550+ Strength of Materials MCQs with Answers

Strength of Materials MCQs with Answers

 1. A rod AB carries three loads of 30 N, 70 N and 100 N at distances of 20 mm, 90 mm and 150 mm respectively from A. Neglecting the weight of the rod, the point at which the rod will balance is_______________?. 

A. 109.5 mm from A
B. 119.5 mm from A
C. 125.5 mm from A
D. 132.5 mm from A. 
Answer = 109.5 mm from A

2. The unit of power in S.I. units is______________?. 
A. newton meter
B. watt
C. joule
D. kilogram meter/sec
Answer = watt

3. Forces are called coplanar when all of them acting on body lie in________________?. 
A. one point
B. one plane
C. different planes
D. perpendicular planes
Answer = one plane

4. Effect of a force on a body depends upon________________?. 
A. magnitude
B. direction
C. position or line of action
D. none of the above. 
Answer = none of the above

5. A force is completely defined when we specify________________?. 
A. magnitude
B. direction
C. point of application
D. all of the above
Answer = all of the above

6. The unit of force in S.I. units is_________________?. 
A. kilogram
B. newton
C. watt
D. dyne
Answer = newton

7. Forces are called concurrent when their lines of action meet in_______________?. 
A. one point
B. two points
C. plane
D. perpendicular planes
Answer = one point

8. A force acting on a body may_______________?. 
A. introduce internal stresses
B. balance the other forces acting on it
C. retard its motion
D. all of the above. 
Answer = all of the above

9. If a number of forces act simultaneously on a particle, it is possible_________________?. 
A. not a replace them by a single force
B. to replace them by a single force
C. to replace them by a single force through C.G.
D. to replace them by a couple
Answer = to replace them by a single force

10. If two equal forces of magnitude P act at an angle 9°, their resultant will be________________?. 
A. P/2 cos 9/2
B. IP sin 9/2
C. 2P tan 9/2
D. IP cos 9/2
Answer = IP cos 9/2

11. Which of the following do not have identical dimensions ?. 
A. Momentum and impulse
B. Torque and energy
C. Torque and work
D. Moment of a force and angular momentum. 
Answer = Moment of a force and angular momentum

12. Which of the following is not the unit of power ?. 
A. kW (kilowatt)
B. hp (horse power)
C. kcal/sec
D. kcal/kg sec. 
Answer = kcal/kg sec

13. The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is as per the principle of__________________?. 
A. forces
B. independence of forces
C. dependence of forces
D. resolution of forces. 
Answer = resolution of forces

14. Which is the correct statement about law of polygon of forces ?. 
A. if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the forces are in equilibrium
B. if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon, then the forces are in equilibrium
C. if a polygon representing forces acting at a point is closed then forces are in equilibrium
D. if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the forces are in equilibrium
Answer = if any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the forces are in equilibrium

15. The resolved part of the resultant of two forces inclined at an angle 9 in a given direction is equal to__________________?. 
A. the algebraic sum of the resolved parts of the forces in the given direction
B. the sum of the resolved parts of the forces in the given direction
C. the difference of the forces multiplied by the cosine of 9
D. the sum of the forces multiplied by the sine of 9
Answer = the algebraic sum of the resolved parts of the forces in the given direction

16. Which of the following is not the unit of distance ?. 
A. angstrom
B. light year
C. micron
D. milestone. 
Answer = milestone

17. Which of the following is not the unit of work, energy and heat ?. 
A. kcal
B. kg m
C. kWhr
D. hp
Answer = hp

18. The weight of a body is due to____________________?. 
A. centripetal force of earth
B. gravitational pull exerted by the earth
C. forces experienced by body in atmos-phere
D. gravitational force of attraction towards the centre of the earth. 
Answer = gravitational force of attraction towards the centre of the earth

19. When trying to turn a key into a lock, following is applied___________________?. 
A. coplanar force
B. non-coplanar forces
C. lever
D. couple. 
Answer = couple

20. According to principle of transmissibility of forces, the effect of a force upon a body is_______________?. 
A. maximum when it acts at the center of gravity of a body
B. different at different points in its line of action
C. the same at every point in its line of action
D. minimum when it acts at the C.G. of the body
Answer = the same at every point in its line of action

21. A number of forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium if_________________?. 
A. their total sum is zero
B. two resolved parts in two directions at right angles are equal
C. sum of resolved parts in any two per-pendicular directions are both zero
D. all of them are inclined equally
Answer = sum of resolved parts in any two per-pendicular directions are both zero

22. Which of the following is not a vector quantity_______________?. 
A. weight
B. velocity
C. acceleration
D. force
Answer = weight

23. D' Alembert's principle is used for___________________?. 
A. reducing the problem of kinetics to equivalent statics problem
B. determining stresses in the truss
C. stability of floating bodies
D. designing safe structures
Answer = reducing the problem of kinetics to equivalent statics problem

24. According to Lami's theorem________________?. 
A. three forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium
B. three forces acting at a point can be represented by a triangle, each side being proportional to force
C. if three forces acting upon a particle are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium
D. if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two
Answer = if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two

25. A framed structure is perfect if it contains members equal to________________?. 
A. 2n-3
B. n-l
C. '2n-l
D. n – 2
Answer = 2n-3

26. In detennining stresses in frames by methods of sections, the frame is divided into two parts by an imaginary section drawn in such a way as not to cut more than___________________?. 
A. two members with unknown forces of the frame
B. three members with unknown forces of the frame
C. four members with unknown forces of the frame
D. three members with known forces of the frame
Answer = three members with unknown forces of the frame

27. Center of gravity of a solid cone lies on the axis at the height_______________?. 
A. one-fourth of the total height above base
B. one-third of the total height above base
C. one-half of the total height above base
D. three-eighth of the total height above the base
Answer = one-fourth of the total height above base

28. Center of gravity of a thin hollow cone lies on the axis at a height of________________?. 
A. one-fourth of the total height above base
B. one-third of the total height above base
C. one-half of the total height above base
D. three-eighth of the total height above the base
Answer = one-third of the total height above base

29. The units of moment of inertia of mass are_____________________?. 
A. kg m2
B. m4
C. kg/m2
D. kg/m
Answer = kg m2

30. A heavy string attached at two ends at same horizontal level and when central dip is very small approaches the following curve___________________?. 
A. catenary
B. parabola
C. hyperbola
D. elliptical. 
Answer = parabola

31. From a circular plate of diameter 6 cm is cut out a circle whose diameter is a radius of the plate. Find the e.g. of the remainder from the center of circular plate___________________?. 
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1.0 cm
C. 1.5 cm
D. 2.5 cm
Answer = 0.5 cm

32. The center of percussion of the homogeneous rod of length L suspended at the top will be__________________?. 
A. L/2
B. L/3
C. 3L/4
D. 2L/3
Answer = 2L/3

33. The centre of percussion of a solid cylinder of radius r resting on a horizontal plane will be______________?. 
A. r/2
B. 2r/3
C. r/A
D. 3r/2
Answer = 3r/2

34. If a suspended body is struck at the centre of percussion, then the pressure on die axis passing through the point of suspension will be___________________?. 
A. maximum
B. minimum
C. zero
D. infinity
Answer = zero

35. Angle oT friction is the___________________?. 
A. angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction
B. ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction
C. the ratio of minimum friction force to the friction force acting when the body is just about to move
D. the ratio of minimum friction force to friction force acting when the body is in motion
Answer = angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction

36. Least force required to draw a body up the inclined plane is W sin (plane inclination + friction angle) applied in the direction__________________?. 
A. along the plane
B. horizontally
C. vertically
D. at an angle equal to the angle of friction to the inclined plane
Answer = at an angle equal to the angle of friction to the inclined plane

37. Which one of the following statements is not correct_________________?. 
A. the tangent of the angle of friction is equal to coefficient of friction
B. the angle of repose is equal to angle of friction
C. the tangent of the angle of repose is equal to coefficient of friction
D. the sine of the angle of repose is equal to coefficient to friction
Answer = the sine of the angle of repose is equal to coefficient to friction

38. On the ladder resting on the ground and leaning against a smooth vertical wall, the force of friction will be__________________?. 
A. downwards at its upper end
B. upwards at its upper end
C. perpendicular to the wall at its upper end
D. zero at its upper end
Answer = zero at its upper end

39. Coefficient of friction is the__________________?. 
A. angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction
B. ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction
C. the friction force acting when the body is just about to move
D. the friction force acting when the body is in motion
Answer = ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction

40. A body of weight W on inclined plane of a being pulled up by a horizontal force P will be on the point of motion up the plane when P is equal to___________________?. 
A. W
B. W sin (a + $)
C. Wtan(a + <. 
D. ))
Answer = Wan(a-) 

41. If rain is falling in the opposite direction of the movement of a pedestrain, he has to hold his umbrella_________________?. 
A. more inclined when moving
B. less inclined when moving
C. more inclined when standing
D. less inclined when standing
Answer = less inclined when standing

42. Dynamic friction as compared to static friction is________________?. 
A. same
B. more
C. less
D. may be less of more depending on nature of surfaces and velocity
Answer = less

43. Kinetic friction is the________________?. 
A. tangent of angle between normal reac-tion and the resultant of normal reac-tion and the limiting friction
B. ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction
C. the friction force acting when the body is just about to move
D. the friction force acting when the body is in motion
Answer = the friction force acting when the body is in motion

44. A semi-circular disc rests on a horizontal surface with its top flat surface horizontal and circular portion touching down. The coefficient of friction between semi-cricular disc and horizontal surface is i. This disc is to be pulled by a horizontal force applied at one edge and it always remains horizontal. When the disc is about to start moving, its top horizontal force will____________________?. 
A. remain horizontal
B. slant up towards direction of pull
C. slant down towards direction of pull
D. unpredictable
Answer = slant down towards direction of pull

45. The algebraic sum of moments of the forces forming couple about any point in their plane is________________?. 
A. equal to the moment of the couple
B. constant
C. both of above are correct
D. both of above are wrong
Answer = equal to the moment of the couple

46. If three forces acting in one plane upon a rigid body, keep it in equilibrium, then they must either__________________?. 
A. meet in a point
B. be all parallel
C. at least two of them must meet
D. all the above are correct
Answer = all the above are correct

47. The co-efficient of friction depends upon________________?. 
A. nature of surfaces
B. area of contact
C. shape of the surfaces
D. all of the above.
Answer = nature of surfaces

48. If three forces acting in different planes can be represented by a triangle, these will be in________________?. 
A. non-equilibrium
B. partial equilibrium
C. full equilibrium
D. unpredictable
Answer = non-equilibrium

49. Which of the following is the locus of a point that moves in such a manner that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed line multiplied by a constant greater than one________________?. 
A. ellipse
B. hyperbola
C. parabola
D. circle
Answer = hyperbola

50. The C.G. of a plane lamina will not be at its geometrical centre in the case of a______________?. 
A. right angled triangle
B. equilateral triangle
C. square
D. circle
Answer = right angled triangle

51. The M.I. of hollow circular section about a central axis perpendicular to section as compared to its M.I. about horizontal axis is_________________?. 
A. same
B. double
C. half
D. four times
Answer = double

52. A pair of smith's tongs is an example of the lever of__________________?. 
A. zeioth order
B. first order
C. second order
D. third order
Answer = second order

53. The angle which an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is about to move down is known as angle of__________________?. 
A. friction
B. limiting friction
C. repose
D. kinematic friction
Answer = repose

54. In ideal machines________________?. 
A. mechanical advantage is greater than velocity ratio
B. mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio
C. mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio
D. mechanical advantage is unity
Answer = mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio

55. In the lever of third order, load W, effort P and fulcrum F are oriented as follows_________________?. 
A. W between P and F
B. F between W and P
C. P between W and F
D. W, P and F all on one side
Answer = W between P and F

56. In actual machines______________?. 
A. mechanical advantage is greater than velocity ratio
B. mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio
C. mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio
D. mechanical advantage is unity
Answer = mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio

57. Which of the following is the example of lever of first order________________?. 
A. arm of man
B. pair of scissors
C. pair of clinical tongs
D. all of the above
Answer = all of the above

58. The C.G. of a right circular solid cone of height h lies at the following distance from the base_____________?. 
A. h/2
B. J/3
C. h/6
D. h/4
Answer = h/4

59. The C.G. of a solid hemisphere lies on the central radius 3r_______________?. 
A. at distance — from the plane base 3r
B. at distance — from the plane base 3r
C. at distance — from the plane base 3r
D. at distance — from the plane base or
Answer = at distance — from the plane base or

60. A body moves, from rest with a constant acceleration of 5 m per sec. The distance covered in 5 sec is most nearly________________?. 
A. 38 m
B. 62.5 m
C. 96 m
D. 124 m
Answer = 62.5 m

61. A sample of metal weighs 219 gms in air, 180 gms in water, 120 gms in an unknown fluid. Then which is correct statement about density of metal________________?. 
A. density of metal can't be determined
B. metal is twice as dense as water
C. metal will float in water
D. metal is twice as dense as unknown fluid
Answer = density of metal can't be determined

62. Which of the following is not the unit of energy________________?. 
A. kg m
B. kcal
C. wattr
D. watt hours
Answer = wattr

63. A flywheel on a motor goes from rest to 1000 rpm in 6 sec. The number of revolutions made is nearly equal to______________?. 
A. 25
B. 50
C. 100
D. 250
Answer = 50

64. If n = number of members andy = number of joints, then for a perfect frame, n =_______________?. 
A. j-2 B.2j-l
B. 2/-3 D.3/-2
C. 2/-3. 
D. The necessary condition for forces to be in equilibrium is that these should be_______________?. 
Answer = coplanar 

65. meet at one point ;
A. both A. and
B. above
C. all be equal
D. both A. and
Answer = above

66. The maximum frictional force which comes into play when a body just begins to slide over another surface is called_____________________?. 
A. limiting friction
B. sliding friction
C. rolling friction
D. kinematic friction
Answer = limiting friction

67. A single force and a couple acting in the same plane upon a rigid body________________?. 
A. balance each other
B. cannot balance each other
C. produce moment of a couple
D. are equivalent
Answer = cannot balance each other

68. A particle inside a hollow sphere of radius r, having coefficient of friction -rr can rest upto height of__________________?. 
A. r/2
B. r/A
C. r/%
D. 0.134 r
Answer = 0.134 r

69. The effort required to lift a load W on a screw jack with helix angle a and angle of friction <j) is equal to_________________?. 
A. Wtan(a + )
B. Wtan(a-)
C. Wcos(a + )
D. Wsin(a + )
Answer = Wtan(a + )

70. Tangent of angle of friction is equal to_________________?. 
A. kinetic friction
B. limiting friction
C. angle of repose
D. coefficient of friction
Answer = coefficient of friction

71. Coulomb friction is the friction between_________________?. 
A. bodies having relative motion
B. two dry surfaces
C. two lubricated surfaces
D. solids and liquids
Answer = bodies having relative motion

72. A projectile is fired at an angle 9 to the vertical. Its horizontal range will be maximum when 9 is_________________?. 
A. 0°
B. 30°
C. 45°
D. 60°
Answer = 45°

73. A particle moves along a straight line such that distance (x) traversed in t seconds is given by x = t2 (t – 4), the acceleration of the particle will be given by the equation_________________?. 
A. 3t2-lt
B. 3t2+2t
C. 6f-8
D. 6f-4
Answer = 6f-8

74. Pick up wrong statement about friction force for dry surfaces. Friction force is________________?. 
A. proportional to normal load between the surfaces
B. dependent on the materials of contact surface
C. proportional to velocity of sliding
D. independent of the area of contact surfaces
Answer = proportional to velocity of sliding

75. Frictional force encountered after commencement of motion is called________________?. 
A. post friction
B. limiting friction
C. kinematic friction
D. dynamic friction. 
Answer = dynamic friction

76. On a ladder resting on smooth ground and leaning against vertical wall, the force of friction will be__________________?. 
A. towards the wall at its upper end
B. away from the wall at its upper end
C. upwards at its upper end
D. downwards at its upper end
Answer = upwards at its upper end

77. The ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction is known as_______________?. 
A. coefficient of friction
B. angle of friction
C. angle of repose
D. sliding friction
Answer = coefficient of friction

78. The coefficient of friction depends on_________________?. 
A. area of contact
B. shape of surfaces
C. strength of surfaces
D. nature of surface
Answer = nature of surface

79. The resultant of the following three couples 20 kg force, 0.5 m arm, $ ve sense 30 kg force, 1 m arm, – ve sense 40 kg force, 0.25 m arm, + ve sense having arm of 0.5 m will be_________________?. 
A. 20 kg, – ve sense
B. 20 kg, + ve sense
C. 10 kg, + ve sense
D. 10 kg, – ve sense
Answer = 20 kg, – ve sense

80. In the equation of virtual work, following force is neglected_______________?. 
A. reaction of any smooth surface with which the body is in contact
B. reaction of a rough surface of a body which rolls on it without slipping
C. reaction at a point or an axis, fixed in space, around which a body is con-strained to turn
D. all of the above
Answer = all of the above

81. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following _______________?. 
A. The C.G. of a circle is at its center
B. The C.G. of a triangle is at the intersection of its medians
C. The C.G. of a rectangle is at the inter-section of its diagonals
D. The C.G. of a semicircle is at a distance of r/2 from the center
Answer = The C.G. of a semicircle is at a distance of r/2 from the center

82. According to principle of moments_________________?. 
A. if a system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium, then their algebraic sum is zero
B. if a system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium, then the algebraic sum of their moments about any point in their plane is zero
C. the algebraic sum of the moments of any two forces about any point is equal to moment of theiwesultant about the same point
D. positive and negative couples can be balanced
Answer = if a system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium, then the algebraic sum of their moments about any point in their plane is zero

83. According to law of triangle of forces______________?. 
A. three forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium
B. three forces acting at a point can be represented by a triangle, each side being proportional to force
C. if three forces acting upon a patticle are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium
D. if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two
Answer = if three forces acting upon a patticle are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium

84. Two non-collinear parallel equal forces acting in opposite direction________________?. 
A. balance each other
B. constitute a moment
C. constitute a couple
D. constitute a moment of couple
Answer = constitute a couple

85. The magnitude of two forces, which when acting at right angle produce resultant force of VlOkg and when acting at 60° produce resultant of Vl3 kg. These forces are____________________?. 
A. 2 and V6
B. 3 and 1 kg
C. V5andV5
D. 2 and 5
Answer = V5andV5

86. Which of the following is not a scalar quantity__________________?. 
A. time
B. mass
C. volume
D. acceleration. 
Answer = acceleration

87. The forces, which meet at one point, but their lines of action do not lie in a plane, are called______________?. 
A. coplanar non-concurrent forces
B. non-coplanar concurrent forces
C. non-coplanar non-concurrent forces
D. intersecting forces
Answer = non-coplanar concurrent forces

88. Which of the following is not the unit of pressure ?. 
A. kg/cm
B. ata
C. atmosphere
D. newton. 
Answer = newton

89. The unit of work or energy in S.I. units is________________?. 
A. newton
B. pascal
C. kilogram meter
D. joule. 
Answer = joule

90. The dimension of strain is?. 
A. LT^-2. 
B. N/m^2. 
C. N. 
D. Dimensionless. 
Answer = Dimensionless

91. What is tensile strain?. 
A. The ratio of change in length to the original length. 
B. The ratio of original length to the change in length. 
C. The ratio of tensile force to the change in length. 
D. The ratio of change in length to the tensile force applied. 
Answer = The ratio of change in length to the original length

92. Find the strain of a brass rod of length 250mm which is subjected to a tensile load of 50kN when the extension of rod is equal to 0.3mm?. 
A. 0.025. 
B. 0.0012. 
C. 0.0046. 
D. 0.0014. 
Answer = 0.0012

93. Find the elongation of an steel rod of 100mm length when it is subjected to a tensile strain of 0.005?. 
A. 0.2mm. 
B. 0.3mm. 
C. 0.5mm. 
D. 0.1mm. 
Answer = 0.5mm

94. A tensile test was conducted on a mild steel bar. The diameter and the gauge length of bat was 3cm and 20cm respectively. The extension was 0.21mm. What is the value to strain?. 
A. 0.001. 
B. 0.00105. 
C. 0.0105. 
D. 0.005. 
Answer = 0.00105

95. i) Strain is a fundamental behaviour of a material. ii) Strain does not have a unit.. 
A. Both i and ii are true and ii is the correct explanation of i. 
B. Both i and ii ate true but ii is not the correct explanation of i. 
C. i is true but ii is false. 
D. ii is true but i is false. 
Answer = Both i and ii ate true but ii is not the correct explanation of i

96. A tensile test was conducted on a steel bar. The gauge length of the bar was 10cm and the extension was 2mm. What will be the percentage elongation?. 
A. 0.002. 
B. 0.02. 
C. 0.2. 
D. 2.0. 
Answer = 2.0

97. The lateral strain is ___________. 
A. The ratio of axial deformation to the original length. 
B. The ratio of deformation in area to the original area. 
C. The strain at right angles to the direction of applied load. 
D. The ratio of length of body to the tensile force applied on it. 
Answer = The strain at right angles to the direction of applied load

98. The unit of force in S.I. units is ?. 
A. Kilogram. 
B. Newton. 
C. Watt. 
D. Dyne. 
Answer = Newton

99. Which of the following is not the unit of distance?. 
A. Angstrom. 
B. Light year. 
C. Micron. 
D. Milestone. 
Answer = Milestone

100. A solid cube is subjected to equal normal forces on all its faces. The volumetric strain will be x-times the linear strain in any of the three axes when?. 
A. X=1. 
B. X=2. 
C. X=3. 
D. X=4. 
Answer = X=3

101. A rod 200cm long is subjected to an axial pull due to which it elongates about 2mm. Calculate the amount of strain?. 
A. 0.001. 
B. 0.01. 
C. 0.02. 
D. 0.002. 
Answer = 0.001

102. Some structural members subjected to a long time sustained loads deform progressively with time especially at elevated temperatures. What is such a phenomenon called?. 
A. Fatigue. 
B. Creep. 
C. Creep relaxation. 
D. Fracture. 
Answer = Creep

103. Find the strain of a brass rod of length 100mm which is subjected to a tensile load of 50kN when the extension of rod is equal to 0.1mm?. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.001. 
C. 0.05. 
D. 0.005. 
Answer = 0.001

104. The property by which a body returns to its original shape after removal of the force is called __________. 
A. Plasticity. 
B. Elasticity. 
C. Ductility. 
D. Malleability. 
Answer = Elasticity

105. The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into thin plates is called __________. 
A. Malleability. 
B. Plasticity. 
C. Ductility. 
D. Elasticity. 
Answer = Malleability

106. Which law is also called as the elasticity law?. 
A. Bernoulli’s law. 
B. Stress law. 
C. Hooke’s law. 
D. Poisson’s law. 
Answer = Hooke’s law

107. The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called __________. 
A. Isotropic. 
B. Brittle. 
C. Homogeneous. 
D. Hard. 
Answer = Isotropic

108. A member which does not regain its original shape after removal of the load producing deformation is said __________. 
A. Plastic. 
B. Elastic. 
C. Rigid. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Plastic

109. The body will regain it is previous shape and size only when the deformation caused by the external forces, is within a certain limit. What is that limit?. 
A. Plastic limit. 
B. Elastic limit. 
C. Deformation limit. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Elastic limit

110. The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called __________. 
A. Isotropic. 
B. Brittle. 
C. Homogenous. 
D. Hard. 
Answer = Isotropic

111. As the elastic limit reaches, tensile strain __________. 
A. Increases more rapidly. 
B. Decreases more rapidly. 
C. Increases in proportion to the stress. 
D. Decreases in proportion to the stress. 
Answer = Increases more rapidly

112. What kind of elastic materials are derived from a strain energy density function?. 
A. Cauchy elastic materials. 
B. Hypo elastic materials. 
C. Hyper elastic materials. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Hyper elastic materials

113. What the number that measures an object’s resistance to being deformed elastically when stress is applied to it?. 
A. Elastic modulus. 
B. Plastic modulus. 
C. Poisson’s ratio. 
D. Stress modulus. 
Answer = Elastic modulus

114. The law which states that within elastic limits strain produced is proportional to the stress producing it is known as _____________. 
A. Bernoulli’s law. 
B. Hooke’s law. 
C. Stress law. 
D. Poisson’s law. 
Answer = Hooke’s law

115. For an isotropic, homogeneous and elastic material obeying Hooke’s law, the number of independent elastic constants is ____________. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 9.0. 
D. 1.0. 
Answer = 3.0

116. What is the factor of safety?. 
A. The ratio of stress to strain. 
B. The raio of permissible stress to the ultimate stress. 
C. The ratio of ultimate stress to the permissible stress. 
D. The ratio of longitudinal strain to stress. 
Answer = The ratio of ultimate stress to the permissible stress

117. What is Hooke’s law for the 1-D system?. 
A. The relation between normal stress and the corresponding strain. 
B. The relation between shear stress and the corresponding strain. 
C. The relation between lateral strain and the corresponding stress. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = The relation between normal stress and the corresponding strain

118. Limit of proportionality depends upon ____________. 
A. Area of cross-section. 
B. Type of loading. 
C. Type of material. 
D. All of the mentioned. 
Answer = Area of cross-section

119. The stress at which extension of a material takes place more quickly as compared to the increase in load is called ____________. 
A. Elastic point. 
B. Plastic point. 
C. Breaking point. 
D. Yielding point. 
Answer = Yielding point

120. Which of these is a non-hoookean material?. 
A. Steel. 
B. Rubber. 
C. Aluminium. 
D. Copper. 
Answer = Rubber

121. Where in the stress-strain curve, the hooke’s law is valid?. 
A. Strain hardening region. 
B. Necking region. 
C. Elastic range. 
D. Valid everywhere. 
Answer = Elastic range

122. Highest value of stress for which Hooke’s law is applicable for a given material is called ____________. 
A. Stress limit. 
B. Strain limit. 
C. Proportional limit. 
D. Significant limit. 
Answer = Proportional limit

123. The slope of the stress-strain curve in the elastic deformation region is ____________. 
A. Elastic modulus. 
B. Plastic modulus. 
C. Poisson’s ratio. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Elastic modulus

124. What is the stress-strain curve?. 
A. It is the percentage of stress and stain. 
B. It is the relationship between stress and strain. 
C. It is the difference between stress and strain. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = It is the relationship between stress and strain

125. Which point on the stress strain curve occurs after the proportionality limit?. 
A. Upper yield point. 
B. Lower yield point. 
C. Elastic limit. 
D. Ultimate point. 
Answer = Elastic limit

126. Which point on the stress strain curve occurs after the lower yield point?. 
A. Yield plateau. 
B. Upper yield point. 
C. Ultimate point. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Yield plateau

127. Which point on the stress strain curve occurs after yield plateau?. 
A. lower yield point. 
B. Upper yield point. 
C. Ultimate point. 
D. Breaking point. 
Answer = Ultimate point

128. Which point on the stress strain curve occurs after the ultimate point?. 
A. Last point. 
B. Breaking point. 
C. Elastic limit. 
D. Material limit. 
Answer = Breaking point

129. Elastic limit is the point ____________. 
A. up to which stress is proportional to strain. 
B. At which elongation takes place without application of additional load. 
C. Up to which if the load is removed, original volume and shapes are regained. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Up to which if the load is removed, original volume and shapes are regained

130. The property of a material by which it can be drawn into thin wires is?. 
A. Malleability. 
B. Plasticity. 
C. Ductility. 
D. Elasticity. 
Answer = Ductility

131. If the material has identical elastic properties in all directions, it is called ____________. 
A. Elastic. 
B. Isotropic. 
C. Plastic. 
D. Homogeneous. 
Answer = Isotropic

132. Why is the strain the fundamental property but not the stress?. 
A. Because it is dimensionless. 
B. Because it is a ratio. 
C. Because it’s value is calculated in the laboratory. 
D. No stress is the fundamental property. 
Answer = Because it’s value is calculated in the laboratory

133. The material in which large deformation is possible before absolute failure by rupture is called ____________. 
A. Plastic. 
B. Elastic. 
C. Brittle. 
D. Ductile. 
Answer = Ductile

134. What is a creep?. 
A. Gradual increase of plastic strain with time at constant load. 
B. Gradual increase of elastic strain with time at constant load. 
C. Gradual increase of plastic strain with time at varying load. 
D. Gradual increase of elastic strain with time at varying load. 
Answer = Gradual increase of plastic strain with time at constant load

135. If the material has different elastic properties in perpendicular directions, it is called ____________. 
A. Elastic. 
B. Isotropic. 
C. Orthotropic. 
D. Plastic. 
Answer = Orthotropic

136. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?. 
A. Visco-elastic – small plastic zone. 
B. Orthotropic material – different properties in three perpendicular directions. 
C. Strain hardening material – stiffening effect felt at some stage. 
D. Isotropic material – same physical property in all directions at a point. 
Answer = Visco-elastic – small plastic zone

137. The phenomenon of slow extension of materials having a constant load, I.e. increasing with the time is called. 
A. Creeping. 
B. Yielding. 
C. Breaking. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Creeping

138. What will be the elastic modulus of a material if the Poisson’s ratio for that material is 0.5?. 
A. Equal to its shear modulus. 
B. Three times its shear modulus. 
C. Four times its shear modulus. 
D. Not determinable. 
Answer = Three times its shear modulus

139. A bar of diameter 30mm is subjected to a tensile load such that the measured extension on a gauge length of 200mm is 0.09mm and the change in diameter is 0.0045mm. Calculate the Poissons ratio?. 
A. 43468.0. 
B. 43469.0. 
C. 43470.0. 
D. 43471.0. 
Answer = 43468.0

140. What will be the ratio of Youngs modulus to the modulus of rigidity of a material having Poissons ratio 0.25?. 
A. 3.75. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 2.5. 
Answer = 2.5

141. An experiment was done and it was found that the bulk modulus of a material is equal to its shear modulus. Then what will be its Poissons ratio?. 
A. 0.125. 
B. 0.15. 
C. 0.2. 
D. 0.375. 
Answer = 0.125

142. A bar of 40mm dia and 40cm length is subjected to an axial load of 100 kN. It elongates by 0.005mm. Calculate the Poissons ratio of the material of bar?. 
A. 0.25. 
B. 0.28. 
C. 0.3. 
D. 0.33. 
Answer = 0.33

143. What will be the approximate value of shear modulus of a material if the modulus of elasticity is 189.8 GN/m^2 and its Poissons ratio is 0.30?. 
A. 73 GN/m^2. 
B. 80 GN/m^2. 
C. 93.3 GN/m^2. 
D. 103.9 GN/m^2. 
Answer = 73 GN/m^2

144. What will be the modulus of rigidity if the value of modulus of elasticity is 200 and Poissons ratio is 0.25?. 
A. 70.0. 
B. 80.0. 
C. 125.0. 
D. 250.0. 
Answer = 80.0

145. A circular rod of dia 30 mm and length 200mm is extended to 0.09mm length and 0.0045 diameters through a tensile force. What will be its Poissons ratio?. 
A. 0.3. 
B. 0.31. 
C. 0.32. 
D. 0.33. 
Answer = 0.33

146. The Poissons ratio of a material is 0.3. what will be the ratio of Youngs modulus to bulk modulus?. 
A. 1.4. 
B. 1.2. 
C. 0.8. 
D. 0.6. 
Answer = 1.2

147. What is the bulk modulus of elasticity?. 
A. The ratio of shear stress to shear strain. 
B. The ratio of direct stress to direct strain. 
C. The ratio of volumetric stress to volumetric strain. 
D. The ratio of direct stress to volumetric strain. 
Answer = The ratio of direct stress to volumetric strain

148. For a material, Youngs modulus is given as 1.2 x 10^5 and Poissons ratio 1/4. Calculate the bulk modulus.. 
A. 0.7 x 10^5. 
B. 0.8 x 10^5. 
C. 1.2 x 10^5. 
D. 1.2 x 10^5. 
Answer = 0.8 x 10^5

149. Determine the Poissons ratio and bulk modulus of a material, for which Youngs modulus is 1.2 and modulus of rigidity is 4.8.. 
A. 7.0. 
B. 8.0. 
C. 9.0. 
D. 10.0. 
Answer = 8.0

150. The Youngs modulus of elasticity of a material is 2.5 times its modulus of rigidity. Then what will be its Poissons ratio?. 
A. 0.25. 
B. 0.33. 
C. 0.5. 
D. 0.6. 
Answer = 0.25

151. How the elastic constants E and K are related?. 
A. E = 2K(1 – 2μ). 
B. E = 3K(1 – 2μ). 
C. E = 2K(1 – μ). 
D. E = K(1 – 2μ). 
Answer = E = 3K(1 – 2μ)

152. How many elastic constants does an isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic material have?. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 3.0. 
D. 4.0. 
Answer = 2.0

153. The modulus of rigidity and the modulus of elasticity of a material are 80 GPa and 200 GPa. What will be the Poissons ratio of the material?. 
A. 0.25. 
B. 0.3. 
C. 0.4. 
D. 0.5. 
Answer = 0.25

154. Which of the following is true if the value of Poisson’s ratio is zero?. 
A. The material is rigid. 
B. The material is perfectly plastic. 
C. The longitudinal strain in the material is infinite. 
D. There is no longitudinal strain in the material. 
Answer = The material is rigid

155. How many elastic constants of a linear, elastic, isotropic material will be?. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 1.0. 
D. 4.0. 
Answer = 2.0

156. How many elastic constants of a non homogeneous, non isotropic material will be?. 
A. 9.0. 
B. 15.0. 
C. 20.0. 
D. 21.0. 
Answer = 21.0

