400+ Highway Engineering MCQs

Highway Engineering

 1. The cement used in water logged areas is. 

A. Portland cement. 
B. Hydrophobic cement. 
C. Quick setting cement. 
D. Reediest cement. 
Answer = Hydrophobic cement

2. The waste material mostly used in pavement is. 
A. Fly ash. 
C. Rice husk. 
D. Soil. 
Answer = Fly ash

3. The cement on touching should give. 
A. Cool feeling. 
B. Hot feeling. 
C. neutral. 
D. Very cool feeling. 
Answer = Cool feeling

4. Cement specific gravity is measured by. 
A. Water. 
B. Kerosene. 
C. Oil. 
D. Petrol. 
Answer = Kerosene

5. The specific gravity of cement is. 
A. 2.5. 
B. 1.44. 
C. 3.15. 
D. 30.0. 
Answer = 30.0

6. One meter cube of cement consists of how many bags of cement?. 
A. 30.0. 
B. 50.0. 
C. 15.0. 
D. 10.0. 
Answer = 30.0

7. The density of cement in Kg/m3 is. 
A. 1440.0. 
B. 1240.0. 
C. 1340.0. 
D. 1540.0. 
Answer = 1440.0

8. The initial setting time of cement is not less than. 
A. 30 seconds. 
B. 300 seconds. 
C. 30 minutes. 
D. 300 minutes. 
Answer = 30 minutes

9. The first test to be done for determining any property of cement is. 
A. Consistency. 
B. Setting time. 
C. Soundness. 
D. Fineness. 
Answer = Consistency

10. The volume of water in setting time test is. 
A. 0.78p. 
B. 0.75p. 
C. 0.85p. 
D. 0.95p. 
Answer = 0.85p

11. The volume of water in soundness test is. 
A. 0.6p. 
B. 0.7p. 
C. 0.78p. 
D. 0.8p. 
Answer = 0.78p

12. The property of cement by which it doesn't expand is called. 
A. Fineness. 
B. Soundness. 
C. Setting time. 
D. Consistency. 
Answer = Soundness

13. The most commonly used grade of cement is. 
A. 33.0. 
B. 43.0. 
C. 53.0. 
D. 63.0. 
Answer = 53.0

14. The total grades of cement specified by IRC is. 
A. 3.0. 
B. 6.0. 
C. 9.0. 
D. 12.0. 
Answer = 9.0

15. The surface of highway pavement should be designed to allow. 
A. High rolling resistance. 
B. Low rolling resistance. 
C. No rolling resistance. 
D. Very high rolling resistance. 
Answer = Low rolling resistance

16. The soil becomes weak in. 
A. Summer. 
B. Winter. 
C. Rainy season. 
D. Spring season. 
Answer = Rainy season

17. The pavement layer is considered superior if it distributes load like a. 
A. Point load. 
B. Uniformly distributed load. 
C. Uniformly varying load. 
D. Triangular load. 
Answer = Point load

18. Which of the following pavement has greater life?. 
A. Bituminous pavements. 
B. Cement concrete pavements. 
C. Gravel roads. 
D. Earth roads. 
Answer = Cement concrete pavements

19. Which of the following requirement is given most importance in highway design?. 
A. Structural. 
B. Functional. 
C. Seasonal. 
D. Maintenance. 
Answer = Structural

20. The surface of the pavement should be. 
A. Smooth. 
B. Rough. 
C. Sufficient enough to resist skid. 
D. Very rough. 
Answer = Sufficient enough to resist skid

21. Rough and uneven roads increase. 
A. Vehicle cost. 
B. Petrol cost. 
C. Accident cost. 
D. Vehicle operation cost. 
Answer = Vehicle operation cost

22. The drainage layer is. 
A. Surface course. 
B. Sub base. 
C. Base. 
D. Sub grade. 
Answer = Sub base

23. The maximum stress sustained by concrete pavements in kg/cm2 is. 
A. 40.0. 
B. 45.0. 
C. 50.0. 
D. 55.0. 
Answer = 45.0

24. The ICPB type of pavement uses. 
A. Concrete paver blocks. 
B. Fly ash. 
D. RMC. 
Answer = Concrete paver blocks

25. The ICPB may be used in. 
A. Water logged areas. 
B. Parks. 
C. Footpaths. 
D. Highways. 
Answer = Water logged areas

26. The design life of flexible pavement is. 
A. 12.0. 
B. 10.0. 
C. 8.0. 
D. 15.0. 
Answer = 15.0

27. The design period of cement concrete road is taken as. 
A. 20.0. 
B. 25.0. 
C. 30.0. 
D. 35.0. 
Answer = 30.0

28. The most superior material is used in. 
A. base. 
B. sub base. 
C. surface. 
D. soil. 
Answer = surface

29. The soil sub grade suitable for pavement is. 
A. Gravel. 
B. Sand. 
C. Black cotton soil. 
D. Red soil. 
Answer = Gravel

30. The drainage layer is. 
A. Sub grade. 
B. Sub base. 
C. Base. 
D. Surface. 
Answer = Sub base

31. The minimum thickness of compacted sub grade is. 
A. 300 mm. 
B. 500 mm. 
C. 700 mm. 
D. 900 mm. 
Answer = 300 mm

32. The most common test used in evaluating soil strength is. 
A. CBR. 
B. DCP. 
C. Triaxial. 
D. Plate bearing test. 
Answer = CBR

33. The CBR standard penetration is. 
A. 2.5 mm. 
B. 5.0 mm. 
C. 7.5 mm. 
D. 25mm. 
Answer = 2.5 mm

34. Minimum thickness of seal coat is. 
A. 20mm. 
B. 25mm. 
C. 30.m. 
D. 35mm. 
Answer = 20mm

35. The impact value of aggregate used in pavement is. 
A. 30.0. 
B. 40.0. 
C. 50.0. 
D. 60.0. 
Answer = 30.0

36. The abrasion value of the aggregate in pavement should be less than. 
A. 30.0. 
B. 40.0. 
C. 50.0. 
D. 60.0. 
Answer = 40.0

37. The specifications for highway are prepared by. 
A. IRC. 
C. BIS. 
Answer = MORTH

38. The number of factors considered for flexible pavement is. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Five. 
Answer = Five

39. The contact pressure is given by. 
A. Pa. 
B. a/P. 
C. P/A. 
D. PA. 
Answer = P/A

40. The distribution of circular load was obtained by. 
A. Wester guard. 
B. Boussinesq. 
C. McAdam. 
D. Taylor. 
Answer = Boussinesq

41. The last step in the design of flexible pavement is. 
A. Design of sub grade. 
B. Design of base. 
C. Design of mix. 
D. Design of the pavement thickness. 
Answer = Design of the pavement thickness

42. If one or more wheels act as a single load then it is called as. 
Answer = EASEL

43. The pressure in pneumatic tyres should not exceed. 
A. 10Kg/cm^2. 
B. 9.5Kg/cm^2. 
C. 9Kg/cm^2. 
D. 8Kg/cm^2. 
Answer = 9.5Kg/cm^2

44. The legal load considered in the benklemen beam method is. 
A. 8.17. 
B. 9.17. 
C. 10.2. 
D. 11.2. 
Answer = 8.17

45. The load dispersion is assumed at an angle of. 
A. 45°. 
B. 60°. 
C. 75°. 
D. 90°. 
Answer = 45°

46. The equivalent wheel load factors are calculated by using. 
A. First power law. 
B. Second power law. 
C. Third power law. 
D. Fourth power law. 
Answer = Fourth power law

47. The standard wheel load in Ewl factor is. 
A. 4080 kg. 
B. 9160 kg. 
C. 8170 kg. 
D. 5100 kg. 
Answer = 4080 kg

48. The rate of growth in traffic in urban areas is assumed as. 
A. 0.075. 
B. 0.08. 
C. 0.085. 
D. 0.09. 
Answer = 0.075

49. The constant value used in calculation of CSA is. 
A. 365.0. 
B. VDF. 
C. LDF. 
D. N. 
Answer = 365.0

50. The presence of moisture content causes. 
A. Swelling. 
B. Shrinkage. 
C. Alternate swelling and shrinkage. 
D. Frost. 
Answer = Swelling

51. The frost heave
A. Boussinesq assumed soil as. 
B. Homogeneous. 
C. Heterogeneous. 
D. Rigid. 
Answer = Boussinesq assumed soil as

