effect of grade on safe overtaking sight distance is_______________?. 
A. to increase it on descending grades and to decrease it on ascending grades
B. to decrease it on descending grades and to increase it on ascending grades
C. to increase it on both descending and ascending grades
D. to decrease it on both descending and ascending grades. 
Answer = to increase it on both descending and ascending grades

20. Stopping sight distance is always_______________?. 
A. less than overtaking sight distance
B. equal to overtaking sight distance
C. more than overtaking sight distance
D. none of the above. 
Answer = less than overtaking sight distance

21. The terrain may be classified as rolling terrain if the cross slope of land is______________?. 
A. upto 10%
B. between 10% and 25%
C. between 25% and 60%
D. more than 60%. 
Answer = between 10% and 25%

22. For the design of super elevation for mixed traffic conditions, the speed is reduced by_____________?. 
A. 15%
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. 75%. 
Answer = 25%

23. For a constant value of coefficient of lateral friction, the value of required super-elevation increases with_______________?. 
A. increase in both speed and radius of curve
B. decrease in both speed and radius of curve
C. increase in speed and with decrease in radius of curve
D. decrease in speed and with increase in radius of curve. 
Answer = decrease in speed and with increase in radius of curve

24. As per IRC recommendations, the maximum limit of super elevation for mixed traffic in plain terrain is_______________?. 
A. 1 in 15
B. 1 in 12.5
C. 1 in 10
D. equal to camber. 
Answer = 1 in 15

25. On a horizontal curve if the pavement is kept horizontal across the alignment, then the pressure on the outer wheels will be_________________?. 
A. more than the pressure on inner wheels
B. less than the pressure on inner wheels
C. equal to the pressure on inner wheels. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = more than the pressure on inner wheels

26. The attainment of super elevation by rotation of pavement about the inner edge of the pavement_______________?. 
A. is preferable in steep terrain
B. results in balancing the earthwork
C. avoids the drainage problem in flat terrain
D. does not change the vertical alignment of road. 
Answer = avoids the drainage problem in flat terrain

27. To calculate the minimum value of ruling radius of horizontal curves in plains, the design speed is given by_________________?. 
A. 8 kmph
B. 12kmph
C. 16kmph
D. 20 kmph. 
Answer = 16kmph

28. In case of hill roads, the extra widening is generally provided______________?. 
A. equally on inner and outer sides of the curve
B. fully on the inner side of the curve
C. fully on the outer side of the curve
D. one-fourth on inner side and three-fourth on outer side of the curve. 
Answer = fully on the inner side of the curve

29. The maximum design gradient for vertical profile of a road is______________?. 
A. ruling gradient
B. limiting gradient
C. exceptional gradient
D. minimum gradient. 
Answer = ruling gradient

30. The transition curve used in the horizontal alignment of highways as per IRC recommendations is_______________?. 
A. spiral
B. lemniscate
C. cubic parabola
D. any of the above. 
Answer = spiral

31. The absolute minimum radius of curve for safe operation for a speed of 110 kmph is______________?. 
A. 110 m
B. 220 m
C. 440 m
D. 577 m. 
Answer = 440 m

32. Select the correct statement_________________?. 
A. Psychological extra widening depends on the number of traffic lanes.
B. Mechanical extra widening depends on the speed of vehicle.
C. Psychological extra widening depends on the length of wheel base.
D. Psychological extra widening depends on the speed of vehicle. 
Answer = Psychological extra widening depends on the speed of vehicle

33. For design, that length of transition curve should be taken which is_____________?. 
A. based on allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration
B. based on rate of change of super elevation
C. higher of (A) and (B)
D. smaller of (A) and (B). 
Answer = higher of (A) and (B)

34. If ruling gradient is I in 20 and there is also a horizontal curve of radius 76 m, then the compensated grade should be_________________?. 
A. 3 %
B. 4%
C. 5 %
D. 6%. 
Answer = 4%

35. Which of the following shapes is preferred in a valley curve ?. 
A. simple parabola
B. cubic parabola
C. spiral
D. lemniscate. 
Answer = cubic parabola

36. The percentage compensation in gradient for ruling gradient of 4% and horizontal curve of radius 760 m is____________________?. 
A. 0.1 %
B. 1 %
C. 10%
D. no compensation. 
Answer = no compensation

37. The camber of road should be approximately equal to___________________?. 
A. longitudinal gradient
B. two times the longitudinal gradient
C. three times the longitudinal gradient
D. half the longitudinal gradient. 
Answer = half the longitudinal gradient

38. In case of summit curves, the deviation angle will be maximum when_______________?. 
A. an ascending gradient meets with another ascending gradient
B. an ascending gradient meets with a descending gradient
C. a descending gradient meets with another descending gradient
D. an ascending gradient meets with a level surface. 
Answer = an ascending gradient meets with a descending gradient

39. Enoscope is used to find______________?. 
A. average speed
B. spot speed
C. space-mean speed
D. time-mean speed. 
Answer = spot speed

40. If an ascending gradient of 1 in 50 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 50, the length of summit curve for a stopping sight distance of 80 m will be_______________?. 
A. zero
B. 64m
C. 80m
D. 60m. 
Answer = 60m

41. The value of ruling gradient in plains as per IRC recommendation is______________?. 
A. 1 in 12
B. 1 m 15
C. 1 in 20
D. 1 in 30. 
Answer = 1 in 30

42. Equivalent factor of passenger car unit (PCU) for a passenger car as per IRC is_____________?. 
A. 1.0
B. 2.0
C. 0.5
D. 10. 
Answer = 1.0

43. With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the minimum spacing of vehicles________________?. 
A. increases
B. decreases
C. first decreases and then increases after reaching a minimum value at optimum speed
D. first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum value at optimum speed. 
Answer = increases

44. With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the maximum capacity of the lane________________?. 
A. increases
B. decreases
C. first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum value at optimum speed
D. first decreases and then increases after reaching a minimum value at optimum speed. 
Answer = first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum value at optimum speed

45. If the stopping distance and average length of a vehicle are 18 m and 6 m respectively, then the theoretical maxi¬mum capacity of a traffic lane at a speed of 10 m/sec is________________?. 
A. 1500 vehicles per hour
B. 2000 vehicles per hour
C. 2500 vehicles per hour
D. 3000 vehicles per hour. 
Answer = 1500 vehicles per hour

46. The diagram which shows all important physical conditions of an accident location like roadway limits, bridges, trees and all details of roadway conditions is known as_____________?. 
A. pie chart
B. spot maps
C. condition diagram
D. collision diagram. 
Answer = condition diagram

47. The background colour of the informatory sign board is______________?. 
A. red
B. yellow
C. green
D. white. 
Answer = yellow

48. When the speed of traffic flow becomes zero,then_______________?. 
A. traffic density attains maximum value whereas traffic volume becomes zero
B. traffic density and traffic volume both attain maximum value
C. traffic density and traffic volume both become zero
D. traffic density becomes zero whereas traffic volume attains maximum value. 
Answer = traffic density attains maximum value whereas traffic volume becomes zero

49. Scientific planning of transportation system and mass transit facilities in cities should be based on_____________?. 
A. spot speed data
B. origin and destination data
C. traffic volume data
D. accident data. 
Answer = origin and destination data

50. On a right angled road intersection with two way traffic, the total number of conflict points is______________?. 
A. 6
B. 11
C. 18
D. 24. 
Answer = 24

51. Which of the following is indicated by a warning sign ?. 
A. level crossing
B. no parking
C. end of speed limit
D. overtaking prohibited. 
Answer = level crossing

52. The most efficient traffic signal system is________________?. 
A. simultaneous system
B. alternate system
C. flexible progressive system
D. simple progressive system. 
Answer = flexible progressive system

53. Select the incorrect statement?. 
A. Stop or red time of a signal is the sum of go and clearance intervals for the cross flow
B. Go or green time of a signal is the sum of stop and clearance intervals for the cross flow
C. Clearance time is generally 3 to 5 seconds
D. The cycle length is normally 40 to 60 seconds for two phase signals. 
Answer = Go or green time of a signal is the sum of stop and clearance intervals for the cross flow

54. “Dead Slow” is a______________?. 
A. regulatory sign
B. warning sign
C. informatory sign
D. none of the above. 
Answer = regulatory sign

55. The provision of traffic signals at intersections______________?. 
A. reduces right angled and rear end collisions
B. increases right angled and rear end collisions
C. reduces right angled collisions but may increase rear end collisions
D. reduces rear end collisions but may increase right angled collisions. 
Answer = reduces right angled collisions but may increase rear end collisions

56. The particular places where pedestrians are to cross the pavement are properly marked by the pavement marking known as________________?. 
A. stop lines
B. turn markings
C. crosswalk lines
D. lane lines. 
Answer = crosswalk lines

57. When two equally important roads cross roughly at right angles, the suitable shape of central island is________________?. 
A. circular
B. elliptical
C. tangent
D. turbine. 
Answer = circular

58. Centre line markings are used_____________?. 
A. to designate traffic lanes
B. in roadways meant for two way traffic
C. to indicate that overtaking is not permitted
D. to designate proper lateral placement of vehicles before turning to different directions. 
Answer = in roadways meant for two way traffic

59. The entrance and exit curves of a rotary have_______________?. 
A. equal radii and equal widths of pavement
B. equal radii but pavement width is more at entrance than at exit curve
C. equal pavement widths but radius is more at entrance curve than at exit curve
D. different radii and different widths of pavement. 
Answer = different radii and different widths of pavement

60. The maximum number of vehicles beyond which the rotary may not function efficiently is______________?. 
A. 500 vehicles per hour
B. 500 vehicles per day
C. 5000 vehicles per hour
D. 5000 vehicles per day. 
Answer = 5000 vehicles per hour

61. As per IRC recommendations, the average level of illumination on important roads carrying fast traffic is______________?. 
A. 10 lux
B. 15 lux
C. 20 lux
D. 30 lux. 
Answer = 30 lux

62. Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with_______________?. 
A. parallel parking
B. 30° angle parking
C. 45° angle parking
D. 90° angle parking. 
Answer = 90° angle parking

63. A traffic rotary is justified where______________?. 
A. number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7
B. space is limited and costly
C. when traffic volume is less than 500 vehicles per hour
D. when traffic volume is more than 5000 vehicles per hour. 
Answer = number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7

64. When a number of roads are meeting at a point and only one of the roads is important, then the suitable shape of rotary is________________?. 
A. circular
B. tangent
C. elliptical
D. turbine. 
Answer = tangent

65. When the width of kerb parking space and width of street are limited, generally preferred parking system is________________?. 
A. parallel parking
B. 45° angle parking
C. 65° angle parking
D. 90° angle parking. 
Answer = parallel parking

66. The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow roads is_______________?. 
A. single side lighting
B. staggered system
C. central lighting system
D. none of the above. 
Answer = single side lighting

67. In soils having same values of plasticity index, if liquid limit is increased, then_____________?. 
A. compressibility and permeability decrease and dry strength increases
B. compressibility, permeability and dry strength decrease
C. compressibility, permeability and dry strength increase
D. compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength decreases. 
Answer = compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength decreases

68. Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct______________?. 
A. abrasion test
B. impact test
C. attrition test
D. crushing strength test. 
Answer = abrasion test

69. The direct interchange ramp involves____________?. 
A. diverging to the right side and merging from left
B. diverging to the left side and merging from right
C. diverging to the right side and merging from right
D. diverging to the left side and merging from left. 
Answer = diverging to the right side and merging from right

