Internet of Things MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) - SchoolingAxis


Internet of Things MCQ
Que- The number of elements in the Open IoT Architecture?
a. 6 elements
b. 8 elements
c. 7 elements
d 3 elements

Answer- 7 elements

Que- Global Sensor Network is built for _________
a. Reducing cost and time for development
b. Reducing cost and increasing time for development
c. Increasing cost and increasing time for development
d Increasing cost and decreasing time for development

Answer- Reducing cost and time for development

Que- One of the main characteristics of Linked Stream Data is "Live Streaming".
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The huge number of devices connected to the Internet of Things has to communicate automatically, not via humans. What is this called?
a. Skynet
b. Bot 2 Bot
c. Machine 2 Machine
d Intercloud

Answer- Machine 2 Machine

Que- Internet of Things needs a lot of network connection. What is the proposed "white Space" radio standard called?
a. Bluetooth
b. WiMax
c. Weightless
d Zigbee

Answer- Weightless

Que- What is the sensor/protocol used in GSN?
a. HTTP protocol
b. CoAP protocol
c. MQTT protocol
d XMPP protocol

Answer- CoAP protocol

Que- Which is the core wrapper of GSN?
a. Serial
b. UDP
c. GPSTest
d ZeroMQWrapper

Answer- ZeroMQWrapper

Que- Open IoT ontology is extending the W3C SSN ontology which supports the description of the physical and processing structure of sensors.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Open IoT manages the registration, data acquisition, deployment of sensors and interconnected of objects, through which network?
a. GSN
b. X-GSN
c. LSM

Answer- X-GSN

Que- Which environment does Global Sensor Network work on?
a. C++
d C

Answer- JAVA

Que- ___________ is a community that is working together to establish an IoT architecture.
a. Eclipse IoT
b. Red Hat
c. Inter Cloud
d Bot 2 Bot

Answer- Eclipse IoT

Que- _________ provides a middleware and application container for IoT gateway.
a. Eclipse Kura
b. Red Hat
c. Inter Cloud
d Bot 2 Bot

Answer- Eclipse Kura

Que- _________ is a modular and cloud based platform.
a. Eclipse Kura
b. Red Hat
c. Inter Cloud
d Eclipse Kapua

Answer- Eclipse Kapua

Que- Kapua also provides a core integration framework.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- _________ an open source stack for gateways and the edge.
a. Eclipse Kapua
b. Red Hat
c. Inter Cloud
d Eclipse Kura

Answer- Eclipse Kura

Que- What happens when service providers change their operating system and communication protocols?
a. Inoperability and complexity arises
b. Only complexity arises
c. Only Inoperability arises
d Nothing arises

Answer- Inoperability and complexity arises

Que- In SOA, Service is termed as __________
a. Software service
b. Network service
c. Business service
d Developer service

Answer- Business service

Que- Are SOA components loosely coupled.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Cloud computing must work _______ with fog computing to provide a seamless end to end customer experiences.
a. Seamlessly
b. Scalable
c. Control
d Multiple services

Answer- Seamlessly

Que- Fog computing works well in cloud based _______ panel
a. Cloud
b. Data
c. Control
d Fog

Answer- Control

Que- Challenges can be addressed within a single IoT network by _______
a. Fog node
b. Cloud node
c. Data
d Control

Answer- Fog node

Que- Lack of broadband _______ and connectivity is a major issue in establishing smart cities.
a. Storage
b. Bandwidth
c. Address
d Services

Answer- Bandwidth

Que- Fog computing addresses security, data encryption.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Building automation demonstrates the need for _______
a. Edge intelligence
b. Sensors
c. Control function
d Local operations

Answer- Edge intelligence

Que- A commercial building may contain mainly _______ component.
a. Memory
b. Fog node
c. Cloud nodes
d Sensors

Answer- Sensors

Que- Who will do actions if it is needed?
a. Fog node
b. Fog computing
c. Devices
d Controller

Answer- Fog computing

Que- Fog node is ___________
a. Floor
b. Wing
c. Individual room
d Floor and Wing

Answer- Floor and Wing

Que- Fog computing works with cloud computing.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What is OpenFog?
a. Software
b. Device
c. Derived from fog computing
d Architecture

Answer- Architecture

Que- IoT devices use _______ for security.
a. Cloud
b. Software
c. Immutable
d Fognode

Answer- Immutable

Que- Fog computing allows for latency sensitive distributed surveillance that maintains privacy.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- is used for __________
a. Sharing data
b. Storage
c. Publishing data
d Alerting devices

Answer- Publishing data

Que- What utility of allows publishing data?
a. Data sharing
b. Publishing data
c. Storage
d Alerting devices

Answer- Data sharing

Que- is similar as __________
b. Insta
c. Web api
d Twitter

Answer- Twitter

Que- provides __________ to send data from IoT devices.
c. Web API

Answer- Web API

Que- GUID full form is ___________
a. Global Unique Identifier
b. Global User Identifier
c. Gradual User Identifier
d Gradual Unique Identifier

Answer- Global Unique Identifier

Que- The processing of publishing data is called as __________
a. Yocto
b. Thing
c. Dweepy
d Dweeting

Answer- Dweeting

Que- Dweepy is a simple python client for
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Dictionary here define what?
a. Key-value pairs
d Yocto

Answer- Key-value pairs

Que- The visual view displays what?
a. Pie graph
b. Bar graph
c. Line graph
d Histograms

Answer- Line graph

Que- ________ Command is used to retrieve the latest dweet made for our thing.
b. HTTPie
c. cURL

Answer- HTTPie

Que- _________ is used to visualize data collected with the sensor.
c. Dweeting
d Yocto


Que- allows us to build ________
a. Application
b. Dashboard
c. Device
d Output

Answer- Dashboard

Que- itself defines as ________
a. Data based service
b. Fog based service
c. Cloud based service
d Signals based service

Answer- Cloud based service

Que- Gauge will display the latest value that is running in the board.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which application feature is a world of warcraft gadget?
a. Leftronic
b. Ducksboard
c. Klipfolio
d Dashzen

Answer- Dashzen

Que- Which application supports Google Spreadsheets?
a. Dashzen
b. Ducksboard
c. Klipfolio
d Leftronic

Answer- Ducksboard

Que- Which application allows a number of unique background images?
a. Dashzen
b. Ducksboard
c. Klipfolio
d Leftronic

Answer- Ducksboard

Que- Which application allows us to build data source against many types of data?
a. Dashzen
b. Ducksboard
c. Klipfolio
d Leftronic

Answer- Klipfolio

Que- ________ uses a clean interface to provide data.
a. Dashzen
b. Ducksboard
c. Klipfolio
d Dash

Answer- Dash

Que- Dash supports static images.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- _________ allows us to control electronic components
a. RETful API
b. RESTful API

Answer- RETful API

Que- MQTT stands for _____________
a. MQ Telemetry Things
b. MQ Transport Telemetry
c. MQ Transport Things
d MQ Telemetry Transport

Answer- MQ Telemetry Transport

Que- MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- MQTT is _________ protocol.
a. Machine to Machine
b. Internet of Things
c. Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
d Machine Things

Answer- Machine to Machine and Internet of Things

Que- Which protocol is lightweight?
c. CoAP

Answer- MQTT

Que- PubNub publishes and subscribes _________ in order to send and receive messages.
a. Network
b. Account
c. Portal
d Keys

Answer- Keys

Que- By clicking which key the PubNub will display public, subscribe, and secret keys.
a. Pane
b. Demo Keyset
c. Portal
d Network

Answer- Demo Keyset

Que- The messageChannel class declares the _________ class attribute that defines the key string.
a. command_key
b. command-key
c. commandkey
d Key_command

Answer- command_key

Que- _________ method saves the received arguments in three attributes.
a. __Init
b. Init__
c. __Init__
d _init_

Answer- __Init__

Que- _________ and _________ saves the publish and subscribe keys that we have generated with the PubNub Admin portal.
a. public_key and subscribe_key
b. Public-key and subscribe-key
c. publickey and subscribekey
d Key_public and key_subscribe

Answer- public_key and subscribe_key

Que- _________ specifies the function that will be called when there is a new message received from the channel.
a. Reconnect
b. Error
c. Connect
d Callback

Answer- Callback

Que- _________ specifies the function that will be called on an error event.
a. Callback
b. Error
c. Connect
d Reconnect

Answer- Error

Que- _________ Specifies the function that will be called when a successful connection with the PubNub cloud.
a. Callback
b. Error
c. Connect
d Reconnect

Answer- Connect

Que- _________ specifies the function that will be called when a successful re-connection is completed.
a. Callback
b. Error
c. Connect
d Reconnect

Answer- Reconnect

Que- ___________ specifies the function that will be called when the client disconnects.
a. Callback
b. Error
c. Connect
d Disconnect

Answer- Disconnect

Que- What is the java extension file in IoT?
a. .jar
b. .c
c. .exe
d .py

Answer- .jar

Que- Do we run our program in the same computer where we have written?
c. May or may not
d None of the mentioned

Answer- May or may not

Que- Publish command message is sent from _________
a. Only publisher to broker
b. Only broker to publisher
c. Publisher to broker and broker to publisher
d Server to client

Answer- Publisher to broker and broker to publisher

Que- The message is sent to the input queue of a message flow that contains a _________
a. Subscriber
b. Server
c. Publication node
d Client

Answer- Client

Que- Does user has authority for all topics.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- ROSTOPIC uses _________ at the command line for representing the content of the message.
a. YAML_syntax
b. rostopic bw
c. rostopic delay
d rostopic echo

Answer- YAML_syntax

Que- Which command displays the band width?
a. rostopic hz
b. rostopic delay
c. rostopic echo
d rostopic bw

Answer- rostopic bw

Que- rostopic delay will provide delay for ___________
a. Topics which has header
b. Topics which has tail
c. Topics which has tail and head
d To all topics

Answer- Topics which has header

Que- Which command displays messages published to a topic?
a. rostopic bw
b. rostopic delay
c. rostopic echo
d rostopic hz

Answer- rostopic echo

Que- Which command finds out the topic?
a. rostopic bw
b. rostopic delay
c. rostopic echo
d rostopic find

Answer- rostopic find

Que- Publishing messages is handled through ________ Class.
a. Client()
b. Server()
c. Publish()
d Batch()

Answer- Client()

Que- client() class provides ________ to create topics.
a. Software
b. Classes
c. Methods
d Batch

Answer- Methods

Que- ________ method publishes messages to pub/sub.
a. Client()
b. Publish()
c. Server()
d Batch()

Answer- Publish()

Que- How many arguments are accepted by publish()?
a. 5 arguments
b. 3 arguments
c. 1 argument
d 2 arguments

Answer- 2 arguments

Que- Does publish() method accepts arbitrary arguments.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The topic in the publish method is in which form?
a. Binomial form
b. Canonical form
c. Nominal form
d Message form

Answer- Canonical form

Que- The message in pub/sub is an opaque blob of ________
a. Bits
b. Bytes
c. Word
d Nibble

Answer- Bytes

Que- ________ error will show if we try to send text string instead of bytes.
a. TypeError
b. Error
c. Linker error
d Compiler error

Answer- TypeError

Que- What do we call string in python 2?
a. Str
b. Unicode
c. Strs
d Unicades

Answer- Unicode

Que- When you publish a message ________ is automatically created?
a. Client
b. Server
c. Batch
d Server

Answer- Batch

Que- When the batch is created, it begins a countdown that publishes the batch once sufficient time has elapsed.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What is the time elapsed after a batch is created?
a. 0.5 seconds
b. 0.05 seconds
c. 1.5 seconds
d 1 second

Answer- 0.05 seconds

Que- Every call to publish() will return a class that conforms to the __________ interface.
a. Batch
b. Client
c. Server
d Future

Answer- Future

Que- IaaS stands for __________
a. Infrastructure as a Service
b. Infrastructure as a Software
c. Internet as a Service
d Internet as a Software

Answer- Infrastructure as a Service

Que- Mobile cloud computing at its simplest refers to an __________
a. Intervention
b. Internet
c. Infrastructure
d Intervention & Internet

Answer- Infrastructure

Que- Mobile Cloud applications move the __________ Power and __________ away from mobile phone and into cloud.
a. Computing and internet
b. Data storage and computing
c. Computing and data storage
d Internet and computing

Answer- Computing and data storage

Que- SaaS stands for __________
a. Service as a Smartphone
b. Service as a software
c. Smartphone as a service
d Software as a Service

Answer- Software as a Service

Que- __________ reduces the development and running cost of mobile applications on smartphone devices.
a. Infrastructure
b. Productive business
c. Software
d Services

Answer- Productive business

Que- PaaS stands as __________
a. Platform as a Software
b. Photo as a service
c. Platform as a Service
d Photo as a Software

Answer- Platform as a Service

Que- The architecture of MCC is such that various mobile devices are connected to their respective mobile networks via __________
a. Software
b. Satellite
c. Access point
d Base Station

Answer- Base Station

Que- MCC stands for Mobile Cloud Computation.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- __________ is the minimum value which an application shall exceed to be offloaded.
a. Static value
b. Critical value
c. Threshold value
d Dynamic value

Answer- Threshold value

Que- Offloading decision depends upon __________ to be offloaded.
a. Size of application
b. Threshold value
c. Critical value
d Dynamic value

Answer- Size of application

Que- The part of the code which involves complex computations and requires more time to execute is referred to as __________
a. Static session
b. Threshold session
c. Dynamic session
d Critical session

Answer- Critical session

Que- In __________ offloading application is partitioned during development.
a. Static offloading
b. Dynamic offloading
c. Threshold offloading
d Critical offloading

Answer- Static offloading

Que- __________ network environment means changing connection status.
a. Static offloading
b. Dynamic offloading
c. Threshold offloading
d Critical offloading

Answer- Dynamic offloading

Que- __________ is defined as delay between the offloading and final result.
a. Latency rate
b. Network Bandwidth
c. Heterogeneity
d Migration Cost

Answer- Latency rate

Que- _____________ Depends upon the amount of the code being offloaded.
a. Latency rate
b. Network Bandwidth
c. Heterogeneity
d Migration Cost

Answer- Network Bandwidth

Que- QoE stands for _________
a. Quality of Energy
b. Quality of Experience
c. Quality of Envelop
d Quality of Encryption

Answer- Quality of Experience

Que- The RAE learns the _________ algorithm to learn the most cost effective policy.
a. Logistic Regression
b. Device/cloud algorithm
c. QoE algorithm
d Anatomous algorithm

Answer- Logistic Regression

Que- _________ is the weighted sum of resource state, network, and cpu.
a. Logistic Regression
b. Cloud
c. Device
d Cost function

Answer- Cost function

Que- The policy obtained by running logistic regression is enforced by _________ module.
a. Device/cloud section
b. Only device
c. Only Cloud
d Cost function

Answer- Device/cloud section

Que- The mechanism of the RAE is _________ which can be deployed on each device and cloud.
a. QoE
b. Logistic regression
c. Anatomous agent
d Device/cloud

Answer- Anatomous agent

Que- OAD stands for ___________
a. Optimal Application Distribution
b. Orientational Application Distribution
c. Orientation Application Development
d Optimal Application Development

Answer- Optimal Application Distribution

Que- _________ enables the application developer to enhance the application design.
a. Cloud Blueprint
b. TOSCA standard
c. Both Cloud blueprint and TOSCA standard
d Utility function

Answer- Both Cloud blueprint and TOSCA standard

Que- _________ process must support the analysis and evaluation of the application topology.
a. Support of different Migration types
b. Enrichment of Topology specification
c. Management and Configuration
d Top-down and bottom-up

Answer- Top-down and bottom-up

Que- _________ process has to support the definition of application topologies in various formats.
a. Top-down and bottom-up
b. Enrichment of Topology specification
c. Management and Configuration
d Support of different Migration types

Answer- Enrichment of Topology specification

Que- Any tool providing _________ process must provide management and configuration for cloud services.
a. Top-down and bottom-up
b. Enrichment of Topology specification
c. Management and Configuration
d Support of different Migration types

Answer- Management and Configuration

Que- In order to re- distribute an application _________ process has to support all cloud native and non cloud native applications.
a. Top-down and bottom-up
b. Enrichment of Topology specification
c. Management and Configuration
d Support of different Migration types

Answer- Support of different Migration types

Que- _________ process must support the characterization of different adaptation actions.
a. Characterization of adaptation strategies
b. Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c. Support and reaction to application resources
d Support of hardware

Answer- Characterization of adaptation strategies

Que- In _________ the application to be re directional is based on 3-layered architecture.
a. Characterization of adaptation strategies
b. Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c. Support and reaction to application resources
d Support of hardware

Answer- Independence of Architectural Paradigm

Que- As the workload of an application is subjected to fluctuation over time _________ process must support the identification.
a. Characterization of adaptation strategies
b. Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c. Support and reaction to application resources
d Support of hardware

Answer- Support and reaction to application resources

Que- _________ process must consider such characteristics for optimizing the overall application performance.
a. Characterization of adaptation strategies
b. Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c. Support and reaction to application resources
d Support of hardware

Answer- Support of hardware

Que- Privacy protection solution was proposed with KP-ABE and CP-ABE.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- _________ consumers investing in general data protection needs in multiple dimensions.
a. Normal
b. Business
c. Office
d Third Party

Answer- Business

Que- Software that address the data protection is divided into _________ Segments.
a. 1 segment
b. 2 segments
c. 4 segments
d 3 segments

Answer- 3 segments

Que- _________ segment contributing to protection of data on device.
a. Endpoint Protection
b. Cloud Privacy Protection
c. Mobile Device Management
d Cloud

Answer- Endpoint Protection

Que- _________ segment indicates protection for device integrity.
a. Endpoint Protection
b. Cloud Privacy Protection
c. Mobile Device Management
d Cloud

Answer- Endpoint Protection

Que- EPP approach favours _________ data into the device.
a. UnLocking
b. Locking
c. Blocking
d Unblocking

Answer- Locking

Que- End Point Protection primarily focused around deployment on _________
a. Laptops
b. Desktops
c. Both laptops and desktops
d Phones