52. Two elastic theory was developed by. 
A. Boussinesq. 
B. Westergard. 
C. Burnister. 
D. McAdam. 
Answer = Burnister

53. Boussinesq assumed the load as a. 
A. Point load. 
B. UDL. 
C. UVL. 
D. Triangular load. 
Answer = Point load

54. The ratio of z/a=0 represent the stress at. 
A. Top surface. 
B. Bottom surface. 
C. Middle. 
D. Maximum stress point. 
Answer = Top surface

55. The z is a function of. 
A. P, a. 
B. P,z. 
C. P,a,z. 
D. P only. 
Answer = P,a,z

56. The ratio of the radius r/a=0 represents. 
A. Center of chart. 
B. Center of load. 
C. Center of stress. 
D. Center of the pavement. 
Answer = Center of chart

57. The Poisson's ratio of soil is assumed as. 
A. 0.5. 
B. 0.6. 
C. 0.7. 
D. 0.8. 
Answer = 0.5

58. At surface the value of constant F is. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 1.18. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 2.0. 
Answer = 1.5

59. The unit of deflection is measured in. 
A. mm. 
B. N mm. 
C. joule. 
D. watt. 
Answer = mm

60. The constant in rigid pavement design is. 
A. 1.5. 
B. 1.18. 
C. 2.0. 
D. 3.0. 
Answer = 1.18

61. The diameter of the plate in plate load test is. 
A. 30 cm. 
B. 30 mm. 
C. 3 m. 
D. 0.3 m. 
Answer = 30 cm

62. The minimum deflection assumed in plate bearing test is. 
A. 0.25 mm. 
B. 0.25 cm. 
C. 2.5 cm. 
D. 2.5 m. 
Answer = 0.25 cm

63. The layer which should have high modulus of elasticity is. 
A. Soil. 
B. Sub grade. 
C. Sub base. 
D. Pavement. 
Answer = Pavement

64. The most superior material used in pavement is. 
A. DBM. 
B. WBM. 
C. Tar. 
D. Bitumen. 
Answer = Bitumen

65. In which layer system the modulus of elasticity will be equal for all layers?. 
A. Single. 
B. Double. 
C. Triple. 
D. Four layer. 
Answer = Single

66. How many types of methods are there to design a flexible pavement. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

67. Empirical method is dependent on strength of. 
A. Soil. 
B. Sub base. 
C. Base. 
D. Surface. 
Answer = Soil

68. The stress strain approach is used in. 
A. Empirical method. 
B. Semi empirical method. 
C. Theoretical. 
D. CBR method. 
Answer = Semi empirical method

69. CBR is a. 
A. Measure of soil strength. 
B. Flexible pavement design method. 
C. Rigid pavement design method. 
D. Measure of soil characteristics. 
Answer = Flexible pavement design method

70. The design charts are prepared based on. 
A. Climate. 
B. Past experience. 
C. Location. 
D. Traffic. 
Answer = Past experience

71. For which material the semi empirical method is useful?. 
A. Elastic. 
B. Plastic. 
C. Rigid. 
D. Semi rigid. 
Answer = Elastic

72. The CBR method was developed by. 
A. California division of highway. 
B. IRC. 
Answer = California division of highway

73. The soaking period in CBR sample is. 
A. 2 days. 
B. 3 days. 
C. 4 days. 
D. 5 days. 
Answer = 4 days

74. The total thickness of pavement. 
A. Constant. 
B. Changes with sub grade. 
C. Changes with sub base. 
D. Changes with base. 
Answer = Constant

75. As per MORTH the specified compaction of density is. 
A. 0.95. 
B. 0.96. 
C. 1.0. 
D. 0.99. 
Answer = 1.0

76. The top 500mm of soil sub grade should be compacted at. 
A. OMC. 
B. MDD. 
C. Dry density. 
D. Saturated density. 
Answer = OMC

77. For how much amount of rainfall soaking of specimen is not required?. 
A. 100 mm. 
B. 200 mm. 
C. 300 mm. 
D. 500 mm. 
Answer = 500 mm

78. Maximum aggregate size in CBR method is. 
A. 20 mm. 
B. 30 mm. 
C. 40 mm. 
D. 50 mm. 
Answer = 20 mm

79. The critical stress is considered in. 
A. Surface. 
B. Sub base layer. 
C. Sub grade. 
D. Both sub grade and surface. 
Answer = Both sub grade and surface

80. The design factor not considered in CBR is. 
A. Weather. 
B. Traffic. 
C. VDF. 
D. Growth rate. 
Answer = Weather

81. The heavy commercial vehicles are considered if their weight exceeds. 
A. 3.0 t. 
B. 4.0 t. 
C. 5.0 t. 
D. 6.0 t. 
Answer = 3.0 t

82. Axle load studies are carried out on a minimum sample of. 
A. 0.1. 
B. 0.15. 
C. 0.2. 
D. 0.25. 
Answer = 0.2

83. The overlay design is laid for a maximum life span of. 
A. 5 years. 
B. 7 years. 
C. 9 years. 
D. 10 years. 
Answer = 10 years

84. The most commonly used overlay is. 
A. Flexible over rigid. 
B. Rigid over flexible. 
C. Flexible over flexible. 
D. Rigid over rigid. 
Answer = Flexible over flexible

85. The average vehicles considered for pavement studies are. 
A. 150.0. 
B. 1500.0. 
C. 150 to 1500. 
D. 15000.0. 
Answer = 150 to 1500

86. The VDF of a lane if the CVPD is greater than 1500 in plain terrain. 
A. 4.5. 
B. 2.5. 
C. 3.0. 
D. 4.0. 
Answer = 4.5

87. The VDF in hilly terrain for CVPD less than 1500 is. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 1.5. 
C. 2.0. 
D. 2.5. 
Answer = 1.5

88. The depth of rutting criterion is obtained by. 
A. Micro strain. 
B. Macro strain. 
C. Traffic. 
D. Elasticity modulus. 
Answer = Micro strain

89. The lane distribution factor on undivided roads with single lane carriage way is. 
A. 0.5. 
B. 1.0. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 2.0. 
Answer = 1.0

90. The least lane distribution factor value is least for. 
A. Single lane. 
B. Double lane. 
C. Three lanes. 
D. Four lanes. 
Answer = Four lanes

91. The joint filling sand should have fines. 
A. 75 microns. 
B. 85 microns. 
C. 95 microns. 
D. 100 microns. 
Answer = 75 microns

92. The PQC denotes. 
A. Paved quality cement. 
B. Paved quality concrete. 
C. Pavement quality concrete. 
D. Paved quantity cement. 
Answer = Pavement quality concrete

93. The layer not required in cement road is. 
A. Sub grade. 
B. Sub base. 
C. Base. 
D. Surface. 
Answer = Base

94. The cement slab is provided with. 
A. Long joints. 
B. Longitudinal joints. 
C. Transverse joints. 
D. Both Longitudinal and transverse joints.. 
Answer = Both Longitudinal and transverse joints.

95. The soil sub grade design is done by. 
A. Plate bearing test. 
B. CBR. 
C. Plate load test. 
D. Shear test. 
Answer = Plate bearing test

96. Failure in rigid pavement occurs due to. 
A. More compaction. 
B. Less compaction. 
C. More load. 
D. Less load. 
Answer = Less compaction

97. The size of particles preferred in GSB layer of pavement is. 
A. 0.075 mm. 
B. 0.150 mm. 
C. 0.300 mm. 
D. 0.600 mm. 
Answer = 0.075 mm

98. The failure in GSB layer of rigid pavement is. 
A. Pumping. 
B. Blowing. 
C. Pumping and blowing. 
D. Fatigue. 
Answer = Pumping and blowing

99. The drainage layer of pavement can. 
A. Increase the pavement life. 
B. Decrease the pavement life. 
C. Increase the pavement thickness. 
D. Decrease the pavement thickness. 
Answer = Increase the pavement life

100. The spacing between construction joints in rigid pavement is. 
A. 4.5 m. 
B. 5.0 m. 
C. 5.5 m. 
D. 6.0 m. 
Answer = 5.0 m

101. The gap provided in slabs is. 
A. 20 mm. 
B. 30 mm. 
C. 35 mm. 
D. 40 mm. 
Answer = 20 mm

102. The stress in pavement changes. 
A. Daily. 
B. Seasonally. 
C. Annually. 
D. Depends on pavement. 
Answer = Daily

103. The spacing of joint depends on. 
A. Type of joint. 
B. Type of construction. 
C. Type of material. 
D. Same for all joints. 
Answer = Type of joint

