Microprocessor MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Microprocessor MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 1. The Stack is accessed using

a. SP register

b. SS register

c. SP and SS register

d. None of the mentioned

Ans- c. SP and SS register

2. The stack is useful for

a. storing the register status of the processor

b. temporary storage of data

c. storing contents of registers temporarily inside the CPU

d. all of the mentioned

Ans- d. all of the mentioned

3. If the processor is executing the main program that calls a subroutine, then after executing the main program up to the CALL instruction, the control will be transferred to

a. address of main program

b. subroutine address

c. address of CALL instruction

d. none of the mentioned

Ans- b. subroutine address

4. The Stack follows the sequence

a. first-in-first-out

b. first-in-last-out

c. last-in-first-out

d. last-in-last-out

Ans- c. last-in-first-out

5. DEBUG is able to troubleshoot only

a. .EXE files

b. .OBJ files

c. .EXE file and .OBJ file

d. .EXE file and .LST file

Ans- a. .EXE files

6. DEBUG.COM facilitates the

a. debugging

b. trouble shooting

c. debugging and trouble shooting

d. debugging and assembling

Ans- c. debugging and trouble shooting

7. The listing file contains

a. total offset map of a source file

b. offset address and labels

c. memory allotments for different labels

d. all of the mentioned

Ans- c. debugging and trouble shooting

8. The extension file that is must for a file to be accepted by the LINK as a valid object file is

a. .OBJ file

b. .EXE file

c. .MASM file

d. DEBUG file

Ans- a. .OBJ file

9. The listing file is identified by

a. source file name

b. extension .LSF

c. source file name and an extension .LSF

d. source file name and an extension .LST

Ans- d. source file name and an extension .LST

10. The directory that is under work must have the files that are related to

a. Norton's editor

b. Assembler

c. Linker

d. All of the mentioned

Ans- d. All of the mentioned

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