Que- The _________ element is used to render simple graphics such as line art, graphs, and other custom graphical elements on the client side.
a. metadata
b. css
c. canvas
d. art
Answer- canvas
Que- Which plugins can provide the fallback support for old browsers?
a. Flash
b. Quicktime
c. Both Flash and Quicktime
d. Fireback and Quickertime
Answer- Both Flash and Quicktime
Que- Which of the following is not the promises of the open web platform?
a. Security and Privacy
b. Performance and Tuning
c. Media and Real-Time Communications
d. Device Interconnection
Answer- Device Interconnection
Que- Which protocol is supported by Android browsers?
b. HLS
d. FTP
Answer- HLS
Que- __________ is a JavaScript library that implements the most common user interface elements and interactions like sliders, accordions, tabs, and so on.
a. JavaScript
b. JQuery UI
c. VTS
d. JCL
Answer- JQuery UI
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM, __________ sets or returns whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads.
a. preload
b. autoplay
c. buffered
d. controller
Answer- preload
Que- Which of the following is not a HTML5 tag?
a. <video>
b. <source>
c. <track>
d. <slider>
Answer- <slider>
Que- What will happen if height and width of video are not set while video loads?
a. page flickers
b. page does not load
c. page crash
d. page closes
Answer- page flickers
Que- Which of the following HTML Video – Media Type is not supported in IE?
a. WebM
b. MP4
c. Ogg
Answer- Ogg
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM, __________ sets or returns the default speed of the audio/video playback.
a. currentTime
b. duration
c. defaultPlaybackRate
d. playbackRate
Answer- defaultPlaybackRate
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM, __________ sets or returns the CORS settings of the audio/video.
a. currentTime
b. duration
c. defaultPlaybackRate
d. crossOrigin
Answer- crossOrigin
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM, __________ returns a TimeRanges object representing the buffered parts of the audio/video.
a. preload
b. networkState
c. buffered
d. controller
Answer- buffered
Que- Which of the following tag is used for audio in HTML5?
a. <bgsound>
b. <audio>
c. <video>
d. <canvas>
Answer- <audio>
Que- Which tag is used to defines multiple media resources for media elements audio and video?
a. <source>
b. <canvas>
c. <audio>
d. <video>
Answer- <source>
Que- Which of the following browser does not support wav file format?
a. Opera
b. Firefox
c. Chrome
d. Internet Explorer
Answer- Internet Explorer
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM __________ sets or returns the volume of the audio/video.
a. src
b. volume controls
c. volume
d. video Tracks
Answer- volume
Que- Which of the following attribute adds audio controls, like play, pause, and volume?
a. audio
b. controls
c. source
d. src
Answer- controls
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM __________ sets or returns whether the audio/video should start playing as soon as it is loaded.
a. controls
b. audio Tracks
c. autoplay
d. currentSrc
Answer- autoplay
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM __________ sets or returns whether the audio/video should start over again when finished.
a. loop
b. autoplay
c. seeking
d. played
Answer- loop
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM __________ returns a MediaError object representing the error state of the audio/video.
a. ended
b. seeking
c. error
d. mediaGroup
Answer- error
Que- In HTML Audio/Video DOM __________ returns a TextTrackList object representing the available text tracks.
a. readyState
b. startDate
c. videoTracks
d. textTracks
Answer- textTracks
Que- Which of the following element is used for canvas graphics?
a. <paint>
b. <canvas>
c. <graphic>
d. <css>
Answer- <canvas>
Que- Which of the following statement is not true?
a. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics
b. SVG is used to define graphics for the Web
c. SVG is a W3C recommendation
d. SVG doesn’t support event handlers
Answer- SVG doesn’t support event handlers