Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- Work done by the force of friction is____________________?  

a. always positive  

b. always negative  

c. positive only for small frictional force  

d. positive only for large frictional force 

Answer- always negative

Que- If velocity is doubled then__________________?  

a. momentum increases 4 times and K.E increases 2 times  

b. momentum and K.E. remain same  

c. momentum increases 2 times and K.E increases constant  

d. momentum increases 2 times and K.E increases 4 time 

Answer- momentum increases 2 times and K.E increases 4 time

Que- Which of the following is not conservative force_________________?  

a. friction  

b. electric  

c. gravitational  

d. magnetic 

Answer- friction

Que- The consumption of energy by a 60 watt bulb in 2 sec is_________________?  

a. 120 J  

b. 60 J  

c. 30 J  

d. 0.02 J 

Answer- 120 J

Que- The escape velocity form the earth surface in km S-1 is____________________?  

a. 4.2 km S-1  

b. 7.5 km S-1  

c. 9.5 km S-1  

d. 1.1 km S-1 

Answer- 1.1 km S-1

Que- If moon radius is 1600 km and g on its surface is 1.6 ms-2 then the escape velocity on the moon is ___________________?  

a. 1600 ms-1  

b. 50.6 ms-1  

c. 71.6 ms-1  

d. 2263ms-1 

Answer- 50.6 ms-1

Que- When arrow is released form its bow, its energy is transformed from _____________________?  

a. heat energy to K.E  

b. elastic P.E to K.E  

c. elemical energy to elastic P.E  

d. K.E to elastic P.E. 

Answer- elastic P.E to K.E

Que- The work done by friction is__________________?  

a. positive  

b. negative  

c. zero  

d. none of these 

Answer- negative

Que- Work done on the body equals to the _____________________?  

a. change in its K.E always  

b. change in its P.E always  

c. change in its K.E and change in its P.E  

d. neither change in K.E and nor change in its P.E 

Answer- change in its K.E and change in its P.E

Que- The tides raise the mater in the see roughly in a day___________________?  

a. once  

b. twice  

c. four time  

d. eight time 

Answer- twice

Que- The highest value of escape velocity in solar system is planet____________________?  

a. Earth  

b. Neptune  

c. Jupiter  

d. Moon 

Answer- Jupiter

Que- Gravitational P.E of a body has____________________?  

a. no formula  

b. a formula mgh only  

c. a formula  

d. no general formula 

Answer- no general formula

Que- When the speed of a moving body is doubled then___________________?  

a. its K.E is doubled  

b. its acceleration is doubled  

c. its P.E is doubled  

d. its momentum is doubled 

Answer- its momentum is doubled

Que- One mega watt hour is equal to_________________?  

a. 36 x 106 J  

b. 36 x 1012 J  

c. 36 x 109 J  

d. 36 x 108 J 

Answer- 36 x 108 J

Que- Work has the dimension as that of same as that of__________________?  

a. torque  

b. angular momentum  

c. linear momentum  

d. power 

Answer- torque

Que- The relation between the escape velocity V esc and orbital speed Vo is given by________________?  

a. V esc = 1/2Vo  

b. V esc = -2 Vo  

c. V esc = Vo  

d. V esc = 2Vo 

Answer- V esc = -2 Vo

Que- When two protons are brought together_____________________?  

a. Kinetic energy increases  

b. P.E. between them increases  

c. P.E. between them decreases  

d. P.E. between tem does not change 

Answer- P.E. between them increases

Que- A man lifts vertically a weight of 40kg through 1m in 10s; while a chile lifts vertically a weight of 10kg through a distance of 1m in 1s. What will be correct inference ?  

a. man does more work than child  

b. child does more work than man  

c. both do the same amount of work  

d. it is a foolish question 

Answer- child does more work than man

Que- The area under the force displacement graph represents__________________?  

a. area  

b. work done  

c. power  

d. none of these 

Answer- work done

Que- Propulsion force of a rocket is____________________?  

a. non-conservative force  

b. conservative force  

c. both A and B  

d. none of these 

Answer- non-conservative force

Que- Geothermal energy is a _______________________ source of energy?  

a. non-renewable  

b. stable  

c. renewable  

d. none of the above 

Answer- renewable

Que- ________________ cells converts solar energy into electrical energy?  

a. rotory  

b. photovoltaic  

c. galvanic  

d. non of these 

Answer- photovoltaic

Que- Biomass can be converted into fuels by____________________?  

