HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- Which property specifies the path to the project when running in web server? 

a. http_path 

b. images_dir 

c. css_dir 

d. sass_dir 

Answer- http_path

Que- Which property specifies the folder name where CSS style sheets should be saved? 

a. relative_assets 

b. sass_dir 

c. css_dir 

d. javascript_dir 

Answer- css_dir

Que- Which of the following specifies compiles CSS output? 

a. relative_assets 

b. output_style 

c. line_comments 

d. sass_dir 

Answer- output_style

Que- Which property specifies the output path in compiled CSS? 

a. sass_dir 

b. output_style 

c. relative_assets 

d. line_comments 

Answer- relative_assets

Que- To enable slideshow, what we should not be included? 

a. jquery.js 

b. button 

c. foundation.js 

d. foundation.orbit.js 

Answer- button

Que- Which tag is used to let control over the viewport? 

a. <meta> 

b. <acronym> 

c. <em> 

d. <address> 

Answer- <meta>

Que- What should be the set value of the background-size property such that image will fit in the content area? 

a. 100%100% 

b. contain 

c. cover 

d. 100% 

Answer- 100%100%

Que- What should be the set value of background-size property such that image will stretch to cover entire content area? 

a. 100%100% 

b. cover 

c. contain 

d. 100% 

Answer- 100%100%

Que- What should be the set value of background-size property such that image will cover the entire content area? 

a. 100% 

b. contain 

c. cover 

d. 100%100% 

Answer- cover

Que- Bootstrap does not use _________ 

a. HTML 

b. jQuery 

c. PHP 

d. CSS 

Answer- PHP

Que- Which plugin allows the element to become locked or sticky? 

a. .active 

b. .alert 

c. .affix 

d. .alert-link 

Answer- .affix

Que- Which of the following will display red alert box? 

a. .alert 

b. .alert-danger 

c. .alert-info 

d. .alert-link 

Answer- .alert-danger

Que- Which of the following indicates blue background color representing something important? 

a. .bg-success 

b. .bg-info 

c. .bg-primary 

d. .bg-danger 

Answer- .bg-primary

Que- Which of the following indicates current page’s location within the navigational hierarchy? 

a. .breadcrumb 

b. .btn 

c. .active 

d. .bg-warning 

Answer- .breadcrumb

Que- Which of the following groups button together on a single line? 

a. .btn-group-lg 

b. .btn-group-justified 

c. .btn-default 

d. .btn-group 

Answer- .btn-group

Que- Which of the following makes a button group appear vertically? 

a. .btn-group-vertical 

b. .btn-group-xs 

c. .btn-group-sm 

d. .btn-info 

Answer- .btn-group-vertical

Que- What creates a carat arrow icon? 

a. .carousel 

b. .caret 

c. .carousel-caption 

d. .caption 

Answer- .caret

Que- Which is a container for slide items? 

a. .carousel-control 

b. .caousel-indicators 

c. .carousel-inner 

d. .carousel-caption 

Answer- .carousel-inner

Que- What clears floats? 

a. .close 

b. .clearfix 

c. .checkbox 

d. .col-*-* 

Answer- .clearfix

Que- Which of the following changes order of the grid columns? 

a. .col-*-pull-* 

b. .col-*-offset-* 

c. .col-*-push-* 

d. .collapse 

Answer- .col-*-pull-*

Que- Which of the following spans full width of screen? 

a. .container 

b. .control-label 

c. .container-fluid 

d. .collapse-in 

Answer- .container-fluid

Que- Which class is used to separate links in dropdown menu? 

a. .divider 

b. .dl-horizontal 

c. .disabled 

d. .dropdown 

Answer- .divider

Que- Which of the following adds default styles for dropdown menu container? 

a. .dropdown-menu 

b. .dropdown-toggle 

c. .dropdown-menu-right 

d. .dropdown 

Answer- .dropdown-menu

Que- Which class adds a rounded border around an element? 

a. .well-sm 

b. .well-lg 

c. .well 

d. .divider 

Answer- .well

Que- Which of the following will show popup-box? 

a. .well 

b. .visible-* 

c. .thumbnail 

d. .tooltip 

Answer- .tooltip

Que- Which of the following class will show blue text? 

a. .text-primary 

b. .text-success 

c. .text-muted 

d. .text-warning 

Answer- .text-primary

Que- Which of the following makes a table more compact? 

a. .table-responsive 

b. .table-hover 

c. .table-condensed 

d. .table-bordered 

Answer- .table-condensed

Que- Which of the following creates toggleable tabs? 

a. .tab-pane 

b. .table-responsive 

c. .table-condensed 

d. .table 

Answer- .tab-pane

Que- Which class is a container for responsive columns? 

