Que- Which property is used to align flex items?
a. align-items
b. justify-content
c. align-content
d. flex-grow
Answer- justify-content
Que- Which of the following specifies initial length of flex item?
a. flex-flow
b. flex-grow
c. flex-shrink
d. flex-basis
Answer- flex-basis
Que- Which of the following overrides container’s align-items property?
a. order
b. align-self
c. align-items
d. flex
Answer- align-self
Que- Which one of the following contains information about the author?
a. <footer>
b. <header>
c. <head>
d. <body>
Answer- <footer>
Que- Header element does not contain ___________
a. logo
b. <address>
c. heading elements
d. authorship information
Answer- <address>
Que- Which element contains major navigational block?
a. <nav>
b. <address>
c. <footer>
d. <header>
Answer- <nav>
Que- Which element represents self-contained composition in document?
a. <nav>
b. <header>
c. <footer>
d. <article>
Answer- <article>
Que- Which of the following element is used as a container for content?
a. <aside>
b. <article>
c. <address>
d. <footer>
Answer- <aside>
Que- Which element groups related content together?
a. <aside>
b. <footer>
c. <section>
d. <div>
Answer- <section>
Que- For grouping together one or more <h1> to <h6> element what element is used?
a. <header>
b. <hgroup>
c. <div>
d. <section>
Answer- <hgroup>
Que- Which element is used for grouping together related elements?
a. <div>
b. <hgroup>
c. <section>
d. <header>
Answer- <div>
Que- Which browser was the first that allows CSS rules to be associated with new HTML5 layout elements?
a. Internet Explorer 9
b. Internet Explorer 7
c. Chrome
d. Firefox
Answer- Internet Explorer 9
Que- Which element is used for or styling HTML5 layout?
a. PHP
b. JavaScript
c. CSS
d. jQuery
Answer- CSS
Que- Which syntax will cause IE to recognize section element?
a. getElementById("section")
b. createElement.document("section")
c. document.createElement("section")
d. document.createElement("<section>")
Answer- document.createElement("section")
Que- Dirty Markup will not validate ___________
a. CSS
b. JavaScript
c. PHP
Answer- PHP
Que- For handling CSS prefixes Chrome uses ___________
a. –ms-
b. –webkit-
c. –moz-
d. –chr-
Answer- –webkit-
Que- Which one of the following will add prefix automatically?
a. Gulp
b. PostCSS
c. Selectivizr
d. MooTools
Answer- PostCSS
Que- The search that can’t be targeted by SEO is _______
a. video search
b. image search
c. academic search
d. audio search
Answer- audio search
Que- Which of the following does not use a crawler to find pages for the search result?
a. Bing
b. Backrub
c. Yahoo
d. Google
Answer- Backrub
Que- For keeping blog comment spam down we use ___________
a. nofollow
b. meta
c. title
d. heading
Answer- nofollow
Que- ‘Image Alt’ tags is not used for ____________
a. diagrams
b. screenshots
c. decorative images
d. infographics
Answer- decorative images
Que- Which tag is used for stopping duplicate content?
a. canonical tag
b. image alt tag
c. nofollow
d. meta
Answer- canonical tag
Que- Which one of the following is used to identify an anchor link?
a. #
b. #!
c. #?
d. &
Answer- #
Que- Which of the following map type is not supported by mapTypeId?
a. Hybrid
b. Terrain
c. Roadmap
d. Climatic map
Answer- Climatic map
Que- Which one of the following defines properties for the map?
a. mapOptions
b. zoom
c. center
d. mapTypeId
Answer- mapOptions
Que- Which one of the following is not google map overlay?
a. Polygon
b. Polyline
c. Eclipse
d. Marker
Answer- Eclipse
Que- For single locations on a map, we use the overlay for _______
a. Marker
b. Polygon
c. Polyline
d. Circle
Answer- Marker
Que- Polyline will not support the property of _________
a. Path
b. StrokeOpacity
c. Editable
d. Fillcolor
Answer- Fillcolor
Que- The property that is not supported by Polyline but by Polygon is __________
a. strokeWeight
b. fillOpacity
c. path
d. editable
Answer- fillOpacity
Que- The property which is not supported by the circle is _________
a. path
b. radius
c. center
d. fillColor
Answer- path
Que- The value of fillOpacity lies between __________
a. 0.0 and 2.0
b. 0.0 and 1.0
c. 2.0 and 3.0
d. 3.0 and 4.0
Answer- 0.0 and 1.0
Que- Which one of the following is not the default control in google maps?