157. How can be the Poissons ratio be expressed in terms of bulk modulus(K) and modulus of rigidity(G)?. 
A. (3K – 4G) / (6K + 4G). 
B. (3K + 4G) /( 6K – 4G). 
C. (3K – 2G) / (6K + 2G). 
D. (3K + 2G) / (6K – 2G). 
Answer = (3K – 2G) / (6K + 2G)

158. Calculate the modulus of resilience for a 2m long bar which extends 2mm under limiting axial stress of 200 N/mm^2?. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.2. 
C. 0.1. 
D. 0.02. 
Answer = 0.1

159. In an experiment, the bulk modulus of elasticity of a material is twice its modulus of rigidity. The Poissons ratio of the material is ___________. 
A. 43472.0. 
B. 43503.0. 
C. 43531.0. 
D. 43562.0. 
Answer = 43503.0

160. What will be the value of the Poisson’s ratio if the Youngs modulus E is equal to the bulk modulus K?. 
A. 43467.0. 
B. 43469.0. 
C. 43468.0. 
D. 43528.0. 
Answer = 43468.0

161. What is the expression for modulus of rigidity in terms of modulus of elasticity and the Poissons ratio?. 
A. G = 3E / 2(1 + μ). 
B. G = 5E / (1 + μ). 
C. G = E / 2(1 + μ). 
D. G = E/ (1 + 2μ). 
Answer = G = E / 2(1 + μ)

162. What is the relationship between Youngs modulus E, modulus of rigidity C, and bulk modulus K?. 
A. E = 9KC / (3K + C). 
B. E = 9KC / (9K + C). 
C. E = 3KC / (3K + C). 
D. E = 3KC / (9K + C). 
Answer = E = 9KC / (3K + C)

163. What is the limiting values of Poisson’s ratio?. 
A. -1 and 0.5. 
B. -1 and -0.5. 
C. -1 and -0.5. 
D. 0 and 0.5. 
Answer = 0 and 0.5

164. What is the relationship between modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity?. 
A. C = E / 2(1 + μ). 
B. C = E / (1 + μ). 
C. C = 2E / (1 + μ). 
D. C = 2E / 2(1 + μ). 
Answer = C = 2E / (1 + μ)

165. What is the ratio of Youngs modulus E to shear modulus G in terms of Poissons ratio?. 
A. 2(1 + μ). 
B. 2(1 – μ). 
C. 1/2 (1 – μ). 
D. 1/2 (1 + μ). 
Answer = 2(1 + μ)

166. The relationship between Youngs modulus E, bulk modulus K if the value of Poissons ratio is unity will be __________. 
A. E = -3K. 
B. K = -3E. 
C. E = 0. 
D. K = 0. 
Answer = E = -3K

167. A rod of length L and diameter D is subjected to a tensile load P. which of the following is sufficient to calculate the resulting change in diameter?. 
A. Youngs modulus. 
B. Poissons ratio. 
C. Shear modulus. 
D. Both Youngs modulus and shear modulus. 
Answer = Youngs modulus

168. E, G, K and μ elastic modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and Poisson’s ratio respectively. To express the stress strain relations completely for this material, at least __________. 
A. E, G and μmust be known. 
B. E, K and μmust be known. 
C. Any two of the four must be known. 
D. All the four must be known. 
Answer = Any two of the four must be known

169. Youngs modulus of elasticity and Poissons ratio of a material are 1.25 x 102 MPa and 0.34 respectively. The modulus of rigidity of the material is __________. 
A. 0.9469 MPa. 
B. 0.8375 MPa. 
C. 0.4664 MPa. 
D. 0.4025 MPa. 
Answer = 0.4664 MPa

170. If E,G and K have their usual meanings, for an elastic material, then which one of the following be possibly true?. 
A. G = 2K. 
B. G = K. 
C. K = E. 
D. G = E = K. 
Answer = K = E

171. If a material had a modulus of elasticity of 2.1 kgf/cm^2 and a modulus of rigidity of 0.8 kgf/cm^2 then what will be the approximate value of the Poissons ratio?. 
A. 0.26. 
B. 0.31. 
C. 0.47. 
D. 0.43. 
Answer = 0.31

172. Consider the following statements: X. Two-dimensional stresses applied to a thin plater in its own plane represent the plane stress condition. Y. Normal and shear stresses may occur simultaneously on a plane. Z. Under plane stress condition, the strain in the direction perpendicular to the plane is zero. Which of the above statements are correct?. 
A. 2 only. 
B. 1 and 2. 
C. 2 and 3. 
D. 1 and 3. 
Answer = 1 and 3

173. What is the relationship between the linear elastic properties Youngs modulus, bulk modulus and rigidity modulus?. 
A. 1/E = 9/k + 3/G. 
B. 9/E = 3/K + 1/G. 
C. 3/E = 9/K + 1/G. 
D. 9/E = 1/K + 3/G. 
Answer = 9/E = 1/K + 3/G

174. Which of the relationship between E, G and K is true, where E, G and K have their usual meanings?. 
A. E = 9KC / (3K + C). 
B. E = 9KC / (9K + C). 
C. E = 3KC / (9K + C). 
D. E = 3KC / (3K + C). 
Answer = E = 9KC / (3K + C)

175. The stress which acts in a direction perpendicular to the area is called ____________. 
A. Shear stress. 
B. Normal stress. 
C. Thermal stress. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Normal stress

176. Which of these are types of normal stresses?. 
A. Tensile and compressive stresses. 
B. Tensile and thermal stresses. 
C. Shear and bending. 
D. Compressive and plane stresses. 
Answer = Tensile and compressive stresses

177. In a body loaded under plane stress conditions, what is the number of independent stress components?. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 3.0. 
D. 6.0. 
Answer = 3.0

178. If a bar of large length when held vertically and subjected to a load at its lower end, its won-weight produces additional stress. The maximum stress will be ____________. 
A. At the lower cross-section. 
B. At the built-in upper cross-section. 
C. At the central cross-section. 
D. At every point of the bar. 
Answer = At the built-in upper cross-section

179. Which type of stress does in a reinforcement bar is taken by the concrete?. 
A. Tensile stress. 
B. Compressive stress. 
C. Shear stress. 
D. Bending stress. 
Answer = Compressive stress

180. A material has a Poisson’s ratio of 0.5. If uniform pressure of 300GPa is applied to that material, What will be the volumetric strain of it?. 
A. 0.5. 
B. 0.2. 
C. 0.25. 
D. Zero. 
Answer = Zero

181. A diagram which shows the variations of the axial load for all sections of the pan of a beam is called ____________. 
A. Bending moment diagram. 
B. Shear force diagram. 
C. Thrust diagram. 
D. Stress diagram. 
Answer = Stress diagram

182. The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite forces which are acting tangentially across the resisting section resulting the shearing of the body across its section is called ____________. 
A. Bending stress. 
B. Compressive stress. 
C. Shear strain. 
D. Shear stress. 
Answer = Shear stress

183. What is the formula for shear stress?. 
A. Shear resistance/shear area. 
B. Force/unit area. 
C. Bending strain/area. 
D. Shear stress/length. 
Answer = Shear resistance/shear area

184. Which of the following stresses are associated with the tightening of a nut on a bolt? P. Crushing and shear stress in threads Q. Bending stress due to the bending of bolt R. Torsional shear stress due to frictional resistance between the nut and the bolt Select the correct answer using the codes given below:. 
A. P and Q. 
B. P and R. 
C. Only P. 
D. Only R. 
Answer = P and Q

185. The transverse shear stress acting in a beam of rectangular cross-section, subjected to a transverse shear load, is ____________. 
A. variable with maximum at the bottom of the beam. 
B. Variable with maximum at the top of the beam. 
C. Uniform. 
D. Variable with maximum on the neutral axis. 
Answer = Variable with maximum on the neutral axis

186. A block 100mm x 100mm base and 10mm height. What will the direct shear stress in the element when a tangential force of 10kN is applied to the upper edge to a displacement 1mm relative to lower face?. 
A. 1Pa. 
B. 1MPa. 
C. 10MPa. 
D. 100Pa. 
Answer = 1MPa

187. A beam is said to be of uniform strength, if ____________. 
A. B.M. is same throughout the beam. 
B. Shear stress is the same through the beam. 
C. Deflection is the same throughout the beam. 
D. Bending stress is the same at every section along its longitudinal axis. 
Answer = Bending stress is the same at every section along its longitudinal axis

188. Stress in a beam due to simple bending is ____________. 
A. Directly proportional. 
B. Inversely proportional. 
C. Curvilinearly related. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Directly proportional

189. Which stress comes when there is an eccentric load applied?. 
A. Shear stress. 
B. Bending stress. 
C. Tensile stress. 
D. Thermal stress. 
Answer = Bending stress

190. What is the expression of the bending equation?. 
A. M/I = σ/y = E/R. 
B. M/R = σ/y = E/I. 
C. M/y = σ/R = E/I. 
D. M/I = σ/R = E/y. 
Answer = M/I = σ/y = E/R

191. On bending of a beam, which is the layer which is neither elongated nor shortened?. 
A. Axis of load. 
B. Neutral axis. 
C. Center of gravity. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Neutral axis

192. The bending stress is ____________. 
A. Directly proportional to the distance of layer from the neutral layer. 
B. Inversely proportional to the distance of layer from the neutral layer. 
C. Directly proportional to the neutral layer. 
D. Does not depend on the distance of layer from the neutral layer. 
Answer = Directly proportional to the distance of layer from the neutral layer

193. Consider a 250mmx15mmx10mm steel bar which is free to expand is heated from 15C to 40C. what will be developed?. 
A. Compressive stress. 
B. Tensile stress. 
C. Shear stress. 
D. No stress. 
Answer = No stress

194. The safe stress for a hollow steel column which carries an axial load of 2100 kN is 125 MN/m^2. if the external diameter of the column is 30cm, what will be the internal diameter?. 
A. 25 cm. 
B. 26.19cm. 
C. 30.14 cm. 
D. 27.9 cm. 
Answer = 26.19cm

195. During a tensile test on a ductile material ____________. 
A. Nominal stress at fracture is higher than the ultimate stress. 
B. True stress at fracture is higher than the ultimate stress. 
C. True stress a fracture is the same as the ultimate stress. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = True stress at fracture is higher than the ultimate stress

196. When equal and opposite forces applied to a body, tend to elongate it, the stress so produced, is called ____________. 
A. Shear stress. 
B. Compressive stress. 
C. Tensile stress. 
D. Transverse stress. 
Answer = Tensile stress

197. In a tensile test, near the elastic limit zone ____________. 
A. Tensile stress increases in linear proportion to the stress. 
B. Tensile stress increases at a faster rate. 
C. Tensile stress decreases at a faster rate. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Tensile stress decreases at a faster rate

198. The phenomenon of slow growth of strain under a steady tensile stress is called ____________. 
A. Yielding. 
B. Creeping. 
C. Breaking. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Creeping

199. A rod 150cm long and of diameter 2cm is subjected to an axial pull of 20kN. What will be the stress?. 
A. 60 N/mm^2. 
B. 65 N/mm^2. 
C. 63.6 N/mm^2. 
D. 71.2 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 63.6 N/mm^2

200. The stress in a rod is 70 N/mm^2 and the modulus of elasticity is 2 x 10^5 N/mm^2. what will be the strain in the rod?. 
A. 5.2E-4. 
B. 3.5E-4. 
C. 3.0E-4. 
D. 4.7E-4. 
Answer = 3.0E-4

201. What will be the minimum diameter of a steel wire, which is used to raise a load of 4000N if the stress in the rod is not to exceed 95 MN/m^2?. 
A. 6mm. 
B. 6.4mm. 
C. 7mm. 
D. 7.3mm. 
Answer = 7.3mm

202. A tensile test was conducted on mild steel bar. The load at elastic limit was 250kN and the diameter of the steel bar was 3cm. What will be the value of stress?. 
A. 35368 x 104 N/m^2. 
B. 32463 x 104 N/m^2. 
C. 35625 x 104 N/m^2. 
D. 37562 x 104 N/m^2. 
Answer = 35368 x 104 N/m^2

203. For keeping the stress wholly compressive the load may be applied on a circular column anywhere within a concentric circle of diameter _____________. 
A. D/2. 
B. D/3. 
C. D/4. 
D. D/8. 
Answer = D/4

204. Consider two bars A and B of same material tightly secured between two unyielding walls. Coefficient of thermal expansion of bar A is more than that of B. What are the stresses induced on increasing the temperature?. 
A. Tension in both the materials. 
B. Tension in material A and compression in material B. 
C. Compression in material A and tension in material B. 
D. Compression in both the materials. 
Answer = Compression in both the materials

205. What will be the unit of compressive stress?. 
A. N. 
B. N/mm. 
C. N/mm^2. 
D. Nmm. 
Answer = N/mm^2

206. A cast iron T section beam is subjected to pure bending. For maximum compressive stress to be 3 times the maximum tensile stress, centre of gravity of the section from flange side is ____________. 
A. h/2. 
B. H/3. 
C. H/4. 
D. 2/3h. 
Answer = H/4

207. A solid circular shaft of diameter d is subjected to a torque T. the maximum normal stress induced in the shaft is ____________. 
A. Zero. 
B. 16T/Ï€d3. 
C. 32T/Ï€d3. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = 16T/Ï€d3

208. When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum compressive stress develops on ____________. 
A. Bottom fibre. 
B. Top fibre. 
C. Neutral axis. 
D. Every cross-section. 
Answer = Top fibre

209. An axial residual compressive stress due to a manufacturing process is present on the outer surface of a rotating shaft subjected to bending. Under a given bending load, the fatigue of the shaft in the presence of the residual compressive stress is ____________. 
A. Decreased. 
B. Increases or decreased, depending on the external bending load. 
C. Neither decreased nor increased. 
D. Increases. 
Answer = Increases

210. A steel bar of 40mm x 40mm square cross-section is subjected to an axial compressive load of 200kN. If the length of the bar is 2m and E=200GPa, the elongation of the bar well be ____________. 
A. 1.25mm. 
B. 2.70mm. 
C. 4.05mm. 
D. 5.40mm. 
Answer = 1.25mm

211. The length, Young’s modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion of bar P are twice that of bar Q. what will be the ration of stress developed in bar P to that in bar Q if the temperature of both bars is increased by the same amount?. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 8.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 16.0. 
Answer = 4.0

212. A steel bar 600mm long and having 30mm diameter, is turned down to 25mm diameter for one fourth of its length. It is heated at 30 C above room temperature, clamped at both ends and then allowed to cool to room temperature. If the distance between the clamps is unchanged, the maximum stress in the bar ( α = 12.5 x 10-6 per C and E = 200 GN/m^2) is. 
A. 25 MN/m^2. 
B. 40 MN/m^2. 
C. 50 MN/m^2. 
D. 75 MN/m^2. 
Answer = 75 MN/m^2

213. A cube having each side of length p, is constrained in all directions and is heated unigormly so that the temperature is raised to T.C. What will be the stress developed in the cube?. 
A. δET / γ. 
B. δTE / (1 – 2γ). 
C. δTE / 2 γ. 
D. δTE / (1 + 2γ). 
Answer = δTE / (1 – 2γ)

214. A steel rod 10mm in diameter and 1m long is heated from 20 to 100 degree celcius, E = 200 GPa and coefficient of thermal expansion is 12 x10-6 per degree celcius. Calculate the thermal stress developed?. 
A. 192 MPa(tensile). 
B. 212 MPa(tensile). 
C. 192MPa(compressive). 
D. 212 MPa(compressive). 
Answer = 192MPa(compressive)

215. A cube with a side length of 1m is heated uniformly a degree celcius above the room temperature and all the sides are free to expand. What will be the increase in the volume of the cube? Consider the coefficient of thermal expansion as unity.. 
A. Zero. 
B. 1 m^3. 
C. 2 m^3. 
D. 3 m^3. 
Answer = 3 m^3

216. The thermal stress is a function of _____________ P. Coefficient of linear expansion Q. Modulus of elasticity R. Temperature rise. 
A. P and Q. 
B. Q and R. 
C. Only P. 
D. Only R. 
Answer = Only R

217. A steel rod is heated from 25 to 250 degree celcius. Its coefficient of thermal expansion is 10-5 and E = 100 GN/m^2. if the rod is free to expand, the thermal stress developed in it is:. 
A. 100 kN/m^2. 
B. 240 kN/m^2. 
C. Zero. 
D. Infinity. 
Answer = Zero

218. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?. 
A. Temperature strain with permitted expansion – ( αTl – δ). 
B. Temperature thrust – ( αTE). 
C. Temperature stress – (αTEA). 
D. Temperature stress with permitted expansion – E(αTl – δ) / l. 
Answer = Temperature strain with permitted expansion – ( αTl – δ)

219. A steel rod of length L and diameter D, fixed at both ends, is uniformly heated to a temperature rise of δT. The Youngs modulus is E and the coefficient of linear expansion is unity. The thermal stress in the rod is ____________. 
A. Zero. 
B. T. 
C. EδT. 
D. EδTL. 
Answer = EδT