Answer- Both laptops and desktops

Que- _________ is concerned with management of mobile.
a. Endpoint Protection
b. Cloud Privacy Protection
c. Mobile Device Management
d Cloud

Answer- Mobile Device Management

Que- Is mobile device management similar to that of end point protection with respect to locking?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How MDM will achieve locking mechanism?
a. Wrapping
b. Controlling
c. Both wrapping and controlling
d Encryption

Answer- Both wrapping and controlling

Que- MDM is focused on _________
a. Laptops
b. Tablets
c. Both phones and tablets
d Phones

Answer- Both phones and tablets

Que- _________ complicates _________ and _________
a. MDM, EPP and CPP
b. EPP, CPP and MDM
c. MDM, CPP and EPP
d CPP, EPP and MDM

Answer- CPP, EPP and MDM

Que- _____________ reduces the adoption and learning curve for the end user.
a. Intuitive
b. IoT
c. Commands
d Devices

Answer- Intuitive

Que- Most common application for voice control application are ___________
a. Home security
b. Family health monitoring
c. Home security and health monitoring
d Business

Answer- Home security and health monitoring

Que- _________ either built into smoke alarm and thermostat or in the form of small plug -- in.
a. Microphones
b. Loudspeaker
c. Microphone and loudspeaker
d Mic

Answer- Microphones

Que- Voice recognition software and virtual assistant programs offer for ________ and _________
a. Communication
b. Communication and Entertainment
c. Entertainment
d Communication and Software

Answer- Communication and Entertainment

Que- Voice control doesn't provide the level of __________
a. Amplitude control
b. Sound control
c. Voice control
d Frequency control

Answer- Frequency control

Que- The advanced security and smart system first monitor and then interacts with human.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many types of voice communications are there in IoT environment?
a. 2 types
b. 4 types
c. 3 types
d 5 types

Answer- 3 types

Que- _________ is particularly appealing when the human's hands or eye are otherwise occupied.
a. Voice recognition
b. Sound recognition
c. Amplitude recognition
d Frequency recognition

Answer- Voice recognition

Que- Voice telephony is an efficient means of __________ with machines that can listen.
a. Mono-directional voice communication
b. Bi-directional voice communication
c. Voice recognition
d Both bi directional and mono directional

Answer- Bi-directional voice communication

Que- ________ could potentially challenge the need of touch screen on many devices.
a. Voice recognition
b. Voice telephony
c. Voice Integration
d Intuitive

Answer- Voice Integration

Que- ________ Will reduces the cost of the devices.
a. Intuitive
b. Voice telephony
c. Voice recognition
d Voice Integration

Answer- Voice Integration

Que- How the voice is transferred to our phone?
a. Internet
b. Bluetooth
c. Sharing applications
d Zigbee

Answer- Internet

Que- Is there any limit for connecting devices though voice.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Microphones usually have ___________
a. Amplitude filter
b. Noise filter
c. Round filter
d Frequency filter

Answer- Round filter

Que- _________ are well integrated antennas for long range communication.
a. BC241
b. BC154
c. BC144
d BC118

Answer- BC118

Que- API's are the inter connector.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Without ___________ IoT devices can easily lead to catastrophe.
a. Software
b. Management system
c. Cloud
d Devices

Answer- Management system

Que- Management is set of _________
a. Technologies
b. Processes
c. Devices
d Technologies and Processes

Answer- Technologies and Processes

Que- Does the API allow the devices to talk.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- API management system creates __________ identity.
a. Secure
b. Friendly
c. Robust
d Secure and friendly

Answer- Secure and friendly

Que- Web applications support ___________ API.
a. RESTful
b. RESful
c. Class
d Lua

Answer- RESTful

Que- _________ helps in design and maintain of API.
a. Lua
b. Open source swagger
d Lua and HTTP

Answer- Open source swagger

Que- WiFi uses how much frequency?
a. 2.2GHz
b. 3GHz
c. 3.5GHz
d 2.4GHz

Answer- 2.4GHz

Que- Bluetooth will transmit the data over the frequency band _________
a. 2.4 to 2.7 GHz
b. 2.4 to 3 GHz
c. 2.4 to 2.485 GHz
d 2.4 to 2.6 GHz

Answer- 2.4 to 2.485 GHz

Que- Bluetooth operates at short distances.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Bluetooth will drain battery life.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which bluetooth version enables low energy?
a. Bluetooth 3.0
b. Bluetooth 4.0
c. Bluetooth 2.0
d Bluetooth 1.0

Answer- Bluetooth 2.0

Que- __________ is the brainchild of ARM.
a. Zigbee
b. WiFi
c. Bluetooth
d Thread

Answer- Thread

Que- Thread would be able to support __________ devices.
a. 256 Devices
b. 300 Devices
c. 125 Devices
d 250 Devices

Answer- 250 Devices

Que- Thread would allow _________ networks.
a. Mesh
b. Node
c. Mesh and node
d Either mesh or node

Answer- Mesh

Que- BAN stands for ________
a. Body Area Network
b. Brain Area Network
c. Body Android Network
d Brain Android Network

Answer- Body Area Network

Que- BAN gives _________
a. Communication
b. Storage
c. Network connectivity
d Communication and storage

Answer- Communication and storage

Que- NFC stands for ________
a. Near Fast Communication
b. Near Field Communication
c. Near Field Customer
d Near Field Connection

Answer- Near Field Communication

Que- Phones act as actuators too.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- AI refers to ____________
a. Electronic environment
b. Devices
c. Applications
d Electronic environment and devices

Answer- Electronic environment and devices

Que- AI is considered as embedded.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- AI is also named as __________
a. Context aware
b. Personalized
c. Adaptive
d Context aware, personalized, and adaptive

Answer- Context aware, personalized, and adaptive

Que- Smart phones can be used in IoT setup with _________ application categories.
a. 2 Applications
b. 3 Applications
c. 4 Applications
d 5 Applications

Answer- 4 Applications

Que- Which category finds an increase in applications targeting health and fitness?
a. Personal IoT
b. Group IoT
c. Community IoT
d Industrial IoT

Answer- Personal IoT

Que- Which category is used in the context of connected cars?
a. Personal IoT
b. Group IoT
c. Community IoT
d Industrial IoT

Answer- Group IoT

Que- Which category could be used by citizens to contribute to a smart city?
a. Personal IoT
b. Group IoT
c. Community IoT
d Industrial IoT

Answer- Community IoT

Que- Which category is used for business to consumer process?
a. Personal IoT
b. Group IoT
c. Community IoT
d Industrial IoT

Answer- Industrial IoT

Que- Future application of IoT through phones includes viewing data and controlling sensors anywhere.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Authors proposed 4 layer model named __________
a. K-Businesscare
b. K-Healthcare
c. Health-care
d Business-care

Answer- K-Healthcare

Que- __________ layer is the communication layer that connects the IoT devices with WAN.
a. Internet layer
b. Application layer
c. Sensor layer
d Network layer

Answer- Network layer

Que- __________ performs two functions toward the delivery of the services.
a. Global Scheduler
b. Local Scheduler
c. Device Scheduler
d IoT Scheduler

Answer- Global Scheduler

Que- ___________ manages the metadata of the IoT services.
a. Power
b. Controller
c. Scheduler
d Package

Answer- Scheduler

Que- Global scheduler keeps the track of and control the life cycle of IoT services.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ___________ service discovers the virtual sensors ability.
a. Register
b. Resource Discovery
c. Unregister
d Suspend

Answer- Resource Discovery

Que- ___________ Service is responsible for establishing the requested service with in the cloud database.
a. Suspend
b. Resource Discovery
c. Unregister
d Register

Answer- Register

Que- For which service the resources allocated for the services are released?
a. Register
b. Resource Discovery
c. Unregister
d Suspend

Answer- Unregister

Que- _________ service is deactivated and therefore its operation is ceased.
a. Register
b. Resource Discovery
c. Unregister
d Suspend

Answer- Suspend

Que- _________ service enables the previously suspended services.
a. Enable from suspension
b. Enable
c. Update
d Registered service status

Answer- Enable from suspension

Que- ________ service allows the enablement of an unregistered service.
a. Enable from suspension
b. Enable
c. Update
d Registered service status

Answer- Enable

Que- Which service permits the changes to the IoT services?
a. Enable from suspension
b. Enable
c. Update
d Registered service status

Answer- Update

Que- Which service provides the lifecycle status of a given IoT service?
a. Enable from suspension
b. Enable
c. Update
d Registered service status

Answer- Registered service status

Que- _________ service checks periodically all the enables services.
a. Service updated resources
b. Get service
c. Get available services
d Update

Answer- Service updated resources

Que- _________ service retrieves the description of the registered service.
a. Service updated resources
b. Get service
c. Get available services
d Update

Answer- Get service

Que- Which service returns a list of registered services that are associated with a particular user?
a. Service updated resources
b. Get service
c. Get available services
d Update

Answer- Get available services

Que- Which service enables the user to periodically invoke an already defined IoT service?
a. Service updated resources
b. Get service
c. Get available services
d Poll for the report

Answer- Poll for the report

Que- What is the popular method of organizing wireless network topologies?
a. Software
b. Synchronization
c. Network
d Cluster

Answer- Cluster

a. _________ will enable the humans to access, control and manage the operation.
b. IoT
c. Bigdata
d Network

Answer- Communication

Que- In _________ the embedded devices and objects working under IoT are resource constrained.
a. Health
b. Industry
c. Home
d Information system

Answer- Information system

Que- What type of networks is interacting under IoT?
a. Heterogeneous only
b. Homogeneous Only
c. Both hetero and homogeneous
d Neither hetero nor Homo

Answer- Heterogeneous only

Que- Managing of resources can be done by implementing ________
a. Protocols
b. Algorithms
c. Networks
d Protocols and algorithms

Answer- Protocols and algorithms

Que- This section is to solicit the efforts and ongoing research work in the domain of _______
a. Information Management
b. Resource Management
c. Industrial Management
d Network Management

Answer- Resource Management

Que- Resource management will elaborate the key aspects of _________
a. Industrial management
b. Energy management
c. Network management
d Information management

Answer- Network management

Que- Resource management includes ___________
a. IoT Devices
b. IoT Cloud
c. IoT Networks
d IoT Web

Answer- IoT Cloud

Que- What is the role of communication protocol in IoT?
a. Smart cities
b. Cyber physical system
c. Mac layer issue
d Managing energy

Answer- Mac layer issue

Que- Which of the following is the future application of IoT?
a. Role of green IoT system
b. QoS in communication
c. Secure communication
d Multimedia communication

Answer- Role of green IoT system

Que- The object of IoT will be empowered by ___________
a. Network
b. Cloud
c. Devices
d Connectivity

Answer- Devices

Que- The embedded devices will form _______ network.
a. ATM
b. Ethernet
d Ad-hoc

Answer- Ad-hoc

Que- _______ are used to overcome the challenges of managing the resources of the IoT.
a. Clustering
b. Software agents
c. Synchronization techniques
d Cluster, Software agent, and Synchronization techniques

Answer- Cluster, Software agent, and Synchronization techniques

Que- Which will reduce the energy expenditure?
a. Clustering
b. Software agents
c. Synchronization techniques
d Cluster, Software agent, and Synchronization techniques

Answer- Clustering

Que- Synchronization techniques will be necessary to address the various challenges of harmonising.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ____________ enables production-ready feature to the spring boot application.
a. Actuators
b. Endpoint
c. Boot
d Hyper media

Answer- Actuators

Que- __________ should be added to start the existing actuators in boot.
a. spring-boot-actuator
b. sprint-actuator-boot
c. boot-spring-actuator
d actuator-spring-boot

Answer- spring-boot-actuator

Que- __________ allows us to monitor the application.
a. Actuators
b. Endpoints
c. Boot
d Hypermedia

Answer- Endpoints

Que- Which endpoints are sensitive?
a. /health
b. /info
c. /metric
d /trace

Answer- /metric

Que- Which endpoint shows application health information?
a. /health
b. /info
c. /metric
d /trace

Answer- /health

Que- __________ endpoint displays arbitrary application information.
a. /health
b. /info
c. /metric
d /trace

Answer- /info

Que- Which endpoint shows metric information for the current application?
a. /health
b. /info
c. /metric
d /trace

Answer- /metric

Que- Which endpoint displays trace information?
a. /health
b. /info
c. /metric
d /trace

Answer- /trace

Que- How many customizing properties are available?
a. 2 Properties
b. 3 Properties
c. 4 Properties
d 5 Properties

Answer- 3 Properties

Que- Using which customized endpoint will be accessed over HTTP?
a. Id and enabled
b. Enabled
c. Sensitive
d Id

Answer- Id

Que- Enabled customization endpoint will be enabled only during __________
a. True cases only
b. False cases only
c. Either True or false cases
d True and false cases

Answer- True cases only

Que- Enabled customization endpoint will be sensitive only during ________
a. True and false cases
b. False cases only
c. Either True or false cases
d True cases only

Answer- True cases only

Que- Health information is collected from all the beans implementing Health Indicator interface.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which endpoint is gathered and publishes information about OS?
a. /health
b. /info
c. /metric
d /trace

Answer- /metric

Que- Command to create new endpoint?
a. Endpoint_T
b. Endpoint<T>
c. Endpoint-T
d Endpoint-t

Answer- Endpoint<T>

Que- HelloWeb is an example of ____________ server.
d CoAP

Answer- HTTP

Que- ________ will show how to handle GET request to a sensor resources.
a. Monitor
b. VoltageMonitor
c. Voltage
d Voltage-Monitor

Answer- Voltage

Que- Can we use any web browser as client.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- An HTTP server manages ____________
a. Websites
b. Devices
c. Resources
d Sensors

Answer- Resources

Que- A resource that contains an actual value is called as ________
a. Potential variable
b. Measured variable
c. Resource variable
d Physical variable

Answer- Measured variable

Que- When the user turns the potentiometer's knob, the value is changed.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- A resource with measured variable will reflect ________
a. Potential phenomenon
b. Resource phenomenon
c. Measured phenomenon
d Physical phenomenon

Answer- Physical phenomenon

Que- What should an URL contain?
a. ASCII values
b. Digits
c. Characters
d ASCII values, digits, and characters

Answer- ASCII values, digits, and characters

Que- For reading the current voltage ________ library class is used.
a. Digital sensor
b. Analog sensor
c. Actuator
d Potential sensor

Answer- Digital sensor

Que- Variable voltage Sensor is an instance of Analog Sensor.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which property makes it possible for the analog sensor object to convert the integer input?
a. MinValue
b. MaxValue
c. Either MinValue or MaxValue
d Both MinValue and MaxValue

Answer- Both MinValue and MaxValue

Que- What is the range of analog input port?
a. 0 to 3
b. 0 to 3.3
c. 0 to 4
d 0 to 4.5

Answer- 0 to 3.3

Que- ________ is used to provide an object of type MeasuredVariable.
a. HandleRequest
b. RequetHandle
c. Handle_Request
d Handle-Request

Answer- HandleRequest

Que- When a client makes a GET request for /voltage/actual, the request is passed to ________
a. MeasuredVariable
b. HandleRequest
c. Measured Variable's HandleRequest
d HandleRequest's MeasuredVariable

Answer- Measured Variable's HandleRequest

Que- Delegate properties must be compatible with the delegate types they represent.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- _______ makes it possible for two or more activities to execute in parallel on a single processor.
a. Multithreading
b. Threading
c. SingleThreading
d Both Multithreading and SingleThreading

Answer- Multithreading

Que- In ______ an object of type Thread in the namespace System.Threading represents and controls one thread.
a. . PY
b. .SAP
c. .NET
d .EXE

Answer- .NET

Que- The method will be executed once the thread's ______ method is called.
a. EventBegin
b. EventStart
c. Begin
d Start

Answer- Start

Que- Command to make thread sleep?
a. Thread.Sleep
b. Thread_Sleep
c. ThreadSleep
d Thread_sleep

Answer- Thread.Sleep

Que- An instance of class Buffer provides a threadsafe way of communication between ________
a. Actors
b. Objects
c. Locking
d Buffer

Answer- Objects

Que- _______ method puts zero into the buffer.
a. HandlePut(object o)
b. HandletGet(object o)
c. HandletGet()
d HandletPut()

Answer- HandlePut(object o)

Que- HandlePut(object o) performs what?
a. Fixing values
b. Locking
c. Changing values
d Unlocking

Answer- Unlocking

Que- In HandlePut(object o), o represents?
a. Null
b. Zero
c. Empty
d Origin

Answer- Null

Que- What is HandleGet() method function?
a. Current buffer state, with changing
b. Current buffer state, without changing
c. Previous buffer state, with changing
d Previous buffer state, without changing

Answer- Current buffer state, without changing

Que- What is the result for HandleGet()?
a. Null
b. Zero
c. Empty
d Origin

Answer- Null

Que- Multithreading is a mechanism for splitting up a program into several parallel activities called _________
a. Methods
b. Objects
c. Classes
d Threads

Answer- Classes

Que- Each thread is a single stream of execution.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- Multithreading on a single processor is possible with the help of _________
a. Threader
b. Scheduler
c. Method
d Divider

Answer- Scheduler

Que- Scheduler switch threads in ________
a. Multilevel queue scheduling
b. Priority Scheduling
c. Round robin fashion
d Multilevel feedback queue scheduling

Answer- Round robin fashion

Que- What is the switching speed?
a. 60 times per second
b. 50 times per second
c. 55 times per second
d 66 times per second

Answer- 50 times per second

Que- IIoT stands for __________
a. Industrial Internet of Things
b. Internet Internet of Things
c. Intelligence Internet of Things
d Internal Internet of Things

Answer- Industrial Internet of Things

Que- IIoT is sophisticated.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What does design provide?
a. Technology
b. Ecosystem
c. Technology and ecosystem
d Digital revolution

Answer- Technology and ecosystem

Que- Which possibility ensures load balancing and peak levelling of energy consumption?
a. Transportation and logistics
b. Energy and utilities
c. Automotive
d Connected supply chain

