Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Physics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- While ascending a hill, the driver of the vehicle keeps the gear ratio 

a. Equal to 1 

b. Less than 1 

c. Greater than 1 

d. Either equal to or greater than 1 

Answer- Either equal to or greater than 1

Que- Coolis tube is used to produce 

a. Radio waves 

b. Micro waves 

c. X-rays 

d. Gama rays 

Answer- X-rays

Que- Who among the following discovered X-rays? 

a. Marie Curie 

b. J.J Thomson 

c. W.C Roentgen 

d. James Chadwick 

Answer- W.C Roentgen

Que- Ozone layer in the outer atmosphere helps us in 

a. Reflecting radio waves and makes radio communication possible 

b. Regulating the temperature of atmosphere 

c. Absorbing cosmic ray particles 

d. Absorbing UV radiations 

Answer- Absorbing UV radiations

Que- The waves used in sonography are 

a. Micro waves 

b. Infra-red waves 

c. Sound waves 

d. Ultrasonic waves 

Answer- Ultrasonic waves

Que- In the remote control of television, electromagnetic waves used are 

a. Ultraviolet 

b. Microwave 

c. Radiowave 

d. Infrared 

Answer- Infrared

Que- Hot water is poured simultaneously in four metallic tumblers painted outside with different points. After some time the water will be found to have cooled most in the tumbler painted. 

a. Rough white 

b. Rough black 

c. Shining white 

d. Shining black 

Answer- Rough black

Que- Which of the following criterion is used for any metal to be used as a cooking material ? 

a. More specific heat 

b. More thermal conductivity 

c. Less thermal conductivity 

d. Less electrical conductivity 

Answer- Less thermal conductivity

Que- Heat from the sun reaches earth by the process of 

a. Conduction 

b. Convection 

c. Radiation 

d. All of the above 

Answer- Radiation

Que- Ocean currents are an example of 

a. Convection 

b. Conduction 

c. Insulation 

d. Radiation 

Answer- Convection

Que- What type of heat transfer is boiling water? 

a. Radiation 

b. Conduction 

c. Convection 

d. None of the above 

Answer- Convection

Que- Conservation of energy refers to the fact that 

a. If you conserve energy you will not be as tired 

b. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another 

c. No chemical reaction is 100 percent efficient 

d. The entropy of the universe is always increasing 

Answer- Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another

Que- Which of the following causes adiabatic temperature changes in atmosphere? 

a. Deflection and advection 

b. Latent heat of condensation 

c. Expansion and compression of the air 

d. Partial absorption of solar radiation by the atmosphere 

Answer- Expansion and compression of the air

Que- Which of the following options correctly explains the term heat budget? 

a. It is a mode of transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity. 

b. It is the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation 

c. It is the radiation from the earth in the form of long waves. 

d. It is the amount of heat which the surface of earth receives from the sun. 

Answer- It is the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation

Que- Which one of the following is not a feature of Indifference Curve? 

a. They do not intersect each other 

b. They slope downwards to the right 

c. They are parallel to each other 

d. They are concave to each other 

Answer- They are concave to each other

Que- Instruments for measuring Solar Radiation? 

a. Ammeter 

b. Pyranometer 

c. Dynamometer 

d. Anemometer 

Answer- Pyranometer

Que- Water cannot be used to extinguish fire caused by electric current, because 

a. It may cause electrocution 

b. It may cause hydrolysis 

c. It may cause electrolysis 

d. It may spoil the wiring 

Answer- It may cause electrocution

Que- Brightness of bulb depends on voltage or current? 

a. Current 

b. Voltage 

c. Both A & B 

d. None 

Answer- Both A & B

Que- The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its: 

a. Length 

b. Resistivity 

c. Temperature 

d. Area of cross section 

Answer- Area of cross section

Que- Which one of the following is an ohmic conductor? 

a. Germanium 

b. Silicon 

c. Carbon 

d. Silver 

Answer- Silver

Que- What is the effective resistance (in Ω) of two resistors 20 Ω and 30 Ω connected in parallel? 