70. Which of the following tests measures the toughness of road aggregates ?. 
A. crushing strength test
B. abrasion test
C. impact test
D. shape test. 
Answer = impact test

71. If aggregate impact value is 20 to 30 percent, then it is classified as_______________?. 
A. exceptionally strong
B. strong
C. satisfactory for road surfacing
D. unsuitable for road surfacing. 
Answer = satisfactory for road surfacing

72. Percentage of free carbon in bitumen is______________?. 
A. more than that in tar
B. less than that in tar
C. equal to that in tar
D. none of the above. 
Answer = less than that in tar

73. In CBR test the value of CBR is calculated at_______________?. 
A. 2.5 mm penetration only
B. 5.0 mm penetration only
C. 7.5 mm penetration only
D. both 2.5mm and 5.0 mm penetrations. 
Answer = both 2.5mm and 5.0 mm penetrations

74. The maximum allowable Los Angeles abrasion value for high quality surface course is_______________?. 
A. 10%
B. 20 %
C. 30%
D. 45 %. 
Answer = 30%

75. The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in road construction should not be less than____________?. 
A. 30 cm
B. 40 cm
C. 50 cm
D. 60 cm. 
Answer = 50 cm

76. Which of the following represents hardest grade of bitumen ?. 
A. 30/40
B. 60/70
C. 80/100
D. 100/120. 
Answer = 30/40

77. Bitumen of grade 80/100 means______________?. 
A. its penetration value is 8 mm
B. its penetration value is 10 mm
C. its penetration value is 8 to 10 mm
D. its penetration value is 8 to 10 cm. 
Answer = its penetration value is 8 to 10 mm

78. Softening point of bitumen to be used for read construction at a place where maximum temperature is 40° C should be______________?. 
A. less-than 40°C
B. greater than 40°C
C. equal to 40°C
D. none of the above. 
Answer = greater than 40°C

79. The group index for a soil, whose liquid limit is 40 percent, plasticity index is 10 percent and percentage passing 75 micron IS sieve is 35, is______________?. 
A. 0
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7. 
Answer = 0

80. Group index method of design of flexible pavement is_______________?. 
A. a theoretical method
B. an empirical method based on physical properties of subgrade soil
C. an empirical method based on strength characteristics of subgrade soil
D. a semi empirical method. 
Answer = an empirical method based on physical properties of subgrade soil

81. Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load_____________?. 
A. directly to subgrade
B. through structural action
C. through a set of layers to the subgrade
D. none of the above. 
Answer = through a set of layers to the subgrade

82. The method of design of flexible pavement as recommended by IRC is____________?. 
A. group index method
B. CBR method
C. Westergaard method
D. Benkelman beam method. 
Answer = CBR method

83. Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its_____________?. 
A. grade
B. viscosity
C. ductility
D. temperature susceptibility. 
Answer = grade

84. The recommended grade of tar for grouting purpose is_______________?. 
A. RT-1
B. RT-2
C. RT.3
D. RT-5. 
Answer = RT-5

85. The maximum limit of water absorption for aggregate suitable for road construction is____________?. 
A. 0.4 %
B. 0.6%
C. 0.8 %
D. 1.0 %. 
Answer = 0.6%

86. RC-2, MC-2 and SC-2 correspond to_______________?. 
A. same viscosity
B. viscosity in increasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
C. viscosity in decreasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
D. none of the above. 
Answer = same viscosity

87. For rapid curing cutbacks, the oil used is______________?. 
A. gasoline
B. kerosene oil
C. light diesel
D. heavy diesel. 
Answer = gasoline

88. Bottom most layer of pavement is known as_____________?. 
A. wearing course
B. base course
C. sub-base course
D. subgrade. 
Answer = subgrade

89. The number of repetitions, which the pavement thickness designed for a given wheel load should be able to support during the life of pavement is______________?. 
A. 1000
B. 10000
C. 100000
D. 1000000. 
Answer = 1000000

90. Tyre pressure influences the______________?. 
A. total depth of pavement
B. quality of surface course
C. both the above
D. none of the above. 
Answer = quality of surface course

91. Select the correct statement______________?. 
A. More the value of group index, less thickness of pavement will be required
B. More the value of CBR, greater thickness of pavement will be required
C. Minimum and maximum values of group index can be 0 and 20 respectively
D. all of the above. 
Answer = Minimum and maximum values of group index can be 0 and 20 respectively

92. Rigidity factor for a tyre pressure greater than 7 kg/cm2 is_______________?. 
A. equal to 1
B. less than 1
C. greater than 1
D. zero. 
Answer = less than 1

93. Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at______________?. 
A. expansion joints
B. contraction joints
C. warping joints
D. longitudinal joints. 
Answer = longitudinal joints

94. The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to______________?. 
A. relieve warping stresses
B. relieve shrinkage stresses
C. resist stresses due to expansion
D. allow free expansion. 
Answer = allow free expansion

95. The maximum spacing of contraction joints in rigid pavements is_____________?. 
A. 2.5 m
B. 3.5 m
C. 4.5 m
D. 5.5m. 
Answer = 4.5 m

96. The critical combination of stresses for corner region in cement concrete roads is____________?. 
A. load stress + warping stress frictional stress
B. load stress + warping stress + frictional stress
C. load stress + warping stress
D. load stress + frictional stress. 
Answer = load stress + warping stress

97. If the group index value of subgrade is between 5 and 9, then the subgrade is treated as_____________?. 
A. good
B. fair
C. poor
D. very poor. 
Answer = poor

98. The maximum thickness of expansion joint in rigid pavements is______________?. 
A. 0
B. 25 mm
C. 50 mm
D. 100 mm. 
Answer = 25 mm

99. The fundamental factor in the selection of pavement type is_____________?. 
A. climatic condition
B. type and intensity of traffic
C. subgrade soil and drainage conditions
D. availability of funds for the construction project. 
Answer = type and intensity of traffic

100. Maximum daily traffic capacity of bituminous pavements is______________?. 
A. 500 tonnes per day
B. 1000 tonnes per day
C. 1500 tonnes per day
D. 2000 tonnes per day. 
Answer = 1500 tonnes per day

101. The aggregates required for one kilometer length of water bound macadam road per meter width and for 10 mm thickness is________________?. 
A. 8 cubic meter
B. 10 cubic meter
C. 12 cubic meter
D. 15 cubic meter. 
Answer = 12 cubic meter

102. The binder normally used in flexible pavement construction is________________?. 
A. cement
B. lime
C. bitumen
D. none of the above. 
Answer = bitumen

103. For the construction of water bound macadam roads, the correct sequence of operations after spreading coarse aggregates is________________?. 
A. dry rolling, wet rolling, application of screening and application of filler
B. dry rolling, application of filler, wet rolling and application of screening
C. dry rolling, application of screening, wet rolling and application of filler
D. dry rolling, application of screening, application of filler and wet rolling. 
Answer = dry rolling, application of screening, wet rolling and application of filler

104. When the bituminous surfacing is done on already existing black top road or over existing cement concrete road, the type of treatment to be given is________________?. 
A. seal coat
B. tack coat
C. prime coat
D. spray of emulsion. 
Answer = tack coat

105. The most suitable equipment for compacting clayey soils is a_______________?. 
A. smooth wheeled roller
B. pneumatic tyred roller
C. sheep foot roller
D. vibrator. 
Answer = sheep foot roller

106. Most suitable material for highway embankments is______________?. 
A. granular soil
B. organic soil
C. silts
D. clays. 
Answer = granular soil

107. The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam roads is________________?. 
A. equal to the cross slope of pavement
B. less than the cross slope of pavement
C. greater than the cross slope of pavement
D. zero. 
Answer = equal to the cross slope of pavement

108. In highway construction, rolling starts from________________?. 
A. sides and proceed to centre
B. centre and proceed to sides
C. one side and proceed to other side
D. any of the above. 
Answer = sides and proceed to centre

109. In the penetration macadam construction, the bitumen is__________________?. 
A. sprayed after the aggregates are spread and compacted
B. premixed with aggregates and then spread
C. sprayed before the aggregates are spread and compacted
D. none of the above. 
Answer = sprayed after the aggregates are spread and compacted

110. Which of the following premix methods is used for base course ?. 
A. bituminous carpet
B. mastic asphalt
C. sheet asphalt
D. bituminous bound macadam. 
Answer = bituminous bound macadam

111. The suitable surfacing material for a bridge deck slab is________________?. 
A. sheet asphalt
B. bituminous carpet
C. mastic asphalt
D. rolled asphalt. 
Answer = mastic asphalt

112. The thickness of bituminous carpet varies from__________________?. 
A. 20 to 25 mm
B. 50 to 75 mm
C. 75 to 100 mm
D. 100 to 120 mm. 
Answer = 20 to 25 mm

113. Select the correct statement________________?. 
A. Quantity of binder required for tack coat is less than that required for prime coat
B. Prime coat treatment is given for plugging the voids in water bound macadam during bituminous road construction
C. Seal coat is the final coat over certain previous bituminous pavements
D. A bitumen primer is a high viscosity cutback. 
Answer = A bitumen primer is a high viscosity cutback

114. Which of the following is considered to be the highest quality construction in the group of black top pavements ?. 
A. mastic asphalt
B. sheet asphalt
C. bituminous carpet
D. bituminous concrete. 
Answer = bituminous concrete

115. Which of the following represents a carpet of sand-bitumen mix without coarse aggregates ?. 
A. mastic asphalt
B. sheet asphalt
C. bituminous carpet
D. bituminous concrete. 
Answer = sheet asphalt

116. The drain which is provided parallel to roadway to intercept and divert the water from hill slopes is known as_______________?. 
A. sloping drain
B. catchwater drain
C. side drain
D. cross drain. 
Answer = catchwater drain

117. In hill roads the side drains arc provided________________?. 
A. only on the hill side of road
B. only on the opposite side of hill
C. on both sides of road
D. none of the above. 
Answer = only on the hill side of road

118. The minimum design speed for hairpin bends in hill roads is taken as_______________?. 
A. 20 kmph
B. 30 kmph
C. 40 kmph
D. 50 kmph. 
Answer = 20 kmph

119. In highway construction on super elevated curves, the rolling shall proceed from_________________?. 
A. sides towards the centre
B. centre towards the sides
C. lower edge towards the upper edge
D. upper edge towards the lower edge. 
Answer = lower edge towards the upper edge

120. The camber for hill roads in case of bituminous surfacing is adopted as________________?. 
A. 2%
B. 2.5%
C. 3%
D. 4%. 
Answer = 2.5%

121. The main objective of transportation is?. 
A. Economical transport of goods. 
B. Economical transport of passengers. 
C. To generate revenue. 
D. Safe economical and efficient transport of goods and passengers. 
Answer = Safe economical and efficient transport of goods and passengers

122. The factors influencing the cost of transportation are?. 
A. Supply. 
B. Demand. 
C. Both supply and demand. 
D. Cost of land. 
Answer = Both supply and demand

123. Which is the most flexible type of transportation available?. 
A. Roadway. 
B. Railway. 
C. Waterway. 
D. Airway. 
Answer = Roadway

124. The transportation system that requires a low initial investment among the following is?. 
A. Roadway. 
B. Railway. 
C. Harbour. 
D. Airport. 
Answer = Roadway

125. The scope of highway engineering is divided into how many parts.. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