Answer- Energy and utilities

Que- Which possibility automatically communicates with other vehicles?
a. Transportation and logistics
b. Energy and utilities
c. Automotive
d Connected supply chain

Answer- Automotive

Que- Which possibility connects the production line to suppliers?
a. Transportation and logistics
b. Energy and utilities
c. Automotive
d Connected supply chain

Answer- Connected supply chain

Que- Which possibility provides inter connectivity between shop floor and top floor?
a. Transportation and logistics
b. Energy and utilities
c. Plant control flow operation
d Connected supply chain

Answer- Plant control flow operation

Que- Which possibility is the highest contributor to cost overhead for manufacturing facilities?
a. Transportation and logistics
b. Energy and utilities
c. Plant control flow operation
d Energy management and resource optimization

Answer- Energy management and resource optimization

Que- __________ Uses voice to control the devices.
a. Google Home
b. Apple HomePod
c. Both Google Home and Apple HomePod
d Google Sheets

Answer- Both Google Home and Apple HomePod

Que- Do we have problems using screen in smartphones.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What should be the frequency of the soil for hand gesturing functions?
a. 50 GHz
b. 60 GHz
c. 35 GHz
d 40 GHz

Answer- 60 GHz

Que- What is the gesture that can be produced by tapping index finger to the tip of your thumb?
a. Pressing a virtual button
b. Twisting a virtual dial
c. Pressing a virtual button and Twisting a virtual dial
d Neither Twisting a virtual dial nor Pressing a virtual button

Answer- Pressing a virtual button

Que- What is the gesture that can be produced by rubbing your index finger against your thumb?
a. Pressing a virtual button
b. Twisting a virtual dial
c. Pressing a virtual button and Twisting a virtual dial
d Neither Twisting a virtual dial nor Pressing a virtual button

Answer- Twisting a virtual dial

Que- Using gestures to interact with augmented applications _________
a. Providing movement
b. Modifying a virtual menu
c. Changing the direction
d Navigating a virtual menu

Answer- Navigating a virtual menu

Que- Soli has ______
a. Small form factor
b. High power
c. High form factor
d Medium power

Answer- Small form factor

Que- Does smart phone use soli.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- RFID stands for ________
a. Radio Frequency Industry
b. Random Frequency Identification
c. Radio Flow Industry
d Radio Frequency Identification

Answer- Radio Frequency Identification

Que- IoT describes where Internet provides _________
a. Network
b. Things
c. Architecture
d Objects

Answer- Things

Que- Is our technology out of sync.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Do we have H2M communication.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Is gesture technology important.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- _________ Is experimenting to turn human body in to sort of antenna.
a. Sony
b. Samsung
c. Ericcson
d Lenovo

Answer- Ericcson

Que- Which company is trying to develop hand gestures into virtual controls?
a. Mahindra
b. Microsoft
c. Qualcomm
d Google

Answer- Google

Que- Each object represents _________ in virtual network.
a. Thing
b. Device
c. Node
d Small object

Answer- Node

Que- Continuous transmission of data is called as ____________
a. Ac-halloc
b. Code halo
c. Halo code
d Halloc-ac

Answer- Code halo

Que- BoT stands for ___________
a. Base of Things
b. Built of Things
c. Benefits of Things
d Business of Things

Answer- Base of Things

Que- An informed manufacturing organization contains __________ elements.
a. 4 elements
b. 3 elements
c. 5 elements
d 6 elements

Answer- 4 elements

Que- The manufacturing elements provide _________ manufacturing processes.
a. Automated
b. Intelligent
c. Streamlined
d Automated, Intelligent, and Streamlined

Answer- Automated, Intelligent, and Streamlined

Que- Informed _________ will enable machines to take autonomous action.
a. Product
b. People
c. Processes
d Infrastructure

Answer- Product

Que- Informed __________ will provide intelligent design, operation as well as safety.
a. Product
b. People
c. Processes
d Infrastructure

Answer- People

Que- Informed _______ lead to flexible and adaptable supply chain.
a. Product
b. People
c. Processes
d Infrastructure

Answer- Processes

Que- Informed _________ will better manage complexities and enable more efficient manufacturing of goods.
a. Product
b. People
c. Processes
d Infrastructure

Answer- Infrastructure

Que- Which possibility is based on combination of materials and information flow?
a. Automotive
b. Energy and utilities
c. Transportation and logistics
d Connected supply chain

Answer- Transportation and logistics

Que- Collaborative robots are easily integrated into existing production environment. With __________ articulation points.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d 3

Answer- 6

Que- The collaborative robot arms are designed to mimic the range of motion of a ________
a. Network
b. Machine arm
c. Device
d Human arm

Answer- Human arm

Que- In co -- robot co represents?
a. Coordinative
b. Collaborative
c. Computer
d Control

Answer- Collaborative

Que- A cobots as an apparatus and method for interaction between ________ and ________
a. person and computer
b. Device and computer
c. Device and human
d Human and

Answer- person and computer

Que- The cobots assured human safety by having no internal source of ________
a. General motors
b. Safe equipment
c. Industrial material
d Motive power

Answer- Motive power

Que- Motive power was provided by the human worker.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Cobots function was to allow computer control of motion by ________
a. Motors
b. Human worker
c. Payload
d Power

Answer- Payload

Que- IAD stands for ________
a. Intelligent Assist Device
b. Industrial Assist Device
c. International Assist Device
d Informative Assist Device

Answer- Intelligent Assist Device

Que- Cobots is also called as _______
a. ICD
b. IBD
c. IMD

Answer- IAD

Que- BAXTER is which type of robot?
a. Humanoid robot
b. Industrial robot
c. Hospital robot
d Workspace robot

Answer- Industrial robot

Que- ________ is the simplest method of collaborative robots and is used in applications when human interaction with robot is less.
a. Self monitored stop
b. Speed and separation monitoring
c. Power and force limiting
d Hand guiding

Answer- Self monitored stop

Que- Which type of collaborative robot installation also traditional industrial robots?
a. Self monitored stop
b. Speed and separation monitoring
c. Power and force limiting
d Hand guiding

Answer- Speed and separation monitoring

Que- _________ robots are the most collaborative of the types.
a. Self monitored stop
b. Speed and separation monitoring
c. Power and force limiting
d Hand guiding

Answer- Power and force limiting

Que- __________ robot allows a programmer to teach robot paths and positions.
a. Self monitored stop
b. Speed and separation monitoring
c. Power and force limiting
d Hand guiding

Answer- Hand guiding

Que- All collaborative robot applications should follow ISO 10218.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ________ are the general feature of our brain's perception.
a. Strobes
b. Constant
c. Research
d Interact

Answer- Strobes

Que- Perception and attention are intrinsically rhythmic in nature.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

a. ________ oscillates as one ear peaks in perception before the other takes a turn.
b. Oscillations
c. Auditory decision making
d Auditory perception

Answer- Auditory perception and oscillations

Que- ________ oscillates.
a. Auditory perception
b. Auditory decision making
c. Oscillations
d Auditory perception and oscillations

Answer- Auditory decision making

Que- ________ occur in all perception, not just vision.
a. Auditory perception
b. Auditory decision making
c. Oscillations
d Auditory perception and oscillations

Answer- Oscillations

Que- Human eye perception is cyclical.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The researches demonstrated that the sensitivity of detecting weak sound is ________
a. Constant
b. Not constant
c. Fluctuating
d Sinusoidal

Answer- Not constant

Que- The auditory cycles happen at the rate of around ________
a. 7 per second
b. 5 per second
c. 6 per second
d 8 per second

Answer- 6 per second

Que- Is auditory cycles slow than neuroscience.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Brain oscillations happen at the rate of around ________
a. 150 times per second
b. 100 times per second
c. 125 times per second
d 250 times per second

Answer- 100 times per second

Que- Human decision making is at the rate of ________
a. One-third of a second
b. One-fourth of a second
c. One-tenth of a second
d One-sixth of a second

Answer- One-sixth of a second

Que- A variation of oscillation is said to be found between ________
a. Two eyes
b. Only one ear
c. Only one eye
d Two ears

Answer- Two ears

Que- ________ to attention could help bind together relevant information at regular time points.
a. Strobing Approach
b. Oscillation
c. Both strobing and oscillations
d Neither strobing nor oscillations

Answer- Strobing Approach

Que- ICT stands for ____________
a. Internet Communication Technology
b. Industrial Communication Technology
c. Information Communication Technology
d Information Connect Technology

Answer- Information Communication Technology

Que- AI stands for ____________
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Ambient Intelligence
c. Application Intelligence
d Ambient Internet

Answer- Ambient Intelligence

Que- ________ device, perhaps in the form of doll or toy.
a. Anthropomorphic
b. Devil toy
c. Chunky
d Teddy

Answer- Anthropomorphic

Que- The anthropomorphic device may aim its gaze at the source of ________
a. Interpreter
b. Media device
c. Social cue
d Transmitter

Answer- Social cue

Que- The anthropomorphic device may transmit the media device command to ________
a. Social cue
b. Media device
c. Interpreter
d Transmitter

Answer- Media device

Que- The toy includes ________
a. Microphone
b. Camera
c. Speaker
d Microphone, camera, and speaker

Answer- Microphone, camera, and speaker

Que- The privacy concerns are ________ when devices have the capacity to record conversations and log activity.
a. Clear
b. Not clear
c. Fluctuating
d Constant

Answer- Clear

Que- When we hear about IoT, we think of our ________
a. Microphone
b. Speaker
c. Thermostat
d Transmitter

Answer- Thermostat

Que- Sensible objects first game is called Fabulous Beast.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Hello Barbie does what?
a. Moves its hands
b. Raises its Eyebrow
c. Moves its legs
d Moves its head

Answer- Raises its Eyebrow

Que- Does the HelloBarbie connected to cloud?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Using ________ toy will keep interaction between toy and child.
a. Device
b. Motor
c. Driver
d Engine

Answer- Engine

Que- With set of sensors and app children can do ________
a. Feed
b. Bathe
c. Hatch
d Feed, bathe and hatch

Answer- Feed, bathe and hatch

Que- ________ introduces children to the concept of computer programming.
a. Lightbot
b. Brain Development
c. Healthy and activity
d Privacy

Answer- Lightbot

Que- Using what the time can and should be used for encouraging education and imagination.
a. Lightbot
b. Brain Development
c. Healthy and activity
d Privacy

Answer- Brain Development

Que- By using which of the following the floor of the child plays area turn into an interactive game?
a. Lightbot
b. Brain Development
c. Healthy and activity
d Privacy

Answer- Healthy and activity

Que- ________ the connected toy will warrant significant effort from manufactures.
a. Lightbot
b. Brain Development
c. Healthy and activity
d Privacy and safety

Answer- Privacy and safety

Que- Which characteristics involve the facility the thing to respond in an intelligent way to a particular situation?
a. Intelligence
b. Connectivity
c. Dynamic Nature
d Enormous Scale

Answer- Intelligence

Que- ________ empowers IoT by bringing together everyday objects.
a. Intelligence
b. Connectivity
c. Dynamic Nature
d Enormous Scale

Answer- Connectivity

Que- The collection of data is achieved with ________ changes.
a. Intelligence
b. Connectivity
c. Dynamic Nature
d Enormous Scale

Answer- Dynamic Nature

Que- The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other will be much larger.
a. Intelligence
b. Connectivity
c. Dynamic Nature
d Enormous Scale

Answer- Enormous Scale

Que- ________ Provide the means to create capability that reflects true awareness of the physical world and people.
a. Sensors
b. Heterogeneity
c. Security
d Connectivity

Answer- Sensors

Que- ________ in IoT as one of the key characteristics, devices have different hardware platforms and networks.
a. Sensors
b. Heterogeneity
c. Security
d Connectivity

Answer- Heterogeneity

Que- IoT devices are naturally vulnerable to ________ threats.
a. Sensors
b. Heterogeneity
c. Security
d Connectivity

Answer- Security

Que- Which challenge comes under IoT devices, reliable bidirectional signaling.
a. Signaling
b. Security
c. Presence detection
d Power consumption

Answer- Signaling

Que- Which challenge comes under securing the information?
a. Signaling
b. Security
c. Presence detection
d Power consumption

Answer- Security

Que- ________ gives an exact, up to the second state of all devices on a network.
a. Signaling
b. Security
c. Presence detection
d Power consumption

Answer- Presence detection

Que- Which challenge comes when we use many devices on the same network?
a. Signaling
b. Security
c. Presence detection
d Power consumption

Answer- Power consumption

Que- ________ a cellular network is expensive, especially with many IoT devices.
a. Signaling
b. Security
c. Bandwidth
d Power consumption

Answer- Bandwidth

Que- Which of the following issues are considered in IoT?
a. Security Issue
b. Reliablity Issue
c. Standard Issue
d All issues

Answer- All issues

Que- SBC stands for?
a. Standard Building Center
b. Smart Business Center
c. Standard Business Center
d Smart Building Center

Answer- Smart Business Center

Que- There are efficiency gains from ________ all sorts of equipment.
a. Implementation
b. Analogous
c. Evolution
d Digitization

Answer- Digitization

Que- Business values can be Daunting Proposition to figure out how to best harness all this data.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The availability of ________ is the cloud services provider who will host video and data for end users.
a. Devices
b. Memory
c. Security system
d Objects

Answer- Security system

Que- SLA stands for ____________
a. Service Level Agreement
b. Security Level Agreement
c. System Local Area
d Service Local Area

Answer- Service Level Agreement

Que- A provider which produces 99 percent uptime ________
a. Security issues
b. Network Issues
c. Programming issue
d Memory issue

Answer- Network Issues

Que- With physical security, the stakes are incredibly ________
a. Very high
b. Low
c. Very low
d High

Answer- High

Que- Issue with connecting to data stored have anything to do with data centers.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The most likely culprit is ________
a. Things
b. Network
c. Device
d Internet connectivity

Answer- Internet connectivity

Que- ________ are designed to protect data and servers.
a. Physical walls
b. Logical firewalls
c. Both Physical and logical
d Neither physical nor logical

Answer- Both Physical and logical

Que- Communication between ________ and ________ is encrypted for security.
a. Cloud and device
b. End user and data center
c. Network and device
d Cloud and Network

Answer- End user and data center

Que- Undertaking the intervention over an extended period of time would enhance the change of gaining access.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ________ phase starts with the construction of spanning tree for ordinary routing information.
a. Initialization
b. Message Relaying
c. Selective recovery
d Lost message detection

Answer- Initialization

Que- In which phase packets are forwarded hop by hop to get closer to the sink?
a. Initialization
b. Message Relaying
c. Selective recovery
d Lost message detection

Answer- Message Relaying

Que- ________ is achieved using over hearing mechanism.
a. Initialization
b. Message Relaying
c. Selective recovery
d Lost message detection

Answer- Lost message detection

Que- What is the last step in algorithm for reliable data transfer?
a. Initialization
b. Message Relaying
c. Selective recovery
d Lost message detection

Answer- Selective recovery

Que- The SOA architecture is divided into how many layers?
a. 5 layers
b. 2 layers
c. 7 layers
d no layers ie., only one layer

Answer- 2 layers

Que- Which layer in SOA delivers messages between applications?
a. ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b. Service Broker
c. SOA registry
d SOA supervisor

Answer- ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)

Que- Which block is the central reference of meta-data for services?
a. ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b. Service Broker
c. SOA registry
d SOA supervisor

Answer- SOA registry

Que- Which block ties work flow and SOA registry?
a. ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b. Service Broker
c. Accounting package
d SOA supervisor

Answer- Service Broker

Que- Which blocks deals with performance issues?
a. ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b. Service Broker
c. SOA registry
d SOA supervisor

Answer- SOA supervisor

Que- What are the three terminologies on which SOA service stands__________
a. Contract, Address and Building
b. Contract, Address and Service
c. Service, Contract and Building
d Service, Building and Address

Answer- Contract, Address and Building

Que- Which standard is preferable to achieve SOA?
a. Software service
b. Business service
c. Network service
d Web service

Answer- Web service

Que- SOA stands for _____________
a. Solution Oriented Architecture
b. Sector Oriented Architecture
c. Service Oriented Architecture
d Source Oriented Architecture

Answer- Service Oriented Architecture

Que- approach traditionally used to couple functionality of heavyweight corporate IT systems, are becoming application to embedded real world devices.________ is used to describe a perceived, quickly growing set of web based applications.
a. Web 4.0
b. Web 3.5
c. Web 2.0
d Web 4.5

Answer- Web 2.0

Que- ________ is the philosophy of encapsulating application logic in services.
a. API
b. SOA
c. Both SOA and API
d Neither SOA and API

Answer- SOA

Que- ________ are a modern interpretation of service oriented architectures used to build distributed software systems.
a. SOA
b. API
c. Microservices
d Web 2.0

Answer- Microservices

Que- Services in a microservice architecture are _________ that communicates with each other over the network.
a. Microservices
b. SOA
c. API
d Processes

Answer- Processes

Que- API enables services portability between ____________
a. Systems
b. Devices
c. Networks
d Services

Answer- Systems

Que- Ubiquitous service provision depends on _________
a. QoS
b. Management
c. Interoperability
d Routing

Answer- Interoperability

Que- API architecture not only includes critical elements but also caters for _________
a. System
b. Devices
c. Network
d Multi homing

Answer- Multi homing

Que- All portals are embedded into a single supercomputer, known as _________
a. Network
b. Web
c. Internet
d System

Answer- Web

Que- _________ is uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices.
a. Internet
b. IoT
c. Bigdata
d Cloud

Answer- IoT

Que- Web is a mesh of computers, so too is _________
a. IoT
b. Bigdata
c. Cloud
d Internet

Answer- IoT

Que- Without _________ computers embedded in house keys are worthless.
a. Data
b. Services
c. Both Data and Services
d Neither data nor services

Answer- Both Data and Services

Que- _________ Services are the way in which the IoT is connected to data.
a. Cloud
b. Bigdata
c. Internet
d Network

