Chemistry MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Chemistry MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- Diameter of an atom is in the order of: 

a. 2m 

b. 2mm 

c. 2nm 

d. 2pm 

Answer- 2nm

Que-  Which of the following are isoelectronic species? 

a. H+ H H- 

b. Li+ Na+ K+ 

c. C1- Br- I 

d. F- Ne Na+ 

Answer- F- Ne Na+

Que-  Mass spectrometer is used to determine Mass number of isotopes and 

a. Atomic number 

b. Relative abundance 

c. Electronic configuration 

d. All of the above 

Answer- Relative abundance

Que-  The number of peaks obtained in mass spectrometry shows 

a. Relative abundance 

b. Average mass of element 

c. Number of isotopes 

d. Relative isotopic mass 

Answer- Number of isotopes

Que-  Empirical formula of chloroform is 

a. CH2 C12 

b. CH3C1 

c. CC14 

d. CHC13 

Answer- CHC13

Que-  Which one is true about isotope? 

a. Same number of neutrons 

b. Same mass number 

c. Same physical properties 

d. Same chemical properties 

Answer- Same chemical properties

Que-  Molecular mass of water (18g) means 

a. 1-mole molecules of water 

b. 1-gram molecule of water 

c. 3-gram atoms 

d. all 

Answer- all

Que-  Which of the following ion formation is always exothermic? 

a. Uni-negative 

b. Uni-positive 

c. Di-negative 

d. Di-positive 

Answer- Uni-negative

Que-  Which of the following statements about isotopes is correct? 

a. Isotopes with odd atomic number are abundant 

b. Isotopes with odd atomic number and even mass number are abundant 

c. Isotopes with even atomic number and even mass number are abundant 

d. Isotopes with even atomic number and odd mass no are abundant 

Answer- Isotopes with even atomic number and even mass number are abundant

Que-  The sample of isotopes of an element which needs not to be vaporized in the vaporization chamer 

a. Gas 

b. Liquid 

c. Volatile solid 

d. All 

Answer- Gas

Que-  One mole of CO2 contains. 

a. 022 x 1023 atoms of oxygen 

b. 22-gram electrons 

c. 022 x 1023 atms of carbon 

d. both b & c 

Answer- both b & c

Que-  Avogadros number may represent 

a. volume of particles 

b. number of particles 

c. mass of particles 

d. All of the above 

Answer- All of the above

Que-  The number of isotopes of elements with even mass number and even atomic number are. 

a. 280 

b. 300 

c. 154 

d. 54 

Answer- 154

Que-  Size of molecule depends upon 

a. Atomicity 

b. Shape of molecule 

c. Both a and b 

d. Difficult to predict 

Answer- Both a and b

Que-  Which of the following terms is not used for ionic compound? 

a. formula unit 

b. empirical formula 

c. molecular formula 

d. formula mass 

Answer- molecular formula

Que- 36 moles of each aluminium and oxygen react with each other to produce aluminium oxide. The amount of product formed is 

a. 18 mole 

b. 27 mole 

c. 24 mole 

d. 09 mole 

Answer- 18 mole

Que-  Which of the following terms is used for the mass of chlorine 35.5? 

a. relative atomic mass 

b. mass number 

c. atomic weight 

d. relative isotopic mass 

Answer- relative atomic mass

Que-  Which one of the following has the maximum number of isotopes? 

a. oxygen 

b. carbon 

c. tin 

d. chlorine 

Answer- tin

Que-  Which one of the following is not the mono isotopic element? 

a. arsenic 

b. uranium 

c. iodine 

d. nickel 

Answer- uranium

Que-  The volume occupied by 2.8 g of N2 at STP 

a. 24 dm3 

b. 4 dm3 

c. 12 dm3 

d. 112 dm3 

Answer- 24 dm3

Que-  The mass of decimole of electrons (NA) is 

a. 008 mg 

b. 184 mg 

c. 054 mg 

d. 4 mg 

Answer- 054 mg

Que-  The number of moles of CO2 which contains 16 g of oxygen is 

a. 25 

b. 5 

c. 75 

d. 1 

Answer- 5

Que-  Which of the following statements is wrong about isotopes? 

a. they possess different mass number 

b. they possess different physical properties 

c. they possess same chemical properties 

d. they possess different position in the periodic table 

Answer- they possess different position in the periodic table

Que-  How many isotopes have odd atomic number? 

a. 154 

b. 280 

c. 86 

d. 300 

Answer- 86

Que-  Qualitative analysis is carried out for 

a. identification of elements 

b. estimation of amounts of elements 

c. molar ration of elements 

d. molar volume of elements 

Answer- identification of elements

Que-  Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is 

a. 80% 

b. 30% 

c. 40% 

d. 20% 

Answer- 40%

Que-  Combustion analysis is performed to determine 

a. Empirical formula 

b. Molecular mass 

c. Molecular formula 

d. Formula mass 

Answer- Empirical formula

Que-  Mostly elements have fractional atomic masses because of 

a. mass of an atom itself is in fraction 

b. atomic masses are average masses of isobars 

c. atmoic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to their relative abundance 

d. atmoic masses are average masses of isotopes 

Answer- atmoic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to their relative abundance

