HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- For testing we should use ________ 

a. document.write() 

b. console.log() 

c. window.alert() 

d. innerHTML 

Answer- document.write()

Que- Which of the following keyword stops the execution of JavaScript? 

a. break 

b. return 

c. debugger 

d. try….catch 

Answer- debugger

Que- Arrays in JavaScript are written within ____________ 

a. {} 

b. []. 

c. "" 

d. () 

Answer- [].

Que- typeof "null" in JavaScript is _______ 

a. number 

b. string 

c. object 

d. undefined 

Answer- object

Que- Negative positions for string do not work in ______________ 

a. Internet Explorer 8 

b. Chrome 

c. Safari 

d. Opera 

Answer- Internet Explorer 8

Que- For converting string to array we can use ______________ method. 

a. charAt() 

b. charCodeAt() 

c. split() 

d. toLowerCase() 

Answer- split()

Que- JavaScript numbers are stored as ______________ 

a. integers 

b. double precision floating point 

c. double 

d. floating point 

Answer- double precision floating point

Que- The integers in JavaScript are precise up to ___________ 

a. 12 digits 

b. 10 digits 

c. 23 digits 

d. 15 digits 

Answer- 15 digits

Que- Typeof "infinity" will return ___________ 

a. string 

b. number 

c. object 

d. undefined 

Answer- number

Que- By default JavaScript displays the numbers as ___________ 

a. base 16 

b. base 10 

c. base 6 

d. base 2 

Answer- base 10

Que- Which method is not used for converting variables to number? 

a. parseInt() 

b. Number() 

c. parseFloat() 

d. valueOf() 

Answer- valueOf()

Que- What is the Boolean value of "" in JavaScript? 

a. TRUE 


c. Nothing Can be Said 

d. None of the mentioned 

Answer- None of the mentioned

Que- jQuery does not contain the _____________ feature. 


b. AJAX 

c. CSS manipulation 

d. Effects and animations 

Answer- AJAAX

Que- What is the correct syntax of jQuery? 

a. action().$(selector) 

b. $(selector).action() 

c. (selector)$.action() 

d. action().(selector)$ 

Answer- $(selector).action()

Que- In jQuery all the elements are selected by writing ____________ 

a. $(this) 

b. $(":button") 

c. $("*") 

d. $(".class_name") 

Answer- $("*")

Que- Which of the following is not event method in jQuery? 

a. click() 

b. mouseenter() 

c. mousedown() 

d. hide() 

Answer- hide()

Que- hover() method is the combination of ____________ 

a. mouseleave() and mouseeneter() 

b. mousedown() and mouseenter() 

c. mouseup() and mousedown() 

d. mouseleave() and mousedown() 

Answer- mouseleave() and mouseeneter()

Que- Which of the following is not the fade method in jQuery? 

a. fadeTo() 

b. fadeOn() 

c. fadeOut() 

d. fadeIn() 

Answer- fadeOn()

Que- Which of the following is not the sliding method in jQuery? 

a. slideToggle() 

b. slideDown() 

c. slideUp() 

d. slideIn() 

Answer- slideIn()

Que- Which of the following is not the jQuery method for manipulation? 

a. stop() 

b. html() 

c. text() 

d. val() 

Answer- stop()

Que- The method not used to add new content is ___________ 

a. after() 

b. prepend() 

c. before() 

d. add() 

Answer- add()

Que- Which method is not used for CSS manipulation? 

a. toggleClass() 

b. removeClass() 

c. beforeClass() 

d. css() 

Answer- beforeClass()

Que- Which of the following is not a jQuery dimension method? 

a. innerWidth() 

b. outerHeight() 

c. height() 

d. css() 

Answer- css()

Que- Which method is not used for traversing DOM tree? 

a. parent() 

b. parentsUntil() 

c. parents() 

d. after() 

Answer- after()

Que- Which method is not for traversing DOM tree sideways? 

a. parent() 

b. siblings() 

c. prev() 

d. nextAll() 

Answer- parent()

Que- Which method is not used for filtering in jQuery? 

a. next() 

b. first() 

c. eq() 

d. last() 

Answer- next()

Que- AJAX is not used in _____________ 

a. Gmail 

b. Youtube 

c. Facebook 

d. Yahoo 

Answer- Yahoo

Que- Which of the following is not a method of AJAX? 

a. get() 

b. getJSON() 

c. post() 

d. stop() 

Answer- stop()

Que- Correct syntax for $.post() method is ____________ 

a. $.post(URL,data,callback) 

b. $.post(URL,data) 

c. $.post(URL,callback) 

d. $.post(data,callback) 