a. Pan
b. Street view
c. MapType
d. Climate map
Answer- Climate map
Que- Which control displays the current map viewport?
a. Scale
b. Overview Map
c. Street view
d. MapType
Answer- Overview Map
Que- MapTypeControlOptions field may not contain _______
a. google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.HORZONTAL_BAR
b. google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT
c. google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU
d. google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.LARGE
Answer- google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.LARGE
Que- Photographic map lies under the map type ____________
a. satellite
b. roadmap
c. hybrid
d. terrain
Answer- satellite
Que- Which of the following type will support 45 degree perspective view?
a. Terrain
b. Hybrid
c. Roadmap
d. Climate map
Answer- Hybrid
Que- Which of the following method will return DOM object that contains map?
a. getCenter()
b. getProjection()
c. getDiv()
d. gettilt()
Answer- getDiv()
Que- Which one of the following will set the viewport to contain given bounds?
a. fitBounds()
b. getBounds()
c. getHeading()
d. panTo()
Answer- fitBounds()
Que- Which of the following is not the property of Map()?
a. mapTypes
b. controls
c. overlayMapTypes
d. zoom
Answer- zoom
Que- Which of the following event does not take a MouseEvent argument in Map()?
a. dbclick
b. drag
c. click
d. mouseover
Answer- drag
Que- Which of the following event will be fired when a user drags the map?
a. dragend
b. drag
c. dragstart
d. idle
Answer- drag
Que- Which of the following event will be called when user’s mouse exits map container?
a. mouseout
b. mouseover
c. mousemove
d. resize
Answer- mouseout
Que- Which event will be fired when the map changes size?
a. tilesloaded
b. zoom_changed
c. tilt_changed
d. resize
Answer- resize
Que- Which object will represent a Marker icon?
a. Marker
b. MarkerShape
c. MarkerImage
d. Marker
Answer- MarkerImage
Que- Which object shows options for rendering of scale control?
a. ScaleControlOptions
b. ScaleControlStyle
c. RotateControlOptions
d. ControlPosition
Answer- ScaleControlOptions
Que- Which of the following will provide options for rendering overview map control?
a. MapTypeControlStyle
b. OverviewMapControlOptions
c. MapTypeControlOptions
d. PanControlOptions
Answer- OverviewMapControlOptions
Que- Which will specify placement of controls on map?
a. ControlPosition
b. StreetViewControlOptions
c. ScaleControlStyle
d. ScaleControlOptions
Answer- ControlPosition
Que- Which of the following plug-in can’t be embedded by <object> element?
a. Java applets
b. Flash players
c. PDF readers
d. Map
Answer- Map
Que- What is the prefix of all the browser-specific functions?
a. NPP
b. UPP
c. NPN
d. GPN
Answer- NPN
Que- When is the instance created, which plug-in API function is called?
a. NPP_Destroy
b. NPP_New
c. NP_Shutdown
d. NP_Initialize
Answer- NPP_New
Que- Which function will be called when the last instance of a plug-in is deleted?
a. NPP_Destroy
b. NP_Initialize
c. NPP_New
d. NP_Shutdown
Answer- NP_Shutdown
Que- When the user leaves instance’s page which function is called?
a. NPP_New
b. NPP_Destroy
c. NP_Shutdown
d. NP_Initialize
Answer- NPP_Destroy
Que- Which of the following is not the directory in Windows for plug-ins?
a. Profile directory/Library/Internet
d. ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
Answer- ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
Que- Which of the following is not the directory in Mac OS X for plug-ins?
a. /Library/Internet
b. ~/Library/Internet
c. Profile directory
Que- Which of the following is not a directory in Linux for plug-ins?
a. ~/.mozilla/plugins
b. /usr/lib64/Mozilla/plugins
c. profile directory
d. /Library/Internet plug-ins
Answer- /Library/Internet plug-ins
Que- Which of the following plug-in file type is used in MS Windows?
a. .DLL
b. .SO
c. .DSO
d. PPC
Answer- .DLL
Que- The plug-in DLL can’t contain ______________
a. Language
b. ProductName
c. FileDescription
d. DirectoryName
Answer- DirectoryName
Que- Which of the following is not a transmission mode that plug-in can select?