Que-  Isotopes differ in 

a. properties which depend upon mass 

b. arrangement of electrons in orbitals 

c. chemical properties 

d. all of the above 

Answer- properties which depend upon mass

Que-  Which of the following is not a macromolecule? 

a. sand 

b. haemoglobin 

c. diamond 

d. maltose 

Answer- maltose

Que-  Which of the following methods is used to estimate hydrogen in an organic compound? 

a. Combustion method 

b. Dumas method 

c. Kjeldahls method 

d. All of the above methods are for different purposes 

Answer- Combustion method

Que-  Isotopes of the same elements has 

a. different number of protons 

b. same number of neutrons 

c. different number of neutrons 

d. same mass number (nucleon number) 

Answer- different number of neutrons

Que-  The nucleus of an atom of every element will always contain 

a. neutrons 

b. protons and electrons 

c. protons 

d. protons and neutrons 

Answer- protons

Que-  When cationic molecular ions are allowed to pass through strong magnetic field in mass spectrometer which of the following ions is fallen 

a. lighter 

b. intermediate 

c. heavier 

d. are collected at same time 

Answer- lighter

Que-  When 0.5 mole of phosphoric acid is dissolved in aqueous solution how many moles of -ve and +ve ions are collected altogether? 

a. 5 

b. 1 

c. 5 

d. 2 

Answer- 2

Que-  For which of the following compounds the term empirical formula cannot be applied? 

a. NaCl 

b. H2O 

c. CCI4 

d. It can be applied to all mentioned above 

Answer- It can be applied to all mentioned above

Que-  Dempsters mass spectrometer has number of zones / parts 

a. 5 

b. 4 

c. 3 

d. 2 

Answer- 5

Que-  The properties of an element mosly corresponds to that isotope which has greater 

a. Mass number 

b. Atomic mass 

c. Relative abundance 

d. all of the above 

Answer- Relative abundance

Que-  1 a.m.u = 

a. 6 x 10-27 kg 

b. 6 x 10-24 kg 

c. 6 x 10-26 kg 

d. 6 x 10-28 kg 

Answer- 6 x 10-27 kg

Que-  The letters s p d and f are used to represent which quantum numbers 

a. Principal 

b. Azimuthal 

c. Magnetic 

d. Spin 

Answer- Azimuthal

Que-  The magnetic quantum number (QN) has its values determined directly by the value of 

a. Principal (QN) 

b. Azimuthal (QN) 

c. Spin (QN) 

d. Both a & b 

Answer- Azimuthal (QN)

Que-  The atomic number of an element having maximum number of unpaired electrons in p-subshell is 

a. 7 

b. 10 

c. 12 

d. 16 

Answer- 7

Que-  When an atom absorbs energy the lines in the spectrum will appear which are 

a. Brighter 

b. Darker 

c. Colourless 

d. Hard to locate 

Answer- Darker

Que-  Colour of fluorescene produced by cathode rays depends upon 

a. Temperature 

b. Pressure 

c. Volume 

d. Composition of glass 

Answer- Composition of glass

Que-  Which one is not true about cathode rays? 

a. 11x10-31 Kg 

b. Cast shadow 

c. Heat up the platinum foil 

d. Cannot ionize 

Answer- Cannot ionize

Que-  Positive rays are produced 

a. By burning of gas 

b. By cooling of the gas 

c. By the bombardment of cathode rays on gas molecules 

d. From anode like cathode rays produced from cathode 

Answer- By the bombardment of cathode rays on gas molecules

Que-  Rutherfords planet like structure was defective and unsatisfactory because 

a. Moving e- accelerate towards the nucleus 

b. Continuous spectrum 

c. behavior of electron remain unexplained 

d. all 

Answer- all

Que-  The relationship between energy of a photon of light and its frequency is given by 

a. de-Broglie duel nature of matter 

b. Bohrs model 

c. Plancks Quantum theory 

d. Rutherfords atomic model 

Answer- Plancks Quantum theory

Que-  Splitting of spectral lines when atom is subjected to magnetic field is called 