220. A uniform, slender cylindrical rod is made of a homogeneous and isotropic material. The rod rests on a frictionless surface. The rod is heated uniformly. If the radial and longitudinal thermal stress are represented by σx and σz, then ___________. 
A. σx = 0, σy = 0. 
B. σx not equal to 0, σy = 0. 
C. σx = 0, σy not equal to 0. 
D. σx not equal to 0, σy not equal to 0. 
Answer = σx = 0, σy = 0

221. which one of the following are true for the thermal expansion coefficient?. 
A. αaluminium > αbrass> αcopper > αsteel. 
B. αbrass > αaluminium > αcopper > αsteel. 
C. αcopper > αsteel > αaluminium > αbrass. 
D. αsteel > αaluminium > αbrass > αcopper. 
Answer = αaluminium > αbrass> αcopper > αsteel

222. The length, coefficient of thermal expansion and Youngs modulus of bar A are twice of bar B. If the temperature of both bars is increased by the same amount while preventing any expansion, then the ratio of stress developed in bar A to that in bar B will be ___________. 
A. 2.0. 
B. 4.0. 
C. 8.0. 
D. 16.0. 
Answer = 4.0

223. Which test is conducted to measure the ability of a material to resist scratching, abrasion, deformation and indentation?. 
A. Creep test. 
B. Fatigue test. 
C. Hardness test. 
D. Compression test. 
Answer = Hardness test

224. Which test is conducted to measure the endurance limit of the material?. 
A. Creep test. 
B. Fatigue test. 
C. Compression test. 
D. Hardness test. 
Answer = Fatigue test

225. What is the process in which the metal is cooled rapidly in water after heating the metal above the lower critical temperature to increase the hardness of the material?. 
A. Quenching. 
B. Tampering. 
C. Hardening. 
D. Annealing. 
Answer = Quenching

226. What is the process of heating the metal in the furnance to a temperature slightly above the upper critical temperature and cooling slowly In the furnance.. 
A. Quenching. 
B. Tampering. 
C. Annealing. 
D. Normalizing. 
Answer = Annealing

227. Photo stress method is ___________. 
A. Stress analysis method. 
B. Creep test. 
C. Ultra violet test. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Stress analysis method

228. What is the factor of safety?. 
A. The ratio of total stress to the permissible stress. 
B. The ratio of ultimate stress to the permissible stress. 
C. The ratio of ultimate stress to the applied stress. 
D. The ratio of ultimate stress to the modulus of elasticity. 
Answer = The ratio of ultimate stress to the permissible stress

229. Which one of the following has the largest value of thermal coefficient?. 
A. Brass. 
B. Copper. 
C. Steel. 
D. Aluminium. 
Answer = Aluminium

230. Identify which factor may cause a lowered body temperature:. 
A. Infection. 
B. Stress. 
C. Shock. 
D. Exercise. 
Answer = Shock

231. If a bar of two different length are in a line and P load is acting axially on them then what will be the change in length of the bar if the radius of both different lengths is same?. 
A. P/E x (L1 + L2). 
B. PA/E x (L1 + L2). 
C. P/EA x (L1 + L2). 
D. E/PA x (L1 + L2). 
Answer = P/EA x (L1 + L2)

232. If a bar of two sections of different diameters of same length are in a line and P load is acting axially on them then what will be the change in length of the bar?. 
A. PL/E x (1/A1 + 1/A2). 
B. P/E x (1/A1 + 1/A2). 
C. P/EL x (1/A1 + 1/A2). 
D. PE/L x (1/A1 + 1/A2). 
Answer = PL/E x (1/A1 + 1/A2)

233. Does the value of stress in each section of a composite bar is constant or not?. 
A. It changes in a relationship with the other sections as well. 
B. It changes with the total average length. 
C. It is constant for every bar. 
D. It is different in every bar in relation with the load applied and the cross sectional area. 
Answer = It is different in every bar in relation with the load applied and the cross sectional area

234. A composite bar of two sections of equal length and equal diameter is under an axial pull of 10kN. What will be the stresses in the two sections?. 
A. 3.18 N/mm^2. 
B. 2.21 N/mm^2. 
C. 3.45 N/mm^2. 
D. 2.14 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 3.18 N/mm^2

235. A composite bar of two sections of unequal length and equal diameter is under an axial pull of 10kN. What will be the stresses in the two sections?. 
A. 2.145 N/mm^2. 
B. 3.18 N/mm^2. 
C. 1.245 N/mm^2. 
D. 2.145 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 3.18 N/mm^2

236. A composite bar of two sections of equal length and given diameter is under an axial pull of 15kN. What will be the stresses in the two sections in N/mm^2?. 
A. 190.9 and 84.88. 
B. 190.9 and 44.35. 
C. 153.45 and 84088. 
D. 153045 and 44.35. 
Answer = 190.9 and 84.88

237. Which law states the when a number of loads are acting on a body, the resulting strain, according to principle of superposition, will be the algebraic sum of strains caused by individual loads?. 
A. Hooke’s law. 
B. Principle of superposition. 
C. Lami’s theorem. 
D. Strain law. 
Answer = Principle of superposition

238. How the total strain in any body subjected to different loads at different sections can be calculated?. 
A. The resultant strain is the algebraic sum of the individual strain. 
B. The resultant strain calculated by the trigonometry. 
C. The resultant will be through Lame’s theorem. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = The resultant strain is the algebraic sum of the individual strain

239. Three sections in a beam are of equal length of 100mm. All three sections are pulled axially with 50kN and due to it elongated by 0.2mm. What will be the resultant strain in the beam?. 
A. 0.002. 
B. 0.004. 
C. 0.006. 
D. 0.02. 
Answer = 0.006

240. Two sections in a bar of length 10cm and 20cm respectively are pulled axially. It causes an elongation of 0.2mm and 0.4mm respectively in each section. What will be the resultant strain in the bar?. 
A. sd0.004. 
B. 0.002. 
C. 0.003. 
D. 0.006. 
Answer = sd0.004

241. A composite bar have four sections each of length 100mm, 150mm, 200mm, 250mm. When force is applied, all the sections causes an elongation of 0.1mm. What will the resultant strain in the bar?. 
A. 0.0012. 
B. 0.00154. 
C. 0.00256. 
D. 0.002. 
Answer = 0.00256

242. A brass bar, having cross sectional area of 100mm^2, is subjected to axial force of 50kN. The length of two sections is 100mm and 200mm respectively. What will be the total elongation of bar if E = 1.05 x 105 N/mm^2 ?. 
A. 1.21mm. 
B. 2.034mm. 
C. 2.31mm. 
D. 1.428mm. 
Answer = 1.428mm

243. A composite bar having two sections of cross-sectional area 100mm^2 and 200mm^2 respectively. The length of both the sections is 100mm. What will be the total elongation of bar if it is subjected to axial force of 100kN and E = 105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 1.0. 
B. 1.25. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 2.0. 
Answer = 1.5

244. A bar having two sections of cross sectional area of 100mm^2 and 200mm^2 respectively. The length of both the sections is 200mm. What will be the total strain in the bar if it is subjected to axial force of 100kN and E = 105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 0.01. 
B. 0.015. 
C. 0.02. 
D. 0.03. 
Answer = 0.015

245. A brass bar, having cross sectional area of 150mm^2, is subjected to axial force of 50kN. What will be the total strain of bar if E= 1.05 x 104 N/mm^2?. 
A. 0.062mm. 
B. 0.025mm. 
C. 0.068mm. 
D. 0.054mm. 
Answer = 0.054mm

246. A composite bar of two sections of each of length 100mm, 150mm. When force is applied, all the sections causes an elongation of 0.1mm. What will the resultant strain in the bar?. 
A. 0.0016. 
B. 0.00154. 
C. 0.00256. 
D. 0.002. 
Answer = 0.0016

247. If the given forces P1, P2, P3, P4,and P5 which are co planar and concurrent are such that the force polygon does not close, then the system will. 
A. Be in equilibrium. 
B. Always reduce to a resultant force. 
C. Always reduce to a couple. 
D. Always be in equilibrium and will always reduce to a couple. 
Answer = Always reduce to a resultant force

248. If a bar of sections of two different length and different diameters are in a line and P load is acting axially on them then what will be the change in length of the bar?. 
A. P/E x (L1 + L2). 
B. P/E x (A1/L1 + A2/ L2). 
C. P/E x (L1/A1 + L2/A2). 
D. E/P x (L1/A1 + L2/A2). 
Answer = P/E x (L1/A1 + L2/A2)

249. How does the elastic constant varys with the elongation of body?. 
A. The elastic constant is directly proportional to the elongation. 
B. The elastic constant is directly proportional to the elongation. 
C. The elongation does not depends on the elastic constant. 
D. None of these. 
Answer = The elastic constant is directly proportional to the elongation

250. A composite rod is 1000mm long, its two ends are 40 mm^2 and 30mm^2 in area and length are 400mm and 600mm respectively. If the rod is subjected to an axial tensile load of 1000N, what will be its total elongation(E = 200GPa)?. 
A. 0.130m. 
B. 0.197mm. 
C. 0.160mm. 
D. 0.150mm. 
Answer = 0.130m

251. A mild steel wire 5mm in diameter and 1m ling. If the wire is subjected to an axial tensile load 10kN what will be its extension?. 
A. 2.55mm. 
B. 3.15mm. 
C. 2.45mm. 
D. 2.65mm. 
Answer = 2.55mm

252. A composite rod is 1000mm long, its two ends are 40mm^2 and 30mm^2 in area and length are 300mm and 200mm respectively. The middle portion of the rod is 20mm^2 in area. If the rod is subjected to an axial tensile load of 1000N, what will be its total elongation (E = 200GPa)?. 
A. 0.145mm. 
B. 0.127mm. 
C. 0.187mm. 
D. 0.196mm. 
Answer = 0.196mm

253. A rod of two sections of area 625mm^2 and 2500mm^2 of length 120cm and 60cm respectively. If the load applied is 45kN then what will be the elongation (E = 2.1x 105 N/mm^2)?. 
A. 0.462mm. 
B. 0.521mm. 
C. 0.365mm. 
D. 0.514mm. 
Answer = 0.462mm

254. What will be the elongation of a bar of 1250mm^2 area and 90cm length when applied a force of 130kN if E = 1.05x 105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 0.947mm. 
B. 0.891mm. 
C. 0.845mm. 
D. 0.745mm. 
Answer = 0.891mm

255. A steel bar of 20mm x 20mm square cross-section is subjected to an axial compressive load of 100kN. If the length of the bar is 1m and E=200GPa, then what will be the elongation of the bar?. 
A. 1.25mm. 
B. 2.70mm. 
C. 5.40mm. 
D. 4.05mm. 
Answer = 1.25mm

256. A solid uniform metal bar is hanging vertically from its upper end. Its elongation will be _________. 
A. Proportional to L and inversely proportional to D2. 
B. Proportional to L2 and inversely proportional to D. 
C. Proportional of U but independent of D. 
D. Proportional of L but independent of D. 
Answer = Proportional to L and inversely proportional to D2

257. A member ABCD is subjected to points load P1=45kN, P2, P3=450kN and P4=130kN. What will be the total elongation of the member, assuming the modulus of elasticity to be 2.1x105N/mm^2. The cross sectional area is 625mm, 2500mm, 1250mm respectively.. 
A. 0.4914mm. 
B. 0.4235mm. 
C. 0.4621mm. 
D. 0.4354mm. 
Answer = 0.4914mm

258. A rod, which tapers uniformly from 5cm diameter to 3cm diameter in a length of 50cm, is subjected to an axial load of 6000N. if E = 2,00,000 N/mm^2, what will be the extension of the rod?. 
A. 0.00114cm. 
B. 0.00124cm. 
C. 0.00127cm. 
D. 0.00154cm. 
Answer = 0.00127cm

259. A bar is in two sections having equal lengths. The area of cross section of 1st is double that of 2nd. if the bar carries an axial load of P, then what will be the ratio of elongation in section 2nd to section 1st ?. 
A. 43467.0. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. 43469.0. 
Answer = 2.0

260. A round bar made of same material consists of 4 parts each of 100mm length having diameters of 40mm, 50mm, 60mm and 70mm, respectively. If the bar is subjected to an axial load of 10kN, what will be the total elongation of the bar in mm?. 
A. 0.4/Ï€E ( 1/16 + 1/25 + 1/36 + 1/49). 
B. 4/Ï€E ( 1/16 + 1/25 + 1/36 + 1/49). 
C. 2/Ï€E ( 1/16 + 1/25 + 1/36 + 1/49). 
D. 40/Ï€E ( 1/16 + 1/25 + 1/36 + 1/49). 
Answer = 40/Ï€E ( 1/16 + 1/25 + 1/36 + 1/49)

261. A composite bar consists of a bar enclosed inside a tune of another material when compressed under a load as whole through rigid collars at the end of the bar. What will be the equation of compatibility?. 
A. W1 + W2 = W. 
B. W1 + W2 = constant. 
C. W1/A1E1 = W2/A2E2. 
D. W1/A1E2 = W2/A2E1. 
Answer = W1 + W2 = W

262. What is the strain energy stored in a body due to gradually applied load?. 
A. σE/V. 
B. σE^2/V. 
C. σV^2/E. 
D. σV^2/2E. 
Answer = σV^2/2E

263. Strain energy stored in a body to uniform stress s of volume V and modulus of elasticity E is __________. 
A. s^2V/2E. 
B. sV/E. 
C. sV^2/E. 
D. sV/2E. 
Answer = s^2V/2E

264. In a material of pure shear stress Ï„the strain energy stored per unit volume in the elastic, homogeneous isotropic material having elastic constants E and v will be:. 
A. Ï„^2/E x (1+ v). 
B. Ï„^2/E x (1+ v). 
C. Ï„^2/2E x (1+ v). 
D. Ï„^2/E x (2+ v). 
Answer = Ï„^2/E x (1+ v)

265. PL3/3EI is the deflection under the load P of a cantilever beam. What will be the strain energy?. 
A. P^2L^3/3EI. 
B. P^2L^3/6EI. 
C. P^2L^3/4EI. 
D. P^2L^3/24EI. 
Answer = P^2L^3/6EI

266. A rectangular block of size 400mm x 50mm x 50mm is subjected to a shear stress of 500kg/cm^2. If the modulus of rigidity of the material is 1×106 kg/cm^2, the strain energy will be __________. 
A. 125 kg-cm. 
B. 1000 kg-cm. 
C. 500 kg-cm. 
D. 100 kg-cm. 
Answer = 125 kg-cm

267. If forces P, P and P of a system are such that the force polygon does not close, then the system will __________. 
A. Be in equilibrium. 
B. Reduce to a resultant force. 
C. Reduce to a couple. 
D. Not be in equilibrium. 
Answer = Not be in equilibrium

268. The strain energy in a member is proportional to __________. 
A. Product of stress and the strain. 
B. Total strain multiplied by the volume of the member. 
C. The maximum strain multiplied by the length of the member. 
D. Product of strain and Young’s modulus of the material. 
Answer = Product of strain and Young’s modulus of the material

269. A bar of cross-section A and length L is subjected to an axial load W. the strain energy stored in the bar would be __________. 
A. WL / AE. 
B. W^2L / 4AE. 
C. W^2L / 2AE. 
D. WL / 4AE. 
Answer = W^2L / 2AE

270. A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 5m long. What is the stretch in the rod if E = 2×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 1.1mm. 
B. 1.24mm. 
C. 2mm. 
D. 1.19mm. 
Answer = 1.19mm

271. A tensile load of 50kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 5cm diameter and 5m long. What is the strain energy absorbed by the rod (E = 200GPa)?. 
A. 14 N-m. 
B. 15.9 N-mm. 
C. 15.9 N-m. 
D. 14 N-mm. 
Answer = 15.9 N-m

272. A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 5m long. What is the strain energy in the rod if the load is applied suddenly (E = 2×105 N/mm^2)?. 
A. d143.23 N-m. 
B. 140.51 N-m. 
C. 135.145 N-m. 
D. 197.214 N-m. 
Answer = d143.23 N-m

273. The ability of a material to absorb energy when elastically deformed and to return it when unloaded is called __________. 
A. Elasticity. 
B. Resilience. 
C. Plasticity. 
D. Strain resistance. 
Answer = Resilience

274. The strain energy stored in a specimen when stained within the elastic limit is known as __________. 
A. Resilience. 
B. Plasticity. 
C. Malleability. 
D. Stain energy. 
Answer = Resilience

275. The maximum strain energy stored at elastic limit is __________. 
A. Resilience. 
B. Proof resilience. 
C. Elasticity. 
D. Malleability. 
Answer = Proof resilience

276. The mathematical expression for resilience ‘U’ is __________. 
A. U = σ2/E x volume. 
B. U = σ2/3E x volume. 
C. U = σ2/2E x volume. 
D. U = σ/2E x volume. 
Answer = U = σ2/2E x volume

