Railway Engineering - Multiple Choice Questions

Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

 1. For calculating the permissible stress 0 y /[(1 + a(l/r)²] is the empirical formula, known as__________________?. 

A. Straight line formula

B. Parabolic formula

C. Perry's formula

D. Rankine's formula. 

Answer = Rankine's formula

2. For beams breadth is constant__________________?. 

A. Depth d M

B. Depth d 3

C. Depth d

D. Depth d 1/M. 

Answer = Depth d 3

3. A short column (30 cm × 20 cm) carries a load P 1 at 4 cm on one side and another load P2at 8 cm on the other side along a principal section parallel to longer dimension. If the extreme intensity on either side is same, the ratio of P1 to P2 will be_________________?. 

A. 2/3

B. 3/2

C. 8/5

D. 5/8. 

Answer = 8/5

4. A simply supported beam which carries a uniformly distributed load has two equal overhangs. To have maximum B.M. produced in the beam least possible, the ratio of the length of the overhang to the total length of the beam, is_________________?. 

A. 0.207

B. 0.307

C. 0.407

D. 0.508. 

Answer = 0.207

5. If a solid shaft (diameter 20 cm, length 400 cm, N = 0.8 × 105 N/mm2) when subjected to a twisting moment, produces maximum shear stress of 50 N/mm 2, the angle of twist in radians, is_________________?. 

A. 0.001

B. 0.002

C. 0.0025

D. 0.003. 

Answer = 0.0025

6. A compound truss may be formed by connecting two simple rigid frames, by_________________?. 

A. Two bars

B. Three bars

C. Three parallel bars

D. Three bars intersecting at a point. 

Answer = Three bars

7. The ratio of crippling loads of a column having both the ends fixed to the column having both the ends hinged, is________________?. 

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4. 

Answer = 4

8. A compound bar consists of two bars of equal length. Steel bar cross -section is 3500 mm2and that of brass bar is 3000 mm2. These are subjected to a compressive load 100,000 N. If Eb = 0.2 MN/mm2 and Eb = 0.1 MN/mm2, the stresses developed are___________________?. 

A. b = 10 N/mm2 s = 20 N/mm 2

B. b = 8 N/mm2 s = 16 N/mm2

C. b = 6 N/mm2 s = 12 N/mm2

D. b = 5 N/mm2 s = 10 N/mm2. 

Answer = b = 10 N/mm2 s = 20 N/mm 2

9. The ratio of circumferential stress to the longitudinal stress in the walls of a cylindrical shell, due to flowing liquid, is__________________?. 

A. ½

B. 1

C. 1½

D. 2. 

Answer = 2

10. A simply supported beam carries varying load from zero at one end and w at the other end. If the length of the beam is a, the maximum bending moment will be_______________?. 

A. wa/27

B. wa²/27

C. w²a

D. wa². 

Answer = wa²

11. The yield moment of a cross section is defined as the moment that will just produce the yield stress in_________________?. 

A. The outer most fibre of the section

B. The inner most fibre of the section

C. The neutral fibre of the section

D. The fibre everywhere. 

Answer = The outer most fibre of the section

12. A road of uniform cross-section A and length L force P. The Young's Modulus E of the material, is_________________?. 

A. E = /A. L

B. E =/P. L

C. E = P. L/

D. E = P. A/. 

Answer = E = P. L/

13. The forces in the members of simple trusses, may be analysed by________________?. 

A. Graphical method

B. Method of joints

C. Method of sections

D. All the above. 

Answer = All the above

14. P = / L² is the equation for Euler's crippling load if_________________?. 

A. Both the ends are fixed

B. Both the ends are hinged

C. One end is fixed and other end is free

D. One end is fixed and other end is hinged. 

Answer = Both the ends are hinged

15. If a three hinged parabolic arch, (span l, rise h) is carrying a uniformly distributed load w/unit length over the entire span__________________?. 

A. Horizontal thrust is wl2/8h

B. S.F. will be zero throughout

C. B.M. will be zero throughout

D. All the above. 

Answer = All the above

16. The ratio of the stresses produced by a suddenly applied load and by a gradually applied load on a bar, is__________________?. 

