HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- Which of the following is not a reserved character? 

a. & 

b. > 

c. + 

d. @ 

Answer- >

Que- What is the URL Encode for tab character? 

a. 9% 

b. 8% 

c. %0d 

d. %0a 

Answer- 9%

Que- Which of the following is not encode by encodeURI() function? 

a. > 

b. [ 

c. \ 

d. : 

Answer- :

Que- Which of the following is used to decode the encoded URI? 

a. encodeURI() 

b. encodeURIComponent() 

c. decodeURI() 

d. Server.URLEncode() 

Answer- decodeURI()

Que- What is the URL Encode for the character ‘M’? 

a. 47% 

b. %4A 

c. %4D 

d. 50% 

Answer- %4D

Que- Which of the following is not control character? 

a. BS 

b. NUL 

c. ampersand 

d. HT 

Answer- ampersand

Que- What is the URL encoding of VT? 

a. %0B 

b. 9% 

c. 6% 

d. 2% 

Answer- %0B

Que- Which is not a reserved character? 

a. _ 

b. ( 

c. ) 

d. * 

Answer- _

Que- Which function is used to return a handle to the database? 

a. prepareDatabase() 

b. showDocCount() 

c. executeSql() 

d. openDatabase() 

Answer- prepareDatabase()

Que- openDatabase() method does not take the argument in __________ 

a. database name 

b. display name 

c. database version 

d. server name 

Answer- server name

Que- The sign is used for the placeholder _____________ 

a. "&" 

b. "*" 

c. " 

d. ? 

Answer- ?

Que- Which feature is not used when SQL features are not being supported? 


b. END 



Answer- END

Que- transaction() does not take the argument _______ 

a. callback 

b. success callback 

c. error callback 

d. database name 

Answer- database name

Que- Which method is used to verifythe version number? 

a. changeVersion() 

b. readTransaction() 

c. transaction() 

d. executeSql() 

Answer- changeVersion()

Que- Which error is invoked when SQLTransactionCallback does not execute? 






Que- Which object is created for read-only transaction? 

a. Foo object 

b. SQLTransactionSync 

c. DatabaseSync object 

d. SQLTransaction 

Answer- SQLTransactionSync

Que- insertId attribute returns ____________ 

a. column ID 

b. row ID 

c. user’s ID 

d. database ID 

Answer- row ID

Que- Number of rows is returned by the attribute __________ 

a. insertIID 

b. rows 

c. rowsAffected 

d. length 

Answer- rowsAffected

Que- Sprites are _____________ 

a. 1-D images 

b. 2-D images 

c. 3-D images 

d. not the image 

Answer- 2-D images

Que- Sprites are not used for _________ 

a. beautify the web page 

b. reducing HTTP request 

c. reduce loading time 

d. reducing multiple server requests 

Answer- beautify the web page

Que- Each image in sprite should be approximately of ___________ 

a. 100 pixels 

b. 20 pixels 

c. 10 pixels 

d. 50 pixels 

Answer- 10 pixels

Que- Which of the following is not Sprite Sheet generator? 

a. Lemonade 

b. Firewoks CS6 

c. SpriteMe 

d. Pixelomator 

Answer- Pixelomator

Que- Which is the best platform for working with the individual image? 

a. SpriteMe 

b. Fireworks CS6 

c. Lemonade 

d. Compass 

Answer- SpriteMe

Que- Which of the following does not generate a sprite sheet? 

a. SpriteRight 

b. Sprite Cow 

c. CSS Sprites 

d. Glue 

Answer- Sprite Cow

Que- Templates can’t be placed inside ______________ 

a. <head> 

b. <body> 

c. <table> 

d. <form> 

Answer- <form>

Que- The .content property is __________ 

a. read-only 

b. write-only 

c. read-write 

d. hidden 

Answer- read-only

Que- <template> does not include the attribute ___________ 

a. id 

b. hidden 

c. lang 

d. src 

Answer- src

Que- Which browser does not support <template> element? 