a. direct combustion  

b. fermentation  

c. both A and B  

d. none of these 

Answer- both A and B

Que- Which of the following substances posses the highest elasticity ?  

a. Rubber  

b. Steel  

c. Glass  

d. Copper 

Answer- Steel

Que- What are the dimensions of stress ?  

a. MLT-2  

b. ML-2T-1  

c. ML-1T-2  

d. ML-T-1 

Answer- ML-1T-2

Que- Which one of the following physical quantities does not have the dimensions of force per unit area ?  

a. Stress  

b. Strain  

c. Youngs modulus  

d. Pressure 

Answer- Strain

Que- A wire of length L is stretched by a length E when a force F is applied at one end. If the elastic limit is not exceeded the amount of energy stored in the wire is_________________?  

a. FE  

b. (FE)  

c. FE2/L  

d. FE2 

Answer- (FE)

Que- When a force is applied at one end of an elastic wire it produces at strain ∝ in the wire. If y is the youngs modulus of the material of the wire the amount of energy stored per unit volume of the wire is given by_________________?  

a. Y∝  

b. 2Y∝  

c. Y∝/2  

d. Y∝2 

Answer- Y∝2

Que- A wire suspended vertically from one end is stretched by attaching a weight of 20N to the lower end. The weight stretches the wire by 1mm. How much energy is gained by the wire ?  

a. 0.01J  

b. 0.02J  

c. 0.04J  

d. 1.0J 

Answer- 0.01J

Que- A certain stress applied to an elastic material produces a certain strain in it. If the elastic limit is not exceeded the energy gained per unit volume of the material is given by_________________?  

a. Stress/strain  

b. (stress/strain)  

c. Stress x strain  

d. (Stress / strain) 

Answer- (Stress / strain)

Que- The ration stress to strain in youngs modulus of the material then tension is__________________?  

a. Directly proportional to extension  

b. Directly proportional to strain  

c. Directly proportional to square of amplitude  

d. Inversely proportional to extension 

Answer- Directly proportional to extension

Que- A wire is stretched by a force F which causes an extension 1. The energy stored in the wire is____________________?  

a. The extension of the wire is proportional to the force applied  

b. The weight of the wire is negligible  

c. The wire is not stretched beyond its elastic limit  

d. The cross sectional area of the wire remains constant 

Answer- The extension of the wire is proportional to the force applied

Que- Formation of large molecule by joining small molecules is_________________?  

a. Fusion  

b. Polymerization  

c. Crystallization  

d. Subtraction 

Answer- Polymerization

Que- The energy band occupied by the valence electrons is called___________________?  

a. Energy state  

b. Valence band  

c. ve energy state  

d. conduction band 

Answer- Valence band

Que- A ferromagnet will become fully magnetized at_________________?  

a. High voltage A.C  

b. Low voltage A.C  

c. Alternating current at its peak value  

d. D.C current at peak value 

Answer- Alternating current at its peak value

Que- Materials in which valence electrons are tightly bound to their atoms at low temperature are called___________________?  

a. Semi conductor  

b. Super conductors  

c. Insulators  

d. Conductor 

Answer- Insulators

Que- The angular position of cells remains the same for a sample of a crystal. This property is called___________________?  

a. Isotropy  

b. Cleavage  

c. Homogeneity  

d. The external symmetry of form 

Answer- The external symmetry of form

Que- If the density of atoms remain same along any direction in a crystal is called__________________?  

a. Symmetry  

b. Homogeneity  

c. Isotropy  

d. Cleavage 

Answer- Homogeneity

Que- The band theory of solids explains satisfactorily the nature of_________________?  

a. Electrical insulators alone  

b. Electrical conductors alone  

c. Electrical semi conductors alone  

d. All of the above 

Answer- All of the above

Que- A completely filled band is called__________________?  

a. Conduction band  

b. Valence band  

c. Forbidden band  

d. Core band 

Answer- Core band

Que- Which one has the greatest energy gap ?  

a. Semi conductor  

b. Conductor  

c. Metals  

d. Non metals 

Answer- Non metals

Que- With increase in temperature the electrical conductivity of intrinsic semi conductor___________________?  

a. Decreases  

b. Increases  

c. Remains same  

d. First increases then decreases 

Answer- Increases

Que- On the basis of band theory of solids the semiconductors have _____________________?  

a. A party filled valence band and totally empty conduction band  

b. A completely filled valence band a totally empty conduction band and a very wide forbidden band  

c. A completely filled valence band a partially filled conduction band and a narrow forbidden band  

d. A partly filled valence band a totally empty conduction band and a wide forbidden band 

