C++ Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

C++ Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- How many categories of iterators are there in c++? 

a. 2 

b. 4 

c. 5 

d. 3 

Answer- 5 

Que- Which of the following can serve as random-access iterator? 

a. Memory pointer 

b. Object pointer 

c. Class pointer 

d. Memory & Class pointer 

Answer- Object pointer 

Que- What kind of pattern is iterator pattern? 

a. Design pattern 

b. Sequence pattern 

c. Adapter pattern 

d. Star pattern 

Answer- Design pattern 

Que- In which type of semantics does c++ implements iterator? 

a. Memory 

b. Size 

c. Pointer 

d. Value 

Answer- Pointer 

Que- By using which operator does point to next element is represent initerator? 

a. ++ 

b. -- 

c. +- 

d. -+- 

Answer- ++ 

Que- What is the use of checked iterators? 

a. Overwrite the bounds of your container 

b. Not allow you to overwrite the bounds of your container 

c. It will check the list value 

d. Overwrite the bounds of your iterators 

Answer- Not allow you to overwrite the bounds of your container 

Que- What will happen if the iterator is unchecked? 

a. Arising of compiler warnings 

b. Unchecked behavior on program 

c. Nothing will execute 

d. Arising of compiler warnings & Unchecked behavior on program 

Answer- Arising of compiler warnings & Unchecked behavior on program 

Que- How many adaptors support the checked iterators? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- What does the checked iterator allow you to find? 

a. Warnings 

b. Compile time error 

c. Run time error 

d. Warnings & Run time error 

Answer- Run time error 

Que- What kind of errors do checked iterators detect? 

a. Uninitialized iterators 

b. Initialized iterators 

c. Range access 

d. Both Uninitialized iterators and range access 

Answer- Both Uninitialized iterators and range access 

Que- Where are allocators used? 

a. Allocation of memory 

b. Deallocation of memory 

c. Used for pointers 

d. Both Allocation & Deallocation of memory 

Answer- Both Allocation & Deallocation of memory 

Que- Where are allocators implemented? 

a. Template library 

b. Standard library 

c. C++ code library 

d. String library 

Answer- Standard library 

Que- Which operator is used to allocate the memory? 

a. = 

b. + 

c. new 

d. free 

Answer- new 

Que- Which operator is used to deallocate the memory? 

a. destroy 

b. free 

c. empty 

d. insert 

Answer- free 

Que- Which header file is used to manipulate the allocater? 

a. allocater 

b. memory 

c. object 

d. iterator 

Answer- memory 

Que- What is the use of reference member type in allocator? 

a. Point to an element 

b. Quantities of element 

c. Reference to an element 

d. Sequence of an element 

Answer- Reference to an element 

Que- What is the correct syntax for declaring an allocator? 

a. template < class T > class allocator; 

b. template < class T > class; 

c. template class allocator; 

d. template class() 

Answer- template < class T > class allocator; 

Que- What are Iterators? 

a. STL component used to point a memory address of a container 

b. STL component used for vectors 

c. STL component used to call functions efficiently 

d. STL component used to define template classes 

Answer- STL component used to point a memory address of a container 

Que- Which function is used increment the iterator by a particular value? 

a. next() 

b. advance() 

c. prev() 

d. move() 

Answer- advance() 

Que- How many types of Iterators are there? 

a. 5 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 5 

Que- Pick the correct statement. 

a. Input iterator moves sequentially forward 

b. Input iterator moves sequentially backward 

c. Input iterator moves in both direction 

d. Input iterator moves sequentially downwards 

Answer- Input iterator moves sequentially forward 

Que- Which of the following is correct about Input Iterators? 

a. Input iterators can be used with all relational operators 

b. Input iterators can work with arithmetic operators 

c. No value can be assigned to the location pointed by Input Iterator 

d. Input iterators can work with sequence operators 

Answer- No value can be assigned to the location pointed by Input Iterator 

Que- Which of the following is correct about Input Iterators? 

a. They cannot be decremented 

b. Cannot be used in multi-pass algorithms 

c. Can only be incremented 

d. All of the mentioned 

Answer- All of the mentioned 

Que- Which of the following is correct? 

a. Input Iterators are used for assigning 

b. Output Iterators are used for assigning 

c. Both Input and Output Iterators are used for accessing 

d. Both Input and Output Iterators are used for assigning 

Answer- Output Iterators are used for assigning 

Que- Which of the following is an advantage of Forward iterator over input and output iterator? 