277. What is the modulus of resilience?. 
A. The ratio of resilience to volume. 
B. The ratio of proof resilience to the modulus of elasticity. 
C. The ratio of proof resilience to the strain energy. 
D. The ratio of proof resilience to volume. 
Answer = The ratio of proof resilience to volume

278. The property by which an amount of energy is absorbed by material without plastic deformation is called __________. 
A. Toughness. 
B. Impact strength. 
C. Ductility. 
D. Resilience. 
Answer = Resilience

279. Resilience of a material plays important role in which of the following?. 
A. Thermal stress. 
B. Shock loading. 
C. Fatigue. 
D. Pure static loading. 
Answer = Shock loading

280. A 1m long bar of uniform section extends 1mm under limiting axial stress of 200N/mm^2. What is the modulus of resilience for the bar?. 
A. 0.1 units. 
B. 1 units. 
C. 10units. 
D. 100units. 
Answer = 0.1 units

281. A square steel bar of 10mm side and 5m length is subjected to a load whereupon it absorbs a strain energy of 100J. what is its modulus of resilience?. 
A. 1/5 N-mm/mm^3. 
B. 25 N-mm/mm^3. 
C. 1/25 N-mm/mm^3. 
D. 5 N-mm/mm^3. 
Answer = 1/5 N-mm/mm^3

282. What is the relation between maximum stress induced due to sudden loading to maximum stress the gradual loading?. 
A. Maximum stress in sudden load is equal to the maximum stress in gradual load. 
B. Maximum stress in sudden load is half to the maximum stress in gradual load. 
C. Maximum stress in sudden load is twice to the maximum stress in gradual load. 
D. Maximum stress in sudden load is four times to the maximum stress in gradual load. 
Answer = Maximum stress in sudden load is twice to the maximum stress in gradual load

283. What is the strain energy stored in a body when the load is applied suddenly?. 
A. σE/V. 
B. σE^2/V. 
C. σV^2/E. 
D. σV^2/2E. 
Answer = σV^2/2E

284. A tensile load of 60kN is suddenly applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter. What will be the maximum instantaneous stress induced?. 
A. 95.493 N/mm^2. 
B. 45.25 N/mm^2. 
C. 85.64 N/mm^2. 
D. 102.45 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 95.493 N/mm^2

285. A tensile load of 60kN is suddenly applied to a circular bar of 4cm and 5m length. What will be the strain energy absorbed by the rod if E=2×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 140.5 N-m. 
B. 100 N-m. 
C. 197.45 N-m. 
D. 143.2 N-m. 
Answer = 143.2 N-m

286. A tensile load of 100kN is suddenly applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm. What will be the instantaneous stress in bar?. 
A. 100 N/mm^2. 
B. 120 N/mm^2. 
C. 150 N/mm^2. 
D. 250 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 250 N/mm^2

287. 2 tensile load of 100kN is suddenly applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm and length of 5m. What will be the strain energy absorbed in the bar if E=1×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 312.5 N-m. 
B. 314500 N-mm. 
C. 1250 N-m. 
D. 634 N-m. 
Answer = 1250 N-m

288. A steel rod is 2m long and 50mm in diameter. A axial pull of 100kN is suddenly applied to the rod. What will be the instantaneous stress induced in the rod?. 
A. 101.89 N/mm^2. 
B. 94.25 N/mm^2. 
C. 130.45 N/mm^2. 
D. 178.63 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 101.89 N/mm^2

289. A steel rod is 2m long and 50mm in diameter. An axial pull of 100kN is suddenly applied to the rod. What will be the instantaneous elongation produced in the rod if E=22GN/m^2?. 
A. 0.0097 mm. 
B. 1.0754 mm. 
C. 1.6354 mm. 
D. 1.0186 mm. 
Answer = 1.0186 mm

290. What will be the amount of axial pull be applied on a a 4cm diameter bar to get an instantaneous stress value of 143 N/mm^2?. 
A. 50kN. 
B. 60kN. 
C. 70kN. 
D. 80kN. 
Answer = 60kN

291. What will be the instantaneous stress produced in a bar 10cm^2 in area ans 4m long by the sudden application of tensile load of unknown magnitude, if the extension of the bar due to suddenly applied load is 1.35mm if E = 2×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 67.5 N/mm^2. 
B. 47 N/mm^2. 
C. 55.4 N/mm^2. 
D. 78.5 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 67.5 N/mm^2

292. What is the strain energy stored in a body when the load is applied gradually?. 
A. σE/V. 
B. σE^2/V. 
C. σV^2/E. 
D. σV^2/2E. 
Answer = σV^2/2E

293. What is strain energy?. 
A. The work done by the applied load In stretching the body. 
B. The strain per unit volume. 
C. The force applied in stretching the body. 
D. The stress per unit are. 
Answer = The work done by the applied load In stretching the body

294. What is the relation between maximum stress induced due to gradual load to maximum stress the sudden load?. 
A. Maximum stress in gradual load is equal to the maximum stress in sudden load. 
B. Maximum stress in gradual load is half to the maximum stress in sudden load. 
C. Maximum stress in gradual load is twice to the maximum stress in sudden load. 
D. Maximum stress in gradual load is four times to the maximum stress in sudden load. 
Answer = Maximum stress in gradual load is half to the maximum stress in sudden load

295. A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 5cm long. What will be the stress in the rod if E=1×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 47.746 N/mm^2. 
B. 34.15 N/mm^2. 
C. 48.456 N/mm^2. 
D. 71.02 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 47.746 N/mm^2

296. A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 10m long. What will be the stress in the rod if E=1×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 1.19mm. 
B. 2.14mm. 
C. 3.45mm. 
D. 4.77mm. 
Answer = 4.77mm

297. A tensile load of 100kN is gradually applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm. What will be the stress in bar?. 
A. 100 N/mm^2. 
B. 120 N/mm^2. 
C. 125 N/mm^2. 
D. 150 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 125 N/mm^2

298. A tensile load of 100kN is gradually applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm and length of 5m. What will be the strain energy in the bar if E=1×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 312.5 N-m. 
B. 314500 N-mm. 
C. 245.5 N-m. 
D. 634 N-m. 
Answer = 312.5 N-m

299. A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 10m long. What will be the strain energy absorbed by the rod if E=1×105 N/mm^2?. 
A. 100 N-m. 
B. 132 N-m. 
C. 148 N-m. 
D. 143.2 N-m. 
Answer = 143.2 N-m

300. A uniform bar has a cross sectional area of 700mm and a length of 1.5m. if the stress at the elastic limit is 160 N/mm, what will be the value of gradually applied load which will produce the same extension as that produced by the suddenly applied load above?. 
A. 100kN. 
B. 110kN. 
C. 112kN. 
D. 120kN. 
Answer = 112kN

301. A tension bar 6m long is made up of two parts, 4m of its length has cross sectional area of 12.5cm while the remaining 2m has 25cm. An axial load 5tonnes is gradually applied. What will be the total strain energy produced if E = 2 x 106 kgf/cm^2?. 
A. 240kgf/cm. 
B. 242kgf/cm. 
C. 264kgf/cm. 
D. 270kgf/cm. 
Answer = 242kgf/cm

302. What is the strain energy stored in a body when the load is applied with impact?. 
A. σE/V. 
B. σE^2/V. 
C. σV^2/E. 
D. σV^2/2E. 
Answer = σV^2/2E

303. What is the value of stress induced in the rod due to impact load?. 
A. P/A (1 + (1 + 2AEh/PL)^1/2). 
B. P/A (2 + 2AEh/PL). 
C. P/A (1 + (1 + AEh/PL)^1/2). 
D. P/A ((1 + 2AEh/PL)^1/2). 
Answer = P/A (1 + (1 + 2AEh/PL)^1/2)

304. What will be the stress induced in the rod if the height through which load is dropped is zero?. 
A. P/A. 
B. 2P/A. 
C. P/E. 
D. 2P/E. 
Answer = 2P/A

305. A weight of 10kN falls by 30mm on a collar rigidly attached to a vertical bar 4m long and 1000mm^2 in section. What will be the instantaneous stress (E=210GPa)?. 
A. 149.4 N/mm^2. 
B. 179.24 N/mm^2. 
C. 187.7 N/mm^2. 
D. 156.1 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 187.7 N/mm^2

306. A load of 100N falls through a height of 2cm onto a collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 1.5m long and of 105cm^2 cross- sectional area. The upper end of the vertical bar is fixed. What is the maximum instantaneous stress induced in the vertical bar if E = 200GPa?. 
A. 50.87 N/mm^2. 
B. 60.23 N/mm^2. 
C. 45.24 N/mm^2. 
D. 63.14 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 60.23 N/mm^2

307. A weight of 10kN falls by 30mm on a collar rigidly attached to a vertical bar 4m long and 1000mm^2 in section. What will be the strain (E=210GPa)?. 
A. 8.9E-4. 
B. 5.0E-4. 
C. 6.4E-4. 
D. 9.8E-4. 
Answer = 8.9E-4

308. A load of 100N falls through a height of 2cm onto a collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 1.5m long and of 105cm^2 cross- sectional area. The upper end of the vertical bar is fixed. What is the maximum instantaneous elongation in the vertical bar if E = 200GPa?. 
A. 0.245mm. 
B. 0.324mm. 
C. 0.452mm. 
D. 0.623mm. 
Answer = 0.452mm

309. A load of 100N falls through a height of 2cm onto a collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 1.5m long and of 105cm^2 cross- sectional area. The upper end of the vertical bar is fixed. What is the strain energy stored in the vertical bar if E = 200GPa?. 
A. 2.045 N-m. 
B. 3.14 N-m. 
C. 9.4 N-mm. 
D. 2.14 N-m. 
Answer = 2.045 N-m

310. The maximum instantaneous extension, produced by an unknown falling weight in a vertical bar of length 3m. what will be the instantaneous stress induced in the vertical bar and the value of unknown weight if E = 200GPa?. 
A. 100 N/mm^2. 
B. 110 N/mm^2. 
C. 120 N/mm^2. 
D. 140 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 140 N/mm^2

311. The maximum instantaneous extension, produced by an unknown falling weight through a height of 4cm in a vertical bar of length 3m and of cross section area 5cm^2. what will be the instantaneous stress induced in the vertical bar and the value of unknown weight if E = 200GPa?. 
A. 1700 N. 
B. 1459.4 N. 
C. 1745.8 N. 
D. 1947.5 N. 
Answer = 1745.8 N

312. An unknown weight falls through a height of 10mm on a collar rigidly attached to a lower end of a vertical bar 500cm long. If E =200GPa what will be the value of stress?. 
A. 50 N/mm^2. 
B. 60 N/mm^2. 
C. 70 N/mm^2. 
D. 80 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 80 N/mm^2

313. The point through which the whole weight of the body acts is called _____________. 
A. Inertial point. 
B. Center of gravity. 
C. Centroid. 
D. Central point. 
Answer = Center of gravity

314. The point at which the total area of a plane figure is asssumed to be concentrated is called ____________. 
A. Centroid. 
B. Centre of gravity. 
C. Central point. 
D. Inertial point. 
Answer = Centroid

315. Where will be the centre of gravity of a uniform rod lies?. 
A. At its end. 
B. At its middle point. 
C. At its centre of its cross sectional area. 
D. Depends upon its material. 
Answer = At its middle point

316. Where the center of gravity of a circle lies?. 
A. At its centre. 
B. Anywhere on its radius. 
C. Anywhere on its circumference. 
D. Anywhere on its diameter. 
Answer = At its centre

317. Where will be the center of gravity of an I section will be if the dimension of upper web is 2x10cm, lower web is 2×20 and that of flange is 2x15cm If the y-axis will pass through the center of the section?. 
A. 7.611cm. 
B. 9.51cm. 
C. 9.31cm. 
D. 11.5cm. 
Answer = 9.51cm

318. The center of gravity of a circle of radius 10 cm will be _____________. 
A. At its center of the diameter. 
B. At the center of the radius. 
C. Anywhere on the circumference. 
D. Anywhere in its area. 
Answer = At its center of the diameter

319. A rectangle has dimension of 10cm x 20cm. where will be its center of gravity?. 
A. (10,10). 
B. (20,5). 
C. (10,5). 
D. (5,10). 
Answer = (10,5)

320. Where will be the center of gravity of an I section will be if the dimension of web is 2x20cm and that of flange is 2x15cm If the y-axis will pass through the center of the section?. 
A. 8.5cm. 
B. 9.5cm. 
C. 10.5cm. 
D. 11.5cm. 
Answer = 9.5cm

321. Where will be the center of gravity of an T section will be if the dimension of web is 2x20cm and that of flange is 2x15cm If the y-axis will pass through the center of the section?. 
A. 10.5cm. 
B. 11.45cm. 
C. 12.35cm. 
D. 12.85cm. 
Answer = 11.45cm

322. Where will be the center of gravity of the following section?. 
A. 7.33cm. 
B. 8.33cm. 
C. 9.33cm. 
D. 10.33. 
Answer = 8.33cm

323. Where will be the centre of gravity of the following L-section?. 
A. (18.31,30.81). 
B. (19.45, 29.87). 
C. (20,30). 
D. (19.62,29.62). 
Answer = (18.31,30.81)

324. Where will be the center of gravity of an I section will be if the dimension of upper web is 2x8cm, lower web is 2×16 and that of flange is 2x12cm If the y-axis will pass through the center of the section?. 
A. 7.611cm. 
B. 7.44cm. 
C. 6.53cm. 
D. 6.44cm. 
Answer = 6.44cm

325. The axis about which moment of area is taken is known as ____________. 
A. Axis of area. 
B. Axis of moment. 
C. Axis of reference. 
D. Axis of rotation. 
Answer = Axis of reference

326. Point, where the total volume of the body is assumed to be concentrated is ____________. 
A. Center of area. 
B. Centroid of volume. 
C. Centroid of mass. 
D. All of the mentioned. 
Answer = Centroid of volume

327. What is MOI?. 
A. ml^2. 
B. mal. 
C. ar^2. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = ar^2

328. What is the formula of radius of gyration?. 
A. k^2 = I/A. 
B. k^2 = I^2/A. 
C. k^2 = I^2/A^2. 
D. k^2 = (I/A)^1/2. 
Answer = k^2 = I/A

329. What is the formula of theorem of perpendicular axis?. 
A. Izz = Ixx – Iyy. 
B. Izz = Ixx + Ah^2. 
C. Izz – Ixx = Iyy. 
D. None of the mentioned. 
Answer = Izz – Ixx = Iyy

330. What is the formula of theorem of parallel axis?. 
A. IAD = IG + Ah. 
B. IAB = Ah^2 + IG. 
C. IAB = IG – Ah^2. 
D. IAB = IG + Ixx. 
Answer = IAB = Ah^2 + IG

331. What is the unit of radius of gyration?. 
A. m^4. 
B. m. 
C. N. 
D. m^2. 
Answer = m

332. What will be the the radius of gyration of a circular plate of diameter 10cm?. 
A. 1.5cm. 
B. 2.0cm. 
C. 2.5cm. 
D. 3cm. 
Answer = 2.5cm

333. What is the moment of inertia of a circular section?. 
A. Ï€D^4/64. 
B. Ï€D^3/32. 
C. Ï€D^3/64. 
D. Ï€D^4/32. 
Answer = πD^4/64

334. What is the moment of inertia of a rectangular section about an horizontal axis through C.G?. 
A. bd^3/6. 
B. bd^2/12. 
C. b^2d^2/12. 
D. bd^3/12. 
Answer = bd^3/12

335. What is the moment of inertia of a rectangular section about an horizontal axis passing through base?. 
A. bd^3/12. 
B. bd^3/6. 
C. bd^3/3. 
D. bd^2/3. 
Answer = bd^3/3

336. What is the moment of inertia of a triangular section about the base?. 
A. bh^2/12. 
B. bh^3/12. 
C. bh^3/6. 
D. bh^2/6. 
Answer = bh^3/12

337. What is the moment of inertia of a triangular section about an axis passing through C.G. and parallel to the base?. 
A. bh^3/12. 
B. bh^3/24. 
C. bh^3/36. 
D. bh^3/6. 
Answer = bh^3/36

338. What will be the moment of inertia of a circle in cm^4 of diameter is 10cm?. 
A. a340. 
B. 410.0. 
C. 460.0. 
D. 490.0. 
Answer = 490.0

339. What is the product of the mass and the square of the distance of the center of gravity of the mass from an axis?. 
A. Moment of inertia. 
B. Mass moment of inertia. 
C. Center of gravity. 
D. Product of inertia. 
Answer = Mass moment of inertia

340. What is the unit of mass moment of inertia?. 
A. m^4. 
B. m^6. 
C. N. 
D. m^2. 
Answer = m^6

341. What is mass moment of inertia of circular plate?. 
A. Md^2/3. 
B. Md^2/12. 
C. Mr^2/4. 
D. Mr^2/3. 
Answer = Mr^2/4

342. What is the mass MOI of a rectangular plate about x-axis passing through the C.G of the plate if the y-axis is parallel to d and perpendicular to b?. 
A. Mb^2/12. 
B. Md^2/12. 
C. Md^2/6. 
D. Mb^2/6. 
Answer = Md^2/12