a. Chrome 

b. Firefox 

c. Internet Explorer 

d. Opera 

Answer- Internet Explorer

Que- Which of the following is not DOM property? 

a. element.appendChild(node) 

b. document.createElement() 

c. element.innerHTML 

d. document.getElementById() 

Answer- document.getElementById()

Que- Which of the following is not a template library? 

a. Mustache 

b. Underscore JS library 

c. Live.js 

d. Handlebars 

Answer- Live.js

Que- Which process is used for the creation of the end result? 

a. render() 

b. compile() 

c. eval(x) 

d. encodeURI() 

Answer- render()

Que- Major portion of web page contributes _________________ 

a. image 

b. text 

c. video 

d. audio 

Answer- image

Que- For image compression which tool is helpful? 

a. WordPress cache enable a plugin 

b. Optimus wordpress plugin 

c. Glup-uglify 

d. Speed test tool 

Answer- Optimus wordpress plugin

Que- HTTP request is between _______________ 

a. client and host 

b. client and server 

c. server and host 

d. user and server 

Answer- client and host

Que- What does not come under minification? 

a. removal of comments 

b. removal of new line characters 

c. removal of white space characters 

d. removal of multimedia elements 

Answer- removal of multimedia elements

Que- Which of the following is not render blocking resource? 

a. CSS 

b. HTML 

c. JavaScript 

d. Jquery 

Answer- Jquery

Que- For best speed position of JavaScript code should be at ______________ 

a. top of the code 

b. bottom of the code 

c. middle of the code 

d. anywhere in the code 

Answer- bottom of the code

Que- What is the work of TTFB? 

a. measures the responsiveness of web server 

b. increases the load speed of web page 

c. compresses the image 

d. remove unnecessary characters 

Answer- measures the responsiveness of web server

Que- 404 HTTP error is generated due to ____________ 

a. missing JavaScript file 

b. any missing file 

c. slow loading of the web page 

d. on removing the newline character 

Answer- any missing file

Que- What is the work of Gzip compression? 

a. compresses an image 

b. compresses web pages only 

c. compresses JavaScript and CSS code only 

d. compresses web pages, JavaScript and CSS 

Answer- compresses web pages, JavaScript and CSS

Que- What is hotlink protection? 

a. stopping other sites from displaying images 

b. stopping other sites from displaying videos 

c. stopping access of source code 

d. compresses an image 

Answer- stopping other sites from displaying images

Que- For best speed position of CSS code should be at __________ 

a. at the bottom of the code 

b. at the middle of the code 

c. at the top of the code 

d. anywhere in the code 

Answer- at the top of the code

Que- What is not the work of database optimization? 

a. cleaning out old tables 

b. creating indexes 

c. optimize datatype 

d. delete database 

Answer- delete database

Que- Which of the following is the Waterfall tool? 


b. dotcom-monitor 

c. Pingdom Speed Test 

d. GTmetrix 


Que- Which of the following is not the layer of the OSI Model? 

a. Transport Layer 

b. Network Layer 

c. Session Layer 

d. Atomic Layer 

Answer- Atomic Layer

Que- Which browser gives maximum parallel connections per host? 

a. Opera 10 

b. Chrome 1 and 2 

c. Safari 3 and 4 

d. Firefox 3 

Answer- Opera 10

Que- What is the maximum cache size for Chrome? 

a. unlimited 

b. 300 MB 

c. 400 MB 

d. 1024 MB 

Answer- 300 MB

Que- Which of the following is not possible compression value? 

a. identity 

b. deflate 

c. compress 

d. DNS 

Answer- DNS

Que- Gzip is not fully supported by ___________ 

a. Netscape 4.60+ 

b. Firefox 

c. Netscape 6+ 

d. IE 4+ 

Answer- Netscape 4.60+

Que- What is the size of PHP Module extension 

a. 35 KB 

b. 42 KB 

c. 15 KB 

d. 107 KB 

Answer- 42 KB

Que- Which of the following locking method does not supported by APC? 

