Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- Newton estimated the speed of sound _____________________?  

a. 281m/sec  

b. 333m/sec  

c. 340m/sec  

d. all of the above 

Answer- 281m/sec

Que- The speed of sound in hydrogen is _____________ time than that in oxygen?  

a. Two times  

b. Three times  

c. Four time  

d. Six time 

Answer- Four time

Que- The speed of stationary waves in a stretched string are independent of___________________?  

a. Number of loops  

b. Tension in the string  

c. Point where string is plucked  

d. both A and C 

Answer- both A and C

Que- Which phenomena can be applied to estimate the velocity of star with respect to earth ___________________?  

a. Dopplers effect  

b. Interference of waves  

c. Beats phenomena  

d. All of these 

Answer- Dopplers effect

Que- The waves that require a material medium for their propagation are called__________________?  

a. matter waves  

b. electromagnetic waves  

c. carrier waves  

d. mechanical waves 

Answer- mechanical waves

Que- When two identical traveling waves are superimposed, the velocity of the resultant wave__________________?  

a. decreases  

b. increases  

c. remains unchanged  

d. becomes zero 

Answer- remains unchanged

Que- If stretching force T of wire increases, then its frequency __________________?  

a. decreases  

b. increases  

c. remains the same  

d. any of above 

Answer- increases

Que- It is possible to distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves form the property of __________________?  

a. refraction  

b. polarization  

c. interference  

d. diffraction 

Answer- polarization

Que- Sound waves do not travel in vacuum because ___________________?  

a. they are transverse waves  

b. they are stationary waves  

c. they require material medium for propagation  

d. they do not have enough energy 

Answer- they require material medium for propagation

Que- Increase in velocity of sound in the air for 1°C rise in temperature is_________________?  

a. 1.61 ms-1  

b. 61.0 ms-1  

c. 0.61 ms-1  

d. 2.00 ms-1 

Answer- 0.61 ms-1

Que- On loading the prong of a tuning form with wax its frequency____________________?  

a. increases  

b. decreases  

c. remains unchanged  

d. may increase or decrease 

Answer- decreases

Que- The normal ear is the most sensitive in the frequency range___________________?  

a. 20000 to 30000 hertz  

b. 10 to 20 hertz  

c. 2000 to 4000 hertz  

d. 6000 to 8000 hertz 

Answer- 2000 to 4000 hertz

Que- The velocity of sound in air would become double than its velocity at 0°C at temperature________________?  

a. 313°C  

b. 586°C  

c. 819°C  

d. 1172°C 

Answer- 819°C

Que- The periodic alternation of sound between maximum and minimum loudness are called___________________?  

a. silence zone  

b. interference  

c. beats  

d. resonance 

Answer- beats

Que- Beats are the results of____________________?  

a. diffraction of sound waves  

b. constructive and destructive interference  

c. polarization  

d. destructive interference 

Answer- constructive and destructive interference

Que- Doppler effect applies to____________________?  

a. sound wave only  

b. light wave only  

c. both sound and light waves  

d. neither sound nor light wave 

Answer- both sound and light waves

Que- A simple pendulum has a bob of mass m and its frequency is f. If we replaced the bob with a heavier one say of 2m then that will be its new frequency ?  

a. 1/4f  

b. 1/2f  

c. frequency lower than 20 Hz  

d. 2f 

Answer- frequency lower than 20 Hz

Que- In open organ pipe___________________?  

a. only even harmonics are present  

b. only odd harmonics are present  

c. both even and odd harmonics are present  

d. selected harmonics are present 

Answer- both even and odd harmonics are present

Que- The dimension of elastic modulus is ___________________ ?  

a. ML-1T-2  

b. ML-2T-2  

c. MLT-2  

d. ML2T-2 

Answer- ML-1T-2

Que- Waves produced at the surface of water by a pencil executing vibrating motion if held vertically at a frequency of 50Hz are__________________?  

