Biology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - SchoolingAxis

Biology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Que- Artocarpus integra is the scientific name of ________ . 

a. Guava 

b. Pineapple 

c. Silver Oak 

d. Jack fruit 

Answer- Jack fruit

Que- Which of the following is a fish? 

a. Jelly fish 

b. Lobster 

c. Salmon 

d. Whale 

Answer- Salmon

Que- What is scientific name of ""Cotton"" ? 

a. Azadhirachta Indica 

b. Phaseolies auicus 

c. Gossypium Herbaceum 

d. Ficus Benghalensis 

Answer- Gossypium Herbaceum

Que- Study of parasitic organism is called 

a. Parazology 

b. Parasitology 

c. Both a and b 

d. None of these 

Answer- Parasitology

Que- The study of relation of animals and plants to their surroundings is called ________  

a. Ecology 

b. Ethrology 

c. Genealogy 

d. Iconology 

Answer- Ecology

Que- Amarbel is an example of 

a. Parasite 

b. Host 

c. Autotroph 

d. Saprotroph 

Answer- Parasite

Que- When we consume the goat or sheep beef then we are 

a. Primary consumer 

b. Secondary consumer 

c. Tertiary consumer 

d. None of the above 

Answer- Secondary consumer

Que- Branch of biology in which we study about relationship between living and their environment. 

a. Physiology 

b. Genetics 

c. Ecology 

d. Geology 

Answer- Ecology

Que- The outer white part of the eye which is supporting wall of the eyeball is known as 

a. Cornea  

b. Sclera  

c. Iris  

d. Retina  

Answer- Sclera 

Que- Human eye can differentiate between colors due to 

a. Rods  

b. Cones  

c. Bipolar nerves  

d. Pigmented epithelium  

Answer- Cones 

Que- The outer membrane that covers the brain is 

a. Myelin sheath 

b. Dura mater 

c. Arachnoid membrane 

d. Pia mater 

Answer- Dura mater

Que- The inner most membrane that covers the brain is 

a. Pleura 

b. Duramater 

c. Pia - mater 

d. Arachnoid membrane 

Answer- Pia - mater

Que- Which systems comprise the nervous system? 

a. Central nervous system 

b. Peripheral nervous system 

c. Both A & B 

d. None of the above 

Answer- Both A & B

Que- Which organelle performs cellular respiration? 

a. Mitochondria 

b. Cytolasm 

c. Chloroplasts 

d. All of the above 

Answer- Mitochondria

Que- The great contributing of Schwan was  

a. What he saw 

b. How interpreted what he saw 

c. Cell discover 

d. None of the above 

Answer- How interpreted what he saw

Que- What organelle carries out photosynthesis? 

a. Chloroplasts 

b. Ribosomes 

c. Chromosomes 

d. All of the above 

Answer- Chloroplasts

Que- Which organelles are unique to plant cells? 

a. Central vacuole 

b. Chlorophyll 

c. Cell wall 

d. All of the above 

Answer- All of the above

Que- Membrane bound organelles are not found in the cells of 

a. Eukaryotes 

b. Prokaryotes 

c. Both A & B 

d. Nokaryotes 

Answer- Prokaryotes

Que- The main thinking part of the brain is 

a. Midbrain 

b. Hypothalamus 

c. Forebrain 

d. Hindbrain 

Answer- Forebrain

Que- What is the first thing that alcohol effects? 

a. Judgement 

b. Speech 

c. Vision 

d. Balance 

Answer- Judgement

Que- Largest part of human brain is 

a. Cerebellum 

b. Cerebrum 

c. Olfactory labbe 

d. Mid brain 

Answer- Cerebrum

Que- The functional connection between two neurons is a 

a. Axon 

b. Synapse 

c. Neuroglia 

d. Dendrites 

Answer- Synapse

Que- The functional unit of the nervous system is the 

a. Nephrons 

b. Axons 

c. Neurons 

d. All of the above 

Answer- Neurons

Que- Which of the following is a work done by the placenta tissue in humans? 