A. 1/4

B. 1/2

C. 1

D. 2. 

Answer = 2

17. Slenderness ratio of a long column, is_________________?. 

A. Area of cross-section divided by radius of gyration

B. Area of cross-section divided by least radius of gyration

C. Radius of gyration divided by area of cross-section

D. Length of column divided by least radius of gyration. 

Answer = Length of column divided by least radius of gyration

18. The horizontal thrust on the ends of a two hinged semicircular arch of radius carrying_________________?. 

A. A uniforml 4/3

B. end, is

C. All the above

D. non of these. 

Answer = All the above

19. For calculating the allowable stress of long columns known as_________________?. 

A. Straight line formula

B. Parabolic formula

C. Perry's formula

D. Rankine's formula. 

Answer = Parabolic formula

20. P=4²EI/L² is the equation of Euler's crippling load if________________?. 

A. Both the ends are fixed

B. Both the ends are hinged

C. One end is fixed and other end is free

D. One end is fixed and other end is hinged. 

Answer = Both the ends are fixed

21. Pick up the correct statement from the following_______________?. 

A. The structural member subjected to compression and whose dimensions are small as

B. compared to its length, is called a stmt The vertical compression members are generally known as columns or stanchions

C. Deflection in lateral direction of a long column, is generally known as buckling

D. All the above. 

Answer = All the above

22. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: The torsional resistance of a shaft is directly proportional to___________________?. 

A. Modulus of rigidity

B. Angle of twist

C. Reciprocal of the length of the shaft

D. Moment of inertia of the shaft section. 

Answer = Moment of inertia of the shaft section

23. Pick up the correct statement from the following?. 

A. Mcg = M M2 + r2) where letters carry their usual meanings

B. Tcp = m2 + T2)where letters carry their usual meanings

C. The torque which when acting alone would produce maximum shear stress equal to the maximum shear stress caused by the combined bending and torsion, is called equivalent torque

D. All the above. 

Answer = All the above

24. Pick up the correct statement from the following?. 

A. For a uniformly distributed load, the shear force varies linearly

B. For a uniformly distributed load, B.M. curve is a parabola

C. For a load varying linearly, the shear force curve is a parabola

D. All the above. 

Answer = All the above

25. inertia of a rectangular section of width and depth about an axis passing The moment of through C.G. and parallel to its width is_______________?. 

A. BD²/6

B. BD3/6

C. BD3/12

D. B²D/6. 

Answer = BD3/12

26. Pick up the correct statement from the following?. 

A. Hoop strain of the walls of a cylinder due to liquid is (pd/2tE) (1 – 1/2m)

B. Longitudinal strain in the walls of a cylinder due to liquid is (pd/2 tE) (1/2 – 1/m)

C. Volumetric change in the cylinder due to liquid is (pd/2tE) (5/2 – 2/m)

D. All the above. 

Answer = All the above

27. For the close coil helical spring of the maximum deflection is__________________?. 

A. WD3n/d4N

B. 2WD3n/d4N

C. 4W²D3n/d4N

D. 8WD3n/d4N. 

Answer = 8WD3n/d4N

28. The purpose of providing fillet in a rail section is to_________________?. 

A. increase the lateral strength

B. increase the vertical stiffness

C. avoid the stress concentration

D. reduce the wear. 

Answer = avoid the stress concentration

29. 52 kg rails are mostly used in__________________?. 

A. Broad Gauge

B. Meter Gauge

C. Narrow Gauge

D. both (A) and (B). 

Answer = Broad Gauge

30. Head width of 52 kg rail section is________________?. 

A. 61.9 mm

B. 66.7mm

C. 67mm

D. 72.33 mm. 

Answer = 67mm

31. Ordinary rails are made of_______________?. 

A. mild steel

B. cast iron

C. wrought iron

D. high carbon steel. 

Answer = high carbon steel

32. Number offish bolts per fish plate is________________?. 

A. 2

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6. 

Answer = 4

33. Largest dimension of a rail is its________________?. 

A. height

B. foot width

C. head width

D. any of the above. 

Answer = height

34. Gauge is the distance between_______________?. 

A. center to center of rails

B. running faces of rails

C. outer faces of rails

D. none of the above. 

Answer = running faces of rails

35. For developing thinly populated areas, the correct choice of gauge is_________________?. 

A. Broad Gauge

B. Meter Gauge

C. Narrow Gauge

D. any of the above. 

Answer = Narrow Gauge

36. The slipping of driving wheels of locomotives on the rail surface causes_______________?. 

A. wheel burns

B. hogging of rails

C. scabbing of rails

D. corrugation of rails. 

Answer = wheel burns

37. The height of the rail for 52 kg rail section is_______________?. 

A. 143 mm

B. 156 mm

C. 172 mm

D. 129mm. 

Answer = 156 mm

38. The side slope of embankments for a railway track is generally taken as______________?. 

A. 1:1

B. 1.5:1

C. 2:1

D. 1:2. 

Answer = 2:1

39. The total gap on both sides between the inside edges of wheel flanges and gauge faces of the rail is kept as_________________?. 

