Embedded Processors MCQs Quiz with Answers

Embedded Processors MCQs Quiz with Answers

 1. Which is the first device which started microprocessor revolution by Intel?. 

A. 8080. 

B. 8086. 

C. 8087. 

D. 8088. 

Answer= 8080

2. Which is the first microprocessor by Motorola?. 

A. MC6800. 

B. MC68001. 


D. powerPC. 

Answer= MC6800

3. Motorola MC6800 is a how many it processor?. 

A. 4. 

B. 8. 

C. 16. 

D. 32. 

Answer= 8

4. How many accumulators does an MC6800 have?. 

A. 1. 

B. 2. 

C. 3. 

D. 4. 

Answer= 2

5. How many bits does an accumulator of MC6800 have?. 

A. 8. 

B. 16. 

C. 32. 

D. 4. 

Answer= 8

6. What is the performance of an accumulator?. 

A. Storing data and performing logical operation. 

B. Storing data and performing arithmetic operation. 

C. Storing address. 

D. Pointer. 

Answer= Storing data and performing arithmetic operation

7. Which of the following is the area of memory that is used for storage?. 

A. Register. 

B. Stack. 

C. Accumulator. 

D. Memory. 

Answer= Stack

8. How a stack is accessed?. 

A. Stack pointer. 

B. Stack address. 

C. Stack bus. 

D. Stack register. 

Answer= Stack pointer

9. PUSH-POP mechanism is seen in _______. 

A. Stack pointer. 

B. Register. 

C. Memory. 

D. Index register. 

Answer= Stack pointer

10. 8 bits equals ________. 

