Que- Which of the following is the attribute that is used to set a global identifier for a microdata item?
a. key
b. id
c. itemclass
d. itemid
Answer- itemid
Que- Which of the following is the attribute that is used to add a name/value pair to a microdata item?
a. itemscope
b. itemref
c. itemprop
d. itemid
Answer- itemprop
Que- What does wrap attribute denote?
a. Whether the text is in bold
b. Whether the text is wrapped
c. Whether the text is in italics
d. Whether the text is highlighted
Answer- Whether the text is wrapped
Que- With which element width attribute is not define?
a. <input>
b. <object>
c. <embed>
d. <textarea>
Answer- <textarea>
Que- Which of the following defines a default value on page load?
a. <object>
b. <input>
c. <progress>
d. <area>
Answer- <progress>
Que- How title attribute works?
a. Displays text when hovering over the element
b. Focus text when hovering over the element
c. Highlight text when hovering over the element
d. Zoom in and zoom out text when hovering over the element
Answer- Displays text when hovering over the element
Que- Which attribute is not for overriding the actions?
a. Formaction
b. Style
c. Tabindex
d. Slot
Answer- Slot
Que- srclang attribute is used with the element ____________
a. <track>
b. <input>
c. <iframe>
d. <table>
Answer- <track>
Que- What is the use of spellcheck attribute?
a. Checks spelling
b. Indicates if spell checking is allowed
c. Checks spelling and corrects it
d. Checks spelling of a given particular text only
Answer- Indicates if spell checking is allowed
Que- Which parameter is commonly used for size attribute?
a. centimeter
b. pixels
c. inch
d. millimeter
Answer- pixels
Que- Which attribute indicates a descending order of displaying a list?
a. reversed
b. forward
c. straight
d. circular
Answer- reversed
Que- The major difference between minlength and min attribute is ______
a. ‘minlength’ is for the minimum number of characters and ‘min’ is for the minimum value
b. ‘minlength’ is for the minimum value and ‘min’ is for the minimum number of characters
c. ‘minlength’ is for multiple values and ‘min’ is for the single value
d. ‘minlength’ is for single value and ‘minlength’ is for multiple values
Answer- ‘minlength’ is for the minimum number of characters and ‘min’ is for the minimum value
Que- loop attribute is not used with _____________
a. <audio>
b. <marquee>
c. <video>
d. <track>
Answer- <track>
Que- How does download attribute work?
a. An indication that hyperlink is to be used for downloading
b. Directly downloads as per the need of the user
c. Gives various source links to download
d. List the topics which one can download from a certain page
Answer- An indication that hyperlink is to be used for downloading
Que- datetime attribute is not related with ______________
a. <del>
b. <time>
c. <ins>
d. <form>
Answer- <form>
Que- cols attribute is use with ___________
a. <td>
b. <th>
c. <textarea>
d. <ol>
Answer- <textarea>
Que- Use of checked attribute is ____________
a. Whether on page load element should be checked
b. Whether on page load all form element should be checked
c. Whether on page load all list element should be checked
d. Whether on page load all multimedia elements should be checked
Answer- Whether on page load element should be checked
Que- Syntax of entity declaration is ___________
a. <!entity name "value">
b. <entity name "value"!>
c. <"value" entity name>
d. <!"value" entity name>
Answer- <!entity name "value">
Que- What is the correct format of numeric character reference?
a. &nnnn;
b. &#nnnn;
c. #nnnn;
d. $*nnnn;
Answer- &#nnnn;
Que- What is the format for character entity reference?
a. &name;
b. $name;
c. %name;
d. !name;
Answer- &name;
Que- For entity which term is used by XML?
a. character entity reference
b. numeric character reference
c. predefined entities
d. character and numeric entity reference
Answer- predefined entities
Que- Which entity is not defined in XML?
a. quot
b. apos
c. gt
d. copy
Answer- copy
Que- Which entity is not for both HTML and XML?
a. apos
b. It?
c. cent
d. quot
Answer- cent
Que- Which entity is not for punctuation character?
a. "
b. ¶
c. ¬
d. ´
Answer- ´
Que- Which of the following is not character entity?
a. æ
b. å
c. &image
d. ê
Answer- &image
Que- Which entity is for the arrow?
a. &crarr
b. &zeta
c. &upsih
d. &oelig
Answer- &crarr
Que- Which entity is not for shape?
a. &harr
b. &clubs
c. &hearts
d. &spades
Answer- &harr
Que- Which of the following entity is for shape?
a. &uarr
b. &loz
c. &rarr
d. &larr
Answer- &loz