A. 10mm

B. 13mm

C. 16mm

D. 19 mm. 

Answer = 19 mm

40. Anti creep bearing plates are provided on_________________?. 

A. bridges and approaches

B. joints

C. both (A) and (B)

D. none of the above. 

Answer = none of the above

41. The maximum degree of curvature for Meter Gauge is limited to_________________?. 

A. 10°

B. 16°

C. 30°

D. 40°. 

Answer = 16°

42. When the rail ends rest on a joint sleeper, the joint is termed as_________________?. 

A. supported rail joint

B. suspended rail joint

C. bridge joint

D. base joint. 

Answer = supported rail joint

43. Minimum depth of ballast cushion for a Broad Gauge wooden sleeper of size 275x25x13 cm with 75cm sleeper spacing is________________?. 

A. 15 cm

B. 20 cm

C. 25 cm

D. 30cm. 

Answer = 25 cm

44. For a Broad Gauge route with M+7 sleeper density, number of sleepers per rail length is________________?. 

A. 18

B. 19

C. 20

D. 21. 

Answer = 20

45. Composite sleeper index is the index of___________________?. 

A. hardness and strength

B. strength and toughness

C. toughness and wear resistance

D. wear resistance and hardness. 

Answer = hardness and strength

46. Number of dog spikes normally used per rail seat on curved track is__________________?. 

A. one on either side

B. two outside and one inside

C. one outside and two inside

D. two outside and two inside. 

Answer = two outside and one inside

47. Flat mild steel bearing plates are used_________________?. 

A. for points and crossings in the lead portion

B. with wooden sleepers at locations where creep is likely to be developed

C. on all joints and curves

D. on all the above. 

Answer = for points and crossings in the lead portion

48. At points and crossings, the total number of sleepers for 1 in 12 turnouts in Broad Gauge is______________?. 

A. 51

B. 62

C. 70

D. 78. 

Answer = 70

49. The type of spike used for fixing chairs of bull headed rails to wooden sleepers is_________________?. 

A. dog spike

B. rail screw

C. elastic spike

D. round spike. 

Answer = round spike

50. Loose jaws of steel trough sleepers are made of___________________?. 

A. cast steel

B. mild steel

C. cast iron

D. spring steel. 

Answer = spring steel

51. Pandrol clips cannot be used with__________________?. 

A. wooden sleepers

B. concrete sleepers

C. CST-9 sleepers

D. steel trough sleepers. 

Answer = CST-9 sleepers

52. The limiting value of cant excess for Broad Gauge is________________?. 

A. 55 mm

B. 65 mm

C. 75 mm

D. l00 mm. 

Answer = 75 mm

53. Normally the limiting value of cant is________________?. 

A. G/8

B. G/10

C. G/12

D. G/15. 

Answer = G/10

54. The limiting value of cant deficiency for Meter Gauge routes is__________________?. 

A. 40 mm

B. 50 mm

C. 75 mm

D. 100 mm. 

Answer = 50 mm

55. Normally maximum cant permissible in Meter Gauge is__________________?. 

A. 75 mm

B. 90 mm

C. 140 mm

D. 165 mm. 

Answer = 90 mm

56. The compensation for curvature on gradient for Meter Gauge is given by________________?. 

A. 70/R

B. 52.5/R

C. 35/R

D. 105/R where R is radius of curve. 

Answer = 52.5/R

57. A Broad Gauge branch line takes off as a contrary flexure from a main line If the superelevation required for branch line is 10 mm and cant deficiency is 75 mm, the superelevation to be actually provided on the branch line will be__________________?. 

A. 10 mm

B. 64 mm

C. 85 mm

D. 65 mm. 

Answer = 65 mm

58. Switch angle is the angle between___________________?. 

A. the gauge face of the stock rail and tongue rail

B. the outer face of the stock rail and tongue rail

C. the gauge face of the stock rail and outer face of the tongue rail

D. the outer face of the stock rail and the gauge face of the tongue rail. 

Answer = the gauge face of the stock rail and tongue rail

59. Maximum value of 'throw of switch' for Broad Gauge track is__________________?. 

A. 89 mm

B. 95 mm

C. 100 mm

D. 115 mm. 

Answer = 115 mm

60. Which of the following turnouts is most commonly used for goods train on Indian Railways ?. 

A. 1 in 8'/2

B. 1 in 12

C. 1 in 16

D. 1 in 20. 

Answer = 1 in 8'/2

61. Number of switches provided on a Gaunt-letted track is_______________?. 

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. none of the above. 