104. How many factors contributing to the flexural stress of a pavement?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

105. The life span of rigid pavement depends on. 
A. Magnetic action. 
B. Frictional action. 
C. Location of loading. 
D. Seasonal change. 
Answer = Location of loading

106. The term 'a' denotes. 
A. Radius of wheel. 
B. Radius of the area of contact. 
C. Radius of the equivalent area of contact. 
D. Radius of axle. 
Answer = Radius of the equivalent area of contact

107. The stresses are found in how many places of rigid pavement?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

108. The maximum fatigue ratio of rigid pavement is. 
A. 0.45. 
B. 0.65. 
C. 0.8. 
D. 0.9. 
Answer = 0.9

109. The ratio of flexibility strength applied due to a load and the flexural stress is called. 
A. Stress ratio. 
B. Strain ratio. 
C. Stress and strain ratio. 
D. Bulk modulus. 
Answer = Stress ratio

110. There will be no fatigue if stress ratio is kept below. 
A. 0.44. 
B. 0.5. 
C. 0.7. 
D. 0.9. 
Answer = 0.44

111. The design load is taken as. 
A. 15th percentile load. 
B. 85th percentile load. 
C. 98th percentile load. 
D. 99th percentile load. 
Answer = 98th percentile load

112. The load safety factor assumed is. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 1.2. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 1.6. 
Answer = 1.2

113. No warping stress is developed if temperature. 
A. Constant. 
B. Less than normal. 
C. More than normal. 
D. Changes frequently. 
Answer = Constant

114. Proximity to sea contributes to. 
A. Warping stress. 
B. Seasonal stress. 
C. Climatic factor. 
D. Weathering factor. 
Answer = Climatic factor

115. The maximum stress in summer by pavement is experienced at. 
A. Morning. 
B. Mid noon. 
C. Evening. 
D. Night. 
Answer = Mid noon

116. Major stresses in CC pavement is. 
A. Wheel load stress. 
B. Warping stress. 
C. Wheel load and warping stress. 
D. Frictional stress. 
Answer = Wheel load and warping stress

117. The unit of 'K' is. 
A. Kg. 
B. Kg/cm. 
C. Kg/cm 2. 
D. Kg/cm 3. 
Answer = Kg/cm 3

118. The deflection in Westergaard analysis is. 
A. 0.125. 
B. 0.25. 
C. 0.375. 
D. 0.5. 
Answer = 0.125

119. The Poisson's ratio of concrete is. 
A. 0.15. 
B. 0.3. 
C. 0.6. 
D. 1.1. 
Answer = 0.15

120. The deflection of slab is dependent on. 
A. Flexural strength. 
B. Compressive strength. 
C. Tensile strength. 
D. Roughness. 
Answer = Flexural strength

121. The stiffness of slab mainly depends on. 
A. Radius of wheel. 
B. Radius of rotary. 
C. Radius of relative pavement. 
D. Radius of relative pavement. 
Answer = Radius of relative pavement

122. If any load is placed at interior away from all edges then it is called. 
A. Edge loading. 
B. Far edge loading. 
C. Interior loading. 
D. Exterior loading. 
Answer = Interior loading

123. The loading which does not exist is. 
A. Edge. 
B. Interior. 
C. Exterior. 
D. Corner. 
Answer = Exterior

124. The distance at which the crack is developed is given by. 
A. 2.58 al. 
B. 2.58(al). 
C. 1.58al. 
D. 0.58al. 
Answer = 2.58(al)

125. Warping stress coefficient charts were prepared by. 
A. Burnister. 
B. Telford. 
C. Bradbury. 
D. IRC. 
Answer = Bradbury

126. Based on topography and climate of the location which factor is estimated?. 
A. Temperature. 
B. Pavement quality. 
C. Pavement thickness. 
D. Pavement design method. 
Answer = Pavement quality

127. The warping stress is due to the variation in the temperature of the pavement depends on length and width.. 
A. The first thickness assumed in pavement is called. 
B. IRC thickness. 
C. MORTH thickness. 
D. Trial thickness. 
Answer = MORTH thickness

128. The factor of safety is the stress caused at. 
A. Mid day. 
B. Summer. 
C. Winter. 
D. Rainy. 
Answer = Mid day

129. The minimum factor of safety for rigid pavement is. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 1.1. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 1.7. 
Answer = 1.1

130. The Westergaard equation was modified by. 
A. Bradbury. 
B. Burnister. 
C. Teller and Sutherland. 
D. Telford. 
Answer = Teller and Sutherland

131. If the flexural strength of a pavement is 45 and it's stress is 40 then factor of safety is. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 1.1. 
C. 1.15. 
D. 1.2. 
Answer = 1.15

132. The pavement thickness is usually assumed in rigid pavement as. 
A. 20 cm. 
B. 25 cm. 
C. 30 cm. 
D. 35 cm. 
Answer = 25 cm

133. The minimum quality of thickness in the low volume roads is. 
A. 15.0. 
B. 20.0. 
C. 25.0. 
D. 35.0. 
Answer = 35.0

134. The cement concrete roads are designed with. 
A. Plain concrete. 
B. RCC. 
D. Bitumen. 
Answer = Plain concrete

135. The dowel bars are provided. 
A. Longitudinally. 
B. Laterally. 
C. Any directoion required. 
D. In base of pavement. 
Answer = Longitudinally

136. The minimum diameter of dowel bar used is. 
A. 25 mm. 
B. 35 mm. 
C. 40 mm. 
D. 50 mm. 
Answer = 25 mm

137. The dowel should transfer. 
A. 40% of safe load. 
B. 40% of design load. 
C. 45% of safe load. 
D. 45% of design load. 
Answer = 40% of design load

138. The first step in highway construction after paper work is. 
A. Surveying. 
B. Estimation. 
C. Bill of quantities. 
D. Evaluation. 
Answer = Surveying

139. The design of the highway should satisfy. 
A. Structural requirement. 
B. Drainage system. 
C. Economical. 
D. All the above mentioned. 
Answer = All the above mentioned

140. The economical highway can be achieved by. 
A. Cheap aggregate. 
B. Good quality aggregate. 
C. Good aggregate and less transport cost. 
D. More transport cost and less quality aggregate. 
Answer = Good aggregate and less transport cost

141. The embankment is constructed by using. 
A. Soil. 
B. Fly ash. 
D. Bricks. 
Answer = Soil

142. The embankment construction should always be. 
A. Above MSL. 
B. At MSL. 
C. Above HFL. 
D. below MSL. 
Answer = Above HFL

143. The part of pavement left over for drainage is called. 
A. Sub base. 
B. Footpath. 
C. Ken. 
D. Shoulder. 
Answer = Shoulder

144. The raise of ground water reduces the capacity by. 
A. 0.6666. 
B. 0.5133. 
C. 0.5. 
D. 0.75. 
Answer = 0.5

145. Embankment are laid. 
A. Above ground level. 
B. Below ground level. 
C. 3.0 m above ground level. 
D. 5.0m above foundation level. 
Answer = Below ground level

146. The last step in design of embankment is. 
A. Height. 
B. stability of slope. 
C. Stability of foundation. 
D. Settlement. 
Answer = stability of slope

147. If the height of embankment increases. 
A. Slope stability increases. 
B. Slope stability remains constant. 
C. Slope has to reduced. 
D. Slopes need to be flattered. 
Answer = Slopes need to be flattered

148. The fill material used in embankment is. 
A. Peat. 
B. Silt. 
C. Clay. 
D. Granular soils. 
Answer = Granular soils

149. The settlement is due to. 
A. More compaction. 
B. Inadequate compaction. 
C. Temperature. 
D. Air pressure. 
Answer = Inadequate compaction

150. The stability of foundation is checked to ensure. 
A. Lateral strength. 
B. Compressive strength. 
C. Shear strength. 
D. Tensile strength. 
Answer = Shear strength

151. Stability of slopes change with. 
A. Climate. 
B. Increase in load. 
C. Increase in soil. 
D. Increase in width of pavement. 
Answer = Increase in load

152. An embankment is classified as high if height exceeds. 
A. 3.0 m. 
B. 4.0 m. 
C. 5.0 m. 
D. 6.0 m. 
Answer = 5.0 m

153. The most common natural problem found in embankment is. 
A. Settlement. 
B. Stability of foundation. 
C. Stability of slope. 
D. Soil erosion. 
Answer = Soil erosion