Answer- A completely filled valence band a partially filled conduction band and a narrow forbidden band

Que- Very weak magnetic fields are detected by___________________?  

a. Squids  

b. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  

c. Magnetometer  

d. Oscilloscope 

Answer- Squids

Que- Energy needed to magnetize and demagnetize is represented by _________________?  

a. Hysteresis curve  

b. Hysteresis loop area  

c. Hysteresis loop  

d. Straight line 

Answer- Hysteresis loop area

Que- What is the SI unit of modulus of elasticity of substance ?  

a. Nm-2  

b. Jm-2  

c. Nm-1  

d. Being a number it has no unit. 

Answer- Nm-2

Que- A rubber cord of cross-sectional area 2cm2 has a length of 1m. When a tensile force of 10N is applied the length of the cord increases by 1cm. What is the youngs modulus of rubber ?  

a. 2×108 Nm-2  

b. 5×106 Nm-2  

c. 0.5×10-6 Nm-2  

d. 0.2×10-6Nm-2 

Answer- 5×106 Nm-2

Que- A uniform steel wire of length 4m and area of cross-section 3×10-6m2 is extended by 1mm by the application of a force. If the youngs modulus of steel is 2×1011 Nm-2 the energy stored in the wire is___________________?  

a. 0.025J  

b. 0.50J  

c. 0.75J  

d. 0.100J 

Answer- 0.75J

Que- Materials that undergo plastic deformation before breaking are called __________________?  

a. Brittle  

b. Ductile  

c. Amorphous  

d. Polymers 

Answer- Ductile

Que- A wire obeys Hooks law is of length 11 when it is in equilibrium under a tension F1. Its length becomes 12 when the tension is increased to F2. The energy stored in the wire during this process is____________________?  

a. (F1+F2) (121+122)  

b. (F1+F2) (122-112)  

c. (F1+F2) (12-11)  

d. (F1+F2) (12-11) 

Answer- (F1+F2) (12-11)

Que- Any alteration produced in shapes length or volume when a body is subjected to some external force is called____________________?  

a. Stiffness  

b. Toughness  

c. Extension  

d. Deformation 

Answer- Deformation

Que- The curie temperature is that at which ____________________?  

a. Semi-conductor becomes conductors  

b. Ferromagnetic becomes paramagnetic  

c. Paramagnetic becomes diamagnetic  

d. Metals become super conductor 

Answer- Ferromagnetic becomes paramagnetic

Que- Coercive force is the force which opposes ____________________?  

a. Demagnetization  

b. Breakage  

c. Extension  

d. Surface cracking 

Answer- Demagnetization

Que- The bulk properties of materials such as their mode of fracture can be related to their____________________?  

a. Polymerization  

b. Cleavage  

c. Microstructure  

d. Dislocation 

Answer- Microstructure

Que- The breaking of crystals along definite direction is called _____________________?  

a. Cleavage  

b. Symmetry  

c. Isotropy  

d. Homogeneity 

Answer- Cleavage

Que- In simple cube one atom or molecule lies at its______________________?  

a. Force corners  

b. Nine corners  

c. Eight corners  

d. Six corners 

Answer- Eight corners

Que- A vacant or partially filled band is called _____________________?  

a. Conduction band  

b. Valence band  

c. Forbidden band  

d. Empty band 

Answer- Conduction band

Que- The electrons in conduction band are free to___________________?  

a. Transport vibrations  

b. Transport signals  

c. Transport charge  

d. Transport impulses 

Answer- Transport charge

Que- Many of the semi conductors are crystals of the type__________________?  

a. Face centred cubic  

b. Body centred cubic  

c. Simple cubic  

d. All of the above 

Answer- Face centred cubic

Que- Holes can exist in____________________?  

a. Conductors  

b. Insulators  

c. Semi conductors  

d. All of the above 

Answer- Semi conductors

Que- In a semiconductors the charge carriers are ___________________?  

a. Holes only  

b. Electrons only  

c. Electron and holes both  

d. All of the above 

Answer- Electron and holes both

Que- The net charge on n-type material is____________________?  

a. Positive  

b. Negative  

c. Both positive and negative  

d. Neutral 

Answer- Neutral

Que- Magnetic force acting on a unit positive charge moving perpendicular to the magnetic field with a unit velocity is called____________________?  