126. Planning is based on. 
A. Factual data. 
B. Analysis. 
C. Scientific data. 
D. Factual data and analysis. 
Answer = Factual data and analysis

127. The estimates are studied in which type of studies?. 
A. Economic studies. 
B. Financial studies. 
C. Traffic studies. 
D. Engineering studies. 
Answer = Economic studies

128. The revenue from road transport sector is studied in which type of studies?. 
A. Economic. 
B. Financial. 
C. Traffic. 
D. Engineering. 
Answer = Financial

129. The accident cost analysis is estimated by conducting. 
A. Origin and destination. 
B. Traffic survey. 
C. Transportation facilities. 
D. Geometric design. 
Answer = Traffic survey

130. The topographic survey is conducted to estimate which of the following characteristics?. 
A. Engineering. 
B. Traffic. 
C. Financial. 
D. Soil. 
Answer = Engineering

131. The master plan may not be prepared for. 
A. Village. 
B. City. 
C. State. 
D. Country. 
Answer = Village

132. The determination of optimum length is based on. 
A. Saturation system. 
B. Geometric design. 
C. Type of highway. 
D. Length of highway. 
Answer = Saturation system

133. The final step after fixing the optimum length of the road. 
A. Financing. 
B. Construction. 
C. Phasing. 
D. Preparation of master plan. 
Answer = Phasing

134. The utility unit as per saturation system for a population of less 1001 to 2000 is. 
A. 0.25. 
B. 0.5. 
C. 1.0. 
D. 2.0. 
Answer = 1.0

135. The changes in gradient and vertical curve are covered under which type of alignment?. 
A. Horizontal alignment. 
B. Vertical alignment. 
C. Geometric design. 
D. Highway specifications. 
Answer = Vertical alignment

136. The improper alignment of road will not result in. 
A. Increase of construction cost. 
B. Increase of maintenance cost. 
C. Increase of population. 
D. Increase of accidents. 
Answer = Increase of population

137. The basic requirement of alignment should be. 
A. Short. 
B. Easy. 
C. Safe. 
D. Short, easy, safe and economical. 
Answer = Short, easy, safe and economical

138. The economical option during the construction of a road around a hill is. 
A. Cut the hill. 
B. Provide a tunnel. 
C. Provide a road around the hill. 
D. Look for other alternative approach. 
Answer = Provide a road around the hill

139. Obligatory points through which the alignment should not pass are. 
A. Religious structure and costly structures. 
B. Intermediate towns. 
C. Important cities. 
D. Important places of worship. 
Answer = Religious structure and costly structures

140. The desire lines are prepared for the study of. 
A. Traffic flow. 
B. Origin and destination. 
C. Growth of traffic in future. 
D. Anticipated traffic flow. 
Answer = Traffic flow

141. Which of the following types of roads are most preferred for highways?. 
A. Cement concrete roads. 
B. Gravel roads. 
C. Bituminous roads. 
D. Unpaved surfaces. 
Answer = Bituminous roads

142. The stability of slopes is considered while designing. 
A. National highway. 
B. State highway. 
C. Hill roads. 
D. District roads. 
Answer = Hill roads

143. The coefficient of lateral friction as recommended by IRC is. 
A. 0.15. 
B. 0.4. 
C. 0.35. 
D. 0.3. 
Answer = 0.15

144. The resisting length should be kept. 
A. minimum. 
B. Maximum. 
C. Depends on gradient. 
D. Depends on rise and fall. 
Answer = minimum

145. The surveys of highway alignment are completed in how many stages?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Four

146. The survey in which details are covered roughly but not accurately is called. 
A. Reconnaissance. 
B. Rough survey. 
C. Map study. 
D. Detailed study. 
Answer = Reconnaissance

147. The soil survey is conducted in which of the following survey?. 
A. Preliminary survey. 
B. Reconnaissance survey. 
C. Map study. 
D. Topography study. 
Answer = Preliminary survey

148. A closed loop used for survey purpose is called. 
A. Open traverse. 
B. Closed traverse. 
C. Primary traverse. 
D. Secondary traverse. 
Answer = Closed traverse

149. Expand GPS. 
A. Global position satellite. 
B. Global perception satellite. 
C. Global position system. 
D. Geographical position system. 
Answer = Global position system

150. The intervals for levelling work in rolling terrain are taken as. 
A. 50m. 
B. 30 m. 
C. 45 m. 
D. 40 m. 
Answer = 50m

151. The first step in preliminary survey is. 
A. Primary traverse. 
B. Map study. 
C. Detailed survey. 
D. Detailed project report. 
Answer = Primary traverse

152. The surface thickness of the pavement is decided based on. 
A. HFL. 
B. MFL. 
C. MSL. 
D. HFL and MSL. 
Answer = HFL

153. The key map size should not exceed. 
A. 20*22 cm. 
B. 32*20 cm. 
C. 32*32 cm. 
D. 20*32 cm. 
Answer = 20*22 cm

154. The index map shows. 
A. Topography. 
B. Soil. 
C. Area of the site. 
D. Plan. 
Answer = Topography

155. Detailed size drawings are prepared in which sheet?. 
A. A1. 
B. A2. 
C. A3. 
D. A4. 
Answer = A2

156. The cross sections should be drawn for every. 
A. 10m. 
B. 20m. 
C. 50m. 
D. 100m. 
Answer = 100m

157. The approximate cost of construction evaluated for the project is called. 
A. Project report. 
B. Project feasibility. 
C. Estimate. 
D. Detailed project report. 
Answer = Estimate

158. Detailed project report or DPR is the report that is created after all the surveys and estimates have been prepared for a final review.. 
A. The planning, design and construction of either a network of new roads or road link is called. 
B. Highway project. 
C. Highway estimate. 
D. Highway interlinking. 
Answer = The planning, design and construction of either a network of new roads or road link is called

159. Highway should be planned for. 
A. Present requirements. 
B. Traffic developments. 
C. Traffic studies. 
D. Present requirements and future requirements. 
Answer = Present requirements and future requirements

160. The New highway project is divided into how many stages?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

161. A part of land that is acquired during initial stages of construction for future expansion is called. 
A. Kerb. 
B. Footpath. 
C. Right of way. 
D. Camber. 
Answer = Right of way

162. Which method is recommended by IRC for flexible pavements?. 
A. CBR. 
B. IRC 6. 
C. IRC 21. 
D. IRC 58. 
Answer = CBR

163. Inspection of site is done in which survey?. 
A. Preliminary. 
B. Secondary. 
C. Reconnaissance. 
D. Final report. 
Answer = Reconnaissance

164. Road roughness is tested by. 
A. Bump integrator. 
C. GIS. 
D. UI. 
Answer = Bump integrator

165. To minimize the cost of the project the most suitable method is. 
A. CPM. 
C. CPM and PERT. 
D. Normal distribution curves. 
Answer = CPM

166. The highly flooded areas should be re aligned by. 
A. Providing additional thickness of pavement. 
B. Providing suitable layers of pavement. 
C. Providing appropriate camber. 
D. Providing higher geometric specifications. 
Answer = Providing additional thickness of pavement

167. Embankments are provided on highway near. 
A. Important cities. 
B. Religious structure. 
C. Railway tracks and highly flooded area. 
D. Costly structures. 
Answer = Railway tracks and highly flooded area

168. The drawing for re alignment shows the existing road, proposed re alignment, contours and all other features it is called as. 
A. Plan. 
B. Elevation. 
C. Cross section. 
D. Longitudinal section. 
Answer = Plan

169. The DPR consists of how many components?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

170. The first step in the detail checklist of DPR is. 
A. Executive summary. 
B. Background. 
C. Roadway features. 
D. General details of the project. 
Answer = Executive summary

171. The name of the work and project details is managed under which category of DPR?. 
A. Executive summary. 
B. Background. 
C. Roadway details. 
D. General details. 
Answer = Background

172. The roadway features include the study of. 
A. Accidental analysis. 
B. Geometric design. 
C. Route alignment. 
D. Safety. 
Answer = Route alignment

173. The final step in the specifications and design of roadway elements is. 
A. Specifications. 
B. Design elements. 
C. Geometric design. 
D. Safety and audit of the design elements. 
Answer = Safety and audit of the design elements

174. Which of the following is not a structure constructed for drainage purposes?. 
A. Aqueduct. 
B. Syphon aqueduct. 
C. Level crossing. 
D. Pitot tube. 
Answer = Pitot tube

175. The strength of the materials can be checked by. 
A. Visual inspection. 
B. Quality control. 
C. By asking the manufacturer. 
D. By referring to various codes. 
Answer = Quality control

176. For small projects which type of method is used for calculation of project time?. 
A. Milestone chart. 
B. Bar chart. 
D. CPM. 
Answer = Bar chart

177. Which of the following is prepared first during estimate?. 
A. Schedule of rates. 
B. Rate analysis. 
C. Detailed cost estimate. 
D. Detailed project. 
Answer = Schedule of rates

178. The site amenities are covered under which of the items of DPR?. 
A. Background. 
B. Abstract. 
C. Miscellaneous. 
D. Estimate. 
Answer = Miscellaneous

179. The design of horizontal and vertical alignments, super elevation, gradient is worst affected by. 
A. Length of vehicle. 
B. Width of vehicle. 
C. Speed of vehicle. 
D. Height of vehicle. 
Answer = Speed of vehicle

180. The most raised portion of the pavement is called. 
A. Super elevation. 
B. Camber. 
C. Crown. 
D. Kerb. 
Answer = Crown

181. The extra width of pavement is provided on. 
A. Horizontal curve. 
B. Width of pavement. 
C. Length of pavement. 
D. Super elevation. 
Answer = Horizontal curve

182. Transition curve is introduced in. 
A. Horizontal curve. 
B. Circular curve. 
C. Between horizontal curve and circular curve. 
D. Vertical curve. 
Answer = Between horizontal curve and circular curve

183. The most important factor that is required for road geometrics is. 
A. SSD. 
B. OSD. 
C. ISD. 
D. Speed of vehicle. 
Answer = Speed of vehicle

184. The design speed of NH on a cross slope of up to 10% is. 
A. 100kmph. 
B. 80kmph. 
C. 60kmph. 
D. 50kmph. 
Answer = 100kmph

185. A part of pavement raised with respect to one side keeping the other side constant is called. 
A. Footpath. 
B. Kerb. 
C. Super elevation. 
D. Camber. 
Answer = Super elevation

186. The main purpose of providing camber is. 
A. To collect storm water. 
B. To maintain equilibrium. 
C. To follow IRC specifications. 
D. To follow geometric specifications. 
Answer = To collect storm water

187. The braking efficiency mainly depends on. 
A. Sight distance. 
B. PIEV theory. 
C. Friction. 
D. Length of the curve. 
Answer = Friction

188. The braking efficiency for a vehicle moving with a speed of 18kmph, having a lag distance of 14m and coefficient of longitudinal friction is 0.36. 
A. 0.2528. 
B. 0.254. 
C. 0.256. 
D. 0.258. 
Answer = 0.2528

189. If the longitude coefficient of friction is 0.4, then the resultant retardation in m/sec2 as per IRC will be. 
A. 3.93. 
B. 4.0. 
C. 4.01. 
D. 4.02. 
Answer = 3.93

190. The unevenness index for a good pavement surface of high speed should be. 
A. 1500mm/km. 
B. 2500mm/km. 
C. 3500mm/km. 
D. 4500mm/km. 
Answer = 1500mm/km