a. Support the embryo 

b. Removes waste matter from the embryo and provide nutrition to the embryo 

c. Provide nutrition to the embryo 

d. Remove waste matter from the embryo 

Answer- Removes waste matter from the embryo and provide nutrition to the embryo

Que- Corpus luteum is associated with 

a. Liver  

b. Brain  

c. Kidney  

d. Ovary  

Answer- Ovary 

Que- A gland below the bladder and surrounding the urethra is 

a. Prostate 

b. Seminal vesicle 

c. Bartholin 

d. Vas deferens 

Answer- Prostate

Que- Snakes receive sound vibrations by 

a. Tympanum 

b. Body 

c. Internal ear 

d. Earth 

Answer- Body

Que- A man with colour blindness will see red as 

a. Green 

b. Red 

c. Orange 

d. Yellow 

Answer- Green

Que- Vitamin present in guava fruits 

a. Vitamin - A 

b. Vitamin - B 

c. Vitamin - C 

d. Vitamin - D 

Answer- Vitamin - C

Que- Vitamins are 

a. Macro Nutrients 

b. Micro nutrients 

c. Essential Amino acids 

d. Non essential Amino acids 

Answer- Micro nutrients

Que- Which of the following vitamins acts like hormone? 

a. Vitamin A 

b. Vitamin B 

c. Vitamin C 

d. Vitamin D 

Answer- Vitamin D

Que- Which of the following vitamins are water soluble? 

a. Vit. A & Vit. B 

b. Vit. B & Vit. C 

c. Vit. C & Vit. D 

d. Vit. A & Vit. K 

Answer- Vit. B & Vit. C

Que- Lathyrism is caused by excess consumption of________  

a. Khesari Dal 

b. Mustard oil 

c. Mushrooms 

d. Polished rice 

Answer- Khesari Dal

Que- The horizonatally growing hyphae of Rhizopus are called  

a. Rhizoids 

b. Stolons 

c. Sporangiophores 

d. Holdfast 

Answer- Stolons

Que- Which one of the following scientists first time saw bacteria through a microscope made by himself ? 

a. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 

b. Louis Pasteur 

c. Robert Hooke 

d. Robert Virchow 

Answer- Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

Que- The unicellular algae used to supply and regulate the oxygen in space programmes is 

a. Spyrogyra 

b. Chlorella 

c. Ulothrix 

d. Odogonium 

Answer- Chlorella

Que- Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called 

a. Setae 

b. Tube feet 

c. Pseudopodia 

d. Flame cell 

Answer- Pseudopodia

Que- Bacteria are (were) considered more as plants than animals because of the presence of 

a. Small nucleus 

b. Plasma membrane 

c. Cell wall 

d. Spore formation 

Answer- Cell wall

Que- Main function of white blood corpuscles is 

a. Transport of CO2 

b. Transport of oxygen 

c. To produce immune system of body 

d. None of the above 

Answer- To produce immune system of body

Que- Which one of the following is a rich source of iron? 

a. Carrot 

b. Pea 

c. Rice 

d. Spinach 

Answer- Spinach

Que- The Vitamin that is destroyed on heating 

a. "E" 

b. "C" 

c. "A" 

d. "B" 

Answer- "C"

Que- Which among the following is a Vitamin? 

a. Citric acid 

b. Follic acid 

c. Glutonic acid 

d. None 

Answer- Follic acid

Que- They play key roles in the contraction of muscles,digestion of food and clotting of blood. 

a. Fats 

b. Carbohydrates 

c. Proteins 

d. Vitamins 

Answer- Proteins

Que- Which one of the following organisms is dependent on saprophytic mode of nutrition? 

a. Agaricus 

b. Ulothrix 

c. Riccia 

d. Cladophora 

Answer- Agaricus

Que- In 1610, who made microscope and used it to observe very small animals? 

a. Robert Hooke 

b. Galilo 

c. Aristotle 

d. Laveran 

Answer- Galilo

Que- What three statements make up the cell theory? 

a. All living things are made up of cells 

b. New cells come frome exisiting cells 

c. Cells are the basic unit of structure/function in living things 

d. All of the above 

Answer- All of the above

Que- The outermost layer in a plant cell is 

a. Cell wall 

b. Cell membrane 

c. Plasma membrane 

d. Nuclear membrane 

Answer- Cell wall

Que- The longest cells of human body 

a. White blood corpuuscles 

b. Red blood cells 

c. Neuron cell 

d. None of these 

Answer- Neuron cell

Que- They contain those enzymes which can digest the phagocytosed food particles. 

a. Ribosomes 

b. Mitochondria 

c. Lysosomes 

d. None of the above 

Answer- Lysosomes

Que- The study of structure and functions of cells is termed as  

a. Genetics 

b. Ecology 

c. Embrylogy 

d. Cell Biology 

Answer- Cell Biology

Que- Where in the cell are chromosomes located? 

a. Mitochondria 

b. DNA 

c. RNA 

d. Nucleus 

Answer- Nucleus

Que- Which are called the factory of protein synthesis? 