154. The investigation of embankment should be carried out for. 
A. Twice the height of embankment. 
B. Thrice the height of embankment. 
C. Exact height of embankment. 
D. Half height of embankment. 
Answer = Twice the height of embankment

155. The consolidation can be achieved faster by. 
A. Clay. 
B. Peat. 
C. Sand drains. 
D. Sand filter. 
Answer = Sand drains

156. The minimum spacing between the two sand beds is. 
A. 1.0 m. 
B. 1.5 m. 
C. 2.0 m. 
D. 2.5 m. 
Answer = 2.5 m

157. The liquid limit of soil for embankment construction is. 
A. Less than 70%. 
B. Less than 90%. 
C. Less than 60%. 
D. Less than 45%. 
Answer = Less than 70%

158. The free swelling index of soil should be less than. 
A. 50.0. 
B. 60.0. 
C. 70.0. 
D. 80.0. 
Answer = 50.0

159. The plasticity index for a sub grade should be less than. 
A. 45.0. 
B. 35.0. 
C. 25.0. 
D. 15.0. 
Answer = 25.0

160. The rollers that uses both tamping and kneading is. 
A. Plain roller. 
B. Vibratory roller. 
C. Sheep foot roller. 
D. Pneumatic roller. 
Answer = Sheep foot roller

161. The removal of earth for highway formation is. 
A. Embankment. 
B. Sub grade. 
C. Excavation. 
D. Filling. 
Answer = Excavation

162. The best time to remove soil is during. 
A. Summer. 
B. Winter. 
C. Rainy season. 
D. During storm. 
Answer = Summer

163. The equipment used for short haul distance of 100 m is. 
A. Bulldozer. 
B. Scrapper. 
C. Power shovel. 
D. Hoe. 
Answer = Bulldozer

164. The blade angle of bulldozer is usually. 
A. 60.0. 
B. 90.0. 
C. 15.0. 
D. 45.0. 
Answer = 90.0

165. The precise control of excavation is possible by. 
A. Scrapper. 
B. Hoe. 
C. Shovel. 
D. Bulldozer. 
Answer = Scrapper

166. The boom is supported by. 
A. Cab. 
B. Dipper stick. 
C. Hoist line. 
D. Crawler. 
Answer = Hoist line

167. Dragline cannot excavate. 
A. Soft rocks. 
B. Black cotton soil. 
C. Clay. 
D. Stiff material. 
Answer = Stiff material

168. The stiff materials can be excavated by. 
A. Dragline. 
B. Hoe. 
C. Power shovel. 
D. Scrapper. 
Answer = Hoe

169. The equipment having a bucket is. 
A. Shovel. 
B. Clam shell. 
C. Dragline. 
D. Hoe. 
Answer = Clam shell

170. The compaction of sand is done by. 
A. Rollers. 
B. Animals. 
C. Vibrator. 
D. Jetting. 
Answer = Jetting

171. The loss with sodium sulphate cycles for aggregate used for bitumen is. 
A. Less than 12%. 
B. Less than 15%. 
C. Less than 16%. 
D. Less than 20%. 
Answer = Less than 12%

172. How many kg of binder is applied for 10m2 area?. 
A. 68 kg. 
B. 71 kg. 
C. 82 kg. 
D. 93 kg. 
Answer = 68 kg

173. Built up spray grout consists of. 
A. One layer. 
B. Two layers. 
C. Three layers. 
D. Indefinite layers. 
Answer = Two layers

174. The stripping of aggregate should be less than. 
A. 12.0. 
B. 25.0. 
C. 35.0. 
D. 45.0. 
Answer = 25.0

175. The camber is checked at every interval of. 
A. 10 m. 
B. 20 m. 
C. 30 m. 
D. 40 m. 
Answer = 10 m

176. The minimum thickness used in bituminous macadam is. 
A. 25 mm. 
B. 50 mm. 
C. 75 mm. 
D. 100 mm. 
Answer = 75 mm

177. The interface bond between existing pavement and new pavement is provided by. 
A. Tack coat. 
B. Prime coat. 
C. Bitumen. 
D. Oil. 
Answer = Tack coat

178. The spreading test performed on bitumen can be checked on metal plates of dimensions. 
A. 200*200mm. 
B. 300*300mm. 
C. 400*400mm. 
D. 500*500mm. 
Answer = 200*200mm

179. The water sensitivity of aggregates should retain. 
A. 75% of tensile strength. 
B. 80% of tensile strength. 
C. 95% of tensile strength. 
D. 100% of tensile strength. 
Answer = 80% of tensile strength

180. The polished stone value for aggregate of surface course should be more than. 
A. 15.0. 
B. 25.0. 
C. 35.0. 
D. 55.0. 
Answer = 55.0

181. The most commonly used type of concrete pavement is. 
A. Unreinforced. 
B. RCC. 
C. Fibre reinforced. 
D. Contnous. 
Answer = Unreinforced

182. The pavement is checked for. 
A. Tension. 
B. Shear. 
C. Flexure. 
D. Compression. 
Answer = Flexure

183. The maintenance cost of rigid pavement when compared to flexible pavement is. 
A. More. 
B. Less. 
C. Equal. 
D. Depends on grade of concrete. 
Answer = Less

184. The critical stresses affecting the reinforced pavement is. 
A. Heavy loading. 
B. Poor soil. 
C. Poor drainage. 
D. Combination of above all. 
Answer = Combination of above all

185. The steel reinforcement is placed at. 
A. 1/2 of depth. 
B. 1/3 of depth. 
C. 1/4 of depth. 
D. 1/6 of depth. 
Answer = 1/2 of depth

186. The excessive flexural stress can lead to. 
A. Cracks. 
B. Bending. 
C. Torsion. 
D. Settlement. 
Answer = Cracks

187. The CC slab can be constructed in how many methods?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

188. The positive tolerance level of sub grade in surface for concrete pavement is. 
A. 20 mm. 
B. 25 mm. 
C. 30 mm. 
D. 35 mm. 
Answer = 20 mm

189. The expansion joints do not consist of. 
A. Dowel bars. 
B. Joint filler. 
C. Joint sealer. 
D. Tack coat. 
Answer = Tack coat

190. The design life for low volume roads is. 
A. 10 years. 
B. 15 years. 
C. 20 years. 
D. 30 years. 
Answer = 10 years

191. The million standard axles in low volume roads is considered as. 
A. 1 million. 
B. 1.5 million. 
C. Less than 1 million. 
D. 2 million. 
Answer = Less than 1 million

192. The low volume roads are designed as. 
A. All weather roads. 
B. Fair weather roads. 
C. Flexible pavement. 
D. Rigid pavement. 
Answer = Fair weather roads

193. The type of road used for ESAL value less than 10000 is. 
A. Earth road. 
B. Gravel road. 
C. Flexible pavement. 
D. Rigid pavement. 
Answer = Earth road

194. The maximum limit of sub grade thickness is. 
A. 150 mm. 
B. 200 mm. 
C. 300 mm. 
D. 400 mm. 
Answer = 300 mm

195. The base course is generally laid in earth road for a thickness of. 
A. 40 mm. 
B. 60 mm. 
C. 80 mm. 
D. 100 mm. 
Answer = 100 mm

196. The camber depends on. 
A. Road. 
B. Heat. 
C. Wind. 
D. Rainfall. 
Answer = Rainfall

197. The plasticity index in soil used for low volume roads should be less than. 
A. 10.0. 
B. 9.0. 
C. 7.0. 
D. 6.0. 
Answer = 6.0

198. The gravel content in surface layer can be a maximum of. 
A. 0.6. 
B. 0.7. 
C. 0.8. 
D. 0.9. 
Answer = 0.8

199. The minimum slope provided in a surface of cement concrete pavement is. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.015. 
C. 0.02. 
D. 0.025. 
Answer = 0.025

200. How many objectives of soil stabilised roads ?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

201. The stabilisation of roads is not done in. 
A. Sub grade. 
B. Base. 
C. Sub base. 
D. Surface Layer. 
Answer = Surface Layer

202. The subgrade thickness is compacted to. 
A. 200 mm. 
B. 300 mm. 
C. 400 mm. 
D. 500 mm. 
Answer = 500 mm

203. The soil stability is not so good in. 
A. Black cotton soil. 
B. Gravel. 
C. Sand. 
D. Boulders. 
Answer = Black cotton soil

204. The more thickness of the excavation will lead to. 
A. More stability. 
B. Less stability. 
C. Increase of cost. 
D. Decrease of cost. 
Answer = Increase of cost