a. Can be used as both accessing and assigning iterator 

b. Forward iterator can be incremented or decremented 

c. Can be used with relational operators also 

d. Can be used with arithmetic operators also 

Answer- Can be used as both accessing and assigning iterator 

Que- What are Bi-directional iterators? 

a. Iterator same as Forward Iterator 

b. Forward Iterator that can be used in both directions 

c. Iterator that can only be used to access the sequence from both sides 

d. Iterator that can only be used to assign the sequence from both sides 

Answer- Forward Iterator that can be used in both directions 

Que- What are Random-access Iterators? 

a. Iterators that can be used to access elements at an arbitrary offset position 

b. Same as Bi-directional iterator 

c. Input iterator with the additional property of random access 

d. Output iterator with the additional property of random access 

Answer- Iterators that can be used to access elements at an arbitrary offset position 

Que- Which of the header file is used to implement algorithms provided by C++ STL? 

a. <algorithm> 

b. <header> 

c. <algos> 

d. <Algorithm> 

Answer- <algorithm> 

Que- How many types of sequence operations are provided by the C++ algorithm STL? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- Which of the following is a Modifying Sequence Operation? 

a. all_of() 

b. any_of() 

c. equal() 

d. swap() 

Answer- swap() 

Que- Which of the following is a Non-modifying Sequence Operation? 

a. swap() 

b. transform() 

c. remove() 

d. search() 

Answer- search() 

Que- What is the use of random_shuffle() function of STL algorithm? 

a. To generate the random sequence in a range 

b. To generate a sequence in a given range and arrange them in random order 

c. To rearrange given sequence randomly 

d. To select any random number from the given sequence. 

Answer- To rearrange given sequence randomly 

Que- What is the property of stable sort function provided by the STL algorithm? 

a. sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order preserving the relative order of equivalent elements 

b. sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order preserving the relative order of equivalent elements 

c. arranges the sequence randomly preserving the relative order of equivalent elements 

d. same as sort function of STL algorithm 

Answer- sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order preserving the relative order of equivalent elements 

Que- What is the property of partial sort function provided by the STL algorithm? 

a. sorts the elements before the middle element in ascending order and remaining elements are left without any specific order 

b. sorts the elements before the middle element in descending order and remaining elements are left without any specific order 

c. sorts the elements after the middle element in ascending order and remaining elements are left without any specific order 

d. sorts the elements after the middle element in descending order and remaining elements are left without any specific order 

Answer- sorts the elements before the middle element in ascending order and remaining elements are left without any specific order 

Que- Which function can be used to find the sum of a vector container? 

a. findsum() 

b. accumulate() 

c. calcsum() 

d. checksum() 

Answer- accumulate() 

Que- Which header file is required to use accumulate() function? 

a. <algorithm> 

b. <numeric> 

c. <vector> 

d. <iostream> 

Answer- <numeric> 

Que- What are functors in C++? 

a. Objects of a class which are treated as functions 

b. Objects that are used to call the function of other classes 

c. Functions that are called using pointer objects 

d. Functions that are called only once in a program 

Answer- Objects of a class which are treated as functions 

Que- Which of the following operators are overloaded for functors? 

a. [] 

b. () 

c. << 

d. >> 

Answer- () 

Que- What is the correct function prototype of () operator overloading? 

a. return_type operator(arguments)(); 

b. return_type operator(arguments); 

c. return_type operator()(arguments); 

d. return_type operator(Class_name)(arguments); 

Answer- return_type operator()(arguments); 

Que- Which of the following is correct about Functors? 

a. Functors should not be declared outside the main function 

b. Overloaded operator () function is not a member of the class 

c. Functors should be declared global 

d. Functors have a state 

Answer- Functors have a state 

Que- Which of te following is a built-in example of functors in C++? 

a. mltiplication<T> f(a1, a2); 

b. add<T> f(a1, a2); 

c. subtract<T> f(a1, a2); 

d. plus<T> f(a1, a2); 

Answer- plus<T> f(a1, a2); 

Que- Which of the following header file is required to use in-bulit functors of C++? 

a. <any> 

b. <fucntional> 

c. <functor> 

d. <function> 

Answer- <fucntional> 

Que- What are unary functors? 

a. Functors that accepts only one parameter 

b. Functors that accepts two parameters 

c. Functors that accepts more than one parameters 

d. Functors that accepts other than a specific type of parameter 

Answer- Functors that accepts only one parameter 

Que- What are binary functors? 