a. File mode
b. Random-access mode
c. Normal mode
d. Complex mode
Answer- Complex mode
Que- Which method is used for sending data to URL from memory buffer?
a. NPN_PostURL
b. NPN_GetURLNotify
d. NPN_PostURLNotify
Answer- NPN_PostURL
Que- Which of the following request is used for the browser to load a URL?
b. NPN_PostURL
c. NPN_PostURLNotify
d. NPN_GetURLNotify
Answer- NPN_GetURL
Que- Which function helps in identifying compatibility of plug-in and browser?
a. NPN_UserAgent
b. NPN_Version
c. NPN_Status
d. NPN_GetValue
Answer- NPN_Version
Que- Which method is used to display a message on the status line?
a. NPN_MemFree
b. NPN_HandleWindow
c. NPN_Status
d. NPN_GetValue
Answer- NPN_Status
Que- Which of the following is called after plug-in is initialized to get scripting interface?
a. NPP_GetValue
b. NP_GetValue
c. NP_GetMIMEDescription
d. NP_Initialize
Answer- NPP_GetValue
Que- The plugin resource string 1 is associated with ________
a. MIME type
b. aiff
c. video
d. jpg
Answer- video
Que- Windowless plug-in will not call ____________
a. NPN_InvalidateRegion
b. NPN_ForceRedraw
c. NPN_InvalidateRect
d. NPP_GetValue
Answer- NPP_GetValue
Que- The browser will not call the plug-in _________
a. NPN_InvalidateRect
b. NPP_Print
c. NPP_HandleEvent
d. NPP_SetValue
Answer- NPN_InvalidateRect
Que- Which of the following method is not associated to handling the memory ________________
a. NPN_MemFlush
b. NPN_MemAlloc
c. NPN_MemFree
d. NPP_HandleEvent
Answer- NPP_HandleEvent
Que- Which of the following is not a semantic element?
a. <form>
b. <article>
c. <table>
d. <span>
Answer- <span>
Que- Footer element can’t contain ____________ information.
a. contact information
b. copyright information
c. the author of the document
d. blog post
Answer- blog post
Que- Which element works as a sidebar?
a. header
b. footer
c. nav
d. aside
Answer- aside
Que- Which of the following defines a visible heading for <details> element?
a. <summary>
b. <section>
c. <mark>
d. <main>
Answer- <summary>
Que- Which of the following specifies the main content of the document?
a. <time>
b. <main>
c. <details>
d. <section>
Answer- <main>
Que- Which element defines additional details?
a. <details>
b. <summary>
c. <main>
d. <aside>
Answer- <details>
Que- Which of the following specifies relationship between current document and external resource?
a. <meta>
b. <style>
c. <link>
d. <title>
Answer- <link>
Que- Which element represents preformatted text?
a. <main>
b. <dir>
c. <dd>
d. <pre>
Answer- <pre>
Que- Which element is called bidirectional isolation?
a. <bdi>
b. <bdo>
c. <br>
d. <b>
Answer- <bdi>
Que- Which element is used for bringing attention?
a. <cite>
b. <br>
c. <b>
d. <code>
Answer- <b>
Que- Which element denotes that the text is a short fragment of computer code?
a. <code>
b. <data>
c. <cite>
d. <dfn>
Answer- <code>
Que- Which of the following is keyboard input element?
a. <mark>
b. <kbd>
c. <dfn>
d. <em>
Answer- <kbd>
Que- Which element prevents the text from automatically wrapping across multiple lines?
a. <em>
b. <kbd>
c. <mark>
d. <nobr>
Answer- <nobr>
Que- Which of the following element is known as ruby fallback parenthesis?
a. <rt>
b. <rp>
c. <rtc>
d. <q>
Answer- <rp>
Que- Which element represents a ruby annotation?
a. <rt>
b. <rtc>
c. <ruby>
d. <rp>
Answer- <ruby>
Que- Which element is used to enclose inline text?
a. <samp>
b. <small>
c. <s>
d. <rtc>
Answer- <samp>
Que- Which of the following is a generic inline container for phrasing content?
a. <strong>
b. <sub>
c. <span>
d. <sup>
Answer- <span>