a. Zeemans effect 

b. Starks effect 

c. Photo electric effect 

d. Compton effect 

Answer- Zeemans effect

Que-  The velocity of the photon 

a. Is independent of wavelength 

b. Depends upon source 

c. Depends upon its frequency 

d. Equals to the square of amplitude 

Answer- Is independent of wavelength

Que-  Which one of the following explain the shape of orbitals 

a. Principal of quantum number 

b. Azimuthal quantum number 

c. Magnetic quantum number 

d. Spin quantum number 

Answer- Azimuthal quantum number

Que-  Atom cannot be divided into simple unitstheorized by 

a. Rutherford 

b. Dalton 

c. Bohr 

d. Schrodinger 

Answer- Dalton

Que-  Pressure in gas discharge tube was kept 

a. 10 torr 

b. 1 torr 

c. 1 torr 

d. 01 torr 

Answer- 01 torr

Que-  The number of fundamental particles in an atom of the lightest isotope carbon are 

a. 6 

b. 12 

c. 18 

d. 20 

Answer- 18

Que-  Angle of deflection was studied by 

a. Hitorff 

b. Stoney 

c. William Crookes 

d. J.Perrin 

Answer- J.Perrin

Que-  Increase in atomic number is observed during 

a. Alpha emission 

b. Beta emission 

c. Both a & b 

d. Radioactivity 

Answer- Beta emission

Que-  Positive rays give flash on 

a. AgNO3 plate 

b. AgCl plate 

c. ZnO 

d. ZnS 

Answer- ZnS

Que-  Free neutron changes into proton with the emission of 

a. Neutrino 

b. Electron 

c. Both a & b 

d. Meson 

Answer- Both a & b

Que-  The value of e/m ratio of electron is 

a. 02 x 1023 C/kg 

b. 7588 x 1020 C/kg 

c. 1095 x 10-31 C/kg 

d. 7588 x 1011 C/kg 

Answer- 7588 x 1011 C/kg

Que-  Charge of electron was measured by 

a. J.J Thomson 

b. Millikan 

c. Rutherford 

d. Perrin 

Answer- Millikan

Que-  Rutherford bombarded ______________ particles in discovery of nucleus 

a. Gamma-rays 

b. Alpha-rays 

c. Beta-rays 

d. X-rays 

Answer- Alpha-rays

Que-  Planks theory says energy is emitted 

a. In continuous manner 

b. Discontinuous manner 

c. Simultaneously 

d. In the form of heat 

Answer- Discontinuous manner

Que-  2nd orbit is _______ away from nucleus of H-atom as compared to 1st orbit is 

a. 2-times 

b. 3-times 

c. 4-times 

d. 6 times 

Answer- 4-times

Que-  The maximum number of orbitals present in a subshell that is represented by Azimuthal quantum number = 3 will be 

a. 1 

b. 3 

c. 5 

d. 7 

Answer- 7

Que-  The correct electronic configuration of Cu is 

a. [Ar]4s1 

b. [Ar]4s2 

c. [Ar]3d104s1 

d. [Ar]3d94s2 

Answer- [Ar]3d104s1

Que-  Pfund series are produced in the spectrum of hydrogen atom 

a. when electrons jump down to 2nd- orbit 

b. when electrons jump down to 3rd- orbit 

c. when electrons jump down to 4th- orbit 

d. when electrons jump down to 5th- orbit 

Answer- when electrons jump down to 5th- orbit

Que-  Atomic orbits having same evergy are called 

a. Degenerate orbitals 

b. Bonding molecular orbitals 

c. Anti bonding molecular orbitals 

d. Half filled orbitals 

Answer- Degenerate orbitals

Que-  Sommerfelds modification in Bohrs model is 

a. Orbit is cylindrical 

b. Orbit is elliptical 

c. Orbit is longitudinal 

d. Orbit is asymmetrical 

Answer- Orbit is elliptical

Que-  When electrons collide with heavy metals than ______ are produced. 

a. Beta-rays 

b. Alpha-rays 

c. X-rays 

d. Gamma-rays 

Answer- X-rays

Que-  Atom with higher atomic number produces X-rays of 

a. Shorter wavelength 

b. Larger wavelength 

c. X-ray not produced 

d. All are possible 

Answer- Shorter wavelength

Que-  Wavelength of electron was verified by 

a. Moseley 

b. Davisson and Germer 

c. Einstein 

d. Roentgen 

Answer- Davisson and Germer

Que-  Space around nucleus where finding probability of electrons is maximum is called 