a. Ribosomes 

b. Lysosmes 

c. Golgi Bodies 

d. Mitochondria 

Answer- Ribosomes

Que- Who is known as father of Biology? 

a. Aristotle 

b. Drawin 

c. Lamark 

d. Purkenja 

Answer- Aristotle

Que- Who is known as father of Biology 

a. Aristotle 

b. Darwin 

c. Lamark 

d. Linneus 

Answer- Aristotle

Que- Number of which type of WBC is greatest in blood of human 

a. Eosinophils 

b. Basiophils 

c. Lymphocytes 

d. Neutrophils 

Answer- Neutrophils

Que- Blood is 

a. Alkaline 

b. Neutral 

c. Like a buffer 

d. Acidic 

Answer- Alkaline

Que- Blood pressure is measured with 

a. Thermometer 

b. Barometer 

c. Sphygmomanometer 

d. Lactometer 

Answer- Sphygmomanometer

Que- Which of the following is true about veins? 

a. Veins carry blood away from the heart, while arteries carry blood to the heart 

b. Veins are more muscular than arteries 

c. Veins have valves; arteries do not 

d. Veins have a smaller diameter lumen than arteries 

Answer- Veins have valves; arteries do not

Que- Which of the following serve as antibodies? 

a. Proteins 

b. Lipids 

c. Carbohydrates 

d. Nucleic acids 

Answer- Proteins

Que- Purification of blood takes place in 

a. Lungs 

b. Heart 

c. Kidney 

d. Liver 

Answer- Lungs

Que- Fully mature human RBCs has 

a. A nucleus 

b. No nucleus 

c. Nucleus may or may not be present 

d. None of the above 

Answer- No nucleus

Que- Which of the following blood group is universal donor? 

a. B 

b. O 

c. A 

d. AB 

Answer- O

Que- Human heart is made up of 

a. Nervous tissue 

b. Cardiac muscle 

c. Nonstriated muscle 

d. Connective tissue 

Answer- Cardiac muscle

Que- Antigens 'A' and 'B' are absent in persons belong to blood group 

a. 'O' 

b. 'A' 

c. 'B' 

d. 'AB' 

Answer- 'O'

Que- Which Vitamin is obtained from Sun rays? 

a. Vitamin A 

b. Vitamin C 

c. Vitamin K 

d. Vitamin D 

Answer- Vitamin D

Que- The Vitamin required for the synthesis of nucleic acid is 

a. Tocoferorl 

b. Folic acid 

c. Cyanocobalamine 

d. Riboflavin 

Answer- Folic acid

Que- Which of the following statements is not true about metabolism? 

a. Younger people generally have a slower metabolism than adults 

b. Basal metabolism is the amount of energy needed for sustaining life 

c. Basal metabolism is measured by the amount of calories burned when your body is inactive 

d. Metabolism is influenced by numerous factors, such as heredity and age 

Answer- Younger people generally have a slower metabolism than adults

Que- An important function of fat in the body is to 

a. Protect vital organs 

b. Stores energy 

c. Insulate us 

d. All of the above 

Answer- All of the above

Que- Vitamin K is required for 

a. Blood clotting 

b. Respiration 

c. Carbohydrate metabolism 

d. Calcium phosphorus 

Answer- Blood clotting

Que- The artificial kidney is a 

a. Transplant 

b. Machine 

c. Another's kidney 

d. Other kidney from same body 

Answer- Machine

Que- Which statement regarding the mammalian heart is correct? 

a. Blood is pumped from the heart via the atria 

b. Oxygen-loaded blood moves only through the right side of the heart 

c. When the right atrium contracts, it forces blood into the left atrium 

d. In the adult heart, blood in the right chambers of the heart cannot enter the left chambers without passing through the lungs 

Answer- In the adult heart, blood in the right chambers of the heart cannot enter the left chambers without passing through the lungs

Que- An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency, donate blood to a person whose blood type is 

a. B or A 

b. AB or A 

c. A or O 

d. AB or B 

Answer- AB or B

Que- Which of the following carries oxygen to various parts of human body? 

a. Red blood cells 

b. White blood cells 

c. Plasma 

d. Nerves 

Answer- Red blood cells

Que- Instrument used to measure blood pressure is 

a. E.C.G 

b. Stetheoscope 

c. sphygmomanometer 

d. Arm band 

Answer- sphygmomanometer

Que- Lymph carries digested and absorbed fat from ________ . 