Answer- Cloud

Que- APIs are the skybridge.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- IoT solutions are at the heart of IDC's view of the _________
a. Three
b. Two
c. One
d Four

Answer- Four

Que- _________ are the inter connectors.
a. Web
b. Internet
c. Network
d APIs

Answer- APIs

Que- Is APIs are glue?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Most IoT problems are addressed at _________ layer
a. TCP
b. IP
c. API

Answer- API

Que- IoT-A stands for ________
a. Internet of Things Address
b. Internet of Things Architecture
c. Internet of Things Area
d Industrial of things Architecture

Answer- Internet of Things Architecture

Que- IoT-A reference model is a _________
a. Scalable
b. Secure
c. Both scalable and secure
d Neither scalable nor secure

Answer- Both scalable and secure

Que- What is the role of Bigdata in smart grid architecture of IoT?
a. Store data
b. Manage data
c. Collect data
d Security

Answer- Store data

Que- What is the role of Cloud in smart grid architecture of IoT?
a. Store data
b. Manage data
c. Collect data
d Security

Answer- Manage data

Que- What is the role of Gateway in smart grid architecture of IoT?
a. Store data
b. Manage data
c. Collect data
d Security

Answer- Collect data

Que- What is the role of Sensor in smart grid architecture of IoT?
a. Store data
b. Manage data
c. Collect data
d Security

Answer- Store data

Que- IoT gateway must provide __________
a. Simple and fast installation
b. Security with hardware
c. Data storage
d Protocol abstraction

Answer- Protocol abstraction

Que- Which of the following is IoT device manageability?
a. Protocol abstraction
b. Simple and fast installation
c. Security with hardware
d Data storage

Answer- Simple and fast installation

Que- IoT security management includes ________
a. Protocol abstraction
b. Simple and fast installation
c. Security with hardware
d Data storage

Answer- Security with hardware

Que- IoT data scalability includes ________
a. Protocol abstraction
b. Simple and fast installation
c. Security with hardware
d Data storage

Answer- Data storage

Que- What is the example for smart grid edge device for utility?
a. Smart Meters
b. Smart Home
c. Smart Car
d Smart Collage

Answer- Smart Meters

Que- According to the analysis on IoT application frame work, smart grid is divided into ________ layers.
a. 2layers
b. 3 layers
c. 4 layers
d 5 layers

Answer- 3 layers

Que- Monitor target of the smart ________ includes sensor objects in the power link.
a. Perception layer
b. Smart network layer
c. Smart Application layer
d Data layer

Answer- Perception layer

Que- ________ layer can be divided into the data access network and the core network.
a. Perception layer
b. Smart network layer
c. Smart Application layer
d Data layer

Answer- Smart network layer

Que- In ________ layer, various application platforms are built as required by the services needs of smart grid.
a. Perception layer
b. Smart network layer
c. Smart Application layer
d Data layer

Answer- Smart Application layer

Que- ICT stands for ________
a. Information and Communication Technology
b. Internet and Communication Technology
c. Internet and Communication of Things
d Information and Communication of Things

Answer- Information and Communication Technology

Que- Do we have defects with the existing power communication network?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which protocol is used to link all the devices in the IoT?
b. Network
c. UDP

Answer- TCP/IP

Que- ________ enables seamless integration of LoWPAN devices with internet leveraging.
d IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer- IETF 6LoWPAN

Que- ________ enables open application layer for constrained nodes.
d IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer- IEFT CoAP

Que- ________ tags, devices, smart phones useful in identification.
d IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer- RFID/NFC

Que- ________ supports low energy radio operation.
d Bluetooth

Answer- Bluetooth

Que- ________ specification defining the PHY and MAC layer of low power devices.
d IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer- IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Que- 6LoWPAN Adaption layer contains?
a. Header compression
b. Fragmentation
c. Layer 2 forwarding
d Header compression, Fragmentation, and Layer 2 forwarding

Answer- Header compression, Fragmentation, and Layer 2 forwarding

Que- ________ is an application layer protocol for resource constrained devices.
a. CoAP

Answer- CoAP

Que- Adheres to ________ approach for managing resources and support mapping to HTTP.
a. RETful
b. IoT
c. Restful
d RESTful

Answer- RESTful

Que- ________ resources are identified by Uniform Resource Identifiers.
a. CoAP

Answer- CoAP

Que- Which protocol interacts asynchronously over UDP?
b. CoAP

Answer- CoAP

Que- CoAP messages are short.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many messages types are there in CoAP?
a. 2
b. 5
c. 3
d 4

Answer- 4

Que- Number of methods in CoAP?
a. 2
b. 5
c. 4
d 3

Answer- 4

Que- WSN stands for __________
a. Wired Sensor Network
b. Wireless Sensor Network
c. Wired Service Network
d Wireless Service Network

Answer- Wireless Sensor Network

Que- The IoT platforms are mainly divided into how many types
a. 3 types
b. 5 types
c. 4 types
d 2 types

Answer- 4 types

Que- In order to promote _________ the government should employ more management.
a. eGovermnent related
b. Enterprise-based
c. Company based
d Business oriented platform

Answer- eGovermnent related

Que- In order to improve their competitiveness and services assurance, the ________ require independently funded IoT projects.
a. eGovermnent related
b. Enterprise-based
c. Company based
d Business oriented platform

Answer- Enterprise-based

Que- The ________ may become an important facilitator and stimulate for the modern economy.
a. eGovermnent related
b. Enterprise-based
c. Company based
d Business oriented platform

Answer- Business oriented platform

Que- ITS stands for _________
a. Internet Travel Services
b. Internet Transportation Security
c. Intelligent Transportation Security
d Intelligent Transportation Services

Answer- Intelligent Transportation Services

Que- The autonomous ________ based IoT platforms are used for internal management of the corresponding enterprise.
a. eGovermnent related
b. Enterprise-based
c. Company based
d Business oriented platform

Answer- Company based

Que- Does information resource management need to be integrated into market management?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The use of RFID in product logistics may realize automatic acquisition of logistics information.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- An IoT ________ center is envisaged as an important part of the generic IoT platform to unify the organization.
a. Individual Information
b. Individual Integration
c. Integrated Information
d Individual and Integrated Information

Answer- Integrated Information

Que- The core element of architecture of smart city is ________
a. Mobile Unified Service
b. Urban Application Platform
c. Management center
d Integrated Information Provider

Answer- Integrated Information Provider

Que- The core element is operated by ________
a. PaaS
b. IoT service Provider
c. SaaS
d IaaS

Answer- IoT service Provider

Que- Supplementary platforms in the architecture provide support for these services.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Who will use their own IoT business models?
a. PaaS
b. SaaS
c. IaaS
d Service provider

Answer- Service provider

Que- Which approach is used in this architecture?
a. Top down approach
b. Bottom up approach
c. Top down and Bottom Up
d Neither Top down nor bottom up

Answer- Top down approach

Que- IoT promotes the creation of IoT terminal industry ________
a. Devices
b. Network
c. Clusters
d Things

Answer- Clusters

Que- Galileo Gen 2 board was developed by which company?
a. Atmel
b. Intel
c. Motorola
d Dallas

Answer- Intel

Que- Galileo gen 2 board is some time called as Breakout Board?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Intel Galileo has the main feature of?
a. Support PCI Express
b. Intel Quart
c. Support for openCV
d Onboard real time clock

Answer- Intel Quart

Que- Which among the following is more powerful?
a. Rasberry Pi 2 Model
b. Rasberry Pi 3 Model
c. Galieo Gen 2 Board
d Galieo Gen 1 Board

Answer- Rasberry Pi 3 Model

Que- Periferal Component Interconnect (PCI) Express interconnects which modules?
a. Serial communication
b. WIfi, Bluetooth, GSM cards
c. Micro SD card
d Real Time Clock

Answer- WIfi, Bluetooth, GSM cards

Que- What is the frequency of the Galileo gen 2 board?
a. 250MHz
b. 400MHz
c. 450MHz
d 300MHz

Answer- 400MHz

Que- The 10/100Mbit Ethernet support enables the board to connect to _________
a. LAN
b. MAN
c. WAN

Answer- LAN

Que- What is the range of microSD card that is connected externally?
a. 16GB
b. 32Gb
c. 8Gb
d 64Gb

Answer- 32Gb

Que- Which of the following has a real time clock?
a. Galileo Gen 2
b. Rasberry Pi
c. Arduino
d Rasberry Pi 3

Answer- Galileo Gen 2

Que- Which bus is a standard bus derived by ARM with aim to support efficient on chip?
a. Serial Attached SCSI
b. Futurebus
c. Advanced Micro Bus
d Scalable Coherent Interface

Answer- Advanced Micro Bus

Que- How many digital I/O pins are there in Board?
a. 29
b. 15
c. 25
d 20

Answer- 20

Que- Does the board has UART?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What is the storage memory of EEPROM?
a. 16kb
b. 6kb
c. 8kb
d 12kb

Answer- 8kb

Que- What is the USB version that is supported?
a. USB 4.0
b. USB 1.5
c. USB 3.0
d USB 2.0

Answer- USB 2.0

Que- ________ bit PWM for more precise control of servos and smoother response.
a. 14-bit
b. 12-bit
c. 8-bit
d 6-bit

Answer- 12-bit

Que- LPC 2148 pro development board has _________ on chip memory.
a. 500k
b. 625k
c. 512k
d 425k

Answer- 512k

Que- The USB controller provides high speed interface to laptop/PC with a speed of ________
a. On-chip USB with 12Mb/s
b. On-chip USB with 15Mb/s
c. Peripheral USB with 12Mb/s
d Peripheral USB with 15Mb/s

Answer- On-chip USB with 12Mb/s

Que- Xbee/Bluetooth/Wifi wireless modules and SD/MMC card are included in the board?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- In LPC 2148 we require separate programmer?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- Which LCD display is present in LPC 2148 Development Board?
a. 8*8 LED
b. 2*32 LCD
c. 2*16 LCD connected peripherally
d 2*16 LCD on-chip

Answer- 2*16 LCD on-chip

Que- Does it have in system programming or in application programming?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- It provides real time debugging with the on chip real monitor software.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Who is the founder of LPC2148 board?
a. Intel
b. Atmel
c. Motorola
d Philips

Answer- Philips

Que- What is the program counter value when the board turns on?
a. 0x00000
b. 0xFFFFF
c. Where the previous program ends
d At the location where we write the code

Answer- 0x00000

Que- Which IDE is supported by LPC2148 board?
a. Code Blocks
b. AVR Studio 4
c. Keil uVersion 4
d Walldorf

Answer- Keil uVersion 4

Que- ________ bit ARM7TDMI controller is present?
a. 128 bit
b. 8 bit
c. 64 bit
d 32 bit

Answer- 32 bit

Que- USB 2.0 full speed compliant device controller with _________ of end point RAM.
a. 6 kB
b. 4 kB
c. 2 kB
d 8 kB

Answer- 2 kB

Que- Single 10-bit DAC provides variable _________ output.
a. Digital
b. Analog
c. Analog and digital
d Neither analog nor digital

Answer- Analog

Que- Timer in the board has _________ compare and _________ capture channels.
a. 3 and 4
b. 4 and 3
c. 4 and 4
d 3 and 3

Answer- 4 and 4

Que- What is the operating voltage of the board?
a. 5v
b. 2.5v
c. 3v
d 4.5v

Answer- 3v

Que- What do you mean by micro in microcontroller?
a. Distance between 2 IC's
b. Distance between 2 transistors
c. Size of a controller
d Distance between 2 pins

Answer- Distance between 2 transistors

Que- What is the bit size of the 8051 microcontroller?
a. 8-bit
b. 4-bit
c. 16-bit
d 32-bit

Answer- 8-bit

Que- Name the architecture and the instruction set for microcontroller?
a. Van- Neumann Architecture with CISC Instruction Set
b. Harvard Architecture with CISC Instruction Set
c. Van- Neumann Architecture with RISC Instruction Set
d Harvard Architecture with RISC Instruction Set

Answer- Harvard Architecture with CISC Instruction Set

Que- Number of I/O ports in the 8051 microcontroller?
a. 3 ports
b. 4 ports
c. 5 ports
d 4 ports with last port having 5 pins

Answer- 4 ports

Que- Is ROM is used for storing data storage?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- SCON in serial port is used for which operation?
a. Transferring data
b. Receiving data
c. Controlling
d Controlling and transferring

Answer- Controlling

Que- Program counter stores what?
a. Address of before instruction
b. Address of the next instruction
c. Data of the before execution to be executed
d Data of the execution instruction

Answer- Address of the next instruction

Que- Auxiliary carry is set during which condition?
a. When carry is generated from D3 to D4
b. When carry is generated from D7
c. When carry is generated from both D3 to D4 and D7
d When carry is generated at either D3 to D4 or D7

Answer- When carry is generated from D3 to D4

Que- What is order of the assembly and running 8051 program?i) Myfile.asmii) Myfile.lstiii) Myfile.objiv) Myfile.hex
a. i,ii,iii,iv
b. ii,iii,I,iv
c. iv,ii,I,iii
d iii,ii,I,iv

Answer- i,ii,iii,iv

Que- The use of Address Latch Enable is to multiplex address and data memory.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which pin provides a reset option in 8051?
a. Pin 1
b. Pin 8
c. Pin 11
d Pin 9

Answer- Pin 9

Que- External Access is used to permit ____________
a. Peripherals
b. Power supply
c. ALE
d Memory interfacing

Answer- Memory interfacing

Que- What is the address range of SFRs?
a. 80h to feh
b. 00h to ffh
c. 80h to ffh
d 70h to 80h

Answer- 80h to ffh

Que- How many interrupts are there in micro controller?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 4
d 5

Answer- 5

Que- Timer 0 is a ________ bit register.
a. 32-bit
b. 8-bit
c. 16-bit
d 10-bit

Answer- 16-bit

Que- Number of pins in 8051 microcontroller with ________ package.
a. 40 pin with LLC
b. 60 Pin with QFP
c. 40 pin with DIP
d 60 pin with QFP

Answer- 40 pin with DIP

Que- Does an 8051 microcontroller need external oscillator to run?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- We use any other frequency source other than crystal oscillator.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Reset work is __________
a. To make program counter zero but values in registers values are made as zero
b. Program counter is not zero but values in registers values are made as Zero
c. Program counter not zero but values in registers values remain same
d To make program counter zero but values in registers values remain same

Answer- To make program counter zero but values in registers values remain same

Que- What is the minimum no of cycles required for reset operation?
a. 3 cycle
b. 2 cycles
c. 1 cycles
d 4 cycles

Answer- 1 cycles

Que- PSEN stands for ________
a. Program Select Enable
b. Peripheral Store Enable
c. Program Store Enable
d Peripheral Select Enable

Answer- Program Store Enable

Que- Find the machine cycle for AT89C51 if XTAL = 11.0592MHz.
a. 90.42us
b. 361.68us
c. 1.085us
d 150.145us

Answer- 361.68us

Que- What is the operation for mode 0?
a. 13-bit timer mode, 8-bit timer/counter THx and TLx as 5-bit prescalar
b. 16-bit timer mode, 16-bit timer/counter THx and TLx are cascaded, no prescalar
c. 8-bit auto reload mode, 8-bit auto reload time/counter; THx holds a value which is to be reloaded into TLx each time it overflows
d Spilt timer mode

Answer- 13-bit timer mode, 8-bit timer/counter THx and TLx as 5-bit prescalar

Que- What is the operation for mode 1?
a. 13-bit timer mode, 8-bit timer/counter THx and TLx as 5-bit prescalar
b. 16-bit timer mode, 16-bit timer/counter THx and TLx are cascaded, no prescalar
c. 8-bit auto reload mode, 8-bit auto reload time/counter; THx holds a value which is to be reloaded into TLx each time it overflows
d Spilt timer mode

Answer- 16-bit timer mode, 16-bit timer/counter THx and TLx are cascaded, no prescalar

Que- Which is the operation for mode 2?
a. 13-bit timer mode, 8-bit timer/counter THx and TLx as 5-bit prescalar
b. 16-bit timer mode, 16-bit timer/counter THx and TLx are cascaded, no prescalar
c. 8-bit auto reload mode, 8-bit auto reload time/counter; THx holds a value which is to be reloaded into TLx each time it overflows
d Spilt timer mode

Answer- 8-bit auto reload mode, 8-bit auto reload time/counter; THx holds a value which is to be reloaded into TLx each time it overflows

Que- Which is the operation for mode 3?
a. 13-bit timer mode, 8-bit timer/counter THx and TLx as 5-bit prescalar
b. 16-bit timer mode, 16-bit timer/counter THx and TLx are cascaded, no prescalar
c. 8-bit auto reload mode, 8-bit auto reload time/counter; THx holds a value which is to be reloaded into TLx each time it overflows
d Spilt timer mode

Answer- Spilt timer mode

Que- Function of IE1 in TCON register?
a. External interrupt 1 Edge flag. Not related to timer operations
b. External interrupt 1 Edge flag. Not related to timer operations
c. External interrupt 0 single type control bit
d External interrupt 1 to be triggered by a falling edge signal

Answer- External interrupt 1 Edge flag. Not related to timer operations

Que- 8051 controller contains how many registers?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 1
d 2

Answer- 2

Que- General purpose memory is called as ________
a. ROM memory
b. RAM memory
c. SRAM memory
d EPROM memory

Answer- RAM memory

Que- Which timer register has both timers in it?
c. Both TMOD and TCON
d Neither TMOD nor TCON

Answer- TMOD

Que- What is the processor used by ARM7?
a. 8-bit CISC
b. 8-bit RISC
c. 32-bit CISC
d 32-bit RISC

Answer- 32-bit RISC

Que- What is the instruction set used by ARM7?
a. 16-bit instruction set
b. 32-bit instruction set
c. 64-bit instruction set
d 8-bit instruction set

Answer- 16-bit instruction set

Que- How many registers are there in ARM7?
a. 35 register( 28 GPR and 7 SPR)
b. 37 registers(28 GPR and 9 SPR)
c. 37 registers(31 GPR and 6 SPR)
d 35 register(30 GPR and 5 SPR)

Answer- 37 registers(31 GPR and 6 SPR)

Que- ARM7 has an in-built debugging device?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What is the capability of ARM7 f instruction for a second?
a. 110 MIPS
b. 150 MIPS
c. 125 MIPS
d 130 MIPS

Answer- 130 MIPS

Que- We have no use of having silicon customization?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- Which of the following has the same instruction set as ARM7?
a. ARM6
b. ARMv3
c. ARM71a0
d ARMv4T

Answer- ARMv3

Que- What are t, d, m, I stands for in ARM7TDMI?
a. Timer, Debug, Multiplex, ICE
b. Thumb, Debug, Multiplier, ICE
c. Timer, Debug, Modulation, IS
d Thumb, Debug, Multiplier, ICE

Answer- Thumb, Debug, Multiplier, ICE

Que- ARM stands for _________
a. Advanced RISC Machine
b. Advanced RISC Methadology
c. Advanced Reduced Machine
d Advanced Reduced Methadology

Answer- Advanced RISC Machine

Que- What are the profiles for ARM architecture?
a. A,R
b. A,M
c. A,R,M
d R,M

Answer- A,R,M

Que- ARM7DI operates in which mode?
a. Big Endian
b. Little Endian
c. Both big and little Endian
d Neither big nor little Endian

Answer- Both big and little Endian

Que- In which of the following ARM processors virtual memory is present?