191. If the camber is x%, then cross slope is. 
A. 100X. 
B. 200/X. 
C. X/100. 
D. 100+X. 
Answer = X/100

192. The camber required depends on. 
A. Type of pavement. 
B. Rainfall. 
C. Type of pavement and rainfall. 
D. Rainfall characteristics. 
Answer = Type of pavement and rainfall

193. The minimum camber required in heavy rainfall area for bituminous roads as per IRC is. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.025. 
C. 0.027. 
D. 0.03. 
Answer = 0.025

194. The camber is not provided in which of the following shape. 
A. Straight. 
B. Parabolic. 
C. Combination of straight and parabolic. 
D. Circular. 
Answer = Circular

195. The rise of crown for a pavement of 7m wide having 1 in 50 slopes with respect to edges is. 
A. 0.14. 
B. 0.07. 
C. 0.09. 
D. 0.11. 
Answer = 0.07

196. The equation of parabolic camber is given by. 
A. Y=x/a. 
B. Y=x2/a. 
C. Y=x3/a. 
D. Y=ax2. 
Answer = Y=x2/a

197. The minimum width of carriage way in urban roads is. 
A. 2.5m. 
B. 3.0m. 
C. 3.5m. 
D. 3.75m. 
Answer = 3.75m

198. A median is also called as. 
A. Traffic separator. 
B. Traffic junction. 
C. Traffic check post. 
D. Traffic flow. 
Answer = Traffic separator

199. The desirable width as per IRC for median on rural roads is. 
A. 3m. 
B. 5m. 
C. 8m. 
D. 14m. 
Answer = 5m

200. The height of low kerb is kept about. 
A. 50mm. 
B. 75mm. 
C. 100mm. 
D. 200mm. 
Answer = 100mm

201. The minimum shoulder width recommended by IRC is. 
A. 1.0m. 
B. 1.5m. 
C. 2.0m. 
D. 2.5m. 
Answer = 2.5m

202. The width of drive way should be. 
A. Minimum. 
B. Maximum. 
C. Intermediate. 
D. Maximum or minimum. 
Answer = Minimum

203. A road running parallel to highway for some selected areas with grade separator are called. 
A. Footage road. 
B. Urban road. 
C. Frontage road. 
D. Parallel highway. 
Answer = Frontage road

204. The width of formation is calculated by adding. 
A. Sum of width of pavements. 
B. Width of pavement+ separators. 
C. Width of pavement + separators +shoulders. 
D. Width of pavement + separator+ shoulders + side drains. 
Answer = Width of pavement + separators +shoulders

205. The boundary till which building activities are prohibited is called. 
A. Right of way. 
B. Boundary line. 
C. Building line. 
D. Control line. 
Answer = Building line

206. The normal width recommended in rural areas by IRC for national highway is. 
A. 45m. 
B. 29 m. 
C. 60 m. 
D. 25 m. 
Answer = 45m

207. The length visible to driver at any instance of time is called. 
A. Sight distance. 
B. Visibility limit. 
C. Head light distance. 
D. Overtaking sight distance. 
Answer = Sight distance

208. The stopping sight distance of a vehicle moving with 45kmph and having a coefficient of friction as 0.4 is. 
A. 48m. 
B. 49m. 
C. 50m. 
D. 51m. 
Answer = 51m

209. The stopping sight distance does not depend on. 
A. Break reaction time. 
B. Speed of vehicle. 
C. Length of vehicle. 
D. Friction. 
Answer = Length of vehicle

210. The SSD is based on. 
A. Speed of vehicle. 
B. PIEV theory. 
C. Voluntary action of brain. 
D. Reflex action of brain. 
Answer = PIEV theory

211. The reaction time considered in SSD is. 
A. 1.5 sec. 
B. 2 sec. 
C. 2.5 sec. 
D. 3 sec. 
Answer = 2.5 sec

212. The desirable relationship between OSD and length of overtaking zone is. 
A. Length of overtaking zone=OSD. 
B. Length of overtaking zone=2 OSD. 
C. Length of overtaking zone = 3 OSD. 
D. Length of overtaking zone = 5 OSD. 
Answer = Length of overtaking zone = 5 OSD

213. If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 80Kmph, then the design speed is. 
A. 80kmph. 
B. 96kmph. 
C. 100kmph. 
D. 106kmph. 
Answer = 100kmph

214. If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 50kmph then spacing of vehicles is. 
A. 10m. 
B. 12m. 
C. 14m. 
D. 16m. 
Answer = 16m

215. The reaction time of a driver assumed in OSD is. 
A. 1 sec. 
B. 2 sec. 
C. 2.5sec. 
D. 3 sec. 
Answer = 2 sec

216. The height of the driver above the road level is assumed as. 
A. 1.1m. 
B. 1.2 m. 
C. 1.5 m. 
D. 1.6m. 
Answer = 1.2 m

217. The relationship between SSD and ISD is. 
B. SSD=1.5 SSD. 
D. SSD= 2 ISD. 
Answer = SSD= 2 ISD

218. The sight distance recommended by IRC for 50kmph speed is. 
A. 100m. 
B. 110m. 
C. 120m. 
D. 200m. 
Answer = 110m

219. The degree if curve is central angle subtended by an arc of length. 
A. 20m. 
B. 25m. 
C. 30m. 
D. 35m. 
Answer = 30m

220. The ratio between centrifugal force and weight of the vehicle is called. 
A. Impact factor. 
B. Impact ratio. 
C. Centrifugal factor. 
D. Centrifugal impulse. 
Answer = Impact factor

221. Which of the following is equal to super elevation?. 
A. Sinθ. 
B. Cosθ. 
C. Tanθ. 
D. Secθ. 
Answer = Tanθ

222. If the radius of a horizontal curve is 120m, then calculate the safe allowable speed. 
A. 50kmph. 
B. 60kmph. 
C. 70kmph. 
D. 80kmph. 
Answer = 60kmph

223. If the super elevation of the highway provided is zero, then the design speed of highway having a curve of 200m and coefficient of friction 0.10 is. 
A. 40kmph. 
B. 50kmph. 
C. 55kmph. 
D. 60kmph. 
Answer = 50kmph

224. The design speed on a highway is 60kmph; calculate the super elevation if radius of curve is 150m and coefficient of friction is 0.15. 
A. 0.07. 
B. 0.038. 
C. 0.04. 
D. 0.15. 
Answer = 0.038

225. The super elevation is calculated for. 
A. 75% of design speed including friction. 
B. 80% of design speed neglecting friction. 
C. 75% of design speed neglecting friction. 
D. 80% of design speed including friction. 
Answer = 75% of design speed neglecting friction

226. If the super elevation is 0.07 and width of pavement is 7m then the raise of outer edge with respect to inner edge is. 
A. 0.47m. 
B. 0.48m. 
C. 0.49m. 
D. 0.50m. 
Answer = 0.49m

227. The ruling minimum radius in the curve is given by. 
A. R=V2/127(e+f). 
B. R=V'2/127 (e+f). 
C. R=127 (e+f). 
D. R=127/ (e+f). 
Answer = R=V'2/127 (e+f)

228. The extra widening is the sum of. 
A. Mechanical widening and psychological widening. 
B. Two times of mechanical widening. 
C. Two times of psychological widening. 
D. Mechanical widening – physical widening. 
Answer = Mechanical widening and psychological widening

229. The mechanical widening of a track is given by. 
A. l^2/2R. 
B. nl^2/2R. 
C. nl^3/2R. 
D. nl/2R. 
Answer = nl^2/2R

230. The total off tracking of a vehicle having wheel base length as 6.1m and radius of curve 120m is. 
A. 0.15. 
B. 0.151. 
C. 0.153. 
D. 0.155. 
Answer = 0.155

231. The extra width required on two lane pavement for a radius of curve 100m as recommended by IRC is. 
A. 0.6m. 
B. 0.7m. 
C. 0.8m. 
D. 0.9m. 
Answer = 0.9m

232. The mechanical widening of a curve is 1.5m, the curve is having a radius of 120m and design speed as 80kmph find the total widening on the curve. 
A. 2.20m. 
B. 2.26m. 
C. 2.25m. 
D. 2.24m. 
Answer = 2.26m

233. The most preferred type of transition curve by IRC for highway is. 
A. Spiral. 
B. Cubic parabola. 
C. Parabola. 
D. Lemniscate. 
Answer = Parabola

234. The minimum value of change of centrifugal acceleration is. 
A. 0.4m/sec^3. 
B. 0.5m/sec^3. 
C. 0.6m/sec^3. 
D. 0.7m/sec^3. 
Answer = 0.5m/sec^3

235. The rate of change of acceleration in m/sec3 for a design speed of 85kmph is. 
A. 0.5. 
B. 0.6. 
C. 0.7. 
D. 0.8. 
Answer = 0.5

236. In a steep terrain the radius of curve is 100m and the design speed is 80kmph then the length of transition curve will be. 
A. 44m. 
B. 54m. 
C. 64m. 
D. 74m. 
Answer = 64m

237. The total shift of a transition curve is. 
A. L^2/12R. 
B. L^2/24R. 
C. L^2/48R. 
D. L^2/96R. 
Answer = L^2/24R

238. The vertical alignment of a highway includes. 
A. Sight distance and traffic intersection. 
B. Widening of pavements. 
C. Design of valley curves and gradients. 
D. Highway lighting. 
Answer = Design of valley curves and gradients

239. The ruling gradient required for plain or rolling terrain is. 
A. 1 in 15. 
B. 1 in 20. 
C. 1 in 30. 
D. 1 in 40. 
Answer = 1 in 30

240. The maximum grade compensation for a curve of radius 75m is. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.014. 
C. 0.015. 
D. 0.016. 
Answer = 0.01

241. The vertical alignment does not influences. 
A. Sight distance. 
B. Vehicle operation cost. 
C. Accidents. 
D. Vehicle speed. 
Answer = Accidents

242. The angle which is measured at the change of direction of two gradients is called. 
A. Standard angle. 
B. Subtended angle. 
C. Deviation angle. 
D. Setback angle. 
Answer = Deviation angle

243. The length of summit curve is based on. 
A. Comfort. 
B. Sight distance. 
C. Convexity. 
D. Deviation angle. 
Answer = Sight distance

244. The value of “a” in the equation y=ax2 used in the summit curve is. 
A. N/2L. 
B. N/3L. 
C. N/4L. 
D. N/5L. 
Answer = N/2L

245. If the length of the summit curve having SSD as 150m and deviation angle is 1 in 30 is. 
A. 50m. 
B. 100m. 
C. 150m. 
D. 170m. 
Answer = 50m

246. If the deviation angle of the curve is 1/200 and the design speed is 80kmph then calculate the total length of the valley curve for comfort condition. 
A. 18.22. 
B. 18.52. 
C. 19.22m. 
D. 19.52m. 
Answer = 19.22m

247. The equation for L<OSD for summit curve is given by. 
A. NS/8H. 
B. NS^2/8H. 
C. NS^2/10H. 
D. NS^2/12H. 
Answer = NS^2/8H

248. The minimum length of vertical curve recommended by IRC for a design speed of 100kmph is. 
A. 30m. 
B. 40m. 
C. 50m. 
D. 60m. 
Answer = 60m

249. The branch of engineering that deals with improvement of traffic performance, traffic studies and traffic network is called. 
A. Highway engineering. 
B. Railway engineering. 
C. Traffic engineering. 
D. Traffic management. 
Answer = Traffic engineering