a. .sr-only 

b. .small 

c. .show 

d. .row 

Answer- .row

Que- Which of the following creates yellow progress bar? 

a. .progress-bar-success 

b. .progress-bar-warning 

c. .progress-bar-info 

d. .progress-bar-danger 

Answer- .progress-bar-warning

Que- Which class is a container for progress bars? 

a. .progress 

b. .progress-bar 

c. .progress-bar-info 

d. .progress-bar-success 

Answer- .progress

Que- Which of the following is used to align pager buttons to the left side of the page? 

a. .previous 

b. .prev 

c. .pre-scrollable 

d. .popover 

Answer- .previous

Que- Which of the following is a container for content inside the panel? 

a. .panel-body 

b. .panel-collapse 

c. .panel-success 

d. .panel-footer 

Answer- .panel-body

Que- Which of the following creates a pagination? 

a. .pager 

b. .pagination 

c. .pagination-lg 

d. .pagination-sm 

Answer- .pagination

Que- Which of the following centers tabs/pills? 

a. .nav-justified 

b. .nav nav-pills 

c. .nav-stacked 

d. .nav.navbar-nav 

Answer- .nav-justified

Que- Which of the following is for title of the modal? 

a. .modal-sm 

b. .modal-title 

c. .modal-open 

d. .modal-lg 

Answer- .modal-title

Que- Which defines style for body of the modal? 

a. .modal 

b. .modal-content 

c. .modal-body 

d. .modal-dialog 

Answer- .modal-body

Que- Which of the following aligns media objects? 

a. .media-body 

b. .media 

c. .media-list 

d. .media-object 

Answer- .media

Que- Which of the following will provide additional information about something? 

a. .item 

b. .jumbotron 

c. .label 

d. .label-danger 

Answer- .label

Que- Which of the following is a container to enhance input by adding an icon? 

a. .input-group-btn 

b. .input-group-addon 

c. .input-group 

d. .input-group-lg 

Answer- .input-group

Que- Which of the following are the fades in a tab? 

a. .in 

b. .info 

c. .initialism 

d. .icon-prev 

Answer- .in

Que- Which of the following will add feedback icons for inputs? 

a. .has-warning 

b. .has-danger 

c. .has-success 

d. .has-feedback 

Answer- .has-feedback

Que- Which of the following will create hamburger menu? 

a. .icon-next 

b. .icon-bar 

c. .icon-prev 

d. .img-circle 

Answer- .icon-bar

Que- Which of the following displays text inside <abbr> in slightly smaller font size: 

a. .info 

b. .input-group 

c. .initialism 

d. .in 

Answer- .initialism

Que- Which of the following adds checkmark icon inside input? 

a. .has-warning 

b. .help-block 

c. .has-success 

d. .has-feedback 

Answer- .has-warning

Que- Which shapes an image to a thumbnail? 

a. .img-circle 

b. .img-responsive 

c. .img-rounded 

d. .img-thumbnail 

Answer- .img-thumbnail

Que- Which of the following forces an element to be hidden? 

a. .hidden 

b. .hidden-* 

c. .hide 

d. .icon-bar 

Answer- .hidden

Que- Which of the following adds plain text next to form label? 

a. .form-control-static 

b. .form-group 

c. .form-inline 

d. .form-control 

Answer- .form-control-static

Que- Which is not a container for embedded content? 

a. .embed-responsive 

b. .embed-responsive-16by9 

c. .embed-responsive-4by3 

d. .embed-responsive-item 

Answer- .embed-responsive-item

Que- Which of the following removes the default list-style and left margin on list items? 

a. .list-unstyled 

b. .blockquote-reverse 

c. .list-inline 

d. .initialism 

Answer- .list-unstyled

Que- What lines up the terms and descriptions in <dl> element side by side? 

a. .list-inline 

b. .dl-horizontal 

c. .list-unstyled 

d. .initialism 

Answer- .dl-horizontal

Que- Which class makes a text stand out? 

a. .text-left 

b. .small 

c. .lead 

d. .text-center 

Answer- .lead

Que- Which of the following indicates dropdown functionality? 

a. .caret 

b. .close 

c. .sr-only 

d. .text-hide 

Answer- .caret

Que- Which class separates items inside dropdown menu? 

a. .divider 

b. .disabled 

c. .collapse 

d. .dropdown-header 

Answer- .divider

Que- Which of the following shown collapsible content by default? 

a. .dropdown-header 

b. .collapse 


d. .panel-collapse 


Que- Which style button that should open navbar on small screens? 

a. .navbar-toggle 

b. .navbar-text 

c. .navbar-static-top 

d. .navbar-right 

Answer- .navbar-toggle

Que- Which is used on a <ul> container? 