a. 50 

b. 12 

c. 24 

d. 36 

Answer- 12

Que- Lux is the SI unit of 

a. Luminous flux 

b. Luminous efficiency 

c. Intensity of illumination 

d. Luminous intensity 

Answer- Intensity of illumination

Que- Which of the following are used for accurately measuring very small time intervals ? 

a. Pulsars 

b. Quartz clocks 

c. Atomic clocks 

d. White dwarfs 

Answer- Atomic clocks

Que- Which of the following is the unit of Astronomical Distance ? 

a. Metre/sec 

b. Sec 

c. Para/sec 

d. Parsec 

Answer- Metre/sec

Que- What is unit of Astronomical distance ? 

a. Light year 

b. Angstrom 

c. Weber 

d. Lux 

Answer- Light year

Que- Which of the following is optical illusion? 

a. Rainbow 

b. Earthshine 

c. Halo 

d. Mirage 

Answer- Mirage

Que- One can distinguish a telescope from a microscope by observing 

a. Length 

b. Colour 

c. Size of the lens 

d. Length and size of the lens 

Answer- Length and size of the lens

Que- Electron microscope works on which of the following principles? 

a. Optical interference 

b. Wave Nature of electrons 

c. Motion of charged particle in electromagnetic fields 

d. Faraday's law of Electromagnetic induction 

Answer- Wave Nature of electrons

Que- Holography is a technique of 

a. Recording a permanent, sharp two diimensional black and white or multicolour photograph 

b. Recording a permanent three dimensional multicolour photograph 

c. Recording a permanent three dimensional black and white photograph 

d. Recording a permanent three dimensional photograph of a given single colour or a multicolour 

Answer- Recording a permanent three dimensional photograph of a given single colour or a multicolour

Que- Optical fiber works on the principle of 

a. Scattering 

b. Interference 

c. Total internal reflection 

d. Refraction 

Answer- Total internal reflection

Que- Which one type of radiation has the longest wave length 

a. Infrared  

b. Ultraviolet  

c. X-ray  

d. Radio Wave  

Answer- Radio Wave 

Que- Forged documents are detected by 

a. Ultraviolet rays 

b. Infra-red rays 

c. Beta rays 

d. Gamma rays 

Answer- Ultraviolet rays

Que- The radiation initially produced in fluorescent tube is 

a. Infrared 

b. Ultraviolet 

c. Microwaves 

d. X-rays 

Answer- Ultraviolet

Que- In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same 

a. Velocity 

b. Wavelenth 

c. Frequency 

d. All the above 

Answer- Velocity

Que- Ultra violet radiations of the Sun do not reach the earth because, earth's atmosphere is surrounded by 

a. Carbon dioxide 

b. Ammonia 

c. Chlorine 

d. Ozone 

Answer- Ozone

Que- The combined gas law relates which of the following? 

a. Volume & Temperature 

b. Temperature & Pressure 

c. Volume & Pressure 

d. Volume, Temperature & Pressure 

Answer- Volume, Temperature & Pressure

Que- The primary agent of contact metamorphism is 

a. Temperature 

b. Pressure 

c. Weathering 

d. Flowing water 

Answer- Temperature

Que- For accurate scientific work, temperatures are often measured by 

a. Mercury thermometers 

b. Alcohol thermometers 

c. Platinum resistance thermometers 

d. Thermoelectric thermometers 

Answer- Platinum resistance thermometers

Que- In heating frozen foods in sealed pouches in a microwaves, why do you first poke holes in the pouch? 

a. To prevent the steam pressure from bursting open the pouch 

b. To allow the heat to get into the food through the hole 

c. To allow the microwaves to get into the food through the holes 

d. To allow the aroma of the food to come out through the holes 

Answer- To prevent the steam pressure from bursting open the pouch

Que- When two ice cubes are pressed together, they join to form one cube. Which one of the following helps to hold them together? 

