HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

HTML MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- How do we write comments in HTML5? 

a. <!……> 

b. <…….!> 

c. </…….> 

d. </……/> 

Answer- <!……>

Que- Which one is correct syntax? 

a. <p id="1td"> 

b. <p id="td"> 

c. <p id="%td"> 

d. <p id="#td"> 

Answer- <p id="td">

Que- Which of the following is not example of block element? 

a. <h1> 

b. <ul> 

c. <p> 

d. <a> 

Answer- <a>

Que- What does semantic markup not define? 

a. provides extra information 

b. where an emphasis is placed in a sentence 

c. meaning of an acronym 

d. that describes paragraphs 

Answer- that describes paragraphs

Que- How many levels of headings HTML has? 

a. 6 

b. 3 

c. 7 

d. 2 

Answer- 6

Que- What is the size of content of an <h1> element? 

a. Smallest 

b. Largest 

c. Medium 

d. Anything between smallest and largest 

Answer- Largest

Que- What is the tag used for making character appearance bold? 

a. <b>content</b> 

b. <i>content</i> 

c. <u>content</u> 

d. <br>content</br> 

Answer- <b>content</b>

Que- For writing chemical formula of water which tag will be used? 

a. <sup> 

b. <sub> 

c. <br/> 

d. <ul> 

Answer- <sub>

Que- which tag will be used For raising number to a power? 

a. <sup> 

b. <sub> 

c. <br/> 

d. <ul> 

Answer- <sup>

Que- What is the use of <hr/> tag? 

a. To create horizontal rule between sections 

b. To create a line break 

c. To create vertical rule between sections 

d. For making content appearance italics 

Answer- To create horizontal rule between sections

Que- Which of the following is not an empty element. 

a. <hr/> 

b. <br/> 

c. <sup> 

d. <img/> 

Answer- <sup>

Que- Which attribute is not essential under <iframe>? 

a. src 

b. height 

c. width 

d. frameborder 

Answer- frameborder

Que- Which is not the attribute of <meta> element? 

a. description 

b. keywords 

c. robots 

d. seamless 

Answer- seamless

Que- Copyright symbol can be included by _________ 

a. &lt 

b. &copy 

c. &amp 

d. &gt 

Answer- &copy

Que- Attributes that allow to identify particular element are ____________ 

a. <div> and <span> 

b. <meta> 

c. id and class 

d. <iframes> 

Answer- id and class

Que- All elements are identified by their __________ and are marked up using either start tags and end tags or self-closing tags. 

a. attribute name 

b. tag name 

c. class name 

d. none of the mentioned 

Answer- tag name

Que- The __________ element represents a span of text that is isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting. 

a. "b" 

b. "bdi" 

c. "bdo" 

d. "base" 

Answer- "bdi"

Que- The interactive element audio with the attribute controls must not appear as a descendant of which element? 

a. "a" 

b. "button" 

c. "audio" 

d. "both a and button" 

Answer- "both a and button"

Que- A ____________ element must have a start tag but must not have an end tag. 

a. details 

b. command 

c. code 

d. both details and command 

Answer- command

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