Answer- ARM7DI

Que- How many instructions pipelining is used in ARM7EJ-S?
a. 3-Stage
b. 4-Stage
c. 5-Stage
d 2-stage

Answer- 5-Stage

Que- How many bit data bus is used in ARM7EJ-s?
a. 32-bit
b. 16-bit
c. 8-bit
d Both 16 and 32 bit

Answer- 32-bit

Que- What is the cache memory for ARM710T?
a. 12Kb
b. 16Kb
c. 32Kb
d 8Kb

Answer- 8Kb

Que- What are the pipelining stages include?
a. Fetch, Decode, Write
b. Fetch, Decode, Execute
c. Fetch, Execute, Write
d Fetch, Decode, Execute, Write

Answer- Fetch, Decode, Write

Que- What is pipe lining?
a. Non linear
b. Linear
c. Linear and Non linear
d Sometimes both

Answer- Linear

Que- What are the no of pins that are in the ARM7 processors?
a. 65 pin with QFP
b. 45 Pin with QFP
c. 45 pin with LLC
d 65 pin with DIP

Answer- 65 pin with DIP

Que- Using what the processor wake-up from power-down?
a. External Interrupts
b. Internal interrupts
c. Serial Programming
d Program Counter

Answer- External Interrupts

Que- What is the flash memory for LPC2141?
a. 34kB
b. 32kB
c. 128kB
d 256kB

Answer- 32kB

Que- What are the categories in the vectored interrupt controller?
a. Fast interrupt request
b. Non vectored interrupt request
c. Non-vectored IQR
d Fast interrupt request, Non vectored interrupt request and Non-vectored IQR

Answer- Fast interrupt request, Non vectored interrupt request and Non-vectored IQR

Que- Each peripheral has an interrupt line?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What is pin connect block?
a. All pins are having a function without reserved
b. Some pins are Reserved
c. Pins have more than one function
d Multiplexing of some pins

Answer- Pins have more than one function

Que- What is the size of ADC and DAC?
a. 16 bit
b. 10 bit
c. 8 bit
d 32 bit

Answer- 10 bit

Que- How many processors are used in the Instruction pipelining?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d Four

Answer- One

Que- Which signal is used for pipelining on bis cycle in ARM710T?

Answer- BTRAN

Que- _______ pin can be used to extend memory access in whole cycle increments.

Answer- BWAIT

Que- How many DC-DC converters interfaces in ARM7100?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 4
d 2

Answer- 2

Que- The ARM7TDMI-S uses which pipelining?
a. 2-Stage
b. 3-Stage
c. 4-Stage
d 5-Stage

Answer- 3-Stage

Que- The ARM7TDMI-S processor has __________ types of memory cycle.
a. 5
b. 3
c. 4
d 2

Answer- 4

Que- How many types of arduinos do we have?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 8
d 6

Answer- 8

Que- What is the microcontroller used in Arduino UNO?
a. ATmega328p
b. ATmega2560
c. ATmega32114
d AT91SAM3x8E

Answer- ATmega328p

Que- What does p refer to in ATmega328p?
a. Production
b. Pico-Power
c. Power-Pico
d Programmable on chip

Answer- Pico-Power

Que- Arduino shields are also called as _________
a. Extra peripherals
b. Add on modules
c. Connectivity modules
d Another Arduinos

Answer- Add on modules

Que- What is the default bootloader of the Arduino UNO?
a. Optiboot bootloader
b. AIR-boot
c. Bare box

Answer- Optiboot bootloader

Que- Does the level shifter converts the voltage levels between RS-232 and transistor-transistor logic.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which is the software or a programming language used for controlling of Arduino?
a. Assembly Language
b. C Languages
d Any Language

Answer- Any Language

Que- Do Arduino provides IDE Environment?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called _________
a. IDE source
b. Sketch
c. Cryptography
d Source code

Answer- Sketch

Que- Arduino IDE consists of 2 functions. What are they?
a. Build() and loop()
b. Setup() and build()
c. Setup() and loop()
d Loop() and build() and setup()

Answer- Setup() and loop()

Que- How many digital pins are there on the UNO board?
a. 14
b. 12
c. 16
d 20

Answer- 14

Que- _________ board allows sewn into clothing.
a. UNO
b. RedBoard
c. LilyPad
d Mega

Answer- LilyPad

Que- Does Raspberry Pi need external hardware?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- Does RPi have an internal memory?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What do we use to connect TV to RPi?
a. Male HDMI
b. Female HDMI
c. Male HDMI and Adapter
d Female HDMI and Adapter

Answer- Male HDMI and Adapter

Que- How power supply is done to RPi?
a. USB connection
b. Internal battery
c. Charger
d Adapter

Answer- USB connection

Que- What is the Ethernet/LAN cable used in RPi?
a. Cat5
b. Cat5e
c. Cat6
d RJ45

Answer- RJ45

Que- What are the parameters that are default values?
a. Port_Name and Bits
b. Speed and Port_Names
c. Speed and Parity
d Stop bit and Flow Control

Answer- Speed and Port_Names

Que- Which instruction set architecture is used in Raspberry Pi?
a. X86
b. MSP
c. AVR

Answer- ARM

Que- What is the default user in Debain on Raspberry Pi?
a. Default
b. User
c. Pi
d Root

Answer- Pi

Que- What are the distributions are supported by raspberry Pi?
a. Arch Linux
b. Debain
c. Fedora Remix
d Arch Linux, Debain, and Fedora Remix

Answer- Arch Linux, Debain, and Fedora Remix

Que- What bit processor is used in Pi 3?
a. 64-bit
b. 32-bit
c. 128-bit
d Both 64 and 32 bit

Answer- 64-bit

Que- What is the speed of operation in Pi 3?
a. 900MHz
b. 1.2GHz
c. 1GHz
d 500MHz

Answer- 1.2GHz

Que- WiFi is not present in which of the following models?
a. Raspberry Pi3
b. Raspberry Pi Zero WH
c. Raspberry Pi Zero W
d Raspberry Pi Zero

Answer- Raspberry Pi Zero

Que- Does micro SD card present in all modules?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many USB ports are present in Raspberry Pi 3?
a. 5
b. 2
c. 4
d 3

Answer- 4

Que- What is the main programming language code developed by eclipse?
a. C
c. C++
d C/C++

Answer- JAVA

Que- What does an Eclipse IDE allows?
a. Editing the program
b. Compiling the program
c. Both editing and compiling
d Editing, building, Debugging, Compiler

Answer- Editing, building, Debugging, Compiler

Que- What is the scenario the IDE generally required?
a. Language support
b. Visual programming
c. Attitude across different platforms
d Out system platform

Answer- Visual programming

Que- What is Eclipse?
a. IDE
b. Software
c. GNU
d Code base

Answer- IDE

Que- Eclipse is used to develop documents with LaTeX.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Development environment include the __________
a. Eclipse VisualAge
b. Classpath
c. Eclipse JDT
d IcedTea

Answer- Eclipse JDT

Que- The initial codebase is originated from ________
a. IBM VisualAge
b. Equinox
c. Borland VisualAge
d Red Hat VisualAge

Answer- IBM VisualAge

Que- SDK stands for ________
a. Software Design Kit
b. Serial Development Kit
c. Software Development Kit
d Serial Design Kit

Answer- Software Development Kit

Que- It was one of the first IDE to run under ________ and it runs without problem under IcedTea.
a. GNU General Public License
b. Both GNU Classpath, GPL
c. Neither GNU nor GPL
d GNU Classpath

Answer- GNU Classpath

Que- ACM stands for ________
a. Architecture for Computing Machinery
b. Association for Computing Machinery
c. Association for Cloud Machinery
d Architecture for Cloud Machinery

Answer- Association for Computing Machinery

Que- EPL stands for ________
a. Extended Public License
b. Extended Platform License
c. Eclipse Platform License
d Eclipse Public License

Answer- Eclipse Public License

Que- Common Public License is re licensed under ________
a. Eclipse Public License
b. General Public License
c. Eclipse Platform
d Eclipse plug-in

Answer- Eclipse Public License

Que- UML stands for________
a. User Modeling Language
b. User Module Language
c. Unified Modeling Language
d Unified Module Language

Answer- Unified Modeling Language

Que- The Eclipse SDK includes the Eclipse Java development tools.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which allows for advanced refactoring technique?
a. JDK
b. SDK
c. UML

Answer- SDK

Que- MVS stands for ________
a. Microsoft Visual Studio
b. Memory Visual Studio
c. Microsoft Virtual Studio
d Memory Virtual Studio

Answer- Microsoft Visual Studio

Que- IBM landscape contains ________ worlds.
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d 5

Answer- 2

Que- IBM Software Group began creating a development tool that eventually known as ________
a. Code Blocks
b. BlueJ
c. Android Studio
d Eclipse

Answer- Eclipse

Que- Vibrant ecosystem of third parties would be critical for achieving broad adoption of an eclipse.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The consortium's operating principles assured that open source community would control ________
a. Code
b. Consortium
c. Both code, consortium
d Neither code nor consortium

Answer- Both code, consortium

Que- Tools that you develop can plug into the workbench using well defined hooks called ________
a. SDK
b. Extension Point
c. JDK

Answer- Extension Point

Que- The eclipse platform defines pen architecture.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Repository experts build ________ and the usability experts build ________
a. Back end, End user
b. Front end and End user
c. Back user, Front user
d Back end , Front end

Answer- Back end , Front end

Que- The platform itself is built in layers of plug-ins.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The ________ is responsible for defining a structure for plug-ins.
a. Editors
b. Standard Widget Toolkit
c. Runtime
d JFace UI

Answer- Runtime

Que- The workbench UI is ________
a. Plug-in
b. IDE
c. GNU
d Codebase

Answer- Plug-in

Que- The ________ is a cockpit for navigating all the functionality provided by plug-ins.
a. IDE
b. Workbench
c. GNU
d Codebase

Answer- Workbench

Que- The workbench is just a frame.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ________ allow the user to edit something in the workbench.
a. View
b. Workbench
c. Codebase
d Editor

Answer- Editor

Que- ________ provide about some objects that the user is working with in the workbench.
a. Editor
b. View
c. Workbench
d Codebase

Answer- View

Que- Which of the following is the professional kit?
a. PK52
b. CA51
c. A51
d PK51

Answer- PK51

Que- Which of the following is the Compiler kit?
a. CA51
b. PK51
c. A51
d A52

Answer- PK51

Que- Which of the following is the Assembler kit?
a. PK51
b. CA51
c. A51
d A52

Answer- A51

Que- Does PK51 support extended memory derivatives?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- _______ is a complete line of home IoT devices that includes smart switches.
a. Awair
b. Canary
c. Belkin's WeMo
d Cinder

Answer- Belkin's WeMo

Que- Which device is a home security system?
a. Belkin's WeMo
b. Awair
c. Canary
d Cinder

Answer- Canary

Que- _______ also offers a huge lineup of products related to home automation.
a. GE connected appliances
b. Honeywell
c. Eversense
d Cinder

Answer- Honeywell

Que- _______ is the best for Internet connected thermostat.
a. Honeywell
b. GE connected appliances
c. Eversense
d Nest

Answer- Nest

Que- _________ is known for its deadbolts and doorknobs.
a. GE connected appliances
b. Eversense
c. Nest
d Schlage

Answer- Schlage

Que- What is the use of Thermostat in Nest Thermostat E?
a. Save energy
b. Show the use of energy
c. Supports in some devices only
d Won't work at some conditions

Answer- Save energy

Que- What is the main function of Nest Thermostat E?
a. Change the temperature only when we are at home
b. Reduce the energy used
c. Change the temperature from anywhere
d Powers off when a person is not present

Answer- Change the temperature from anywhere

Que- It displays when you are close.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Does HomePod allow voice controlling?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Function of huge light bulb?
a. To reduce energy and to control lightning
b. To create lighting scenes based on your favourite photos
c. To reduce energy and to create lighting scenes based on your favourite photos and to control lightning
d To controlling lightning and to create lighting scenes based on your favourite photos

Answer- To reduce energy and to create lighting scenes based on your favourite photos and to control lightning

Que- What is the drawback of using Lockitron?
a. Wastage of more energy
b. Supports in some devices only
c. Won't work at some conditions
d Tough installation

Answer- Supports in some devices only

Que- Sonos is a system that uses ________ wireless speakers.
a. Wifi
b. Hifi
c. Zigbee
d Bluetooth

Answer- Hifi

Que- What is the facility Sonos provides?
a. It provides high quality 3D audio
b. Can here only to a restricted area
c. Call connectivity
d Choose to play what you want in different rooms

Answer- Choose to play what you want in different rooms

Que- Smart Fitness clothing mainly has which device?
a. Battery
b. Bluetooth
c. Sensors
d Internet

Answer- Sensors

Que- What are Revolv means?
a. In built programming of all devices
b. Movement of device
c. A simple robot
d Bringing all devices under a single command

Answer- Bringing all devices under a single command

Que- Which devices measures gases or liquid?
a. Proximity sensor
b. Pressure sensor
c. Temperature sensor
d Touch sensor

Answer- Pressure sensor

Que- Which sensor measures the pressure relative to perfect vacuum?
a. Absolute pressure sensor
b. Gauge pressure sensor
c. Vacuum pressure sensor
d Differential pressure sensor

Answer- Absolute pressure sensor

Que- Which sensor measure the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure?
a. Absolute pressure sensor
b. Gauge pressure sensor
c. Vacuum pressure sensor
d Differential pressure sensor

Answer- Gauge pressure sensor

Que- Barometer is which type of sensor________
a. Pressure sensor
b. Touch sensor
c. Temperature sensor
d Humidity sensor

Answer- Pressure sensor

Que- Touch screen devices use which sensor?
a. Touch sensor
b. Temperature sensor
c. Humidity sensor
d Pressure sensor

Answer- Pressure sensor

Que- What is the stability of pressure sensor?
a. +/-0.75% FS
b. +/-0.5% FS
c. +/- 0.35% FS
d +/-0.125% FS

Answer- +/- 0.35% FS

Que- What is the operating voltage of pressure sensor?
a. 3.5v
b. 1.5v
c. 5v
d 3v

Answer- 3v

Que- The feature of c39 is its low insertion height.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What is the absolute pressure of c39?
a. 2.0 bar
b. 1.5 bar
c. 1.2 bar
d 1.35 bar

Answer- 1.2 bar

Que- Which pressure standard is used for gauge?
a. Dead-weight tester
b. Manometer
c. Pressure switches
d Stain gauge pressure sensor

Answer- Manometer

Que- Pressure measured relative to perfect vacuum is termed as ______
a. Absolute Pressure Measurement
b. Differential Pressure Measurement
c. Gauge Pressure Measurement
d Both Absolute and Differential

Answer- Absolute Pressure Measurement

Que- In which pressure measurement, pressure of two distinct positions are compared?
a. Absolute Pressure Measurement
b. Differential Pressure Measurement
c. Gauge Pressure Measurement
d Both Absolute and Differential

Answer- Differential Pressure Measurement

Que- ______ can be defined as a subtype of differential pressure measurement.
a. Absolute Pressure Measurement
b. Differential Pressure Measurement
c. Gauge Pressure Measurement
d Both Absolute and Differential

Answer- Gauge Pressure Measurement

Que- The computer devices and smart phones that have _______ with pressure sensor.
a. Automotive Industry
b. Industrial
c. Aviation
d Touch screen

Answer- Touch screen

Que- In which place the pressure sensor is needed for monitoring gases and their partial pressures.
a. Touch screen
b. Automotive Industry
c. Industrial
d Aviation

Answer- Industrial

Que- Which axis accelerometer is mostly used in IOT?
a. 2- axis
b. 3- axis
c. 1- axis
d Combination of all

Answer- 3- axis

Que- Accelerometer is the measurement of ________
a. Velocity/time
b. Energy/time
c. Height/time
d Angle/time

Answer- Velocity/time

Que- What is the use of accelerometer in laptops?
a. To rotate the screen
b. To protect hard drives from damage
c. To get the angle on monitor
d To get the linear acceleration

Answer- To protect hard drives from damage

Que- Are accelerometer used in cars?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many and what are the parts that are present in the accelerometer sensor?
a. 1, capacitor sensor
b. 3, piezoelectric effect, Analog display, digital display
c. 2, piezoelectric effect and capacitor sensor
d 2, Capacitor sensor, digital Display

Answer- 2, piezoelectric effect and capacitor sensor

Que- The BGM160 gyroscope sensor is fitted with ________ interfaces.
a. Only SPI
b. Only I2C
c. SPI and UART
d SPI and I2C