a. Lungs 

b. Intestine 

c. Stomach 

d. Kidney 

Answer- Intestine

Que- Which one of the following completes the given statement correctly ?Cretinism is a human disorder which is due to the under secretion of 

a. Adrenalin hormone 

b. Cortisone hormone 

c. Glucagon hormone 

d. Thyroxin hormone 

Answer- Thyroxin hormone

Que- The thyroid hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism is 

a. Parathyroid 

b. Thyroxin 

c. Parathormone 

d. Estrogen 

Answer- Thyroxin

Que- Which of the following hormones contains Iodine? 

a. Thyroxine 

b. Testosterone 

c. Insulin 

d. Adrenaline 

Answer- Thyroxine

Que- Which of the following is not an Endocrine Gland? 

a. Spleen 

b. Pituitary 

c. Thyroid 

d. Adrenal 

Answer- Spleen

Que- Pineal gland is situated in 

a. Liver 

b. Brain 

c. Kidney 

d. Uterus 

Answer- Brain

Que- In 1910, who proved the idea of W.S.Sutton that genes are located on chromosomes? 

a. T.H.Morgan 

b. De Duve 

c. Palade 

d. Waldeyer 

Answer- T.H.Morgan

Que- Different forms of genes are called 

a. Genomes 

b. Allele 

c. Genotypes 

d. None of the above 

Answer- Allele

Que- When more than 20% of the body weight is due to fat, the person is suffering from 

a. Marasmus 

b. Kwashiorkor 

c. Scurvy 

d. Obesity 

Answer- Obesity

Que- Bone deformities occur due to the excess intake of 

a. Phosphorus 

b. Potassium 

c. Fatty acid 

d. Fluorine 

Answer- Fluorine

Que- Cellulose is a 

a. Mineral 

b. Protein 

c. Fat 

d. Carbohydrate 

Answer- Carbohydrate

Que- Deficiency of 'Thiamine' 

a. Beri-Beri 

b. Pellagra 

c. Anaemia 

d. Rickets 

Answer- Beri-Beri

Que- Kwashiorkor disease in children is caused by 

a. Sufficient carbohydrates but less fats in diet 

b. Sufficient carbohydrates and fats but deficient proteins in diet 

c. Sufficient vitamins but deficient fats in diet 

d. Sufficient fats but deficient vitamins in diet 

Answer- Sufficient carbohydrates and fats but deficient proteins in diet

Que- Rate of transpiration can be measured by 

a. Ganong's potometer  

b. Auxanometer  

c. Respirometer  

d. Porometer  

Answer- Ganong's potometer 

Que- Pulse rate we get from 

a. Vein 

b. Artery 

c. Skin 

d. Nerve 

Answer- Artery

Que- Which of the following are involved directly in pulmonary circulation? 

a. Left ventricle, aorta, and inferior vena cava 

b. Right atrium, aorta, and left ventricle 

c. Superior vena cava, right atrium, and left ventricle 

d. Right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and left atrium 

Answer- Right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and left atrium

Que- Rh factor is discovered by 

a. Landsteiner 

b. Weiner 

c. Landsteiner and Weiner 

d. Leuen hook 

Answer- Landsteiner and Weiner

Que- Rh factor is related with 

a. Bear 

b. Monkey 

c. Man 

d. Cat 

Answer- Monkey

Que- What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles? 

a. To carry nutrients 

b. To combat infection 

c. To carry oxygen 

d. To give strength 

Answer- To combat infection

Que- Organisms which synthesise their own food are called 

a. Autotrophs 

b. Heterotrophs 

c. Auxotrophs 

d. Saprotrophs 

Answer- Autotrophs

Que- Anaemia is caused because of deficiency of which of the following? 

a. Cobalt 

b. Iron 

c. Sodium 

d. Calcium 

Answer- Iron

Que- Which of the following is a good source of protein? 

a. Pea 

b. Pigeon Pea 

c. Black Gram 

d. Soyabean 

Answer- Soyabean

Que- Goitre is due to the deficiency of 

a. Calcium 

b. Zinc 

c. Selenium 

d. Iodine 

Answer- Iodine

Que- Biological complete proteins are found in 

a. Potato, Onion, Carrot 

b. Apple, Egg, Wheat 

c. Rice, Meat, Butter 

d. Meat, Milk, Egg 

Answer- Meat, Milk, Egg

Que- Red colour of blood is due to presence of 

a. Plasma 

b. Hemoglobin 

c. RBC 

d. WBC 

Answer- Hemoglobin

Que- Which one of the following parts of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting? 

a. Cerebellum 

b. Cerebrum 

c. Medulla oblongata 

d. Cortex 

Answer- Medulla oblongata

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