A. 128 bytes. 

B. 64 bytes. 

C. 256 bytes. 

D. 32 bytes. 

Answer= 256 bytes

11. What is the address range in 80286?. 

A. 1 Mbytes. 

B. 2 Mbytes. 

C. 16 Mbytes. 

D. 32 mbytes. 

Answer= 16 Mbytes

12. Which is the first 32 bit member of Intel?. 

A. 8086. 

B. 8088. 

C. 80286. 

D. 80386. 

Answer= 80386

13. What supports multitasking in 80386?. 

A. Read mode. 

B. External paging memory management unit. 

C. Paging and segmentation. 

D. On-chip paging memory management unit. 

Answer= On-chip paging memory management unit

14. Which one of the following is the successor of 8086 and 8088 processor?. 

A. 80286. 

B. 80387. 

C. 8051. 

D. 8087. 

Answer= 80286

15. Which is the processor behind the IBM PC AT?. 

A. 80387. 

B. 8088. 

C. 80286. 

D. 8086. 

Answer= 80286

16.  Which are the two modes of 80286?. 

A. Real mode and protected mode. 

B. Mode1 and mode2. 

C. Alternate and main. 

D. Mode A and mode B. 

Answer= Real mode and protected mode

17. Which register set of 80286 form the same register set of 8086 processor?. 

A. AH,AL. 

B. BX. 

C. BX,AX. 

D. EL. 

Answer= AH,AL

18. Which are the 4 general purposes 16 bit register in Intel 80286?. 





Answer= AX,BX,CX,DX

19. Which are the 4 segmented registers in intel 80286?. 





Answer= AS,BS,CS,DS

20. How is expanded memory accessed in 80286?. 

A. Paging. 

B. Interleaving. 

C. RAM. 

D. External storage. 

Answer= Paging

21. When is the register set gets expanded in 80286?. 

A. In real mode. 

B. In expanded mode. 

C. In protected mode. 

D. Interrupt mode. 

Answer= In protected mode

22. Which are the two register available in the protected mode of 80286?. 

A. General and segmented. 

B. General and pointer. 

C. Index and base pointer. 

D. Index and segmented. 

Answer= Index and base pointer

23. What kind of support does 80286 access in protected mode?. 

A. Real mode. 

B. Address access. 

C. Data access. 

D. Virtual memory. 

Answer= Virtual memory

24. Which of the following processor possess memory management?. 

A. 8086. 

B. 8088. 

C. 80286. 

D. 8051. 

Answer= 80286

25. What is the size of the address bus in 80286?. 

A. 20. 

B. 24. 

C. 16. 

D. 32. 

Answer= 24

26. Which is the interrupt vector in 80286 which functions for stack fault?. 

A. 11. 

B. 12. 

C. 14. 

D. 16. 

Answer= 12

27. Which is the interrupt vector that functions as invalid opcode?. 

A. 9. 

B. 8. 

C. 7. 

D. 6. 

Answer= 6

28. Which of the following possess the same set of instructions?. 

A. 8088 and 80286. 

B. 8086 and 80286. 

C. 8051 and 8088. 

D. 8051 and 8086. 

Answer= 8086 and 80286

29. Which of the following is a coprocessor of 80386?. 

A. 80387. 

B. 8087. 

C. 8089. 

D. 8088. 

Answer= 80387

30. Name the processor which helps in floating point calculations.. 

A. microprocessor. 

B. microcontroller. 

C. coprocessor. 

D. controller. 

Answer= coprocessor

31. Which is the coprocessor of 8086?. 

A. 8087. 

B. 8088. 

C. 8086. 

D. 8080. 

Answer= 8087

32. Which of the following is a coprocessor of Motorola 68000 family?. 

A. 68001. 

B. 68011. 

C. 68881. 

D. 68010. 

Answer= 68881

33. Which of the following processors can perform exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions?. 

A. 8086. 

B. 8087. 

C. 8080. 

D. 8088. 

Answer= 8087

34. How many stack register does an 8087 have?. 

A. 4. 

B. 8. 

C. 16. 

D. 32. 

Answer= 8

35. Which of the following processor can handle infinity values?. 

A. 8080. 

B. 8086. 

C. 8087. 

D. 8088. 

Answer= 8087

36. Which coprocessor supports affine closure?. 

A. 80187. 

B. 80287. 

C. 80387. 

D. 8088. 

Answer= 80287

37. Which one is the floating point coprocessor of 80286?. 

A. 8087. 

B. 80187. 

C. 80287. 

D. 80387. 

Answer= 80287

38. How many pins does 8087 have?. 

A.  40 pin DIP. 

B. 20 pin DIP. 

C. 40 pins. 

D. 20 pins. 

Answer=  40 pin DIP

39. What is the clock frency of 8087?. 

A. 10 MHz. 

B. 5 MHz. 

C. 6 MHz. 

D. 4 MHz. 

Answer= 5 MHz

40. How are negative numbers stored in a coprocessor?. 

A. 1's complement. 

B. 2's complement. 

C. decimal. 

D. gray. 

Answer= 2's complement

41. How many bits are used for storing signed integers?. 

A. 2. 

B. 4. 

C. 8. 

D. 16. 

Answer= 16

42. Which of the processor has an internal coprocessor?. 

A. 8087. 

B. 80287. 

C. 80387. 

D. 80486DX. 

Answer= 80486DX

43. What are the two major sections in a coprocessor?. 