Answer- SPI and I2C

Que- Gyroscope is used for_________
a. Anti-theft
b. Capacitive proximity sensing
c. Gaming
d Angle detection

Answer- Gaming

Que- Gyroscope is used to measure_________
a. Linear Acceleration
b. Angular velocity
c. Angular velocity and linear acceleration
d Linear velocity

Answer- Angular velocity

Que- What is the rate noise density of gyroscope?
a. 0.011 dps/√Hz
b. 0.0011 dps/√Hz
c. 1.11 dps/√Hz
d 11.1 dps/√Hz

Answer- 0.011 dps/√Hz

Que- How many sensing structures are there in gyroscope sensor?
a. Two structures
b. Three structures
c. Depending on application
d Single structure

Answer- Single structure

Que- Theory behind working of accelerometer can be understood from ________
a. Rotary
b. Liner
c. Newtonian mechanism
d Reciprocating

Answer- Newtonian mechanism

Que- ________ is included in a system to provide desirable damping effect.
a. Speedometer
b. Seismic
c. Damper
d Dashpot

Answer- Dashpot

Que- Displacement and acceleration are related by fundamental scaling law.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ________ sensor is used for tracking rotation or twist.
a. Gyroscope
b. Temperature
c. Pressure
d Proximity

Answer- Gyroscope

Que- Ring laser type gyroscope operates based on _________ principle.
a. Damper
b. Sagnac
c. Seismic
d Dashpot

Answer- Sagnac

Que- What is ESP8266?
a. WIFI module
b. Sensor
c. Board
d USB cable

Answer- WIFI module

Que- which sensor is LM35?
a. Pressure sensor
b. Humidity sensor
c. Temperature sensor
d Touch sensor

Answer- Temperature sensor

Que- How many pins does temperature sensor have?
a. 5 legs
b. 2 legs
c. 4 legs
d 3 legs

Answer- 3 legs

Que- Monnit temperature sensor is used for what?
a. Accurate results
b. To measure the temperature at high degree
c. Temperature sensor
d Pressure sensor

Answer- Accurate results

Que- Which of the following is the Wireless battery-free sensor?
a. LM35
b. RFM3200
c. ESP8266
d DHT11

Answer- RFM3200

Que- Which sensor is used for monitor electric distribution and switching equipment temperature?
a. LM35
b. ESP8266
c. DHT11
d RFM3200

Answer- RFM3200

Que- Electric motor protection has which sensor?
a. Pressure sensor
b. Touch sensor
c. Temperature sensor
d Humidity sensor

Answer- Temperature sensor

Que- What is DS18B20?
a. Pressure sensor
b. Touch sensor
c. Humidity sensor
d Temperature sensor

Answer- Temperature sensor

Que- What is STSC1?
a. Pressure sensor
b. Temperature sensor
c. Touch sensor
d Humidity sensor

Answer- Temperature sensor

Que- Line of sight of wireless sensor tag is ________
a. 750ft
b. 700ft
c. 500ft
d 550ft

Answer- 700ft

Que- A ________ is thermally sensitive resistor that exhibits a large change in resistance.
a. Thermistor
b. Resistance Thermometer
c. Thermo couple
d Semiconductor based sensor

Answer- Thermistor

Que- ________ measures temperature by correlating the resistance of the RTD with temperature.
a. Thermistor
b. Resistance Thermometer
c. Thermo couple
d Semiconductor based sensor

Answer- Resistance Thermometer

Que- ________ consists of two different metals connected at two points.
a. Thermistor
b. Resistance Thermometer
c. Thermocouple
d Semiconductor based sensor

Answer- Thermocouple

Que- Which type of temperature sensor is placed in Integrated Circuits?
a. Thermistor
b. Resistance Thermometer
c. Thermocouple
d Semiconductor based sensor

Answer- Semiconductor based sensor

Que- Which sensor is linear and low accuracy?
a. Thermistor
b. Resistance Thermometer
c. Thermocouple
d Semiconductor based sensor

Answer- Semiconductor based sensor

Que- What is humidity sensor?
a. Hygrometer
b. Gyroscope
c. Sesimoscope
d Sundial

Answer- Hygrometer

Que- Units for Humidity sensor____________
a. Dew/fost point or Relative Humidity
b. Relative Humidity or Parts Per Million
c. Dew/fost point or Parts Per Million
d Dew/fost point or Parts Per Million or Relative Humidity

Answer- Dew/fost point or Parts Per Million or Relative Humidity

Que- Dew point and Fost point are mainly used in which conditions?
a. Water vapor
b. Pressure of gas
c. Dryness of gas
d Moisture in gas

Answer- Dryness of gas

Que- Units for Absolute Humidity is ________
a. grams/m3
b. % by volume
d %

Answer- grams/m3

Que- Units for Due point is _______
a. gram/m3
b. % by volume
d oC

Answer- oC

Que- Humidity sensors are divided into how many types and depending on what?
a. 2 types depending on output
b. 2 types depending on measurement units
c. 3 types depending on measurement units
d 3 types depending on output

Answer- 2 types depending on measurement units

Que- Electronic type hygrometers are divided into how many types?
a. 5 types
b. 3 types
c. 4 types
d 2 types

Answer- 2 types

Que- Relative humidity is a function of ________
a. Ambient temperature
b. Water vapor pressure
c. Ambient temperature and Water vapor pressure
d Dryness

Answer- Ambient temperature and Water vapor pressure

Que- Which sensors measure the moisture level using humidity?
a. Capacitive Sensor
b. Resistive Sensor
c. Thermal Conductivity
d Both resistive and conductive

Answer- Capacitive Sensor

Que- ________ sensors measure the electrical change in devices such as conductive polymers.
a. Capacitive Sensor
b. Resistive Sensor
c. Thermal Conductivity
d Both resistive and conductive

Answer- Both resistive and conductive

Que- ________ sensors are suitable for environments that have high temperatures.
a. Capacitive Sensor
b. Resistive Sensor
c. Thermal Conductivity
d Both resistive and conductive

Answer- Thermal Conductivity

Que- Are capacitive sensors linear?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Capacitive RH sensors dominate __________ measurements.
a. Atmospheric
b. Process
c. Both atmospheric and process
d Neither atmospheric nor process

Answer- Both atmospheric and process

Que- Which sensor can detect nearby objects?
a. Proximity sensor
b. Humidity sensor
c. Touch sensor
d Pressure sensor

Answer- Proximity sensor

Que- The monitoring of machines, gears and objects are achieved by which sensor?
a. Humidity sensor
b. Proximity sensor
c. Touch sensor
d Pressure sensor

Answer- Proximity sensor

Que- Which proximity sensor detects metal objects?
a. Capacitive Proximity Sensor
b. Magnetic Proximity Sensor
c. Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor
d Inductive Proximity Sensor

Answer- Inductive Proximity Sensor

Que- Which proximity sensor indicates level?
a. Inductive Proximity Sensor
b. Capacitive Proximity Sensor
c. Magnetic Proximity Sensor
d Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor

Answer- Inductive Proximity Sensor

Que- Which proximity sensors are used in automotive?
a. Inductive Proximity Sensor
b. Capacitive Proximity Sensor
c. Magnetic Proximity Sensor
d Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor

Answer- Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor

Que- Which proximity sensor detects positioning of an object?
a. Inductive Proximity Sensor
b. Capacitive Proximity Sensor
c. Optical Proximity Sensor
d Magnetic Proximity Sensor

Answer- Optical Proximity Sensor

Que- Are proximity sensors used in retail settings?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- VCNL4100CT allows the proximity detection up to________
a. 2 meter
b. 1 meters
c. 0.5 meters
d 1.5 meters

Answer- 1 meters

Que- Which protocol is used by proximity sensor?
a. I2C
b. SPI

Answer- I2C

Que- Does proximity sensor have a temperature sensor in it?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which device generates output signal when metal objects are either inside or entering into sensing area.
a. Capacitive Proximity
b. Magnetic Proximity
c. Inductive proximity
d Parallel Proximity

Answer- Capacitive Proximity

Que- ________ detects metals but along with it can also detect resins, liquids.
a. Inductive proximity
b. Capacitive Proximity
c. Magnetic Proximity
d Parallel Proximity

Answer- Capacitive Proximity

Que- _________ sensors have no electrical noise effect and it can work DC.
a. Inductive proximity
b. Capacitive Proximity
c. Magnetic Proximity
d Parallel Proximity

Answer- Magnetic Proximity

Que- What is the sensing range for magnetic proximity sensors?
a. 120mm
b. 90mm
c. 150mm
d 100mm

Answer- 120mm

Que- What is the sensing range for capacitive proximity sensors?
a. 150mm
b. 25mm
c. 120mm
d 100mm

Answer- 120mm

Que- Other name for tactile sensor is______________
a. Pressure sensor
b. Humidity sensor
c. Touch sensor
d Temperature sensor

Answer- Touch sensor

Que- How many types of touch sensors are present?
a. 2 types
b. 3 types
c. 4 types
d 5 types

Answer- 2 types

Que- Which sensor is used in mobile phones?
a. Capacitive touch sensor
b. Temperature sensor
c. Humidity sensor
d Weight sensor

Answer- Capacitive touch sensor

Que- Capacitive touch sensor has moving parts.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- How many types the capacitive touch sensors are classified?
a. 1 type
b. 2 types
c. 3 types
d 4 types

Answer- 2 types

Que- Resistive touch sensor is used for longer time than capacitive touch sensor.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many types of sensors are there in resistive touch sensor?
a. 2 types
b. 3 types
c. 4 types
d 5 types

Answer- 3 types

Que- Which touchscreen is coated with a transparent material?
a. Capacitive touchscreen
b. SAW
c. Infrared
d Resistive touchscreen

Answer- Resistive touchscreen

Que- Which touchscreen offers 75% clarity?
a. Resistive touchscreen
b. Capacitive touchscreen
c. SAW
d Infrared

Answer- Resistive touchscreen

Que- Which touchscreen is used for industrial purpose?
a. Resistive touchscreen
b. Capacitive touchscreen
c. SAW
d Infrared

Answer- Capacitive touchscreen

Que- SAW expanded as?
a. Surface Arrangement Wave
b. Screen Acoustic Wave
c. Screen Arrangement Wave
d Surface Acoustic Wave

Answer- Surface Acoustic Wave

Que- Which touchscreen technology does not incorporate an overlay.
a. Resistive touchscreen
b. Infrared
c. Capacitive touchscreen

Answer- Infrared

Que- Which touch screen technology is popular for its versatility?
a. Resistive touchscreen
b. Capacitive touchscreen
c. SAW
d Optical Imaging

Answer- Optical Imaging

Que- Which touchscreen is made up a glass overlay.
a. Resistive touchscreen
b. Capacitive touchscreen
c. APR

Answer- APR

Que- Are APR touch screens touch resistances?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Quantization is the method used for conversion?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ENOB stands for_________
a. Effective no of bits
b. Effective no of bytes
c. Efficient no of bits
d Efficient no of bytes

Answer- Effective no of bits

Que- Perfect resolution is possible when?
a. sampling rate greater than thrice the bandwidth of the signal
b. sampling rate greater than twice the bandwidth of the signal
c. sampling rate less than twice the bandwidth of the signal
d sampling rate less than thrice the bandwidth of the signal

Answer- sampling rate greater than twice the bandwidth of the signal

Que- Resolution is expressed in __________
a. Bytes
b. Bits
c. Word
d Nibble

Answer- Bits

Que- The discrete levels available are_________
a. Sides
b. Edges
c. Levels
d Bytes

Answer- Levels

Que- Resolution is expressed in terms of_________
a. Milli volts
b. Ampere
c. Milli ampere
d Volts

Answer- Volts

Que- The rate of new values is called the sampling rate or sampling frequency.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many common ways are there for implementing an ADC?
a. 2 ways
b. 5 ways
c. 8 ways
d 10 ways

Answer- 10 ways

Que- Other name for data conversion is ________
a. Flash ADC
b. Wilkinson
c. Sigma delta
d Ramp compare

Answer- Flash ADC

Que- Which ADC narrows the range?
a. Flash ADC
b. Wilkinson
c. Sigma delta
d Successive approximation

Answer- Successive approximation

Que- Clock jitters is caused by __________
a. Sampling rate
b. Spectrum
c. Phase noise
d Sampling frequency

Answer- Phase noise

Que- The analog signal is __________ in __________
a. Continuous, frequency
b. Continuous, time
c. Discrete, frequency
d Discrete, time

Answer- Continuous, time

Que- Sample and hold circuit is a _______ circuit.
a. Analog device
b. Digital device
c. Both analog and digital
d Neither analog nor digital

Answer- Analog device

Que- Nyquist rate is defined as ___________
a. twice the lowest frequency
b. trice the highest frequency
c. twice the highest frequency
d trice the lowest frequency

Answer- twice the highest frequency

Que- To avoid aliasing we use a __________ filter.
a. Digital filter
b. Aliasing filter
c. Analog filter
d Anti-aliasing filter

Answer- Anti-aliasing filter

Que- GPS module like SIM900/800 uses which protocol?
a. UART protocol
b. USART protocol
c. SPI protocol
d I2C protocol

Answer- UART protocol

Que- Finger print sensor uses which interface?
a. USART protocol
b. UART protocol
c. SPI protocol
d I2C protocol

Answer- UART protocol

Que- RS232 is used for long range wired communication.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- UART is similar to _________
a. SPI protocol
b. I2C protocol
c. HTTP protocol
d MQTT protocol

Answer- I2C protocol

Que- What does UART contain?
a. Parallel register
b. Shift register
c. Clock
d Parallel shift register

Answer- Shift register

Que- Communication in UART is ___________
a. Only simple
b. Only duplex
c. Only full duplex
d Simplex, half duplex, full duplex

Answer- Simplex, half duplex, full duplex

Que- Start bit of UART is logic high.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- Which error occurs when the receiver can't process the character?
a. Overrun error
b. Underrun error
c. Framing error
d Break condition

Answer- Overrun error

Que- What is WD1402A?
a. SPI
d I2C


Que- What is the speed of the 8250 UART?
a. 4800bits/sec
b. 1200bits/sec
c. 12000bit/sec
d 9600bits/sec

Answer- 9600bits/sec

Que- Which error occurs when UART transmitter has completed sending a character and the transmit buffer is empty?
a. Overrun error
b. Underrun error
c. Framing error
d Break condition

Answer- Underrun error

Que- Which error occurs when the designated start and stop bits are not found?
a. Overrun error
b. Underrun error
c. Framing error
d Break condition

Answer- Framing error

Que- Which error occurs when the parity of the number of 1 bit disagrees with that specified by the parity bit?
a. Overrun error
b. Underrun error
c. Framing error
d Parity error

Answer- Parity error

Que- A __________ occurs when the receiver input is at the space level.
a. Overrun error
b. Underrun error
c. Framing error
d Break condition

Answer- Break condition

Que- The term break derives from ___________ signaling.
a. Current loop
b. Voltage loop
c. Power loop
d Current and Power loop

Answer- Current loop

Que- What is the protocol used by USART?
a. RS232
b. RS232C
c. RS485
d RS422

Answer- RS232C

Que- USART provides a synchronous mode that is not in UART?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which of the following needs a clock?
a. Only Asynchronous
b. Only synchronous
c. Both synchronous and Asynchronous
d Sometimes Synchronous

Answer- Only synchronous

Que- During receiving operation what does URXD have?
a. Positive edge
b. Negative edge
c. Level edge
d Either raising or falling edge

Answer- Positive edge

Que- What is the timing of X?
a. 1/32 to 1/64 times of BRCKL
b. 1/42 to 1/63 times of BRCKL
c. 1/32 to 1/63 times of BRCKL
d 1/32 to 1/56 times of BRCKL

Answer- 1/32 to 1/63 times of BRCKL

Que- The secondary implementation uses a fixed second clock divided which is divided by ______________
a. 4
b. 8
c. 32
d 16

Answer- 16

Que- The USART module supports ________ multiprocessor communication modes when the asynchronous mode is used.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d five

Answer- two

Que- How many asynchronous multiprocessor protocols are present?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d 5

Answer- 2

Que- Which bit in control register defines the address bit or idle line multiprocessor protocol mode?
a. MM
d RXWake

Answer- MM

Que- In idle line multiprocessor mode, a precise idle period can be generated to create efficient address character identifiers.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- In synchronous operation characters must be provided on time if not ______ error occurs.
a. Overrun error
b. Underrun error
c. Framing error
d Parity error

Answer- Underrun error

Que- HDLC stands for ___________
a. High level Data Link Control
b. High level Data Level Control
c. High level Data Link Coordinator
d High level Data Link Commutator

Answer- High level Data Link Control

Que- SDLC stands for ___________
a. Synchronous Data Link Control
b. Synchronous Data Level Control
c. Synchronous Data Level Coordinator
d Synchronous Data Link Coordinator

Answer- Synchronous Data Link Control

Que- STR stands for___________
a. Synchronous Transmit Rate
b. Synchronous Target Rate
c. Synchronous Target Receive
d Synchronous Transmit Receive

Answer- Synchronous Transmit Receive

Que- BSC stands for ____________
a. Binary Service Communication
b. Bandwidth Synchronous Communication
c. Binary Synchronous Communication
d Bandwidth Service Communication

Answer- Binary Synchronous Communication

Que- Two wire interface is also called as _________
b. SPI
c. I2C

Answer- I2C

Que- I2c will address large number of slave devices.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- SDA is having a ____________transition when the clock line SCL is high.
a. high to low
b. low to high
c. low to low
d high to high

Answer- high to low

Que- Inter Integrated Circuit is a _____________
a. Single master, single slave
b. Multi master, single slave
c. Single master, multi slave
d Multi master, multi slave

Answer- Multi master, multi slave

Que- Typical voltages used are ___________
a. 5v
b. 3.3v
c. 5v or 3.3v
d 2.5v

Answer- 5v or 3.3v

Que- What is the speed of I2C bus?
a. 100 kbits/s
b. 10 kbits/s
c. 75 kbits/s
d 100 kbits/s and 10 kbits/s