a. Longitudinal  

b. Transverse  

c. Periodic  

d. both A and C  

Answer- both A and C 

Que- Laplace found that the alternate compressions and rarefactions produced in sound waves follows ________________?  

a. isothermal law  

b. adiabatic law  

c. isochoric law  

d. all of the above 

Answer- adiabatic law

Que- The beats frequency (sensible) for a human car is _____________________?  

a. 42Hz  

b. 7 Hz  

c. 256Hz  

d. 262Hz 

Answer- 7 Hz

Que- Fundamental frequency of stationary waves in open pipe is ______________ times the frequency in closed pipe?  

a. One  

b. Two  

c. Four time  

d. None of these 

Answer- Two

Que- The current through a metallic conductor is due to the motion of _________________?  

a. free electrons  

b. protons  

c. neutrons  

d. still under controversy 

Answer- free electrons

Que- A wire having very high value of conductance is said to be____________________?  

a. very good conductor  

b. moderately good conductor  

c. an insulator  

d. no specific criterion available 

Answer- very good conductor

Que- Production of heat due to an electric current flowing through a conductor is given by _________________?  

a. Joule effect  

b. Joule Thomsons effect  

c. Comptons effect  

d. Feed back effect 

Answer- Joule effect

Que- Three equal resistors connected in series with a source of e m f together dissipate 10 W of power each. What will be the power dissipated if the same resistors are connected in parallel across the same source of e m f ?  

a. 40 W  

b. 90W  

c. 100W  

d. 120W 

Answer- 90W

Que- Thermocouples convert___________________?  

a. heat energy into electrical energy  

b. heat energy into light energy  

c. heat energy into mechanical energy  

d. mechanical energy into heat energy 

Answer- heat energy into electrical energy

Que- An immersion heater of 400 watts kept on for 5 hours will consume electrical power of __________________?  

a. 2KWh  

b. 20KWh  

c. 6KWh  

d. 12KWh 

Answer- 2KWh

Que- Resistance of an ideal insulator is __________________?  

a. infinite  

b. zero  

c. finite  

d. depends upon nature 

Answer- infinite

Que- Reciprocal of resistivity is called__________________?  

a. resistance  

b. inductance  

c. conductivity  

d. flexibility 

Answer- conductivity

Que- Circuit which gives continuously varying potential is called _______________________?  

a. complex network  

b. wheat stone bridge  

c. potential divider  

d. all of above 

Answer- potential divider

Que- There are three bulbs of 60W 100W and 200W which bulb has thickest filament ?  

a. 100W  

b. 200W  

c. 60W  

d. all 

Answer- 200W

Que- Specific resistance of a wire____________________?  

a. will depend on its length  

b. will depend on its radius  

c. will depend on the type of material of the wire  

d. will depend on none of the above 

Answer- will depend on the type of material of the wire

Que- In the following figure, the terminal potential is ___________________ ?  

a. zero  

b. 2V  

c. 12V  

d. 36V 

Answer- zero

Que- Which one of the following materials is useful for making bulb filaments ?  

a. constantan  

b. nichrome  

c. copper  

d. tungsten 

Answer- tungsten

Que- If 1 ampere current flows through 2m long conductor the charge flow through it in 1 hour will be_______________?  

a. 3600C  

b. 7200C  

c. 1C  

d. 2C 

Answer- 3600C

Que- Why should a resistance be introduced in a circuit in series deliberately ?  

a. to increase current  

b. to decrease current  

c. to control current  

d. just to give a good look to circuit 

Answer- to decrease current

Que- All electrical appliances are connected in parallel to each other between the main line and neutral wire to get ______________________?  

a. same current  

b. same current and potential difference  

c. different current but same potential difference  

d. different current and potential differences 

Answer- different current but same potential difference

Que- Resistance of a conductor depends upon_________________?  