343. What is the mass MOI of right circular cone of radius R and height H about its axis?. 
A. 4MR^2/10. 
B. MR^2/10. 
C. 3MR^2/10. 
D. MR^2/12. 
Answer = 3MR^2/10

344. What is the mass MOI of a hollow circular cylinder if R is the outer diameter and r is the inner diameter?. 
A. M(R + r)/4. 
B. M(R – r )/4. 
C. M(R+ r)/2. 
D. M(R – r)/2. 
Answer = M(R + r)/4

345. What is the mass MOI of a rectangular plate about y-axis passing through the C.G of the plate if the y-axis is parallel to d and perpendicular to b?. 
A. Mb^2/12. 
B. Md^2/12. 
C. Md^2/6. 
D. Mb^2/6. 
Answer = Mb^2/12

346. The product of inertia at the principal axes is _____________. 
A. Minimum. 
B. Unit. 
C. Zero. 
D. Maximum. 
Answer = Zero

347. What is the unit of product of inertia?. 
A. mm^4. 
B. mm^2. 
C. mm. 
D. mm^3. 
Answer = mm^4

348. _______ is a horizontal structural member subjected to transverse loads perpendicular to its axis.. 
A. Strut. 
B. Column. 
C. Beam. 
D. Truss. 
Answer = Beam

349. Example for cantilever beam is ______. 
A. Portico slabs. 
B. Roof slab. 
C. Bridges. 
D. Railway sleepers. 
Answer = Portico slabs

350. Fixed beam is also known as __________. 
A. Encastered beam. 
B. Built on beam. 
C. Rigid beam. 
D. Tye beam. 
Answer = Encastered beam

351. U.D.L stands for?. 
A. Uniformly diluted length. 
B. Uniformly developed loads. 
C. Uniaxial distributed load. 
D. Uniformly distributed loads. 
Answer = Uniformly distributed loads

352. Moving train is an example of ____ load.. 
A. Point load. 
B. Cantered load. 
C. Rolling load. 
D. Uniformly varying load. 
Answer = Rolling load

353. Continuous beams are _________. 
A. Statically determinate beams. 
B. Statically indeterminate beams. 
C. Statically gravity beams. 
D. Framed beams. 
Answer = Statically indeterminate beams

354. A beam which extends beyond it supports can be termed as __________. 
A. Over hang beam. 
B. Over span beam. 
C. Isolated beams. 
D. Tee beams. 
Answer = Over hang beam

355. Shear force is unbalanced _____ to the left or right of the section.. 
A. Horizontal force. 
B. Vertical force. 
C. Inclined force. 
D. Conditional force. 
Answer = Vertical force

356. SI units of shear force is _______________. 
A. kN/m. 
B. kN-m. 
C. kN. 
D. m/N. 
Answer = kN

357. Hogging is________. 
A. Negative bending moment. 
B. Positive shear force. 
C. Positive bending moment. 
D. Negative shear force. 
Answer = Negative bending moment

358. At the point of contraflexure, the value of bending moment is ____________. 
A. Zero. 
B. Maximum. 
C. Can’t be determined. 
D. Minimum. 
Answer = Zero

359. _________ positive/negative bending moments occur where shear force changes its sign.. 
A. Minimum. 
B. Zero. 
C. Maximum. 
D. Remains same. 
Answer = Maximum

360. SI units of Bending moment is ___________. 
A. kN. 
B. kN^2. 
C. kNm. 
D. km. 
Answer = kNm

361. What is the other name for a positive bending moment?. 
A. Hogging. 
B. Sagging. 
C. Inflation. 
D. Contraflexure. 
Answer = Sagging

362. A simple support offers only_______ reaction normal to the axis of the beam.. 
A. Horizontal. 
B. Vertical. 
C. Inclined. 
D. Moment. 
Answer = Horizontal

363. To avoid _____ stresses in beams, one end of the beam is placed on the rollers.. 
A. Compressive. 
B. Pyro. 
C. Temperature. 
D. Tensile. 
Answer = Temperature

364. ________ support develops support moment.. 
A. Hinged. 
B. Simple. 
C. Fixed. 
D. Joint. 
Answer = Fixed

365. Hinge support is called as __________. 
A. Socket joint. 
B. Swivel joint. 
C. Ball joint. 
D. Pin joint. 
Answer = Pin joint

366. For a simply supported beam, the moment at the support is always __________. 
A. Maximum. 
B. Zero. 
C. Minimum. 
D. Cannot be determined. 
Answer = Zero

367. Roller support is same as _____. 
A. Hinged support. 
B. Fixed support. 
C. Simply support. 
D. Roller support. 
Answer = Simply support

368. Hinged supports offers vertical and ________ reaction.. 
A. Horizontal. 
B. Moment. 
C. Rotation. 
D. Couple. 
Answer = Horizontal

369. Which of these is the correct way of sign convention for shear force?. 
A. R U P. 
B. L U P. 
C. R U N. 
D. L D P. 
Answer = R U N

370. At hinge, the moments will be _________. 
A. Maximum. 
B. Minimum. 
C. Uniform. 
D. Zero. 
Answer = Zero

371. What is variation in SFD, if the type of loading in the simply supported beam is U.D.L is ____. 
A. Rectangle. 
B. Linear. 
C. Trapezoidal. 
D. Parabolic. 
Answer = Linear

372. The rate of change of shear force is equal to _____. 
A. Direction of load. 
B. Change in BMD. 
C. Intensity of loading. 
D. Maximum bending. 
Answer = Intensity of loading

373. The shear force in a beam subjected to pure positive bending is _____. 
A. Positive. 
B. Negative. 
C. Zero. 
D. Cannot determine. 
Answer = Zero

374. In SFD, vertical lines are for ______. 
A. Point loads. 
B. UDL. 
C. UVL. 
D. LDP. 
Answer = Point loads

375. A cantilever beam loaded with udl throughout, the maximum shear force occurs at____. 
A. Free end. 
B. Fixed end. 
C. At centre. 
D. At point of contraflexure. 
Answer = Fixed end

376. A simply supported beam of span 1 m carries a point load "w" in centre determine the shear force in the half left of the beam.. 
A. W/3. 
B. W/4. 
C. W/2. 
D. W. 
Answer = W/2

377. Point of inflection is known as _____. 
A. Point of regurrence. 
B. Point of contraflexure. 
C. Point of rigid factor. 
D. Point of flexural moment. 
Answer = Point of contraflexure

378. When SF is zero, the bending moment is _____. 
A. Zero. 
B. Maximum. 
C. Very difficult to say. 
D. Minimum. 
Answer = Zero

379. A cantilever beam subjected to point load at its free end, the maximum bending moment develops at the ________ of the beam.. 
A. Free end. 
B. Fixed end. 
C. Centre. 
D. Point of inflection. 
Answer = Fixed end

380. Bending moment in a beam is maximum when the _________. 
A. Shear force is minimum. 
B. Shear force is maximum. 
C. Shear force is zero. 
D. Shear force is constant. 
Answer = Shear force is zero

381. Positive bending moment is known as _______. 
A. Hogging. 
B. Sagging. 
C. Ragging. 
D. Inflection. 
Answer = Hogging

382. A simply supported beam of span "x" meters carries a udl of "w" per unit length over the entire span, the maximum bending moment occurs at _____. 
A. At point of contra flexure. 
B. Centre. 
C. End supports. 
D. Anywhere on the beam. 
Answer = Centre

383. The maximum BM is ______. 
A. 40 kNm. 
B. 50 kNm. 
C. 90 kNm. 
D. 75 kNm. 
Answer = 90 kNm

384. Bending moment can be denoted by ____. 
A. K. 
B. M. 
C. N. 
D. F. 
Answer = M

385. Number of points of contra flexure for a double over hanging beam.. 
A. 3.0. 
B. 2.0. 
C. 4.0. 
D. Infinite. 
Answer = 2.0

386. Maximum bending moment in a cantilever beam subjected to udl (w)over the entire span (l).. 
A. wl. 
B. wl3. 
C. wl2. 
D. w. 
Answer = wl2

387. What is the variation in the BM, if the simply supported beam carries a point load at the centre.. 
A. Triangular. 
B. Rectangular. 
C. Trapezoidal. 
D. Other quadrilateral. 
Answer = Triangular

388. What is the bending moment at end supports of a simply supported beam?. 
A. Maximum. 
B. Minimum. 
C. Zero. 
D. Uniform. 
Answer = Zero

389. What is the maximum shear force, when a cantilever beam is loaded with udl throughout?. 
A. w×l. 
B. w. 
C. w/l. 
D. w+l. 
Answer = w×l

390. Sagging, the bending moment occurs at the _____ of the beam.. 
A. At supports. 
B. Mid span. 
C. Point of contraflexure. 
D. Point of emergence. 
Answer = Mid span

391. What is the maximum bending moment for simply supported beam carrying a point load "W" kN at its centre?. 
A. W kNm. 
B. W/m kNm. 
C. W×l kNm. 
D. W×l/4 kNm. 
Answer = W×l/4 kNm

392. How do point loads and udl be represented in SFD?. 
A. Simple lines and curved lines. 
B. Curved lines and inclined lines. 
C. Simple lines and inclined lines. 
D. Cant represent any more. 
Answer = Simple lines and inclined lines

393. ________ curve is formed due to bending of over hanging beams.. 
A. Elastic. 
B. Plastic. 
C. Flexural. 
D. Axial. 
Answer = Elastic

394. The relation between slope and maximum bending moment is _________. 
A. Directly proportion. 
B. Inversely proportion. 
C. Relative proportion. 
D. Mutual incidence. 
Answer = Inversely proportion

395. In simple bending, ______ is constant.. 
A. Shear force. 
B. Loading. 
C. Deformation. 
D. Bending moment. 
Answer = Bending moment

396. If a beam is subjected to pure bending, then the deformation of the beam is_____. 
A. Arc of circle. 
B. Triangular. 
C. Trapezoidal. 
D. Rectangular. 
Answer = Arc of circle

397. When a beam is subjected to simple bending, ____________ is the same in both tension and compression for the material.. 
A. Modulus of rigidity. 
B. Modulus of elasticity. 
C. Poisson’s ratio. 
D. Modulus of section. 
Answer = Modulus of elasticity

398. Maximum Shearing stress in a beam is at _____. 
A. Neutral axis. 
B. Extreme fibres. 
C. Mid span. 
D. Action of loading. 
Answer = Neutral axis

399. At the neutral axis, bending stress is _____. 
A. Minimum. 
B. Maximum. 
C. Zero. 
D. Constant. 
Answer = Zero

400. Curvature of the beam is __________ to bending moment.. 
A. Equal. 
B. Directly proportion. 
C. Inversely proportion. 
D. Coincides. 
Answer = Directly proportion

401. What are the units of flexural rigidity?. 
A. Nm^2. 
B. Nm. 
C. N/m. 
D. m/N^3. 
Answer = Nm^2

402. What are the units for section modulus?. 
A. m^2. 
B. m^4. 
C. m^3. 
D. m. 
Answer = m^3

403. What are the units of axial stiffness?. 
A. m^3. 
B. m^2. 
C. N/ m. 
D. -m. 
Answer = N/ m

404. Calculate the modulus of section of rectangle beam of size 240 mm × 400 mm.. 
A. 5.4 × 106 mm^3. 
B. 6.2 × 106 mm^3. 
C. 5.5 × 106 mm^3. 
D. 6.4 × 106 mm^3. 
Answer = 6.4 × 106 mm^3

405. What is the product of force and radius?. 
A. Twisting shear. 
B. Turning shear. 
C. Turning moment. 
D. Tilting moment. 
Answer = Turning moment

406. In simply supported beams, the _____ stress distribution is not uniform.. 
A. Bending. 
B. Shearing. 
C. Tensile. 
D. Compressive. 
Answer = Bending

407. The maximum _________ stresses occur at top most fibre of a simply supported beam.. 
A. Tensile. 
B. Compressive. 
C. Shear. 
D. Bending. 
Answer = Compressive

408. The stress is directly proportional to _______. 
A. E. 
B. u. 
C. y. 
D. R. 
Answer = y

409. At the extreme fibre, bending stress is______. 
A. Minimum. 
B. Zero. 
C. Constant. 
D. Maximum. 
Answer = Maximum

410. The curvature of a beam is equal to _____. 
A. EI/M. 
B. M/E. 
C. M/EI. 
D. E/MI. 
Answer = M/EI

411. Skin stress is also called as ______. 
A. Shear stress. 
B. Bending stress. 
C. Lateral stress. 
D. Temperature stress. 
Answer = Bending stress

412. _________ is the total Strain energy stored in a body.. 
A. modulus of resilience. 
B. impact energy. 
C. resilience. 
D. proof resilience. 
Answer = resilience

413. In cantilever beams, there is _______ stress above neutral axis.. 
A. Compressive. 
B. Tensile. 
C. Temperature. 
D. Shear. 
Answer = Tensile

414. The strength of beams depend merely on________. 
A. Modulus section. 
B. Moment of inertia. 
C. Flexural rigidity. 
D. Moment of resistance. 
Answer = Modulus section

415. The steel plate is bent into a circular path of radius 10 metres. If the plate section be 120 mm wide and 20 mm thick, then calculate the maximum bending stress. [Consider Young’s modulus = 200000 N/mm^2].. 
A. 350 N/mm^2. 
B. 400 N/mm^2. 
C. 200 N/mm^2. 
D. 500 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 200 N/mm^2

416. What is the section modulus (Z) for a rectangular section?. 
A. bd^2/6. 
B. a^3/6. 
C. BD^3-bd^3. 
D. D^4-d^4. 
Answer = bd^2/6

417. _________ of a beam is a measure of its resistance against deflection.. 
A. Strength. 
B. Stiffness. 
C. Deflection. 
D. Slope. 
Answer = Stiffness

418. To what radius an Aluminium strip 300 mm wide and 40mm thick can be bent, if the maximum stress in a strip is not to exceed 40 N/mm^2. Take young’s modulus for Aluminium is 7×105 N/mm^2.. 
A. 45m. 
B. 52m. 
C. 35m. 
D. 65m. 
Answer = 35m

419. The bending stress in a beam is ______ to bending moment.. 
A. Less than. 
B. Directly proportionate. 
C. More than. 
D. Equal. 
Answer = Directly proportionate

420. The Poisson’s ratio for concrete is __________. 
A. 0.4. 
B. 0.35. 
C. 0.12. 
D. 0.2. 
Answer = 0.2

421. The term "Tenacity" means __________. 
A. Working stress. 
B. Ultimate stress. 
C. Bulk modulus. 
D. Shear modulus. 
Answer = Ultimate stress

422. A steel rod of 25 mm diameter and 600 mm long is subjected to an axial pull of 40000. The intensity of stress is?. 
A. 34.64 N/mm^2. 
B. 46.22 N/mm^2. 
C. 76.54 N/mm^2. 
D. 81.49 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 81.49 N/mm^2

423. The bending strain is zero at _______. 
A. Point of contraflexure. 
B. Neutral axis. 
C. Curvature. 
D. Line of action of loading. 
Answer = Neutral axis

424. The moment which resists the external bending is called ______. 
A. Moment of shear. 
B. Tolerating moment. 
C. Moment of resistance. 
D. Maximum bending moment. 
Answer = Moment of resistance

425. ______ strength is caused by a moment of resistance offered by a section.. 
A. Shear. 
B. Flexural. 
C. Axial. 
D. Longitudinal. 
Answer = Flexural

426. A Steel rod 200 mm diameter is to be bent into a circular arc section. Find radius of curvature. Take f = 120N/mm^2 & E = 2×105 N/mm^2.. 
A. 134m. 
B. 166m. 
C. 162m. 
D. 174m. 
Answer = 166m

427. The hoop stress is also known as ______. 
A. Parametrical stress. 
B. Surface stress. 
C. Circumferential stress. 
D. Lateral stress. 
Answer = Circumferential stress

428. The ____ of strongest beam that can be cut out of a circular section of diameter D.. 
A. Load. 
B. Size. 
C. material. 
D. cross section. 
Answer = Size

429. The moment resisting capacity of the cross section of a beam is termed as ______ of the beam.. 
A. Stiffness. 
B. Strength. 
C. Modulus. 
D. Inertia. 
Answer = Strength

430. Find the moment of resistance of rectangular beam off grid to 40 mm depth 400 mm if the bending stress is 15 N/mm^2.. 
A. 78 kNm. 
B. 84 kNm. 
C. 96 kNm. 
D. 132 kNm. 
Answer = 96 kNm

431. A rectangular beam 100 mm wide is subjected to a maximum shear force and 50 kN. Find the depth of the beam.. 
A. 350 mm. 
B. 185 mm. 
C. 200 mm. 
D. 250 mm. 
Answer = 250 mm

432. What is the approximate value of coefficient of linear expansion for steel?. 
A. 13 × 10^-6 /°C. 
B. 11.5 × 10^-6 /°C. 
C. 12 × 10^-6 /°C. 
D. 16 × 10^-6 /°C. 
Answer = 11.5 × 10^-6 /°C