Answer- 100 kbits/s and 10 kbits/s

Que- Master transmits means _________
a. Master node is sending data to a slave
b. Master node is receiving data from slave
c. Slave node is transmitting data to master
d Slave node is sending data to master

Answer- Master node is sending data to a slave

Que- Who sends the start bit?
a. Master receive
b. Master transmit
c. Slave transmit
d Slave receive

Answer- Master transmit

Que- Which is the I2C messaging example?
a. 24c32 EPROM
b. 24c32 EEPROM
c. 24c33 EEPROM
d 24c33 EPROM

Answer- 24c32 EEPROM

Que- Are pull up registers required in I2C?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many types of addressing structures are there in I2C?
a. 4 types
b. 3 types
c. 2 types
d 5 types

Answer- 2 types

Que- All operating modes work under ____________
a. 11 kbit/s
b. 100 kbit/s
c. 15 kbit/s
d 150 kbit/s

Answer- 100 kbit/s

Que- Which mode is highly compatible and simply tightens?
a. Fast mode
b. High speed mode
c. Ultra fast mode
d Both fast and high speed mode

Answer- Fast mode

Que- What is the speed for fast mode?
a. 100 kbit/s
b. 400 kbit/s
c. 150 kbit/s
d 200 kbit/s

Answer- 400 kbit/s

Que- Secure digital card application uses which protocol?
b. SPI
c. I2C

Answer- SPI

Que- SPI device communicates in _________
a. Simplex
b. Half duplex
c. Full duplex
d Both half and full duplex

Answer- Full duplex

Que- Do SPI have/has a single master?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- SPI is described as Asynchronous serial interface.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- How many logic signals are there in SPI?
a. 5 signals
b. 6 signals
c. 4 signals
d 7 signals

Answer- 5 signals

Que- SPI uses how many lines?
a. 4 lines
b. 1 line
c. 3 lines
d 2 lines

Answer- 2 lines

Que- MOSI means __________
a. Line for master to send data to the slave
b. Line for the slave to send data to the master
c. Line for the clock signal
d Line for the master to select which slave to send data to

Answer- Line for master to send data to the slave

Que- MISO means _________
a. Line for master to send data to the slave
b. Line for the slave to send data to the master
c. Line for the clock signal
d Line for the master to select which slave to send data to

Answer- Line for the slave to send data to the master

Que- Which of the following is an advantage of SPI?
a. No start and stop bits
b. Use 4 wires
c. Allows for single master
d Error checking is not present

Answer- No start and stop bits

Que- Which of the following is the disadvantage in SPI?
a. Full duplex communication
b. Push pull drivers
c. Unidirectional signals
d More pins

Answer- More pins

Que- Which of the following is the type of SPI controller?
a. Queued SPI
b. Microwire
c. Microwire/plus
d Quad SPI

Answer- Queued SPI

Que- __________ is a predecessor of SPI.
a. Queued SPI
b. Microwire
c. Microwire/plus
d Quad SPI

Answer- Microwire

Que- Which has a half duplex communication?
a. Queued SPI
b. Microwire
c. Microwire/plus
d Quad SPI

Answer- Microwire

Que- Do SPI have internal flash?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- SMBUS stands for ___________
a. Serial Memory Bus
b. Serial Management Bus
c. System Management Bus
d System Memory Bus

Answer- System Management Bus

Que- CoAP is specialized in ___________
a. Internet applications
b. Device applications
c. Wireless applications
d Wired applications

Answer- Internet applications

Que- CoAP is designed for use between devices on the same constrained network.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which layer is CoAP?
a. Control layer
b. Transport layer
c. Service layer
d Application layer

Answer- Service layer

Que- CoAP provides which of the following requirements?
a. Multicast support and simplicity
b. Low overhead and multicast support
c. Simplicity and low overhead
d Multicast support, Low over head, and simplicity

Answer- Multicast support, Low over head, and simplicity

Que- The core of the protocol is specified in _________
a. RFC 7254
b. RFC 7252
c. RFC 7452
d RFC 7524

Answer- RFC 7252

Que- Do CoAP has memory?
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- CoAP does not provide any security.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- What is the RAM and ROM size in CoAP?
a. 100 KiB of RAM and 10 KiB of ROM
b. 10 KiB of RAM and 100 KiB of ROM
c. 10 KiB of RAM and 250 KiB of ROM
d 250 KiB of RAM and 10 KiB of ROM

Answer- 10 KiB of RAM and 100 KiB of ROM

Que- CoAP feels very much like HTTP.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Which is an open standard?
d CoAP

Answer- CoAP

Que- Will CoAP connects to the internet.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- HART stands for_________
a. Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
b. High Addressable Remote Transducer
c. High Application Remote Transducer
d Highway Application Remote Transducer

Answer- Highway Addressable Remote Transducer

Que- LTP stands for _________
a. Lean Transducer Protocol
b. Lean Transport Protocol
c. Layer Transport Protocol
d Layer Transducer Protocol

Answer- Lean Transport Protocol

Que- CoAP is a specialized _________ protocol.
a. Web Transfer
b. Power
c. Application
d Resource

Answer- Web Transfer

Que- URI and content type support is which protocol feature?
a. Http
b. UDP
c. CoAP

Answer- CoAP

Que- MQTT is mainly used for __________
a. M2M communication
b. Device communication
c. Internet communication
d Wireless communication

Answer- M2M communication

Que- Which is an open standard?
a. CoAP

Answer- MQTT

Que- MQTT is _________ oriented.
a. Data
b. Message
c. Network
d Device

Answer- Message

Que- Who created MQTT?
a. Robert Cailliau
b. Tim Berners-Lee
c. Andy Stanford-Clark
d Vint Cerf

Answer- Andy Stanford-Clark

Que- Does MQTT support security.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Standard ports of MQTT are __________
a. I2C
b. SSL

Answer- TCP/IP

Que- Full form of MQTT _____
a. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
b. Message Queuing Telegram Transport
c. Message Queue Telegram Transport
d Message Queue Telemetry Transport

Answer- Message Queuing Telemetry Transport

Que- What are the key components of a M2M system?
a. Vortex DDS
b. Smart Homes
c. Sensors and Wi-Fi
d Protocols

Answer- Sensors and Wi-Fi

Que- Request field is present in which message format?
a. Request message
b. Response message
c. Both request and response
d Neither request nor response

Answer- Request message

Que- URI and content type support is which protocol feature?
a. SPI
b. UDP
d CoAP

Answer- CoAP

Que- Does HTTP protocol take more power.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many messages will HQTTP will send in 1024?
a. All
b. 256
c. 240
d 514

Answer- 240

Que- How many messages will HTTP will send per hour?
a. 1,708
b. 160,278
c. 3,628
d 263,314

Answer- 1,708

Que- What does HTTP do?
a. Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency
b. Reduces perception of latency and allows multiple concurrency exchange
c. Allows multiple concurrent exchange and enables network resources
d Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency and Allows multiple concurrent exchange

Answer- Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency and Allows multiple concurrent exchange

Que- A request from client is basically made of ______
a. Method
b. Task
c. Event
d Signal

Answer- Method

Que- Response is made up of a ________ status code.
a. two-digit
b. three-digit
c. five-digit
d six-digit

Answer- three-digit

Que- HTTP allows which response?
a. Multiplexing
b. Serial
c. Coherent
d Binary

Answer- Multiplexing

Que- Which protocol provides server push?
a. SPI
c. CoAP

Answer- HTTP

Que- WOT reduces ________ of HTTP.
a. Overrun
b. Overhead
c. Overload
d Load

Answer- Overhead

Que- HTTP expands?
a. HyperText Transfer Protocol
b. HyperTerminal Transfer Protocol
c. HyperText Terminal Protocol
d HyperTerminal Text Protocol

Answer- HyperText Transfer Protocol

Que- How many types of message formats are there in HTTP protocol?
a. 4 types
b. 3 types
c. 2 types
d 5 types

Answer- 2 types

Que- Statue line is present in which message format?
a. Request message
b. Response message
c. Both request and response
d Neither request nor response

Answer- Response message

Que- Request field is present in which message format?
a. Request message
b. Response message
c. Both request and response
d Neither request nor response

Answer- Request message

Que- Does HTTP protocol have _________ handshakes.
a. 2 way
b. 1 way
c. 3 way
d 5 way

Answer- 3 way

Que- Does HTTP has pipelining.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- XMPP Full form is ________
a. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
b. Extensible Module and presence protocol
c. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
d Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol

Answer- Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol

Que- XMPP is used for streaming which type of elements?
a. XPL
b. XML
c. XHL

Answer- XML

Que- XMPP creates _________ identity.
a. device
b. email
c. message
d data

Answer- device

Que- XMPP supports __________
a. Structured data
b. Foundation
c. Federation
d Jabber ID

Answer- Federation

Que- Which protocol has a quality of service?
c. CoAP

Answer- XMPP

Que- The original transport protocol for XMPP.
a. FCP
b. TCP
c. MCP

Answer- TCP

Que- Which XMPP core describes client server messaging?
a. RFC 6122
b. RFC 4854
c. RFC 6120
d RFC 3923

Answer- RFC 6120

Que- XMPP uses ________ architecture.
a. Decentralized client-server
b. Centralized client-server
c. Message
d Public/subscriber

Answer- Decentralized client-server

Que- XMPP implementation uses ________
a. CoAP
b. Gaming
c. Email
d Polling

Answer- Polling

Que- XMPP feature such as federation across domains used to implement the Internet of Things.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The architecture of the XMPP network is similar to __________
a. Chat box
b. Web browser
c. Gaming
d Email

Answer- Email

Que- Does XMPP have text based communication.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- In XMPP In band binary data format is __________
a. High
b. Very high
c. Limited
d Ultra high

Answer- Limited

Que- IRC stands for __________
a. Internet Reduce Chat
b. Interconnection Relay Chat
c. Internet Relay Chat
d Interconnect Reduce Chat

Answer- Internet Relay Chat

Que- SIP stands for ___________
a. Session Initiation Protocol
b. Session Internet Protocol
c. Simple Initiation Protocol
d Session Internet Protocol

Answer- Session Initiation Protocol

Que- Which level is the network layer in the OSI model?
a. Third level
b. Fourth level
c. Second level
d Fifth layer

Answer- Third level

Que- Data in network layer is transferred in the form of ____________
a. Layers
b. Packets
c. Bytes
d Bits

Answer- Packets

Que- The network layer is considered as the _______ of the network layer.
a. backbone
b. packets
c. bytes
d bits

Answer- backbone

Que- The network layer contains which hardware device?
a. Routers, Bridges
b. Bridges only
c. Bridges and switches
d Routers, Bridges and Switches

Answer- Routers, Bridges and Switches

Que- Network layer protocol exits in _________
a. Host
b. Switches
c. Packets
d Bridges

Answer- Host

Que- What are the common protocols associated with the network layer?
a. Address Resolution Protocol
b. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
c. Internet protocol
d Neighbour Discovery Protocol

Answer- Internet protocol

Que- The network layer responds to request from which layer?
a. Transport layer
b. Data layer
c. Application layer
d Session layer

Answer- Transport layer

Que- The network layer issues request to which layer?
a. Transport layer
b. Data layer
c. Application layer
d Session layer

Answer- Data layer

Que- IP is connectionless.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Does network layer in TCP/IP and OSI Model are same.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- FALSE

Que- What are called routers?
a. The devices that operates at session layer
b. The devices that operates at data layer
c. The devices that operates at application layer
d The devices that operates at network

Answer- The devices that operates at network

Que- ICMP stands for __________
a. Internet Coordinate Message Protocol
b. Internet Control Message Protocol
c. Interconnect Control Message Protocol
d Interconnect Coordinate Message Protocol

Answer- Internet Control Message Protocol

Que- Packets will be transferred in how many types?
a. 5 types
b. 4 types
c. 2 types
d 3 types

Answer- 3 types

Que- DDP stands for _________
a. Datagram Delivery Protocol
b. Device Delivery Protocol
c. Datagram Device Protocol
d Device Datagram Protocol

Answer- Datagram Delivery Protocol

Que- RIP stands for ________
a. Reduced Information Protocol
b. Routing Internet Protocol
c. Routing Information Protocol
d Reduced Internet Protocol

Answer- Routing Information Protocol

Que- What are the functions of the transport layer?
a. Multiplexing/ Demultiplexing
b. Connection less Services
c. Connection oriented service
d Congestion control

Answer- Multiplexing/ Demultiplexing

Que- Which services are provided by transport layer?
a. Error control
b. Connection service
c. Connection less service
d Congestion control

Answer- Error control

Que- TCP and UDP are called ________
a. Application protocols
b. Session protocols
c. Transport protocols
d Network protocols

Answer- Transport protocols

Que- Security based connection is provided by which layer?
a. Network layer
b. Session layer
c. Application layer
d Transport layer

Answer- Transport layer

Que- TCP is the standard protocol with std no?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 7
d 3

Answer- 7

Que- TCP is described by RFC 793-Transmission Control Protocol. Its status is recommended, but in practice, every TCP/IP implementation that is not used exclusively for routing will include TCP.Using which method in transport layer data integrity can be ensured?
a. Checksum
b. Repetition codes
c. Cyclic redundancy checks
d Error correcting codes

Answer- Checksum

Que- Buffer overrun can be reduced by using what?
a. Traffic control
b. Flow control
c. Byte orientation
d Data integrity

Answer- Flow control

Que- Transport layer can identify the symptoms of overload nodes using _________
a. Flow control
b. Traffic control
c. Byte orientation
d Data integrity

Answer- Traffic control

Que- Transport layer receives data in the form of __________
a. Packets
b. Byte streams
c. Bits stream
d Both packets and Byte stream

Answer- Byte streams

Que- Transport layer is which layer in OSI model?
a. Fourth layer
b. Third layer
c. Second layer
d Fifth layer

Answer- Fourth layer

Que- Congestion control can control traffic entry into a telecommunications network, so to avoid _________
a. Congestive connection
b. Connection collapse
c. Congestive collapse
d Collapse congestive

Answer- Congestive collapse

Que- FCP stands for _________
a. Fiber Channel Protocol
b. Field Channel Protocol
c. Fast Channel Protocol
d Fiber Carrying Protocol

Answer- Fiber Channel Protocol

Que- UDP packets are called as _________
a. Segments
b. Checksum
c. Frames
d Datagrams

Answer- Datagrams

Que- _________ do not provide end to end communication.
a. TCP
b. UDP
c. Both TCP and UDP
d Neither TCP nor UDP

Answer- UDP

Que- ARQ stands for __________
a. Automatic Repeat Request
b. Automatic Request Repeat
c. Application Repeat Request
d Application Request Repeat

Answer- Automatic Repeat Request

Que- AMQP stands for ____________
a. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
b. Application Message Queuing Protocol
c. Advanced Mailing Queuing Protocol
d Application Mailing Queuing Protocol

Answer- Advanced Message Queuing Protocol

Que- The best example for interoperability at the application layer is?
a. Data
b. Net
c. File
d Web

Answer- Web

Que- Services provided by application layer?
a. Web chat
b. Error control
c. Connection services
d Congestion control

Answer- Web chat

Que- How many protocols are used in the application layer?
a. 15
b. 10
c. More than 15
d More than 10

Answer- More than 15

Que- What is the main responsibility of application layer?
a. Error handling
b. Web surfing
c. Virtual terminal
d Network data sharing

Answer- Error handling

Que- Reoccurring problems can be achieved using __________
a. DNS
b. Telnet
d Patterns

Answer- Patterns

Que- Application layer is the ending of the data layer.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Application layer interacts directly with the ________
a. front user
b. end user
c. sensors
d wired link

Answer- end user

Que- What is the format of IP address?
a. 34 bit
b. 64 bit
c. 16 bit
d 32 bit

Answer- 32 bit

Que- Version 6 of IP address has how many bits.
a. 64 bits
b. 128 bits
c. 32 bits
d 256 bits

Answer- 128 bits

Que- IANA stands for __________
a. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
b. Internal Assigned Numbers Authority
c. Internet Associative Numbers Authoritative
d Internal Associative Numbers Authority

Answer- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Que- RIR stands for ________
a. Regional Internal Registries
b. Registries Internet Regional
c. Regional Internet Registries
d Registries Internal Regional

Answer- Regional Internet Registries

Que- Geolocation software is used by host.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- How many version /s of IP's are there?
a. 4 versions
b. 3 versions
c. 2 versions
d 1 version

Answer- 2 versions

Que- VLSM stands for ________
a. Version Length Subnet Masking
b. Variable Length Subnet Masking
c. Variable Length Surface Masking
d Version Length Surface Masking

Answer- Variable Length Subnet Masking

Que- Many desktops and operating systems include which protocol?
a. IPv6 protocol
b. IPv4 protocol
c. Both IPv6 and IPv4 protocol
d IPv3 protocol

Answer- IPv6 protocol

Que- The design of the Internet protocol suites adhere to the ________ principle.
a. Data corruption
b. Connection oriented
c. End to End principle
d Reliability

Answer- End to End principle

Que- ___________ adjusts the segment size to be smaller than MTU.
a. Internet Protocol 6
b. User Datagram Protocol
c. Internet Protocol 4
d Transmission Control Protocol

Answer- Transmission Control Protocol

Que- Hardware address is known as _________
a. MAC address
b. IP Address
c. Network Interface Card
d Address Resolution Protocol

Answer- MAC address

Que- MAC stands for ________
a. Media Area Control
b. Memory Access Control
c. Memory Area Control
d Media Access Control

Answer- Media Access Control

Que- What translates IP address into MAC address?
a. Organizationally Unique Identifier
b. Address Resolution Protocol
c. Network Interface Card
d Burned In Address

Answer- Network Interface Card

Que- Networking Hardware Address is referred with ________
a. IP address
b. MAC address
c. NIC
d Organizationally Unique Identifier