250. The basic objective of traffic engineering is to achieve. 
A. Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with least priority given to accidents. 
B. Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with fewer accidents. 
C. Efficient and rapid flow of traffic. 
D. Rapid flow of traffic. 
Answer = Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with fewer accidents

251. The study of traffic engineering is divided into how many major categories?. 
A. Five. 
B. Six. 
C. Seven. 
D. Eight. 
Answer = Seven

252. The “3-Es” of traffic engineering stand for. 
A. Enforcement, empowerment and eradication. 
B. Engineering, education and expulsion. 
C. Engineering, education and enforcement. 
D. Engineering, education and enthusiasm. 
Answer = Engineering, education and enforcement

253. In traffic engineering the elements are classified into how many categories?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

254. Which of the following roads are congested during peak hours?. 
A. Rural roads. 
B. Urban roads. 
C. Highways. 
D. Express ways. 
Answer = Urban roads

255. The traffic survey is conducted during. 
A. Harvest season. 
B. Harvest and lean season. 
C. Rainy season. 
D. Summer season. 
Answer = Harvest and lean season

256. Design of road intersections is a part of. 
A. Highway engineering. 
B. Railway engineering. 
C. Traffic engineering. 
D. Harbour engineering. 
Answer = Traffic engineering

257. The most important objective of traffic engineering is. 
A. To consider pedestrians as obstruction. 
B. To reduce the accidents. 
C. To increase the traffic. 
D. To provide a high speed road without any other priority. 
Answer = To reduce the accidents

258. The difference in between the set of front axle and rear axle while negotiating a horizontal curve is called. 
A. Psychological widening. 
B. Off tracking. 
C. Skidding. 
D. Slipping. 
Answer = Off tracking

259. A wheel base of 6.5m negotiates a 35m curve find the off tracking. 
A. 0.5m. 
B. 0.6m. 
C. 0.62m. 
D. 0.7m. 
Answer = 0.6m

260. In a braking test, a vehicle was moving with a speed of 45kmph and was stopped by applying brakes, the skid marks were 10.0m in length .determine the skid resistance. 
A. 0.78m. 
B. 0.69m. 
C. 0.71m. 
D. 0.72m. 
Answer = 0.78m

261. The brake efficiency in braking test is assumed as. 
A. 0.95. 
B. 0.96. 
C. 0.99. 
D. 1.0. 
Answer = 1.0

262. Gross weight, axle and wheel loads of vehicle govern the. 
A. Width of pavement. 
B. Thickness of pavement. 
C. Structural design of pavement and cross drainage structures. 
D. Traffic junctions. 
Answer = Structural design of pavement and cross drainage structures

263. How many types of factors affect the traffic characteristics?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Four

264. The hearing, visibility and reaction time are covered in which type of factors?. 
A. Physical. 
B. Mental. 
C. Psychological. 
D. Environmental. 
Answer = Physical

265. An intelligent driver who consumed alcohol will have a chance of. 
A. Increased alertness. 
B. Increase in reaction time. 
C. Increase in speed. 
D. Increase in judgement. 
Answer = Increase in reaction time

266. The pollutant mostly released by automobiles is. 
A. CO. 
B. CO2. 
C. O3<. 
D. CH4. 
Answer = CO

267. The most likely cause of accidents is. 
A. Impatience in driving. 
B. Slow speed of vehicle. 
C. Pedestrians crossing the road. 
D. Cattle crossing the road. 
Answer = Impatience in driving

268. The width recommended by IRC for all type of vehicles is. 
A. 1.5m. 
B. 2.0m. 
C. 2.5m. 
D. 3.0m. 
Answer = 2.5m

269. The stability of a vehicle is influenced by. 
A. Width of wheel base only. 
B. Width of wheel base and height of gravity. 
C. Height of gravity only. 
D. Length of vehicle only. 
Answer = Width of wheel base and height of gravity

270. The height of the vehicle mainly influences. 
A. Width of pavement. 
B. Length of curve. 
C. Clearance under structures. 
D. Design velocity. 
Answer = Clearance under structures

271. The minimum number of parameters needed to measure brake efficiency is. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

272. If the acceleration of the vehicle is 6.17m/sec2 then the average skid resistance is. 
A. 0.61. 
B. 0.62. 
C. 0.63. 
D. 0.64. 
Answer = 0.62

273. The first stage in the traffic engineering studies is. 
A. Traffic volume studies. 
B. Spot speed studies. 
C. Speed and delay studies. 
D. Origin and destination studies. 
Answer = Traffic volume studies

274. The traffic volume is usually expressed in. 
A. LMV. 
B. PCU. 
C. LCV. 
D. HCV. 
Answer = PCU

275. The number of vehicles that pass through a transverse line of road at a given time in a specified direction is called. 
A. Traffic studies. 
B. Traffic flow. 
C. Traffic origin. 
D. Traffic destination. 
Answer = Traffic flow

276. HCV stands for. 
A. Heavy commercial vehicle. 
B. Heavy cash vehicle. 
C. Heavy consolidated vehicle. 
D. Hard commercial vehicle. 
Answer = Heavy commercial vehicle

277. The traffic flow is. 
A. Static. 
B. Dynamic. 
C. Static and dynamic. 
D. May be static or dynamic. 
Answer = Dynamic

278. The first objective of the traffic volume studies is. 
A. To decide priority for improvement of roads. 
B. For geometric design. 
C. For computing roadway capacity. 
D. To plan traffic operation. 
Answer = To decide priority for improvement of roads

279. Pedestrian data is used for planning. 
A. Highway. 
B. Sidewalks and cross-walks. 
C. Kerb. 
D. Camber. 
Answer = Sidewalks and cross-walks

280. Which of the following method is more accurate for traffic analysis?. 
A. Manual count. 
B. Automatic count. 
C. Average of manual and automatic. 
D. Past records. 
Answer = Automatic count

281. The outgoing and incoming traffic are counted at. 
A. Traffic intersections. 
B. Highway. 
C. Urban roads. 
D. Traffic symbols. 
Answer = Traffic intersections

282. The traffic that is prepared based on 365 days of the year is called. 
A. Yearly traffic. 
B. Annual average daily traffic. 
C. Average daily traffic. 
D. Average yearly traffic. 
Answer = Annual average daily traffic

283. The charts showing the variation of the traffic is called. 
A. Traffic chart. 
B. Trend chart. 
C. Variation chart. 
D. Traffic flow maps. 
Answer = Variation chart

284. The 5 minute count at a traffic junction is 15 find the hourly count. 
A. 50.0. 
B. 100.0. 
C. 120.0. 
D. 180.0. 
Answer = 180.0

285. If the traffic volume count on a road is 150 and daily factor is 1.1 and seasonal factor is 1.2 then ADT is. 
A. 196.0. 
B. 197.0. 
C. 198.0. 
D. 199.0. 
Answer = 198.0

286. The ratio of seven day average for 24 hour and 24 hour count on any particular day is. 
A. Daily factor. 
B. Seasonal factor. 
C. Annual factor. 
D. Weekly factor. 
Answer = Daily factor

287. The annual average daily traffic is calculated by the formula. 
Answer = ADT*DF*WF*SF

288. Running speed of a vehicle is equal to. 
A. Travel speed+ delay. 
B. Travel speed. 
C. Travel speed-delay. 
D. Average of travel speed and delay. 
Answer = Travel speed-delay

289. The speed at any instant of time is called. 
A. Running speed. 
B. Travel speed. 
C. Spot speed. 
D. Space speed. 
Answer = Spot speed

290. Which of the following relationship is correct?. 
A. Travel speed= running speed. 
B. Travel speed< running speed
C. Travel speed>running speed. 
D. Travel speed=1.5 times of running speed. 
Answer = Travel speed< running speed 

291. Peak hour factor is expressed in percentage of. 
A. ADT. 
C. PCU. 
D. DF. 
Answer = AADT

292. How many types of traffic speed studies are conducted?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

293. If the distance of a vehicle moved is 25m and the observed travel time is 15 sec then the space mean speed is. 
A. 4m/s. 
B. 5m/s. 
C. 6m/s. 
D. 7m/s. 
Answer = 6m/s

294. If the space mean speed of a vehicle is 50kmph, then the time mean speed will be. 
A. Less than 50kmph. 
B. Greater than 50kmph. 
C. Equal to 50kmph. 
D. Depends on the vehicle. 
Answer = Greater than 50kmph

295. If the instantaneous speed of 4 vehicles are 35, 40, 45 and 50 then the time mean speed will be. 
A. 40kmph. 
B. 41 kmph. 
C. 41.5kmph. 
D. 42.5kmph. 
Answer = 42.5kmph

296. The weaving manoeuvres is a type of. 
A. Merging. 
B. Diverging. 
C. Intersection. 
D. Crossing. 
Answer = Crossing

297. Which of the following does not affect traffic flow?. 
A. Vehicles travelling at speed. 
B. Length of the vehicle. 
C. Weather conditions. 
D. Geometric design. 
Answer = Length of the vehicle

298. The speed at which the value of time headway is lowest represents the. 
A. Optimum speed. 
B. Maximum speed. 
C. Maximum headway. 
D. Minimum headway. 
Answer = Optimum speed

299. In countries like USA and UAE, which of the regulation is followed?. 
A. Keep to left. 
B. Keep to right. 
C. Keep to middle. 
D. Follow intersection. 
Answer = Keep to right

300. When the gap of the vehicle changes to a smaller lane then it is called. 
A. Lane change. 
B. Forced lane change. 
C. Simultaneous lane change. 
D. Voluntary lane change. 
Answer = Forced lane change

301. The vehicles per unit length at any instant of time is called as. 
A. Density. 
B. Jam density. 
C. Maximum density. 
D. Traffic flow. 
Answer = Density

302. The distance between the two consecutive vehicles is called. 
A. Space headway. 
B. Time headway. 
C. Jam density. 
D. Traffic flow. 
Answer = Space headway

303. The maximum jam density occurs at. 
A. Zero speed. 
B. 15th percentile speed. 
C. 30th percentile speed. 
D. 98th percentile speed. 
Answer = Zero speed

304. If the space headway is 7m, then the jam density in vehicle/km is. 
A. 142.0. 
B. 144.0. 
C. 145.0. 
D. 146.0. 
Answer = 142.0

305. The minimum space headway increases with. 
A. Increase in length of vehicle. 
B. Increase in width of vehicle. 
C. Increase in weight of vehicle. 
D. Increase in width of pavement. 
Answer = Increase in length of vehicle

306. Which of the following equation is correct?. 
A. Q=KV. 
B. K=qv. 
C. K=qv^2. 
D. V=kq. 
Answer = Q=KV

307. The maximum jam density occurs at. 
A. Ki. 
B. Ki/2. 
C. Ki/3. 
D. Ki/4. 
Answer = Ki/2

308. If the jam density is 145vehicles/km, and velocity is 60kph then the capacity flow is. 
A. 2175.0. 
B. 2200.0. 
C. 2375.0. 
D. 2500.0. 
Answer = 2175.0

309. The equivalency factor for car recommended by IRC is. 
A. 0.5. 
B. 1.0. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 2.0. 
Answer = 1.0

310. The maximum theoretical capacity is. 
A. 1000V/S. 
B. 1000S/V. 
C. 1000S. 
D. 1000V. 
Answer = 1000V/S

311. The first phase of traffic regulation is. 
A. Driver controls. 
B. Vehicle controls. 
C. Traffic flow regulations. 
D. General controls. 
Answer = Driver controls