205. The PMGSY aims to connect. 
A. Highway. 
B. Cities. 
C. Towns. 
D. Villages. 
Answer = Villages

206. The construction of soil stabilised roads is possible in. 
A. High volume roads. 
B. Highway. 
C. Village road. 
D. Low volume roads. 
Answer = Low volume roads

207. The black cotton soil is replaced in which roads?. 
A. Highway. 
B. Low volume road. 
C. Street road. 
D. Village road. 
Answer = Highway

208. The most commonly used material for stabilisation of soils is. 
A. Cement. 
B. Lime. 
C. Heating. 
D. Chemicals. 
Answer = Cement

209. The first principle of mechanical soil stabilisation is. 
A. Proportioning. 
B. Compaction. 
C. Consolidation. 
D. Shear. 
Answer = Proportioning

210. The non desirable property of soil is. 
A. Shear. 
B. Swelling. 
C. Incompressibility. 
D. Stability. 
Answer = Swelling

211. The maximum dry density of the soil can be achievement by. 
A. Compaction. 
B. Consolidation. 
C. Removal of voids. 
D. Removal of rocks. 
Answer = Compaction

212. The compaction of granular material is. 
A. Very easy. 
B. Easy. 
C. Difficult. 
D. Very difficult. 
Answer = Very difficult

213. If the grains in the aggregate lose contact, they. 
A. Melt. 
B. Float. 
C. Freeze. 
D. Sieze. 
Answer = Float

214. The mechanical stabilised soil does not depend on. 
A. Gradation. 
B. Salts. 
C. Compaction. 
D. Consolidation. 
Answer = Consolidation

215. The proportioning method not in use is. 
A. Rothfutch. 
B. Triangular. 
C. Lab tests. 
D. CBR method. 
Answer = CBR method

216. The percentage of chemical added in soil by weight is. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 1.5. 
C. 0.5. 
D. 0.2. 
Answer = 0.5

217. In soil cement stabilisation the bond is imparted between cement and. 
A. Water. 
B. Fine aggregate. 
C. Coarse aggregate. 
D. Soil. 
Answer = Soil

218. Making of solid into fine powder is called.. 
A. Powdering. 
B. Crushing. 
C. Pulverising. 
D. Refining. 
Answer = Pulverising

219. The chemical that can harm the hydrated cement is.. 
A. Calcium sulphate. 
B. Calcium di sulphate. 
C. Calcium tri sulphate. 
D. Magnesium sulphate. 
Answer = Magnesium sulphate

220. The increase of cement causes.. 
A. Increase in weight. 
B. Increase in void ratio. 
C. Increase in strength. 
D. Increase in porosity. 
Answer = Increase in strength

221. Presence of unpulverised dry lumps reduce the.. 
A. Strength. 
B. Durability. 
C. Strength and durability. 
D. Water content. 
Answer = Strength and durability

222. If compaction efforts increase, then.. 
A. Dry density increase. 
B. Dry density decrease. 
C. Wet density increase. 
D. Wet density decrease. 
Answer = Dry density increase

223. The high temperature in soil cement stabilisation accelerates.. 
A. Strength. 
B. Dry density. 
C. Shear. 
D. Compaction. 
Answer = Strength

224. The additive not used in soil cement stabilisation is.. 
A. Sodium hydroxide. 
B. Sodium carbonate. 
C. Calcium chloride. 
D. Sugar. 
Answer = Sugar

225. The BIS for soil cement stabilisation is based on.. 
A. British. 
C. PCA. 
D. British and ASTM. 
Answer = British and ASTM

226. The soil samples are prepared in a mould of diameter.. 
A. 5 cm. 
B. 10 cm. 
C. 15 cm. 
D. 20 cm. 
Answer = 5 cm

227. The graph between cement content and compressive strength is plotted for how many days of curing?. 
A. 3 days. 
B. 5 days. 
C. 7 days. 
D. 9 days. 
Answer = 7 days

228. The maximum brushing loss for A6 A7 soil type is.. 
A. 5.0. 
B. 6.0. 
C. 7.0. 
D. 10.0. 
Answer = 7.0

229. The plasticity index of soil cement base course should be less than.. 
A. 28.0. 
B. 18.0. 
C. 38.0. 
D. 48.0. 
Answer = 18.0

230. How many methods are available for the construction of soil cement base course?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

231. The degree of pulverisation is checked by sieve of.. 
A. 10 mm. 
B. 6.25 mm. 
C. 4.75 mm. 
D. 2.36 mm. 
Answer = 4.75 mm

232. The non desirable property of soil after addition of lime is.. 
A. High affinity with water. 
B. Friability. 
C. Pulverisation. 
D. Reduction in plasticity. 
Answer = High affinity with water

233. The maximum dry density of soil lime mix is decreased by.. 
A. 1 to 1.5%. 
B. 2 to 2.5%. 
C. 2 to 3%. 
D. 4 to 5%. 
Answer = 2 to 3%

234. The structure of clay is.. 
A. Flocculated. 
B. Dispersed. 
C. Elongated. 
D. Flaky. 
Answer = Flocculated

235. The flocculated substances are.. 
A. Stable. 
B. Unstable. 
C. Neutral. 
D. Depends on soil. 
Answer = Stable

236. The factor on which the property of soil lime doesn't depend is.. 
A. Soil. 
B. Lime. 
C. Shear. 
D. Curing. 
Answer = Shear

237. The increase in soil strength depends on.. 
A. Clay fraction. 
B. Thixotropy. 
C. Activity. 
D. Shear. 
Answer = Clay fraction

238. The point at which plastic limit increase and then decrease is.. 
A. Lime point. 
B. Fixing point. 
C. Lime fixation point. 
D. Lime reducing point. 
Answer = Lime fixation point

239. The chemical which causes burns while working with is.. 
A. Quick lime. 
B. Hydrated lime. 
C. Quick cement. 
D. Sulphate resistant cement. 
Answer = Quick lime

240. The compaction is carried out at.. 
A. 6% Water content. 
B. OMC. 
C. MDD. 
D. Saturated density. 
Answer = OMC

241. The strength of soil lime for several years after curing.. 
A. Increases. 
B. Decreases. 
C. Remains constant. 
D. Can't say. 
Answer = Increases

242. The substance added with lime for extra strength are called .. 
A. Fertiliser. 
B. Additive. 
C. Plasticiser. 
D. Super plasticiser. 
Answer = Additive

243. The design of soil lime mix is based on.. 
A. BIS. 
B. PAC. 
D. Lime fixation point. 
Answer = Lime fixation point

244. The first step in the construction step of soil lime base course is.. 
A. Preparation of sub grade. 
B. Preparation of pulverised soil. 
C. Field tests. 
D. Pre conditioning. 
Answer = Preparation of sub grade

245. The lime soil can't be used in.. 
A. Sub base. 
B. Base. 
C. Surface. 
D. Sub grade. 
Answer = Surface

246. Increase in lime content results in.. 
A. Decrease in plastic limit. 
B. Decrease in plasticity index. 
C. Increase in plasticity index. 
D. Change in volume. 
Answer = Decrease in plasticity index

247. The basic principle of bituminous stabilisation is.. 
A. Water proofing. 
B. Cohesion. 
C. Water proofing with cohesion. 
D. Adhesion. 
Answer = Water proofing with cohesion

248. The most commonly used bitumen is.. 
A. Tar. 
B. VG 70. 
C. Cutbacks. 
D. VG 30. 
Answer = Cutbacks

249. The bituminous layer can be used in which layer of the pavement in low rainfall areas?. 
A. Sub grade. 
B. Sub base. 
C. Base. 
D. Surface. 
Answer = Surface

250. The soil not preferred in bituminous mix is.. 
A. Sand. 
B. Clay. 
C. Gravel. 
D. Granite. 
Answer = Clay

251. The increase in strength in soil may be seen at an age of.. 
A. 3 days. 
B. 7 days. 
C. 28 days. 
D. 56 days. 
Answer = 28 days

252. The OMC of bitumen binder is taken as.. 
A. 0.02. 
B. 0.03. 
C. 0.05. 
D. 0.08. 
Answer = 0.05

253. The stability of the bituminous mix is always.. 
A. Greater than water content. 
B. Lesser than water content. 
C. Equal to water content. 
D. Can't determine. 
Answer = Greater than water content