a. nature of conductor  

b. dimension of conductor  

c. physical state of the conductor  

d. all of above 

Answer- all of above

Que- A wire of uniform area of cross-section A length L and resistance R is cut into two parts. Resistivity of each part _________________?  

a. remains the same  

b. is doubled  

c. is halved  

d. becomes zero 

Answer- remains the same

Que- When same current passes for same time through a thick and thin wire_________________?  

a. more heat is produced in thick wire  

b. more heat is produced in thin wire  

c. no heat is produced in wire  

d. less heat is produced in thick wire 

Answer- more heat is produced in thin wire

Que- One kilowatt hour is the amount of energy delivered during _______________?  

a. one second  

b. one day  

c. one minute  

d. one hour 

Answer- one hour

Que- How much heat does a 40 W bulb generates in one hour ?  

a. 144000J  

b. 144J  

c. 1.44J  

d. 14J 

Answer- 144000J

Que- Resistance of a super conductor is ______________________?  

a. finite  

b. infinite  

c. zero  

d. changes with every conductor 

Answer- zero

Que- Which one is the best material for making connecting wires ?  

a. iron  

b. tungsten  

c. silver  

d. copper 

Answer- copper

Que- Internal resistance is the resistance offered by________________?  

a. source of EMF  

b. conductor  

c. resistor  

d. capacitor 

Answer- source of EMF

Que- Three bulbs are rating 40W 60W and 100W designed to work on 220V mains. Which bulb will burn most brightly if they are connected in series across 220 V mains ?  

a. 40 W bulb  

b. 60 W blub  

c. 100 W blub  

d. all will burn equally brightly 

Answer- 40 W bulb

Que- Resistance of a wire on increasing its temperature will_________________?  

a. increase with rise in temperature  

b. decrease with rise in temperature  

c. will remain same  

d. depends upon altitude of experimentation 

Answer- increase with rise in temperature

Que- An electric iron is marked 20 volts 500W. The units consumed by it in using if for 24 hours will be______________?  

a. 12  

b. 24  

c. 5  

d. 1100 

Answer- 12

Que- In liquids and gases the current is due to the motion________________?  

a. negative charges  

b. positive charges  

c. both negative and positive charges  

d. neutral particles 

Answer- both negative and positive charges

Que- The graphical representation of Ohms law is___________________?  

a. hyperbola  

b. ellipse  

c. parabola  

d. straight line 

Answer- straight line

Que- The resistance of a conductor at absolute zero (OK) is________________?  

a. zero almost  

b. infinite almost  

c. no prediction at all  

d. may increase or decrease 

Answer- zero almost

Que- Electrical energy is measured in___________________?  

a. watt  

b. horse power  

c. kilo watt  

d. kilowatt hour 

Answer- kilowatt hour

Que- Electrical energy is converted to heat at the rate of___________________?  

a. IRt  

b. I2R  

c. I2Rt  

d. VIt 

Answer- I2R

Que- A fuse is placed in series with the circuit to protect against__________________?  

a. high power  

b. high voltage  

c. high current  

d. over heating 

Answer- over heating

Que- Which one of the following bulbs has the least resistance ?  

a. 100 watt  

b. 200 watt  

c. 300 watt  

d. 60 watt 

Answer- 300 watt

Que- Optical active crystals rotates the __________________?  

a. vibrating plane  

b. polarization plane  

c. diffraction plane  

d. interference plane 

Answer- polarization plane

Que- In double slit experiment we observe _____________________?  

a. interference fringes only  

b. diffraction fringes only  

c. both interference and diffraction fringes  

d. polirized frringes 

Answer- both interference and diffraction fringes

Que- Which one of the following properties of light does not change with the nature of the medium ?  

a. velocity  

b. wavelength  

c. amplitude  

d. frequency 

Answer- frequency

Que- Photoelectric effect was given by ____________________?  