a. magnetic flux  

b. magnetic field intensity  

c. magnetic induction  

d. self inductance 

Answer- magnetic induction

Que- What is the value of the current in a wire of 10cm long at the right angle to a uniform magnetic field of 0.5 Weber/m2 when the force acting on the wire is 5N ?  

a. 1A  

b. 10A  

c. 100A  

d. 1000A 

Answer- 100A

Que- Two parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite directions____________________?  

a. repel each other  

b. attract each other  

c. have no effect upon each other  

d. they cancel out their individual magnetic fields 

Answer- repel each other

Que- A magnetic field___________________?  

a. always exerts a force on a charged particle  

b. never exerts a force on a charged particles  

c. exerts a force if the charged particle is moving in the direction of the magnetic field lines  

d. exerts a force if the charged particle is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field lines 

Answer- exerts a force if the charged particle is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field lines

Que- Which one of the following material is most suitable for making core of an electromagnet ?  

a. air  

b. steel  

c. Cu-Ni alloy  

d. soft iron 

Answer- soft iron

Que- The relationship between Tesla and smaller unit Gauss of magnetic induction is given by_________________?  

a. 1T = 103 G  

b. 1T = 10-4 G  

c. 1T = 10-2 G  

d. 1T = 104 G 

Answer- 1T = 104 G

Que- SI unit of flux density is____________________?  

a. NA-1m-1  

b. NAm-1  

c. NmA-1  

d. NmA-2 

Answer- NA-1m-1

Que- The standard vector symbol for flux density is ____________________?  

a. M  

b. L  

c. H  

d. B 

Answer- L

Que- An electron enters a region where the electric field E is perpendicular to the magnetic field B. It will suffer no deflection if_________________?  

a. E = BeV  

b. B = eE/V  

c. E = BV  

d. E = BeV/2 

Answer- E = BV

Que- When the coil of the galvanometer is in equilibrium then the deflecting couple is____________________?  

a. zero  

b. equal to the restoring couple  

c. greater than the restoring couple  

d. smaller than the restoring couple 

Answer- equal to the restoring couple

Que- Which one of the following is not an electromechanical instrument ?  

a. galvanometer  

b. voltmeter  

c. ammeter  

d. AC transformer and DC generator 

Answer- AC transformer and DC generator

Que- In a multi range ammeter as the range increases _____________________?  

a. shunt value decreases  

b. shunt value increases  

c. shunt value remains the same  

d. none of the above 

Answer- shunt value decreases

Que- A sensitive galvanometer gives full-scale deflection with 100 mV. If the resistance of the galvanometer is 50? the maximum current that can flow through safely is__________________?  

a. 2.0 mA  

b. 20 mA  

c. 200 mA  

d. 0.2 mA 

Answer- 2.0 mA

Que- Coil of a galvanometer is suspended in a radial magnetic field so that the deflecting torque on the coil is always___________________?  

a. BINA cosa  

b. BINA sina  

c. BINA tana  

d. BINA 

Answer- BINA

Que- A galvanometer basically is an instrument used to ____________________?  

a. detect current in a circuit  

b. measure current flowing through a circuit  

c. measure voltage across a circuit  

d. measure potential difference between two points in a circuit 

Answer- detect current in a circuit

Que- A wheat stone bridge is said to be balanced when____________________?  

a. maximum current flows through the galvanometer branch  

b. minimum current flows through the galvanometer branch  

c. potential difference across galvanometer branch is maximum  

d. potential difference across galvanometer branch is zero 

Answer- potential difference across galvanometer branch is zero

Que- A particle of mass m charge q and speed V enters a uniform magnetic radius r. The radius r of the circle is_________________?  

a. independent mass m  

b. directly proportional to m  

c. directly proportional to q  

d. directly proportional to B 

Answer- directly proportional to B

Que- If a current carrying solenoid is suspended freely it will__________________?  

a. be rotating  

b. come to rest in N-S direction  

c. vibrating like galvanometer needle  

d. comes to rest after rotation 

Answer- come to rest in N-S direction

Que- A current carrying conductor is placed in a uniform magnetic field parallel to it. The magnetic force experienced by the conductor is _____________________?  

a. F=1/B  

b. F=1/Bsinθ  

c. F/0  

d. F=1/Bcosθ 

Answer- F/0

Que- When a particle of charge q and mass m enters into a uniform magnetic field B moving with a velocity v perpendicular to the direction for the field it describes a circular path of radius___________________?  