a. Hydrogen bond formation 

b. Vander waals forces 

c. Covalent attraction 

d. Dipole interaction 

Answer- Hydrogen bond formation

Que- Lightning is produced when  

a. Similar charges of electricity rush towards each other and then get repelled 

b. Clouds strike against impurities in air and the friction burns up these impurities 

c. Strong opposite charges in different clouds break down the resistance offered by the intervening air 

d. Water vapour produces electricity in the clouds 

Answer- Strong opposite charges in different clouds break down the resistance offered by the intervening air

Que- The metal used to make lightning conductors is 

a. Iron 

b. Aluminium 

c. Copper 

d. Zinc 

Answer- Copper

Que- Good conductor of electricity is 

a. Dry air 

b. Paper 

c. Kerosene 

d. Graphite 

Answer- Graphite

Que- Materials that usually are good conductors of electricity? 

a. Aluminium 

b. Lead 

c. Nickel 

d. Wood 

Answer- Aluminium

Que- The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of 

a. Longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain 

b. Volume stress to volume strain 

c. Shearing stress to shearing strain 

d. Tensile stress to tensile strain 

Answer- Shearing stress to shearing strain

Que- The flux commonly used in brazing is 

a. Ammonium chloride 

b. Borax 

c. Zinc chloride 

d. Resin plus alcohol 

Answer- Borax

Que- How many laws of physics are there? 

a. 5 

b. 4 

c. 3 

d. 2 

Answer- 3

Que- Which physicists is the writer of the book 'A Brief History of Time'? 

a. Isaac Newton  

b. Hans Bethe  

c. Albert Einstein  

d. Stephen Hawking  

Answer- Stephen Hawking 

Que- On which day 'National Science Day' is celebrated in India ? 

a. February 23 

b. February 25 

c. February 26 

d. February 28 

Answer- February 28

Que- Waves that are required for long distance wireless communication are 

a. Infrared rays 

b. Ultraviolet rays 

c. Radio waves 

d. Microwaves 

Answer- Radio waves

Que- A television channel is characterised by 

a. Frequency of transmitted signal 

b. Velocity of transmitted signal 

c. Physical dimension of television screen 

d. Size of picture tube 

Answer- Frequency of transmitted signal

Que- What is found in frequency modulation ? 

a. Fixed frequency 

b. Fixed dimension 

c. Change in frequency and dimension 

d. Change in dimension only 

Answer- Fixed frequency

Que- Positive feedback is used in 

a. Amplifiers  

b. Rectifiers  

c. Oscillators  

d. None of these  

Answer- Oscillators 

Que- While catching a ball, a player pulls down his hands to lower the– 

a. Force 

b. Momentum 

c. Impulse 

d. Catching time 

Answer- Momentum

Que- Momentum is measured as the product of : 

a. Mass and inertia 

b. Mass and force 

c. Mass and velocity 

d. Mass and acceleration 

Answer- Mass and velocity

Que- Two stones of different masses are dropped simultaneously from the top of a building 

a. Smaller stone reaches the ground earlier 

b. Larger stone reaches the ground earlier 

c. Both the stones reach the ground at the same time 

d. Depends on the composition of the stone 

Answer- Both the stones reach the ground at the same time

Que- A man jumping out of a moving train is thrown  

a. Forward 

b. Backward 

c. Sideways 

d. None of these 

Answer- Forward

Que- An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion until and unless it is acted upon by an external force. This is Newton's 

a. First law 

b. Second law 

c. Third law 

d. Fourth law 

Answer- First law

Que- Heat is transmitted from higher temperature to lower temperature through the actual motion of the molecules in 

a. Conduction 

b. Convection 

c. Radiation 

d. Both conduction and convection 

Answer- Convection

Que- Energy travels from Sun to Earth through 

a. Conduction 

b. Convection 

c. Radiation 

d. Modulation 

Answer- Radiation

Que- Which best describes how air moves during convection? 