A. control unit and numeric control unit. 

B. integer unit and control unit. 

C. floating point unit and coprocessor unit. 

D. coprocessor unit and numeric control unit. 

Answer= control unit and numeric control unit

44. What are the three stages included in pipelining of 80386?. 

A. Fetch, decode, execute. 

B. Fetch, execute, decode. 

C. Execute, fetch, decode. 

D. Decode, execute, fetch. 

Answer= Fetch, decode, execute

45. How instructions and data are accessed to pipeline stages of 80486 processor?. 

A. Through internal unified cache. 

B. Through external unified cache. 

C. Through external cache. 

D. Through multiple caches. 

Answer= Through internal unified cache

46. Which of the following processor possesses a similar instruction of 80486?. 

A. 8086. 

B. 80286. 

C. 80386. 

D. 8080. 

Answer= 80386

47. What are the two external interrupt signals in 80386?. 

A. IV and NMI. 

B. NMI and INTR. 

C. INTR and IV. 

D. PC and NMI. 

Answer= NMI and INTR

48. How many bit vector number is used in an interrupt cycle of 80386?. 

A. 4. 

B. 8. 

C. 16. 

D. 32. 

Answer= 8

49. In how many modes does 80386 can run?. 

A. 2. 

B. 4. 

C. 3. 

D. 5. 

Answer= 3

50. How many bit flag register does 80386 have?. 

A. 8. 

B. 16. 

C. 32. 

D. 64. 

Answer= 32

51. Which processor is the derivative of 80386DX?. 

A. 80387. 

B. 80386SX. 

C. 80386 DDX. 

D. 8087. 

Answer= 80386SX

52. Which of the following is a portable device of Intel?. 

A. 80386DX. 

B. 8087. 

C. 80386SL. 

D. 80386SX. 

Answer= 80386SL

53. Which of the processor has a 5 stage pipeline?. 

A. 80386. 

B. 80486. 

C. 80286. 

D. 80386DX. 

Answer= 80486

54. Which of the following processor can execute two instructions per cycle?. 

A. 80486. 

B. 80386DX. 

C. Intel Pentium. 

D. 80386. 

Answer= Intel Pentium

55. Which of the following processors have two five-stage pipelines?. 

A. 80486. 

B. 80386. 

C. Intel Pentium. 

D. 80386DX. 

Answer= Intel Pentium

56. In which processor does the control register and system management mode register first appeared?. 

A. 80386. 

B. 80386SL. 

C. 80386DX. 

D. 80486. 

Answer= 80386SL

57. Which is the next successor of Intel Pentium?. 

A. Pentium pro. 

B. P1. 

C. P2. 

D. P5. 

Answer= Pentium pro

58. Which of the following processor allows a multiple branch prediction?. 

A. 80386. 

B. P1. 

C. Intel Pentium. 

D. Intel Pentium pro. 

Answer= Intel Pentium pro

59. Which are the processors based on RISC?. 


B. 80386. 

C. MC68030. 

D. MC68020. 

Answer= SPARC

60. What is 80/20 rule?. 

A. 80% instruction is generated and 20% instruction is executed. 

B. 80% instruction is executed and 20% instruction is generated. 

C. 80%instruction is executed and 20% instruction is not executed. 

D. 80% instruction is generated and 20% instructions are not generated. 

Answer= 80% instruction is generated and 20% instruction is executed

61. Which of the architecture is more complex?. 


B. MC68030. 

C. MC68030. 

D. 8086. 

Answer= SPARC

62. Which is the first company who defined RISC architecture?. 

A. Intel. 

B. IBM. 

C. Motorola. 


Answer= IBM

63. Which of the following processors execute its instruction in a single cycle?. 

A. 8086. 

B. 8088. 

C. 8087. 

D. MIPS R2000. 

Answer= MIPS R2000

64. How is memory accessed in RISC architecture?. 

A. load and store instruction. 

B. opcode instruction. 

C. memory instruction. 

D. bus instruction. 

Answer= load and store instruction

65. Which of the following has a Harvard architecture?. 



C. PIC. 


Answer= PIC

66. Which of the following statements are true for von Neumann architecture?. 

A. shared bus between the program memory and data memory. 

B. separate bus between the program memory and data memory. 

C. external bus for program memory and data memory. 

D. external bus for data memory only. 

Answer= shared bus between the program memory and data memory

67. What is CAM stands for?. 

A. content-addressable memory. 

B. complex addressable memory. 

C. computing addressable memory. 

D. concurrently addressable memory. 

Answer= content-addressable memory

68. Which of the following processors uses Harvard architecture?. 


B. 80386. 

C. 80286. 

D. 8086. 

Answer= TEXAS TMS320

69. Which company further developed the study of RISC architecture?. 

A. Intel. 

B. Motorola. 

C. university of Berkeley. 


Answer= university of Berkeley

