Structural Analysis - Multiple Choice Questions

Structural Analysis

 1. Disinfection of water results in______________?. 

A. removal of turbidity

B. removal of hardness

C. killing of disease bacteria

D. complete sterilisation. 

Answer = killing of disease bacteria

2. Period of cleaning of slow sand filters is about________________?. 

A. 24 – 48 hours

B. 10-12 days

C. 2-3 months

D. 1-2 year. 

Answer = 2-3 months

3. Air binding phenomena in rapid sand filters occur due to_________________?. 

A. excessive negative head

B. mud ball formation

C. higher turbidity in the effluent

D. low temperature. 

Answer = excessive negative head

4. The rate of filtration in slow sand filters in million litres per day per hectare is about_____________?. 

A. 50 to 60

B. 100 to 150

C. 500 to 600

D. 1400 to 1500. 

Answer = 50 to 60

5. The chemical most commonly used to increase speed of sedimentation of sewage is_______________?. 

A. sulphuric acid

B. copper sulphate

C. lime

D. sodium permanganate. 

Answer = lime

6. The detention period in coagulation tanks is usually kept as_______________?. 

A. 1 to 2 minutes

B. 30 to 45 minutes

C. 2 to 6 hours

D. 2 to 6 days. 

Answer = 2 to 6 hours

7. For a given discharge, the efficiency of sedimentation tank can be increased by______________?. 

A. increasing the depth of tank

B. decreasing the depth of tank

C. increasing the surface area of tank

D. decreasing the surface area of tank. 

Answer = increasing the surface area of tank

8. The settling velocity of a particle in a sedimentation tank depends on__________________?. 

A. depth of tank

B. surface area of tank

C. both depth and surface area of tank

D. none of the above. 

Answer = surface area of tank

9. The overflow rate for plain sedimentation tanks is about__________________?. 

A. 500 to 750 litres/hour/ m2

B. 1000 to 1250 litres/hour/ m2

C. 1250 to 1500 litres/hour/m2

D. 1500 to 2000 litres/hour/m2. 

Answer = 500 to 750 litres/hour/ m2

10. The settling velocity of a particle in a sedimentation tank increases if_________________?. 

A. particle size is decreased

B. the surface area of tank is increased

C. the depth of tank is decreased

D. none of the above. 

Answer = none of the above

11. The velocity of flow of water in a sedimentation tank is about__________________?. 

A. 5 to 10 cm/sec.

B. 15 to 30 cm/sec.

C. 15 to 30 cm/minute

D. 15 to 30 cm/hour. 

Answer = 15 to 30 cm/minute

12. The amount of residual chlorine left in public water supply for safety against pathogenic bacteria is about______________?. 

A. 0.01 to 0.05 ppm

B. 0.05 to 0.5 ppm

C. 0.5 to 1.0 ppm

D. 1.0 to 5.0 ppm. 

Answer = 0.05 to 0.5 ppm

13. Orthotolidine test is used for determination of________________?. 

A. dissolved oxygen

B. residual chlorine

C. biochemical oxygen demand

D. dose of coagulant. 

Answer = residual chlorine

14. On standard silica scale, the turbidity in drinking water should be limited to_______________?. 

A. 10 ppm

B. 20 ppm

C. 30 ppm

D. 50 ppm. 

Answer = 10 ppm

15. Which of the following values of pH represents a stronger acid?. 

A. 2

B. 5

C. 7

D. 10. 

Answer = 2

16. Ground water is usually free from________________?. 

A. suspended impurities

B. dissolved impurities

C. both suspended and dissolved impuri¬ties

D. none of the above. 

Answer = suspended impurities

17. The maximum discharge of a tube-well is about_________________?. 

A. 5 litres/sec

B. 50 litres/sec

C. 500 litres/sec

D. 1000 litres/see. 

Answer = 50 litres/sec

18. The phenolic compounds in public water supply should not be more than_______________?. 

A. 0.1 ppm

B. 0.01 ppm

C. 0.001 ppm

D. 0.0001 ppm. 

Answer = 0.001 ppm

19. Which of the following is not a water borne disease ?. 

A. dysentery

B. cholera

C. typhoid

D. maleria. 

Answer = maleria

20. Select the correct relationship between porosity (N), specific yield (y) and specific retention (R)________________?. 

