Que- In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," what does Alisoun say women want most ?
a. freedom
b. love
c. education
d. chastity
Answer- freedom
Que- Which is true of medieval women ?
a. they were not allowed to divorce their husbands
b. they were not allowed to own a business without permission
c. they were not allowed to inherit land if they had any brothers
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- In the Medieval era, women most commonly worked as ______________?
a. retailers
b. domestic servants
c. spinners
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- In the Middle Ages, what was the status of a married woman in relation to her husband ?
a. she was considered her husband's property
b. she was considered equal to her husband
c. she was more legally powerful than her husband
d. she was her husband's property, but could not be mistreated under law
Answer- she was considered her husband's property
Que- According to Pizan, what is the most important element in a woman's quest for equality ?
a. chastity
b. piety
c. education
d. secular political activity
Answer- education
Que- To whom were The Lais of Marie de France dedicated ?
a. King Alfred
b. King Arthur
c. King Henry
d. King Richard
Answer- King Henry
Que- Which of the following couples exemplify/ exemplifies courtly love ?
a. Lancelot and Guinevere
b. Dante and Beatrice
c. Arthur and Guinevere
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- In The Book of the City of Ladies, how does Pizan treat the issue of women's sexuality ?
a. she denies that there is a double standard
b. she says that men should be allowed to be more sexually active than women
c. she contends that women should adhere to traditional rules of women
d. she attacks double standards for the sexes
Answer- she attacks double standards for the sexes
Que- What is hagiography ?
a. the literary form linked closely with courtly love
b. a method of creating a mystical union
c. a term associated with oral transmission
d. the writing and studying of saints' lives
Answer- the writing and studying of saints' lives
Que- What is oral transmission ?
a. a method of communication used solely by the early Church
b. the spreading of material by word of mouth
c. a mode of communication used mainly after the rise of literacy
d. a method of communication that became prominent at the end of the Middle Ages
Answer- the spreading of material by word of mouth
Que- Why do most critics also refer to the Middle Ages as the Dark Ages ?
a. it was a period of surging Roman institutions
b. the production of historical records increased
c. there are few primary sources that reconstruct the history of the time
d. the lack of technology made it literally dark
Answer- there are few primary sources that reconstruct the history of the time
Que- Which event(s) characterized the Middle Ages ?
a. invasions from barbarian tribes
b. financial deficits from increased military expenditures
c. falling birth rates
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- Which is/are typical of the supernatural in medieval romance ?
a. enchantment
b. spells
c. fairy trickery
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- How was Christine de Pizan a unique female writer for her time ?
a. she was the only woman to work in the oral tradition
b. she was the first female mystic
c. she wrote in order to support herself
d. she was the only woman to write medieval lays
Answer- she wrote in order to support herself
Que- With which literary form is Ancrene Wisse most closely related ?
a. estate satire
b. medieval lays
c. conduct books
d. medieval allegory
Answer- conduct books
Que- Who wrote The Rules of Courtly Love ?
a. Christine de Pizan
b. Catherine of Sienna
c. Andreas Capellanus
d. Chretien de Troye
Answer- Chretien de Troye
Que- In the context of Medieval literature, what does "inner rule" mean ?
a. it includes issues that pertain to the heart
b. it is part of the anchoress' inner self
c. it is the most important part of Ancrene Wisse
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- Which of the following women is most closely associated with monastic life ?
a. Marie de France
b. Hildegard of Bingen
c. Christine de Pizan
d. The Wife of Bath
Answer- Hildegard of Bingen
Que- What is the function of Ancrene Wisse ?
a. paradox
b. affective piety
c. imagery
d. pathos
Answer- pathos
Que- How did the fall of Roman imperialism affect Britain ?
a. it led to the rise of Germanic cultures
b. it created a conflict Christianity and paganism
c. it led to the end of Roman forms of governing
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- How do historians explain the increase in the number of troubadours in the Middle Ages ?
a. the public disinterest in popular tales about romance
b. the increased interest in stories written in medieval Latin
c. the decreased public interest in religious stories
d. the French lords' lack of interest in tales of courtly love
Answer- the decreased public interest in religious stories
Que- What is a "lay" in medieval literature ?
a. a short lyrical poem
b. a story of a saint's life
c. a type of book of hours
d. a devotional text used by anchoresses
Answer- a story of a saint's life
Que- Which of the following inventions is associated with the rise in literacy ?
a. the triptych
b. the flail
c. the rudder
d. the letter press
Answer- the letter press
Que- In the context of Medieval literature, what does "outer rule" mean ?
a. it includes issues that pertain to the heart
b. it refers to anchoress' everyday behavior
c. it is part of the anchoress' inner self
d. it is the most important part of Ancrene Wisse
Answer- it refers to anchoress' everyday behavior
Que- Which is true of medieval property laws ?
a. most medieval women had some property
b. married women could hold property once they had children
c. married women could hold property without their husband's consent
d. widows could hold property
Answer- widows could hold property
Que- With which genre is "The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity" most closely associated ?
a. medieval lay
b. courtly love
c. hagiography
d. romance
Answer- hagiography
Que- The Book of the City of Ladies articulates which of the following themes________________?