Answer = none of the above

62. The distance through which the tongue rail moves laterally at the toe of the switch for movement of trains is called_________________?. 

A. flangeway clearance

B. heel divergence

C. throw of the switch

D. none of the above. 

Answer = throw of the switch

63. Heel divergence is__________________?. 

A. always less than flangeway clearance

B. equal to flangeway clearance

C. always greater than flangeway clearance

D. sometimes greater than flangeway clearance. 

Answer = always greater than flangeway clearance

64. The treadle bar is provided_____________________?. 

A. in the middle of the track a little in front of the toes of the tongue rail

B. near and parallel to inner side of one of the rails

C. at right angle to the rail

D. near and parallel to inner side of both the rails. 

Answer = near and parallel to inner side of one of the rails

65. Which of the following devices is used to transfer the wagons or locomotives to and from parallel tracks without any necessity of shunting ?. 

A. triangle

B. turntable

C. traverser

D. scotch block. 

Answer = traverser

66. The height of the center of arm of a semaphore signal above the ground is_________________?. 

A. 5.5m

B. 6.5 m

C. 7.5 m

D. 8.5m. 

Answer = 7.5 m

67. Yellow lighthand signal indicates____________________?. 

A. stop

B. proceed

C. proceed cautiously

D. none of the above. 

Answer = proceed cautiously

68. In a shunting signal if the red band is inclined at 45° it indicates_________________?. 

A. stop

B. proceed

C. proceed cautiously

D. none of the above. 

Answer = proceed

69. A train is hauled by 4-8-2 locomotive. The number of driving wheels in this locomotive is_________________?. 

A. 4

B. 8

C. 12

D. 14. 

Answer = 8

70. On a single rail track, goods trains loaded with heavy iron material run starting from A to B and then empty wagons run from B to A. The amount of creep in the rails__________________?. 

A. will be more in the direction of B to A

B. will be more in the direction of A to B

C. will be maximum at the middle of A and B

D. cannot be determined from the given data. 

Answer = will be more in the direction of A to B

71. For laying the railway track, materials required are__________________?. 

A. Rails

B. FishPlates

C. Fish Bolts

D. Bearing Plates The quantities required for one kilometer of Broad Gauge track will be. 

Answer = FishPlates

72. Metal sleepers are superior to wooden sleepers with respect to________________?. 

A. cost

B. life

C. track circuiting

D. fastening. 

Answer = life

73. For a 8° curve track diverging from a main curve of 5° in an opposite direction in the layout of a broad gauge yard, the cant to be provided for the branch track for maximum speed of 45 km/h on the main line and 'G' = 1.676 m is (Permitted cant deficiency for the main line = 7.6 cm)______________________?. 

A. 0.168 cm

B. -0.168 cm

C. 7.432 cm

D. 7.768 cm. 

Answer = -0.168 cm

74. Wear of rails is maximum in weight of___________________?. 

A. tangent track

B. sharp curve

C. tunnels

D. coastal area. 

Answer = sharp curve

75. A treadle bar is used for_____________________?. 

A. interlocking points and signal

B. setting points and crossings

C. setting marshalling yard signals

D. track maintenance. 

Answer = interlocking points and signal

76. What will be the curve lead for a 1 in 8.5 turnout taking off from a straight broad gauge track?. 

A. 28.49 m

B. 21.04 m

C. 14.24 m

D. 7.45 m. 

Answer = 28.49 m

77. The load on each axle of a locomotive is 22 tonnes. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, then the hauling capacity due to 3 pairs of driving wheels will be________________?. 

A. 26.41

B. 19.81

C. 13.21

D. 6.61. 

Answer = 13.21

78. For a sleeper density of (n+5), the number of sleepers required for constructing a broad gauge railway track of length 650 m is____________________?. 

A. 975

B. 918

C. 900

D. 880. 

Answer = 900

79. avoidance of block instruments 4. higher operating cost Of these statements_____________________?. 

A. I and 2 are correct

B. 3 and 4 are correct

C. 1 and 4 are correct

D. 2 and 3 are correct. 

Answer = 2 and 3 are correct

80. A train is hauled by 2-8-2 locomotive with 22.5 tonnes and on each driving axle. Assuming the coefficient of rail-wheel friction to be 0.25, what would be the hauling capacity of the locomotive?. 