a. Functors that accepts only one parameter 

b. Functors that accepts more than one parameters 

c. Functors that accepts two parameters 

d. Functors that accepts other than a specific type of parameter 

Answer- Functors that accepts two parameters 

Que- How many ways are there to use functors? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- Which of the following is a logical unary functor? 

a. logical_or<T> f; 

b. logical_and<T> f; 

c. logical_not<T> f; 

d. negate<T> f; 

Answer- logical_not<T> f; 

Que- What of the following is the equivalent statement for the functor call, x = f(arg1, arg2); where f is a functor and arg1 and arg2 are the arguments required by the functors? 

a. f.call(arg1, arg2); 

b. f.operator()(arg1, arg2); 

c. f.operator(arg1, arg2); 

d. f.operator(arg1, arg2)(); 

Answer- f.operator()(arg1, arg2); 

Que- Which is an instantiation of the basic_string class template? 

a. Character 

b. String class 

c. Memory 

d. Iterator 

Answer- String class 

Que- Which character is used to terminate the string? 

a. $ 

b. Null 

c. Empty 

d. @ 

Answer- Null 

Que- How does the strings are stored in the memory? 

a. Contiguous 

b. Non-contiguous 

c. Null 

d. sequence 

Answer- Contiguous 

Que- Where are the strings stored? 

a. Stack 

b. Heap 

c. Both Stack & Heap 

d. Queue 

Answer- Both Stack & Heap 

Que- What will happen if a string is empty? 

a. It can't be created 

b. Raises an error 

c. It can be used 

d. It cannot be used 

Answer- It can be used 

Que- Which header file is used to manipulate the string? 

a. iostream 

b. iomanip 

c. string 

d. container 

Answer- string 

Que- How many maximum number of parameters does a string constructor can take? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 3 

Que- Which constant member functions does not modify the string? 

a. bool empty() 

b. assign 

c. append 

d. delete 

Answer- bool empty() 

Que- What is the difference between unsigned int length() and unsigned int size()? 

a. Returns a different value 

b. They are same 

c. Returns a different value but they are same 

d. Returns a length 

Answer- They are same 

Que- How many parameters can a resize method take? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 1 or 2 

d. 2 

Answer- 1 or 2 

Que- Where are standard C libraries defined in C++? 

a. Container 

b. std namespace 

c. list 

d. iterators 

Answer- std namespace 

Que- Which of the following have their changes in their declaration related to constness of parameter? 

a. strchr 

b. string 

c. memory 

d. strcybrk 

Answer- strchr 

Que- How many elements does a floating point number is composed of? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 4 

Que- How does the limits.h header file can be represented in C++? 

a. limits 

b. limit 

c. climits 

d. dlimits 

Answer- climits 

Que- Pick out the correct syntax of the header file that can be used with C++. 

a. #include <float> 

b. #include <float.h> 

c. Both #include <float> & #include <float.h> 

d. #include <flot.h> 

Answer- #include <float.h> 

Que- How many groups of output of operation are there in c++? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 2 

Que- Pick out the correct objects about the instantiation of output stream. 

a. cout 

b. cerr 

c. clog 

d. all of the mentioned 

Answer- all of the mentioned 

Que- What is meant by ofstream in c++? 

a. Writes to a file 

b. Reads from a file 

c. Writes to a file & Reads from a file 

d. delete a file 

Answer- Writes to a file 

Que- How many types of output stream classes are there in c++? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

Answer- 3 

Que- What must be specified when we construct an object of class ostream? 

a. stream 

b. streambuf 

c. memory 

d. steamostream 

Answer- streambuf 

Que- Which operator is used for input stream? 

a. > 

b. >> 

c. < 

d. << 

Answer- >> 

Que- Where does a cin stops it extraction of data? 

a. By seeing a blank space 

b. By seeing ( 

c. By seeing a blank space & ( 

d. By seeing < 

Answer- By seeing a blank space 

Que- Which is used to get the input during runtime? 

a. cout 

b. cin 

c. coi 

d. cinout 

Answer- cin 

Que- How many parameters are there in getline function? 

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 2 or 3 

d. 3 

Answer- 2 or 3 

Que- What can be used to input a string with blank space? 

a. inline 

b. getline 

c. putline 

d. setline 

Answer- getline 

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