a. .navbar-static-top 

b. .navbar-nav 

c. .navbar-toggle 

d. .navbar-right 

Answer- .navbar-nav

Que- Which of the following removes left, top and right borders from navbar? 

a. .navbar-toggle 

b. .navbar-right 

c. .navbar-static-top 

d. .navabr-nav 

Answer- .navbar-static-top

Que- Which of the following aligns .pager previous button to left? 

a. .disabled 

b. .pager 

c. .next 

d. .previous 

Answer- .previous

Que- Which class indicates new or unread items? 

a. .jumbortron 

b. .badge 

c. .label label-success 

d. .pager 

Answer- .badge

Que- Which of the following will display a grey label? 

a. .label label-info 

b. .label label-primary 

c. .label label-success 

d. .label label-default 

Answer- .label label-default

Que- Which class indicates the current page? 

a. .active 

b. .disables 

c. .pagination-sm 

d. .pagiantion-lg 

Answer- .active

Que- Which of the following is added to link or header element? 

a. .navbar-default 

b. .navbar 

c. .navbar-btn 

d. .navbar-brand 

Answer- .navbar-brand

Que- What creates black navigation bar? 

a. .navbar-inverse 

b. .navbar-header 

c. .navbar-form 

d. .navbar-link 

Answer- .navbar-inverse

Que- How many glyphs does bootstrap include? 

a. 369 

b. 360 

c. 260 

d. 100 

Answer- 260

Que- Which of the following allows an element to lock to an area on the page? 

a. affix 

b. alert 

c. popover 

d. tooltip 

Answer- affix

Que- Which of the following occurs after fixed positioned is added to the element? 






Que- What indicates a closable alert box? 

a. .alert-danger 

b. .alert-dismissible 

c. .alert-link 

d. .alert-success 

Answer- .alert-dismissible

Que- Which of the following makes the button appear pressed? 

a. .btn-link 

b. .disabled 

c. .active 

d. .btn-block 

Answer- .active

Que- What changes button text to the original text? 

a. .button("loading") 

b. .button("string") 

c. .button("reset") 

d. .button("toggle") 

Answer- .button("reset")

Que- What adds slides to carousel? 

a. .carousel 

b. .carousel-inner 

c. .item 

d. .carousel-indicators 

Answer- .carousel-inner

Que- The default value for an interval is __________ 

a. 4000 

b. 5000 

c. 1000 

d. 2390 

Answer- 5000

Que- What activates the collapsible element with an option? 

a. .collapse("options") 

b. .collapse("show") 

c. .collapse(""toggle) 

d. .collapse("hide") 

Answer- .collapse("options")

Que- Which event occurs when collapsible element is fully shown? 






Que- Which of the following fades the model in and out? 

a. .modal-content 

b. .moal-lg 

c. .fade 

d. .modal-sm 

Answer- .fade

Que- What appends the popover to specific elements? 

a. container 

b. content 

c. delay 

d. placement 

Answer- container

Que- Which of the following specifies header text of popover? 

a. title 

b. trigger 

c. selector 

d. placement 

Answer- title

Que- What is the default value of offset? 

a. 20 

b. 10 

c. 30 

d. 50 

Answer- 10

Que- Which of the following method will hide and destroy tooltip? 

a. .tooltip("hide") 

b. .tooltip("toggle") 

c. .tooltip("destroy") 

d. .tooltip(options) 

Answer- .tooltip("destroy")

Que- How many classes does bootstrap grid system has? 

a. 3 

b. 2 

c. 1 

d. 4 

Answer- 4

Que- What is bootstrap’s global default font-size? 

a. 12px 

b. 14px 

c. 10px 

d. 9px 

Answer- 14px

Que- Progress bars are not supported in ______________ 

a. Internet Explorer 10 

b. Internet Explorer 9 

c. Opera 

d. Chrome 

Answer- Internet Explorer 9

Que- Which of the following clears bottom-margin of each panel? 

a. .panel-group 

b. .panel-footer 

c. .panel-heading 

d. .panel-body 

Answer- .panel-group

Que- For inserting plain text we use __________ 

a. .form-control-static 

b. .input-group 

c. .input-group-addon 

d. .input-group-btn 

Answer- .form-control-static

Que- Which attribute is used to input to prevent user input? 

a. readonly 

b. .sr-only 

c. disabled 

d. .has-feedback 

Answer- readonly

Que- What is the range of dimension for small devices? 

a. 450px to 700px 

b. 768px to 991px 

c. 992px to 1199px 

d. 120px to 500px 

Answer- 768px to 991px

Que- Which will change the order of a grid columns? 

a. .col-md-push-* 

b. .col-md-offset-* 

c. .clearfix 

d. .col-sm-* 

Answer- .col-md-push-*

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