a. Cool air falls down 

b. Warm air falls down 

c. Cool air is replaced by warm air 

d. Air always falls down 

Answer- Cool air falls down

Que- When does land breeze occur? 

a. Fall 

b. Winter 

c. Both A & B 

d. Hot summer 

Answer- Both A & B

Que- The cooling by a desert Cooler is based on: 

a. Hot air replacement 

b. Air dehydration 

c. Evaporative Cooling 

d. Air Rehydration 

Answer- Evaporative Cooling

Que- Rainbows are produced when sunlight : 

a. Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction 

b. Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction and internal reflection. 

c. Incident on raindrops hanging in the atmosphere is dispresed after suffering reflection. 

d. None of the given statements is correct. 

Answer- Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction and internal reflection.

Que- Red light is used for signals because it has 

a. Long wavelength 

b. High intensity 

c. High frequency 

d. Low refraction in the medium 

Answer- Long wavelength

Que- Why does the sea appear blue in colour? 

a. Reflection of the sun light from water surface 

b. Interference of the sun light from water surface 

c. Scattering of the sunlight by water molecules 

d. Refraction of the sun light 

Answer- Scattering of the sunlight by water molecules

Que- The sky appears blue because 

a. All colours interfere to produce blue 

b. In white light, the blue component dominates 

c. The atmosphere scatters blue colour more than the others 

d. It is actually blue 

Answer- The atmosphere scatters blue colour more than the others

Que- During washing of clothes, we use indigo due to its 

a. Better cleaning action 

b. Proper pigmental composition 

c. High glorious nature 

d. Very low cost 

Answer- Proper pigmental composition

Que- Weight of a body is maximum at the: 

a. Equator 

b. Pole 

c. Subtropics 

d. Tropics 

Answer- Pole

Que- When a body is accelerated, then the velocity will be also 

a. Increase  

b. Decrease  

c. Constant  

d. None of the above  

Answer- Increase 

Que- During ________ motion of an object along a straight line, the velocity remains constant with time. 

a. Linear 

b. Translational 

c. Uniform 

d. Equilibrium 

Answer- Uniform

Que- What does the slope of a velocity time graph represent? 

a. Acceleration 

b. Distance 

c. Speed 

d. Momentum 

Answer- Acceleration

Que- The slope of a velocity-time graph represents 

a. Acceleration 

b. Displacement 

c. Distance 

d. Speed 

Answer- Acceleration

Que- The wave theory of light can explain 

a. Comptom effect  

b. Photoelectric effect  

c. Black body spectrum  

d. Interference of light  

Answer- Interference of light 

Que- Matter waves are 

a. De Broglie waves 

b. Electromagnetic waves 

c. Transverse waves 

d. Longitudinal waves 

Answer- De Broglie waves

Que- Intensity of any wave is proportional to which of the following? 

a. Amplitude 

b. Square of amplitude 

c. Square root of amplitude 

d. Cube of amplitude 

Answer- Square of amplitude

Que- If density of oxygen is 16 times that of hydrogen, what will be their corresponding ratio of velocity of sound? 

a. 4 : 1 

b. 2 : 1 

c. 1 : 16 

d. 1 : 4 

Answer- 1 : 4

Que- Which one of the following statements with regard to Jet stream, an upper level tropospheric wave, is not correct? 

a. It is narrow band of high-velocity wind. 

b. It follows the wave path near the tropopause at elevations of 8 km to 15 km. 

c. Jet streams are typically continuous over long distances. 

d. In summer, the polar front jet achieves its maximum force. 

Answer- It follows the wave path near the tropopause at elevations of 8 km to 15 km.

Que- Magnetism in materials is due to 

a. Electrons at rest 

b. Circular motion of electrons 

c. Protons at rest 

d. All neutrons at rest 

Answer- Circular motion of electrons

Que- The method of magnetisation is: 

a. Hammering a magnet 

b. Heating a magnet 

c. Passing direct current through it 

d. Passing alternating current through it 

Answer- Hammering a magnet

Que- Magnetic keepers are pieces of 

a. Nickel 

b. Cobalt 

c. Steel 

d. Soft iron 

Answer- Soft iron

Que- Curie point is the temperature at which 

a. Matter becomes radioactive 

b. A metal loses magnetic properties. 

c. A metal loses conductivity 

d. Transmutation of metal occurs. 