Answer- $.post(URL,data,callback)

Que- The method releases jQuery’s control of $ is __________ 

a. $.param() 

b. $.noConflict() 

c. each() 

d. data() 

Answer- $.noConflict()

Que- Which one is not regular expression object method? 

a. test() 

b. exec() 

c. compile() 

d. each() 

Answer- each()

Que- Which is not a JavaScript global function? 

a. compile() 

b. eval() 

c. decodeURI() 

d. isNaN() 

Answer- compile()

Que- Which of the following is not window object property? 

a. defaultStatus 

b. closed 

c. constructor 

d. frames 

Answer- constructor

Que- Which of the following is not window object method? 

a. blur() 

b. close() 

c. confirm() 

d. unescape() 

Answer- unescape()

Que- Which of the following is not navigator object property? 

a. appVersion 

b. geolocation 

c. document 

d. cookieEnabled 

Answer- document

Que- Which of the following is the Navigator object method? 

a. javaEnabled() 

b. moveBy() 

c. scroll() 

d. stop() 

Answer- javaEnabled()

Que- Which of the following is not screen object property? 

a. width 

b. colorDepth 

c. pixelDepth 

d. language 

Answer- language

Que- Which is not the method of History object? 

a. go() 

b. moveBy() 

c. forward() 

d. back() 

Answer- moveBy()

Que- Which is not the location object method? 

a. stop() 

b. reload() 

c. assign() 

d. replace() 

Answer- stop()

Que- Which is not the property of location object? 

a. origin 

b. port 

c. host 

d. geolocation 

Answer- geolocation

Que- Which of the following is not DOM property? 

a. document.anchors 

b. document.cookie 

c. document.body 

d. document.origin 

Answer- document.origin

Que- For explaining, which new technology is used? 

a. <dfn> 

b. <cite> 

c. <abbr> 

d. <address> 

Answer- <dfn>

Que- Which element indicates about something which is no longer accurate? 

a. <s> 

b. <ins> 

c. <del> 

d. <address> 

Answer- <s>

Que- Metadata does not define _________ 

a. character set 

b. links 

c. scripts 

d. color 

Answer- color

Que- In HTML5 which element defines thematic change in the content? 

a. <hr> 

b. <h1> 

c. <head> 

d. <p> 

Answer- <hr>

Que- Which element defines preformatted text? 

a. <p> 

b. <pre> 

c. <hr> 

d. <ins> 

Answer- <pre>

Que- Which element is used for creating links? 

a. <a> 

b. <p> 

c. <li> 

d. <ol> 

Answer- <a>

Que- Relative URLs are used to ____________ 

a. link other pages within the same site 

b. link the same page with other sites 

c. link other pages with other sites 

d. does not link 

Answer- link other pages within the same site

Que- What is the color of an unvisited link? 

a. red 

b. blue 

c. purple 

d. green 

Answer- blue

Que- Which one of the following is not the value of the target attribute? 

a. _blank 

b. _top 

c. _self 

d. _empty 

Answer- _empty

Que- What is the path for an image located in same folder as the current page? 

a. <img src= "pic.jpg"> 

b. <img src= "../pic.jpg"> 

c. <img src= "images/pic.jpg"> 

d. <img src= "/images/pic.jpg"> 

Answer- <img src= "pic.jpg">

Que- File paths are not used for linking in _________ 

a. JavaScripts 

b. PHP 

c. Style Sheets 

d. Images 

Answer- PHP

Que- For defining bookmarks in a page we use __________ 

a. href 

b. id 

c. target 

d. <a> 

Answer- id

Que- Which tag is used for List items? 

a. <li> 

b. <ol> 

c. <ul> 

d. <dl> 

Answer- <li>

Que- Which element contains definition? 

a. <dl> 

b. <dd> 

c. <dt> 

d. <ul> 

Answer- <dd>

Que- Which of the following can’t be the value of list-style-type? 

a. square 

b. circle 

c. ellipse 

d. disc 

Answer- ellipse

Que- For displaying a list horizontally, we can use ______________ 

a. <dd> 

b. display:inline 

c. <dt> 

d. type 

Answer- display:inline

Que- Which attribute is only used with <ol>? 

a. value 

b. type 

c. compact 

d. start 

Answer- start

Que- Which element is restricted to inline content? 

a. <dt> 

b. <dd> 

c. <ul> 

d. <dl> 

Answer- <dt>

Que- Which element was designed for creating multicolumn directory lists? 