254. The higher compaction will result in.. 
A. Less stability. 
B. Less strength. 
C. Less absorption of water. 
D. High absorption of water. 
Answer = Less absorption of water

255. The liquid limit of soil bitumen mix should be less than.. 
A. 0.6. 
B. 0.5. 
C. 0.45. 
D. 0.4. 
Answer = 0.4

256. The bitumen giving more better results is.. 
A. Cutback. 
B. Emulsion. 
C. VG 30. 
D. VG 40. 
Answer = Cutback

257. How many types of challenges are encountered in bitumen stabilisation?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

258. The final choice of stabilisation technique is based on.. 
A. Labour. 
B. Material. 
C. Equipment. 
D. Cost. 
Answer = Cost

259. The flexural strength is based on.. 
A. IRC. 
B. Plate test. 
C. CBR. 
D. Shear. 
Answer = CBR

260. The mix design should take into consideration.. 
A. Stability. 
B. Durability. 
C. Stability and durability. 
D. Age. 
Answer = Stability and durability

261. The modification factor used in base course thickness is called.. 
A. Granite equivalence. 
B. Gravel equivalence. 
C. Sand equivalence. 
D. Soil equivalence. 
Answer = Gravel equivalence

262. The colloidal content in BC soils can be up to.. 
A. 0.2. 
B. 0.3. 
C. 0.4. 
D. 0.5. 
Answer = 0.5

263. The shrinkage limit value in BC soil is. 
A. 0.0. 
B. 0.09. 
C. 0.15. 
D. 0.16. 
Answer = 0.15

264. The cement content required for BC soil is.. 
A. High. 
B. Very high. 
C. Low. 
D. Very low. 
Answer = Very high

265. The desert sand is.. 
A. Strong. 
B. Weak. 
C. Normal. 
D. Unfit for pavements. 
Answer = Weak

266. The water content in emulsion is about.. 
A. 0.1. 
B. 0.2. 
C. 0.3. 
D. 0.4. 
Answer = 0.4

267. The earth slopes and cuts get damaged due to.. 
A. Rain cuts. 
B. Erosion. 
C. Weathering. 
D. Unevenness. 
Answer = Rain cuts

268. The erosion between shoulder and pavement leads to.. 
A. Drop. 
B. Break down. 
C. Edge drop. 
D. Flat drop. 
Answer = Edge drop

269. The deterioration rate is more in.. 
A. Flexible pavements. 
B. Rigid pavements. 
C. Composite. 
D. Same in all. 
Answer = Flexible pavements

270. How many types of deterioration can be found in pavements.. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

271. Which factor doesn't affect the physical deterioration?. 
A. Traffic. 
B. Climate. 
C. Environment. 
D. Population. 
Answer = Population

272. Which of the following is a physical factor?. 
A. Formation of pot holes. 
B. Formation of unevenness. 
C. Freezing and thawing. 
D. Formation of ruts. 
Answer = Freezing and thawing

273. The road roughness is measured by. 
A. Bump integrator. 
B. Laser profile. 
C. Both bump integrator and laser. 
D. Overlay vehicle. 
Answer = Both bump integrator and laser

274. The uniform speed of bump integrator is .. 
A. 10 Kmph. 
B. 15 Kmph. 
C. 25 Kmph. 
D. 30 Kmph. 
Answer = 30 Kmph

275. The pavement rating of 3 is regarded as.. 
A. Poor. 
B. Good. 
C. Very good. 
D. Excellent. 
Answer = Good

276. The pavement surface value needing immediate attention is.. 
A. 1.5. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 2.5. 
D. 3.0. 
Answer = 2.5

277. The damage can be caused to a well designed pavement in a hot region is by.. 
A. Rain. 
B. Heat. 
C. Snow. 
D. Traffic. 
Answer = Rain

278. The blockade of the longitudinal and cross drains leads to.. 
A. Increase of water. 
B. Decrease of ground water. 
C. Stagnation. 
D. Floods. 
Answer = Stagnation

279. The deterioration left unnoticed will lead to.. 
A. Increase of cost. 
B. Increase of life span. 
C. Increase of initial cost. 
D. Decrease of material. 
Answer = Increase of cost

280. The inadequate compaction of sub grade may lead to distress in.. 
A. Flexible pavements. 
B. Rigid pavements. 
C. Both flexible and rigid. 
D. WBM roads. 
Answer = Both flexible and rigid

281. Which of the following is a cause of distress in rigid pavement only?. 
A. Inadequate compaction. 
B. Inadequate drainage. 
C. Dowel bars. 
D. Defect in materials. 
Answer = Dowel bars

282. The maintenance operations do not involve.. 
A. Survey work. 
B. Assessment of road condition. 
C. Diagnosis. 
D. Adopting the most appropriate steps. 
Answer = Survey work

283. The rate of growth of the deterioration is.. 
A. Linear. 
B. Parabolic. 
C. Exponential. 
D. Cubical. 
Answer = Exponential

284. The failure of the pavement which is not dependent on the design is.. 
A. Inferior materials. 
B. Delay of compaction. 
C. Settlement. 
D. Overloaded vehicles. 
Answer = Overloaded vehicles

285. The distress in bituminous pavement due to ineffective drainage system develops during.. 
A. Summer. 
B. Winter. 
C. Rainy. 
D. Spring. 
Answer = Rainy

286. The failure in settlement takes place due to the settlement of.. 
A. Fill. 
B. Sub grade. 
C. Both. 
D. Embankment. 
Answer = Both

287. The maintenance works are not possible for.. 
A. Shoulder. 
B. Pavement. 
C. Embankment. 
D. Sub grade. 
Answer = Sub grade

288. The maintenance of rigid pavement is.. 
A. Easy. 
B. Difficult. 
C. Very difficult. 
D. Neutral. 
Answer = Easy

289. The desired cross slope in embankment is.. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.02. 
C. 0.03. 
D. 0.04. 
Answer = 0.04

290. On roads where the soil has been deposited should be stripped by.. 
A. Trowel. 
B. Vicat apparatus. 
C. Blade grader. 
D. Bulldozer. 
Answer = Blade grader

291. The soil erosion may take place on roadside drains where the longitudinal slope is. 
A. Very steep. 
B. Steep. 
C. Normal. 
D. Not steep. 
Answer = Steep

292. The longitudinal slope erosion can be corrected by.. 
A. Compaction. 
B. Consolidated soil. 
C. Permeability. 
D. Void ratio. 
Answer = Compaction

293. The culvert is a structure whose span is less than.. 
A. 15m. 
B. 60m. 
C. 7m. 
D. 6m. 
Answer = 6m

294. The slopes and edges of road embankment get eroded leading to the formation of.. 
A. Ruts. 
B. Cuts. 
C. Pot holes. 
D. Cracks. 
Answer = Ruts

295. The measure not adopted to take care of the embankment failure is.. 
A. Benching. 
B. Grass turf. 
C. Stone pitching. 
D. Rise of embankment above HFL. 
Answer = Rise of embankment above HFL

296. The miscellaneous road factor for maintenance is.. 
A. Surface of pavement. 
B. Shoulder. 
C. Kerbs and median. 
D. Geometric design. 
Answer = Kerbs and median

297. The modern day pavement don't consider loads of. 
A. HCV. 
B. LMV. 
C. Motor cycle. 
D. Animal drawn vehicles. 
Answer = Animal drawn vehicles

298. The failure in olden roads were classified into how many types?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

299. The recoverable type of deformation is called as. 
A. Elastic deformation. 
B. Semi elastic deformation. 
C. Rigid deformation. 
D. Semi rigid deformation. 
Answer = Elastic deformation

300. The plastic deformation occurs in. 
A. Gravel. 
B. Sand. 
C. Silt. 
D. Clay. 
Answer = Clay

301. The consolidation deformation is. 
A. Non recoverable. 
B. Semi recoverable. 
C. Completely recoverable. 
D. Partly recoverable and partly non recoverable. 
Answer = Partly recoverable and partly non recoverable

302. The shear failure occurs in. 
A. Elastic deformation. 
B. Consolidated deformation. 
C. Plastic deformation. 
D. All of the mentioned. 
Answer = Plastic deformation

303. The deformation doesn't increase with. 
A. Increase in stress. 
B. Increase in load. 
C. Increase in thickness of pavement. 
D. Increase in compacted soil. 
Answer = Increase in compacted soil

304. The shear failure of soil sub grade may be attributed to. 
A. Inadequate stability. 
B. Excessive stress. 
C. Both. 
D. None. 
Answer = Both