Answer- A metal loses magnetic properties.

Que- Tesla is a unit of magnetic : 

a. Flux 

b. Induction 

c. Moment 

d. Field 

Answer- Field

Que- Friction can be reduced by changing from 

a. Static to Dynamic 

b. Rolling to Sliding 

c. Dynamic to Static 

d. Sliding to Rolling 

Answer- Sliding to Rolling

Que- It is more difficult to walk on ice than on a concrete road because  

a. There is very little friction between the ice and feet pressing it 

b. Ice is soft when compared to concrete 

c. There is more friction between the ice and feer 

d. None of these 

Answer- There is very little friction between the ice and feet pressing it

Que- A ball rolling along the ground gradually slows down and finally comes to rest is due to ________  

a. Friction 

b. Magnetic force 

c. Electrostatic force 

d. Muscular force 

Answer- Friction

Que- Frictional force acts in  

a. The same direction as the motion 

b. The opposite direction of the motion 

c. All the directions 

d. Upward direction 

Answer- The opposite direction of the motion

Que- The force which makes a vehicle to stop when break is applied is called 

a. Gravitational force 

b. Vanderwalls force 

c. Frictional force 

d. Covalant force 

Answer- Frictional force

Que- At the center of the sun, fusion converts hydrogen into 

a. Helium 

b. Plutonium 

c. Water 

d. Carbon 

Answer- Helium

Que- Gamma rays have greatest similarity with 

a. A-rays 

b. B-rays 

c. X-rays 

d. U.V.-rays 

Answer- X-rays

Que- Heavy water is used in nuclear reactor to 

a. Slow down neutron  

b. Absorb neutron  

c. Increase temperature  

d. Increase speed of neutron  

Answer- Increase speed of neutron 

Que- Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of 

a. Collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in the atmosphere 

b. Action of ultraviolet light from the sun on atmospheric oxygen 

c. Action of solar radiations particularly cosmic rays on carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere 

d. Lightning discharge in atmosphere 

Answer- Collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in the atmosphere

Que- What are the particles emitted by radioactive element after 3 consecutive disintegration? 

a. 2 alpha 1 beta 

b. 1 alpha 1 beta 

c. 2 beta 1 alpha 

d. 2 beta 2 alpha 

Answer- 2 beta 1 alpha

Que- Force of impact is the force 

a. By the objects weight 

b. By the speed of the object 

c. When the objects meet 

d. None of the above 

Answer- When the objects meet

Que- A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 2 metres. To what height will it rise if there is no loss of energy/velocity after rebounding ? 

a. 4 metres 

b. 3 metres 

c. 2 metres 

d. 1 metre 

Answer- 2 metres

Que- A piece of paper and a cricket ball are dropped from the same height. Under which of the following conditions do both reach the surface simultaneously ? 

a. They must have the same volume 

b. They must have the same density 

c. They must have the same mass 

d. They must be dropped in vacuum 

Answer- They must be dropped in vacuum

Que- Angle of friction and angle of repose are 

a. Equal to each other 

b. Not equal to each other 

c. Proportional to each other 

d. None of the above 

Answer- Equal to each other

Que- The term ''Higgs Boson' is associated with 

a. Nano Technology 

b. Oncology 

c. God Particle 

d. Stem Cell Research 

Answer- God Particle

Que- Which one among the following is not an electromagnetic wave? 

a. X-Ray 

b. R-Ray 

c. Cathode Ray 

d. Infrared Ray 

Answer- Cathode Ray

Que- Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature is evident by 

a. Reflection 

b. Polarisation 

c. Interference 

d. Diffraction 

Answer- Polarisation

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