70. Princeton architecture is also known as. 

A. von Neumann architecture. 

B. Harvard. 



Answer= von Neumann architecture

71. Who coined the term RISC?. 

A. David Patterson. 

B. von Neumann. 

C. Michael J Flynn. 

D. Harvard. 

Answer= David Patterson

72. Which of the following is an 8-bit RISC Harvard architecture?. 

A. AVR. 

B. Zilog80. 

C. 8051. 

D. Motorola 6800. 

Answer= AVR

73. Which of the following processors has CISC architecture?. 

A. AVR. 

B. Atmel. 

C. Blackfin. 

D. Zilog Z80. 

Answer= Zilog Z80

74. What are the factors of filters which are determined by the speed of the operation in a digital signal processor?. 

A. attenuation constant. 

B. frency. 

C. bandwidth. 

D. phase. 

Answer= bandwidth

75. How many tables does an FIR function of a digital signal processor possess?. 

A. 1. 

B. 2. 

C. 3. 

D. 4. 

Answer= 2

76. Why is said that branch prediction is not applicable in a digital signal processor?. 

A. low bandwidth. 

B. high bandwidth. 

C. low frency. 

D. high frency. 

Answer= low bandwidth

77. Which architecture can one overcome the low bandwidth issue in MC6800 family?. 



C. von Neumann. 

D. program stored. 

Answer= RISC

78. Which architecture in digital signal processor reduces the execution time?. 

A. Harvard. 


C. program storage. 

D. von Neumann. 

Answer= Harvard

79. Which of the following processors also can work as a digital signal processor?. 

A. 8086. 

B. 8088. 

C. 8080. 

D. ARM9E. 

Answer= ARM9E

80. What types of modules are used in the digital signal processor to form the loop structure?. 

A. modulo-timer. 

B. modulo-counter. 

C. timer. 

D. external timer. 

Answer= modulo-counter

81. Name a processor which is used in digital audio appliances.. 

A. 8086. 

B. Motorola DSP56000. 

C. 80486. 

D. 8087. 

Answer= Motorola DSP56000

82. How many bits does DSP56000 processor have?. 

A. 8. 

B. 16. 

C. 24. 

D. 32. 

Answer= 24

83. How many buses did DSP56000 possess?. 

A. 2. 

B. 3. 

C. 4. 

D. 5. 

Answer= 3

84. Which of the following architecture does  DSP56000 possess?. 

A. Harvard. 

B. von Neumann. 


D. program-stored. 

Answer= Harvard

85. What does AAU stand for?. 

A. arithmetic address unit. 

B. address arithmetic unit. 

C. address access unit. 

D. arithmetic access unit. 

Answer= address arithmetic unit

86. How many address register does the AAU of a DSP56000 have?. 

A. 8. 

B. 16. 

C. 24. 

D. 32. 

Answer= 24

87. How many registers does a DSP56000 have?. 

A. 4. 

B. 5. 

C. 7. 

D. 6. 

Answer= 7

88.  Which of the following bits are used for sign extension in DSP56000?. 

A. upper 8 bits of the stack pointer. 

B. lower 8 bits of the stack pointer. 

C. lower 8 bits of the program counter. 

D. upper 8 bits of the program counter. 

Answer= upper 8 bits of the program counter

89. How many bit register set does RISC 1 model used?. 

A. 138*24. 

B. 138*32. 

C. 69*16. 

D. 69*32. 

Answer= 138*32

90. Which of the following processor commercializes the Berkeley RISC model?. 


B. Stanford. 

C. RISC-1. 


Answer= SPARC

91. How many transistors does RISC 1 possess?. 

A. 44000. 

B. 45000. 

C. 44500. 

D. 45500. 

Answer= 44500

92. How many registers does RISC 1 model have?. 

A. 68. 

B. 58. 

C. 78. 

D. 88. 

Answer= 78

93. Which of the architectures are made to speed up the processor?. 



C. program stored. 

D. von Neumann. 

Answer= RISC

94. How did 8086 pass its control to 8087?. 

A. BUSY instruction. 

B. ESCAPE instruction. 

C. CONTROL instruction. 

D. fetch 8087. 

Answer= ESCAPE instruction

95. Which of the following processor supports MMX instructions?. 

A. 8080. 

B. 80486. 

C. Intel Pentium. 

D. 80386. 

Answer= Intel Pentium

96. Which of the following processors has a speculative execution?. 

A. 80486. 

B. P1. 

C. Intel Pentium. 

D. Pentium pro. 

Answer= Pentium pro

97. How many bit accumulator does DSP56000 have?. 

A. 28. 

B. 56. 

C. 112. 

D. 14. 

Answer= 56

98. How many additional registers does DSP56000 have?. 

A. 2. 

B. 4. 

C. 6. 

D. 8. 

Answer= 4

99. What does MAC instruction of DSP56000 stand for?. 

A. multiply accumulator. 

B. multiple access. 

C. multiple accounting. 

D. multiply accumulator counter. 

Answer= multiply accumulator

100. What does SPARC stand for?. 

A. scalable processor architecture. 

B. speculating architecture. 

C. speculating processor. 

D. scaling Pentium architecture. 