Answer- MAC address

Que- Does MAC address contain characters.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- MAC addresses are very useful in diagnosing network issues.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- On wireless networks ________ filtering is the security measure.
a. OUI
b. IP
c. NIC

Answer- MAC

Que- MAC addresses are used as ________
a. Network addresses
b. IP address
c. Hardware address
d Burned in address

Answer- Network addresses

Que- IEEE standards for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The original IEEE 802 MAC address comes from________
a. MAC address
b. IP address
c. Ethernet address
d Http

Answer- Ethernet address

Que- Gateway provides the connection between _________ and _________
a. Cloud and controller
b. Network and Cloud
c. Network and Controller
d Controller and device

Answer- Cloud and controller

Que- Sensors provide _______ data per second.
a. Hundreds of Hundreds of data
b. Hundreds of thousands of data
c. Tens of Hundreds of data
d Tens of thousands of data

Answer- Tens of thousands of data

Que- Does IOT gateway provide security for the network.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- A sensor uses which network?
a. LAN and HAN
b. HAN and PAN
c. LAN and PAN
d LAN, PAN and HAN

Answer- LAN, PAN and HAN

Que- Gateway software should be smart enough to handle ___________
a. GPS
b. Message
c. Logging
d Sensors

Answer- Logging

Que- Number of approaches gateway can be installed?
a. 2 approaches
b. 3 approaches
c. 2 approaches
d 2 approaches

Answer- 3 approaches

Que- Drawback of Factory Bootstrap?
a. It should not have many gateways
b. It should not have many devices
c. Complex circuit can't be handled
d It should have many gateways

Answer- It should not have many gateways

Que- Central software management server communicates with the gateway devices in which approach?
a. Factory Bootstrap
b. Server limited Bootstrap
c. Client Initiated Bootstrap
d Bootstrap

Answer- Server limited Bootstrap

Que- Which mode assumes that it is the gateway's responsibility to connect to the central repository server?
a. Factory Bootstrap
b. Server limited Bootstrap
c. Client Initiated Bootstrap
d Bootstrap

Answer- Client Initiated Bootstrap

Que- The feature of IoT Gateway is the ability to download updates over-the-air.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- What is the Edge gateway model used by dell?
a. 5000
b. 4500
c. 4000
d 3500

Answer- 5000

Que- What is the wireless system used by dell?
a. WAN
c. HAN

Answer- WWAN

Que- Do we have a protection in Dell.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Where the edge gateway sits in dell?
a. Near the system
b. End of the system
c. End of the devices
d Near the devices

Answer- Near the devices

Que- Windows 10 IoT enterprise OS includes what?
a. Edge gateway
b. PI system
c. RAM
d Data stream

Answer- Edge gateway

Que- Types of gateway classes?
a. Only one
b. 3 types
c. 2 types
d 4 types

Answer- 2 types

Que- IoT gateway sits at the interaction of egde systems.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- NEXCOM provides what?
a. OS
b. IoT gateway
c. Devices
d Transportation

Answer- IoT gateway

Que- Linux or Windows are sometimes called as _________
a. OS
b. Intelligent Gateways
c. Gateway
d Devices

Answer- Gateway

Que- In which cases gateway will appear?
a. Industrial Automation
b. Building automation
c. Transportation
d Industrial & Building Automation

Answer- Industrial & Building Automation

Que- Wind River Intelligent Device offers what?
a. Gateway security
b. Application enablement
c. Device Connectivity
d All of the mentioned

Answer- All of the mentioned

Que- Pre integrated and smart connectivity enables what?
a. Long term security
b. Products life span increases
c. Saves time and cost
d Secure remote management

Answer- Saves time and cost

Que- Does manageability provide what?
a. Saves time and cost
b. Product life span increases
c. Long term security
d Secure remote management

Answer- Saves time and cost

Que- What will Security provide?
a. Saves time and cost
b. Product life span increases
c. Long term security
d Secure remote management

Answer- Long term security

Que- Wind River software.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Wind River is introduced by ____________
a. IBM
b. Intel
c. Tech Mahindra
d Syntel

Answer- Intel

Que- Wind River provides what?
a. Safe and Secure
b. Secure remote management
c. Save time and cost
d Product life time increases

Answer- Safe and Secure

Que- Which transportation brings new control?
a. Route Navigation
b. Industrial automation
c. Smart Energy
d Building Automation

Answer- Building Automation

Que- Which transportation brings intelligence to their operations?
a. Building Automation
b. Industrial Automation
c. Smart Energy
d Route Navigation

Answer- Industrial Automation

Que- Which transportation build more intelligent energy infracture?
a. Building Automation
b. Industrial Automation
c. Smart Energy
d Route Navigation

Answer- Smart Energy

Que- What Bigdata collects?
a. Human generated data
b. Sensor data
c. Machine generated data
d Device data

Answer- Human generated data

Que- What IoT collects?
a. Human generated data
b. Sensor data
c. Machine generated data
d Device data

Answer- Machine generated data

Que- Which requires data stream management?
a. Bigdata
b. IoT
c. Bigdata & IoT
d Device data

Answer- IoT

Que- Which requires Edge analytics?
a. Bigdata
b. IoT
c. Bigdata & IoT
d Device data

Answer- IoT

Que- The IoT operates at ___________ scale.
a. Machine
b. Human
c. Device
d Sensor

Answer- Machine

Que- One way to see observations addressing IoT analytics is?
a. 4-Tier Analytics
b. 2-Tier Analytics
c. 1-Tier Analytics
d 3-Tier Analytics

Answer- 3-Tier Analytics

Que- Which tier Performs individual wind turbine real time performance?
a. 3-Tier Analytics
b. 2-Tier Analytics
c. 1-Tier Analytics
d 4-Tier Analytics

Answer- 1-Tier Analytics

Que- Which tier performs predicts maintenance?
a. 3-Tier Analytics
b. 2-Tier Analytics
c. 1-Tier Analytics
d 4-Tier Analytics

Answer- 2-Tier Analytics

Que- Which tier is data lake enabled core analytics platform?
a. 4-Tier Analytics
b. 2-Tier Analytics
c. 1-Tier Analytics
d 3-Tier Analytics

Answer- 3-Tier Analytics

Que- For supporting real time edge analytics, we need to provide detailed data.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- We need to invest in storage and prepossessing capacity to perform _________
a. C analytics
b. Bigdata analytics
c. Python analytics
d IoT analytics

Answer- IoT analytics

Que- IoT analytics was proposed by _________
a. Syntel
b. IBM
c. Accenture
d Intel

Answer- Intel

Que- How can we publish data in Intel IoT?
a. By paying amount
b. By creating an account
c. By signing an account
d By deleting an account

Answer- By creating an account

Que- Which page provides the number of last observations in the specific period?
a. Dashboard
b. GitHub
c. IoT analytics
d Sensors

Answer- IoT analytics

Que- The page displays the sum of the last hour observations for all the registered devices.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Each device has a globally unique identifier known as _________
a. id
b. deviceId
c. accountid
d device

Answer- accountid

Que- With one account in Intel IoT Analytics, how many devices can be connected?
a. 3,000 devices
b. 5,000 devices
c. Infinite
d 7,000 devices

Answer- Infinite

Que- _________ setting that can be modified on a device.
a. Actuator
b. Time Series
c. API
d UI

Answer- Actuator

Que- A series of values captured from the sensor is _________
a. Actuator
b. Time series
c. API
d UI

Answer- Time series

Que- A time series with ambient temperature observations expressed in _________
a. Degrees Fahrenheit
b. Degrees Celsius
c. Percentage
d Fahrenheit

Answer- Degrees Fahrenheit

Que- A time series with ambient humidity observations expressed in ___________
a. Degree Fahrenheit
b. Degree Celsius
c. Percentage
d Fahrenheit

Answer- Percentage

Que- What is the image that we have been using to boot Intel Galileo Gen 2 board?
a. Local agent
b. IoTkit
c. Device Id
d SSH Terminal

Answer- Local agent

Que- The agent running as a _________ on a device.
a. SSH Terminal
b. Yocto Linux
c. Daemon
d Local agent

Answer- Daemon

Que- _________ command line utility allows us to perform specific interactions with Intel IoT Analytics.
a. Iotkit-admin
b. SSH Terminal
c. Local agent
d Daemon

Answer- Iotkit-admin

Que- We will not use command line utility to perform _________
a. proper communication with Intel IoT analytics
b. Obtain device id
c. Activate device
d Send observations

Answer- Send observations

Que- To check whether the command line utility can establish proper communication the command is _________
a. iotkit-admin test
b. iotkit -- admin test
c. admin-iotkit test
d admin -- iotkit test

Answer- iotkit-admin test

Que- Build: 0.14.5 defines what?
a. Ip Address
b. Medium
c. Address
d Version

Answer- Version

Que- Command line to obtain the device Id?
a. iotkit-admin device-id
b. iotkit-admin deviceid
c. Iotkit -- admin device-id
d Iotkit -- admin device -- id

Answer- iotkit-admin device-id

Que- Default, device Id is equal to _________
a. IP Address
b. MAC Address
c. ISP
d UI

Answer- MAC Address

Que- Command to change the device Id?
a. iotkit-admin set-device-id new-device-id
b. iotkit -- admin set -- device -- id new -- device -- id
c. iotkit-admin setdevice-id newdevice-id
d iotkit-admin set-device-id new-device-id

Answer- iotkit-admin set-device-id new-device-id

Que- Do new device ID should be a globally unique identifier.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- The temperature and humidity sensor values are printed in _________
a. OLED matrix
b. PIP

Answer- OLED matrix

Que- _________ installer we have to installer to make sure that the request package is installed.
b. PIP
c. Python

Answer- PIP

Que- PIP stands for _________
a. Package Management System
b. Python Package Index
c. PIP installs packages
d Python Management System

Answer- PIP installs packages

Que- PIP is _________ acronym.
a. Excursive
b. Recursive
c. Intrusive
d Package

Answer- Recursive

Que- We will use pip installer to make sure that the _________ Package is installed.
a. Requests
b. SDK
c. IoT Accelerator
d Maven

Answer- Requests

Que- Requests package is very popular _________ Library.
c. CoAP

Answer- HTTP

Que- Requests package is very popular HTTP library for _________
a. C
b. Embedded c
c. Python
d Java

Answer- Python

Que- What is the command to install packets?
a. pip install requests
b. pip_install_requests
c. pip-install-requests
d Pip -- install -- requests

Answer- pip install requests

Que- _________ is created to represent the interface to Intel IoT Analytics.
a. Intel_IoT_Analytics
b. IntelIoTAnalytics
c. Intel_Iot_Analytics
d IntelIotAnalytics

Answer- IntelIotAnalytics

Que- The class declares the ___________ method that receives the temperature.
a. public-observation
b. Public_observation
c. Public -- observation
d Public- Observation

Answer- Public_observation

Que- Kansas-temp will display _________ Components.
a. 3 components
b. Can't say
c. 4 components
d Infinite

Answer- Can't say

Que- What temperature of checkbox will display?
a. Temperature in Fahrenheit
b. Temperature in Celsius
c. Percentage
d Temperature in Fahrenheit for the past hour

Answer- Temperature in Fahrenheit for the past hour

Que- Chat uses _________ to generate graph.
a. Lines
b. Rows and Columns
c. Only rows
d Only columns

Answer- Lines

Que- Refresh rate for the graph is set to _________
a. 20 seconds
b. 5 seconds
c. 30 seconds
d Every second

Answer- 30 seconds

Que- What is the maximum refresh rate that can be set?
a. 100 seconds
b. 120 seconds
c. 40 seconds
d 60 seconds

Answer- 60 seconds

Que- My chat page allows searching criteria such as _________
a. Device Name
b. Associated tags
c. Properties
d Charts

Answer- Properties

Que- Raw rate button will display what?
a. Raw data
b. Data from all components
c. All types of data
d Device names

Answer- Raw data

Que- Can we use MATLAB for analysing IOT sensor data.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ___________ is used to organize and manipulate time-stamped data.
a. Network
b. Machine Learning
c. Cluster
d Timetable

Answer- Timetable

Que- Machine learning algorithm uses computational methods to learn.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Boot loader consists of __________ number of components.
a. 4 components
b. 2 components
c. 3 components
d 5 components

Answer- 3 components

Que- All silicon labs SiMxxxxx MCUs with Flash memory are self-programmable.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- If the device is programmed with a bootloader, the application image is loaded in _________ interface.
b. USB
c. SPI
d I2C

Answer- USB

Que- Application/s that provide to test the bootloader functionality.
a. Blinky_Fast and B.inky-Medium
b. Only Blinky_slow
c. Only Blinky_Fast
d Blinky_Fast and Blinky_Slow

Answer- Blinky_Fast and Blinky_Slow

Que- _________ command should be performed to very that the firmware image is Blinky_fast.
a. Query
b. Reset
c. Upload
d Download

Answer- Query

Que- Which switch should be pressed to perform all commands?
a. Up switch
b. Push
c. Down switch
d Reset switch

Answer- Reset switch

Que- DFU stands for Device Firmware Update.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- When is DEVICE_Init called?
a. Upload
b. Reset
c. Download
d Query

Answer- Reset

Que- DEVICE_Init performs what?
a. Disabling watchdog timer and disabling APB clock
b. Enabling APB clock and enabling watchdog timer
c. Disabling watchdog timer and enabling APB clock
d Disabling APB clock and enabling watchdog timer

Answer- Disabling watchdog timer and enabling APB clock

Que- DEVICE_Restore routine restores all the device registers modified by DEVICE_Init to their reset values.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Bootstrap is used for __________
a. Web applications
b. IoT
c. Bigdata
d Data

Answer- Web applications

Que- It contains __________ design based templates for topography.
d CoAP

Answer- HTML

Que- Bootstrap is a front end development only.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- __________ stars and __________forks are there in bootstrap.
a. 111,600 and 51,500
b. 51,500 and 111,600
c. 125,124 and 36,154
d 36,154 and 125,124

Answer- 111,600 and 51,500

Que- Bootstrap was originally named as __________
a. Twitter Bootstrap
b. Twinkle Bootstrap
c. Twitter Blueprint
d Twinkle Blueprint

Answer- Twitter Blueprint

Que- Which bootstrap has twelve column responsive grid layout system?
a. Bootstrap 4
b. Bootstrap 3
c. Bootstrap 2
d Bootstrap

Answer- Bootstrap 2

Que- Which bootstrap uses flat design?
a. Bootstrap 2
b. Bootstrap 3
c. Bootstrap 4
d Bootstrap

Answer- Bootstrap 3

Que- Bootstrap 4 has how many versions?
a. 4 versions
b. 3 versions
c. Only one version
d 2 versions

Answer- 2 versions

Que- Do bootstrap 3 supports Google chrome.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Does bootstrap 4 supports Sass and flexbox.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- __________ is used instead of less for stylesheets.
a. Hackathon
b. Grid layout
c. Flexbox
d Sass

Answer- Sass

Que- Sass stands for __________
a. Syntactically awesome Spreadsheets
b. Syntactically awesome Stylesheets
c. Scripting awesome Stylesheets
d Scripting awesome Spreadsheets

Answer- Syntactically awesome Stylesheets

Que- Grid system and responsive design come standard with __________ pixel wide grid layout.
a. 1270
b. 1500
c. 1170
d 1350

Answer- 1170

Que- ___________ provides a set of stylesheets that provide basic style definition for HTML components.
a. Bootstrap
b. Javascript
c. Sass
d Flexbox

Answer- Bootstrap

Que- Bootstrap uses what?
a. Pixels
b. Root ems
c. Less
d Pager component

Answer- Root ems

Que- Fog computing is also known as fogging.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- Fog computing can be perceived in ___________ and ____________
a. Big data and Cloud systems
b. Big data and IoT
c. Cloud systems and IoT
d Big data, Cloud systems and IoT

Answer- Big data and Cloud systems

Que- Fog computing has ____________ and ____________ plane.
a. Control and data
b. Control and Barcode
c. Barcode and Data
d Data and cloud

Answer- Control and data

Que- Which of the following computing emphasizes proximity to end user?
a. Mist computing
b. Cloud computing
c. Edge computing
d Fog computing

Answer- Fog computing

Que- QoS stands for ____________
a. Quality of storage
b. Quality of service
c. Quality of security
d Quality of swarms

Answer- Quality of security

Que- Does fog support IoT concepts.
c. Nothing can be said
d None of the mentioned

Answer- TRUE

Que- ____________ is prototyping and testing a scalable. Secure Distribution Tolerant Mesh Network to protect strategic military assets.

Answer- SPAWAR

Que- AIDC stands for ____________
a. Automated Identification Data Carriers
b. Automobile Identification Data Carriers
c. Automated Identification Data Computing
d Automated Identification Device Carriers

Answer- Automated Identification Data Carriers

Que- ____________ practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet of store.
a. Mist Computing
b. Fog computing
c. Cloud computing
d Mobile cloud computing

Answer- Cloud computing

Que- Which computing can be heavy weight and dense form of computing power?
a. Mobile Cloud computing
b. Fog computing
c. Mist computing
d Cloud computing

Answer- Cloud computing

Que- ____________ Computing is the extension of cloud computing.
a. Mobile cloud computing
b. Mist computing
c. Fog computing
d Cloud computing

Answer- Fog computing

Que- ____________ computing is medium weighted.
a. Mobile cloud computing
b. Cloud computing
c. Mist computing
d Fog computing

Answer- Fog computing

Que- ____________ are rudimentary form of computing.
a. Mist computing
b. Fog computing
c. Mobile cloud computing
d Cloud computing

Answer- Mist computing

Que- _____________ is a lightweight computing.
a. Cloud computing
b. Mobile cloud computing
c. Mist computing
d Fog computing

Answer- Mist computing

Que- Fog computing is utilized to _________ all debris into a single platform.
a. Integrate
b. Store
c. Task
d Flexible

Answer- Integrate

Que- OpenFog Consortium defines and extends the application of _______ computing.
a. Mist computing
b. Edge computing
c. Cloud computing
d Mobile Cloud computing

Answer- Edge computing

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