a. Hertz  

b. Fresnel  

c. Einstein   

d. Plank 

Answer- Einstein 

Que- Longitudinal waves do not exhibit _____________________?  

a. reflection  

b. refraction  

c. diffraction  

d. polarization 

Answer- polarization

Que- A point source of light placed in a homogeneous medium gives rise to ___________________?  

a. a cylindrical wave front  

b. an elliptical wave front  

c. a spherical wave front  

d. a plane wave front 

Answer- a spherical wave front

Que- Which one of the following is nearly monochromatic light ?  

a. light form fluorescent tube  

b. light form neon lamp  

c. light form sodium lamp  

d. light form simple lamp 

Answer- light form sodium lamp

Que- When crest of one wave falls over the trough of the other wave this phenomenon is known as________________?  

a. polarization  

b. constructive interference  

c. destructive interference   

d. diffraction 

Answer- destructive interference 

Que- In Young double slit experiment, if white light is used____________________?  

a. alternate dark and bright fringes will be seen  

b. coloured fringes will be seen  

c. no interference fringes will be seen  

d. impossible to predict 

Answer- coloured fringes will be seen

Que- In an interference pattern______________________?  

a. bright fringes are wider than dark fringes  

b. dark fringes are wider than bright fringe  

c. both dark and bright fringes are of equal width  

d. central fringes are brighter than the outer fringes 

Answer- both dark and bright fringes are of equal width

Que- The blue colour of the sky is due to___________________?  

a. diffraction  

b. reflection  

c. polarization  

d. scattering 

Answer- scattering

Que- When one mirror of a Michelson Interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5 mm we observe 2000 fringes. What will be wavelength of light used ?  

a. 5000 nm  

b. 5000A  

c. 500m  

d. 2000um 

Answer- 5000A

Que- Wavelength of X-rays falling at glancing angle of 30? on a crystal with atmic spacing 2 x 10-10 for the fist order diffraction is________________?  

a. 4 x 10-10 m  

b. 2 x 10-10 m  

c. 0.02×10-10m  

d. 20×10-10m 

Answer- 2 x 10-10 m

Que- In a plane polarized light _________________?  

a. vibration in all direction  

b. vibration in two mutually perpendicular directions  

c. vibration take place in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of light  

d. no vibration at all 

Answer- vibration take place in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of light

Que- Which one of the following cannot be polarized ?  

a. radio waves  

b. ultraviolot rays  

c. X-rays  

d. sound waves 

Answer- sound waves

Que- In monochromatic red light a blue book will probably appear to be_________________?  

a. black  

b. purple  

c. green  

d. no scientific reasoning available 

Answer- black

Que- In double slit experiment if one of the two slit is covered then________________?  

a. no interference fringes are observed  

b. no diffraction fringes are observed  

c. no fringes observed  

d. interference pattern not disturbed 

Answer- no interference fringes are observed

Que- In the shadow of a ball the central portion appears bright that happens due to_________________?  

a. Interference  

b. Diffraction  

c. Polarization  

d. Refraction 

Answer- Diffraction

Que- Crystals of a material can behave as_________________?  

a. Convex lens  

b. Interferometer  

c. Diffraction grating  

d. Concave 

Answer- Diffraction grating

Que- Which is not optically active ?  

a. sugar  

b. tartaric acid  

c. water  

d. sodium chlorate 

Answer- water

Que- When light incident normally on thin film the path difference depends upon ________________?  

a. thickness of the film only  

b. nature of the film only  

c. angle of indidence only  

d. all thickness nature and angle of incidence 

Answer- all thickness nature and angle of incidence

Que- Light reaches the earth form sun in nearly____________________?  

a. 15 minutes  

b. 10 minutes  

c. 8 minutes  

d. 8 minutes 30 seconds 

Answer- 8 minutes 30 seconds

Que- According to Einstein light travels form one place to another in the form of ________________?  