a. menu 

b. dir 

c. ul 

d. ol 

Answer- dir

Que- The content property does not include __________ 

a. Strings 

b. URIs 

c. Normal 

d. Color 

Answer- Color

Que- Which character is used to differentiating between choices to list items? 

a. ‘ 

b. ’ 

c. ‘>’ 

d. ‘#’ 

Answer- ‘$’

Que- Which of the following is not true regarding to counter? 

a. counter(name,style) 

b. counter(name) 

c. counter(string) 

d. counter(name,string,style) 

Answer- counter(string)

Que- Which property specifies the distance between nearest border edges of marker box and prinicipal box? 

a. marker-offset 

b. counter increment 

c. list-style 

d. list-style-image 

Answer- marker-offset

Que- target attribute cannot have? 

a. _blank 

b. _self 

c. _parent 

d. _color 

Answer- _color

Que- Which of the following opens linked document in full body? 

a. _blank 

b. _top 

c. _parent 

d. framename 

Answer- _top

Que- Which attribute is used to link the bookmark? 

a. href 

b. id 

c. target 

d. <img> 

Answer- href

Que- Which of the following sets the color of a link before it has been clicked on? 


b. LINK 



Answer- LINK

Que- What is used for specifying an email to be sent? 

a. mailto: 

b. target 

c. id 

d. href 

Answer- mailto:

Que- Which of the following is not the parameter for email link? 

a. body 

b. bcc 

c. cc 

d. # 

Answer- #

Que- Which one of the following is used for space character? 

a. 50% 

b. 60% 

c. 20% 

d. 10% 

Answer- 20%

Que- What will add line break in the body of mail? 

a. 20% 

b. %0D%0A 

c. %0h%0A 

d. 10% 

Answer- %0D%0A

Que- which extension flash file is to be saved? 

a. .fla 

b. .swf 

c. .jpg 

d. .gif 

Answer- .fla

Que- For exporting movie into SWF format which element is used? 

a. <object> 

b. <video> 

c. <datalist> 

d. <dd> 

Answer- <object>

Que- Which plugin is used to view Flash? 

a. Firebug 

b. Flash Player 

c. Widget 

d. Zotero 

Answer- Flash Player

Que- Which one of the following does not support flash? 

a. iPhone 

b. android 

c. windows 

d. linux 

Answer- iPhone

Que- Which one of the following is used for adding Flash in the web page? 

a. CSS 

b. jQuery 

c. PHP 

d. JavaScript 

Answer- JavaScript

Que- Which one of the following is not used inside the <script> tag in Flash videos? 

a. replace 

b. location 

c. version 

d. id 

Answer- id

Que- Which one of the following is not the online video format available? 

a. Ogg Theora 

b. VHS 

c. WebM 

d. H264 

Answer- VHS

Que- For playing Flash Video you need to convert video into the ___________ format. 

a. FLV 

b. BlueRay 

c. WebM 

d. MPEG 

Answer- FLV

Que- Which one of the following site will provide FLV player? 






Que- WebM format is not supported by _______ 

a. Opera 

b. Android 

c. Safari 

d. Firefox 

Answer- Safari

Que- Which attribute allows to show an image while downloading a video? 

a. controls 

b. poster 

c. preload 

d. none 

Answer- poster

Que- codecs is used with _______ 

a. type 

b. src 

c. auto 

d. loop 

Answer- type

Que- What can’t be the value of a quality attribute? 

a. autolow 

b. low 

c. high 

d. automedium 

Answer- automedium

Que- Which is the best format to use in Firefox? 

a. .MP4 

b. .FLV 

c. .OGG 

d. .SWF 

Answer- .OGG

Que- Full screen support will not work in ____________ 

a. Safari 

b. Firefox 

c. Internet Explorer 

d. Opera 

Answer- Safari

Que- Which of the following works as a sidebar? 

a. <aside> 

b. <footer> 

c. <details> 

d. <section> 

Answer- <aside>

Que- Which of the following can’t be the value of float property? 

a. left 

b. right 

c. center 

d. inherit 

Answer- center

Que- Which of the following can’t be the value of a clear property? 

a. left 

b. inherit 

c. right 

d. center 

Answer- center

Que- Which of the following specifies what happens if content overflow an element’s box? 

a. overflow 

b. overflow-x 

c. overflow-y 

d. float 

Answer- overflow

Que- Which of the following was not previous layout mode? 

a. Block 

b. Flexbox layout 

c. Inline 

d. Positioned 

Answer- Flexbox layout

Que- Which property defines in which direction the container wants to stack flex items? 

a. flex-flow 

b. flex-wrap 

c. flex-direction 

d. align-content 

Answer- flex-direction

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