433. A hollow shaft has outside diameter 120 mm and thickness 20 mm. Find the polar moment of inertia (J).. 
A. 16.36 × 10^6 mm^4. 
B. 14.65 × 10^6 mm^4. 
C. 10.32 × 10^6 mm^4. 
D. 23.18 × 10^6 mm^4. 
Answer = 16.36 × 10^6 mm^4

434. Unsymmetrical bending occurs due to ______. 
A. The Beam cross section is unsymmetrical. 
B. The shear Centre does not coincide with the neutral axis. 
C. The Beam is subjected to trust in addition to bending moment. 
D. The bending moment diagram is unsymmetrical. 
Answer = The bending moment diagram is unsymmetrical

435. A body having similar properties throughout its volume is said to be _____________. 
A. Isotropic. 
B. Homogeneous. 
C. Continuous. 
D. Uniform. 
Answer = Homogeneous

436. Principal plane has ____________. 
A. Maximum shear stress. 
B. Maximum tensile stress. 
C. Zero shear stress. 
D. Minimum bending stress. 
Answer = Zero shear stress

437. Calculate the Strain energy that can be stored in a body to be pulled with 100 N/mm^2 stress (f) and E = 2×10^5 N/mm^2.. 
A. 0.9 kNm. 
B. 0.05kNm. 
C. 0.87kNm. 
D. 0.54kNm. 
Answer = 0.05kNm

438. Materials exhibiting time bound behaviour are known as _______. 
A. Isentropic. 
B. Reactive. 
C. Fissile. 
D. Visco elastic. 
Answer = Visco elastic

439. What are the units of true strain?. 
A. Kg/m^2. 
B. Kg/ m^3. 
C. No dimensions. 
D. N/mm. 
Answer = No dimensions

440. Revert size is generally expressed in terms of _______. 
A. Shank width. 
B. Girder length. 
C. Lap length. 
D. Shank diameter. 
Answer = Shank diameter

441. ________ joints are necessary to keep a structure safe against shrinkage.. 
A. Construction. 
B. Functional. 
C. Transverse. 
D. Longitudinal. 
Answer = Functional

442. The specific gravity of sand is __________. 
A. 2.8. 
B. 2.25. 
C. 3.2. 
D. 2.65. 
Answer = 2.65

443. To what radius a silver strip 200 mm wide and 40 mm thick can be bent if the maximum stress in the ship is 80 N/mm^2. Young’s modulus for Silver is 80×103 N/mm^2.. 
A. 20m. 
B. 30m. 
C. 15m. 
D. 35m. 
Answer = 20m

444. In flitched beams ______ remains same for both materials.. 
A. Stress. 
B. Strain. 
C. Section modulus. 
D. Young’s modulus. 
Answer = Strain

445. What is the moment due to dead load in case of continuous beams at the middle of interior spans?. 
A. w L^3 / 12. 
B. w L^2/ 14. 
C. w 3/ 20. 
D. w L^2 / 24. 
Answer = w L^2 / 24

446. A continuous beam is one which is _______. 
A. Infinitely long. 
B. Supported at two points. 
C. Supported it more than two supports. 
D. Supported by a prop. 
Answer = Supported it more than two supports

447. The effective length of column depends upon ________. 
A. the cross section of beam. 
B. end conditions. 
C. maximum bending moment. 
D. extreme fibres. 
Answer = end conditions

448. The phenomenon under which the strain of material varies under constant stress is known as ________. 
A. Creep. 
B. Hysteresis. 
C. Viscoelasticity. 
D. Strain hardening. 
Answer = Creep

449. Volumetric strain = 3× _____ strain.. 
A. Lateral. 
B. Linear. 
C. Composite. 
D. Yield. 
Answer = Linear

450. The stress corresponding to breaking point is known as _____________. 
A. yield stress. 
B. ultimate stress. 
C. breaking stress. 
D. normal stress. 
Answer = breaking stress

451. Determine the yield stress of a steel rod 20 mm diameter, if the yield load on the steel rod is 88kN.. 
A. 240.55 N/mm^2. 
B. 280.25 N/mm^2. 
C. 325 N/mm^2. 
D. 290.45 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 280.25 N/mm^2

452. What is the elongation percentage of a steel rod of 50 mm diameter if the total extension is is 54 mm and gauge length is 200 mm.. 
A. 0.27. 
B. 0.23. 
C. 0.43. 
D. 0.35. 
Answer = 0.27

453. __________ joints are provided when there is a break in the concreting operation.. 
A. transverse joints. 
B. longitudinal joints. 
C. construction joints. 
D. warpage joints. 
Answer = construction joints

454. At ________ the shearing stress in a beam are maximum.. 
A. Extreme fibres. 
B. Modulus of section. 
C. Neutral axis. 
D. Along the cross-sectional area. 
Answer = Neutral axis

455. Determine the shear stress at the level of neutral axis, if a beam has a triangle cross section having base "b" and altitude "h". Let the shear force be subjected is F.. 
A. 3F/8bh. 
B. 4F/3bh. 
C. 8F/3bh. 
D. 3F/6bh. 
Answer = 8F/3bh

456. The maximum shear stress is ______ times the average shear stress [For rectangular beams].. 
A. 2.5. 
B. 3.0. 
C. 1.2. 
D. 1.5. 
Answer = 1.5

457. Shear stress in a beam is zero at ______. 
A. Neutral axis. 
B. Extreme fibres. 
C. Cross section. 
D. Junctions. 
Answer = Extreme fibres

458. Shear stress distribution over rectangular section will be _________. 
A. parabolic. 
B. elliptical. 
C. triangular. 
D. trapezoidal. 
Answer = parabolic

459. A round Steel rod of 100 mm diameter is bent into an arc of radius 100m. What is the maximum stress in the rod? Take E = 2×105 N/mm^2.. 
A. 150 N/mm^2. 
B. 200 N/mm^2. 
C. 100 N/mm^2. 
D. 300 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 100 N/mm^2

460. For circular section, the maximum shear stress is equal to ____________ times of average shear stress.. 
A. 43499.0. 
B. 43526.0. 
C. 43558.0. 
D. 43528.0. 
Answer = 43558.0

461. A steel beam is 200 mm wide and 300 mm deep. The beam is simply supported and carries a concentrated load w. If the maximum stress are 2 N/mm^2. What will be the corresponding load?. 
A. 50 kN. 
B. 80 kN. 
C. 40 kN. 
D. 85 kN. 
Answer = 80 kN

462. Maximum shear stress in thin cylindrical shell be ___________. 
A. pr/2t. 
B. pr/3t. 
C. pr/4t. 
D. pr/ 5t. 
Answer = pr/4t

463. Circumferential stress is same as of _________. 
A. Hoop stress. 
B. Longitudinal stress. 
C. Transverse stress. 
D. Phreatic stress. 
Answer = Hoop stress

464. A beam has a triangular cross-section, having altitude "h" and base "b". If the section is being subjected to a shear force "F". Calculate the shear stress at the level of neutral axis in the cross section.. 
A. 4F/5bh. 
B. 4F/3bh. 
C. 8F/3bh. 
D. 3F/4bh. 
Answer = 8F/3bh

465. The maximum shear stress in the rectangular section is ______________ times the average shear stress.. 
A. 43528.0. 
B. 43531.0. 
C. 43588.0. 
D. 43526.0. 
Answer = 43526.0

466. The modular ratio for M20 grade concrete is _____________. 
A. 16.0. 
B. 13.0. 
C. 11.0. 
D. 7.0. 
Answer = 13.0

467. In doubly reinforced beam, the maximum shear stress occurs ______________. 
A. along the centroid. 
B. along the neutral axis. 
C. on the planes between neutral axis and tensile reinforcement. 
D. on the planes between neutral axis and compressive reinforcement. 
Answer = on the planes between neutral axis and compressive reinforcement

468. A cylindrical section having no joint is known as _______________. 
A. Proof section. 
B. Seamless section. 
C. Target section. 
D. Mown section. 
Answer = Seamless section

469. The efficiency of cylindrical section is the ratio of the strength of joint to the strength of _______________. 
A. Solid plate. 
B. Boilerplate. 
C. Circumferential plate. 
D. Longitudinal plate. 
Answer = Solid plate

470. Calculate the modulus of section for a hollow circular column of external diameter 60 mm and 10 mm thickness.. 
A. 170 m. 
B. 190 m. 
C. 250 m. 
D. 300 m. 
Answer = 170 m

471. Determine the modulus of a section for an I section, given the distance from neutral axis is 50 mm and moment of inertia is 2.8×10^6 mm^4.. 
A. 59m. 
B. 51m. 
C. 58m. 
D. 63m. 
Answer = 58m

472. A circular Beam of 0.25 m diameter is subjected to you shear force of 10 kN. Calculate the value of maximum shear stress. [Take area = 176 m^2].. 
A. 0.75 N/mm^2. 
B. 0.58 N/mm^2. 
C. 0.73 N/mm^2. 
D. 0.65 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 0.75 N/mm^2

473. The maximum shear stress distribution is _____________ percentage more than average shear stress in circular section.. 
A. 0.54. 
B. 0.6. 
C. 0.33. 
D. 0.5. 
Answer = 0.33

474. Shear stress at top most fibre of rectangular section is _____________. 
A. Maximum. 
B. Minimum. 
C. Zero. 
D. Uniform through out. 
Answer = Zero

475. The maximum shear stress in an I section is __________. 
A. F/8I ×[B/b (D^2-d^2)+d^2]. 
B. F/6I ×[B/b (D^2-d^2)+d^2]. 
C. F/8I ×[B/b (D^3-d^3)+d^2]. 
D. F/4I ×[B/b (D^2-d^2)+d^2]. 
Answer = F/8I ×[B/b (D^2-d^2)+d^2]

476. Find the modulus of section of square beam of size 150 × 150 mm?strength-materials-questions-answers-maximum-shear-stress-q4. 
A. 654.5m^3. 
B. 550.85m^3. 
C. 562.5m^3. 
D. 586.9m^3. 
Answer = 562.5m^3

477. In steel sections, the junction between a flange and web is known as ________. 
A. Edge. 
B. Fillet. 
C. Corner. 
D. Lug. 
Answer = Fillet

478. The percentage of carbon in structural steel is __________. 
A. 0.2 – 0.27 %. 
B. 0.6 – 0.85 %. 
C. 0.7 – 1.23 %. 
D. 1.23 – 1.45%. 
Answer = 0.2 – 0.27 %

479. The minimum percentage elongation for mild steel is __________. 
A. 0.06. 
B. 0.13. 
C. 0.23. 
D. 0.34. 
Answer = 0.23

480. GOST standards are used in _________. 
A. Italy. 
B. Poland. 
C. Russia. 
D. Pakistan. 
Answer = Russia

481. The allowable tensile stresses in steel structures is taken as 1500 kg /cm^2 to ______. 
A. 1765 kg /cm^2. 
B. 1900 kg /cm^2. 
C. 2125 kg /cm^2. 
D. 2455 kg/cm^2. 
Answer = 2125 kg /cm^2

482. As per IS:800, the minimum thickness of web should not be less than ______. 
A. d/250. 
B. d/300. 
C. d/350. 
D. d/125. 
Answer = d/250

483. The failing of a very long column is initially by ___________. 
A. Crushing. 
B. Collapsing. 
C. Buckling. 
D. Twisting. 
Answer = Buckling

484. What is the allowable stress in cast iron?. 
A. 3200 N/mm^2. 
B. 2400 N/mm^2. 
C. 3400 N/mm^2. 
D. 5500 N/mm^2. 
Answer = 5500 N/mm^2

485. Modulus of resilience is defined as __________. 
A. Resilience at ultimate stress. 
B. Resilience per unit volume. 
C. Resilience at proportional limit. 
D. Resilience at elastic limit. 
Answer = Resilience per unit volume

486. A spring used to absorb shocks and vibrations is called as _______. 
A. Conical spring. 
B. Leaf spring. 
C. Disc spring. 
D. Torsion spring. 
Answer = Leaf spring

487. Calculate the maximum shear force for square beam of side is 320 mm. If the shear force is 94kN.. 
A. 1.37N/mm^2. 
B. 2.36N/mm^2. 
C. 5.21N/mm^2. 
D. 4.32N/mm^2. 
Answer = 1.37N/mm^2

488. A simply supported beam of span 8 metres carries a udl of 16 kN/m at a point out of 60 kN acting at it’s centre. Calculate the maximum shear force.. 
A. 87kN. 
B. 45kN. 
C. 78kN. 
D. 94kN. 
Answer = 94kN

489. The ratio of creep strain to elastic strain is known as ___________. 
A. Creep factor. 
B. Creep postulate. 
C. Creep coefficient. 
D. Creep variable. 
Answer = Creep coefficient

490. Poisson’s ratio for high strength concrete is __________. 
A. 0.049. 
B. 0.095. 
C. 0.1. 
D. 0.1111. 
Answer = 0.1

491. Partial safety factor for concrete is taken as ____________. 
A. 1.3. 
B. 1.2. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 1.6. 
Answer = 1.5

492. The design compressive strength of concrete is ___________ times of characteristic compressive strength of concrete.. 
A. 0.313. 
B. 0.253. 
C. 0.466. 
D. 0.411. 
Answer = 0.466

493. In cantilever beams, the steel bars are placed at ___________. 
A. Bottom of the beam. 
B. Top of the Beam. 
C. Midspan of the Beam. 
D. Near supports. 
Answer = Top of the Beam

494. Calculate the level arm factor of a section of M20 grade and if Fe 415 Steel. [Take critical neutral axis factor as 0.289].. 
A. 0.78. 
B. 0.9. 
C. 0.58. 
D. 0.73. 
Answer = 0.9

495. Modular ratio method is also known as ______. 
A. Ultimate stress method. 
B. Limit state method. 
C. Working stress method. 
D. Stress and strain method. 
Answer = Working stress method

496. Bond stress for M20 grade concrete in tension is ____________. 
A. 1.4. 
B. 1.2. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 1.8. 
Answer = 1.2

497. The formation of diagonal cracks at junctions is due to ________. 
A. Shear stress. 
B. Bond stress. 
C. Temperature stress. 
D. Lateral stress. 
Answer = Shear stress

498. Calculate the factored bending moment of a rectangular reinforced concrete beam of effective span 4300 mm and load imposed 37.5 kN/m.. 
A. 100kNm. 
B. 127kNm. 
C. 130kNm. 
D. 145kNm. 
Answer = 130kNm

499. Determine the limiting percentage of steel for singly reinforced sections of M20 grade & Fe415.. 
A. 0.68. 
B. 0.79. 
C. 0.96. 
D. 1.76. 
Answer = 0.96

500. Calculate the limiting depth of the neutral axis for mild steel of effective depth 400 mm.. 
A. 318mm. 
B. 212mm. 
C. 455mm. 
D. 656mm. 
Answer = 212mm

501. Lap splices should not be used for bars larger than _____ mm.. 
A. 45mm. 
B. 54mm. 
C. 36mm. 
D. 72mm. 
Answer = 36mm

502. Anchorage value for "U" hook is ________. 
A. 16 × diameter of bar. 
B. 12 × diameter of bar. 
C. 10 × diameter of bar. 
D. 8 × diameter of bar. 
Answer = 16 × diameter of bar

503. The standard __________ are provided in deformed bars.. 
A. Anglets. 
B. Bends. 
C. Fillets. 
D. Lugs. 
Answer = Bends

504. Transverse bars are also called as _________. 
A. Main bars. 
B. Anchor bars. 
C. Distribution bars. 
D. Stirrups. 
Answer = Distribution bars

505. A slab supporting only in two edges opposite to each other is ______. 
A. Two way slab. 
B. One way slab. 
C. Continuous slab. 
D. Cantilever slab. 
Answer = One way slab

506. Torsion reinforcement is provided in ___________ slab. 
A. One way slab. 
B. Two way slab. 
C. Simply supported slab. 
D. Cantilever slab. 
Answer = Two way slab

507. Generally in residential buildings, the width of stay is kept as ____________. 
A. 2m. 
B. 1m. 
C. 5m. 
D. 4m. 
Answer = 1m

508. As per IS 456:2000; the slope or pitch of stairs should be in between 25 ° to ___________. 
A. 45°. 
B. 90°. 
C. 40°. 
D. 120°. 
Answer = 40°

509. When space is less, the ___________ staircases is much preferred.. 
A. Open well. 
B. Dog legged. 
C. Spiral stair. 
D. Circular. 
Answer = Dog legged

510. The ______________ of a column is the distance between the points of zero bending moments.. 
A. Slenderness ratio. 
B. Eccentricity. 
C. Radius of gyration. 
D. Effective length. 
Answer = Effective length

511. Eccentrically loaded structures have to be designed for _______. 
A. Uniaxial force. 
B. Biaxial force. 
C. Combined axial force. 
D. Combined biaxial force. 
Answer = Combined axial force