312. The various regulations imposed through the traffic control devices do not include. 
A. Clear visibility. 
B. Easy recognition. 
C. Sufficient time for driver. 
D. Traffic population. 
Answer = Traffic population

313. The minimum age for attaining license for a geared vehicle is. 
A. 16 years. 
B. 18 years. 
C. 20 years. 
D. 21 years. 
Answer = 18 years

314. Traffic symbols are classified into how many categories?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

315. The symbol when violated which may lead to offense is. 
A. Cautionary. 
B. Mandatory. 
C. Informatary. 
D. Both informatory and cautionary. 
Answer = Mandatory

316. Which of the following is disadvantage in one way traffic?. 
A. Increase in average travel speed. 
B. More effective coordination of signal system. 
C. More stream lined movement of vehicles. 
D. More chances of overtaking. 
Answer = More chances of overtaking

317. The total conflict points at a junction on both two way roads is. 
A. One. 
B. Four. 
C. five. 
D. six. 
Answer = six

318. The maximum number of conflict points is formed in. 
A. One way regulation on one road. 
B. One way regulation on two roads. 
C. Two way regulation on one road. 
D. Two way regulation on both roads. 
Answer = Two way regulation on both roads

319. The specifications for road signs are specified by. 
A. IRC 6. 
B. IRC 21. 
C. IRC 67. 
D. IRC 97. 
Answer = IRC 67

320. The diameter of the small size information board is. 
A. 600mm. 
B. 900mm. 
C. 1200mm. 
D. 1500mm. 
Answer = 600mm

321. Which type of board should be installed if the speed limit is 100kmph?. 
A. Small. 
B. Medium. 
C. Large. 
D. Not required. 
Answer = Large

322. Give way sign is of. 
A. Triangular shape. 
B. Circular shape. 
C. Octagonal shape. 
D. Hexagonal shape. 
Answer = Triangular shape

323. STOP sign is having. 
A. Octagonal shape. 
B. Circular shape. 
C. Triangular shape. 
D. Any shape. 
Answer = Octagonal shape

324. The clearance time is indicated by. 
A. Red. 
B. Amber. 
C. Green. 
D. White. 
Answer = Amber

325. To reduce the conflict points which method is preferable?. 
A. Restricting the entry in one side. 
B. Widening of the roads. 
C. Use of traffic signals. 
D. Diverting the traffic. 
Answer = Use of traffic signals

326. One of the disadvantages of traffic signals is. 
A. Provide orderly moment at intersection. 
B. The quality of the traffic flow improves. 
C. Traffic handling capacity increases. 
D. The rear end collision increases. 
Answer = The rear end collision increases

327. The traffic signals that are installed for pedestrians are called. 
A. Traffic control signals. 
B. Pedestrian signals. 
C. Special traffic signals. 
D. Automatic signals. 
Answer = Pedestrian signals

328. The clearance time for amber is usually. 
A. 0.5sec. 
B. 1sec. 
C. 1.5sec. 
D. 3sec. 
Answer = 3sec

329. In trial cycle method, the average time headway is assumed as. 
A. 2sec. 
B. 2.5sec. 
C. 3sec. 
D. 3.5sec. 
Answer = 2.5sec

330. The number of cycles for a trial period of 45 sec is. 
A. 20.0. 
B. 22.0. 
C. 25.0. 
D. 30.0. 
Answer = 20.0

331. If the number of cycles in trial cycle method is 20, for traffic of 170 on one road and 160 on other road, then calculate the total green time in sec. 
A. 38.0. 
B. 39.0. 
C. 40.0. 
D. 41.0. 
Answer = 41.0

332. In approximate method of signals, the average time taken to cross by the pedestrian is. 
A. 4sec. 
B. 5sec. 
C. 6sec. 
D. 7sec. 
Answer = 7sec

333. There is a traffic flow of 250 vehicles on road A and 200 vehicles on road B, if the green signal time on road A is 15 sec, then the green signal time of road B is. 
A. 10sec. 
B. 11sec. 
C. 12sec. 
D. 13sec. 
Answer = 11sec

334. If the amber time at a signal is 3 sec and the green signal time is 25sec, find the red signal time. 
A. 22sec. 
B. 21sec. 
C. 28sec. 
D. 29sec. 
Answer = 28sec

335. Which of the traffic signal method is based on saturation flow?. 
A. Trial cycle method. 
B. Webster method. 
C. IRC method. 
D. Approximate method. 
Answer = Webster method

336. On a 2 phase road, the saturation flow on road A is 1000 and normal flow is 250,whereas on road B the saturation flow is 1500 and normal flow is 500,the total red time is 10 sec , find optimum cycle length. 
A. 35sec. 
B. 36sec. 
C. 37sec. 
D. 38sec. 
Answer = 37sec

337. Which type of traffic island can be used for reduction of conflict point?. 
A. Divisional Island. 
B. Channelized Island. 
C. Pedestrian Loading Island. 
D. Rotary Island. 
Answer = Rotary Island

338. The indicators that may be marked for visible outline of the road is called. 
A. Roadway indicator. 
B. Roadway delineator. 
C. Roadway line. 
D. Roadway markings. 
Answer = Roadway delineator

339. The guide posts are usually of height. 
A. 0.6m. 
B. 0.7m. 
C. 0.8m. 
D. 2.0m. 
Answer = 0.8m

340. Which of the following is not an intersection at grade?. 
A. Un-channelized. 
B. Channelized. 
C. Rotary. 
D. Different level intersections. 
Answer = Different level intersections

341. An intersection that is provided for different levels of road is called. 
A. Intersection at grade. 
B. Grade separated intersections. 
C. Channelized intersection. 
D. Rotary intersection. 
Answer = Grade separated intersections

342. If the velocity of a vehicle is 60kmph and the other vehicle velocity is 20kmph, then the relative velocity is. 
A. 80kmph. 
B. 40kmph. 
C. 20kmph. 
D. 60kmph. 
Answer = 40kmph

343. If the angle of merging is low, then the relative speed will be. 
A. Low. 
B. High. 
C. Medium. 
D. Depends on width of pavement. 
Answer = Low

344. If an additional pavement is provided for lane change, then that intersection is called. 
A. Tee intersection. 
B. Rotary intersection. 
C. Flared intersection. 
D. Skewed intersection. 
Answer = Flared intersection

345. Which of the following is not a requirement for intersection at grade?. 
A. Area of conflict should be large. 
B. Adequate visibility. 
C. Avoiding sudden change of path. 
D. Sufficient radius should be provided. 
Answer = Area of conflict should be large

346. The most complex type of intersections for traffic operation is. 
A. Un-channelized. 
B. Channelized. 
C. Rotary. 
D. Grade separated. 
Answer = Un-channelized

347. The procedure of adopting medians and traffic island in an un-channelized intersection is called. 
A. Dividing. 
B. Crossing. 
C. Channelizing. 
D. Designing. 
Answer = Channelizing

348. If the coefficient of friction is 0.43, and the design velocity is 40kmph then the radius of curve is. 
A. 20m. 
B. 25m. 
C. 28m. 
D. 30m. 
Answer = 30m

349. The minimum radius for rotary recommended by IRC is. 
A. 1.3 times of entry radius. 
B. 1.33 times of entry radius. 
C. 1.5 times of entry radius. 
D. 1.7 times of entry radius. 
Answer = 1.33 times of entry radius

350. If the average width of the entry section is 3m and the exit is 6m then the average width is. 
A. 4m. 
B. 4.5m. 
C. 5.0m. 
D. 5.5m. 
Answer = 4.5m

351. The PCU value near rotary is highest for. 
A. Cars. 
B. Bus. 
C. Cycle. 
D. Animal drawn vehicles. 
Answer = Animal drawn vehicles

352. In a traffic lane the traffic moving extreme left is 250 PCU and in extreme right it is 240 PCU, the sum of the weaving traffic crossing left and right is 500 PCU, find proportion of weaving traffic. 
A. 0.5. 
B. 1.5. 
C. 2.5. 
D. 3.0. 
Answer = 0.5

353. The capacity of rotary in PCU per hour for a proportion of weaving traffic 0.5 and the width of weaving section is 12m, average width of entry is 0.4m and length of the weaving section is 7.2m. 
A. 1088 PCU. 
B. 1100PCU. 
C. 1200 PCU. 
D. 1300PCU. 
Answer = 1088 PCU

354. The best type of interchange can be provided with. 
A. Rotary. 
B. Diamond. 
C. Partial cloverleaf. 
D. Full cloverleaf. 
Answer = Full cloverleaf

355. A grade intersection may be provided if the PCU exceeds. 
A. 5000.0. 
B. 6000.0. 
C. 7000.0. 
D. 10000.0. 
Answer = 10000.0

356. The capacity of an uncontrolled intersection is. 
A. 1000 to 1200 vehicles /hour. 
B. 1100 to 1200vehilces/hour. 
C. 1200 to 1400 vehicles/hour. 
D. 1400 to 1600 vehicles/hour. 
Answer = 1200 to 1400 vehicles/hour

357. The ramps in the grade separated intersections do not include. 
A. Direct. 
B. Semi direct. 
C. Indirect. 
D. Cloverleaf. 
Answer = Cloverleaf

358. The product of fast moving vehicles and number of trains should exceed by how much to justify the bypass road construction?. 
A. 25000.0. 
B. 5000.0. 
C. 50000.0. 
D. 250000.0. 
Answer = 25000.0

359. Parking facilities may be classified into how many types?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

360. The type of parking in which the vehicles are parked along the kerb is called. 
A. Kerb parking. 
B. Off-street parking. 
C. Parallel parking. 
D. Angle parking. 
Answer = Kerb parking

361. Which type of parking facility is convenient for all types of users?. 
A. Kerb parking. 
B. Off-street parking. 
C. Parallel parking. 
D. 90 degree parking. 
Answer = 90 degree parking

362. The maximum number of cars can be parked in. 
A. Kerb parking. 
B. Off-street parking. 
C. Parallel parking. 
D. 90 degree parking. 
Answer = Parallel parking

363. The number of parking spaces for a kerb of 59m and having the length of car as 5.0m is. 
A. 9.0. 
B. 10.0. 
C. 11.0. 
D. 12.0. 
Answer = 10.0

364. The first stage of parking lot is. 
A. Entrance. 
B. Acceptance. 
C. Storage. 
D. Delivery. 
Answer = Entrance

365. The parking facility in which elevators are required to change to a different level is called. 
A. Parking lot. 
B. Multi storeyed building. 
C. Clover leaf junction. 
D. Ramp. 
Answer = Multi storeyed building

366. In 90 degree parking the length of kerb is 25m, the parking spaces are. 
A. 10.0. 
B. 11.0. 
C. 12.0. 
D. 13.0. 
Answer = 10.0

367. The place allotted particularly for only parking is called. 
A. Parking lot. 
B. Parking space. 
C. Clover space. 
D. Traffic parking. 
Answer = Parking lot

368. The most inconvenient method for parking is. 
A. 30 degree parking. 
B. 45 degree parking. 
C. 90 degree parking. 
D. Parallel parking. 
Answer = 30 degree parking

369. The road traffic consists of how many types of traffic?. 
A. Vehicle traffic. 
B. Pedestrian traffic. 
C. Vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 
D. No traffic. 
Answer = Vehicular and pedestrian traffic