a. the value of practical virtues over traditional feminine virtues
b. the merit of women
c. the lack of truth in men's stereotypes about women
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- What was a Lollard ?
a. a hero in a courtly romance
b. a member of a sect that was considered heretical
c. a female mystic
d. an illiterate anchoress
Answer- a member of a sect that was considered heretical
Que- What do most critics believe the "rose" of The Romance of the Rose symbolizes ?
a. justice
b. piety
c. sexuality
d. education
Answer- sexuality
Que- How did the printing press alter medieval culture ?
a. it improved communication between societies
b. it increased the amount of printed material available to the masses
c. it created a more unrestricted circulation of texts
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- Why did Catherine of Siena refuse to marry a husband ?
a. she said that the institution was too flawed
b. she claimed she was already married to God
c. she wanted to make a political statement against the Church
d. she was concerned about loss of property
Answer- she claimed she was already married to God
Que- What was "courtly love" ?
a. a type of literature concerned with the behavior of anchorites
b. a type of early literature produced solely by medieval women writers
c. a literary convention based on the code of behavior associated with chivalrous romance
d. a method of oral transmission
Answer- a literary convention based on the code of behavior associated with chivalrous romance
Que- According to most historians, why was it so important for a man to marry a virgin wife ?
a. it assured him that his children were his own
b. it assured him that his wife would carry a dowry with her
c. it assured him that his wife was not a sinner
d. it assured him that her wife would never commit adultery
Answer- it assured him that his children were his own
Que- What do most critics find notable about the virtues that Pizan highlights in her work ?
a. she values reason and activity instead of silence
b. she emphasizes practical rather than theological virtues
c. she does not mention traditional virtues like piety
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- Which of the following themes/motifs was/were often found in literature of "courtly love" ?
a. nobility
b. adultery
c. chastity
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- What was a virago ?
a. a heroine who used female attributes to become a saint
b. a saint who was NOT the humble, pious, and chaste figure she was expected to be
c. an asexual female saint
d. an anchorite
Answer- an asexual female saint
Que- Which of these female writers was least likely to have been literate ?
a. Julian of Norwich
b. Margery Kempe
c. Catherine de Pizan
d. Heloise
Answer- Margery Kempe
Que- Which speaker said that "God is more nearer to us than our own soul ?"
a. Julian of Norwich
b. Margery Kempe
c. Catherine of Siena
d. Catherine de Pizan
Answer- Julian of Norwich
Que- Which best summarizes Christine de Pizan's reaction to The Romance of the Rose ?
a. she objected to the treatment of secularism as evil
b. she applauded its promotion of female education
c. she attacked it as misogynistic
d. she praised the objectification of women
Answer- she attacked it as misogynistic
Que- What is "the gender fallacy" ?
a. the problem of a "man writing as a woman"
b. the idea that woman cannot be as educated as men
c. the idea that noble women are more similar to men than peasant women are
d. the notion that chastity is impossible for men
Answer- the problem of a "man writing as a woman"
Que- With which of the following genres is The Romance of the Rose most closely associated ?
a. medieval lay
b. hagiography
c. mysticism
d. dream vision
Answer- dream vision
Que- Who were lay mystics ?
a. people who attempt to found their own religious orders
b. people who reject asceticism and contemplation
c. people who attempted to contact God without the intervention of an established religious order
d. people who were formally tied to religious orders
Answer- people who attempted to contact God without the intervention of an established religious order
Que- Which are examples of devotional acts ?
a. pilgrimages
b. charitable donations
c. prayers on the sinner's behalf
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- Which of the following was a result of Charlemange's decree on the production of books ?
a. it ended the Church's role in the creation of books
b. it led to a sudden increase of women as scholars and authors
c. it declared that books should be produced by men
d. it opened up new opportunities for women to learn
Answer- it declared that books should be produced by men
Que- Which of these female writers is most closely associated with tears ?
a. Julian of Norwich
b. Margery Kempe
c. Catherine of Siena
d. Catherine de Pizan
Answer- Margery Kempe
Que- How did travel at the time of the Crusades impact Western Europe ?
a. people brought tales of romance from different literary and cultural traditions back from their trips
b. merchants started to import rare silks and spices from new trade roots
c. architects from Western Europe were influenced by new Eastern styles
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- In The Book of the City of Ladies, what is the function of the character Reason ?
a. she offers real reasons as to why women are valuable to society
b. she literally helps build the city
c. she helps the narrator see the merits of women
d. All of the Above
Answer- All of the Above
Que- How did courtly romances break down the virgin/whore dichotomy ?
a. they deemphasized the importance of chastity
b. they redefined women as attainable vs unattainable, rather than virgin vs whore
c. they indicated that women's sexual conduct should not be classified by men
d. they rarely explored issues of sexuality, love, or romance
Answer- they redefined women as attainable vs unattainable, rather than virgin vs whore
Que- When did the Norman Invasion take place ?
a. 9th century
b. 10th century
c. 11th century
d. 12th century
Answer- 11th century
Que- Which of the following was the most copied book of the Middle Ages ?
a. The Romance of the Rose
b. Book of Hours
c. The Bible
d. The Art of Courtly Love
Answer- The Bible