A. 15.0 tonnes

B. 22.5 tonnes

C. 45.0 tonnes

D. 90.0 tonnes. 

Answer = 22.5 tonnes

81. Which one of the following rail failures is caused by loose fish bolts at expansion joints ?. 

A. crushed head

B. angular break

C. split head

D. transverse fissures. 

Answer = crushed head

82. Which of the following statements regarding ballast materials are correct ?. 

A. Brick ballast has poor drainage characteristics.

B. Coal ash is not used as ballast with steel or cast iron sleepers.

C. Gravel ballast gives better performance on soft formation.

D. Sand ballast causes excessive wear on top of rail. 

Answer = Sand ballast causes excessive wear on top of rail

83. For the purpose of track maintenance, the number of turn out equivalent to one track km are__________________?. 

A. 1

B. 2

C. 5

D. 10. 

Answer = 10

84. When semaphore and warner are installed on the same post, then the stop indication is given when___________________?. 

A. both arms are horizontal

B. semaphore arm lowered but warner arm horizontal

C. both semaphore and warner arms lowered

D. none of the above. 

Answer = both arms are horizontal

85. A triangle is used for__________________?. 

A. changing the direction of engine

B. transferring wagons to and from parallel tracks without shunting

C. separating all the sidings and shunting lines from main lines

D. preventing the vehicles from running off the track. 

Answer = changing the direction of engine

86. The object of providing a point lock is_________________?. 

A. to ensure that each switch is correctly set

B. to ensure that the point may not be operated while the train is on it

C. to detect any obstruction between and tongue rail

D. none of the above. 

Answer = to ensure that each switch is correctly set

87. Which of the following mechanical devices is used to ensure that route cannot be changed while the train is on the point even after putting back the signal ?. 

A. detectors

B. point lock

C. iock bar

D. stretcher bar. 

Answer = iock bar

88. Flangeway clearance is the distance_________________?. 

A. between the adjoining faces of the running rail and the check rail near the crossing

B. between the gauge faces of the stock rail and the tongue rail

C. through which the tongue rail moves laterally at the toe of the switch

D. none of the above. 

Answer = between the adjoining faces of the running rail and the check rail near the crossing

89. The correct relation between curve lead (CL), switch lead (SL) and lead of cros¬sing (L) is given by__________________?. 

A. CL = L – SL


C. SL = L + CL

D. L = (CL+SL)/2. 

Answer = L =CL-SL

90. Lead of crossing is the distance from the_________________?. 

A. heel of the switch to the toe of the switch

B. heel of the switch to the theoretical nose of the crossing

C. toe of the switch to the theoretical nose of crossing

D. toe of the switch to the actual nose of crossing. 

Answer = heel of the switch to the theoretical nose of the crossing

91. Lead of crossing is the distance from the__________________?. 

A. heel of the switch to the toe of the switch

B. heel of the switch to the theoretical nose of the crossing

C. toe of the switch to the theoretical nose of crossing

D. toe of the switch to the actual nose of crossing. 

Answer = heel of the switch to the theoretical nose of the crossing

92. If a is the angle of crossing, then the number of crossings 'N' according to right angle method is given by_________________?. 

A. Vi cot(cc/2)

B. cot(oc/2)

C. cot(A)

D. Vi cosec(a/2). 

Answer = cot(A)

93. Stretcher bar is provided________________?. 

A. to permit lateral movement of the tongue rail

B. to maintain the two tongue rails at the exact distance

C. to ensure exact gauge at the toe of the switch as well as the nose of crossing

D. to prevent any vertical movement between the wing rail and nose of crossing. 

Answer = to maintain the two tongue rails at the exact distance

94. One degree of curve is equivalent to__________________?. 

A. 1600/R

B. 1700/R

C. 1750/R

D. 1850/R. 

Answer = 1750/R

95. The shape of transition curve used by Indian Railways is____________________?. 

A. cubic parabola

B. spiral

C. sine curve

D. lemniscate of Bernoulli. 

Answer = cubic parabola

96. Cant deficiency occurs when a vehicle travels around a curve at_________________?. 

A. equilibrium speed

B. speeds higher than equilibrium speed

C. speeds lower than equilibrium speed

D. booked speed. 

Answer = speeds higher than equilibrium speed

97. The steepest gradient permissible on a 2.5° curve for Broad Gauge line having ruling gradient of 1 in 200 is___________________?. 

A. 1 in 250

B. 1 in 222

C. 1 in 235

D. 1 in 275. 

Answer = 1 in 250

98. Vertical curves are provided where algebraic difference between grades is equal to or_________________?. 

A. less than 2 mm/m

B. more than 2 mm/m

C. less than 4 mm/m

D. more than 4mm/m. 

Answer = more than 4mm/m

99. The limiting value of cant gradient for all gauges is___________________?. 

A. 1 in 360

B. 1 in 720

C. 1 in 1000

D. 1 in 1200. 

Answer = 1 in 720

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