370. Which of the following is not a consequence of pedestrian using roadway?. 
A. Reduction in effective roadway. 
B. Reduction in running speed. 
C. Reduction in capacity of road. 
D. Increase of zebra crossings. 
Answer = Increase of zebra crossings

371. In which type of transport, walk mode is mandatory?. 
A. Personal vehicles. 
B. Public transport. 
C. Ships. 
D. Airways. 
Answer = Public transport

372. The most vulnerable part of traffic is. 
A. Traffic jam. 
B. Vehicles. 
C. Pedestrians. 
D. Cattle. 
Answer = Pedestrians

373. The main objective of pedestrian facility is. 
A. To minimize the pedestrian conflicts. 
B. To minimize the traffic conflicts. 
C. To minimize the traffic on road. 
D. To maximize the pedestrians on road. 
Answer = To minimize the pedestrian conflicts

374. The studies that are conducted for planning the facilities of pedestrians is called. 
A. Pedestrian studies. 
B. Pedestrian volume studies. 
C. Geometric studies. 
D. Statistics. 
Answer = Pedestrian volume studies

375. The width requirement of side walk depends on. 
A. Pedestrian flow. 
B. Traffic flow. 
C. Pedestrian and traffic flow. 
D. Climatic conditions. 
Answer = Pedestrian flow

376. The pedestrian facilities are planned for. 
A. Present requirement. 
B. Estimated growth of population. 
C. Past population. 
D. Both present and past requirements. 
Answer = Estimated growth of population

377. The minimum width of side walk is. 
A. 1.0m. 
B. 1.5m. 
C. 1.75m. 
D. 2.0m. 
Answer = 1.5m

378. The width requirement of side walk is decided with the help of. 
A. Pedestrians. 
B. Vehicles. 
C. Pedestrian flow. 
D. Vehicular flow. 
Answer = Pedestrian flow

379. The dead width usually considered as. 
A. 0.5m. 
B. 1.0m. 
C. 1.5m. 
D. 2.0m. 
Answer = 1.0m

380. If the side walk is 1.5m, then the capacity of pedestrians in one way is. 
A. 1200.0. 
B. 800.0. 
C. 1600.0. 
D. 2400.0. 
Answer = 1200.0

381. The cross slope of paved footpath may be. 
A. 1 to 2%. 
B. 2 to 3%. 
C. 3 to 4%. 
D. 4% only. 
Answer = 3 to 4%

382. Which of the following is a controlled type of pedestrian crossing?. 
A. Pavement marking. 
B. Studs. 
C. Warning signs. 
D. Pedestrian signals. 
Answer = Pedestrian signals

383. The approach velocity as per IRC for pedestrian crossing facilities is. 
A. 60kmph. 
B. 65kmph. 
C. 70kmph. 
D. 75kmph. 
Answer = 65kmph

384. The highway accidents occur mostly at. 
A. Day time. 
B. Night time. 
C. Both day and night. 
D. Early morning hours. 
Answer = Night time

385. Highway lighting is more important at. 
A. Cities. 
B. Towns. 
C. Villages. 
D. Bridges. 
Answer = Bridges

386. Road lighting is a. 
A. Advantage for users. 
B. Disadvantage for users. 
C. Economically profitable. 
D. Obstruction for users. 
Answer = Advantage for users

387. During the construction of highway, more highway lighting preference is given to. 
A. Village. 
B. Town. 
C. City. 
D. Intersections. 
Answer = Intersections

388. If the object appears darker than the road surface it is called. 
A. Discernment. 
B. Partial discernment. 
C. Silhouette. 
D. Reverse silhouette. 
Answer = Silhouette

389. Which of the pavement is better for highway lighting?. 
A. Black top surface. 
B. Cement concrete. 
C. WBM. 
D. Gravel roads. 
Answer = Cement concrete

390. The objects adjacent to the pavement are seen by. 
A. Silhouette. 
B. Reverse silhouette. 
C. Lamps. 
D. Head lights. 
Answer = Reverse silhouette

391. The intensity of highway lighting is measured in. 
A. Lux. 
B. Candela. 
C. Lumen. 
D. Dioptres. 
Answer = Lux

392. The minimum amount of highway lighting to be provided on urban roads is. 
A. 10 Lux. 
B. 15 Lux. 
C. 30 lux. 
D. 40 Lux. 
Answer = 30 lux

393. Which of the design factors considered in roadway lighting provide all the necessary features?. 
A. Lamps. 
B. Luminaire distribution of light. 
C. Spacing of lighting. 
D. Lateral placements. 
Answer = Luminaire distribution of light

394. Which lamps are preferred at intersections?. 
A. Sodium-vapour. 
B. Mercury. 
C. Filament. 
D. Fluorescent. 
Answer = Sodium-vapour

395. The ratio of average illumination recommended by IRC is. 
A. 0.3. 
B. 0.4. 
C. 0.5. 
D. 0.6. 
Answer = 0.4

396. The clearance recommended by IRC for poles in urban roads is. 
A. 0.3m. 
B. 0.4m. 
C. 0.5m. 
D. 0.6m. 
Answer = 0.6m

397. The spacing between the highway lamps is. 
A. 10 to 15m. 
B. 15 to 30m. 
C. 30 to 45m. 
D. 30 to 60m. 
Answer = 30 to 60m

398. The maintenance factor of highway is assumed as. 
A. 0.5. 
B. 0.6. 
C. 0.7. 
D. 0.8. 
Answer = 0.8

399. Land use, transportation and road network plans are. 
A. Inter linked. 
B. Intra linked. 
C. Not linked. 
D. Depends on the network. 
Answer = Inter linked

400. The main cause of accidents in urban areas is. 
A. Improper planning. 
B. Extra wide roads. 
C. Additional thickness of pavement. 
D. Traffic congestion. 
Answer = Improper planning

401. The first stage in the function of traffic engineering department is. 
A. Planning and design. 
B. Collection of data. 
C. Investigations. 
D. Finance. 
Answer = Collection of data

402. Traffic forecast is not influenced by. 
A. GDP. 
B. Industrial output. 
C. Population. 
D. Weather. 
Answer = Weather

403. Demographic factors do not include. 
A. GDP. 
B. Population in urban cities. 
C. Population in rural areas. 
D. Overall population. 
Answer = GDP

404. The NHDP are being undertaken by private companies on basis of. 
A. Profit. 
B. Revenue. 
C. BOT. 
D. Commission basis. 
Answer = BOT

405. The traffic will increase if the. 
A. Price of fuel decreases. 
B. Price of vehicles decreases. 
C. Price of fuel decreases. 
D. Price of vehicles decreases. 
Answer = Price of vehicles decreases

406. The traffic population is estimated by. 
A. Arithmetic method. 
B. Geometric method. 
C. Incremental increase method. 
D. Harmonic method. 
Answer = Geometric method

407. The materials not included in highway construction are. 
A. Stone. 
B. Dust. 
C. Soil. 
D. Petrol. 
Answer = Petrol

408. For places where there is a passage of flood water then the highway has to be built on. 
A. Embankment. 
B. Subway. 
C. Overpass. 
D. Underpass. 
Answer = Embankment

409. The layer which is constructed above embankment is called. 
A. Sub grade. 
B. Fill. 
C. Base. 
D. Sub base. 
Answer = Sub grade

410. The highest CBR number is required for. 
A. Pavement. 
B. Sub grade. 
C. Sub base. 
D. Base. 
Answer = Sub grade

411. The most common waste material used in construction is. 
A. Fly ash. 
B. Slag. 
C. Pozzolona. 
D. Rice husk. 
Answer = Fly ash

412. Bitumen is a by-product of. 
A. Wood. 
B. Petroleum. 
C. Kerosene. 
D. Coal. 
Answer = Petroleum

413. Tar is a by-product of. 
A. Wood. 
B. Petroleum. 
C. Kerosene. 
D. Coal. 
Answer = Wood

414. In the initial stage of construction which type of pavement is cheap?. 
A. Flexible. 
B. Rigid. 
C. Composite. 
D. WBM. 
Answer = Flexible

415. A good soil should have. 
A. Ease of compaction. 
B. Temporary strength. 
C. High sensitivity. 
D. High void ratio. 
Answer = Ease of compaction

416. The process by which the water voids are removed is called. 
A. Compaction. 
B. Consolidation. 
C. Permeability. 
D. Shear strength. 
Answer = Consolidation

417. The most common method used for the removal of voids in soil is. 
A. Compaction. 
B. Consolidation. 
C. Permeability. 
D. Shear strength. 
Answer = Compaction

418. The volume of voids in the 3 phase diagram of soil is. 
A. Volume of air. 
B. Volume of water. 
C. Volume of air and volume of water. 
D. Volume of solids. 
Answer = Volume of air and volume of water

419. The ratio of volume of voids and volume of soil solids is called. 
A. Void ratio. 
B. Porosity. 
C. Saturation. 
D. Air content. 
Answer = Void ratio

420. Montimorrite is a type of mineral which causes expansive behaviour is found in. 
A. Black cotton soil. 
B. Laterite soil. 
C. River soil. 
D. Glacial soil. 
Answer = Black cotton soil

421. The soil that is formed by the action of wind is called. 
A. Lacustrine soil. 
B. Alluvial soil. 
C. Aeolian soil. 
D. Glacial soil. 
Answer = Aeolian soil

422. The maximum density which is desirable in highway embankments is. 
A. Dry density. 
B. Saturated density. 
C. M.D.D. 
D. O.M.C. 
Answer = M.D.D

423. The void ratio can never be. 
A. Less than 1. 
B. Greater than 1. 
C. Less than zero. 
D. Equal to 1. 
Answer = Less than zero

424. The theoretical void ratio of sand is taken as. 
A. 0.87. 
B. 0.91. 
C. 1.01. 
D. 1.03. 
Answer = 0.91

425. If the water content of a soil sample is 25%, and dry density is 15KN/m3 then its dry density in KN/m3 is. 
A. 18.75. 
B. 19.0. 
C. 20.0. 
D. 21.0. 
Answer = 18.75

426. If the permeability is high then its void ratio is. 
A. High. 
B. Low. 
C. Medium. 
D. Depends on soil. 
Answer = High

427. The property of soil by which its state and size changes is called. 
A. Activity. 
B. Sensitivity. 
C. Thixotropy. 
D. Shear strength. 
Answer = Thixotropy

428. The specific gravity of sand is. 
A. 2.5. 
B. 2.6. 
C. 2.7. 
D. 2.9. 
Answer = 2.7

429. In field, the dry density of soil can be determined by?. 
A. Oven method. 
B. Sand bath. 
C. Burning. 
D. Sand replacement. 
Answer = Burning

430. Which type of roller is most suitable for soil compaction?. 
A. Smooth roller. 
B. Sheep foot roller. 
C. Pneumatic roller. 
D. Hydraulic roller. 
Answer = Sheep foot roller

431. The unpaved shoulder usually consists of. 
A. Gravel. 
B. Sand. 
C. Bricks. 
D. Clay. 
Answer = Gravel

432. The specific gravity of sand is determined by?. 
A. Pyconometer. 
B. Density bottle. 
C. Hydrometer. 
D. Oven. 
Answer = Density bottle

433. The liquid limit of the soil is determined by. 
A. Hydrometer. 
B. Pyconometer. 
C. Sand bottle. 
D. Cassagrandes apparatus. 
Answer = Cassagrandes apparatus