512. ______ transfer the loads from beams or slabs to footings or foundations.. 
A. Pedestal. 
B. Post. 
C. Rib. 
D. Column. 
Answer = Column

513. In long columns, the lateral deflection causes at the ______. 
A. Supports. 
B. Throughout. 
C. Midspan. 
D. Along outer periphery. 
Answer = Midspan

514. The approximate percentage of reinforcement provided in a beam varies from _______. 
A. 1-2%. 
B. 1-4%. 
C. 2-3%. 
D. 3-4%. 
Answer = 1-2%

515. To avoid the failure of a column by buckling ___________ limits are to be recommended.. 
A. Slenderness. 
B. Effective length. 
C. Kernel. 
D. Radius of gyration. 
Answer = Slenderness

516. According to IS 456- 2000, the minimum eccentricity subjected to a column is __________. 
A. 30mm. 
B. 20mm. 
C. 45mm. 
D. 50mm. 
Answer = 20mm

517. Radius of gyration is denoted by _________. 
A. k. 
B. n. 
C. e. 
D. y. 
Answer = k

518. Find the moment of inertia of a rectangular section of 40 mm width and 80 mm depth about the base.. 
A. 632×10^4mm^4. 
B. 682×10^4mm^4. 
C. 734×10^4mm^4. 
D. 568×10^4mm^4. 
Answer = 682×10^4mm^4

519. Mild steel is an example of ______________ mechanical property of the material.. 
A. Malleability. 
B. Creep. 
C. Ductility. 
D. Elasticity. 
Answer = Ductility

520. Which of the following are the relative properties of the material?. 
A. Creep. 
B. Fatigue. 
C. Hardness. 
D. Stiffness. 
Answer = Hardness

521. Rotating key of a lock is an example of ____________. 
A. Varignon’s Theory. 
B. Walton’s Theory. 
C. Formation of couple. 
D. Parallel axis theorem. 
Answer = Formation of couple

522. The relative change in position is called ______________. 
A. Matter. 
B. Body. 
C. Inertia. 
D. Motion. 
Answer = Motion

523. Which of the following is not base unit?. 
A. Area. 
B. Length. 
C. Time. 
D. Temperature. 
Answer = Area

524. According to IS 456-2000, the minimum number of longitudinal bars to be provided in rectangular columns is ________. 
A. 5.0. 
B. 4.0. 
C. 6.0. 
D. 8.0. 
Answer = 4.0

525. Eccentrically loaded structures have to be designed for _______. 
A. Uniaxial force. 
B. Biaxial force. 
C. Combined axial force. 
D. Combined biaxial force. 
Answer = Combined axial force

526. ______ transfer the loads from beams or slabs to footings or foundations.. 
A. Pedestal. 
B. Post. 
C. Rib. 
D. Column. 
Answer = Column

527. In long columns, the lateral deflection causes at the ______. 
A. Supports. 
B. Throughout. 
C. Midspan. 
D. Along outer periphery. 
Answer = Midspan

528. The approximate percentage of reinforcement provided in a beam varies from _______. 
A. 1-2%. 
B. 1-4%. 
C. 2-3%. 
D. 3-4%. 
Answer = 1-2%

529. To avoid the failure of a column by buckling ___________ limits are to be recommended.. 
A. Slenderness. 
B. Effective length. 
C. Kernel. 
D. Radius of gyration. 
Answer = Slenderness

530. According to IS 456- 2000, the minimum eccentricity subjected to a column is __________. 
A. 30mm. 
B. 20mm. 
C. 45mm. 
D. 50mm. 
Answer = 20mm

531. Radius of gyration is denoted by _________. 
A. k. 
B. n. 
C. e. 
D. y. 
Answer = k

532. Find the moment of inertia of a rectangular section of 40 mm width and 80 mm depth about the base.. 
A. 632×10^4mm^4. 
B. 682×10^4mm^4. 
C. 734×10^4mm^4. 
D. 568×10^4mm^4. 
Answer = 682×10^4mm^4

533. Mild steel is an example of ______________ mechanical property of the material.. 
A. Malleability. 
B. Creep. 
C. Ductility. 
D. Elasticity. 
Answer = Ductility

534. Which of the following are the relative properties of the material?. 
A. Creep. 
B. Fatigue. 
C. Hardness. 
D. Stiffness. 
Answer = Hardness

535. Rotating key of a lock is an example of ____________. 
A. Varignon’s Theory. 
B. Walton’s Theory. 
C. Formation of couple. 
D. Parallel axis theorem. 
Answer = Formation of couple

536. The relative change in position is called ______________. 
A. Matter. 
B. Body. 
C. Inertia. 
D. Motion. 
Answer = Motion

537. Which of the following is not base unit?. 
A. Area. 
B. Length. 
C. Time. 
D. Temperature. 
Answer = Area

538. According to IS 456-2000, the minimum number of longitudinal bars to be provided in rectangular columns is ________. 
A. 5.0. 
B. 4.0. 
C. 6.0. 
D. 8.0. 
Answer = 4.0

539. As per IS 456-2000, the minimum eccentricity for columns shall be given by ________. 
A. l/500 + D/30. 
B. l/450 + D/45. 
C. l/400 + D/40. 
D. l/250 + D/25. 
Answer = l/500 + D/30

540. If the columns are effectively held in position and restrained against rotation at both ends. Recommend the value of effective length.. 
A. 0.6×l. 
B. 0.65×l. 
C. 0.77×l. 
D. 0.9×l. 
Answer = 0.65×l

541. A column in which reinforcement is wound spiral is ___________. 
A. Tied column. 
B. Spiral column. 
C. Composite column. 
D. Short column. 
Answer = Spiral column

542. The inclined members carrying compressive loads are ________. 
A. Pedestal. 
B. Strut. 
C. Post. 
D. Winch. 
Answer = Strut

543. Polygonal links are also known as _____________. 
A. Bent up bars. 
B. Crancked bars. 
C. Lateral ties. 
D. Anchorage bars. 
Answer = Lateral ties

544. The pitch of the lateral ties shall not be more than the least of the ______________. 
A. 300mm. 
B. 450mm. 
C. 500mm. 
D. 550mm. 
Answer = 300mm

545. The minimum depth of foundation in all types of soils is _________. 
A. 350mm. 
B. 680mm. 
C. 500mm. 
D. 280mm. 
Answer = 500mm

546. In T beams, the most of the compressive force is shared by __________. 
A. Web. 
B. Flange. 
C. Rib. 
D. Neutral axis. 
Answer = Flange

547. In T beams, maximum ______ is less.. 
A. Shear force. 
B. Bending moment. 
C. Bending stress. 
D. Shear stress. 
Answer = Bending moment

548. In continuous beams ______ moment develops at supports.. 
A. Hogging. 
B. Sagging. 
C. Couple. 
D. Static. 
Answer = Hogging

549. In continuous beams ______________ moments is always less than support moments.. 
A. Upward. 
B. Mid span. 
C. Downward. 
D. Sagging. 
Answer = Mid span

550. ________ is a good example for malleability.. 
A. Glass. 
B. Concrete. 
C. Copper. 
D. Lead. 
Answer = Copper

551. Determine the working stress in the factor of safety is 3 and ultimate load is what 127.32N?. 
A. 46 N/m^2. 
B. 55 N/m^2. 
C. 48 N/m^2. 
D. 42 N/m^2. 
Answer = 42 N/m^2

552. Volumetric strain = 3× _____________. 
A. Linear strain. 
B. Lateral strain. 
C. Linear stress. 
D. Lateral stress. 
Answer = Linear strain

553. The approximate percentage of steel taken for lintels in the absence of detailed design is _______. 
A. 0.6-1%. 
B. 0.5-0.7%. 
C. 0.7-1%. 
D. 0.8-1.2%. 
Answer = 0.7-1%

554. Mix proportion for M20 grade mix is _________. 
A. 0.043819444444444446. 
B. 0.042424768518518514. 
C. 0.04453703703703704. 
D. 0.045254629629629624. 
Answer = 0.042424768518518514

555. The limit state corresponding to deflection, cracking and vibrations are _______. 
A. Limit state of collapse. 
B. Limit state of serviceability. 
C. Special limit state. 
D. Limit state of safety. 
Answer = Limit state of serviceability

556. In reinforcing of Steel bars, the end and side covers are taken as ____________ to ____________ mm.. 
A. 40 to 50mm. 
B. 30 to 45mm. 
C. 50 to 75mm. 
D. 35 to 50mm. 
Answer = 40 to 50mm

557. The field capacity of a soil depends upon _____________ factor.. 
A. Porosity of soil. 
B. Soil Tension. 
C. Saturation capacity. 
D. Initial regime. 
Answer = Porosity of soil

558. According to Fannings formula the flood discharge in cumecs is given by Q = ______________. 
A. CA^2/3. 
B. CA^3/4. 
C. CA^5/6. 
D. CA^7/8. 
Answer = CA^5/6

559. The estimate of flood can be made by using ____________. 
A. Arithmetical increase method. 
B. Geometrical increase method. 
C. By unit hydrograph method. 
D. Comparison with graph method. 
Answer = By unit hydrograph method

560. In simply supported slabs, alternate bars are curtailed at ________. 
A. 1/7 of span. 
B. 1/5 of span. 
C. 1/3 of span. 
D. 1/6 of span. 
Answer = 1/6 of span

561. The length of the staircase between two consecutive landings is called _______. 
A. Tread. 
B. Flight. 
C. Rise. 
D. Effective width. 
Answer = Flight

562. ________ is used in the entrance of cinema theatres and shopping malls.. 
A. Open well stair case. 
B. Dog legged stair case. 
C. Geometrical stair case. 
D. Single flight stair case. 
Answer = Geometrical stair case

563. In the design of lintel, determine the base angle of a triangle for poor masonry.. 
A. 40°. 
B. 45°. 
C. 60°. 
D. 90°. 
Answer = 60°

564. Calculate the height of the equilateral triangle in the design of lintel, if the masonry used is poor graded. Take effective span as 1.29 m.. 
A. 1.334m. 
B. 1.433m. 
C. 1.117m. 
D. 1.125m. 
Answer = 1.117m

565. For a simply supported beam, the basic l/d ratio should be ____________. 
A. 20.0. 
B. 22.0. 
C. 16.0. 
D. 30.0. 
Answer = 20.0

566. A beam of clear span 6 metres is supported on bearings of 150 mm if the effective depth of a beam is 400 mm. calculate the effective span.. 
A. 6.4m. 
B. 6.15m. 
C. 6.0m. 
D. 6.3m. 
Answer = 6.15m

567. Clear span + d = 6 + 0.4 = 6.4m. 
A. Clear span + bearings/2 + bearings/2 = 6+0.15/2+0.15/2 = 6.15mThe least of the above values is 6.15 metres. Hence effective span is 6.15 m.. 
B. The final deflection of horizontal members will be the level of casting should not exceed _____________. 
C. Span/500. 
D. Span/250. 
Answer = Span/350

568. The obstruction or a barrier built across the stream or river is called _____________. 
A. Barrage. 
B. Weir. 
C. Dam. 
D. Reservoir. 
Answer = Dam

569. FTL Stands for ________. 
A. Free tank level. 
B. Full tank level. 
C. Full top level. 
D. Fill toe level. 
Answer = Full tank level

570. _______ is openings extending from upstream to downstream of the dam.. 
A. Guide banks. 
B. Divide voids. 
C. Sluices. 
D. Spillway. 
Answer = Sluices

571. Water stored in dam is expressed in _______. 
A. Mega cumec metres. 
B. Million cubic metres. 
C. Metric cumec. 
D. Million cusec metres. 
Answer = Million cubic metres

572. MDDL Stands for ________. 
A. Minimum draw down level. 
B. Maximum draw down level. 
C. Million drop down level. 
D. Mega drop down level. 
Answer = Minimum draw down level

573. _____ dam which resists are the external forces by virtue of its self weight.. 
A. Earthen dam. 
B. Storage dam. 
C. Detention dam. 
D. Gravity dam. 
Answer = Gravity dam

574. The factor of safety against overturning should not be less than ______. 
A. 1.8. 
B. 2.25. 
C. 1.5. 
D. 1.75. 
Answer = 1.5

575. In sliding failure, the co-efficient of friction varies from ________. 
A. 0.65 – 0.75. 
B. 0.8 – 0.9. 
C. 0.45 – 0.65. 
D. 0.85 – 1. 
Answer = 0.65 – 0.75

576. Which of the following forces do not act on the dam?. 
A. Silt pressure. 
B. Wave pressure. 
C. Creep pressure. 
D. Uplift. 
Answer = Creep pressure

577. The elementary profile of a dam is generally a ________. 
A. Isosceles triangle. 
B. Right angled triangle. 
C. Scalene triangle. 
D. Equilateral triangle. 
Answer = Right angled triangle

578. _____ acts as an inspection chamber in Dams.. 
A. Spillway. 
B. Heel. 
C. Drainage gallery. 
D. Toe. 
Answer = Drainage gallery

579. The minimum standard height for a construction joint is about ________. 
A. 1.2 m. 
B. 1.5 m. 
C. 2.1 m. 
D. 2.3 m. 
Answer = 1.5 m

580. Cracks developed in the body of dam section can be avoided by ________. 
A. Construction joints. 
B. Contraction joints. 
C. Transverse joints. 
D. Longitudinal joints. 
Answer = Contraction joints

581. ______ is the over flow section or portion of the dam.. 
A. Heel. 
B. Toe. 
C. Spillway. 
D. Gallery. 
Answer = Spillway

582. _______ is the common type of spillway used in gravity dams.. 
A. Ogee spillway. 
B. Trough spillway. 
C. Side channel spillway. 
D. Emergency spillway. 
Answer = Ogee spillway

583. Which of the following is not a failure of a rectangular dam?. 
A. Overturning. 
B. Toe erosion. 
C. Sliding. 
D. Foundation failure. 
Answer = Toe erosion

584. Structural failures contribute about _______________ in the failure of dam.. 
A. 0.45. 
B. 0.6. 
C. 0.3. 
D. 0.2. 
Answer = 0.3

585. The free board is provided in dams to avoid _______________. 
A. Piping. 
B. Foundation of upstream. 
C. Wave erosion. 
D. Overtopping. 
Answer = Overtopping

586. By providing ______________ gully formation can be avoided.. 
A. Berms. 
B. Aqueduct. 
C. Spillway. 
D. Free board. 
Answer = Berms

587. The maintenance of the reservoirs, above _____________ Ha comes under irrigation department.. 
A. 30.0. 
B. 40.0. 
C. 50.0. 
D. 60.0. 
Answer = 40.0

588. Which of the following process will you prefer to prevent the leakage of water in the dam foundation?. 
A. Guniting. 
B. Grouting. 
C. Gam mixing. 
D. Filling. 
Answer = Grouting

589. ______ grouting increases the bearing capacity of soil.. 
A. Curtain. 
B. Consolidated. 
C. Blanket. 
D. Descending stage grouting. 
Answer = Consolidated

590. According to IS, the specific gravity of a good building stone used in heavy dams should be ______. 
A. 2.2 – 2.4. 
B. 2.3 – 2.5. 
C. 2.4 – 2.8. 
D. 2.6 – 3. 
Answer = 2.4 – 2.8

591. Hardness can be measured using _______. 
A. Mohr’s scale. 
B. Silica scale. 
C. Dalton’s scale. 
D. Abrasion factor. 
Answer = Mohr’s scale

592. Granite has been widely used for dams construction because of _______. 
A. Crushing strength. 
B. Cost. 
C. Workability. 
D. Porosity. 
Answer = Crushing strength

593. The range of slenderness ratio in dams varies from ________. 
A. 13 – 15. 
B. 12 – 15. 
C. 15 – 18. 
D. 15 – 20. 
Answer = 12 – 15

594. _______ is provided for installation of control equipment of valves in dams.. 
A. Vertical shafts. 
B. Hydraulic openings. 
C. Connecting passages. 
D. Isolated chambers. 
Answer = Isolated chambers

595. The ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of given soil mass is __________. 
A. Porosity. 
B. Void ratio. 
C. Dry density. 
D. Specific gravity. 
Answer = Porosity

596. Sand layer is an example of ______________. 
A. Aquiclude. 
B. Aquifuge. 
C. Aquitard. 
D. Aquifer. 
Answer = Aquifer

597. ________ keeps the phreatic line within the dam section.. 
A. Longitudinal filter. 
B. Cross filter. 
C. Rock toe. 
D. Toe drain. 
Answer = Rock toe

598. Calculate the self-weight of the masonry of the rectangle dam of 10 m height and 4 m wide. Consider specific weight of masonry as 20kN/m^3.. 
A. 600 kN. 
B. 500 kN. 
C. 800 kN. 
D. 1000 kN. 
Answer = 800 kN

599. Water-cement ratio varies normally from ______________ to __________. 
A. 0.42 – 0.45. 
B. 0.45 – 0.48. 
C. 0.42 – 0.48. 
D. 0.45 – 0.5. 
Answer = 0.42 – 0.48
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