305. The main cause of inadequate stability of bitumen mix doesn't include. 
A. Improper gradation of aggregate. 
B. Use of wrong viscosity grade of bitumen. 
C. Poor quality check. 
D. More stopping sight distance provided. 
Answer = More stopping sight distance provided

306. The measure not adopted in re construction of new highway is.. 
A. Providing effective drainage system. 
B. Designing as per traffic. 
C. Use of inferior quality material. 
D. Use of modern machinery. 
Answer = Use of inferior quality material

307. The cross slope required for the correction of shoulder is.. 
A. 0.02. 
B. 0.03. 
C. 0.04. 
D. 0.05. 
Answer = 0.05

308. The defects like pot holes, corrugation, rutting can be rectified by.. 
A. Trenching. 
B. Grading. 
C. Dragging. 
D. Chemical treatment. 
Answer = Grading

309. The re gravelled course is checked at a distance of every.. 
A. 10 m. 
B. 20 m. 
C. 50 m. 
D. 100 m. 
Answer = 100 m

310. The dust palliative not used for reducing dust is.. 
A. Magnesium chloride. 
B. Calcium chloride. 
C. Molasses. 
D. Fly ash. 
Answer = Fly ash

311. The WBM mostly get damaged in.. 
A. Summer. 
B. Winter. 
C. Rainy season. 
D. Spring. 
Answer = Rainy season

312. The distress not caused in localised form is.. 
A. Pot hole. 
B. Isolated crack stress. 
C. Localised depression. 
D. Liquefaction. 
Answer = Liquefaction

313. An existing flexible pavement that develops extensive cracks is called.. 
A. Ravelling. 
B. Alligator cracks. 
C. Shear. 
D. Pot hole. 
Answer = Alligator cracks

314. Shear failure are classified into how many types?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

315. The rate of structural deterioration of flexible pavement doesn't depend on.. 
A. Stability of pavement. 
B. Magnitude of traffic. 
C. Growth rate. 
D. Climatic change. 
Answer = Climatic change

316. The objective of conducting structural evaluation studies doesn't consist of.. 
A. To measure the present structural condition. 
B. Determine the drainage system. 
C. Estimate the residual life. 
D. Design of overlay. 
Answer = Determine the drainage system

317. The existing strength of pavement can be made stronger by .. 
A. Construction from sub grade. 
B. Construction from sub base. 
C. Construction from base. 
D. Overlay. 
Answer = Overlay

318. The repair cost is approximately how many times of the maintenance cost?. 
A. Three times. 
B. Four times. 
C. Five times. 
D. Six times. 
Answer = Six times

319. The structural evaluation studies are usually conducted for every.. 
A. 1 year. 
B. 2 years. 
C. 3 years. 
D. 4 years. 
Answer = 1 year

320. The difference between existing pavement and new pavement is.. 
A. Strength. 
B. Deficiency. 
C. Permeability. 
D. Shear. 
Answer = Deficiency

321. The Stability of flexible pavement structure depend on.. 
A. Sub grade. 
B. Degree of compaction. 
C. Drainage system. 
D. Water cement ratio. 
Answer = Water cement ratio

322. The elastic recovery of deflection is called.. 
A. Rebound deflection. 
B. Elastic deflection. 
C. Rigid deflection. 
D. Semi rigid deflection. 
Answer = Rebound deflection

323. The benkleman beam method was developed by.. 
A. IRC. 
Answer = CGRA

324. The structural evaluation can't be evaluated by.. 
A. Dynaflect. 
B. Road rater. 
C. FWD. 
D. Bump integrator. 
Answer = Bump integrator

325. The slender beam used in benkleman beam method is.. 
A. 3.5 m. 
B. 3.66 m. 
C. 3.8 m. 
D. 3.7 m. 
Answer = 3.66 m

326. The least count of the small needle in benkleman beam test is.. 
A. 0.5 mm. 
B. 1.0 mm. 
C. 1.5 mm. 
D. 2.0 mm. 
Answer = 2.0 mm

327. The tyre pressure in benkleman beam method should be inflated to (in kg/cm2).. 
A. 5.0. 
B. 5.2. 
C. 5.4. 
D. 5.6. 
Answer = 5.6

328. Wheel load distribution in one side of benkleman beam test is.. 
A. 1080 kg. 
B. 2880 kg. 
C. 4085 kg. 
D. 8170 kg. 
Answer = 4085 kg

329. The clear space between the two tyres of the dual wheels should be.. 
A. 20 mm. 
B. 25 mm. 
C. 27.5 mm. 
D. 30 mm. 
Answer = 30 mm

330. The pavement whose rut depth is less than 10 mm is classified as.. 
A. Poor. 
B. Very poor. 
C. Fair. 
D. Good. 
Answer = Good

331. The test pits are maximum dug at a distance of.. 
A. 150 m. 
B. 250 m. 
C. 300 m. 
D. 500 m. 
Answer = 500 m

332. The minimum length of a sub stretch is.. 
A. 0.5 km. 
B. 1.0 km. 
C. 1.5 km. 
D. 2.0 km. 
Answer = 1.0 km

333. The depth of the hole dug for measuring of temperature is.. 
A. 45 mm. 
B. 55 mm. 
C. 65 mm. 
D. 75 mm. 
Answer = 45 mm

334. The quantity of soil collected in benkleman beam method is.. 
A. 10 g. 
B. 100 g. 
C. 1000 g. 
D. 2000 g. 
Answer = 100 g

335. The deflection value D is obtained from multiplying the difference of initial and final gauge difference of.. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 3.0. 
D. 4.0. 
Answer = 2.0

336. The difference between initial and final deflection should not exceed ____ mm, for no leg correction value.. 
A. 0.02. 
B. 0.025. 
C. 0.05. 
D. 0.075. 
Answer = 0.025

337. The statistical analysis of data doesn't require .. 
A. Mean deflection. 
B. Standard deviation. 
C. Characteristics deflection. 
D. Settlement. 
Answer = Settlement

338. The characteristics deflection value is.. 
A. Dm+s. 
B. Dm-s. 
C. Dm-s. 
D. Dm/s. 
Answer = Dm+s

339. The sum of 15 deflections is 100, find the mean deflection.. 
A. 3.33. 
B. 4.44. 
C. 6.66. 
D. 1.5. 
Answer = 6.66

340. The deflection correction will be negative if temperature exceeds.. 
A. 30.0. 
B. 32.0. 
C. 35.0. 
D. 39.0. 
Answer = 35.0

341. The Overlay thickness depends on how many factors?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

342. The VDF is assumed as 4.5 for commercial vehicle count of.. 
A. 1000.0. 
B. 1200.0. 
C. 1500.0. 
D. 2000.0. 
Answer = 1500.0

343. The thickness of flexible overlay is given by.. 
A. hd-he. 
B. hd+he. 
C. hd.he. 
D. hd/he. 
Answer = hd-he

344. The spacing between longitudinal joints may be.. 
A. 3.0 m. 
B. 3.2 m. 
C. 3.5 m. 
D. 4.0 m. 
Answer = 3.5 m

345. The pavement design in olden days was based on.. 
A. Mix design. 
B. Proportion of weight. 
C. Strength. 
D. Proportion of weight or volume. 
Answer = Proportion of weight or volume

346. The thickness of the pavement in olden days was.. 
A. 60 mm. 
B. 75 mm. 
C. 100 mm. 
D. 200 mm. 
Answer = 100 mm

347. The common types of failure in the cement slabs don't include.. 
A. Mud pumping. 
B. Development of structural cracks. 
C. Spalling of joints. 
D. Erosion. 
Answer = Erosion

348. The design thickness of the CC slab of important highway with heavy traffic is.. 
A. 250 mm. 
B. 125 mm. 
C. 275 mm. 
D. 300 mm. 
Answer = 300 mm

349. The process of mud or soil being ejected out through the joints and edges of the CC pavements is called.. 
A. Mud pumping. 
B. Ravelling. 
C. Scaling. 
D. Ejection. 
Answer = Mud pumping

350. The factor which doesn't initiate mud is.. 
A. Weak CC pavement. 
B. Strong CC pavement. 
C. Ineffective drainage. 
D. CC pavement directly over soil. 
Answer = Strong CC pavement

351. The diameter of the holes in the mud jacking process is.. 
A. 10 mm. 
B. 15 mm. 
C. 20 mm. 
D. 30 mm. 
Answer = 30 mm