434. The shear strength is more for. 
A. Cohesive soil. 
B. Non cohesive soil. 
C. Frictionless soil. 
D. Dust. 
Answer = Cohesive soil

435. The weight of the hammer in modified proctor test apparatus is. 
A. 2.8kg. 
B. 4.7kg. 
C. 5.0kg. 
D. 6.0kg. 
Answer = 4.7kg

436. Coefficient of permeability is more for. 
A. Gravel. 
B. Sand. 
C. Clay. 
D. Brick. 
Answer = Gravel

437. Which type of soil is suitable for construction of pavement?. 
A. Black cotton soil. 
B. Sand. 
C. Stone dust. 
D. Gravel. 
Answer = Gravel

438. The slope of curve obtained between the number of blows and water content in the cassagrande's method is. 
A. Toughness index. 
B. Activity. 
C. Flow index. 
D. Liquid limit. 
Answer = Flow index

439. If the sensitivity of the soil is greater than 16 then it is. 
A. Insensitive. 
B. Little sensitive. 
C. Highly sensitive. 
D. Quick. 
Answer = Quick

440. Gravel having well grading is denoted by. 
A. GW. 
B. GP. 
C. SM. 
D. SW. 
Answer = GW

441. The fine grain soils are classified according to. 
A. Atterbergs limits. 
B. Atterbergs charts. 
Answer = Atterbergs limits

442. If the load value at 2.5mm penetration in CBR is 190kg and the load for 5.0mm penetration is 48kg, then the CBR value at 5 mm penetration is. 
A. 4.6. 
B. 4.4. 
C. 4.3. 
D. 4.1. 
Answer = 4.4

443. The plate bearing test is used to evaluate. 
A. Modulus of sub grade reaction. 
B. Modulus of sub base reaction. 
C. Modulus of base reaction. 
D. Modulus of pavement. 
Answer = Modulus of sub grade reaction

444. If the shear strength of the non-cohesive soil is 84KN/m2 and angle of friction is 30 degrees, then the normal strength in KN/m2 is. 
A. 140.0. 
B. 141.0. 
C. 143.0. 
D. 145.0. 
Answer = 145.0

445. Stone aggregate do not have to resist. 
A. Weathering effect. 
B. Traffic load. 
C. Wheel load stress. 
D. Soil load. 
Answer = Soil load

446. Sand obtained from river is used as. 
A. Course aggregate. 
B. Fine aggregate. 
C. Filling materials. 
D. Substitute. 
Answer = Fine aggregate

447. Soft aggregates are used in. 
A. Lower layers. 
B. Upper layers. 
C. Everywhere in the pavement. 
D. Depends on the material. 
Answer = Lower layers

448. Which of the following is a soft aggregate?. 
A. Brick. 
B. Gravel. 
C. Clay. 
D. Silt. 
Answer = Brick

449. Impact value is used to measure. 
A. Hardness. 
B. Toughness. 
C. Wheel load. 
D. Strength. 
Answer = Toughness

450. The capability of aggregate to resist more weathering action and wheel load is called. 
A. Hardness. 
B. Toughness. 
C. Durability. 
D. Angularity. 
Answer = Durability

451. If the aggregates are exceptionally strong then they are having impact value. 
A. Less than 10. 
B. Less than 15. 
C. Less than 30. 
D. Greater than 30. 
Answer = Less than 10

452. The skid number for highways should not be less than. 
A. 55.0. 
B. 45.0. 
C. 35.0. 
D. 25.0. 
Answer = 55.0

453. The specific gravity for aggregates should be within the range of. 
A. 2.5-2.8. 
B. 2.6-2.9. 
C. 2.4-2.6. 
D. 2.2-2.6. 
Answer = 2.6-2.9

454. The crushing value of the aggregate determines its. 
A. Hardness. 
B. Strength. 
C. Toughness. 
D. Durability. 
Answer = Strength

455. The flakiness index for surface dressing should not exceed. 
A. 0.15. 
B. 0.25. 
C. 0.35. 
D. 0.45. 
Answer = 0.25

456. The sum of flakiness index and elongation index should not exceed. 
A. 15.0. 
B. 20.0. 
C. 30.0. 
D. 40.0. 
Answer = 30.0

457. Aggregates obtained from which type of rocks are strong?. 
A. Igneous. 
B. Sedimentary. 
C. Metamorphic. 
D. Rocks formed by weathering. 
Answer = Igneous

458. The maximum size that can be used in plain concrete is. 
A. 40 mm. 
B. 20 mm. 
C. 100 mm. 
D. 80 mm. 
Answer = 80 mm

459. The maximum size of aggregate that can be used in R.C.C is. 
A. 10mm. 
B. 15mm. 
C. 20mm. 
D. 25mm. 
Answer = 20mm

460. The flaky aggregates should not exceed. 
A. 1/2 of mean dimension. 
B. 3/4th of mean dimension. 
C. 3/5th of mean dimension. 
D. 1/8th of mean dimension. 
Answer = 3/5th of mean dimension

461. The factors which effect the formation of metamorphic rocks are. 
A. Heat. 
B. Pressure. 
C. Heat and pressure. 
D. Molten lava. 
Answer = Heat and pressure

462. The fine aggregates are having a size less than. 
A. 5mm. 
B. 4.75mm. 
C. 2.36 mm. 
D. 75 microns. 
Answer = 4.75mm

463. Which type of aggregates gives good workability?. 
A. Round. 
B. Flaky. 
C. Angular. 
D. Irregular. 
Answer = Round

464. If the bulk density of an aggregate is 2.6kg/lit and Gs is 2.8 then, the percentage of voids is. 
A. 7.1. 
B. 71.0. 
C. 710.0. 
D. 0.71. 
Answer = 7.1

465. The dividing and operating of aggregates into different sizes is called. 
A. Sieve analysis. 
B. Gap grading. 
C. Impact. 
D. Hardness. 
Answer = Sieve analysis

466. The expansion of aggregate on reaction with water is called. 
A. Swelling. 
B. Bulking. 
C. Expelling. 
D. Breaking. 
Answer = Bulking

467. Which material can be replaced in concrete for a strong pervious concrete pavement?. 
A. Water. 
B. Course aggregate. 
C. Fine aggregate. 
D. Cement. 
Answer = Course aggregate

468. The minimum grade of concrete required for pavement design is. 
A. M30. 
B. M35. 
C. M40. 
D. M45. 
Answer = M40

469. The aggregates which do not have sufficient strength like waste bricks can be used in. 
A. Base. 
B. Shoulder. 
C. Surface. 
D. Footpath. 
Answer = Footpath

470. Bitumen is obtained from. 
A. Wood. 
B. Petroleum. 
C. Coal. 
D. Kerosene. 
Answer = Petroleum

471. Tar is obtained from. 
A. Wood. 
B. Petroleum. 
C. Coal. 
D. Kerosene. 
Answer = Wood

472. Tar is not used now because of. 
A. Cost. 
B. Efficiency. 
C. Harmful effects. 
D. Not satisfactory. 
Answer = Harmful effects

473. Bitumen is. 
A. Pyrogenous. 
B. Natural. 
C. Either natural or pyrogenous. 
D. Artificial. 
Answer = Either natural or pyrogenous

474. The bitumen is completely soluble in. 
A. Carbon monoxide. 
B. Carbon dioxide. 
C. Carbon sulfide. 
D. Carbon disulfide. 
Answer = Carbon sulfide

475. The resistance to flow is measured by. 
A. Flash and fire. 
B. Viscosity. 
C. Penetration test. 
D. Ductility test. 
Answer = Viscosity

476. The temperature used in highway pavement in degrees centigrade is. 
A. 130.0. 
B. 120.0. 
C. 115.0. 
D. 175.0. 
Answer = 175.0

477. The solvent used in cut back bitumen is. 
A. Kerosene. 
B. Oil. 
C. Petrol. 
D. Diesel. 
Answer = Kerosene

478. The bitumen surface becomes stiff in. 
A. Summer. 
B. Winter. 
C. Rainy. 
D. Spring. 
Answer = Winter

479. Which bitumen does not need heating?. 
A. Paving grade. 
B. Cut back. 
C. Modified. 
D. Bitumen emulsion. 
Answer = Cut back

480. The distance between two samples in penetration test should be. 
A. 10mm. 
B. 15mm. 
C. 20mm. 
D. 25mm. 
Answer = 10mm

481. Which of the following grade of bitumen is harder?. 
A. 30/40. 
B. 60/70. 
C. 80/100. 
D. All are equal. 
Answer = 30/40

482. The temperature in penetration test is. 
A. 25.0. 
B. 30.0. 
C. 27.0. 
D. 35.0. 
Answer = 25.0

483. The SI unit of viscosity is. 
A. Stoke. 
B. Pascal. 
C. Pascal second. 
D. Dynes. 
Answer = Pascal second

484. The softening point of bitumen in the given options (in degree Celsius) will be. 
A. 25.0. 
B. 30.0. 
C. 35.0. 
D. 80.0. 
Answer = 35.0

485. Which layer of pavement should withstand stress?. 
A. Surface. 
B. Sub grade. 
C. Sub base. 
D. Base. 
Answer = Surface

486. The surface of bitumen should be. 
A. Smooth. 
B. Rough. 
C. Sufficient enough to resist friction. 
D. Very smooth. 
Answer = Sufficient enough to resist friction

487. The DBM is used in. 
A. Local streets. 
B. Rural roads. 
C. Highway. 
D. Concrete bridges. 
Answer = Highway

488. The filler material should pass from. 
A. 0.075mm. 
B. 0.75mm. 
C. 7.5mm. 
D. 75mm. 
Answer = 0.075mm

489. Rutting may be avoided by. 
A. Good compaction. 
B. Good aggregate. 
C. Good filler. 
D. Good workmanship. 
Answer = Good aggregate

490. Bleeding may be avoided by. 
A. Water voids. 
B. Air voids. 
C. Porosity. 
D. Water content. 
Answer = Air voids

491. Which aggregate produce higher stability of mix?. 
A. Gravel. 
B. Sharp sand. 
C. Rounded sand. 
D. Fly ash. 
Answer = Sharp sand

492. Maximum size of aggregate in base course is. 
A. 25 mm. 
B. 50 mm. 
C. 40 mm. 
D. 30 mm. 
Answer = 50 mm

493. Maximum size of aggregate in surface course is. 
A. 18.5mm. 
B. 19.5mm. 
C. 20.5mm. 
D. 21.5mm. 
Answer = 18.5mm

494. The specific gravity of bitumen lies between. 
A. 0.8& 0.9. 
B. 0.95& 0.97. 
C. 0.97&1.02. 
D. 1.02&1.05. 
Answer = 0.97&1.02

495. Volume of mineral aggregate is. 
A. VV+VB. 
B. Vv-Vb. 
C. VV*Vb. 
D. VV/VB. 
Answer = VV+VB

496. The temperature in Marshall's method is. 
A. 25.0. 
B. 30.0. 
C. 35.0. 
D. 60.0. 
Answer = 60.0

497. Marshall stability determines. 
A. Ductility. 
B. Flexibility. 
C. Utility. 
D. Grade of bitumen. 
Answer = Flexibility

498. The number of blows in Marshalls test specimen is. 
A. 25.0. 
B. 30.0. 
C. 55.0. 
D. 75.0. 
Answer = 75.0

499. The minimum grade of concrete in CC pavement is. 
A. M20. 
B. M30. 
C. M40. 
D. M50. 
Answer = M40
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