a. waves  

b. particles  

c. photons  

d. it was not his discovery 

Answer- photons

Que- Central spot of Newtons rings __________________?  

a. bright  

b. dark for large wavelength  

c. dark  

d. bright for large wavelength 

Answer- bright

Que- The locus of all points in a medium having the same phase of vibration is called____________________?  

a. crest  

b. trough  

c. wavelength  

d. wave front 

Answer- wave front

Que- Two sources of light are coherent if they emit rays of_______________?  

a. same wavelength  

b. same amplitude of vibration  

c. same wave length with constant phase difference  

d. same amplitude and wavelength 

Answer- same wave length with constant phase difference

Que- The velocity of light was determined accurately by_______________?  

a. Newton  

b. Michelson  

c. Huygen  

d. Young 

Answer- Michelson

Que- appearance of colour in thin films is due to ____________________?  

a. diffraction  

b. dispersion  

c. interference  

d. polarization 

Answer- interference

Que- A light ray traveling form rarer to denser medium suffers a phase change of__________________?  

a. 60°  

b. 90°  

c. 180°  

d. 45° 

Answer- 180°

Que- Diffraction effect is____________________?  

a. more for a round edge  

b. less for a round edge  

c. more for a sharp edge  

d. less for a sharp edge 

Answer- more for a sharp edge

Que- A diffraction grating has 500 lines per mm. Its slit spacing or grating element will be equal to ____________________?  

a. 500 mm  

b. 5 x 10-3 mm  

c. 2 x 10-5 mm  

d. 2 x 10-3 mm 

Answer- 2 x 10-3 mm

Que- Light on passing through a Polaroid is ___________________?  

a. plane polarized  

b. un-polarized  

c. circularly polarized  

d. elliptically polarized 

Answer- plane polarized

Que- Diffraction fringes are____________________?  

a. equally spaced  

b. distance between them increases  

c. distance between then decreases  

d. they are adjacent with no space in between 

Answer- distance between then decreases

Que- A thing that emits its own light is___________________?  

a. luminous  

b. non-luminous  

c. incandescent  

d. bright 

Answer- luminous

Que- Gives the definition of metre in terms of wavelength of red cadmium light ___________________?  

a. Newton  

b. Einstein  

c. Michelson  

d. Galileo 

Answer- Michelson

Que- Which experiment shows that wavelength of light is smaller than that of sound___________________?  

a. Diffraction  

b. Polarization  

c. Interference  

d. Reflection 

Answer- Diffraction

Que- When a force is parallel to the direction of motion of the body, then work done on the body is_____________________?  

a. zero  

b. minimum  

c. infinity  

d. maximum 

Answer- maximum

Que- If a body a mass of 2 kg is raised vertically through 2m, then the work done will be _________________?  

a. 38.2 J  

b. 392.1 J  

c. 39.2 J  

d. 3.92 J 

Answer- 39.2 J

Que- The average power and instantaneous power become equal if work is done at __________________?  

a. any rate  

b. at variable rate  

c. at uniform rate  

d. at high rate 

Answer- at uniform rate

Que- Proton electron neutron and a particles have same momentum. Which of them have highest K.E ?  

a. Proton  

b. electron  

c. neutron  

d. a-particle 

Answer- electron

Que- Work done by variable force is determine by dividing____________________?  

a. force into small interval  

b. displacement into small interval  

c. both force and displacement into small intervals  

d. force into small and displacement into large intervals 

Answer- displacement into small interval

Que- The escape velocity of a body in gravitational field of earth is independent of__________________?  

a. its mass  

b. the angle at which it is thrown  

c. both its mass and the angle at which it is thrown  

d. gravitational field of earth 

Answer- both its mass and the angle at which it is thrown

Que- The source of geothermal energy is___________________?  

a. decay of radioactive element in the earth  

b. compression of material in the earth  

c. residual lost of the earth  

d. all as said in A – B and C 

Answer- all as said in A – B and C

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