352. If a part of cement mortar gets detached from the surface, exposing the coarse aggregate which results in a rough surface, then it is called.. 
A. Ravelling. 
B. Mud pumping. 
C. Mud jacking. 
D. Scaling. 
Answer = Scaling

353. The factor not related to scaling of the concrete is.. 
A. Mix deficiency. 
B. Higher water cement ratio. 
C. Good quality of aggregate. 
D. Chemical impurities. 
Answer = Good quality of aggregate

354. The ravelling occurs due to.. 
A. Impact. 
B. Shear. 
C. Abrasion. 
D. Reaction with water. 
Answer = Abrasion

355. The CC pavement is considered good quality of the unevenness index in mm/km is less than.. 
A. 4500.0. 
B. 3500.0. 
C. 3300.0. 
D. 2200.0. 
Answer = 2200.0

356. The CC pavement should be construed again if ravelling depth is more than.. 
A. 10 mm. 
B. 15 mm. 
C. 20 mm. 
D. 25 mm. 
Answer = 25 mm

357. The poly sulphide sealant perform well uptown.. 
A. 5 years. 
B. 7 years. 
C. 10 years. 
D. 15 years. 
Answer = 10 years

358. The shrinkage cracks have a length of.. 
A. 0.1 m. 
B. 0.2 m. 
C. 0.4 m. 
D. 1.0 m. 
Answer = 1.0 m

359. The probable causes for loss of surface texture don't include.. 
A. Poor texturing. 
B. Abrasion. 
C. Movement of Traffic. 
D. Use of durable materials. 
Answer = Use of durable materials

360. The surface texture may be calculated by.. 
A. Abrasion test. 
B. Impact test. 
C. British pendulum number. 
D. Viscosity test. 
Answer = British pendulum number

361. The depth of groove in skid resistance test is.. 
A. 0.5 mm. 
B. 1.0 mm. 
C. 1.5 mm. 
D. 2.0 mm. 
Answer = 1.5 mm

362. The structural distress in the CC pavement is not due to.. 
A. Excessive loading. 
B. Inadequate thickness. 
C. Long spacing. 
D. Erosion. 
Answer = Erosion

363. The method not used in structural evaluation of CC pavement is.. 
A. Visual inspection. 
B. Deflection test. 
C. Non destructive testing. 
D. Benkleman test. 
Answer = Benkleman test

364. The methods of crack repairs are classified into how many types?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

365. The diameter of bars used for insertion in crack stitching method is.. 
A. 8 mm. 
B. 10 mm. 
C. 12 mm. 
D. 16 mm. 
Answer = 16 mm

366. The partial depth repairs is limited to a slab height of less than.. 
A. 150 mm. 
B. 100 mm. 
C. 90 mm. 
D. 75 mm. 
Answer = 75 mm

367. In full depth repairs the diameter of the hole is greater than the diameter of dowel bar by.. 
A. 1 mm. 
B. 1.5 mm. 
C. 2.0 mm. 
D. 2.5 mm. 
Answer = 2.0 mm

368. The pavement condition factor for good condition is.. 
A. 0.25. 
B. 0.35. 
C. 0.45. 
D. 1.0. 
Answer = 1.0

369. The process of removing and controlling excess surface and sub soil water within roadway is.. 
A. Highway Engineering. 
B. Highway maintenance. 
C. Highway drainage. 
D. Highway finance. 
Answer = Highway drainage

370. The number of important factors for highway engineer are.. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

371. The highway drainage system consists of how many types?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

372. The surface water is obtained from.. 
A. Ground water. 
B. Rainfall. 
C. Leakage of water from water treatment plants. 
D. None of the above. 
Answer = Rainfall

373. The removal and diversion of surface water from the roadway is called.. 
A. Surface drainage. 
B. Sub surface drainage. 
C. Camber. 
D. Cross slope. 
Answer = Surface drainage

374. The surface drainage doesn't consist of. 
A. Camber. 
B. Road side drains. 
C. Culverts. 
D. Curves. 
Answer = Curves

375. The seepage flow is present in.. 
A. Surface drainage. 
B. Sub surface drainage. 
C. Camber. 
D. Cross slope. 
Answer = Sub surface drainage

376. The water that cannot be drained of by gravity is called.. 
A. Pore water. 
B. Held water. 
C. Gravitational water. 
D. Capillary water. 
Answer = Gravitational water

377. The structure provided on the pavement to remove the storm water is.. 
A. Drainage. 
B. Camber. 
C. Crown. 
D. Curves. 
Answer = Camber

378. The highest point provided on the pavement is.. 
A. Crown. 
B. Camber. 
C. Cross slope. 
D. Drainage. 
Answer = Crown

379. The highway drainage requirement don't include.. 
A. Effective drainage. 
B. Water entering the roadway. 
C. Sufficient longitudinal slope. 
D. Erosion free. 
Answer = Water entering the roadway

380. The preferable height of the water table should be.. 
A. 0.75 m. 
B. 1.0 m. 
C. 1.2 m. 
D. 0.5 m. 
Answer = 1.2 m

381. The precautions should be mostly taken for drainage in.. 
A. Dry areas. 
B. Semi dry areas. 
C. Water logged areas. 
D. Desert areas. 
Answer = Water logged areas

382. The increase in moisture causes the strength to.. 
A. Increase. 
B. Decrease. 
C. Remains same. 
D. Can't determine. 
Answer = Decrease

383. The excess water on shoulder in a dry region with a good drainage system causes.. 
A. Water stagnation. 
B. Floods. 
C. Damage to pavement. 
D. Increase of initial cost. 
Answer = Damage to pavement

384. The sustained contact with water cause failure due to.. 
A. Swelling. 
B. Stripping. 
C. Ravelling. 
D. Sloping. 
Answer = Stripping

385. The damage in cold region is caused due to.. 
A. Heat. 
B. Rain. 
C. Frost action. 
D. All the above. 
Answer = Frost action

386. The path of wheels cause damage in the form of.. 
A. Undulations. 
B. Shear. 
C. Deflection. 
D. Ruts and corrugation. 
Answer = Ruts and corrugation

387. The swelling and shrinkage is mostly seen in.. 
A. Sand. 
B. Gravel. 
C. Black cotton soil. 
D. Kankar. 
Answer = Black cotton soil

388. How many components are present in the surface drainage system?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Three

389. If the canal and drain at same level then the cross drainage structure is called.. 
A. Aqueduct. 
B. Siphon aqueduct. 
C. Level crossing. 
D. Aquiclude. 
Answer = Level crossing

390. The value of camber in earth roads is.. 
A. 0.04. 
B. 0.03. 
C. 0.02. 
D. 0.017. 
Answer = 0.017

391. The most preferred shape of drainage is.. 
A. Rectangular. 
B. Trapezoidal. 
C. Triangular. 
D. Circular. 
Answer = Trapezoidal

392. The longitudinal drain may be provided if the cross slope is more than.. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.02. 
C. 0.03. 
D. 0.04. 
Answer = 0.04

393. The rural roads are provided with .. 
A. RCC drains. 
B. Trapezoidal drains. 
C. Kutcha drains. 
D. No drainage. 
Answer = Kutcha drains

394. The type of the drainage most advisable in cutting is.. 
A. Longitudinal drainage. 
B. Side drains. 
C. Deep drainage. 
D. No drainage. 
Answer = Deep drainage

395. The water may be collected in.. 
A. Catch pits. 
B. Longitudinal drains. 
C. Kerb. 
D. Filter sand. 
Answer = Catch pits

396. If the span exceeds 6m then the bridge is called.. 
A. Culvert. 
B. Minor bridge. 
C. Major bridge. 
D. Truss. 
Answer = Minor bridge

397. The relationship between specific yield specific retention and porosity is.. 
A. Specific yield+specific retention= porosity. 
B. Specific yield-specific retention= porosity. 
C. Specific yield/specific retention=porosity. 
D. Specific yield*specific retention=porosity. 
Answer = Specific yield+specific retention= porosity

398. The design aspects of surface drainage system are classified into how many types?. 
A. One. 
B. Two. 
C. Three. 
D. Four. 
Answer = Two

399. The objective of hydrological analysis is.. 
A. Estimate maximum quantity of water. 
B. Design. 
C. Maintenance. 
D. Repair of CD structural defects. 
Answer = Estimate maximum quantity of water

400. The portion of water which flows on surface is called.. 
A. Run off. 
B. Catchment. 
C. Percolated water. 
D. Storm water. 
Answer = Run off
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