C++ Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

C++ Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- How many types of templates are there in c++? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- Which are done by compiler for templates? 

a. type-safe 

b. portability 

c. code elimination 

d. prototype 

Answer- type-safe 

Que- What may be the name of the parameter that the template should take? 

a. same as template 

b. same as class 

c. same as function 

d. same as member 

Answer- same as template 

Que- How many parameters are legal for non-type template? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 4 

Que- What is a function template? 

a. creating a function without having to specify the exact type 

b. creating a function with having an exact type 

c. creating a function without having blank spaces 

d. creating a function without class 

Answer- creating a function without having to specify the exact type 

Que- Which is used to describe the function using placeholder types? 

a. template parameters 

b. template type parameters 

c. template type 

d. type parameters 

Answer- template type parameters 

Que- Pick out the correct statement. 

a. you only need to write one function, and it will work with many different types 

b. it will take a long time to execute 

c. duplicate code is increased 

d. it will take a long time to execute & duplicate code is increased 

Answer- you only need to write one function, and it will work with many different types 

Que- What can be passed by non-type template parameters during compile time? 

a. int 

b. float 

c. constant expression 

d. string 

Answer- constant expression 

Que- From where does the template class derived? 

a. regular non-templated C++ class 

b. templated class 

c. regular non-templated C++ class or templated class 

d. main function 

Answer- regular non-templated C++ class or templated class 

Que- What are Templates in C++? 

a. A feature that allows the programmer to write generic programs 

b. A feature that allows the programmer to write specific codes for a problem 

c. A feature that allows the programmer to make program modular 

d. A feature that does not add any power to the language 

Answer- A feature that allows the programmer to write generic programs 

Que- In how many ways templates concept can be used? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- What is the difference between normal function and template function? 

a. The normal function works with any data types whereas template function works with specific types only 

b. Template function works with any data types whereas normal function works with specific types only 

c. Unlike a normal function, the template function accepts a single parameter 

d. Unlike the template function, the normal function accepts more than one parameters 

Answer- Template function works with any data types whereas normal function works with specific types only 

Que- Templates simulate which of the following feature? 

a. Polymorphism 

b. Abstraction 

c. Encapsulation 

d. Inheritance 

Answer- Polymorphism 

Que- Which keyword is used for the template? 

a. Template 

b. template 

c. Temp 

d. temp 

Answer- template 

Que- What is the correct syntax of defining function template/template functions? 

a. template <class T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

b. Template <class T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

c. template <T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

d. Template <T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

Answer- template <class T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

Que- What are Templates in C++? 

a. A feature that allows the programmer to write generic programs 

b. A feature that allows the programmer to write specific codes for a problem 

c. A feature that allows the programmer to make program modular 

d. A feature that does not add any power to the language 

Answer- A feature that allows the programmer to write generic programs 

Que- In how many ways templates concept can be used? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- What is the difference between normal function and template function? 

a. The normal function works with any data types whereas template function works with specific types only 

b. Template function works with any data types whereas normal function works with specific types only 

c. Unlike a normal function, the template function accepts a single parameter 

d. Unlike the template function, the normal function accepts more than one parameters 

Answer- Template function works with any data types whereas normal function works with specific types only 

Que- Templates simulate which of the following feature? 

a. Polymorphism 

b. Abstraction 

c. Encapsulation 

d. Inheritance 

Answer- Polymorphism 

Que- Which keyword is used for the template? 

a. Template 

b. template 

c. Temp 

d. temp 

Answer- template 

Que- What is the correct syntax of defining function template/template functions? 

a. template <class T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

b. Template <class T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

c. template <T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

d. Template <T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

Answer- template <class T> void(T a){cout<<a;} 

Que- What is the syntax of class template? 

a. template <paramaters> class declaration 

b. Template <paramaters> class declaration 

c. temp <paramaters> class declaration 

d. Temp <paramaters> class declaration 

Answer- template <paramaters> class declaration 

Que- What is meant by the template parameter? 

a. It can be used to pass a type as an argument 

b. It can be used to evaluate a type 

c. It can of no return type 

d. It can be used to delete a type 

Answer- It can be used to pass a type as an argument 

Que- Which keyword can be used in template? 

a. class 

b. typename 

c. both class & typename 

d. function 

Answer- both class & typename 

Que- What is the validity of template parameters? 

a. inside that block only 

b. inside the class 

c. whole program 

d. inside the main class 

Answer- inside that block only 

Que- Why we use :: template-template parameter? 

a. binding 

b. rebinding 

c. both binding & rebinding 

d. reusing 

Answer- both binding & rebinding 

Que- Which parameter is legal for non-type template? 

a. pointer to member 

b. object 

c. class 

d. baseclass 

Answer- pointer to member 

Que- Which of the things does not require instantiation? 

a. functions 

b. non virtual member function 

c. member class 

d. all of the mentioned 

Answer- all of the mentioned 

Que- What is meant by template specialization? 

a. It will have certain data types to be fixed 

b. It will make certain data types to be dynamic 

c. Certain data types are invalid 

d. It will make all data types to be dynamic 

Answer- It will have certain data types to be fixed 

Que- Which is similar to template specialization? 

a. template 

b. function overloading 

c. function template overloading 

d. overloading 

Answer- function template overloading 

Que- Which is called on allocating the memory for the array of objects? 

a. destructor 

b. constructor 

c. method 

d. class 

Answer- constructor 

Que- How many types of specialization are there in c++? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- What is another name of full specialization? 

a. explicit specialization 

b. implicit specialization 

c. function overloading template 

d. overloading template 

Answer- explicit specialization 

Que- Which is dependant on template parameter? 

a. base class 

b. abstract class 

c. method 

d. static class 

Answer- base class

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