a. File locks 

b. Spin locks 

c. Dead locks 

d. IPC semaphores 

Answer- Dead locks

Que- Which of the following is not the class of NoSQL? 

a. Document stores 

b. Multidimension stores 

c. Key-value stores 

d. Memcache 

Answer- Memcache

Que- Which of the following is not a kind of MySQL backup? 

a. File backups 

b. CSV backups 

c. SQL backups 

d. Table backups 

Answer- Table backups

Que- Which of the following is the final method to create MySQL backups? 

a. LVM snapshots 

b. SQL backups 

c. CSV backups 

d. File backups 

Answer- LVM snapshots

Que- Which of the following is not MySQL Forks? 

a. MariaDB 

b. OurDelta 

c. Drizzle 

d. Sphinx 

Answer- Sphinx

Que- Which command controls the maximum number of tables that the cache can hold? 

a. table_open_cache 

b. table_definition_cache 

c. open_files_limit 

d. read_buffer_size 

Answer- table_open_cache

Que- For sequential scans of tables we use ____________ 

a. read_buffer_size 

b. join_buffer_size 

c. read_rnd_buffer_size 

d. sort_buffer_size 

Answer- read_buffer_size

Que- How many MPMs can be loaded at a time? 

a. 3 

b. 1 

c. 4 

d. 0 

Answer- 1

Que- Which version of web worker is introduced in Internet Explorer? 

a. Version 3.5 

b. Version 10.6 

c. Version 10.0 

d. Version 4.0 

Answer- Version 10.0

Que- Each cell of the table can be represented by using __________ 

a. <tr> 

b. <td> 

c. <th> 

d. <thead> 

Answer- <td>

Que- For heading we can use ____________ 

a. <td> 

b. <tr> 

c. <thead> 

d. <th> 

Answer- <th>

Que- Headings of table lies inside ___________ 

a. <thead> 

b. <tfoot> 

c. <th> 

d. <tbody> 

Answer- <thead>

Que- Which of the following is not the element associated with HTML table layout? 

a. size 

b. spanning 

c. alignment 

d. color 

Answer- color

Que- Which of the following element is not associated with a class attribute? 

a. Row 

b. <thead> 

c. Column cell 

d. Rows 

Answer- <thead>

Que- For adding caption to the table we use ____________ 

a. <caption> 

b. <thead> 

c. <th> 

d. <tr> 

Answer- <caption>

Que- border-spacing is given in _____________ 

a. pixels 

b. cm 

c. mm 

d. inch 

Answer- pixels

Que- Borders can’t be applied on ________________ 

a. <th> 

b. <td> 

c. <tr> 

d. <thead> 

Answer- <tr>

Que- Which attribute defines numbers of columns in a group? 

a. width=multi-length[CN]. 

b. span=number[CN]. 

c. scope=scope-name[CN]. 

d. headers=idrefs[CS]. 

Answer- span=number[CN].

Que- Which of the following does not specify a column width? 

a. Fixed 

b. Percentage 

c. Proportional 

d. Pixels 

Answer- Pixels

Que- Scope attribute can’t have the value __________ 

a. row 

b. rowgroup 

c. col 

d. <head> 

Answer- <head>

Que- Which of the following is not the value for frame attribute? 

a. above 

b. void 

c. none 

d. box 

Answer- none

Que- Which of the following is not the value for rules attribute? 

a. vsides 

b. rows 

c. all 

d. groups 

Answer- vsides

Que- Which of the following is not the value for align attribute? 

a. justify 

b. char 

c. middle 

d. left 

Answer- middle

Que- valign attribute does not take the value __________________ 

a. justify 

b. middle 

c. baseline 

d. bottom 

Answer- justify

Que- External scripts can’t take the tag _________ 

a. <script> 

b. <form> 

c. <h1> 

d. <title> 

Answer- <script>

Que- For displaying data in JavaScript, we can’t use ____________ 

a. document.write() 

b. console.log() 

c. innerHTML 

d. document.getElementById() 

Answer- document.getElementById()

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