A. N = y + R

B. y = N + R

C. R = N + y

D. R > (N + y). 

Answer = N = y + R

21. The suitable method of forecasting popu¬lation for a young and rapidly increasing city is_________________?. 

A. arithmetical increase method

B. geometrical increase method

C. incremental increase method

D. graphical method. 

Answer = geometrical increase method

22. As compared to geometrical increase method of forecasting population, arithmetical increase method gives________________?. 

A. lesser value

B. higher value

C. same value

D. accurate value. 

Answer = lesser value

23. If the average daily consumption of a city is 100,000 m3, the maximum daily con¬sumption on peak hourly demand will be_______________?. 

A. 100000m3

B. 150000m3

C. 180000m3

D. 270000 m3. 

Answer = 270000 m3

24. Which of the following causes a decrease in per capita consumption ?. 

A. use of metering system

B. good quality of water

C. better standard of living of the people

D. hotter climate. 

Answer = use of metering system

25. Assertion A : The consumption of water increases with increase in the distribution pressure. Reason R : Higher distribution pressure causes more loss and waste of water. Select your answer according to the coding system given below?. 

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

C. A is true but R is false

D. A is false but R is true. 

Answer = Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

26. The devices which are installed for drawing water from the sources are called______________?. 

A. aquifers

B. aquiclude

C. filters

D. intakes. 

Answer = intakes

27. Select the correct statement?. 

A. 5 day BOD is the ultimate BOD

B. 5 day BOD is greater than 4 day BOD keeping other conditions same

C. 5 day BOD is less than 4 day BOD keeping other conditions same

D. BOD does nof depend on time. 

Answer = 5 day BOD is less than 4 day BOD keeping other conditions same

28. Number of unknown internal forces in each member of a rigid jointed plane frame is_____________?. 

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 6. 

Answer = 3

29. Degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame is given by______________?. 

A. 2j – r

B. j – 2r

C. 3j – r

D. 2j + r. 

Answer = 2j – r

30. If in a pin-jointed plane frame (m + r) > 2j, then the frame is________________?. 

A. stable and statically determinate

B. stable and statically indeterminate

C. unstable

D. none of the above where m is number of members, r is reaction components and j is number of joints. 

Answer = stable and statically indeterminate

31. A rigid-jointed plane frame is stable and statically determinate if_______________?. 

A. (m + r) = 2j

B. (m + r) = 3j

C. (3m + r) = 3j

D. (m + 3r) = 3j where m is number of members, r is reaction components and j is number of joints. 

Answer = (3m + r) = 3j

32. The degree of static indeterminacy of a pin-jointed space frame is given by_________________?. 

A. m + r – 2j

B. m + r – 3j

C. 3m + r – 3j

D. m + r + 3j. 

Answer = m + r – 3j

33. The degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed space frame is_____________?. 

A. 2j-r

B. 3j-r

C. j-2r

D. j-3r where j is number of joints and r is reaction components. 

Answer = 3j-r

34. Castigliano's first theorem is applicable_______________?. 

A. for statically determinate structures only

B. when the system behaves elastically

C. only when principle of superposition is valid

D. none of the above. 

Answer = only when principle of superposition is valid

35. In moment distribution method, the sum of distribution factors of all the members meeting at any joint is always__________________?. 

A. zero

B. less than 1

C. 1

D. greater than 1. 

Answer = 1

36. In column analogy method, the area of an analogous column for a fixed beam of span L and flexural rigidity El is taken as__________________?. 


B. L/2EI

C. L/3EI

D. L/4EI. 

Answer = L/EI

37. The deflection at any point of a perfect frame can be obtained by applying a unit load at the joint in_________________?. 

A. vertical direction

B. horizontal direction

C. inclined direction

D. the direction in which the deflection is required. 

Answer = the direction in which the deflection is required

38. The three moments equation is applicable only when___________________?. 

A. the beam is prismatic

B. there is no settlement of supports

C. there is no discontinuity such as hinges within the span

D. the spans are equal. 

Answer = there is no discontinuity such as hinges within the span

39. The Castigliano's second theorem can be used to compute deflections________________?. 

A. in statically determinate structures only

B. for any type of structure

C. at the point under the load only

D. for beams and frames only. 

Answer = for any type of structure

40. For a two-hinged arch, if one of the supports settles down vertically, then the horizontal thrust______________?. 

A. is increased

B. is decreased

C. remains unchanged

D. becomes zero. 

Answer = remains unchanged

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