Answer= scalable processor architecture

101. How many bits does SPARC have?. 

A. 8. 

B. 16. 

C. 32. 

D. 64. 

Answer= 32

102. Which company developed SPARC?. 

A. intel. 

B. IBM. 

C. Motorola. 

D. sun microsystem. 

Answer= sun microsystem

103. What improves the context switching and parameter passing?. 

A. register windowing. 

B. large register. 

C. stack register. 

D. program counter. 

Answer= register windowing

104. How many external interrupts does SPARC processor support?. 

A. 5. 

B. 10. 

C. 15. 

D. 20. 

Answer= 15

105. Which level is an in-built nonmaskable interrupt in SPARC processor?. 

A. 15. 

B. 14. 

C. 13. 

D. 12. 

Answer= 15

106. How many instructions does SPARC processor have?. 

A. 16. 

B. 32. 

C. 64. 

D. 128. 

Answer= 64

107. What is generated by an external interrupt in SPARC?. 

A. internal trap. 

B. external trap. 

C. memory trap. 

D. interfaced trap. 

Answer= internal trap

108. When an external interrupt is generated, what type of mode does the processor supports?. 

A. real mode. 

B. virtual mode. 

C. protected mode. 

D. supervisor mode. 

Answer= supervisor mode

109. Where is trap vector table located in SPARC processor?. 

A. program counter. 

B. Y register. 

C. status register. 

D. trap base register. 

Answer= trap base register

110. How many bits does SPARC-V9 processor have?. 

A. 16. 

B. 32. 

C. 64. 

D. 128. 

Answer= 64

111. What are the three modules in the SPARC processor?. 

A. IU, FPU, CU. 

B. SP, DI, SI. 

C. AX, BX, CX. 

D. CU, CH, CL. 

Answer= IU, FPU, CU

112. How many floating point register does the FPU of the SPARC have?. 

A. 16 128-bit. 

B. 32 128-bit. 

C. 64 128-bit. 

D. 10 128-bit. 

Answer= 16 128-bit

113. Which module of SPARC contains the general purpose registers?. 

A. IU. 

B. FPU. 

C. CU. 

D. control unit. 

Answer= IU

114. What shows the brightness of the pixel in a digital signal processor?. 

A. luminance. 

B. transparent. 

C. chrominance. 

D. opa. 

Answer= luminance

115. What is the color format of chrominance in a digital signal processor?. 



C. White. 


Answer= RGBA

116. Which of the following processor are designed to perform calculations in graphics rendering?. 

A. GPU. 

B. digital signal processor. 

C. microprocessor. 

D. microcontroller. 

Answer= GPU

117. Which of the processor is a good match for applications such as video games?. 

A. GPU. 


C. Coprocessor. 

D. Microcontroller. 

Answer= GPU

118. Which of the following statement is true for concurrency?. 

A. different parts of the program executes physically. 

B. different parts of the program executes sentially. 

C. different parts of the program executes conceptually. 

D. different parts of the program executes sentially and physically. 

Answer= different parts of the program executes conceptually

119. Which is an imperative language?. 

A. C program. 

B. SQL. 

C. X


D. Concurrent model of HDL. 

Answer= C program

120. Which of the following instructions supports parallel execution?. 


B. TTA. 

C. ALU operation. 

D. Test-and-set instructions. 

Answer= VLIW

121. Who invented VLIW architecture?. 

A. Josh Fisher. 

B. John Ellis. 

C. John Ruttenberg. 

D. John O'Donnell. 

Answer= Josh Fisher

122. What is ILP?. 

A. instruction-level parallelism. 

B. instruction-level panel. 

C. instruction-language panel. 

D. inter-language parallelism. 

Answer= instruction-level parallelism

123. Which ILP supports the  ALU division?. 

A. Subword parallelism. 


C. Superscalar. 


Answer= Subword parallelism

124. Which is a vector processor?. 

A. Subword parallelism. 


C. Superscalar. 


Answer= Subword parallelism

125. Which of the following architecture supports out-of-order execution?. 



C. Superscalar. 

D. Subword parallelism. 

Answer= Superscalar

126. Which is an example of superscalar architecture?. 

A. Pentium 4. 

B. 8086. 

C. 80386. 

D. Pentium pro. 

Answer= Pentium 4

127. Which of the following is a combination of several processors on a single chip?. 

A. Multicore architecture. 

B. RISC architecture. 

C. CISC architecture. 

D. Subword parallelism. 

Answer= Multicore architecture

128. Which is an example of the multi-core processor which possesses 10 cores?. 

A. Intel Xeon E7-2850. 

B. AMD Phenom IIX2. 

C. Intel core duo. 

D. AMD Phenom IIX3. 

Answer= Intel Xeon E7-2850

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