a. Orbital 

b. Orbit is elliptical 

c. subshell 

d. Electron cloud 

Answer- Orbital

Que-  Quantum number which tells the energy of electron is 

a. n 

b. 1 

c. m 

d. s 

Answer- n

Que-  Electronic configuration of K is 

a. [Ar]4s2 

b. [Ar]4s1 

c. [Kr]5s1 

d. [He]2s1 

Answer- [Ar]4s1

Que-  ____________ can expel proteons from paraffins 

a. Electron 

b. Positron 

c. Neutron 

d. None of above has such capability 

Answer- Neutron

Que-  Milikan used __________ in his atomizer 

a. Milk 

b. Honey 

c. Oil 

d. Water 

Answer- Oil

Que-  Centrifugal forces are balanced in atom by 

a. Attractive forces 

b. Repulsive force 

c. Electrons 

d. Neutrons 

Answer- Attractive forces

Que-  Spectrum is produced due to 

a. Different wavelength 

b. Different colours 

c. Different intensities 

d. all have little contribution 

Answer- Different wavelength

Que-  When 6d orbital is complete the entering electron goes into 

a. 7f 

b. 7s 

c. 7p 

d. 7d 

Answer- 7p

Que-  When electron jump into orbit 1 then series obtained is 

a. Lyman 

b. Paschen 

c. Pfund 

d. Brackett 

Answer- Lyman

Que-  Neutrons moving with an energy of 1.2 MeV are called 

a. Fast neutrons 

b. Slow neutrons 

c. Moderate neutrons 

d. All are possible 

Answer- Fast neutrons

Que-  Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric filed is called 

a. Zeeman effect 

b. Stark effect 

c. Photoelectric effect 

d. Compton effect 

Answer- Stark effect

Que-  Three quantum number have been derived from equation of 

a. de-Broglie 

b. Plancks 

c. Schrodinger 

d. Heisenberg 

Answer- Schrodinger

Que-  Which of the following has strongest intermolecular forces of attraction? 

a. Hydrogen (H2) 

b. Chlorine (Cl2) 

c. lodine (I2) 

d. Methane (CH4) 

Answer- lodine (I2)

Que-  Which has strongest bonding in the solid state? 

a. Hydrogen Chloride (HCI) 

b. Chlorine (Cl2) 

c. Xenon(Xe) 

d. Sodium Chloride (NaCI) 

Answer- Sodium Chloride (NaCI)

Que-  When substance moves from a solid to a liquid state all of the following changes occur except 

a. Molecules become more disordered 

b. K.E of the molecules decreases 

c. Intermolecular forces become weaker 

d. Molecule become further separated 

Answer- K.E of the molecules decreases

Que-  When the atoms of third layer are arranged in such a way that they directly lie above the atoms of first layer then this arrangement is called 

a. ABAB (hexagonal) 

b. ABCABC (Cubic) 

c. Orthor hombic 

d. Rhombohedral 

Answer- ABAB (hexagonal)

Que-  In order to mention the boiling point of water at 110 Degree Centigrade the external pressure should be 

a. Between 760 torr and 1200 torr 

b. Between 200 torr and 760 torr 

c. 765 torr 

d. any value of pressure 

Answer- Between 760 torr and 1200 torr

Que-  Which one is false for evaporation? 

a. Surface phenomenon 

b. Continuous 

c. Exothermic 

d. Cause cooling 

Answer- Exothermic

Que-  Vapour pressure of water at 100 Degree Centrigrade is 

a. 55 mm Hg 

b. 760 mm Hg 

c. 355 mm Hg 

d. 1489 mm Hg 

Answer- 760 mm Hg

Que-  Which one of the following does not show hydrogen bonding ? 

a. Water 

b. Ethyl alcohol 

c. Phenol 

d. Diethyl ether 

Answer- Diethyl ether

Que-  Liquid crystal is discovered  by 

a. William Crooks 

b. Fredrack Reinitzer 

c. J.J Thomson 

d. Bravis 

Answer- Fredrack Reinitzer

Que-  Which one is a conductor but is not malleable? 

a. Iron 

b. Graphite 

c. Silver 

d. Platinum 

Answer- Graphite

Que-  Hydrogen bonding is involved in 

a. Solubility 

b. Cleansing action of detergents 

c. Biological molecules 

d. All 

Answer- All

Que-  Forces of attraction which may be present between all kinds of atoms and molecules are 

a. intramolecular 

b. intermolecular 

c. van der Waal 

d. Dipole-induced dipole 

Answer- van der Waal

Que-  The density of water may be 

a. Equal to that of ice 

b. Greater than that of ice 

c. Less than that of ice 

d. All are possible 

Answer- Greater than that of ice

Que-  The quantity of heat required to convert one mole of liquid into its vapours at its boiling point is called molar heat of 

a. vaporization 

b. evaporation 

c. crystallization 

d. sublimation 

Answer- vaporization

Que-  Steam causes more sever burn than the boiling water because it possesses. 

a. Latent heat of fusion 

b. Latent heat of vaporization 

c. Latent heat of sublimation 

d. All of the above 

Answer- Latent heat of vaporization

Que-  Water has maximum density at 

a. 0Degree Centigrade 

b. 2Degree Centigrade 

c. 4Degree Centigrade 

d. 100Degree Centigrade 

Answer- 4Degree Centigrade

Que-  The conversion of vapours back into their liquid state is called 

a. crystallization 

b. evaporization 

c. vaporization 

d. condensation 

Answer- condensation

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