a. R=qB/mV  

b. R=mV/qB  

c. R=qmV/B  

d. R=qmB/V 

Answer- R=mV/qB

Que- A magnetic compass will be deflected if it is kept near a____________________?  

a. charge in motion  

b. charge at rest  

c. both  

d. none 

Answer- charge in motion

Que- If the plane of the rectangular coil is parallel to the magnetic field (i.e radial magnetic field) the torque on the coil is_____________________?  

a. τ = NIAB cosφ  

b. τ = NIAB sinφ  

c. τ = NIAB tanφ  

d. τ = NIAB 

Answer- τ = NIAB

Que- Magnetic flux and flux density are related by___________________?  

a. magnetic flux = flux density / area  

b. magnetic flux = flux density x area  

c. flux density = magnetic flux area  

d. flux density = magnetic flux x area 

Answer- magnetic flux = flux density x area

Que- The charged particle enters the uniform magnetic field in such a way that its initial velocity is not perpendicular to the field the orbit will be__________________?  

a. a circle  

b. a spiral  

c. an ellipse  

d. helix 

Answer- helix

Que- Value of permeability of free space in SI units is___________________?  

a. 4πx10-9 WbA-1m-1  

b. 4πx10-7 WbA-1m-1  

c. 4πx10-10 WbA-1m-1  

d. 4πx10-8 WbA-1m-1 

Answer- 4πx10-7 WbA-1m-1

Que- The magnetic field strength of solenoid is__________________?  

a. B = μNI  

b. B = μN/I  

c. B = μnI  

d. Both B and C 

Answer- Both B and C

Que- The deflection for 50 division of galvanometer is decreased to 25 divisions by shunt resistance of 12Ω. Galvanometer resistance is_____________?  

a. 18Ω  

b. 30Ω  

c. 24Ω  

d. 12Ω 

Answer- 12Ω

Que- The sensitivity of a galvanometer is given by__________________?  

a. C/BAN  

b. CAN/B  

c. BAN/C  

d. ABC/N 

Answer- C/BAN

Que- Minimum current required to produce a deflection of 1 mm on a scale at a distance of 1 meter is__________________?  

a. 0.1 A  

b. 1:00 AM  

c. current sensitivity  

d. 1 m A 

Answer- current sensitivity

Que- While measuring the unknown resistance the help of slide wire bridge a greatest accuracy can be achieved when__________________?  

a. a most sensitive galvanometer is used  

b. a steady voltage cell is used  

c. the balance point is close to the middle of the wire  

d. a high resistance box is used in one of its gap 

Answer- the balance point is close to the middle of the wire

Que- An ammeter measures the total current flowing through a circuit when it is connected__________________?  

a. in series with the circuit  

b. in parallel with circuit  

c. in series with any of the parallel resistances in the circuit  

d. in parallel with any of the series resistances in the circuit 

Answer- in series with the circuit

Que- The effective way to increase the sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer is to___________________?  

a. use a very long and fine suspension  

b. use a coil of very large area  

c. use a coil with very large number of turns  

d. use a very strong magnetic field 

Answer- use a very strong magnetic field

Que- When an electron moving with a uniform speed in a vacuum enters a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to the field the subsequent path of the electron is ___________________?  

a. a straight line parallel to the field  

b. a parabola in a plane perpendicular to the field  

c. a circle in a plane perpendicular to the field  

d. a straight line along its initial direction 

Answer- a circle in a plane perpendicular to the field

Que- Galvanometer is a very sensitive device with______________________?  

a. very low damping  

b. very high damping  

c. no damping at all  

d. radial field disintegration 

Answer- very low damping

Que- Heating a magnet will ____________________?  

a. weaken it  

b. strengthen it  

c. reverse its polarity  

d. demagnetize it completely 

Answer- weaken it

Que- A moving coil galvanometer of resistance 100? gives half scale deflection for a current of 20mA. What will be the potential difference across it ?  

a. 4 volt  

b. 5 volt  

c. 2 volt  

d. 0.4 volt 

Answer- 2 volt

Que- An alternating current or voltage_____________________?  

a. fluctuates off and on  

b. varies in magnitude alone  

c. changes its direction again and again  

d. changes its magnitude harmonically and reverses its direction of flow after regularly recurring intervals 

Answer- changes its direction again and again

Que- Electromagnetic waves travel in free space with the speed of___________________?  

a. λ-rays  

b. Positive rays  

c. Cathode rays  

d. More than sound waves 

Answer- λ-rays

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